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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Take for example the opinion of probably Mr. Ben Rhodes, whose job title is Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Whatever That Is for U.S. President Barack Obama. He is believed to be one of several in Obama’s inner circle and the biggest mouth in this latest Jeffrey Goldberg expose of their negative opinion of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin ben Bentzion Netanyahu. It seems to have been Mr. Rhodes, age 36, who spoke the now immortal vulgarism “chicken excreta” to describe his opinion that this veteran of Israel’s top commando team is a coward. In his anti-Jew opinionating, Ben Rhodes, whose father is or was a Jew, said, “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states.” I read that as an American, not an Israeli, not a Jew, and was appalled and frightened. Either his man is an idiot or charlatan or insane, for this view of things here has no basis in truth. His statement presumed that what he calls the Balestinians want to reach an accommodation, and in this fantasy, it is Israel – Netanyahu — who does not want an accommodation. Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948 clearly asked for an accommodation by the Arabs to the new state of Israel, which request was answered with a war of annihilation. Israel has been asking for an accommodation every year, every day since then, but in the mind of Ben Rhodes, no, the prime minister of Israel does not want to grasp the outstretched hands of the Ancient Palestinians. As an American, I fear for my country in the hands of such an ignoramus about the region and the truth of the violence here, which never ends… |
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Israel Must Return Fire
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Last week a Muslim, a Hamas guy, murdered now two Jewish future mothers, a three-month old and a 20 year-old convert from Ecuador. When this Muslim did what he did, the U.S. State Department had no words for the parents of the little baby who are American citizens, but when a Molotov cocktail-slinging Ishmael-clone was later shot dead by Jewish soldiers, because he too had American citizenship the State Department sent condolences to his family and I think reserved judgment on what really happened. State called for a transparent investigation. This is the face of antisemitism today… |
Jewish Rights Denied
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On Friday an Arab teenager with American citizenship and calling himself a “Palestinian” had to be put down like a rabid animal, a wild, untamable jackass because he was throwing flaming bottles of gasoline at Jewish people in their cars. An IDF team lying in ambush expecting this very behavior shot him dead — and of course the State Department wants “a thorough and transparent investigation” by Israel, implying Israel has a record of its soldiers deliberately murdering Ancient Palestinians for absolutely no reason other than their evil inclinations. How insulting such State Department statements are for the comparison they make between us Jews, whose religion is a font of civilization, versus these 9-11 loving barbarians whose every aggression against us is a crime, for it is always terror, meaning, the deliberate targeting of civilians doing no harm to anyone; Jews at random. That is what terror is. Every one of the tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza for more than a dozen years was a crime, an offense against civilization, versus every projectile aimed by the IDF at specific people who deserved to die for their behavior, and at specific buildings used by them. The difference between Jewish civilization and Arab culture can be seen here: the two radically different behaviors when it comes to using deadly force against another nation. |
Hamas: What Is It?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Hamas was likely the feeling coursing through the body yesterday evening of this Hamitic son of Ishmael who in our holy city deliberately drove his automobile into innocents Jews in transit, gathered at a light rail station. Before he was shot dead by a civilized Israeli policeman, he had managed to murder one Jewish virgin, a three-month old baby girl born to parents who had struggled for years, like Avraham and Sarah, with conception. Three months ago, she was born and loved, and last evening this Hamitic lunatic – Muslims do worship the moon – deliberately, high on hamas, a fever in its brain and loins, drove into the young family and the mother watched as her baby went flying through the air for like ten meters before crashing down on the concrete which broke her body. This reminds me of the young Israeli mother last intifada likewise in a small, outdoor, old-fashioned shopping center near Tel-Aviv who watched her baby in its carriage suddenly explode. An Arab had exploded himself in their midst and she actually watched as the top of her baby’s head blew off in front of her eyes, surely another image to last a lifetime… |
The Menace That Is Obama
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This guy Obama hates white people and Western civilization, and what he was thinking when he said repeatedly in his race for the White House in 2008 that he wanted to fundamentally transform America because, obviously, he fundamentally does not like America which was the product overwhelmingly of white, northern European Protestant Christians with a minority of Roman Catholics and few thousand Jews also from Western Europe. What he wants is a people whose skin color more closely matches his and whose beliefs about life are not Judeo-Christian but Islamic. His public pronouncements about Islam are a matter of record, all laudatory, versus his public opposition to the deeds of the Christian West which he felt the need to apologize for. On several occasions he has declared he is a Christian, but as a secret Muslim agent, he has the license to dissemble and lie. Today’s news was that he wants to hand out millions of Green Cards to non-citizens to enable them to work even as unemployment among European-rooted workers is sky-high… |
Kerry the Empty Suit
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This thug, Abbas, “Mr. Moderation,” this Holocaust-denying Muslim Arab killer idiot, is also reported to be putting the finishing touches on a request to the UN Security Council to issue a resolution referring to the pre-1967 lines as the borders of Balestine, with John Kerry calling on Israel to pre-empt and forestall such a demarche by agreeing now to new negotiations with the pre-1967 lines as the starting point – when Kerry should be telling Abbas that such a resolution contradicts Resolution 242 of 1967, the linchpin of the Oslo Peace Process, which made plain that those lines were history and not to be returned to. New lines had to be agreed to and they would not be the pre-67 lines. Instead, Kerry was reported by Haaretz last Wednesday to be pressing Israel to agree to such a concession. More ignorance from this American provincial… |
AntiJew Jamboree
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It was yet another spectacle yesterday in Cairo, this huge kaffeeklatch of bureaucrats and the flunkies who carry their luggage. In the auditorium where they came to speechify and Jew-bash, the wall bore the title Donors Conference in big gold letters. Think of all the meals and room service and whatnot these antiJews will avail themselves of for free. It was yet another gathering of goyim, nations joined by their mutual hatred and hostility to the world’s one, tiny, Jewish state. I mean, no one should think for a moment that these ding-a-lings really care about the people in Gaza. If they did, they would work to take them out of their crowded strip and put them in decent housing in the Arab world, give them citizenship, etc. Instead they use our self-defense to distract the world from the fact that Muslims all over the place are murdering one another, raping, torturing, chopping heads off… |
Libel Suit?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I was reminded of other Christians who had subscribed to DPP, then tried to convert me, after which I terminated their subscriptions. And I have told them that as the holy days of Purim and Hanukah tell of the extermination of the Jewish people physically and spiritually, in our time, Jew-killing has been gas chambers and crematoria and death by exploding Ishmaelites in our midst, but also by Jews who contribute to the extinction of this people by dropping the religion and converting to Christianity. Either way, murder or conversion/assimilation, Jews get wiped out… |
Sweden Aggresses
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So this morning’s talk shows were tossing around Sweden’s latest insult and what it all means. For sure, when such as the Swedes, those last Europeans to adopt Christianity, these retards who also collaborated with the Nazis yet claim the Olympian wisdom to select each year’s Nobel Peace Prize, it has an influence and encourages/tempts other European peoples take a poke at us too, to threaten us and frighten us that if we don’t do right by the victims of our national liberation struggle, whose entire country of Balestine was stolen by us Jews in two stages, in 1948 and 1967, things are going to get much worse. So Israel had better wise up… |
Endless Accusations
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So we left off with Bibi having to deal with a president of the United States unlike every other president since Israel was born. Jimmy Carter for sure is in his heart a philosophical anti-Jew but he showed none of the symptoms that Obama has. The other day I saw on the Net a video clip of an Obama interview with a French news organization in 2011 saying that in fact the U.S. had one of the largest Muslim populations in the world, which is perfectly detached from reality. And one was intrigued by the sincerity with which he pitched this idea to his interviewer; with the same relaxed conviction and confidence – “No drama Obama” – as he told the American people on 26 occasions, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” when he knew this was not true. This is an indication of compulsive liar. And in fact I also once heard a radio interview with a most persuasive woman who claimed to have been a teenager in Obama’s circles in Hawaii who said Barry Soetero was always telling stories that were untrue. We are also finding over the last week about how truant he is about attending security briefings, and how now he is lying about what American intel agencies reported to him. This is the nasty, lying, antisemitic, Islam-loving president of the United States that Prime Minister Netanyahu has to deal with, which fact makes yours hesitant to criticize his choice of tactics intended to protect the people of Israel. I consider with respect the possibility that playing along with the Two-State Solution charade could be the best of all possible techniques at this time. I mean, what would happen if Israel suddenly told the world the truth that there is nothing Balestinian about these Balestinians and Israel will never hand over the high ground we overran in 1967? This business of handing back strategic territory to the aggressor sworn to annihilate you was tried between 1994 and 2002 when indeed the Arabs in Area A were allowed to run their own lives, that is, police themselves. Well, that led to the satanic Al Aqsa Intifada and ultimately the Park Hotel massacre which led to the return of the IDF to Area A… |