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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I think a major cause and symptom is the absence of representative government via elections by geography. For example, as a resident of Manhattan for most of my life, I had different representatives for different sections of government, city, state, national – but not in Israel. I had as a Manhattanite a congressman in the House of Representatives, who had an office in my district that I could call, or his Washington office, to ask for help or voice an opinion, and knew I would be responded pleasantly because the congressman wanted my vote and has to renew my mandate to him every 24 months. In Israel, by contrast, I have no representative in the Knesset who wants my vote. Political parties in Israel are clubs, and when one joins, he of course must support the party leaders. Different ideas are not encouraged. This structure leads to behavior absent from better democracies. Israel’s High Court also judges do not understand their role as in other democracies. And that for decades they have been alienated Jews who do not live Jewish lives… |
Monthly Archives: February 2019
Kushner’s Misdiagnosis
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So I am not overly concerned over the top concern in Israel’s MSM today. which was the current peregrination of Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt and a State Department chaperon to various Arab states talking up their answer to the Oslo Abomination that failed big time. Naftali Bennett is warning that Netanyahu will be putty in their hands and go along with them, as he said, creating a Palestinian state bordering Route 6, a major highway. I personally am not worried because I doubt that these two American Jews have the knowledge and the wisdom to design a peace plan that works when no one ever has, going back to the Mandate that never fulfilled its mission; to the Partition Plan of 1947, likewise. I have no reason to believe Kushner and Greenblatt have had much experience with Islam, with a confirmation of that thought today when told of Kushner advertising to his Arab hosts the economic dimension of his plan, which tells me he has misdiagnosed the malady. Uncle Shimon the visionary foresaw turning Gaza into Singapore, and never mind the Chinese are very smart and the Arabs in Gaza are not. There is a reason why major multinational corporations produce their products in China and not Egypt or Algeria. It is the quality of the people in China vs. those in Araby… |
AIPAC as Symptom
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…How many wars have been fought over who owns Jerusalem? How many countries have ruled here? Let’s see besides the Jews, the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine Christians, Arabs, Ayyubid Kurds, Mongols and Mamelukes, who were former slaves who rebelled, Ottoman Turks, the English. And ever since the contemporary State of Israel came into being in 1948, the United Nations has been the scene of chronic Israel-bashing by the nations of the world assembled. And they do that, of course, because they believe they have the moral right to tell us, we have no right to our because we stole it from the Ancient Ones and must return at least some of it so they can have the independent state they have been dreaming of for thousands of years during which they perpetually denied the independent state they dreamed of. As the Jews had to be compensated for the Holocaust and were by being given a state, so the Ancient Ones must have one too. This is the narrative inside the council of nations, a.k.a., the high-ceiled imposing chamber of the United Nations General Assembly, the assembly of all mankind that believes it has the moral right to dictate what goes on this country, not the Jews, who are illegitimate, criminal colonial invaders… |
Gantz Abominates
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This morning yours truly woke as usual to the first news from the old Kol Yisrael station that the Lapid party Gantz party decided to unite to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu whom they loath because of their ugly envy of him. One of Bibi’s great strengths is his verbal defense of the country in perfect American English, especially in use with every foreign diplomat. I doubt Benny Gantz can hold a candle to him in this regard. Worse, antz finally exposed himself, at least to me, on Tuesday when he debuted his party list at the Tel-Aviv Fairgrounds and, to my mind, spewed outright lies about Benjamin Netanyahu. He mocked the prime minister, the people’s choice, and thus indirectly mocked them too by calling him “the ruler” as if he is some kind of Napoleon. He actually said, “When I lay in muddy foxholes with my soldiers on frozen winter nights, You, Benjamin Netanyahu, left Israel to improve your English and practice it at luxurious cocktail parties. On the day I commanded the Shaldag combat unit in life-threatening operations on enemy soil, you, Benjamin Netanyahu, worked your way bravely and determinedly between makeup sessions in television studios. While I trained generations of commanders and fighters, you took acting lessons in a New York studio. In a month and a half we will all choose between a ruler who has English from Boston, heavy makeup and luxury suits and an Israeli leadership which is real, caring, authentic and not phony.” Notice the double mention of Bibi’s English because post-Jewish Israelis like him suffer from a neurotic attachment to English, which they see on a higher plane their own old-fashioned Hebrew… |
Slaves of their Hatred
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…If I accomplish nothing in my deprogramming career but the following, I will die happy. The other day, another webcast, I explained how three things make in a believing Jew, and one of them being antisemitism. And if I accomplish nothing but teaching Jews to marvel at it and take pride in it as much as they rightly fear it, I will be a happy man. In a way, I think I have learned to respond to massive votes at the UN like Obama and Kerry’s Res. 2334 with a big smile precisely because I see all these countries paying inadvertent homage to the holy truth the Jewish religion. I see in all the countries at the UN in unison snarling at Israel as slaves of their antiJew passion, which is a connection they have as strong as any believing Jew to HaShem… |
The Two-State Solution Heresy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And this way of thinking is still prevalent among the post-religious Jews in Israel is evidence that these people learned nothing over the last 25 years. A minor brouhaha today was the political opinion of a newscaster who is paid to report the news and not comment on it, but Israelis chronically resist “parking between the lines.” Starting with the corrupt, iconic Israeli sabra President Ezer Weizmann, followed by Shimon Peres and the current Ruvy Rivlin, these men licensed themselves to pontificate on politics, Israel post-religious a.k.a. Leftists in journalism likewise conflate reportage with opinion, and commonly trash classical Zionist beliefs… |
Defending Ilhan Omar. For Real.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I look to three supports for my belief in the existence of G-d. One, the Five Books of Moses, the greatest piece of literature inhuman for its genius, its artistry, its emotional and ethical depths; its poetry. In my own research, I read shelves of books on Arabs and Islam written by fine scholars and historians. But the best book for understanding the Arabs and their stolen version of Yiddishkeit called Islam is the Torah miSinai. The portrait of Ishmael is so rich, truthful and concise. A dozen verses contain more insight into the Arabs and Islam than whole the books on those shelves… |
Those Darned Israelis
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So a top story today was the exposure to the cameras of the smiling Muslims assassin of Ori Ansbacher, named for Arafat who for sure told police, “I entered Israel with knife because I wanted to become a martyr and murder a Jew. I met the girl by chance.” And in the MSM a news item continued “On Sunday, the Shin Bet announced that the murder was a nationalistically motivated terror attack.” Excuse me, but the word martyr is a religious term. And the smiling murderer did not say he wanted to murder an Israeli. That could be a Muslim or Christian with citizenship. No, he did note even say he wanted to murder a Zionist, which was a nationalist movement lacking a religious dimension. No, the aspiring religious martyr wanted to murder a Jew, and for sure his scripture does not lack for nasty things written about the Jews. Indeed, one verse calls them a Believer’s greatest enemy… |
This Land Is Our Land
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Program Link: The EU: Undermining Israel under the guise of humanitarianism | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Two days ago another Jew, another Jewess, was butchered. literally, stabbed many times to death by a Muslim who, the MSM here in Herzlandia call a “Palestinian.” Ori Ansbacher, 19, was pounced upon a 29-year-old descendent of Ham, Ishmael and Muhammad who gloried in his own hundreds of murders of Jews by chopping off their heads. The MSM citing the police said it seems to have been a “nationalistic” crime, meaning the perpetrator was a “Palestinian” and the victim an Israeli. Israelis have yet to grasp the murderer was a Muslim and his victim a Jew… |
Israel’s Electoral Follies
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today the MSM published the results of the Likud primary, meaning, a numbered list of candidates according to the number of their supporters. We know the position of every one on the list, and I ask you, what good is it for me to know the results of this vote? What is the significance for the people of Israel to know that Gideon Saar is now No. 5, he who is perceived as a rival for power to Netanyahu? What does it matter that Miri Regev is No. 6 and Nir Barkat No. 9? This is a politically meaningless exercise and in effect a massive deceit perpetrated on the voting public… |
American Jewish Demise
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In 1928, the Conservative movement in America, at the time the largest community, estimated that the American Jewish population that year was 4.8 million. Today the Jewish population has dishonestly been reported to 5 or so million for many years, never changing. This is the figure produced by the Reform’s in-house demographer Steven Cohen, who was recently sacked after decades of employment for sexual harassment, that inadvertently is evidence of the demographic Holocaust in the US since 1928. Had the American Jewish community reproduced like gentile Americans over the last 91 years, there should be way more than 5.5 million, over 12 million, which is another way of saying that more Jews were lost in the US in the 20th century than in Europe during World War II. The infamous Holocaust… |
The Immorality of Peace with Them
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And now, because there was not much news today in Israel, we can turn to what’s happening in Europe. We know that official Belgium recently aggressed against the Jews by outlawing the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food, and in the UK another chapter in the ongoing aggression of the government there against Jews in the Haredi community who do not teach their children there is nothing wrong with sodomy, nothing wrong 24-7 transvestism misdescribed as transgenderism, nothing wrong with lesbianism, the whole gamut of sex perversity now called the LGBTQ community. The government has a law that all school children must be told about the variety of behaviors a person can engage in his reproductive and excretory systems. And if a school does not teach that to their children, this is a crime… |