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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…You can quote me: Sha’i ben-Tekoa says that there has been only one genocide, that is extermination attempt of an entire nation. True, in the early 20th century in today’s Namibia, the German colonists, in the so-called scramble for African colonies along with the British, French, Italians and Spanish, set out to exterminate the Herero people who were herdsman but hardly a nation. At the time of their brutalization for resisting the German presence and enslavement, there were maybe 80,000 in this community, reduced by the horrors to 15,000. The Germans thought it would be no great loss if all were exterminated. Like future Nazi doctors, they also used the Herero for medical experiments, if not the truly bizarre kind. But again, this was not result of delusions about of the Herero committing monstrous satanic crimes and being a threat to the human race. It was a true racist atrocity, which must not be conflated with the derangement of Hitlerian antisemitism, successor to Catholic teaching about Jews… |
Monthly Archives: April 2017
A Holocaust Day for Gentiles
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There are something like a hundred Holocaust memorials in the US, the funds for which were raised by dejudaizing Jews. One of the most insightful observers of the non-observant and what they were doing, the late Rebbitzin Esther Jungreis of blessed memory. It was pressure from American Jewish contributors to politicians who pushed for the Federal government to appropriate that plot of land near the Washington, DC Mall for the Holocaust Museum and contributed their millions to build the Museum there, now a major tourist attraction. Rebbitzen Jungreis was an honored guest in the audience during the inauguration ceremonials who shed a tear or more, not, she said, because she was reminded of the nightmare in which friends and relatives were gassed and incinerated. She wrote of her anguish of looking up at the dais of dignitaries, one Jewish philanthropist after another, whose sons and daughters had married non-Jews. She said those who may have seen her tears may have thought she was grieving over the Holocaust, when, she said, she had shed all those tears years before. This time they were for the evidence before her eyes of the Jewish community in America disappearing at great speed and mistaking Holocaust remembrance for a substitute for authentic Jewish living… |
The Sabbath: The Prime Directive
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Although they are commonly misnamed in English as the Ten Commandments, the first three are largely expressions of belief, which is an internal, spiritual matter and directed at individuals. The commandments that actually command doing something, not just believe or think something, really kick begin with the fourth, which is Keep/Guard the Sabbath, which requires doing many things on Friday and other days of the week; the Sabbath is not only about the Sabbath but for preparation it required on other days. It is of such importance, it precedes the 5th commandment: honor thy father and mother. And if one’s father and mother do not perpetuate Sabbath observance, their children owe them less respect than if they did. So much for the first tablet. Why didn’t G-d engrave all ten commandments on one tablet? Clearly because he wanted the Children of Israel to see a separation between the first set of five and the second set… |
Israel Needs “Death to Terrorists!”
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The West is committing suicide by not slamming its frontiers to the Muslim invaders who may be coming for a better life materially, but not part of the deal in their minds is giving up their religion and the ethical universe seen most clearly in its cruel treatment of women. How interesting to ruminate on the coincidence in Hebrew of the words for womb and mercy, rehem and rakhmanoot, and Islamic culture in which merciful women are treated cruelly and not only them; Muslim men are known to burn other Muslim men at the stake, and chop their heads and hands off too… |
AntiJewism on Three Continents!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In Israel, MSM Yediot veteran columnist Orly Azulay responded to Spicer’s ignorance by flinging the term “racist” at him, him and his supporters. Trump’s supporters, his “power base,” she declared are “representatives of movements that support white supremacy and whose speakers talk about Jews using terms borrowed from Nazi propaganda.” These people are off the rails in their heads. When has Trump ever given a speech in favor of White Supremacy like the KKK? These people’s intellectual gyroscope is wobbly, off its center of gravity or something. I think the president should replace Spicer because he is not verbally nimble. His remarks were ungrammatical, and you don’t want that in a White House spokesman. He is obviously unrefined in his temperament. He should listen to Shakespeare’s Hamlet instruct the traveling players about their speech: “You must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness.” Spicer is just another example, I am afraid, of a generation of Americans who are far less educated than Americans in the past. He didn’t enter college until 1989, meaning, he was a teenager in the 1980s, the age of bubble gum music and vulgar entertainers like Madonna, who would have remained anonymous in this life had she not pranced around and sang on public stages in her undergarments. Sean Spicer needs to be told by the President what he told many contestants on his reality TV show, “You’re fired.” |
Trump’s Triumph
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I caught of a glimpse on Israeli TV last night of the former Ministress of Foreign Affairs, Princess of Peace Tsipora bas Eitan Livni expressing hope that under President Trump a deal can be arranged, a peace deal, because Tsipi still doesn’t get it. The enemy, the other side has never known peace. The lunacy of the Oslo peace process was the fantasy that while the Arabs have never made peace between themselves, with us Jews they were ready for peace, meaning they really meant it when they said they wanted only the West Bank and Gaza for their ancient state. That so many people believed Arafat and Abbas on the White House lawn was shameful… |
Lost Our Moral Compass
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There is good and there is evil. There is evening, there is morning. There is man, there is woman, there is north, there is south, there is left and there is right. And it is no coincidence that the directional right is synonymous with the moral right, same word, versus left, in the political sense, which signals its opposite. In the history, the term left referring to a political position dates to the French Revolution when the Jacobins, ancestors of the modern Left, sat on the left side of the Assemblee chamber. This was the faction that guillotined people for insufficient virtu which in their context meant holding less than the most revolutionary, politically correct opinions… |
Israel Must Quit the UN
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…What you just have heard is a nano-excerpt of rivers of zillions of such words and language at the UN which masks the reality that the UN is just a bunch of do-nothing bureaucrats accountable to no one, spending other people’s money, creating for themselves these commissions and agencies that deal in blah-blah… |
Why Bibi Makes Me Angry
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On Friday, JPost reported that the Arab states are drafting another wacko UNESCO resolution. Last October, Israel was branded an occupying war criminal for its presence in the Old City of Jerusalem and now this new resolution will appeal to UNESCO’s Executive Board to declare Israel’s presence in west Jerusalem to be illegal too. This text will also declare Rachel’s Tomb outside of Bethlehem to be the tomb of one Bilal bin Rabah a Muslim princess or something. If you remember, when the barbarians overran and trashed Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem 17 years ago, they claimed it was the tomb of an Arab sheik, and never mind even the Romans wrote of Joseph’s Tomb. Ishmael was a thief and his seed are thieves. This new UNESCO draft resolution set for a vote on May 1 will also pronounce the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hevron to be “an integral part of Balestine” which of course belongs to the Balestinians. This is the great shortcoming of Prime Minister Netanyahu. He might remind the world that Islam itself is the theft of Jewishness and that for centuries before 1967 the Muslims would not let us enter the tomb of our patriarchs. These people are thieves. Just as our Sages taught us… |