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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And what after all is the endless violence here directed against us about if not who owns Jerusalem? Haram a-Sharif is like a child’s security blanket. Without being in possession of it, the pretense of Islam as the One True Faith falls apart. There are Christians today whose belief has survived the return of the Jews before the second coming. Because they never discarded the Hebrew Bible completely but have schlepped it around for 2,000 years and find meaning in it, particularly the psalms, they have survived the resurrection of the Jewish people in our land. Versus the Muslims who cannot. Like a house of cards Islam collapses with the loss of Jerusalem to the Jews… |
Monthly Archives: October 2018
Resist the Schismatics!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…About the latest eruption of satanic Jew-hatred in Pittsburgh nothing constructive can be said because there was absolutely not one innovation in the deed. In a way, this massacre should not even have been newsworthy. Murdering Jews like this has been a feature of life on earth for thousands of years. Coincidentally, yesterday I was with a family of friends whose 21-year-old Israeli daughter still wrestling with the common urge to abandon the religious life she was raised in argued and age-old argument that if the Jews are hated like this, they must be doing something to make themselves hated, starting with calling themselves the Chosen People. I countered and told Jew-hatred is never anything but based on delusions, fantasies, fairy tales, never ever in truth and reality. So I for one was not surprised today to read this maniac in Pittsburgh now in custody believes the Jews have invaded the US and committing genocide. QED, Quod Erat Demonstratum… |
Mainstream US Jewry, R.I.P.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And in this light the Jews are arguably the oldest steady-state nation, a people, a national identity whose language and religion today and sense of its historic geography are the oldest in the world. I mean, the Jewish language, Hebrew and the Jewish religion are the same today as were alive in the age of the Pharaohs’ whose religion is long gone. The religious language of the 10% of today’s Egypt that is Coptic Christian — the word Coptic being a phonetic cousin of Egypt — descends from the language of the Pharaohs and is surely not the language of Muslims in Egypt today, which is Arabic. Today’s Muslim Egyptians are living on the same country as the ancient Egyptians, but they are another people… |
BDS – What Is It?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is what so-called BDS stands for. It lies that it is only against the presence of Israeli Jews in the West Bank which they believe the Balestinians rightfully own and should govern as part of an independent state and have the right to evict all the half-million-plus Jews living on its soil that bears the source name of the Jews themselves. In this alone, BDS is an antisemitic, politicide-bent operation. Where is it written that the “West Bank” must become the last patch of dry land outside Araby and Islam on the planet to legally deny Jews residence? What would Alan Dershowitz say if the next Cambridge, Mass. City Council where he made his home for decades is taken over by the radical left and declares that all Jews must leave? Where is it written that Judea and Samaria must be Judenrein? |
Israel and the Goyim
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Excerpt from today’s program:
…You know, I’m pretty sure that the Jews living in Muslim countries did not call what Israelis call the Arabs, Arabs. That is an Israeli practice. I know for sure that the Jews in Tunisia and the Jews in Yemen, where I have been, and have reason to believe Iraqi Jews likewise, did not call the Arabs Arabs. Just like my Polish and Russian Yiddish-speaking grandparents, they called them goyim. In Yemen they pronounce it joyim. Today’s Israeli society is probably the first in Jewish history not to use the word goy… |
Israelis Just Don’t Get It
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…They just don’t get it that Herzlian Zionism as an attempt to free the Jewish people from antisemitism has not been completely successful. Yes, there are goyim who support our return from the Great Dispersion even without the resurrection from the dead of Jesus of Nazareth. There are atheists who also support our return. But let’s not kid ourselves; so many of the rest are just old-fashioned haters of Jews in modern dress, in the language of the Times, pun intended… |
The Enemy Within, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Just look at the news stories featuring antiJew Jews in Israel and the States today. In England, they write for the Guardian, though one never hears of such types in the French media. Interesting. That is where in recent years 50,000 Jews had literally to flee their homes, and if they owned them, probably sold them at fire sale prices in order to get out as fast as possible because their locations had been overrun by violent anti-Semites of the classical Muslim variety… |
What Israelis Lack
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I can only wonder how long it will take the powers here to see that what is going is functionally in Gaza a religious activity. These are Sunni Muslims but what they are doing is reminiscent of the Shiites in Iran who commemorate the assassination of Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of Muhammad — the Hussein Barack Obama is named for — by slicing razor blades across their scalp. The scalp contains a lot of veins and capillaries so when it bleeds it can pour down in rivulets which is what they want, these blood-thirsty savage Muslims. There is something of this mortification going on in Gaza in which thousands of boys show up and it is likely an honor to be wounded by al-Yahud. As the German nobility would even pay a barber to slice his cheek so he can pretend he sustained the scar a double of honor, so these Muslims boys coming for what we deliver which has the double purpose of personal glory but contributing to the image of al-Yahud as cold-blooded killers of innocent protestors, the Jews as child-killers… |
Not Playing with a Full Deck
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today two more Jews were wounded by a homicidal Arab-Muslim, whose government the PA routinely names streets, parks and school for such Jew-killers. Thank G-d the two were not slain. A 32 year-old reserve soldier at a bus stop was pounced upon just as Ari Fuld, hashem yikom dammo, was by another would-be Muslim murderer who stabbed him. A 26-year-old Jewess was also lightly wounded when civilized Jews shot at the would-be murderer who raced off… |
Assimilation and Its Price
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And one factor accounting for this shift has been Israel’s tragic flaw, its never-ending yearning to become normal and stop being religious, which is the essential heart, mind and spine of the Jewish people’s identity, vs. the drive by Reform Jews, Herzl was a Reform Jew, to strip the Jewish people of its religious identity in order to become a normal nationality whose identity is non-religious. Spain and France are neighboring Roman Catholic countries, so what divides them is anything but religion. Language, diet, clothing, haircuts. And one way the Zionist enterprise has striven to do that is to bend over backward to be anything but the chosen people… |
Thieves & Murderers
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today was doubly bitter. A massive fire broke in the south that will burn days. And in the Shomron, an Arab-Muslim shot two Jews to death, wounding a third. At the Barkan Industrial Area down the road from Ariel where 8,000 people, half Jews, have Arabs, come to work every day, a known Arab employee in one of the companies showed up with a home-made automatic weapon and shot to death a 28-year-old wife to a husband and mother to an infant 16-months old. The MSM said she was an Israeli, but that is only academically true. Because she was a Jewess, she was murdered by an Arab, a Muslim, driven by hatred having nothing to do with Palestinian patriotism. These savages were doing these things to Jews here in the 20th century — when they were denying there was such a country called Falastin, a name they cannot even pronounce correctly it is so unknown to them, and today’s so-called Palestinian identity had nothing to do with it… |
Kavanaugh and Sexual Madness
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In the 1960s, the first American astronauts with the “Right Stuff” were rightly seen as American heroes, those “daring young men on the flying trapeze,” and Hillary Clinton wanted to be one of them, though I doubt she considered the route they took to arrive at that position. They were test pilots and fighter pilot combat veterans, and the fact they were no women among them was not the work of a nefarious patriarchal society. It was societally expected after the loss of so many young men in World War II that young American women were eager to marry and have children, be mothers and wives. Versus Hillary who rejected that. She is on record sneering that the alternative to her political career was baking cookies for a family. But this whole woman’s life has been, ironically, a feminist disaster, even a feminist nightmare… |