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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So today the New York Times, the times of New York, this generation’s Paris, France, Rome etc., criticized the prime minister of Israel’s effort to strengthen Israel’s uniquely Jewish identity against the rising tide of hostility to nationalism in general. This campaign by the prime minister of Israel is clearly at odds with the current celebration of multiculturalism. Except of course for the exception made a most unique people, the Ancient Ones, the Ancient Palestinians. They are unique in the family of nations, entitled not only to their own nation-state but one perfectly Judenrein, Jew-free. That’s okay. Indeed, just yesterday in Strasbourg, France, in the parliament of Europe with its 27 nation-state members, a kind of mirror-image campaign was also launched, led by the incoming High Priestess of Europe’s Collective Foreign Policy, former Ministress of Foreign Affairs in Italy, Federica Mogherini who was not even born during the Six-Day War and was four-months old during the Yom Kippur War, this Middle east expert called on the parliamentarians representing Europe’s 450,000 million people to recognize the existence of a non-existent State of former Roman Emperor Hadrian’s Palaestina which shall be Jew-free, because that is what today’s Neo-Philistines want… |
Monthly Archives: November 2014
Benayoun’s Song
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…But in the Amir Benayoun controversy today, President Rivlin cancelled Amir’s prospective performance in the President’s official residence next week in honor of the Jews who fled Arab lands, like Benayoun’s family because of this song which paints the picture of a smiling Arab youth who can suddenly turn into a knife and gun wielding butcher. The issue here is the denial of the Jews the right to hate the enemy. Not allowed. A Jew who expresses hatred for the Arabs is a racist. And once again we have Israelis misunderstanding and misusing words from the West. The Hebrew for racism is gezanoot, from the basic word geza meaning trunk, as in trunk of a tree, or the trunk of a railroad network. On one level it works, but it misses the element of skin color associated with the word “racism” in the West. Israelis have never ever referred to the Arabs as “The Browns” as South African whites spoke of “The Blacks,” or white trash Americans in the Deep South speak of the “Nigras.” The physical appearance of the Ishmaelites among us has absolutely nothing to with the normal, human, often healthy anger of Jews at Arabs for their behavior, their barbaric aggression against us… |
Jews and Democracy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…What I found most significant in the new bill seems to be getting the least attention so far, and that is revolutionary correction of a huge mistake made in 1948 which was to posit the equality of Hebrew and Arabic as national languages which was simply unrealistic. Since day one, there has been in the Knesset a glaring inequality between the languages. Business is conducted solely in Hebrew, which de facto renders the Arabic language unequal. Commands in the army from officers to enlisted men are in Hebrew, not Arabic, and in both situations that is the way it has to be. On the battlefield there is no time for misunderstanding and translating. It was a huge conceptual error in 1948 driven by the desire to be normal to rank Arabic with Hebrew as an official language. The bill breaks that equality and gives Arab a “special status” which is a euphemism for its inferior status. Arabic is being demoted and that bothers the Enlightened because, again, they are Hellenists who want to be in tune and in step with the latest intellectual and philosophic ideas in the West… |
We Shall Overcome
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…One of our problems here is the collapse of Western civilization just when we need it. In our struggle for peace, prosperity and basic survival, under attack by barbarians, we live in a period of history when, ironically, the very words barbaric, barbarians, barbarism have disappeared from the conversation. They have become politically incorrect in the wake of centuries of Western domination and the spreading of Christian civilization around the globe, which has now fallen into disfavor. As a schoolboy in American I was taught that the great explorers and creation of distant colonies was for “gold, glory and the gospel”; material riches, self-love of the conquerors and the spreading of Christianity among still idolatrous and cruel, barbaric people. We live in an age when those imperialists have been “re-assessed” and condemned for their “racist, imperialist” abuse of other peoples whose culture was just as valuable as that of Christendom. Today they are called multiculturalists who bristle at the slightest insinuation that the Judeo-Christian West is superior to all other cultures… |
The War That Cannot Be Named
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Has there ever been such a war like this whose central conflict cannot be named? Whose contestants cannot be properly identified? AntiJews have gotten the world to call the Arabs here “Balestinians” when it was as clear as day this morning that the Muslim madmen were shrieking about Al-Aqsa Mosque. They shouted not a word about building their dream state of Balestine. These maniacs were self-identified as Muslims and their victims were not Israelis but Jews who believe they have the right to live free of Muslim tyranny. Maybe you noticed too the choice of target this morning. Not a shul in a settlement where at least some of the men are armed. No, their targets were perfectly unarmed, defenseless Haredim who formally reject Zionism. A defenseless passel of Al-Yahud because, the bottom line, the Muslims make no distinction between Zionist Jews and non-Zionist ones. They are also cowards as usual for attacking men whom they knew could not fight back because they are unarmed… |
Betraying the Temple Mount
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I hope you all saw the news item about Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying the Muslims discovered America before Columbus. And I say, no less delirious are people who insist that we in Israel make nice to these Muslims by driving a half-million of our people from their homes and handing the communities they created – homes, schools, synagogues, medical clinics, factories, as stations, an electricity grid, cell phone antennas, good roads — over to the Muslims. Notice too in Erdogan’s claim the theft of the very idea of discovering America. Fact of the matter is the Ottoman Empire was chained to the land. It was all a contiguous land mass spreading northwest into Europe and southeast from Istanbul to the Middle East and into Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula and across North Africa. This was an empire with no overseas colonies for the simple reason the Muslims never mastered celestial navigation. Not even solar navigation. Muslims when they put to sea and they did, preferred never to lost sight of land because they never learned navigation. The discovery of the New World was the exclusive enterprise of North European Christians and Jews, especially the Jews who were the great astronomers and cartographers of the 15th century… |
Imbeciles and Madmen
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Earlier this week the infamous terrorist but famous historian extraordinaire Mahmoud Abbas said Christians and Muslims will never recognize Jewish rule in Jerusalem, a statement demonstrably false. Millions of Christians these days do not protest the resurrection of Israel as an exclusively Jewish enterprise. In ages past, being Christian meant blessing the chronic abuse of the Jews, humiliating them, tormenting them, driving them from their homes, moving into their homes, torturing them to death; rape and mutilation, but in our time there are millions of Christians who don’t think and act that way but are pleased to see the G-d of what they call the Old Testament keep His Promise to return His people exile. By contrast, a Muslim in his community who applauds Israel marks himself for death. Islam may be the greatest totalitarian systems of mental and spiritual slavery in history… |
Abbas the Muslim Fanatic
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This claim to our Temple Mount smacks of the Biblical episode in which the Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant in the belief they had acquired some kind of magical instrument which empowered whoever wielded it. Like the English legend of Excalibur, the stone in the sword. Or like Arabs with their “genie in a bottle,” a power they could use. Those stupid Philistines did not understand that the Ark contained nothing but words etched in stone, a kind of digest of thousands more words having to do with belief and 613 commandments to perform. The Ark contained no magic wand but the tablets and their words and a direction toward further study and performance and effort. Nothing magical about that at all… |
Playing With Fire
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There is a reality we have to live with here and that is the nature of Arab society, Arab culture, but not Arab civilization because I don’t think they have one. I’ve passed through a third of the Arab states and nowhere was there a city in a class with New York, Paris, London, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, San Francisco, Toronto, Prague, Florence. They don’t have cities, as that word is experienced in the West. They are a culture if not a civilization which is related to the word for city, for in cities civilization reaches its pinnacle. In cities one finds business, universities, hospitals, research institutes, concert halls, museums. The Arabs don’t have cities like this. And dealing with them is enough to try one’s soul. How many times have we seen the same photographs and videos of young Arab males in the middle of street in jeans, running shoes, their heads wrapped in keffiyas throwing rocks at Jews? How many times, oh Lord, how many times? |
Israelis Must Change
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Prime Minister holds to his policy that I support of a total prohibition on Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. Given the nature of Arab culture, it is no wonder that even the King of Jordan is huffing and puffing the party line that the Jews are aggressing against Al-Aqsa. If he were not to do that, the violent Muslims in his country and outside of it would mark him for death, for assassination, as his great-grand uncle whose name he bears was assassinated by Haj Amin al-Husseini. The Arabs are a wild herd of untamable desert jackasses, all of them now in chorus braying their poisonous menace at al-Yahud for another trumped up charge of Jewish criminality with not a shred of evidence to support it. The word is that Israel is aggressing against the Islamic holy place of Al-Aqsa, which by the way I heard now refers not only to the grey-domed mosque on the southern end of the plateau but the whole of the Temple Mount, including the golden Dome of the Rock. Jews asking to be allowed once again as after the Six Day to ascend their holy mount and pray in peace is experienced as an aggression against Islam and must be answered, and it was yesterday by at least once driver. Today the second driver in the Gush Etzion incident was reported to have surrendered and claimed poor driving when he ran into those soldiers near the UNRWA slum of El-Arub, not malice aforethought… |
No More Mr. Nice Guy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Israel has to attack with words the words of the enemy, and it can start with tongue-lashing Islam for its daily oppression of Jews over 14 centuries. That is the historical record. In every century one can find somewhere in Araby a pogrom against the Jews and oppressive anti-Jew laws. Israel has to shine a searchlight on the apartheid laws in Islam found in sharia law. Liberal, peacenik-type Jews think there was a Golden Age of Spain, of harmony between Jews and Muslims, which has no basis in the facts. Oh, for sure, some Muslim intellectuals, philosophers and poets liked to engage in friendly discussions with Jewish philosophers and poets, but for the common Jew under Muslim rule everywhere, he had no inherent rights. Jews were never treated as full-blown equals. The rabble enjoyed throwing stones at them in the street. They lived in ghetto-like areas and often lived under curfew. In Yemen authorities would periodically declare that the Jews had the job of cleaning public latrines which turned them into real, live specimens of smelly, dirty Jews. With my own eyes in Yemen I saw Muslims bearing some kind of weapon but not the Jews… |
Bibi is Right on the Temple Mount
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…A dangerous mistake. Our Sages never enjoined us to unnecessarily provoke the goyim, and Netanyahu clearly understands that the nuclear core of our war for survival is the Temple Mount because that is the heart of the matter; the heart of the Arab resistance to Jewish life resurrected in Jerusalem and all of Eretz Yisrael. It is a religious struggle; the underlying, intellectual scaffold of my book. Palestinian Nationalism is a phantom, a will o’ the wisp, a verbal imagination of no substance or truth. It has always been camouflage for the underlying energy which has always been religious. Caroline B. Glick in her book The Israel Solution and in a recent column fingered Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as the father of Palestinian Nationalism and she could not be further from the historical record. His entire philosophy was that there was no Palestine. It was all southern Syria and the capital of Syria was Damascus, with Jerusalem a secondary settlement, certainly not the capital of a country called Palestine. His line was the exact of today’s Arab line which we heard last week. There will be no peace until there is an independent Balestinian state with Jerusalem as its eternal capital, which I pointed out at that time was sheer plagiarism, almost word for word spoken by a series of Israeli prime ministers who said Jerusalem is the Jewish people’s eternal capital. In truth, in the 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50s, Haj Amin, leader of the Arabs in Eretz Yisrael was adamant that there was no such country. For him, the self-proclaimed holy man/Muslim priest, the Zionists were Jews in revolt against their status as dhimmi, which rebellion had to be put down, for Islamic reasons having nothing to do with a thing called Balestinian nationalism… |