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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…One of the last pieces of the original Promised Land yet to be claimed as part of the modern state of Israel is Judea, which makes sense. The Almighty in His Unfathomable Wisdom orchestrated the return from Exile led by Jews who did not want to be Jews. Herzl was a Reform Jew and tried to Reform Jewishness from a religious identity above all into an ordinary national identity, like any one of the 192 other member-states in the UN Organization, home to not only the Oil-for-Food scam, and UNRWA scam, but the UN itself as scam. I mean, what good has the UN ever done outside the World Health Organization? |
Monthly Archives: December 2017
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so, to return Theodore Herzl’s Tel-Aviv, it too has assimilated into the non-denominational culture in the global village and is no longer Jewish as that term connoted for thousands of years, a person belonging to a people that dwells alone by virtue of its fidelity to its own calendar in which the seventh day is a day of rest described in the Torah as applying not only to Jews but their non-Jewish servants; to non-Jews living in the Promised Land with them; and no less domesticated animals. They get the day off too. Devarim/Deuteronomy 5:14 On the Sabbat “you shall not do any work you, your son, your daughter, your servant your maidservant, your ox, your donkey and your every animal and your convert within your gates in that your servant and maid servant may rest like you.” How’s that for an egalitarian society? But in Tel-Aviv now, business has been licensed. Employees will be required to work on the Sabbath… |
A Political Earthquake?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Here is Mahmoud Abbas sounding like the progressive, pluralistic Pope of Reform Jews Rabbi Rick Jacobs. O, those terrible, exclusivist Orthodox Jews. Abbas complained that the US has “ignored that East Jerusalem is part of the occupied state of Palestine, an occupied city where church property in the future is being threatened by the occupier and groups of Zionist fundamentalists.” And I find it astounding that this man has had and continues to receive from otherwise civilized and sane people polite respect. I think it helps that he is clean-shaven. No keffiya on his head, wears a suit and tie, and thus projects the image of a civilized, indeed educated, indeed awarded a PhD in History for his winning thesis there was no Holocaust. The guy is a soulmate of David Irving. And now that relations appeared to be severed, we can return to a more sober analysis of our endless self-defense without any more delusions of a “Palestinian” people with rights to statehood… |
A Remarkable Man
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So today’s General Assembly vote means absolutely nothing. It is another exercise in exercising one’s hostility to the Jews, and I think I know why. Because the return of the Jews to Israel and the resurrection of Jerusalem lends much gravitas to the Jewish claim to being the Chosen People with a Scripture unbelievably prophetic about exile and return. Christians have been able to cope with the return before the Second Coming but not the Muslims. The resurrection of the Jewish state is a mortal threat to Islam concretized in the Temple Mount and who owns it. Islam, remember, is the religion of the seed of Ishmael, a first-born son who did not inherit as a first-born because he was just too uncivilized. He had the temperament of an undomesticated donkey in the wilderness trapped inside the body of a man. He was even expelled from his father’s household, he was so incorrigible. Disinherited, he lost out to his younger, half-brother. Expelled with his mother, he was profligate with the generous supply of water for their journey back to Egypt that Avraham had given them, and they ran out of water. He began to dehydrate and his mother, who could not bear his suffering, abandoned him to suffer alone. Ishmael was one bitter fellow at that point. No wonder he went on to became an outlaw enemy of civilization whose livelihood was armed robbery of defenseless, innocent travelers… |
Obama’s Betrayal
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Unfortunately at the UN following Nikki Haley’s veto of a resolution presuming to empower the Security Council to order the United States to rescind its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the reborn Jewish commonwealth, Israeli ambassador Dani Danon parroted the same cliché I’ve noted before. The oddity of Israeli spokesmen, the prime minister, Naftali Bennett, Nir Barkat now Dani Danon saying after the veto, “King David declared Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish people 3,000 years ago and it has served as Israel’s capital for almost 70 years.” And there it is again. The reference to 3,000 years ago and then a jump to the birth of the State, that is mute on the history of the modern Zionist movement that launched the return. The 162 years now since Jews began rehabilitating the city which at the point was a disgusting, garbage-strewn, rat-infested slum, a Muslim’s idea of a holy city perhaps? Israelis seem no longer to acknowledge the state building period of almost century, when Palestine was a treeless wasteland dotted with malarial swamps that killed Jewish halutzim/pioneers… |
Identity Theft
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And among the speakers was the Holocaust Denying butcher of Jews who spoke for an hour and exposed the reality he is still the same lunatic when it comes to Jews as he was when the antisemitic Soviets gave him a PhD for a dissertation saying there was no Holocaust and those Jews who were killed were murdered by the Nazis and Zionists working together. For one hour this evil madman, Mahmoud Abbas, this idiot, said things about Israel and the Jews as delusional as his PhD thesis and what was striking were the echoes of the Quran. His accusations about Israel paraphrased verses in the Quran in which the Jews are accused of changing words from their context, which alludes to the essential Islamic belief that the Torah is a plagiarized perversion of the Koran, and never mind the Torah had been around for almost 2,000 years before Muhammad was even born… |
Islam’s Murderous Envy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Vying for Jerusalem has been a news story, so to speak, for thousands years. Like a soap opera that never ends, humanity has fought over who owns Jerusalem since ancient Babylon. And by its existence as the perennial target of envy, Israel’s worst enemies unwittingly salute the truth of Jewishness; that indeed Jerusalem is the world’s uncontested, universal, No. 1 Holy City on the planet. I mean, to Buddhists in Tibet, Lhasa is their holy city; Japanese adherents of Shinto may regard various mountains sacred; native Americans believe in sacred lakes. But in every case, it was a local belief, not universally accepted the way Jerusalem is and fought over. The fighting over it is the antiJew’s unwitting acceptance that what Jews call holy is the Real McCoy. Think of the Philistines who captured the Ark of the Covenant containing the tablets in the belief they were the source of Israelis strength and success, not understanding that the tablets were not the source of power. The source was the words and ideas engraved in them, that the Philistines never understood. Islam is like that… |
Who is Dr. Mogherini?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I was so ignorant of Jewish history and thought for most of life because I was a so-called Reform Jew — which is bad grammar; it should be Reformed Jew — I was so ignorant because I thought, as I was led to believe, that Hanukkah was a holiday celebrating the abstract principle of freedom of religion for all people, a holiday the American Civil Liberties Union could love. That’s two mistakes right there. The implication is that Hanukkah has all individuals in the world in mind who have a right to their religious beliefs. For sure they do, but that is not what this holiday is about. It is much closer to home and less universal. It is not about every man and woman’s right to believe what they want to believe. No, Hanukah remembers the Jews resisting those among them who insisted upon reforming the Jewish religion, by, for example, adding pigs to the animals that get sacrificed in the Temple. These were the Hellenizers who thought it was good to adopt the ways of the Greek culture still dominant in the region after the death of Alexander, when his two principle generals Ptolemy and Seleucus took over, the former in Egypt, the latter Seleucus in Damascus. Greek culture for sure had much to recommend it, but it remained a pagan culture at odds with the ideas and commandments Hashem gives in the Chumash, the first five books of the Bible. In other words, today’s friction between so called Reform Jews and the classical Jewishness of every community in the world in the 20th century except the United States, is nothing new… |
Israel’s Political Cowardice
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The news today, I don’t have to tell you. You all know that on Friday night, the Sabbath, where the traditional people in Sderot, originally refugees from Arab mobs in Morocco, and then later refugees from Russia, both these Jewish communities were the victims of homicidal Muslim maniacs. Like the attempted butcher today at the central bus station in Jerusalem. The attack is online, the video of it. Why don’t Jews do this to Muslims? How different our cultures are. The American TV comedian Conan Obrien visited Israel recently and the hospital in Tsfat when thousands of Syrian Arabs have come for free medical treatment, since much of Syria is now, one city after another, piles of rubble. Oh how they hate us in Israel for all the terrible things they believe we do that we don’t, and look at what they do to themselves in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Egypt where Copts are periodically murdered and Salafiyyun type terrorists murder Egyptian police and soldiers. Conan O’Brian in his visit to the hospital in Tsfat said to the Israeli medical staff, which is Jewish and Arab, “You people deserve the Noble Prize for Peace.” |
O Jerusalem. Why Jerusalem?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…For myself, I am not overjoyed. In many ways, the US is the greatest country in the history of nations but I have found it unseemly that Jews think we need recognition from anybody, any country. In fact, I have preferred the unanimity of the nations in not recognizing Jerusalem as our capital as a kind of unanimous recognition that it is. That no other country is treated this way is yet another instance of the Jews being treated as a chosen people, chosen for treatment that no other receives. What also is immensely if oddly complimentary is the anger of the world today in the name of the principle that Jerusalem is a city holy to three faiths and therefore the Jews are being greedy in wanting a monopoly on sovereignty. What is in play is an attitude that is a religious state of mind thousands of years old spiced with resentment at the Jews for having this unique relationship to the G-d Almighty, a special covenant that no other people, no other religion can claim. Hence, for two thousand years, the Church of Rome has claimed to be the True people of Israel, and therefore true sovereign over the Promised Land. By not only rejecting but murdering their own messiah, the Jews lost that covenant and Roman Catholics took their place. Indeed, Christianity claimed to be the authentic continuation of the history of the Jews in the Old Testament. Christians had superseded the Jews and become the new chosen people, which idea of supersession then inspired Muhammad to claim that Islam superseded Christianity… |
A New Saudi Peace Plan?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so is a top story in Israel today, yesterday’s New York Times report on the peace plan Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman presented to Abbas in their meeting last month. The title of Caroline Glick’s report today was “A credible peace plan, at last.” No. Even she admits that the details of the plan have not been confirmed by the Saudis. This is standard operating procedure: chumming the waters, so to speak, with bait in the belief the Saudis have finally reconciled themselves to Israel’s right to exist, without officially saying so. Caroline Glick has many merits as a writer and thinker but with certain deficits. I don’t thinks she knows much of the history of the conflict before she was born as she should, and her analyses never include the religious dimension… |
Israelis: Their Own Worst Enemy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…At Auschwitz, the Germans took away our human names and burnt serial numbers into our arms, as if we were diseased cattle being registered before being destroyed, and now with the rise of the “Palestinian” people and their noble cause of national liberation, we ceased to use Judea and Samaria but “West Bank.” It is almost as if today’s MSM in Israel has gone to work for our Nazi-loving enemies by doing their work for them, inscribing our own map with their names that blot out Judea, origin of the word Jew, and Samaria, origin of the Christian story of the Good Samaritan. That Israel and the Jewish people have gone along with this corruption of language, truth and thought to the detriment of the Jewish people is a national disgrace. Jews are supposed to be so smart and clever and can be, so I find it amazing that only Golda Meir stood out among her generation of founding fathers and mothers of the state in standing up to the monstrous lie that there was another nation besides the Jewish nation with a right to a state in Palestine, a.k.a., the land of Israel, a.k.a. the Promised Land. It is an outrage that these primitive intellects, the Arabs, have been able, via acts of terror on the world stage, to impose their fraudulent history according to which Palestine belongs to the “Palestinians,” a people absent from the country’s history that is thousands of years old. Historians of the future may marvel at this fact; the absolute Israeli refusal to stand up from day one to the nonsense of the existence of this other people with the identical right to statehood in the land whose 1,000 years of history can be found in Tanakh, the Bible. So desperate were the post-religious Zionists to create a post-religious state, they were willing to waive their rights to the heart of the Promised Land, Judea and Samaria. The No. 1 iconic act of this generation was Moshe Dayan in 1967 returning the Temple Mount to the Muslim. The gesture sent the message, “We Israelis don’t care about such things.” |