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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There is deep irony in delusional Jew-hatred when it comes to the Jewish people accused of being racist, fascist, imperialist aggressor thieves of Palestine from the Palestinians when the truth is just the opposite. After World War II, the Allies ordered ten millions ethnic Germans living outside of Germany out of their homes and communities to become homeless refugees in the new post-war Germany, and if that was right, Israel had the right in 1948 and again in 1949 to dispossess drive out of the country the Arabs on land we took from the enemy in war. But of course we never did. It never occurred to this people to do that. On the contrary, the Jews thought it was possible to make nice to the Arabs and transform their hatred into friendship. Moshe Dayan, iconic sabra hero of its earlier years thought so, and too many post-Jewish Israelis of the left still think so… |
Monthly Archives: June 2017
The Baseless Hysteria of the Reform
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…What was building the golden calf if not imitating what all of humanity was up to in that stage of its development? Worshipping idols of their own making? What is Chanukah but the memory of the war between classical Jews and those who would reform it in imitation of the gentile world? And so perhaps it is not too surprising that in this era of off the rails narcissism eating away at post-Judeo-Christian civilization, there are Jews who insist that it is kosher for men and women to pray together just like Episcopalians perhaps, and boy are they angry at the Prime Minister this week for respecting the desires of the millions of Orthodox Jews in this country who did not want him to do that. His decision to rescind any official recognition of Reform and Conservative Judaism was an absolutely correct, democratic thing to do. In this country, these two schismatic sects are statistically insignificant. Bibi’s decision was truly democratic, respectful of the will of the millions of Orthodox Jew who do not approve of sexually mixed prayer… |
Bibi, the Reform and the Wall
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On Friday, JPost ran a story on Israel losing Jewish college students support in the U.S. And Makor Rishon reported on the latest demographic according to which most of the Jewish adults in the U.S. between 25 and 54 have no children. Demographic studies since 1990 have shown consistently the ever-rising intermarriage rate whose the numbers also show that the children of these marriages most probably will not identity as Jews, and why should they? For them, Jewishness is emptiness. At best, some nostalgia and the Holocaust. That is all the Reform teach their kids year in and year out. Being a Jew is being hunted and murdered. No wonder most turn their backs on the Reform Temples they attended as kids. No good can come from lying about these self-identified Reformers as engaged in recognizably Jewish thought and practice… |
Israel’s Lousy PR
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The chronic response of Israelis left and right has been to want to solve the conflict with concrete, material means, which on its face, makes no sense, because the conflict is not over some material. The foolishness of Oslo and the various peace plans in which it was proposed that Israel return 93% of Yesha, no, 97%, what was the correct percentage, when the conflict is not about that. What Israel has never done is react to the lunacy of their beliefs and propaganda and shoot it down like Iron Dome missile destroying a would-be Jew-killing rocket out of Gaza. That would entail tearing up the Palestinian Narrative as passionately as Chaim Herzog tore up the UN Zionism is Racism resolution. Instead of hondling for a peace deal, Israel should demand its rights to be sovereign in Judea and Samaria and the right to evict from this land anyone if he or she poses a violent threat to Jewish life and property… |
Israel Owes Them Nothing
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Program Link: Former Iraqi Deputy PM Gives Up on Democracy: A Demagogic Process That Leads to Corruption | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…We are under no obligation whatsoever to promote the welfare of this enemy culture, Islam. Zionism was never meant to be a multi-culti enterprise striving for a multi-culti state. Zionism strove exclusively for a Jewish state. Consider the Israeli flag representing one and only one national religious community… |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…After Shabbos you turn on the computer and there is the news of this latest slaughter of a Jew in Jerusalem by Muslim maniacs and my first thought was “Enough.” Enough of not speaking the truth about our neighbors. They are spiritually, doctrinally incapable of respecting the right of the Jewish people to live as we want to live in our ancient homeland which was our ancient homeland long before Islam came into the world. The response by the “Palestinians” to Friday’s attack that left four dead was that Israel had murdered three “Palestinians,” with no mention of their initial ambush strike against the Border Police. This is sick. This is so sick, a symptom of the power of Jew-hatred to scramble people’s minds. As Adolf Hitler and his fellow lunatics nursed fairy tale accusations of fiendish world Jewry, so our neighbors here are as flaky about Jews as Nazis ever were… |
Clueless Tillerson
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So it is a bit distressing to listen to the current Secretary of State come off as unaware of the culture of these Hamitic, Ishmaelitic Arabs. How dissembling, lying, is a way of life. Maybe you saw video of the audience in Riyadh, the 50 heads of state come to listen to the new American President, and if so, did you notice that in their formal attire, their Arab robes, all that is exposed is their faces? Not their hair; not their physique. Muslim women, everyone knows, go around draped in clothing to hide her bodies and even faces; and so the men likewise practice a form of hiding in public… |
“Oslo” – The Play
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This play Oslo is about the basically illegal, treasonous secret negotiations between the Fatah murder cult and post-Jew Israeli Leftists Beilin, Hirschfeld, Pundak, Savir in 1993 that led to the Oslo Abomination, as I call it, because it entailed shaking the bloody hands of Arafat and Co., those barbaric Jew-hating enemies of civilization. The spirit of Oslo was captured for yours truly in one photograph in 1996, I think. Shimon Peres kissing Arafat on the cheek, that poisonous, reptilian toad of a man… |
Sodom and Gomorrah. Why?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On Friday, Tel-Aviv held its 19th sexual deviants’ parade worthy of Greece or Rome in its last years sunk in hedonism, expiring as empires for their reproduction systems had spin out of control. Nothing could be more obvious than the unity of procreation and intense physical pleasure. For sure, the Almighty planned it that way, only at Sodom and Gomorrah he rejected completely the separation of procreation and its special pleasure. That’s what homosexual pleasure is. All pleasure, no reproduction, no responsibility for the new human being to come of an evening of pleasure, for by definition no human being is created in what is now easily called gay sex, when I make the case what gays do is not sex. Sex is about procreation. Across the mammalian world, new exemplars of the species are created when the seed inside the male is transferred to the womb of a female. That is what the sex organs are made for. So when a human being engages in this deviant behavior, the pleasure of sexual activity is separated from procreation, embezzled if you will. The Creator wove together human reproduction and great physical pleasure, and to tear them apart is to violate the divine plan… |
Lessons from Iran
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So yesterday’s top Muslim horror atrocity, following Westminster Bridge and Manchester and London Bridge, exploded inside the national parliament in Teheran, the Majlis, when four armed Sunni Muslim Iranians, disguised as women, whipped out weapons and bombs and starting killing eventually a dozen of people at random, wounding scores more before being exterminated. One report said the homicidal Muslim maniacs were shouting out “Death to America!” as they raked the parliament with gunfire, grenades, setting off explosive vests. Separately, soulmates were attacking the shrine in Teheran to Ayatollah Khomeini, which the ISIS media sneeringly called the “temple of the heretic Khomeini.” There are lessons here, though the West will miss them as usual. Perhaps most important is that the horror in Teheran this week was just the latest bloodletting that has been a constant of Muslim life since this communities first days… |
The Muslim Brotherhood On the Run
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The top story in Israel today was of course the top story all over the Middle East the isolation of Qatar by more than a half-dozen, fellow Muslim states for its support for the Muslim Brotherhood; for being home base of HAMAS, which began as the self-declared Muslim Brotherhood branch in Gaza. Al-Qaida was also just another cell in the Muslim Brotherhood, which arose, it may surprise some to learn, not as an enemy of the West but Westernizing Muslims, in reaction to Ataturk’s revolution after World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate. The Brotherhood, before it began bleeding the West was a threat to the new, post- War I regimes in the new nation-states created by the Western powers… |
Nathan Thrall, A New LTF
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is the face of antisemitism in this generation, only a Nathan Thrall surely does not see himself as guilty of that. Commonly among Jewish antiJews of his stripe, they profess to the world and themselves their concern for the Israel they otherwise cherish and therefore are doubly aggrieved by Israel’s mistreatment of the victims of the Zionist movement. Nathan Thrall, in other words, has swallowed like a communion wafer the post-Holocaust ideology of Palestinian Nationalism that has taken the place of Nazi-like anti-Semitism. In his mental universe, Israel is the aggressor, oppressor and criminal actor in the drama, and that is because he has never burst the balloon of Palestinian Nationalism, this generation’s successor no less to the deicide charge. Palestinian Nationalism is this generation’s successor as well to Marxist antisemitism according to which Jew-bankers run the world economy. They love wars because that is when they make their biggest profits, don’t care how many people die for their greed, and their goal is monopolizing the world’s money supply so that they hog all the money in the world and reduce everyone else to being their impoverished, economic slaves… |
Everybody Wants Jerusalem
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I mean, who has not coveted and overrun Jerusalem? Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantium, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, the English and today the most popular contenders for owner of Jerusalem are the allegedly ancient Palestinians. There is a universal consensus on that that was given expression last December in the UN Security Council. UNESCO as well, numerous times, has declared Jerusalem not the property of the Jews. The universal opposition to Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Jews is in a way a recognition of special, unique relationship between this and Jerusalem. The opposition to Jewish ownership of Jerusalem as our capital is oddly one thing the nations of Planet Earth unite on: the Jews and Jerusalem receive a unique, unified, world-wide opposition to respecting Jerusalem as Jewish property. In this and other ways, it is the Gentiles who prove the Chosenness of the Jewish people, chosen for a unique, hostility. What is so terrible about recognizing Jerusalem as belonging to the Jews especially in light of history as it has unfolded? A century ago, when New York Paris and London already had their millions, Jerusalem was home to 60,000 souls, two-thirds of them Jews. And since then, the city has grown to almost a million, and that is thanks to one nation and one nation only on the face of the earth: the Jewish nation. Jerusalem today is Israel’s largest city. It has been the Jewish people and no other that created this living city with its homes, schools, universities, yeshivas, parks, restaurants, museums, world class hospitals. The Jewish people and no other… |