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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Take, for example, the current aggression against Israel for working to expel tens of thousands of illegal invaders who do not invade in order to live with the Jewish people as either proselytes or Noachides, but just for a better economic situation. Even the post-Jewish, trendy, Leftie High Court in Israel approved the government plan to expel them. But that means nothing to the 750 so-called rabbis of the Reform Jewish community — which name is copyright infringement for there is nothing Jewish in what is called Reform Judaism. It is not, plain and simple, Judaism. But more of that, I am sure, further on. Today we read of these 750 “rabbis” and other Jewish clergy who signed a letter to the government telling it to reverse this deplorable policy, or words to that effect. JPost reported the letter was launched by the New Israel Fund, HIAS, T’ruah and Right Now. That’s a new one on me. These are all groups hostile to Israel who cloak their hostility in “critical love.” And that they behave this way is proof of their hostility because in the first decades of the State, the policy of the organized, non-Orthodox American Jewish community was that since they themselves do not live here, they supported whomever the democratic state of Israel’s people elected to lead them. So when Menachem Begin in 1977 replaced three decades of social democratic rule, the AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups switched gears and began supporters of the Begin government. But no longer. In this generation, there are American Jews who believe they know better than the Jews who live here that keep reelecting right-wing governments who decided to expel these invaders… |
Monthly Archives: January 2018
The Sabra’s Flight from Jewishness
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…That is what the founding fathers of Zionism wanted. Their Zionism emerged in any age drunk with Darwin, Marx, the Enlightenment’s shedding of Christianity, what Marx the opiate of the masses. That is what religion was. And for too many Jews, the shedding of Christianity provided an opportunity to shed one’s Jewish identity in Europe when for thousands of years, being Jewish meant permanent oppression, humiliation, expulsion, armed robbery basically. Was it like that every day for thousands of years? Of course not. Like the beating of the human heart, expanding and contracting, the rise and fall of the tides, the waxing and waning of the phases of the moon, Jewish history had periods of quiet and prosperity. Precisely because they were allowed to prosper, periodically they became tempting targets for outrageous taxes and pogroms to steal the wealth they had accumulated. Also, thanks to the stupidity of the Catholic Church that outlaw all money-lending at interest, the Jews were forced to become the money-lenders because without this, an economy cannot thrive. The Jews were forced to be the bankers and then were hated for being the bankers, the shylocks, the moneylender. This went on for centuries… |
Diluting the Holocaust
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today is the internationally recognized UN Holocaust Memorial Day which was preceded yesterday by the European Parliament including in the definition of the Holocaust the mass murder of Roma and Sinti peoples and thereby ended the Jewish monopoly on the term, the term the Jews had used to describe Jewish life and death in Europe in the 1940s. Coincidentally, and even eerily, the very word holocaust in English was invented in the 14th century, probably by John Wycliffe, to translate the word in the Torah for the Olah sacrifice the whole burnt offering. Holo is Greek for whole with a w, and caust/fire, as in the word “caustic” burning. Holocaust was then a splendid choice of word for the Hebrew Shoah because of its roots in the concept of the Olah, the whole burnt offering, the word used to refer to the binding of Isaac. That was a human sacrifice the G-d of Israel prevented, if not the burning in the crematoria that turned Jewish corpses into black smoke… |
What Is Abrahamic?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Christians have the holy sites within Jerusalem, but as for the rest of the city, its plumbing, electricity network, telephone, garbage collection, road maintenance, only the Jews are involved. It is simply not true that Jerusalem is holy to three faiths. Christians at least have their sites of transcendent meaning, their highway to the divine. But the Muslims? What? They have this 1001 Nights miracle story about a man riding on a flying horse through the sky from the homeland of the Arabs, landing on the site of the Jews’ Temple Mount, where he jumped up to heaven, rising through seven heavens -“I’m in 7th heaven” – an idea stolen from the Talmud where he met all the great Jewish giants, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses Aaron then descended back to his flying horse and flew back to Mecca, and all in one night. This is a religiously significant event? What is its content? All it means is that the Muslims are now the favorite people of Allah… |
The War on Shabbat
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Jews were nicknamed by the illiterate Arabs the people of the Book, which Book opens with the words, “In the Beginning G-d created heaven and earth.” In the beginning, G-d. Without that concept no definition of the Jews can be accurate. So yesterday in Ashdod, home to Russians like Avigdor Lieberman, people of Jewish extraction who do not believe as Jews have believed and do not live Jewish lives, some 2,500 showed up to protest the new law calling for the continuation of an Israeli law since day one of this country. Shabbos, Saturday, was to be a day without commerce. Now’s there’s an irony for you: for centuries Jews have been portrayed as money grubbing money-lenders, Shylocks, when it is the anti-capitalist Leftist antiJews who cannot suspend commerce for even one day a week. Who is the greed-head here? |
The Arab Mind, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so the very idea of Jews is so powerful, it affects Arabs that not only deny the Holocaust happened, that deny Jewish history ever happened. This is madness, is it not? There have been cases of girls who get pregnant and keep it a secret; give birth, abandon baby in a garbage can and when found out, deny ever being pregnant, a denial of virtually psychotic intensity. And so yesterday the Syrian Arab masquerading as a Palestinian with a doctorate in history, Mahmoud Abbas, PhD in an emergency meeting in Cairo of fellow Arab Muslims called in response to Donald Trump’s recognition Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, said the Canaanites built Jerusalem and he and his fellow Arab Muslims are the descendants of the Canaanites. There is something in the Hamitic-Ishmaelitic brain that like a pinball machine shuts down by going “Tilt,” when it comes to thinking about history. For them, history is whatever you want it to be. I highly recommend the Rambam’s Moreh Nevukhim/ Maimonides’s Guide for the Perplexed in which this native-Arabic speaking Jew who lived his whole life among the Muslims, describes the pathways of the Arab mind that are simply defective… |
Abbas Rants
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yes, the top story in the MSM was the speech delivered by this antisemitic enemy of civilization Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday to not the Palestinian Authority but the Palestine Liberation Organization, the legal parent company of the shell company called the Palestinian Authority. Abbas spoke to the Central Committee of the PLO, which point not one Israeli pundit that I saw took note of. Not surprisingly the focus was on his statements of policy and perversions of history. He said Pres Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was a slap in the face to the PA and the PA will slap back. He said Trump “stabbed the Palestinians in the back,” which I found fascinating, for that is what his homicidal Muslims have been doing to us in the Knife Intifada of the last two years. What is wrong with a stab in the back when you want to get your way? Who is he to complain about a stab in the back? |
A Spiritual Autoimmune Disease
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is some kind of autoimmune disease, a spiritual autoimmune disease the aggression against Jews by Jews. For example, the current kingpins at the Jerusalem Post who have turned the paper into a mouthpiece for the so-called Reform Jews who are dying off at warp speed. It is a fair bet that as the percentage of self-defined Reform Jews in Israel is statistically insignificant, so is the percentage of Reform Jewish readers of the Post. In this it does a disservice to its readers… |
Thirsty For Our Blood
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…A gangster-style drive-by shooting. One Hamite from Hell driving the car, the other with an assault rifle leaning out of the passenger side window, spraying the Jew at wheel in the drive-by. And I called it a ritual not a terrorist attack, because “terrorist” I think is a terrible word, because it is untrue. A terrorist is a devotee of terrorism, when there is no such thing unless we imagine a cult of murderers for fun who just revel in murdering people at random, when that is not the case. The murderers do have an ism, an ideology that drives them. Its name is Islam. So I prefer not calling what happened yesterday a terrorist attack but an “Islamic attack.” |
AntiJewism in Transformation
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday, the British Foreign and Commonwealth office issued a statement reporting on Foreign Minister Boris Johnson telling his fantasy counterpart, Balestine’s foreign minister Riyad Malki, that the UK fully endorses the Two-State Solution and believes the future Palestinian states should have Jerusalem as its capital. “I reiterated the UK’s commitment to supporting the Palestinian people and the two state solution, the urgent need to renew peace negotiations and the UK’s clear and longstanding position on the status of Jerusalem…Jerusalem should ultimately be the shared capital of the Israeli and Palestinian states.” This is in line with the reaction of the Prime Ministress Teresa to the US recognition of the Jerusalem a month ago. At that time she said the same thing; the identical words a “shared capital of the Israelis and the Palestinian states in line with security council resolutions, we regard East Jerusalem as part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen: The Occupied Palestine Territories is simultaneously the name of a place that also declares this place belongs to the “Palestinians.” And since the Jews are not Palestinians, they have no right to be in these “Occupied Palestinian territories.” This is functionally a religious creed… |
Israelis Still Don’t Get It
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…For example, the welcome news that President Trump does not want the US to give money to people who don’t want to make peace with Israel, specifically, to UNRWA, which I call the greatest scam in UN history – after the UN itself. Unlike every other effort in history known to man made by people trying to help war refugees who flee from one country to another, help them to establish a new home, UNRWA has never done that. UNRWA is the greatest welfare scam in history. 70% of the people in Gaza live on its dole, with free schools, free medical care, and no employment. And this goes for the other dozens of such UNRWA operations in other Arab countries. And the reason for this was the refusal of the Arab states to take care of the Arab refugees from their failed war against Israel 1948-49. One reason is perfectly understandable and human. They were overwhelmingly not native to Palestine but migrant workers from all over the Middle East who went to Mandatory Palestine looking for work, commonly unskilled, illiterates, the poorest of the poor. They ran from the fighting in 1948 because they had no property to hold onto or fight for. The two ports of Haifa and Tel-Aviv were surrounded by shanty towns for these migrants working as manual labors in the ports and at other jobs. And when the Arab armies invaded, they ran from the fighting expecting the armies to kill all the Jews real fast and then can return to loot the property of the Jews. Only things didn’t work out that way, did they? |
Yes to the Death Penalty!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So yesterday the Knesset passed the first of three readings of a bill calling for the death penalty for terrorists. Only twice in Israel’s history were people executed: a tragically convicted, innocent Jew for alleged treason during the War of Independence – posthumously exonerated — and then Adolf Eichmann who was hung. And I think not only the death penalty for terrorists but any murderer. That is what the Torah prescribes. Right after the Great Flood, G-d calls for that. There is nothing immoral or wrong about the death penalty, not when prescribed by the Creator of All Things… |
The Black AntiJew Heart of Islam
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Well the top story in Israel was the top story everywhere in the global village concerned with international affairs: the violence in Iran, where they have started using live fire against the agents of the regime which did not happen in 2009. In Israel, the debate in the government was how to respond. In the five days since the riots began, the prime minister said nothing. Yesterday, he finally did. The argument was to support or not support. One fear was that the mullahs in Teheran would use Israel’s support as proof Israel was behind it, which the tyrants there Khameini and Rouhani have already said. Of course they would say that, for they are priests of Islam whose scripture contains 114 chapters arranged by the number of verses in each chapter, starting with No. 2. (No. 1 is just a couple of verses of creed) so starting with No. 2, that is the longest chapter in the Quran. No. 3 is some verses shorter, and so on all the way to the end. So discounting the first sura, a corruption of the Hebrew word, shura, the first and longest sura in the Quran is called Baqara and it is a trumpet blast at the Jews. That is how central Jew-hatred is to Judaism… |