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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So if one wants to use the expression “Palestinian territory” honestly and accurately, then one is referring to the Palestinian territory so named by the League that said this territory is for the Jews. Palestine was created for the Jews. Likewise, the term “occupied Palestinian territory,” were it used accurately honestly, would refer to Jewish land now occupied by Arabs. It is the Arabs everywhere west of the Jordan who are in unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory that the League said belonged to the Jews. The expression “occupied Palestinian territory” should the rightly refer to every Arab settlement. The League created Palestine for Jews so it is the non-Jews who are in illegitimate occupation of our land… |
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Hillary and Bruce: Our Idols
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yes, Israel simply cannot give up Judea and Samaria and survive. Period. The belief in the two state solution is belief in the creation yet another nation-state for the Arabs after Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc. have come apart at the seams. Massacres and counter-massacres. Were Israel to abandon Judea and Samaria, the same chaos we see in Gaza would engulf these hills. The fantasy of the two-state solution is that Israel and the half-million Jews will skedaddle and the Arabs take over and create a nice, cute, little, garden apartment of a state next door and become our friendly neighbors. A quiet, peaceful well-run boutique of a state, even smaller than Israel, a place of happy citizens no longer violent, no longer telling fairy tales about the unreality of the Holocaust, no longer preaching that the coastal plain from Jaffa through Ashqelon to Gaza is all theirs… |
A World Gone Mad, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yes, the war against Jewishness is eternal and we see its battles every day, like the foregoing words on the battle of the mikvaot. Another is the news that Gadi Eisencott has placed Rabbi Yigal Levinstein in herem. He will be prevented from participating in IDF activities. That is because the spirit of the IDF remains that of the secular founders for whom religion was something one respected as part of the national history but otherwise, the spirit of the IDF was the spirit of the collectivists, men like Moshe Dayan and “Bogie” Yaalon in their communes and collective villages. Socialists who have transcended in their own mines what the revered Karl Marx called the opiate of the masses. And so with the Jewish religion, a man like Gadi Eisencott identifies with the non-Jewish world that has swallowed whole, like a communion wafer, the fantasy that there is nothing wrong with sodomites and sexually disordered people who of course have no control over their urges… |
The Endless Rebellion of the Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…For years I have squirmed in the morning listening to their lead political program host Razi Barka’i who likes to interview Yossi Beilin and never mind his proven stupidity about the Arabs. And when things heat up, like during Intifada No. 2, Barka’i was forever interviewing Arab terrorist leaders on the phone in a tone of respect and as if they were just another sector of Israeli society with a grievance. Imagine it he had been possible technologically during World War II for radio program hosts in London to just pick up the phone to talk with higher ups in the Gestapo in Germany and respectfully consider their opinions over what should be done to end the conflict. I found the behavior functionally treasonous but Israelis, especially the Enlightened, see nothing wrong because, after all, the Arabs do have a case, you know. Israel’s record has not been spotless. They have been the victims of occupation, and so on and so forth… |
Jews At War With Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There really is here a civil war, a truly civil war in that there is no bloodshed. It is a war of ideas and identity. As Superman fought daily for “Truth, Justice and the American way,” so Israel, the children of Israel in the Land of Israel, war with one another everyday over what it means to be a Jew, what it means to be an Israeli. It really is, or it seems, a war without end that has been waged every year since the birth of this people at Mt. Sinai, where, as soon as Moses was given the Ten Commandments, they built a golden calf, an idol, when even as far back as their patriarch Avraham, Moses’s great grandfather’s great grandfather, entered history at war with idolatry. As soon as their leader Moses was given the Ten Commandments, they were at it, doing the opposite of what they had been commanded in the second commandment that prohibits idol worship, so common among the human race. The Jews were commanded in effect to be different… |
The French Get Theirs
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…G-d bless the Druse security guard who suspected him, spoke to him in Arabic and sensed the guy was dangerous. He had him take off his backpack, frisked him, peeked inside the bag and saw the bomb, he and a local store employee who were chatting when this character walked by. Terrified, thinking they would die, they still tackled the guy, warned off pedestrians who called the police bomb squad. We are blessed by the Druse, who claim Jethro, Moses’s father-in-law, their patriarch. He knew right away this was an Arab up to no good. And I hope none of us makes the mistake of thinking that the Druse are Arabs, when they are not. Arabic is their language, but that does make them Arabs any more than my native tongue, English, makes me an Englishman… |
Mostly Good News Today
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The problem is that the verbal construct “the Palestinians” has sort occupied our categories of thought, Dr. Shimon Samuels does not realize how even as he complains in these four sentences about the dispossession of the Jewish narrative, three times he refers to “the Palestinians” which is the foundational lie of the whole enterprise. It is an amazing fact, I think, of the contemporary world and Jewish history that there are millions of people today who call themselves and are called “Palestinians,” when there is nothing Palestinian about them. They do not speak the indigenous language of Palestine which is Hebrew. They speak a foreign language, Arabic, whose provenance is the Arabian Peninsula to which they pray five times daily, toward Mecca, as surely as Jews pray in the direction of Jerusalem. But as thieves, their ethical universe operates on the principle of “what’s mine is mine and what’s your is mine too.” It is not enough for the seed of Ishmael to be content with Mecca and Medina and a territorial spread over 21 states larger in area than the United States. They must also have Jerusalem and Eretz Yisrael. Without it they feel deprived. An injustice has been done to them that is so great one can understand the occasional eruption of righteous anger in the person of 17 year wild ass of an Arab make with a knife who stabs a sleeping Jewish girl to death. While Shimon Samuels is absolutely right that the Palestinian narrative is replacement theology, but he does not realize how he helps it along by calling these people Palestinians… |
Iranian Delusions
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…What’s important here is the sub rosa antisemitism, a hatred in Europe that since 1945 can no longer appear in public without a disguise. This business of moral equivalence between Jews and Arabs here is more antisemitism undercover. The moral equivalence denies the blatant guilt of the Arabs for their barbaric behavior, in this case, teaching murderous hatred to their kids and even demonstrating how to kill Jews. It sees the Jews as guilty of aggression against the Balestinians which then mitigates their guilt. It diminishes the sheer naked, evil hatred by Arabs for Jews, and simultaneously points of the finger of guilt at us. Indeed, the entirety of the fantasy of a Palestinian nation was the invention of a parallel people to the Jewish people with parallel equal rights to what the Jews claim is theirs by right with the agreement of the League of Nations after World War I. The arguments in favor of the movement of renewal by the Jews, Zionism — at that point a half-century long — were decisive, for the Arabs had no counter claims to Palestine. They never even heard of the place. So over the next generation they dreamed up an ancient nation to stand up to the Jews and challenge their claims with identical claims of their own… |
Gangs, Not Militias
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is a society which has never risen above rule by strongman, by gang leader. What was Saddam Hussein, this thug with his two psychopathic sons, if not a gang leader, not the head of nation? Same with Gaddafi. Same with all of them. They say in Syria there have been hundreds of cells opposed to the regime that never unite and even spend time killing one another. These are our neighbors now joined by the Debka cited encampment along the Golan border who have taken the place of Assad’s army and police. I doubt they pose any strategic threat. If Israel wants to wipe them out tomorrow, it could with a morning’s work of sorties and bombing runs. I imagine for them their presence is as much for a kind of tourism so they can, back home, tell the folks they actually looked into Israel, land of the Satan’s helpers, the Jews… |
Abbas Is Not President!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And the Jerusalem Post does not help matters by continuing to call this man the Palestinian Authority President, which is a delusion the JPost only encourages. This man’s term of office ended seven years ago and there have been no elections since then. He is therefore the ex-president, even though that title too is a delusion. Presidents commonly rule states, not authorities, whose administrators are commonly called chairmen. By calling Abbas President of the Palestinian Authority, one supports him in his delusion that there is such a thing as a State of Palestine and he is its man in charge. We live in a world of lies, alma dishikra, of a world keeping afloat this fantasy of a “Palestinian” nation whose entire country was stolen from it by the evil Jews. That is another downside to the blunder the prime minister made in 2009 in his Bar-Ilan speech, confirming his participation in the fantasy. You know how some little children invent invisible friends and they want you to say hello to them. Well, Bibi did something like that at Bar-Ilan, saying, more or less, “Yes, yes, I believe in the tooth fairy and the existence of a Palestinian nation that was done wrong by the Jewish nation, and the Jewish nation is prepared to compensate the nation it wronged.” No good can come from confirming the world in this cracked version of history… |
Islamic Apartheid Against Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I can’t help but start with James Comey’s statement about Hillary Clinton who he says is not indictable for all the list of wrongs that he listed. I am not a lawyer but I was under the impression that in certain crimes, intent is irrelevant. Comey admitted she was “extremely careless.” He referenced email traffic of classified material that should not have been transmitted. This woman set up her own email in her home and Comey could find nothing to indict her for? Everyone left and right has been saying Comey is a straight shooter. He listed actions that should not have been taken by Hillary Clinton but not one crossed a line into the illegal? Well, I’ll leave it at that because I am not a lawyer, but heaven help us if this woman is elected president? I believe she was in Comey’s words “extremely careless” and I say if so, that is sufficient cause to reject her as presidential material… |
Israel Must Rebrand the Conflict
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Another drive-by shooting. We had them 15 years ago and the solution was denying the roads to Arab vehicles. In any case, I hate when they do that. In response to these murders, we get back at them by building more homes for Jews. I don’t like to think of Jews building homes in Judea as a punishment. It is a right. With all the anti-settlement hatred in Israel and the world about the post-‘67 settlements, there has never been a case in which the new communities dispossessed Arabs from their homes; entered and cleaned them out, dumped their furniture and possessions onto the street and made them homeless. The settlements were built on barren hilltops. No ancient Palestinian was deprived of his ancestral sod… |