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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday at the UN in New York, that cesspool of world antiJewitis — anyone who doubts that needs to see my research into its voting patterns displaying clearly an obsession with the world’s only Jewish state — ambassadors from Britain, France, Germany, Russia, each with an indelible history of antiJew behavior, with the Chinese, met with Iran’s ever-smiling, wonderfully fluent in English foreign minister Zarif and all agreed they would find a way circumvent President Trump’s sanctions meant to strangle Iran’s oil economy. They met with the foreign minister of what all their intelligence agencies agree is the puppet master of most of the terror and violence in the world, global Public Enemy No. 1, the most criminal of states on the international scene. For these major countries, the fact of Iran’s criminal status was no barrier to wanting to sustain trade, and even help the Iranians develop their nuclear capability, nations who surely know that Iran’s leaders in public have joked about destroying Israel, G-d forbid, with one atomic bomb. In a word, Europe remains as antiJew as ever… |
Monthly Archives: September 2018
LTF Strikes Again
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So, I found it amusing today to read of Little Tommy Friedman’s latest brilliancy, his prescription for what has to be done for peace and justice between Israel and the Ancient Ones. Little Tommy yesterday, Yom Kippur of all days, when he should have been confessing his ugly hostility toward Jews and even more important his stupidity about the Jews in Israel, stuck again. Jews are supposed to be smart, but here was this antiJew Jew still pitching the Two-State Solution, still thinking that these Arabs, these Hamitic Muslims, can be pacified by offering them some semblance of sovereignty in what he called the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Friedman is nothing if not an intellectual robot with a computer-generated voice in calling for, as he did, “a viable, demilitarized Palestinian state in the West Bank and a degree of Palestinian sovereignty in East Jerusalem.” |
Ari Fuld, hy”d
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Put another way, the savage who murdered Ari Fuld today probably shouted out Allahu Akbar. For sure, I have never heard of an Arab assassin — an Arabic word – shout out at such moments, “Long Live Balestine!” It is always this Islamic war cry, not at all a patriotic “Palestinian” imitation of, say, HaTikva, the Israeli national anthem that speaks of a Jewish soul yearning for this land. These are not “Palestinians murdering us like this, stabbing us in the back but Muslims. I only met Ari once and one he was a most friendly fellow, for sure a great lover of Israel. Like you, I only saw the blurry security camera video and it makes sense he was stabbed in the back, for that is their favored technique. Because they are such chronic losers in a fair fight between soldiers in uniform, this is the only way they can kill the enemy, that is, the unsuspecting civilians in public places, pounced on from behind. Ari was a combat soldier and enjoyed being one, the physicality of it, and I would not want go mano-a-mano with him. So this evil little savage Arab pounced on him from behind plunging and plunging his blade into him. He was rushed to hospital barely alive and passed there… |
Oslo @ 25
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today, 25 years ago, a spectacle took place on the White House Lawn where two of the most uneducated and foolish Jews in Jewish history nursed on Marxist claptrap shook hands with that disgusting reptile of a lunatic murderer Arafat, that Nazi-loving Muslim Brotherhood, homosexual pedophile. The scene transfixed the planet. Wherever there were television sets on the planet, the handshake on the White house lawn was on display. In attendance were the in-crowd of IBJs — Inside the Beltway Jews — smiling and clapping one and another on the back for the dawning of the messianic age of peace which in practice would mean the Two-State Solution and the expulsion of more Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria than were expelled from Iberia in the 1490s, with the rich irony being that this time, the regime expelling the Jews would be the Jews’ own government in Jerusalem… |
Janus-faced Albion
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The scandal of Jeremy Corbyn in the UK these days is like a malignancy in the body politic. It is not a good sign that is tumor of an idea that Zionism is racism, what he stands for, has erupted. On the one hand. Or the other, maybe it is a good thing because it forced the core of Labour to face the truth that it had to sign off on the international definition of anti-Semitism, which Corbyn opposed. Basically at stake for him was the right to call Zionism a form of racism. Today video from London shows a bus shelter plastered in protest of the anti-Corbyn decision with the words “Zionism is a racist endeavor,” Corbyn’s language… |
Arabs and History
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I spent four years of my life working in psychiatric institutions, including the most regressive, psychotic and catatonic, schizophrenic and I learned you cannot talk someone out of his madness with logic because his problem is not his logic. It is his sensorium, his reception and perception of the world is damaged. One inmate told me how riding on the bus in Jerusalem that day he felt that he was made of glass and all the passengers could see his all his sins and guilt… |
The Amazing Trump Team
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that the US would end all funding to UNRWA, and David Israel in the Jewish Press reported the next day that this would happen in a few days. But that then shrunk to the next day, Saturday, when The Trump Administration announced it was ending its support for UNRWA altogether. It had already docked the annual tribute to these modern-day Barbary Pirate protection artists by a third. Now the US is going all the way. Amazing. And no less amazing is one of the explanations for the move came from US Ambassadress Nikki Haley who said, “First of all, you’re looking at the fact that, yes, there’s an endless number of refugees that continue to get assistance, but more importantly, the Palestinians continue to bash America.” She said that speaking before the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Imagine that. She said more importantly than the scam was the endless bad-mouthing of America that has provided the lion’s share of support for these shake-down artists, this fake nation, like fake news… |