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Program Link: Analysis: US thwarting Israeli strike on Iran | |||
…On a final note of good news just before the Holy Sabbath: Stanley Fischer, head of the Bank of Israel, presented a 321-page report card on the economy yesterday to the government and he says the economy is in a good shape. Expected growth this year is 3.1%; there is nothing like that, I think, elsewhere in the West. Indeed, in 2011, it was a whopping 4.7%; and unemployment dropped to 5.6%, the lowest level in 30 years. Go figure. The rest of the West is crashing, and we are not. “A people that dwells alone.” |
Monthly Archives: March 2012
Migron: A Golden Opportunity
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…Finally, two wholly non-political items. One was a fascinating short piece in JPost the other day about brain research underway at Haifa University which has revealed that when reading either Hebrew right to left or English left to right, the brain works in a similar way.
But when reading Arabic, it works in a different way, which is strange because Arabic is a cognate of Hebrew likewise written right to left. This is a mystery and I have no explanation, though I have no doubt – read Raphael Patai or David Pryce Jones or John Laffin – that the Arabs think differently than civilized Jews and English speakers. So I look forward to more on this story. And secondly in the New York Times the other day, a piece was entitled “Why Bilinguals are Smarter” which discussed how that capability develops the brain and the mind, and it occurred to me that this may be a factor in the high IQ scores Jews are known to rack up because so many have been bilingual, because in every generation there have been waves of Jewish refugees running from one country to another which produce children raised in the country of refugee who are bilingual: speaking to mommy and daddy in the language they brought with them, speaking with others the language of the new land of refuge. But I’m really anxious to see what that brain research into Arabic leads to. How odd that brain activity appears the same when reading English and Hebrew but not when reading Arabic. No doubt about it. Arabs do think differently. Leila tov miEretz Yisrael… |
Migron: Bork was Right
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Program Link: France’s Jihadist Shooter Was No Lone Wolf | |||
…Of course more information has come out about that demon murderer in Toulouse, the latest homicidal suicide named Mohammed to, I guess, enter that great drunken orgy of raping virgins for all eternity in the sky. One of the more informative pieces appeared on Friday in the Wall Street Journal – I’ll put up the link, though I don’t know if it will work for non-subscribers – written by one Jytte Klausen who tracks jihadi networks from her base at Brandeis University of all places. She says this latest massacre pervert Muhammad Merah was no anonymous street kid who got swept up in Islamism. She calls him a prince of the movement in French jihadi networks. His mother is a married to the father of one Sabri Essid also from Toulouse who went to Syria to run a transit house for Al-Qaida jackals on their way into Iraq to kill Americans. In 2009, Sabri Essid and five others were convicted in a French court of conspiracy for terrorist purposes. He was given five years. So in a way Mr. Muhammad Merah had a predecessor to live up to… |
Islam is Madness
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…So for sure what happened in Toulouse this week is nothing new. Hardly the first time a homicidal maniac murdered some Jews. Nothing new under the sun here.
The new wrinkle, though, is that the goy crazed by the existence of Jews whose madness prevented him from seeing us as fellow human beings and not demons with superhuman powers and evil desires against others, he too wanted to die. And according to the ADL’s report released today, the latest public opinion polls in Europe measuring anti-Jew feelings are higher than in memory, and the atmosphere may have contributed to this peculiar flare-up of homicidal Jew-killing. I personally don’t worry when there are around 20% of a population afflicted with this malady. I think that is to be expected. It’s normal. Every population has, for example, a bottom 20% when IQ tests are administered; and in 1969 when men landed on the moon some 20% of Americans polled believed it was a fake, staged in a studio with special effects. Those respondents clearly were the dimmest bulbs in the country. Something like a million spectators lined the beaches north and south of Cape Canaveral as the Atlas rocket lifted off. There really was a space program and it was the fruit of all these people working in it, thousands of them, yet here were 20% of the population believing it was a fake. These were the intellectually challenged big time of the time – as anti-Semites are never playing with a full deck. And so if a poll shows a country to be 20-25% suffering from unrealistic notions of what we Jews are like and what we are up, not to worry. But these latest figures are disconcerting. Polling was done in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and the UK and it turned up such numbers as 45% believing the Jews are more loyal to Israel than the country they live in. But what does that mean?… |
Toulouse & Beinart Again
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…So the UNHRC welcomed yesterday to their proceedings a member of HAMAS which is judged a terrorist organization by the saving remnant of civilized countries.
As such the UNHRC gave further evidence it is an antisemitic body. Only don’t expect Israelis and “Inside the Beltway” American Jews to say that. In truth and in fact the whole United Nations Organization is infested in every department and agency with antisemitic poison. At the UNHRC the so-called Balestinians now want that body to create a Goldstone-like inquisition to write a report on the crimes of us settlers. Israel has been fighting that initiative diplomatically against that initiative, though I doubt Israeli diplomats use the term antisemitism to describe what Abu Mazen & Associates are up to. In yesterday’s Yediot their Eli Brandtshtein covered the Geneva meeting and cited Foreign Ministry sources who see in the Arab initiative “a political maneuver.” No, it is a religious maneuver… |
Israel Turns the Tables
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…Well, on the southern front, where a million Jews were terrified last week, it was quiet today; the kids were back in school. The rocket fire seems to have stopped – for now. That it continued last Thursday night 24 hours after the alleged cease-fire was attributed by Debkafile to new, heretofore unheard of Muslim organization. According to Debkafile, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committee were silenced by the IDF but a new splinter offshoot from Islamic Jihad identified as Salafi Palestinians has taken over. They called themselves al-Harakat al-Mujahidin, which means Organization of Holy Warriors. The Arabs in Gaza, really everywhere, are chronically, dare we say cosmically fractious; they are given to creating an endless supply of splinter groups talked about last webcast.
You know, the big shots call a halt because Israel has destroyed its arsenals and killed a lot of its top leaders, which leaves the lowest ranking members bereft of their raison d’etre which is Jew-killing. Every time a terror group agrees to cease-fire, there are rejectionists who oppose the leadership and accuse it of selling out to the Zionists. The Arabs are born anarchists, which words derives from the Greek prefix, an- that we use in English meaning without, and archon meaning leader. It may all go back to the desert where a man with his own tents and women and camels and goats; if he did not like the local mukhtar, the charismatic commonly tribal chieftain, he just pulled up stakes, rolled up his tents and moved away. For these savage people, freedom means freedom from the constraints of society, from law and order which are necessary when people live in close quarters to together communally. Communal living means submitting to the needs of the collective to a degree. But these wild asses of men, like wild, undomesticated desert jackasses kick at authority. So that if Hamas or Islamic Jihad calls for a cease-fire, for a cessation of Jew-killing attempts, there will always be disgruntled people who do not want to be told that cannot fire off rockets whose loud noise they just love and in the fantasy that the rockets will come down on Jews and killed them. Did you see the news item last week about the 14 youths in Baghdad reportedly stoned to death for dressing in the latest youth culture duds that goes along with its style of music called Emo in the West? They seem to have been targeted by devotees of Barack Obama’s beloved Islam who using stones and bricks bashed their skulls in. As I said before, the world would be a better place if Western peoples could re-impose their rule over this ocean of antediluvian devotees of the Hebrew concept of hamas, meaning the unbridled conscienceless aggression characteristic of these sons of Adam and Eve that brought on the great Flood to cleanse the world of their blood-spilling ways… |
Cry Uncle
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…A last word on Erdogan and why he is such a splendid specimen of the textbook antisemite. His accusations of Israeli brutality in Gaza and the shameless broadcasting of them with no awareness of the hypocrisy when his own Turkish Air Force on his orders is no less involved in bombing the rebellious Kurds who want to be liberated from his oppressive Turkish rule.
I don’t know if hypocrisy is the right word. This is one side of the brain not knowing what the other side is thinking and saying… |
“Those responsible…”
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…We left off with the poverty of speech among Israeli leaders when it comes to referring to the enemy. In the West during World War II there was no inability by anyone bad mouth both the Japanese and the Germans for their barbaric cruelty.
Here, though, only silence. What I have in mind is the latest PMW posting, yesterday, which deals with how the official PA daily covered the news story last week you might have seen of the purchase by a coin collector for over one million dollars of a coin minted by the Jewish rebels here in the first years of the revolt against Rome which began in the year 66 of the Common Era. The official PA newspaper – which when you think about it is a Communist notion: an official newspaper published by the regime – called the coin an “ancient Palestinian coin” and that it is part of the “Palestinian cultural heritage.” And never mind there was no Palestine in the year 66 and would not be one for another century. This of course is akin to the PA claiming “Palestinian” ownership of the Tomb of Rachel and the Tomb of Joseph and the Cave of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs. And once again from official Israel there is only silence. When the PLO killers got UNESCO to declare the Tomb of Rachel the tomb of some Arabian princess or something, I don’t recall the Government of Israel saying anything, making a fuss. Now too no response. Someday future historians will be seriously scratching their heads over the oddity of the PA, created in 1994, putting out such nonsense with Israel’s permission. The PA TV for example with its antisemitic broadcast for two decades now with the Government of Israel saying nothing. You know the PA TV station was given to them by Shimon Peres, who should have, at the first sign of its antisemitism, taken it back. I remember watching PA TV when the second intifada erupted in 2000 which was to broadcast a (repeating) loop of maybe 30 minutes of unedited, raw footage of Arabs rioting, stoning Jews and the IDF and police striking back and drawing blood. There was raw footage of Arabs wounded in the melee, being carried by friends into hospitals, put in and taken out of ambulances. No commentary, no explanation, no analysis, just screaming and blood and sirens shown endlessly for hours on end. All it could do and was supposed to do was stir up the blood, enrage Arabs who watched, and it was simply stunning how the Israeli government did nothing to pull the plug… |
A Rain of Rockets
The Irony of “Haaretz”
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…We left off before the music with Haaretz as a symptom of the end of Zionism which was largely a non-religious movement, and as such had a short life span. All political parties do. All are man-made visions of society and as such are as mortal as the men who make them.
Versus the Torah which is above time; it is eternal. Haaretz talks to that slice of Israeli culture enraptured by the fashions of the post-Christian West; and the news has been manifold this week with symptoms of that malignancy. Yesterday in Ramat Gan’s family court the judge ruled that two women should be registered as the biological mother of one child. What they did was remove an ovum from one woman, fertilize it with the sperm of an unknown male, and then implant it in the womb of the second woman. This is behavior a piece of behavior like with the pornography in public problem. Both are abuses of the holy gift of reproduction. Another story this same morning concerned the functional anorexia of fashion models in Israel and a bill is being submitted in the Knesset to ban employment of models whose body weight is clinically categorized as descriptive of anorexia, or words that effect. And I suspect there is some connection to the opposite phenomenon in the West in our time of impossibly obese people. And then there was a third story yesterday of the State submitting last Wednesday an opinion to the High Court against the exclusion of women from advertising in public in certain neighborhoods which the State claims is a violation of the fundamental rights of women. JPost hard copy accompanied the story with a photo of a bus stop in Jerusalem with an ad for a restaurant which showed a woman lasciviously licking a plate while wearing some garment displaying a deep décolletage. The State is basically trying to sue religious neighborhoods that don’t want that kind of pornography in their public streets. I think I spoke some months back of friends who live in Monsey, NY who were “in the city,” as the expression goes, meaning New York, and could not believe the vulgarity of a particular advertisement they saw on the side of a bus cruising down Fifth Avenue. And to deepen the significance this happened after Thanksgiving when all the famous Christmas decorations are just starting to appear. The world of fashion her and in the West, everywhere these days, favors women with the figures of skinny boys, as in the courts in the West sodomy and lesbianism have swamped a culture whose popular entertainment now is filthy words, perverse sex and violence. It is like that in the West, and it is like that here in a certain slice of the culture. On the blog the other day friend Swede P offered sympathy for me for saying “I don’t feel Israeli.” No sympathy is needed. Israel is a collection of communities. It is the ultimate in a free pluralistic society. Everyone has his community. Mine does not include people who like Haaretz. So what? They are fated to extinction for they have forsaken an eternal ideology for a toxic passing fashion… |
What is “paramilitary”?
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Program Links: One state for Palestinians and Israelis | |||
…Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 2nd day, yud-alef beAdar, Parashas Ki Sisa, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 1st day, Sunday, 4 March, 2012, webcasting “from the hills whence cometh my help.” Leastwise, what other hills could King David have had in mind when he wrote those words? For sure Emek HaElah/the Valley of the Oak is down below these hills. That is where he fought Goliath and slew him by using his brains not animal-like brawn. In praying as surely did to HaShem to help him defeat Goliath, the hills whence came his help were these hills above him, the hills of Judea between Hevron his future capital and Jerusalem, the future capital of the whole nation of Israel. Today the MSM here was mostly speculation about the upcoming AIPAC conference today where Uncle Shimon the National Village Idiot was to speak at 11 this morning, and I think be given an award for bringing into the country 40,000 antisemitic Arab terrorists who led to the slaughter of almost 2,000 Jews and the maiming of thousands more. Uncle Shimon was scheduled today to meet with the Prince of Islam Adoration before the prime minister of Israel met him. Again these Israelis are an embarrassment in their domestic politics. No one is saying but, Shimon, he’s got to learn to “park between the lines.” He’s president, not prime minister, which role traditionally was intended to be outside of politics. As Aharon Barak and his altar girl Dorit Benisch stepped way over the line by exercising their judicial powers where they had no business, so does Shimon cross lines. Aharon Bark said everything is justiciable which is a rejection of the principle of a separation of powers which concept is as old as Montesquieu who lived in the 16th century, I think. But not for these radical Left Enlightened ones like Shimon who claim power over everything. So Shimon Peres has crossed a line he should not have crossed, and it is to Israel’s shame that nobody says anything here about this old fool meddling in politics when that is not his job description. He has been reported in the rumor-laden MSM to want to tell Prince Barack Hussein that Israel should not attack Iran, which fits his psychological profile as a Leftist and his own personal history. As a Leftist he plays advocate for the enemies of your people, and as Uncle Shimon he has biography strewn with instances of doing things behind the backs of his superiors, conducting his own foreign policy because the youthful Marxist philosopher that he was is still alive to a degree, and this was evident in his shameless and blockheaded Oslo deal with Yasir Arafat which was the height of human stupidity: making a deal with a mass murderer who as a mass murderer was probably not above breaking any deal he signed his name to. So Emir Barack Hussein addressed the AIPAC crowd today I don’t know what he said and frankly I doubt I will even read the reports tomorrow… |
Why I’m Not an Israeli
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…So that is why I am not an Israeli. Israelis are blind to the religious quality of the satanic hatred that drives these people to do their most savage, bestial worst, like carving PLO into a young Jew’s scalp; like slaughtering like animals the Fogel family a year ago yesterday I think.
Israelis who are not religious are thus cut off from arguably the irreducible bottom line of the violence here, which is its religious dimension, where the fires of Islam’s belligerent teaching burns with its hatred for non-Believers. Judaism teaches of the One G-d focused on man’s moral life that he is enjoined to ceaselessly improve and lead mankind to a higher level of civilization – versus these Muslims who by their crimes of terror and savage horror are resisting enemies of civilization… |