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…He even went on to praise Arafat who was “after all, the man who created a nation of the Arabs who were either turned into refugees or saw their land come under Israeli control in the 1948-Arab-Israeli War and the Six-Day War.”
And I say, dear me. This is painful to read. I mean Wagner is no Leftist jerk and malefactor like Beilin and Indyk and Friedman who wave the flag of the Ancient Palestinians. Nonetheless, it is depressing to see how Wagner has assimilated, without knowing it, the poison antiJew spew in our generation. When he writes of Arafat making incredibly bad choices that delayed the creation of a Balestinian state, he reveals his belief in Arafat’s desire for a Balestinian state; for anybody’s desire for a Balestinian state. He has swallowed like a communion wafer belief in this alleged nation-building nationality; belief in Arafat’s desire for such a state. This is utter nonsense. The Arabs have been offered statehood again and again and each have refused it, which permits some of us to consider the possibility they really don’t want state… |
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Historians Will Wonder…
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…Winston Churchill said, Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith… One can only wonder if Barack Obama ever read these words and was enraged by Churchill’s rejection of the faith he so obviously holds in high esteem… |
Lapid: What a Dunce
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(October 15, 2013)…What Israelis miss is that our enemies hate us here from the wellsprings of their Hamitic-Ishmaelitic culture and religious beliefs which have nothing to do with any Balestinians or the alleged need to give them a state.
That is why Bibi is right on target demanding that the enemy recognize our right to a state, and why uneducated, narcissistic dummies like Lapid don’t get it. Our enemies here are mostly Muslims whose relationship to the Jewish people did not begin in 1967, 1947, 1917, 1897. They have been hostile to our Zionist enterprise proclaiming striving for and attaining Jewish independence from Day One. And over the last century the only thing that has changed is the narrative because the Arabs have successfully, with the help of doltish Israelis, created this Frankenstein monster of a nation whose sole purpose has been to justify Arab resistance to Jewish freedom and justify what they call the armed struggle and civilized people called terrorist atrocities… |
Egypt’s Ancient Behavior
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(August 15, 2013)…The politics surrounding the State of Israel are unique in the world. In addition to all the normal facets of the life of a nation among the nations, the political and military and economic dimensions, with Israel there is always the unique dimension of religion and homo sapiens‘s never-ending rebellion against G-d… |
Europe’s Chronic Hatred
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(July 18, 2013)…So I reserve judgment on the gravity of this demarche by the bureaucracy in Brussels, its real impact. I have no doubt it has been fueled by vintage European Jew-hatred of many generations. This EU diktat is a cousin of the Polish legislation outlawing the kosher slaughter of animals. Each is a jab at the Jews the way the Roman centurion jabbed his lance in the side of the Jew on the cross. For fun, for sadistic pleasure. Again, it is a mistake to think that anything the EU does is for the benefit of the Ancient Ones. What moves them is their age-old hostility to Jews.
The EU organization has come down and not for the first time 100% alongside the Arabs here, these Muslims with their suicide bombers, their terrorists who enjoy bashing Jewish faces and heads into pulp. And all those who side with the Arabs in the matter of who owns Judea and Samaria are anti-Jews plain and simple. Here is a property dispute: who owns this land? And the EU is 100% on the side of the barbarians. The morality of this policy – the idea that Israel must hand back all the land it took in 1967 – could not be more antisemitic for denying the age old principle to Jews of “to the victors go the spoils… |
Iran’s Sham Election
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(June 16, 2013)…Anyway, I say the top story was the pseudo-election in Iran because all six candidates were approved by Mr. Big, the Muslim ayatollah who succeeded Khomeini and so it was basically a sham election yesterday. The Iranians are smart and clever and bona fide tricksters and dissemblers, and it is highly likely that while the other five candidates were seen as conservative, even reactionary, Rohani’s election as the “moderate” candidate in contrast to them was exactly what Khamenei wanted. The other five split the reactionary vote allowing this “maverick moderate” to win.
Well, this character has been an insider with the top dogs all his political life. There are photos of him at prayer in the first row just behind Ayatollah Khomeini. He also was in charge of leading Iran’s talks with the West over its nuclear project and of course that effort has never been anything but a scam… |
Cowards of the Left
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(May 2, 2013)…And likewise Herzl’s spiritual offspring today, Israel’s Leftists. Just today the latest Pew Research Center poll reported that 40% of Muslims support suicide bombing.
Now, dying for one’s religion under certain circumstances is even a Jewish value. Knowingly going to one’s death for a religious principle deserves honor, but tragically the Muslim barbarians, 40% of them who think this way, suffer from a kind of monocular vision. All they see is the act from the point of the suicide bomber sacrificing for a cause greater than his own life; what they don’t see are his victims: innocent passersby, undefended, women, children, old people at random whose lives the suicide maniac takes from them. He may have the right to sacrifice for his beliefs in order to reach Paradise, but he does not have the right to sacrifice me and others for his quest. Gai gezunterheit, go kill yourself Abdul, but leave me and us Jewish people out of it… |
Mishegass at the Wall
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(April 11, 2013)…In my lifetime, the culture invented the prenuptial agreement before marriage, which practice, the writing and reading out loud at the wedding of the kesuba, the marriage contract, has been Jewish practice for thousands of years. It obligates the husband far more than the wife and spells out her rights. A Jewish father marrying off his daughter hears the marriage contract read aloud in public which obligates his future son-in-law to be a good husband to his daughter. The signing of the kesuba, the protection of the wife is part of a network of Jewish behaviors that have kept this people alive as no other and against all odds and aggressions for thousands of years.
But the top story today in Israel continued to be the assault on Jewishness by a handful of women arguably neurotic for accusing others of their own sin… |
The Israeli Narrative
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(March 5, 2013)…It is also a fact that of the eight founding terrorists in Fatah in 1959, all had been boyhood members of the Muslim Brotherhood youth group.
Michael Oren and Bibi Netanyahu and Haaretz and AIPAC live in a world where the Two-State Solution is The Solution. Everybody knows that – but in reality the Two-State Solution, as the enemies of Israel conceive of it, will never happen. No Israeli regardless of political or religious or atheistic bent who is not insane wants to see the high ground overlooking Ben Gurion Airport in the hands of Arabs absent the presence of the IDF and the Jewish communities who live on this high ground. Nobody, regardless of political party who is not suicidal thinks it would be a good idea if all the Jews abandoned their homes and all the Israeli police and army too, and in their place 100% Arab sovereign rule would take over, which is what Barack Hussein has in mind. And all antisemites like him. But this is not going to happen… |
Obama is A Thief
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(January 10, 2013)…Uncle Shimon the national village idiot was in the New York Times yesterday bad-mouthing his country’s prime minister. Shimon was called a tireless underminer for this behavior by the late Rabin. A more educated man than Rabin might have called it compulsive behavior. Shimon is a tireless saboteur of the man in authority. Again and again Peres decided that he knew better than the prime minister how to deal with the Arabs, and set out to do that, and to hell with the prime minister’s policy; you know, the man whom people had voted for when they cast their ballots. Not for Shimon, but the man at the top. And Shimon is a compulsive aggressor against the man at the top… |
Tongue-Tied Israel
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(December 20, 2012)…Nuland’s official statement said, “Israeli leaders continually say that they support a path towards a two-solution, yet these actions only put that goal further at risk.”
And she is absolutely right. And that is a result of the contradiction between Netanyahu’s Bar-Ilan statement and what he really plans to do, which is not to permit the “Two-State Solution” to materialize, because that very expression is an antisemitic deception. The “Two-State Solution” is a euphemism for the diabolical fantasy of driving hundreds of thousands of Jews from homes they have built for themselves with their own money and have every legal right to own and live in in peace and freedom. It is the repressed, inarticulate fantasy of an expulsion of Jews of the same magnitude as the great historic Expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Spain in 1492… |