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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is the eternal tug of war in Israel, really within the Jewish people in every generation. The temptation to live without the commandments, the obligations of Jews in the universe according to the Torah. In so many ways, the world remains wholly ignorant of, the Oslo peace process abomination fiasco as an acting playing out of this bloodless war. The drive to award Judea and Samaria to the murderers in the PLO was very much an aggression against Jewishness and its special connection to these territories. Oslo, the product of hard leftists like Rabin, Peres, Beilin, Pundak and Hirschfeld, was a drive to deprive the expanding National Religious community of the heart of the Promised Land at the same time that Israel’s classical, anti-religious leftist elite was dying because its values left nothing to teach the next generation… |
Monthly Archives: August 2017
The Enemy Within
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Notice too in his comment, something interesting that reminded me the war in Viet Nam. It was the Communist North’s commander in chief Giap who said that among the most important allies in the war against America were the anti-war protestors in the States. And what Guterres is saying here is that his views, the views of enlightened humanity in the UN organization, are nothing but the views your pro-Palestinians, who are anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist, ultimately antiJew who daily fill the pages of the Haaretz, soul-sister publication of the New York Times for its hostility to true, religious Jewishness and the world’s only, tiny, independent Jewish state in a part of the Holy Land, with the Enlightened accusing Israelis of having too much land, and the Arabs not enough… |
Cowardice and Conscience
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…That was the Israeli Left still at the helm in 1967, and it is forgotten by contemporary Israeli Leftists that the Whole Land of Israel Movement as it was called, the policy of keeping all the land taken in the fighting, was largely the work of the artists and intellectuals of the Left who were moved by the miraculous, sudden return to these Biblical sites that had been the intellectual backbone of the Jewish people and their religion. This is one reason why no Israeli leader, all of them secular, have ever pounded the lectern at the UN and quoted the legendary American folk singer Woody Guthrie, saying, “This land is my land. This land is our land. From the uplands hills of Samaria and Judea to the coastal plain, this land was promised to me and my people. And not only that: the League of Nations in 1922 said as much when it described this land as the historic homeland of the Jewish people… |
The PA as NGO
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Since the Palestinian Authority, this massive welfare scam, is built on the fantasy of a Palestinian people, it is no surprise that these poorly educated sons and grandsons of illiterate Bedouin marauders have no new ideas about the future. They said that without a “political horizon” — this was Shimon Peres’s euphemism for being paid off with independence in Judea and Samaria — there is no point in continuing as the PA. They never have anything constructive to say. It is always just whining and demanding and threatening and insulting Israel. The PA is nothing but another NGO supported by world antiJewry who believe in the right of Balestinians to kill Jews because the Jews stole their country from them. The Palestinian Authority is one big welfare scam… |
Trump’s Speech and a New Lexicon
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…But the worrisome aspect of his speech was the setting of the bar too high when he strives to crush Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan. I wonder in his military prep school classes they ever discussed historic generals and their strategies for their conquests, but when it came to Afghanistan, none of them succeeded. Look at the Soviets in the 1980s finding in Afghanistan who were ultimately routed like every other empire that tried to conquer this country. So it was good that Trump the realist has no woolly-headed nonsense in his head about nation-building, but not good if he thinks he can crush Islamic terrorism in that country. Has there ever been a century since the 7th when Muslims were not attacking one another? |
Rejecting the Promised Land Today
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Last Thursday in Israel, we were treated to another episode in the endless soap opera of the Jewish people refusing to possess the land of Israel, in particular Judea, its most Jewish territory. Like the generation of the desert that did not want to enter the Promised Land, the Jews in the State of Israel for fifty years now have never even voiced the desire to keep all the land taken in the Six Day War as of right. It has been the Israeli ethos since then, shared by the great middle of the people, that Judea and Samaria can be used to buy peace. The two-state solution is the fantasy that Israel can buy peace by evacuating Judea and Samaria. It has been the dream of centrist Israelis to sell back, so to speak, Judea and Samaria but of course not all of it. And the fantasy continues that the Arabs will eventually go along with that. They will accept the fact that not all of what was lost in 1967 will be returned; they will in exchange for most of Judea and Samaria, turn into friendly, cooperative neighbors. Peace will blanket the land… |
Enemies of Jewishness
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Wasn’t that a weird chant those deranged Jew-haters in Charlottesville were chanting? “We will not let the Jews replace us.” Now what could that mean? It means Jews will outlive us and we will disappear from history. Our lifestyle of hatred is the enemy of the Jews. What separates Israelis and Ishmaelites is the human capacity for compassion for others even to those who belong to our mortal enemies. This is not the Muslim way. This is the civilized way and the inner barbarian in antiJews to this very day hates us for that… |
The Meaningless Rumble in VA
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There are several important facets of this latest outrage, the violence in Charlottesville, and President’s Trump initial, unscripted and clumsy statement. And the first frightening feature is the magnification of the importance of these gang members on both sides of the violence. I mean, neither side, Nazis and other white supremacists vs. the self-styled anti-Fascists, is representative as far as I know of not one microscopic percentage of the American people. I mean, who are these people who above all hunger for violence and cloak hunger in some kind of cartoon, crackpot political theory? I do not believe this gang fight is representative of American society… |
Gaza the Bloodsucking Leech
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Last week Frank Gaffney, erstwhile Deputy Secretary of Defense now of the Center for Security Policy called for McMaster’s dismissal. And the post last week by Daniel Greenfield on McMaster was comprehensive. He has gutted the National Security Council of backers of the foreign policy of Donald Trump who were appointed by his predecessor Michael Flynn. McMaster has restored Obama era appointees to prominence. Gaffney said Trump opposed virtually every aspect of the McMaster agenda, including the concept of “radical Islamic terrorism” The Lieutenant General has more tolerant views of the Muslim Brotherhood. But the clincher for me, as for Gaffney, is the revelation that McMaster, appointed in February, personally granted in April a predecessor in the position, Susan Rice, continued access to top secret information. I find this simply astonishing. Gaffney rightly said, “This speaks volumes about Gen. McMaster’s poor judgment and loyalties and affirms the necessity of his termination forthwith.” |
We’re Good and They’re Evil
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…National Socialism was Fascism laced with delusional thoughts about Jews as the evil enemies of mankind – when of course the Nazis were the enemies of mankind — which implicitly recognized the Jews as standing for goodness, not evil. Hitler’s mortal enemy was his opposite. He was evil incarnate, the Jews were goodness incarnate. And so today PMW reported on the celebration yesterday among the savages the anniversary of the Sbarro massacre of Jews, that eruption of Hell on earth when a Muslim smuggled a bomb into a bustling family restaurant and snuffed out the lives of 15 Jews, half of them children. Hamas has a TV station and they celebrated the joyous victory of August 9, 2001. At what point are we Jews allowed to say aloud that these people are ghouls, which is a mythical Arab figure in folklore who eats the dead? There is an abyss separating us Jews from these Arab barbarians, these subcivilized brutes who revel in murdering people like this. It really is the hallmark of the subcivilized, these Arab Muslims, in Hamas, who celebrate evil. Last century the Germans were our evil mortal enemies; today, it is the turn of the Arabs, really the Muslims, who have taken the place of Nazis… |
Israel Needs to Civilize Them
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Arabs are angry at this pending legislation, named for Taylor Force, R.I.P. an American tourist, West Point graduate — those are quality people — who was stabbed to death in March 2016. You may remember that his murderer’s M.O was knife in hand sprinting among Israelis strolling along the shore and stabbing and slashing, stabbing and slashing as he ran along. The Arabs are angry because, as the spokesman for the Arabs in prison for terrorist aggression, it is “an incorrect decision.” The reason for it is “Israeli incitement against the prisoners and martyrs. We as Palestinians reject the accusation that the prisoners are terrorists. We consider the occupation the reason for terrorism in the region and that the prisoners are victims of the presence of the Israeli occupation.” Indeed, he rejects the accusation the prisoners are “terrorists,” And there you have it: some of the DNA of this ever-hemorrhaging conflict that never stops bleeding. These Arabs here, like this prisoners’ spokesman, refuse and reject the definitions of terrorism and soldiers in civilized societies. They even have a different definition of war… |
Decadent Liberalism
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Ideologies, isms, are man-made constructs, versus the Torah miSinai, which is eternal. And like the men who create these isms, they are born, grow, mature, reach their peak performance in life and then decay, decline and disappear. Whatever happened to Whigs in England and elsewhere in its colonies? Where are the 19th century Positivists these days? The Existentialists, so popular in the 1950s? And so it appears that the Liberalism has also run its course… |
What Herzl Never Envisioned
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It was Herzl’s second book that this newspaperman and playwright wrote, Old-New Land as he called it, in which he let his creative writer’s imagination imagine a better, indeed a wonderful future for Jews in their own state in Zion. Trouble is, he never let his imagination explore the possibility of the kind of news story we are used to, like yesterday’s latest murder attempt of a Jew by a homicidal Muslim lunatic acting like an wild jackass infected with rabies. Knife in hand in a supermarket, a 21st century supermarket in Yavneh, maybe you saw the video from the security camera, this crazed wild beast on two feet for no reason pounced on a Jew and knife in hand began stabbing and plunging and slashing. The wounded Jew tried to defend himself and get away but the wild ass of a man with knife would not let him, stabbing, and slashing. Theodor Herzl, the oh-so dejudaized Reform in Vienna, never seemed to imagine a future for Zionism with Islam as it really is factored… |