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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Oslo could not have come about without the suspension of horror at the deeds of Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, the signers of the Oslo documents on the White House lawn with those two old reds Rabin and Peres. Surely as leaders privy to all the secrets, they knew what only recently became public, that the Olympic Games massacre was a Fatah operation, in which even Abbas, normally outside the loop for terror operations, participated, in which the Israelis captured and bound in their dormitory watched as Yosef Romano was castrated. They must have known this and yet chose to shake hands with these evil men, these men as sick with Jew-hatred as any in our history. How they could bring themselves to do this is beyond yours truly’s comprehension… |
Monthly Archives: February 2017
The Hidden Dimension
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So last webcast I brought up and not for the first time my admittedly outside the box opinion of those who smash headstones in Jewish cemeteries. This is incredibly primitive behavior, true madness. Men who do this are truly enslaved to dreadful thoughts and feelings about Jews that drives them to such bizarre behavior requiring the expenditure of so much energy driven by their uncontrollable hatred of Jews, which is inseparable from their totally twisted perception of Jews. Consider what happened in a suburb of Paris last week. A car being driven by two Jews wearing skullcaps was forced off the road by a car containing Muslims screaming at them, “Dirty Jews! You are going to die!” |
A Judicial Revolution
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Shaked is a non-observant Jewess and thus a bit out of place in the Jewish Home Party, which in its previous incarnation was known as the National Religious Party, but no matter. Politically, she is in the name space as her party when it comes to the enemy Arabs and the right of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria. Shaked threatened the committee that selects High Court judges, where the judges have had a veto over any candidate, that unless they relent, she would legislate an end to their power and cut them out all together from the process… |
Nikki Haley, Sikh Warrior
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Now on the bright side of the news ledger was yesterday’s stunning appearance before the media by the new US ambassadress to the UN Nikki Haley after attending her first UN Security Council. Talk about a breath of fresh air. And what was great about her commentary was not that it supported Israeli policies. Her focus was on the behavior of the Security Council that is simply surreal in the participants’ obliviousness to their own unfairness. Let us agree for the sake of argument that Israel is an imperfect society and its imperfection in its relationship to the Ishmaelites here a legitimate topic, but compared to all the other countries in the world and their imperfections, the UN, it is fair to say, is obsessed with Israel. And it was that obsession she commented on. She was less pro-Israel than at war with the manifest injustice of the Security Council toward this one small country… |
Reform Jewish Enemies
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So-called Reform Judaism is clearly disappearing. By their own demographer Stephen Cohen, they are intermarrying like the Ten Lost Tribes and disappearing, dissolving into the American melting pot, which, by the way, was an expression invented by an English Jew, Israel Zangwill, at the turn the 20th century observing the tsunami of Jews flooding into the United States. He saw in America a great melting pot, and so it has come to pass that the Jews are dissolving into it there very quickly. Not long along I saw some newspaper piece on Rabbi David Wolpe at famous Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, laudatory of course, though in the course of the article one fact reported was not pursued by the journalist: most of his congregants today are Iranian Jews. Which tells us what? That the once great Los Angeles Jewish community, Reform and Conservative, whose grandparents spoke Yiddish like the Jews in Hollywood, is gone. The children and the grandchildren of those Jews who built this large Conservative shul in the early 20th century no longer gather there. The Iranians who escaped the Shah in 1979 have taken their place… |
The Two Friedmans
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And what is so angering in this emerging camp in the West is their lying as a way of life, of being in the world. Little Tommy Friedman his front page column in the International New York Times today accused the president of “utterly failing to appreciate the corrosive impact of on our democracy of his indulgence of Russia’s hacking our election.” But I, for one, have yet to read, hear, one explanation of how this hacking affected the election results. There is this attempt to make of the contacts between Michel Flynn and other administration figures with the Russians evidence of some kind of traitorous sell out on America in cahoots with the Russians. Donald Trump Mr. Capitalism in league with Vladimir Putin, product of the Soviet Union and its KGB. This is what Hitler thought. This is how he understood the strange alliance between Capitalist America and Communist Russia against him. In his deranged mind, both Moscow and Washington were controlled by Jews pretending in each capital to be either capitalists or Bolsheviks but deep down it was the international Jewish conspiracy against him… |
Losing Flynn
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Which brings us back to Jonathan Brown, the American convert to Islam, now paid handsomely, one imagines by Alwaleed ibn Talal and lecturing on the virtue of slavery in Islam according to Sharia law. Americans, indeed, the whole West has to wake up and shed their guilt toward this major non-Western religion and declare it the enemy because Islam declares the West its enemy in many ways, including its veneration of submission and slavery. Islam means submission, and Abdul Abdullah both means slave of G-d, when the West loves its liberty and freedom. Communism and Nazism are no more, but totalitarian Islam is alive and on the march, and it has to be confront, stopped and defeated before it is too late… |
Israel Must Fight Back
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Well, Mandy Patinkin is either an ignoramus or an antisemite in behavior, though he of course belongs to that tribe of Enlightened Jews who profess their love for Israel and therefore it pains them to ponder their “crimes” against the Ancient Ones. Patinkin for sure does not see himself as an antisemite but his behavior, whatever his conscious intent, is that of an antisemite because, by my three-word definition, antisemitism is lying about Jews. This is what Mandy Patinkin does here. And his accusations are no more truthful that accusations in the 14th century that Jews were poisoning the wells. When has Israel ever bulldozed Arab villages? What is creepy in the comparison as well is the fact that the only bulldozing by Israel of villages is other Jewish communities, like Gush Katif, that cluster of neighborhoods. Patinkin pontificates “Haven’t you driven enough people from their homes already?” On what planet is Patinkin living? Well, the answer to that is Planet Hollywood. He is an actor pretending to be far more intelligent, clever, courageous and knowledgeable than Mandy Patinkin really is… |
Europe’s Antisemitic NGO Scam
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Next minor symptom was the visit this week to Israel of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel who on Tuesday smiled at and shook hands with our prime minister, who asked him to stop sending money to NGOs here to help people who run us over in their cars and stab us in the back. And then the next day, Prime Minister Michel, with no advance notice to his hosts, let alone permission from the government of Israel, met in the King David Hotel with the very worst of European-funded NGOs in Israel commonly run by Israeli antiJew Jews, Breaking the Silence and Btselem. Earlier in the week, when Prime Minister Netanyahu was in London and met with Prime Ministress Teresa May, he told her the same thing, explicitly naming these NGOs employing antisemitic Jews that her government was funding. This behavior by the Prime Minister of Belgium is, is it not, the equivalent of the of him giving our prime minister the finger before turning away to do precisely what he was asked not to do. And that he acted this way in our country at the famous King David hotel only adds to the insult… |
Israel’s Essential Neurosis
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Consider this: The Zionists sold themselves as proud Jews instead of those Yiddish-speaking victims of the Holocaust who walked like sheep into the gas chambers, but for the last 50 years the Zionist state has refused to annex, to claim for its own, the land called Judea, root name of the word Jew. Prudence is a great virtue in a statesman and one can make the case for not doing that, not imposing Israeli law, but surely no harm could have come from publicly declaring this land is our land as of right. We might have said because we so love peace and have no imperialist ambitions to harm the Arabs in Judea and Samaria, we are willing to part with some of our land, but the “Palestinian” claims are completely bogus. What stopped Israelis from shooting down as soon as it raised its ugly head, the myth of the Palestinians, the allegedly real, legal, original, authentic owners of Palestine? One would think that the career of Joseph Goebbels had no lesson for Israelis. He said if you are going to tell a lie, make a big one, and this one sure is… |
Dejudaizing The Holocaust
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Heaven help these Americans of Jewish extraction being cliquish and clannish. An English friend, a gentile, told me people don’t like Jews because they stick together. Which I take to mean we like each other and preserving our ancient heritage as a people unmatched in the history of the human race. The early Christians sneered at the Jews for claiming a special covenant with G-d when everyone has a special covenant with G-d. Greedy Jews don’t want to share their special relationship. Like the Jews today who don’t want to share the Holy Land with the Palestinians. The Holy Land is holy to the three great Abrahamic religions and the Jews have no right to hog it all. Greedy Jews refuse to share the Holy Land with the victims of their Zionism. There is no peace because the Jews won’t share their capital with another people with as much right to their capital as the Jews. And lately it seems, when it comes to the Holocaust, these greedy Jew don’t want to share that either… |
A Pseudo-Gentile Jewish Pogrom
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Program Link: SOTU Bill Clinton talking about immigration in the 1995 State of the Union. | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So here was this regular columnist in the newspaper of the allegedly peace-loving, compromising PA who claimed UN Sec’y-Gen’l Guterres “sinned against peace and the Palestinian-Israel political agreement when he expressed his belief in the connection between Judaism and Jerusalem. Mr. Antonio, if you care about history and if it is important to you, you should know that Jerusalem and all of Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea are the land of the Palestinian people and their history is its history.” The Arabs say these things all the time and Israel never says anything in rebuttal, rather dismissal. A man who thinks like this is not a man you want to cooperate with. He is incapable of cooperating because his mind operates in a very different way… |