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Program Link: AMBUSHED: U.N. Heads Turn in Stunned Disbelief as PLO Lies Exposed by Palestinian Hero | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…For some AntiJews, speaking such allegations about Jews is as common as fingering their worry beads. It is a kind of habit that serves some function in their psychic economy. And this is on display in a video on the Jewish Press site today that is a must-see, for several reasons. First, for the real, human, facial expressions of the antiJew members of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva yesterday, during its monthly Israel-bashing session, to the words of Musab Hassan Yousef, the Green Prince, addressing their gathering devoted above all to accusing Israel of human rights violations unparalled in the world; like Roger Waters, who has said Israel is the worst human rights violator in the world, so it is the conventional wisdom in this monthly gabfest always driven to bash the world’s only Jewish state for being the worst human rights violator on the planet. It is a marvelous video, for watching a hero in the midst of his heroism. Musab Hassan Yusef the Green Prince is surely marked for the death by devotees of his father’s religion of peace… |
Monthly Archives: September 2017
Arab-Muslims, A Lethal Combination
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Three more Israelis were sacrificed today northwest of Jerusalem by yet another in the bottomless pit of homicidal-suicidal Muslim maniacs, who have taken the lead over the last century as the world’s champion Jew-killers. At different times in history, different peoples have played the role. The Romans, the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Arabs after they became Muslims; the Byzantine Christians, the Spanish Catholic clergy, the Poles, the Russians with their pogroms and last but not least, the Germans. Actually, they are our penultimate brutalizers; the current ones are the Arab Muslims at it once again. As Arabs for thousands of years they were no threat because of their essential tribal anarchy. There was no unity among the tribes. There is a crucial moment in David Lean’s film “Lawrence of Arabia” when Lawrence/Peter O’Toole, asks, he thinks rhetorically, the chief of the Howeitat tribe, “Don’t you want the Arabs to be a great people again?” And Anthony Quinn answers, “The Arabs? Who are the Arabs? I am Auda Abu Tayi, sheik of the Howeitat!” That is the tribal mind on display, and thus for 2,000 years after the accepting the Torah miSinai, the Arabs posed no threat. But then they got religion, and used it to justify their pre-Islamic antediluvian predilections, to channel their hostility to one another toward non-Muslims. Perverting the Jewish concept of the Chosen People, they licensed themselves to go beyond the Jews who had been given the right to conquer this small country and expel its savage Canaanitic tribes, by believing in their right to overrun all peoples and extinguish their religion, making the whole world Muslim, and of course in the process dispossessing the victim peoples of all their wealth… |
“Foxtrot” is Treason
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so it is fitting that Rosh HaShana commemorates the birth of Adam and Eve and the birth of good and evil. For gentiles, New Year’s is a day for getting drunk and acting silly. For Jews, it is Judgment Day, when the focus is on the evil we have done, though I doubt Israeli filmmaker Samuel Maoz will use the day to repent his Israel-bashing film called “Foxtrot” in whose glory he is basking among the gentiles in the international film community. It appears he is a soulmate of Yehoshua Sobel the playwright, for this film has at its center a massacre of Ancient Palestinians by IDF soldiers, whose superiors help them cover up their crime – something – fasten your seatbelts – that has never happened in fifty years of Jewish rule in Judea and Samaria. And that this “artiste” made this film is, if not secular legal terms treason, it is a form of spiritual treason in my book… |
Why Israel Has No Constitution
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…From the mid-1930s to the mid-1970s, a Biblical generation of forty years, the return to Zion was dominated by Zionists who ironically preferred to be called that rather than Jews. Palestine, brought to life as a jurisdiction, was the Zionists’ greatest pride and joy because then they could call themselves Palestinians, and not Jews. As my book exposes, during most of those 40 years, no Arab would be caught dead calling himself a Palestinian, not when their leader was Haj Amin who denied there was such a country. They had for a banner the Shield of David, mistranslated into English Star of David, who was a warrior, a lover and a poet, which pleased the first Zionists but not his religiosity, the content of his poems. On their flag, they placed it between two stripes calling to mind the stripes on a prayer shawl, and in both cases they, so to speak, embezzled Jewish religious symbols because they themselves were without religion. In a way, the flag of Israel is a kind of copyright infringement… |
Haredim and the Army
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is commonplace that the Haredim opposed Zionism because the Messiah had to come first. Yes, but that is just a surface, initial cause. On a deeper level, they rightly experienced the Zionists as less saviors of the Jewish people than antagonists bent on leaving them behind. For Israelis like these — I almost married one — she was adamant that she was not a Jew but an Israeli. For her, raised in a communist family in Israel, Judaism was the opiate of the masses. She did not believe in Christianity and so was not a Christian, she said, and did not believe in Judaism, so don’t call her a Jew… |
Whither Trump?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…During the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, Harold Rhode of the State Department discovered this store of objects in Saddam’s secret police offices. It had been flooded in a fire but much was salvageable, work that thanks to Rhode was done in the States. And now the State Department wants to follow through on an agreement with the Iraqi government over ownership of this archive and return it to Iraq where no Jews live any more; return it to the successor regime of a criminal thief, Saddam and his minions, who plain and simple confiscated all these materials will all the guilty conscience of their marauding Bedouin armed highwaymen forebears. Jewish groups are howling and rightly so at the thought that the US is going ahead with sending these stolen goods belonging to the Jewish people back to the successor regime that stole them… |
Israel’s Unpatriotic Movies
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…No, in the mid-19th century of Darwin, Huxley, Spencer and Marx, the Jews were dubbed a race, when that plainly is false. Israel today is arguably the most racially mixed state in the world, created over 150 years by Jews coming here from over 100 countries and showing that in their appearance. All colors of the skin, hair textures, shape of the eyes. There have always been converts and I have prayed in minions with people who started life as Ethiopians, Burmese and Peruvian Indians. Yet what is the central accusation of our time? Israelis are racists toward the Ancient Palestinians, the real, authentic national owners of Palestine, evidence just this week in yet another Israeli-made movie that took second prize at the Venice Festival, another one bashing IDF soldiers, which of course contradicts and attacks the national ethos in Israel as having the most moral army in the world… |
The War for the Sabbath
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…But before signing off for the evening and the week, I must contribute my view on a current news story, the 40th anniversary of Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece, in my opinion, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which I consider his most Jewish movie. Munich was certainly not. And why is Close Encounters Jewish? Well, some of the movie critics’ opining on the anniversary and the remastering and digitalizing of the original print have commented on the mystical, spiritual atmosphere of this UFO story. But what I see is probably an unconscious plagiarizing of the Torah miSinai. Every year when we read Parashas Yisro, Exodus 20,, the giving of the Ten Utterances, we are treated to a powerful description of the descent onto Mt. Sinai of HaShem preceded by clouds above a mountain top which the Israelites are warned not to climb.. Which is the same directive in Close Encounters. The army cordons over the Devil’s Tower — ponder that name for a moment — which a few people in the movie have been mysteriously drawn too, their minds imprinted with its outline and an uncontrollable drive to reach this place. The lead, played by Richard Dreyfuss and others like him, are summoned to this place by a force they do not know. When they escape their handlers to run toward the mountain, the cartographer, played by Bob Balaban, wants them to go, shouting, “They’ve been invited!” And when the spaceship descends in all it majesty, it is like the descent of HaShem on Mt. Sinai before His chosen people. Not that Spielberg is an observant Jew but does have vague, childhood memories of being in the company of relatives who via his description sound like Haredim/Hasidim. Everyone who has seen this movie experiences the religiosity in play as man finds out that in the universe, he is not alone, and the powers that be are not hostile, as in HG Wells War of the Worlds. They are benevolent… |
The Immortal War Against the Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And in the art world these days, such as it is, the world of the post-religious left, Israel is the bad guy in the Israeli-Palestinian relationship, and that apparently is on view in this latest Israeli production. Not surprisingly, Ministress of Culture Miri Regev, and not for the first time, blasted her disapproval. She said she has no problem with movies critical of Israel but she will not support those that “defame IDF soldiers.” And for sure her decades as a high career officer in the IDF are the basis of her defense against those who defame our soldiers who give their lives to defend us from arguably the most monstrous human beings in the world, these homicidal Muslim maniacs who in their universe dominated by Satan they think the height of religious piety is entering a Jewish house with a big knife and plunging into the bodies of Jews to kill them. That any Israeli moviemaker makes a film defaming Israeli soldiers before he makes a film of what monsters the terrorists are who embitter our lives all the time is a disgrace… |
Israel, the Source of Morality
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Last item. The American TV comedian, who never once made me laugh — each to his own, I guess — Conan O’Brien has been here doing a film on Israel, in support one hopes, and last week he was up in Tsfat in the hospital in the Ziv Medical Center and saw how wounded Syrian civilians are treated by the medical staff, social workers and others with respect. After he saw the TLC these people get at Israeli expense, he told the staff “You all deserve a Noble Peace Prize.” Of course. But the world is still largely antiJew in its hostility. I have thought that another candidate for the Nobel Prize is We settlers, the hated settlers, who have been mauled and massacred, murdered and mutilated, whole families machine-gunned to death in the family car in drive-by shootings, or stabbed to death in the beds, or at the Sabbath table, without responding in kind. If we were not Jews, any other people, I think, would have responded in kind and organized raiding parties into Arab settlements to murder Arabs at random in their homes, G-d forbid. And there is no greater testament to the Jewish people, the sons of Abraham the Kind, that we have never done that. We deserve the Nobel Prize for Peace, not Rabin, Peres and Arafat… |