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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Last night in the United Nations — this utterly corrupt scam of no-talent bureaucrats who produce nothing, their Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process spit words of anger at Israel. But let’s start with his title. “Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process.” There are two lies right there. First, there is no peace process and never was. The Middle East is a vast sea of sand that shift and move at the mercy of the winds of history and it has never known peace. Only an ahistorical, antiJew ignoramus like Thomas L. Friedman could have waxed sappy with joy five years ago at what he called “The Arab Spring.” If he had any feel for history, he would know that such upheavals are routine. These kinds of rebellions against regimes are known in Araby in every generation. No regime is experienced as legitimate. All leaders are corrupt tyrants… |
Monthly Archives: August 2016
The Sabbath Defines The Jew
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So G-d bless the Haredim for blowing their tops at Minister Katz, less for the actual work done on Shabbat than his turning it into a chance for a press conference and doing public relations for himself, thereby exhibiting a dullard’s ignorance of the importance of the Shabbat to the existence of the Jewish people. And it is likely that their fury was heightened by that other initiative calling for licensed commerce in Tel-Aviv on Shabbat. While I am not Haredi, I don’t reject army service or share their rejection of studying math and science, they serve a great purpose in their unrelenting insistence on preserving the Sabbath which is the spiritual counterpart to the material necessity of preserving the people with an army and military establishment, especially in light of the military threat to this country by the 550 million Muslims surrounding us on three sides of our tiny by comparison country. Jewish life without the Sabbath is like Israel without an army, subject to destruction… |
Jewish Identity: What Is That?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So here is the lede in the JPost story today of the Brussels Airlines decision never to carry produce from Judea and Samaria. It seems an antiJew passenger flying not of Tel-Aviv, complained that he was served halvah made in made by Jews in Judea and Samaria only of course that was not the name he used, not the name JPost used. “Brussels Airlines has taken halva off its menu after a disgruntled passenger alerted it staff that the vanilla-flavored snack was made in an Israeli settlement in the West Bank. Belgian media cited a pro-Palestinian group as saying that the national airline had not been aware of the nature of the product and the violent and illegal institutions behind it.” But that is not my concern here. It is not the behavior of either the disgruntled antiJew air passenger or the airline. It is the Jerusalem Post who uses the terms Israeli settlement and West Bank. What dejudaized Israelis like these don’t get is the connection between their own work, particularly in the Jerusalem Post read by the world that is interested in what goes on here, and the hostility to Israel in the world. By referring to Judea and Samaria as the West Bank, the Jerusalem Post, and all Jews who use this lexicon, contribute to antisemitism by affirming the proposition that Jews do not belong in Judea and Samaria. They are settlers, as opposed to the enlightened denizens of Ramat Aviv, site of Tel-Aviv University built on what use to be crummy Arab settlement of Sheikh Munis called a village when none of these Arab communities deserved that name… |
Stealing “Palestine” from the Jews
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Program Link: Palestinian-Jordanian Political Analyst Muhammad Al-Tamimi Goes Berserk in Debate on Legacy of Fatah: PA Leaders Are Spies, Traitors, and Pimps | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Though I am beginning to think that democracy is dying in the West for a similar reason: the creation of an uneducated electorate and the emasculation of the American people as lovers and defenders of honest government. I don’t understand how so much is known about the corruption of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Clinton, but nothing seems to be happening in the way of indicting these people. Where are the lawyers to file a claimant in the some court demanding that this woman be arrested and charged with serious crimes? I would love to see her on the 7 o’clock news handcuffed from behind and led into a police cruiser to be booked. How could it be that the head of the FBI reads off a list of crimes, misdemeanors and felonies before the whole world committed by this woman and then refuses to call for an indictment? What is going on? |
Islam: Religion of Hate
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Program Link: ISIS Exposes the True Reason Why It Hates the West | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so is Islam a totalitarian system of rule that must be faced squarely and honestly, and that must include dropping the terms “radical Islam, Muslim extremist, Islamism and Islamist.” The problem with these newly minted words is that they all try to split Islam between the silent majority and the violent extremists who do not allegedly represent Islam and the non-threatening majority. What is wrong with that is it takes no account of the reality that while the majority is non-violent, it applauds those who are. After 9-11, 60% of the Arabs polled believed it was a Mossad trick in order to make the world hate Arabs, to humiliate them, and I’d bet that the same 60% would agree that if the perpetrators were truly devout Muslims, they were just paying the West back for its aggression and insults, that 9-11 was justified. Remember that bin-Ladin hit the World Trade Center in New York because he believed it truly was the world headquarters of trade run by the Jews in the most populous Jewish city in the world… |
The Real Enemy, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so in the matter of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria, Israel owes them nothing and Israel would be happiest if they were to return to the Arabian Peninsula of their forebears as the Tories in America returned to England because they did not like the new way of life under a democratic republic. The Arabs in Judea and Samaria don’t like Israel? Then they should leave, and we are under no obligation to be concerned for their welfare. On the contrary, we have been fools to try to make nice to them, the Achilles heel of the new, post-Jewish Israeli forever trying to make the Arabs like us. With Oslo, some 200 Israeli “peace groups” came together over different issues and pastimes to reach out to the Balestinians to nurture good neighborliness. But I say, forget about it… |
Israel’s Eternal Identity Crisis
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It took yours truly years to understand them. The Zionists in their heyday advertised themselves as proud Jews who do not kowtow to gentile oppressors but fight back! In the age of the sabras, the native-born children of the atheist Zionist pioneers, as children were taught that the Diaspora Jews who “went like sheep into the chambers” were contemptible. They also made a face of disgust whenever they heard Yiddish, the language of those sheep who did not fight back. Of course, the unspoken assumption of the sabra was that they could have fought back but chose not to. Sure. Imagine the young father and mother with three children under the age of five hear a pounding on the door after midnight, and it’s five Nazi thugs who order them out. What were they supposed to do? They were not organized to raise and equip and coordinate an army to fight the Storm Troopers. The demand by the sabra was wholly ignorant of the circumstances. His contempt was baseless, a sign of his desire to cut himself off from those Jews. His self-regard as a proud Jew was basically dishonest. Such types insisted they were not Jews but Israelis whose Zionism was not to rescue Jews but reform them like Reform Jews into something unrecognizable as Jews. These commonly hard left sabras claimed to be proud Jews but that was not true… |
The U.S. Threatens and the Scots Too!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…At the end of this year we are expecting to witness in Paris a multi-national gathering of dozens of nations all in agreement that the Jews must hand back what they took form the Arabs in 1967 and evacuate a half million of them, expel from their homes and communities even more Jews than those who fled Spain in these very same August days 524 years ago. It will be billed as a diplomatic meeting but really, underneath, it will be a religious exercise during which the world will collectively point its finger of guilt at the world’s only tiny Jewish state and shriek, “Racist, fascist imperialist Jews. Give back what you stole from the Palestinians and turn those living in Balestine into homeless refugees.” But again, if we look at Jewish history and the wisdom as old as the Prophets, the goyim are pawns in the hands of the Almighty Who uses them to chastise us and, in this case, for what? Plain and simple, for never, ever claiming Judea and Samaria rightfully ours. Ironically, the post-religious David ben-Gurion still knew, when he declared statehood in 1948, that the basis for the declaration was the Bible, which contains over one thousand years of Jewish history in this land. It is impossible for most nations today to be able to look back on a thousand years of their own history. But today’s Israelis have turned their backs on the Bible as an object of legal weight in their political life… |
Fighting Back. Finally.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Last webcast the topic was World Vision, those lovers of Muslim children traumatized in Gaza by the Jews, if not the children of the Jews next door in Sderot traumatized by the Muslims. But now the task force will make an effort to zero in on these antiJews in these NGOs who come here to provoke, to take pictures for anti-Israel propaganda, and deport them. They are all, although sponsored by different NGOs, BDS-ers, which has become the latest camouflage for antisemites who want to see Israel destroyed. If you remember, a couple of days before 9-11, in Durban, South Africa, there was some kind of a human rights jamboree which turned into a Hate Israel jamboree, and out of that unholy gathering came the BDS movement, namely, the effort to boycott and sanction Israel like sanctions that brought down a half-century of white-dominated, apartheid rule in South Africa. Henceforth, Israel would the state accused of apartheid – and never mind there is no apartheid in Israel… |
“World Vision” Spills Jewish Blood
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In this the NGOs in Gaza and especially the Christian ones like World Vision should be ashamed of themselves. The history of Christians aggressing against Jews is an indelible part of Christian behavior leading right up to and into the Holocaust. No, Christian theology was not used to justified the Final Solution, but it certainly prepared the groundwork over thousands of years of persecution, expulsions and massacres. No, the Holocaust was not fueled directly by Christian thought, but the results of the Holocaust resembled the results of earlier spasms of Christendom gone crazy: the expulsions, the Inquisitions, the persecution. These NGOs, I said before, are this generation’s legitimate way of aggressing against Jews… |
An Israeli Dreams of Gaza
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On the other hand, this evening there was light in the darkness from the Czech Republic where a member of the European Parliament, one Petr Mach, is setting up a caucus in the Euro-Parliament in support of the resurrection of Jewish civilization in Judea and Samaria a.k.a. the settlements. He sees the caucus working against the BDS activists. This is something new in Europe, and it is likely a product of the current wave of Muslim atrocities, their series of massacres of innocent people, their rape and molestation en masse of women and girls. As some Europeans are stiffening their backbones and being honest about the menace of Islam that no amount of dreaming by Angela Merkel of acculturating these people to Western ways will change, so there will be Europeans who side with Israel in its resistance to handing Judea and Samaria back to the Muslims. Ergo, the settlements will stay and the army will remain to protect them, and the right thing to do is not work to uproot them but defend them as an allied front in the global jihad the Muslims wage against the world… |
Trump the Boor
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is an age where society does not recoil from a place like that nightclub in Orlando. I have never been in such a place but have come close. In the 1970s, at a party in Greenwich Village, I saw two men dancing with one another for the first time and was shocked to see it included flashes of fondling, right there on the dance floor. So in that nightclub of hundreds of males, shaking to the deafening music, they were surely also bumping and grinding against one another as society as whole looks on and smiles; a society whose Supreme Court even said there was nothing wrong with men marrying men. The behavior of the “gays” is a cousin, so to speak, of having a presidential candidate with a porn star for a wife. There is a connection somewhere here to the plague of Muslim violence in the West perpetrated by Muslims dreaming of launching themselves into Muslim paradise for an eternity of 24-7 drunkenness and the violent deflowering of virgins. A sex-crazed West gets attacked by sex-crazed Muslims… |