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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Quoted directly was the PM who said, “We are ready to negotiate with the Arab states on an update draft that reflects the dramatic regional changes that have occurred since 2002 but which maintains the agreed upon goal of two states for two peoples.” And yours truly thought, this guy is a serious taurine excreta artist. He is saying, “Yes, let’s talk peace with your demands on the table, and when Israel talks it will point out the danger of retreat because in our place will come ISIS or Al-Qaida, Hamas or Hezbollah, meaning Iran, and Israel will not agree to commit suicide. It will do whatever is necessary to survive; it will do nothing to weaken its self-defense, and under those conditions Israel will gladly sit at the same table with the Saudis to discuss their plan.” He might also add that peace means a public declaration by Riyadh saying that the Jews in their ancient homeland are no longer to be judged dhimmi, members of a Sharia-mandated, second-class community. They are entitled to their independence… |
Monthly Archives: May 2016
What Israel Must Say
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Instead of telling the world, “Oh yes, we too believe in a state for the alleged ancient Palestinians in Judea and Samaria,” Israel has to say, “Excuse me, but this is the heart of the heart of the Jewish people’s historic homeland, and we are under no moral obligation to surrender our right to visit, for example, the Tomb of Joseph in Shechem without being shot at, attacked, and do so whenever we want and not according to any others religionists’ timetable.” The way if it is now, I think, if you want to make a pilgrimage to Joseph’s Tomb, it must be done under army escort and in the dead of night. This is intolerable. World antiJewry these days says we have to give back the land we fought and died for, even the land the League of Nations foresaw as Jewish Palestine. And that mean giving back Bet El, where, according to one view, Jacob lay on his back to sleep and saw a ladder to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it. It means giving back Shilo, where the Ark of the Covenant rested for four centuries. The same Ark that Steven Spielberg made a movie about and tons of money, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Spielberg can make a children’s adventure story about that Ark but you won’t catch him and other Hollywood liberals of Jewish extraction standing up for the right of the Jews today to live at that site where the Ark reposed all those centuries… |
Belligerent Islam
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so you read news items like today’s that African-American intellectual Cornell West has been drafted to help draft the Democratic Party platform, he who is on record calling the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria, an “ugly occupation, vicious, brutal, that must be brought to attention and needs to be brought to an end. There is no doubt that Gaza is not just a kind of concentration camp, it is the hood on steroids.” Okay, here is this classically low-brow Jew-hater, like Obama, like Al Sharpton, Obama’s vizier on Black affairs, agreeing with Bibi that the “Palestinians” should have a state and Israel prevents that by its presence, its occupation of land belonging to this nation horribly abused by history because everyone knows the Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust but have been made to pay for it anyway. This is the Palestinian Narrative, you know. After the War, the Europeans, feeling guilty for the Holocaust, through the new United Nations, licensed the Jews to barge into Palestine and steal it from the Palestinians – and never mind their leader lived in Berlin and was on Hitler’s payroll and was planning, in the event of a Nazi victory, to establish crematoria in the Galilee… |
Words Construct Reality
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Program Link: Egyptian Political Commentator Al-Wahsh: Israel Behind Plane Crash, We Must Form Death Squads That Will Kill Israelis, Mutilate Their Bodies | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Take, for example, an awards ceremony at Tel-Aviv U. on Sunday, the presentation of the Dan David Prizes, 3 million dollars divided between eight people. Only, one of the winners boycotted the ceremony and turned down the gift of $300,000 dollars. One Catherine Hall, whom Wikipedia calls a British feminist historian of Modern British Social and Cultural History at University College London. One of her books was entitled Gendered Nations: Nationalisms And Gender Order In The Long Nineteenth Century. She turned down the award because, as she wrote on Facebook, she had made an “independent political choice, undertaken after many discussions with those who are deeply involved with the politics of Israel-Palestine, but with different views as to how best to act.” And there you have it: “Israel-Palestine” is a relatively recent addition to the lexicon of antiJew buzz words and catch phrases. It is evidence of the title of my book: a nationality never heard of in history. In Eretz Yisrael, possibly the land with the oldest continuous written history in countless languages in the world, suddenly experiences the emergence an ancient Palestinian people resident in Palestine since the beginning of time, and contemporary antiJews post-Holocaust have their new, legitimate way of hating Jews… |
Everyone Blew It and the Paris Freaks
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…What made for bad blood was Netanyahu’s initial backing for him, then a U-turn after he heard the outcry of the people. I think that is the chronology and if so Yaalon is right to be bitter. And in retrospect he was right to indict, leastwise if it is true, as I heard, that Elor shot the prone, would-be murderer 11 minutes after he was dropped, which changes the picture considerably. For sure, the scene of the incident was the usual high tension hubbub with soldiers and police on the scene, an ambulance, onlookers. If indeed Elor killed him 11 minutes into this episode, did he have the authority? Were there no senior officers around? |
Bibi Shuffles And A Plane Explodes
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…What the airline industry must do worldwide, as a first step, is fire all Muslims working in airports. More than once such employees have become the bomb-planters. So get rid of them, and let the civil liberties types take the governments to court and see that process drag out a long time as a serious effort is made to face the reality that innocent, civilian air travel has become the target of Muslims. And notice I don’t say “Radical Muslims” or “Muslim extremists,” just Muslims. They have become a cancer on the world community… |
Ishmaelites Forever
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Bibi, Bogie and Boojie. The friction between the first two Bibi and Bogie has been a top story for like a week now over Yair Golan’s shocking insinuation that some Israelis were acting like proto-Nazis toward the Ancient Palestinians and the country had to wake up. And as I suggested before, what is in play is the community of collectivists in the kibbutzim and moshavim that has dominated the IDF since Day One. There is a groupthink in the IDF as in other affinity groups. And as I suggested, what we heard from Yair Golan was the world-view of these post-religious Israelis of Jewish attraction whose self-definition is such it leads them to perceive the Holocaust their way, as if it could happen to any people. Any people could become Nazis given the same “political processes,” even Jews in their animosity to what Israeli icon Moshe Dayan might have called the “victims of Zionism.” Moshe Dayan and his sabra generation, the heroes of Leon Uris’ historical romance Exodus insisted they were Israelis and not Jews. I almost married an Israeli who was raised in a communist family and insisted she was an Israeli, not a Jew. The whole purpose of Israel for her and her family was to leave the Jews behind, those wimps who walked like sheep into the gas chambers… |
The Cowardly French
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Anyway, that was the day’s news of the prime minister meeting with the French foreign minister who apparently left Jerusalem with a Gallic shrug. He and his government, no matter what Israel says, is going ahead with its initiative to restart the peace process — as if it ever was a peace process. I mean, how insulting and dehumanizing can you get than the French who arrogate to themselves the role of mediator/arbitrator between us Jews in the land we brought back to sparkling life and the barbaric Arab Muslims who never stop bleeding us? Especially after the UNESCO vote that on its face displays a France so ignorant of Jewish history and religion and the region, it has no business sticking its French nose in our affairs. What are we? Some third-world colony needing French wisdom to secure our lives? Who asked France to be arbiter over our fate? |
Memorial and Independence Days
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Anyway, it’s Memorial Day Eve. Tomorrow, thousands and thousands of Jews will visit military cemeteries, the graves of their sons and husbands, brothers and friends. The total today of dead is over 23,000 since 1948, and at the risk of being misunderstood, in a community now over 6 million-strong, I think it has been a mercifully low price to pay. Let us instead ponder the day after, Independence Day, when the country will be covered in smoke from thousands and thousands and picnickers and barbecuers who, the most thoughtful of them, may reflect on what a wonderful life we have here certainly in comparison to the countries surrounding us: chaotic Lebanon where one political party, Hezballah, is also allowed to have its own armed gang; bloody, ruined Syria, with half the population homeless; Jordan, inundated by refugees from Syria; Egypt, floating as always on a sea of illiterate peasants, now under attack by ISIS terrorists. Israel is an island of modern, civilized, a prosperous and corrupt Western democracy, versus our Ishmaelitic enemy neighbors who deal with their homicidal envy of us by murdering us. For sure, things could be better and less menacing — the Iran threat and all that — but otherwise, yours truly can stand back and review this country for the half-century I have known it and do so in awe. What a transformation, the product of the Jewish people, arguably as vital and charged with the energy of life as any… |
Yair Golan, Part II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Some good news. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner has gone public with a demand I have spoken about for years: she wants the government to immediately end the use of radio and TV frequencies by the Arabs in Judea and Samaria who broadcast incitement to murder Jews. The 16-year-old Ishmael clone who stabbed Dafna Meir to death in front of her daughter said he was inspired by PA TV. I knew in early 1994 already, the year the PA regime kicked in, that the radio and TV channels given them by Peres, were being used to broadcast poison and was flabbergasted that Peres and Rabin did nothing. They had sold their brainstorm to the public that by saying that if things did not work out, they would end and reverse the Oslo process. But here right off the bat the government did nothing in the face of this outrageous use of the radio and TV frequencies Israel gave them. I couldn’t believe that the Israelis I once looked up to as the proudest of Jews whose response to antisemitic violence was to fight back and not just take it – here was this antisemitic poison being broadcast in Eretz Yisrael and the Oslo peace cultists looked away. They were too drunk on their vision of peace and the glory showered on them by antiJews and other fools abroad… |
Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And what caused a minor uproar yesterday were the remarks of this career IDF general, I presume a non-practicing Jew, which has been the case among IDF officers since the first day of the state and the army’s existence. In other words, I found little surprising in his remarks. In his community, his post-Jewish community, one does not interpret antisemitism in a religious fashion. It was all “politics,” and Israelis like this have believed that in similar circumstances to those found in Germany in the 1920s and 30s, any people would act the way the Germans did, including Jews. Golan’s views call to mind that infamous moment, in 1999 I think, when Ehud Barak said that if he were an Arab youth, he too would be a terrorist. In this day and age, non-religious liberals and leftists cringe at the thought that one side is superior to the other. Nationalism is a terrible thing, they think, that should be done away by the international brotherhood of the proletariat or something, transcending all national boundaries. All nations are of equal worth, they say, and in the conflict between one’s people and another, one’s people is the guilty party. Ehud Barak was sending a message to his people that he did not think Israel had a greater righter to Eretz Yisrael than the Balestinians. Patriotism for such types is the same as chauvinism and even racism. So here was Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan sending his message that we Jews are potentially no better than German Nazis and that there is evidence, he said, that they exist among us. In other words, lurking beneath the surface is the “Jews as Nazis” accusation… |
AntiJews in Denial
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Corbyn, it seems, is a funny duck, who really seems to believe it is possible to be against antisemitism but also for the Jew-killers in Hamas and Hezbollah, both openly bent on the complete destruction of the State of Israel. So he is suspending left and right all those guilty of what he judges to be antisemitism, which is not the same, he insists, as anti-Zionism. This is the new strain of Jew-hatred which has been with us, I guess, since we became a people. The hatred is always expressed in angry allegations of Jewish evil deeds and always the accusations are baseless. They are figments of the imaginations of people who hate Jews. I saw a talk back post on line the other day, a real textbook specimen of antiJew thinking in our time. This woman flung the accusation that we Jews in Israel think that because we suffered at the hands of the Nazis we have the right to persecute the Ancient Palestinians. See what I mean? I have never heard such a statement from any Jew in my lifetime. You remember too some months back in Barcelona where a satirical magazine like Charlie Hebdo bashes Israel and its editor said the same thing. He was angry that Israelis think that because they suffered under the Nazis, they have the right to take it out on the Ancient Ones… |
AntiJewism in the UK
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There is an abyss, an unbridgeable chasm separating Judeo-Christian civilization from Arab-Muslim culture. Like mixing oil and water, they don’t mix, which is why Muslims should never have been allowed to establish themselves in the West, to build mosques, etc. Islam is a polygamous culture and the ramifications for society as a whole are immense and overwhelmingly negative. They live in an intellectual world in which one can say with no fidelity to truth that Israelis act like Nazis toward Palestinians. They can deny after 14 centuries of bragging that the Temple Mount was in their hands and turn on a dime and declare the Jews never had any temples on Haram a-Sharif, the Noble Enclosure. With people like this, the idea of writing a peace treaty and expecting them to abide by it is lunacy. Oslo was lunacy. Arafat and Abbas and friends were up to their armpits in warm, innocent, butchered Jewish blood, and only leftist blockheads like Peres, Beilin and Rabin believed it was possible to go into business with such people… |