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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is holy land also, I think, because of what it does to men’s minds. We all know the Jerusalem Syndrome, a passing, temporary mental disorder that affects some people who go to the city for the first, and I’ve long thought that the very idea of the Jew has a similar mental effect on others without ever coming to the Holy Land. And I think one piece of evidence for that was on display at the State Department yesterday out of the mouth of the Secretary of State, son of a Halachically Jewish father, who laid down Six Principles for Peace, one of them being the following: “Jerusalem should not be divided and become the capital city for both peoples.” And I find the mind at work simply daft for imaging something like this unknown in the history of the human race, the history of peoples and nations. Not only has there never been such a capital, he fantasizes two people basically locked in embrace, one of whom has a record of conscienceless brutality against the other. The mind that can fantasize a shared capital in Jerusalem imagines a harmony between Jews and Muslims unknown in their 14 centuries-long relationship. It does not imagine that the Palestinian government might to name a street after one of this people’s homicidal Muslim butchers of defenseless, innocent Jews, and the Israeli side would not protest? |
Monthly Archives: December 2016
The Root Cause, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I must express my wonderment at and gratitude for the reactions of Americans to what Obama did to Israel, leastwise judging by what I read on the Net and see on FOX TV. I am speaking of the politicians and pundits. What Obama did was such an obvious stab in the back, even Alan Dershowitz who supported Obama not once but twice saw which way the wind was blowing and the trimmed his sails accordingly. One after the other, politicians and pundits see nothing political in Obama’s behavior. What’s at work, they all understand now, is antisemitism. Obama’s antisemitism. And not only his but the UN’s. Said Senator Lindsey Graham said, “I anticipate this vote will create a backlash in Congress against the United Nations. The organization is increasingly viewed as antisemitic and seems to have lost all sense of proportionality.” |
Obama, the Muslim Back-Stabber
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On Friday, the United Nations Security Council ruled that this is occupied “Palestinian” territory; that it is “Palestinian” property, and never mind that almost a century ago, the League of Nations created a territory called Palestine explicitly described as “the historic homeland of the Jewish people.” But look what has happened to language since then. On Friday, the United Nations Security Council declared that this land belongs to the “Palestinians,” and never mind that they are perfectly Jew-free, as Judenrein as any Nazi could want. The United Nations agreed, so to speak, that Palestine, created by the League of Nations, belongs to a people unheard of by the League of Nations, which just happens to be 100% Jew-free… |
Those Pesky UN Resolutions
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In any case, I read the whole almost one thousand words of the draft and it was the same-old same-old buzz words and catch-phrases. There is almost something incantatory about reading them. I read 870 of them for my book and there is something ritualistic about the repetitive language. In this Egyptian draft just withdrawn, the expression “two-State solution” appeared at least five times my by count. It is a thousand words of bashing Israel in dead pan diplomatic bureaucratese, and really nothing to worry about. As annoying as it is, it is really no different than scores of similar resolutions of sneering at Israel and accusing it of criminal behavior that in truth had no serious material effect on Israel. Versus a resolution drafted under what is called Chapter VII of the UN Charter which empowers the UN to take concrete steps like sanctions against country. This is different. It does not call for the kinds of sanctions that brought apartheid South Africa down. Even it were not withdrawn but voted on without Obama’s veto, no damage would result. It is just more poison gas being emitted by the goyim, the nations of the world at the United Nations who are united over Israel as over no other issue of global concern. United in their Muslim-led hostility to the world’s only tiny Jewish state… |
A History of Barbarism
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The war between the United States and Tripoli started in 1801 when a mob invaded the consulate, forced the consul to escape and run for his life as they looted it. This was normal behavior in Islam then and remains so. In my lifetime, there have been dozens of assaults by Muslims on embassies and consulates, ambassadors and consuls. These are barbarians who pay no respect to the immunity from violence for diplomats in their host country. No respect. The great hostage crisis with Iran of 1979 was just that: an invasion of an embassy by a mob of Muslims virtually foaming at the mouth who psychologically tormented 52 Americans for 444 days. Only now, in the age of the pocket, TV camera/telephone we have a picture of a Muslim murderer in the act of assassination, and it is no coincidence that the very word assassination comes from Islamic culture. No coincidence… |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The government of the people of Israel could declare Judea and Samaria Israeli territory, and the High Court has no standing to countermand that. And in this democracy the electorate for years now has kept electing right-wing governments, then obstructed by the High Court monopolized by the opposition. In our Kafkaesque world, Israel’s High Court is a major opponent of democracy, of respecting the will of the people. This whole Amona thing would not exist without the anti-democratic High Court. It is a Court that sees itself as the anti-government force, keeping the government in check, when that is not its job in foreign policy, in how to handle land claims in Judea and Samaria. The people want a right-wing government in charge of our foreign affairs, not the High Court of unelected provincials who think their job is to keep the government in check. No, it is to do justice and accept that not everything is the business of the Court, i.e. questions in society it is not for them to decide… |
Trump, Advisors and Iran
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Four years ago in the Weekly Standard, Middle East specialist Jonathan Spyer wrote the following: “The rebel forces in Aleppo consist of a large number of independently constituted battalions, each gathered around a particular neighborhood and a particular commander. There are many non-Islamist fighters and commanders among the rebels. But the best organized and the only with a clear vision of Syria beyond Assad in the crucial Aleppo front are the Islamists.” Yes, there were reports at that time of hundreds of independent groups of guys with guns, self-proclaimed rebels all, but with zero cooperation between them. No unified command. In Colonial America in the 1770s, when people felt they were being abused by London, they began, in the 13 colonies, coming together as never before by establishing what they called Committees of Correspondence to cooperate. The poor treatment produced a continental identity that had not existed in 150 years. That is why their first major congress was called the first Continental Congress that also led eventually to creating an army led by General Washington, and the rest is history. Now, class, compare national identity in the Arab-Muslim states and ponder the fate of Syria with its 400,000-plus deaths and still climbing, the results of their eternal fraternal warfare. These are not Arabs and Muslims dying at the hands of “racist, fascist, imperialist Christian Crusaders and Zionists” but one another… |
The Anti-Reform Jew Bill
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Program Link: ‘International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction over Israel’ | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…These Reform Jews are annoying no less in their refusal to face the truth according to every population survey. They are not reproducing. What they are doing is no longer tethered to Jewishness and for their lack of intellectual integrity alone they must be told in no uncertain terms what they do is not Jewish and an aggression against the millions of Orthodox Jews. Their claim to be representatives of most of the Jewish people who are not Orthodox is nonsense. Israel is a free enough country. No government has stopped Reform Jews from living here and building temples. No government has given them money as the Orthodox establishment gets money, but otherwise they have been free to spread their wisdom and attract adherents. Trouble is, since their doctrine is empty, they have no significant following and Israel is under no obligation to recognize their right to execute their bogus imitation of Jewishness at the Western Wall… |
Obama’s Speech and Sedition
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And until the Muslim missionary in the White House leaves the premises for the last time, Israel must continue to walk on eggshells, which is why Friday’s papers reported the story that the bill legalizing 4,000 Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria will be delayed until after the Trump inauguration. Both Netanyahu and Bennett agree on this, and for sure it is the right thing to do. Unless the picture changes, it seems we are on course for a radical change of course under President Trump. The last thing this government wants to do now is something that the Muslim saboteur in the Oval Office is likely to be easily offended by, which will license him to do just about anything to us he can, like not using the veto in the Security Council. Indeed, a delegation of antisemitic terrorists a.k.a. Palestinian Authority officials, is headed to Washington to attempt to sway Secretary Kerry not to use the veto in a Security Council vote these Muslim murderers expect to see in mid-January. Leading them is Saeb Erekat who was with Arafat in 2000 at Camp David and agreed the Jews never had any temples on Haram a-Sharif, and two years later after the battle in the Jenin UNRWA said Israel had massacred 500 ancient Palestinians. It is another fact of the Oslo abomination that a man like this was brought into negotiations for peace. The brainlessness of those leftist post-Jews Rabin and Peres not to judge this man for the uncivilized savage beneath the suit and tie and Western academic degrees… |
Kerry’s Bloviation
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In his opening remarks to his audience, and interviewer the Jew-Boy journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, Kerry asked for a show of hands of those in support of the Two-State Solution, and of course and he judged the response this way: “Okay, it’s the vast majority of people here. How many of you don’t, and are willing to say so. There’s one hand up, two, maybe a few of you don’t want to say so” and, then according to the transcript, an anonymous audience member said “Yeah” and that was followed by laughter. And there you have it. John Kerry, once a solemn altar boy, was basically asking the audience to pledge allegiance to the flag of the two-state solution and the expulsion of hundreds of Jews for which it stands. Most did, but there was the nervous recognition that some people were afraid to speak their minds in this matter. Why does the Spanish Inquisition come to mind at this point, priests grilling frightened people, accusing them of the being secret Jews? |
John Kerry Arab Mouthpiece
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Bennett crowed, “This is a historic day in the Knesset which went from establishing a Palestinian state to Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. Have no doubt: The settlement bill is leading the way to annexation.” May it be so. So long as any of the powers and remnants of the Oslo accords are in effect, Israel will continue to suffer. Oslo was an abomination not for wanting to part with a major piece of Eretz Israel in exchange for peace – a defensible argument — but the abomination of shaking hands with Arafat and Abbas, monsters of immorality, mass murder, the slaughter of innocents. It was abomination no less for being an embarrassment to the Jewish people for having leaders such as Rabin and Peres, these leftists of no judgment about Arabs. To think that with these bloodthirsty, antisemitic butchers it was possible to go into partnership with them and they would be good and honest partners was the height of stupidity… |
The Jewish Race?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Gobbledygook. Antisemitism as a word arose after European Christians had lost their faith. That barred them from continuing to see and hate Jews as Christ-killers, but they still hated them and antisemitism was born in the same years as Darwinism in an attempt to formulate a kind of biological, anthropological theory of race and racial characteristics that made the presence in Europe of Jews obnoxious. In this 19th century climate, the Jewish people was repeatedly not referred to as a people or nation, but a race. The Jewish race was described as a mongrel, gypsy race of many peoples. In fact, this was Hitler’s complaint. He hated the Jews who did not care about race but were out to pollute the German bloodstream with their genetic filth and inferiority… |
Obama’s Enduring Threat
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Put another way: The handshake on the White House lawn was a massive deception, on a par with Obama claiming to have converted and become a Christian. Taqqiya, dissembling, lying, a way of life with these people. It is a way of hiding in public. Dating from the age of Noah and the Great Flood, and their ancestor Ham, whose crime was exposure, the Arabs have been a people of veils and burkas and hijabs. Of covering up in public. Cultural anthropologist Ruth Benedict brilliantly categorized guilt cultures vs. shame cultures, and that most definitely is Arab culture. A shame society as a mechanism of social control. The Arab religion’s symbol is also a crescent moon that too is a form of covering up. A crescent moon exposes only one side. The rest is hidden in darkness… |