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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Is the glass half-empty or half-full? One way of looking at this information produces a sad ordering of the endless attempts to murder Jews here, and that is the motivation of every stone thrower. Or, if you remember the last webcast, the prediction was for a massive day of rage because Israel dared to shut the Temple Mount for a day to Believers and to install electronic devices to monitor Believers at their holy site. Weren’t we expecting another intifada like the last one? If so, that was one false alarm. This list I just gave you is nothing… |
Monthly Archives: July 2017
Why the Violence?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And one engine driving their behavior is the subterranean issue of their guilt for acting like the savages that they are. That, after all, was the catalyst for today’s riots. It all started when three Muslims murdered two Israelis in cold blood on what the cliché says is land holy to the three religions. No, it’s not. The Muslims have little sense of the holy. What happened on the Temple Mount for the first time in fifty years was proof that these violent Arabs have no sense of the holy, of the historical and religious truth that the Temple Mount was the site of animal sacrifices meant to sublimate the human urge to kill other men. It is simply not true that the Muslims think this mount is holy as they applaud what happened there two weeks ago. And I say the uproar, the indignant outrage, at Israel placing those metal detectors was a way of distracting people from seeing themselves as they really are: cold-blooded murderers, assassins. Muslims, not Jews, broke the status quo, big time, and thus the insult of the metal detectors was a way of covering up their guilt… |
The Arab Mind at Work
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Program Link: California Friday Sermon: Imam Ammar Shahin Cites Antisemitic Hadith, Prays for Annihilation of Jews, and Calls to Liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque from Their “Filth” | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I saw a fascinating few seconds of a video yesterday somewhere on line of what appeared to be an English journalist interviewing in the Old City a well-wrapped Muslim woman with serviceable English who, when asked to comment on how she thinks the “Palestinians” should act after the killing of the two Israeli policemen, she simply denied that. She voiced her view that reports of the killing were spread by the Jews and they are always lying.” Fascinating. Functionally pathological denial unfolding before your very eyes. But this is how the Arab mind works, and this is why Oslo was a form of denial doomed to failure on the part of post-Jewish Peres, Rabin, Beilin and friends. Those idiot post-religious mockers of religion, all three of them, who never knew that the Torah provides the best guide to understanding the Arabs… |
Antediluvian Savages
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…One report said that the Hamite with knife in hand had brought with him in his breakin into Halamish, which means “flint,” a bottle of water in order to purify himself before slaughter his Jewish victims and turning the floors all over the first floor slippery with innocent Jewish blood. The screaming inside when the Muslim psychopath started slashing alerted a neighbor, a 22-year-old soldier, who ran with his handgun to the house, spied the demon Arab through a window, calmed himself and with one bullet to the gut shot through the window dropped this wild ass of a man seized with some kind of rabid fit and driven to murder Jews and expecting to be killed in the process. Only the soldier chose not to do that. He could have finished the Muslim off and a lot of people in Israel are angry he did not. For sure I think he should have finished him off too, but in self-defense he defended himself admirably. He said he had neutralized him, that’s the favored word in Israel, and that was enough. Unlike with Elor Azaria, there would be no doubt. And he came across as a sensitive young Jewish man for whom killing another human being is the last resort, and in this episode we see the difference between being Jewish and being a Muslim Arab. For the former, killing people is not his preference; for the latter it is act of supreme piety. It is what Allah wants. Homicidal massacres and suicide… |
Whose Temple Mount is it, anyway?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Israel has robotically declared sovereignty rule over the Temple Mount for the last half century but for years that has not been true. And, really, to be honest about it, Israeli rule lasted less than a day thanks to one of the most important Zionist anti-Jew Jews in history, Moshe Dayan who famously, or should we stay, infamously, ordered the Israeli flag hoisted atop the Dome of the Rock that Wednesday in June 1967 to be taken down and not only that. He would soon famously, rather infamously, rhetorically and sarcastically ask, “Who needs this Vatican?” And by that he surely meant the Dome of the Rock, the Temple Mount and all it stood for. Moshe Dayan in his sort of autobiography wrote of religious Jews as if they were from another planet. In his mind, religion was indistinguishable from superstition, myth, folklore, voodoo. His question expressed the pinnacle of the socialist Zionists who dominated here in the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Constituting no more than 5% and usually on 3% of the Jewish population, the communards in their communes and collective villages, kibbutzim moshavim invented by Moshe Dayan’s father ran the government, the national labor organization, the military, the culture. They were the aristocracy, and Moshe Dayan was their iconic, living embodiment of the new Jew. No businessman, he was a socialist. No cowardly Jew, he was a fighter and Dayan was allegedly so calm and brave under fire, it was almost pathological. Whatever his other virtues and defects, he was remarkably brave… |
Ceremonies of Guilt
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Sigmund Freud was a genius, tragically an apostate locked in Oedipal combat with his own father’s continued religious practice and belief in the middle of the 19th century when every enlightened thinker in the West had come to dismiss religious belief as, in Freud’s definition, an illusion. One of his books was The Future of an Illusion, meaning of religion. But thanks to the Jewishness he imbibed before he became a heretic, he was able to understand and observe that without guilt, there is no civilization. Contrary to the vulgar misunderstanding according to which Freud was opposed to sexual repression, he saw in it the cement of civilization. He saw in neuroses and sexual dysfunction not work of repression but the failure of repression. Guilt offerings are discussed in Leviticus… |
Passivity is No Option
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…You know Ben-Gurion Airport is now judged world-class, and if you’ve ever wondered why the departures hall is built the way it is, a long rectangular space with very high ceilings, the reason for the extra expense in materials to raise such high walls and a ceiling is to minimize any explosion in the hall and homicidal Muslim maniac might manage to pull off. That’s who are enemies are. They were also on display after the murders on Friday morning in their textbook indignation and finger-point at Israel and the occupation as the party responsible. This was the first time this has happened since 1967, Arabs committing homicidal terror on the Temple Mount itself, which exposes the easy connection Muslims make between holiness and murder. For these barbarians, last Friday’s latest Jerusalem attack was another holy act of murdering Jews at random and expecting to be killed in the act, which is also the height of Muslim piety. Kill yourself Muhammad, and while you are at it, murder as many Jews as you can. This is Islam at its purest in action. Not that Israel is ready to accept that… |
LTF and Soros
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yes, if in the previous segment the topic was the notorious antiJew Jew Thomas L. Friedman, in this one we reference Georgy Schwartz, who as a fourteen year-old boy in Hungary helped the Nazis loot the Jews of his community and after the War went to America and became George Soros, an interesting choice of new last name. In English, it is close to the word “sorrows,” and for sure his antiJew aggression is a cause for many sorrows. It is also so close to the Yiddish word tsuris/troubles. He causes troubles for Jews, that’s true. It seems that on Monday MK Micki Zohar of the Likud said he was going to introduce a bill called the Soros Law whose purpose is to choke off the money this antiJew Jew funnels to seven NGOs run by soulmates, antiJew Israeli Jews, and two Arab organizations claiming to be “Palestinian” human rights NGOs. Soros, according to NGO Monitor sends them millions of dollars. The new law would somehow stop that. This guy is a piece of work… |
Judaism Itself Under Attack
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Abraham’s story found in the Bible begins the story of the Jewish people. And it is no accident in HaShem’s world that King David’s first capital was Abraham’s Hevron, site of the family plot of the Jewish people. How then to explain the behavior of twenty-one nations last Friday in Krakow, Poland voting that Hevron is the historical heritage of the Palestinians, when in the Bible there is no mention of them? Neither in the Quran. What is going on here is nothing less a massive expansion of the same mental diseases that produced Holocaust Denial, which is a ripping out of history facts that make antiJew uncomfortable. Here the very origin of the Jewish religion is denied… |
Jewishness Can Drive a Person Crazy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Like the Red Heifer that produced the substance that either purified the impure or polluted the pure, Jewishness, also like atomic energy, has the power to create or destroy, and since it is a spiritual essence, it can destroy the mind and spirit. Take, for example, the doings this week in Krakow, Poland where a UNESCO agency, the World Heritage Committee, is meeting and chatting and dining and eating in the finest hotels for a week and a half, all expenses paid by UNESCO, funded by the Nations United around no subject more than the risen from the dead State of Israel, where they decided yesterday that like Obama’s and Kerry’s and Powers’s Security Council resolution of last December that denied the right of Jews to sovereignty in Jerusalem, so would this one. The World Heritage Committee also decided that Jerusalem is the heritage of the legendary Balestinians, the people invented to resist the resurrection of Israel as the Jewish commonwealth… |
Muslims are as Crazy as Nazis
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Program Link: NYC Quds Day Rally: Hitler-Like Zionists Help ISIS and Killed JFK; Al-Baghdadi Is Israeli; U.S. #1 Terrorist | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…One of the foundational immoralities of the Oslo Peace Process was the decision to negotiate with these enemies of civilization, these modern day Barbary Pirates who terrorize people as a way of life, a career that pays well. All these Fatah honchos when Oslo kicked in built themselves big expensive houses. The very idea of sitting down with these savages who butcher Jewish children in school rooms, who castrate Jewish athletes, who plant bombs under the tomatoes in markets in Friday in Israel, who blow airliners out of the sky, the very idea of negotiating with these monsters was in itself inhuman, insane. I remember August 1993 when the Left surprised the world with the secret Oslo talks, I called someone close to the inner workings of the government and asked in disbelief, “Tell me, is this a brilliant intelligence operation meant to trick and destroy the PLO, or have they, the Rabin Peres government gone completely crazy?” He said, “Yes, they have gone completely crazy.” And I say that Tsipi Livni or any Israeli continues to treat with respect lowlife like Erekat at Arafat’s side at Camp David in 2000 when they insisted the Jews never had any temples on the Temple Mount. Entering into a deal with a nutcase like this is something only another nutcase, someone who had gone completely crazy, would do… |
The Conversion Conundrum
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is a Jewish virtue never to bring up a convert’s conversion in an argument, by saying, “What do you know because you are a convert?” and in a similar way I find it unfair to demand of a convert in Israel today that he or she adopt the discipline, however admirable, of the Haredi community, who I have the greatest respect for their way of life, (while rejecting their mistaken decision to avoid the army.) If one born a Jew in Israel is respected as a Jew regardless of his level of observance, then there is something unfair in demanding of the convert a standard Haredi way of living to be considered a Jew. Once must recognize that there are many non-Halachic Jewish Israelis who want to be considered Jews, who live and work here and serve in the army, and it just unfair to demand of them a level of observance and knowledge their native-born Jewish neighbors are not held to… |