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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Lying on my desk are five news items about goyim attacking us, thank G-d not physically but verbally. A half dozen nations in the so-called Temporary International Presence in Hevron, the TIPH contingent of 64 personnel led by and heavily financed by Norway, objected to being expelled by the Government of Israel because they not only serve no good purpose but are antiJews, evident in their obvious hostility to the Jewish community and fashionable siding with the poor, poor “Palestinians” who suffer from the Jews. Of the 64 there are also Danes, Swedes, Swiss, Italians and Turks. Then there are two international, that is, multinational organizations who attacked us this week. Amnesty International and another surely useless hot air factory called the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. Beats me what their work is if it can be called work. I imagine these are diplomats who convene for a few weeks or days each year lodging in the finest hotels, eating at the best restaurants… |
Monthly Archives: January 2019
Holocaust Education: What Is it?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The good news is that I sensed in the online posts about the Holocaust this week a welcome reconsideration of it, that is, our remembrance of it after making it a major project of it over the last generation. There are more than 100 memorials to the Holocaust in the US and not coincidently, produced by the same largely unobservant Jewish community that is dying, committing collective Jewish suicide via intermarriage. For these same Jews, remembering the Holocaust is the heart of their Jewish identity. I see them as Holocaust cultists. For them the zakhor veshamor, remembering and preserving the Sabbath, the 4th commandment, remembering the Holocaust is their substitute, with seriously negative consequences. There is a connection between their irreligiosity, Holocaust remembrance and fatal plague of marrying out of the Jewish people… |
The UN Holocaust Day Farce
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Likewise, this day has come to be marked by banal speeches that cheapen the day. They are routinely banal. They barely reference what happened to not only the six million dead but the six million survivors, homeless, alone in the world, with no money, no livelihoods. Today’s UN-invented day, and therefore a poisoned enterprise from the git-go, has corrupted the term Holocaust when, since 1945, it had attached exclusively to the Jews and Jews only. Yes, other groups, Gypsies, sodomites and socialists were murdered, but the record of the Wannsee Conference launching the Final Solution targeted the Jews as their primary victims… |
Europe Enslaved to Its Hostility
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So yesterday was the publication of an ever more extensive report on the continued EU funding of these antiJew outfits. Last month, the EU’s own auditors identified major problems with the EDU’s ability to monitor the funds it sends out. In a nutshell, we should not be surprised. Dr. Mogherini’s hostility to the Israel Reborn is a matter of not only the written record but the photographic one. Just this week I saw another photo of her and Iran’s Rouhani, or was it Mahmoud Abbas, smiling as she always does in the presence of these Jew-killing potentates. Vs. the photographic evidence of her shaking hands with Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Jews. Her smile is forced; she’s as stiff as a corpse. She is the most German-looking Italian I’ve ever seen. And I can only wonder if Gilad Erdan, the Israeli understands that this is the face of Jew-hatred in our time, hers is the face contemporary antiJewism… |
The Quality and Quantity of Mercy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Clearly, with all the Holocaust memorials in the world — there are at least 100 memorials to the Holocaust in the US alone – they have not rid the world of billions of people who would applaud and cheer at the news of Israel destroyed. In the US, Tamika Mallory and those two Muslim women in Congress surely do not represent the American people, but they would feel at home in any of 134 nation-states in the G77 that elected the Fatah terrorist chieftain, their chairman Mahmoud Abbas Arafat’s partner on the White House Lawn on 9/13, 1993, one of the squad of Arab savages who butchered 11 Israeli athletes in 1972, first castrating the strongest one of all, the weightlifter, presumably in the front of the other ten. From this we understand that killing an enemy for an Arab Muslim is not just taking his life. It must be cruel, satanic in its sadism, producing not just pain for the victim but in his last moments in world of nightmarish horror. So, the thought of negotiating peace with Arafat and Abbas after decades of their barbarism was something only those post-religious, socialist dunderheads Pres and Rabin would attempt… |
In Defense of Tamika Mallory
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday the ladies were marching in protest against society’s mistreatment of them, or so they think, whose leader was Tamika Mallory who, interviewed on PBS, refused to affirm Israel’s right to exist, and that is because the Balestinians are “the native people” and the Israelis “brutally oppress them.” This is a corruption of history in a class with Holocaust Denial. This Al Sharpton protégé was formed by Reverend Al, that cheap, antisemitic race hustler who was invited to the White House in the Obama years more than any other guest; this creep who supported the hysterical Tawana Brawley hoax of the 1980s and was connected to the murder of a Jewish shop keeper in Harlem. He was a mentor to Tamika who believes the villainous Israelis stole the land from the native Palestinians and continued to oppress them as blacks in Apartheid South Africa were abused. These are the common thoughts of billions of Muslims and other Third World people, and Israel is no help when it comes to such ignorance… |
Another Wrongheaded Peace Plan
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The UN, whose record on the Jews is strong evidence that the spiritual and mental disease of antiJewitis did not end when the State of Israel came into being, as the secular Zionists thought it would. It truly is a disease, a dis-ease. AntiJews are not happy people, ill at ease, upset and angry all the time at the children of Jacob-Israel in their obsession with us. And because it is a baseless hatred, based on accusations of Jews doing terrible things Jews don’t, it has not been responsive to the remedy the post-religious Zionists thought their movement would provide. Their solution to antisemitism was to stop being a people inside other peoples, which caused friction. Keeping kosher and keeping the Sabbath isolates Jews from their host country, “You lot stick together,” say the Brits. The Zionists said this causes friction, so let us create out own state in our forlorn wasteland of a homeland, and when we do, we will become a normal, nation and Poof! antisemitism will evaporate with the morning dew… |
Jewish ID: What’s It All About?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And today the top story in Israel was Benny Gantz’s first utterance about anything in Israel, he who wants to contend with Netanyahu, and it concerned nothing material: standard of living, state of health care like the shortage of doctors; or on foreign affairs, how better to manage our lives surrounded by wild asses of men. No, he came out against the so-called Nationality Law that said nothing of the Druse community that as a soldier he fought alongside with and saw their ultimate sacrifice for the State of Israel. Who can argue with that? But on a deeper level, this classic IDF general’s behavior is in a class with the words of the Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan on Holocaust Day of all days insinuating that Israelis were on the cusp of becoming Nazis and presumably persecuting the “Palestinians” instead of handing over Judea and Samaria… |
Pompeo vs. BHO
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…First the speech by Secretary of State Pompeo delivered at Cairo University, the locale itself making a statement. Before getting to the substance of his remarks, one remembers the taqqiya of Obama’s speech in Cairo ten years ago sponsored significantly not by the government of Egypt but both Cairo University and Al-Azhar, the nursery of every major Muslim terrorist cult leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Osama bin Ladin, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, etc., and significantly the locale was Al-Azhar, though the double sponsorship resulted in the White House website citing just Cairo University. And to this day too many news sites reported Obama spoke at Cairo U., when he did not… |
What’s It All About, Israel?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In 1967, when Israel routed the Jordanians, the schoolbooks in use were of course full of classic Jew-hatred and of course were removed and replaced by the approved Arab texts used in Israel’s Arab schools. For those who don’t know, the Arabs learn in separate schools. “Horrors! Apartheid!” But what is the alternative? To deny them an education in their own language by forcing them to go to schools in which the language of instruction is Hebrew? Do that and the Enlightened will scream bloody murder… |
Never Imitate Them
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There is an old expression that Western civilization is the product of Athens and Jerusalem, meaning Greece and the Land of Israel. The former gave the world architecture, philosophy and engineering, sculpture, poetry, the theater of tragedy, stories of man commonly at odds with the gods in a world of many gods. The latter gave the world ethics, morality, dictated by the One G-d of All Creation of All with whom one strives to live up to His demands and be all one can be. Improve society, raise it to a new level. We Jews are the world’s most experienced experts in injustice. We know what that is better than other people because hand-in-hand with the unique history of never dying, as many Western nations these days seemed headed for the memory banks of history, but not the Jews. So, or it seems, that beside the gift of immortality thus far, in every generation we are abused by Jew-haters who can be homicidal in the hatred, big time. As the Adolf Hitler was Evil in every cell of his body hated this opposite number, the Jews, the Jews represent the opposite of Evil, the Good… |
I Don’t Like Islam. Deal With It.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…At the risk of being misunderstood I think the Holocaust was the greatest compliment ever paid the Jewish people by the Devil, the evil force in this world. What an honor to be hated by the Devil Incarnate, Adolf Hitler. His wild hatred of Jews was the reaction of evil in the face of good, the good Jewish people. Murderous hatred. And while Nazism is a thing of the past, the hatred of Jews is alive and well. Today the leading Jew-hating nation is no longer Germany with its National Socialist ideology. Today, the leading Jew-hating ideology is Islam, which like Nazism, like Communism, is a totalitarian ideology; like them both, an ideology aspiring to world conquest; and it is no coincidence that all three in the black heart of their ideology, hates the Jews. And because Israel has a friend among the nations, the United States, Islam, Muslims hate the United States too… |
Trump’s Latest Bull’s Eye
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I suppose one top story today might be the day’s Donald Trump quote “Iran can do what it wants in Syria.” More hysteria from those hysterically envious of this successful man. He has agreed to slow down the withdrawal of the 2,200 US troops in Syria to pay his respects to his critics, however uncomprehending when Donald Trump also said Syria was a country of “sand and death.” G-d bless you, Donald Trump for speaking the truth and wanting to pull US troops from Syria because he loves those troops and does not want to die for this killing field of a state… |
The Pathetic NY Times
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is the country at which the world spits its venom. Take, for example, the behavior of the New York Times on Sunday, commonly a big day for the Enlightened to relax with this newspaper, enjoy brunch, and read the latest aggression against the only Jewish state in the world, and last Sunday the Times really outdid themselves. They published their investigation into the death of an Arab Muslim woman medic Gaza which included, the investigative research working with 1,000 crowd-sourced photos and videos of the scene, examining the autopsy report, conversations with friends and relatives, interviews with thirty key witnesses. This woman was in a crowd of Arabs in Gaza and IDF investigation allows that she made have been hit by a ricocheting bullet, or fragment of a bullet, vs. the Times considered judgment that the shooting was reckless at best, and possibly a war crime, for which no one has yet been punished. You get the picture? The Times invested all those calories and energy, analyzing hundreds of videos, interviewing dozens of witnesses all of which could mean that one Israeli soldier deliberately murdered this innocent Balestinian… |