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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So this latest mugging with rockets from Gaza, this armed robbery — Rashi taught us that Ishmael became an armed robber — this latest, homicidal aggression has ended, simultaneously with the promise from Qatar of like a half a billion dollars to the Muslim Brothers in the Gaza Strip that Israel foolishly calls Palestinians, when I say the rocket launchers boys working for Islamic Jihad and HAMAS are not “Palestinians.” These are not nationalist freedom-fighters. They are Muslim holy warriors whose barbaric religion throws holy water on murdering those who are not Muslims. Islam is a sick imitation of the religion of Abraham, especially of the Jewish religion and our belief in owning a very tiny piece of land, which Islam perverts into thinking the whole world should belong to them. The Jews just want this little country for themselves as G-d promised; the Muslims believe they have the right to overrun the whole world. Its expansionist fuel is basic to the religion. The Jews strive to set an example for the world; Islam claims a license to force their religion down other people’s throats, and history does not lack for episodes in which Muslims literally rampaged through pagan communities, murdering raping, looting, forcing people to convert or be killed. This is not the religion of Abraham as they claim… |
All posts by DPP Webmaster
Gaza Again
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…webcasting from Israel under attack for the umpteenth time from Gaza of the Philistines. Three days of rockets, the number of dead civilians is reaching toward ten, over a hundred wounded, shell-shocked. And I would love to see a list of all the rockets fired out of Gaza for the last almost two decades and hope my eyes to not fall out. I am confident the number is in not the tens but scores of thousands, more than fifty thousand projectiles fired out of Gaza, each and every one trying to murder an innocent Jew. And what is amazing is the Israeli response these last two decades… |
The Holocaust: Why?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And here were the Europeans, Christian and Muslims, slaughtering Jews wholesale in the name of a pre-Christian, atavistic return to paganism. Hitler hated not only Jews but Christianity for being “too Jewish,” for worshipping a gentle, “turn the other cheek” Jesus. Hitler was enthralled by Wagner’s operatic staging of pre-Christian pagan myths, of warriors, gods and demi-gods, Rhine maidens and Valkyries. And in the Nazis’ anti-Jewish, anti-Christian delirium they were determined to destroy the Jews once and for all, and Christianity, and return German to its pre-Christian, pagan world of clashing gods and mythical creatures. Nazism was a war to the death with the Jews whose G-d staged that world-historical moment, Avraham wielding a knife over the son his has tied up like an animal in order to tell the world He was pagan god who reveled in human sacrifice. Just the opposite. It was a match made in heaven. Hashem and his prophet who was the kindest man in the world. Which is why Islam pilfers Judaism a second time by claiming to be an Abrahamic religion. The brutality, the sadism, the cruelty of this culture, is evidence Islam cannot be Abrahamic… |
The NY Times and Reform Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So in the Jewish village online, everyone is talking about the New York Times’ latest abomination: the printing of not one but two Nazi-like caricatures of Jews, specifically portraying the prime minister of Israel as a lowly dog or egomaniacal self-styled Moses. Jews are outraged but should not be surprised. This newspaper, which was bought by a American German Reform Jew before the first Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, in 1897 and has been hostile to Zionist every day since then. The only thing new here is the lower than ever ugliness; Jews experienced Nazi-like flashes at these cartoons which is a step further down after decades of the sick crankiness against Israel of Little Tommy Friedman and Roger Cohen, in a class with Jews in centuries past who converted to Christianity and Islam and became the Jewish people’s worst tormenters… |
Varieties of Antisemitism
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I ask, why are the enlightened so hateful toward Mr. Netanyahu? What has he done or not done to merit the scorn, mockery and contempt that the Enlightened smear him with? Perhaps because he refuses to beat his chest and confess that he is a racist oppressor of a third world people administering an apartheid society and order all the Jews living in the West Bank to immediately leave their homes and hand everything over the legitimate, ancient landlords of Balestine? In this mindset, beneath the surface, is age-old and age-less Jew-hatred that morphs and molts from one historical epoch to another. For two thousand years, Christians reveled in their hatred of Jews for being the guilty murderers of Jesus who was their messiah and really no less G-d Himself. In our historical period, that way of hating Jews has pretty withered is rarely heard, which makes sense since Christendom in Europe is on its way out. Today we Jews are no longer Christ-killers but an evil people nonetheless for our unjust, evil theft of Balestine from the Balestinians. Today Jews are guilty of crucifying the innocent Palestinians, the victims of the Jews’ Zionism… |
Bernie Sanders, AntiJew
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Bernie Sanders reminds me of the Communists I knew at Columbia University in the 1960s, some of whom went on to become SDS terrorists. I found them all second-rate intellects who at some level of unawareness knew they were second-rate and dreamed of Communism as the answer, a society in which there is no competition between people and no one is richer than anyone else. A society in which merit and achievements play no role. There is no role for excellence. There is no penalty for being second rate… |
The Meaning of the Elections
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And the big news in Israel when on my R & R was the latest round of elections that changed little but was nonetheless historic as the death knell of the ideology of the founding fathers of Israel, the social democrats led into statehood by David ben-Gurion and Golda Meir and Moshe Dayan and Itzhak Rabin etc., the secular collectivists, represented in the election by Netanyahu’s rival Blue and White trio of IDF generals. That founding generation idolized more than the traditional Jewish pursuits of scholarship and science the soldier and their loss is emblematic of the passing of a generation of Jews, these post-religious, self-styled democratic socialists who led the way into statehood and dominated the country for its first three decades… |
How Different the Arabs Are
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Program Link: Stop Judging Ilhan Omar So Harshly | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…How different these Arabs are from us, from all civilized people. For them, war with another people is not uniformed armies clashing on a battlefield. It is pouncing on unsuspecting enemy civilians inside their communities, pouncing on them with a knife from the rear. That was the fate of Ari Fuld, stabbed in the back, after which he drew his own gun and ran after the animal on two feet and shot him before he collapsed. Same things two days ago in Samaria. Another one of these feral animals on two feet pounced with his knife on 19 year-old Gal Keidan and stabbed him to death, h”y; took his gun, hijacked a car and shot two more Jews, one Rabbi Achiad Ettinger, 47, who likewise though shot drew his gun and got off four shots. He survived like 12 hours then died yesterday morning. Thousands attended his funeral, which means his life impact thousands of people… |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…How to properly make sacrifices to the G-d of Israel, animal sacrifices, which should not surprise. We see animal sacrifice in the foundational story of our people, the binding of Isaac, which ends with the command to sacrifice not a human being but animal, a ram. The psychoanalysts would call this sublimation. The story of the binding of Yitzhak has many features, one of them the moral of a God that opposes human sacrifice, and redirects the impulse to the killing of animals, which Judaism further refines by the laws of proper and improper ways of killing animals for our food. We know that after the Flood eating meet was allowed, though perhaps the Almighty wished we had transcended our natures as carnivores. In this regard we not different than lions and tigers and grizzly who feed on the meat of the animals they kill. And what was the Temple, both Temples if not a holy abattoir, slaughter house. The Temple’s central function was killing animals properly as a sacrifice, which was a gesture to God, but why that? Well, what else are you going to sacrifice if not the animals on which we depend for food, clothing shelter? |
The Golan IS Occupied Syrian Territory
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Interesting name, Canaan, whose first three letters in Hebrew form the verbal root kaf nun ayin, commonly used in the Nifal and Hifil conjugations. Lehekana is to surrender, give up, go down on one’s knees in submission. In the Hifil, lehakhnia is to defeat someone, make him go down on his knees. And one may argue that the Canaanites were the lowest of the low who submitted to every ugly, human reflex, urge and behavior. Sort of like today’s liberals who smile on infanticide as a woman’s right, they practiced human sacrifice and among its victims were many children. They, of course, were also into every sexual perversion of the proper use on one’s reproductive and excretory equipment… |
Beneath the Zionism=Racism Lie
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Why, just today the successor to the Ottoman Sultans, who governed their emperor as heads of a caliphate which means a government ruler by caliph, a cognate of the modern Hebrew word takhlif meaning substitute, a substitute for Muhmmad. The Ottoman Empire was thus like the government next door in Iran, governed by priests of Islam. And today President of Turkey Erdogan called the State of Israel’s claim to be the wholly owned property of the Jews “blatant racism.” In other words, the 1991 repeal of the 1975 UN General Assembly “Zionism is a form of racism” had no affect on this man. Zionism remains for him a form of racism, meaning the Jews are a race and discriminate against all others on the planet who are not of this race. And yours truly awaits the day the prime minister of Israel or some big shot non-observant American Jewish leader of people as non-observant as he speaks up and says, “This is impossible because the Jews are not race.” |
Israel Besieged
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Besieged, under attack from all sides. On the east side of the walled city of Jerusalem, the Ishmaelites have penetrated a gate closed to them by the Israelites since 2003 and set up another mosque. It is I think the third one on the Mount now. Al-Aqsa was the first, and during the rule of the atheist Ehud Barak, he let them steal thousands of tons of earth from the Temple Mount to build another, undergrown mosque in the area thought to have been the stables of King Solomon. Israel’s post-religious Ashkenazic Leftists like Barak were raised to mock religion, so he was not going to risk violence over that. As his spiritual forebear Moshe Dayan once said, “The Temple Mount has no religious significance for Israelis, only historic significance. I also remember when the Ishmaelites, the violent seed of Ham, in Shechem overran and vandalized the tomb of Joseph the Righteous, who was righteous in his sexuality for which he paid dearly with years in an Egyptian dungeon, today’s Israelis not only did not fight for the Tomb but Benny Gantz, Shaul Mofaz and other IDF officers let a soldier die there. I remember a Leftist Tel-Aviv a yuppie friend at the time sneering at the thought of fighting over the tomb… |
Ilhan Omar is Not the Problem
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…If my book has a thesis, it is that today’s Palestinian Nationalism is just this generation’s version of hating Jews and works to shield Islam in particular from my contention that it is a form of antisemitism. Both the famous Israeli doctor of the science of Politics Dr. Joseph Beilin, PhD and Tsipora Livni, who never went to college, have separately spoken almost the identical sentence. “If we define the conflict as religious, there is no solution. So, let’s call it political and then we can have solution.” This is a good example of cracked brain post-Jew thinking. As the Muslims here are commonly in denial like Mahmoud Abbas there was a Holocaust, so Yossi and Tsipora deny the facts that this is a religious conflict and not a political one. The facts, the evidence, are all around us… |
The Blue and White Platform
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Now, the most common way to be post-Jewish is discarding the religion, and in the Jewish religion as in no other religion, that means discarding more than belief. It means behaviors, activities that one engages in many times every day. And that is one feature of the state that post-Jewish Israelis built. Israelis are also not Jewish in the understanding of non-Jews, not when the purpose of their non-religious Zionism was to erase the line between Jews and the goyim, significantly a word not in use in this Jewish community, surely the first in its history. In my visits to Arab countries and the remnant of Jewish communities in them, I learned that the Israeli practice of calling the Arabs “Arabs” was not practiced in Tunisia, Yemen, Iraq. For these Jewish communities the non-Jews around them were the same as found in Europe. They didn’t call them Arabs but goyim, just like my Polish grandmother of blessed memory. In Yemen, their accent calls them joyim. I also remember asking a little Yemenite Jewish girl in Arabic, pointing at a cow, who is her name? And she answered a behema, just like my Polish grandmother. Only in modern, secular Israel, surely unique in Jewish history, the words goy and goyim are inert, never used. In fact, classical secular Zionists of the 20th century sneered at these words for drawing a line between Jews and the rest of mankind as a people that dwells alone, not when, they wanted, Bibi’s took tile, A Place Among the Nations… |
The Return of the Destructive Left?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I have in mind the situation a quarter-century ago when the Oslo Abomination scheme was put a vote and passed, even though the Israelites voted against it. It passed thanks to the vote of the Ishmaelites, and thus ensued the abomination of importing into the county 40,000 Jew-hating Muslim terrorists. Those deep-thinking post-religious Israelis of Jewish extraction Peres, Rabin, Beilin, etc. thought this was the road to peace. The Handshake on the White House Lawn was Israel’s recognition of the legitimacy of the Balestinians’ right to an independent state in the Promised Land, and as such was a violation big time of the promise made by the God of Being Itself to the Jewish people. And the result of this collective, national heresy was years of Jews being blown to bits in our cities, in your rush-hour buses, our restaurants, an eruption mass murder of 1,700 Jews, thousands more wounded, some crippled for life that took like five years to suppress… |
Mandelblit Is A Jerk.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I think a major cause and symptom is the absence of representative government via elections by geography. For example, as a resident of Manhattan for most of my life, I had different representatives for different sections of government, city, state, national – but not in Israel. I had as a Manhattanite a congressman in the House of Representatives, who had an office in my district that I could call, or his Washington office, to ask for help or voice an opinion, and knew I would be responded pleasantly because the congressman wanted my vote and has to renew my mandate to him every 24 months. In Israel, by contrast, I have no representative in the Knesset who wants my vote. Political parties in Israel are clubs, and when one joins, he of course must support the party leaders. Different ideas are not encouraged. This structure leads to behavior absent from better democracies. Israel’s High Court also judges do not understand their role as in other democracies. And that for decades they have been alienated Jews who do not live Jewish lives… |
Kushner’s Misdiagnosis
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So I am not overly concerned over the top concern in Israel’s MSM today. which was the current peregrination of Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt and a State Department chaperon to various Arab states talking up their answer to the Oslo Abomination that failed big time. Naftali Bennett is warning that Netanyahu will be putty in their hands and go along with them, as he said, creating a Palestinian state bordering Route 6, a major highway. I personally am not worried because I doubt that these two American Jews have the knowledge and the wisdom to design a peace plan that works when no one ever has, going back to the Mandate that never fulfilled its mission; to the Partition Plan of 1947, likewise. I have no reason to believe Kushner and Greenblatt have had much experience with Islam, with a confirmation of that thought today when told of Kushner advertising to his Arab hosts the economic dimension of his plan, which tells me he has misdiagnosed the malady. Uncle Shimon the visionary foresaw turning Gaza into Singapore, and never mind the Chinese are very smart and the Arabs in Gaza are not. There is a reason why major multinational corporations produce their products in China and not Egypt or Algeria. It is the quality of the people in China vs. those in Araby… |
AIPAC as Symptom
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…How many wars have been fought over who owns Jerusalem? How many countries have ruled here? Let’s see besides the Jews, the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine Christians, Arabs, Ayyubid Kurds, Mongols and Mamelukes, who were former slaves who rebelled, Ottoman Turks, the English. And ever since the contemporary State of Israel came into being in 1948, the United Nations has been the scene of chronic Israel-bashing by the nations of the world assembled. And they do that, of course, because they believe they have the moral right to tell us, we have no right to our because we stole it from the Ancient Ones and must return at least some of it so they can have the independent state they have been dreaming of for thousands of years during which they perpetually denied the independent state they dreamed of. As the Jews had to be compensated for the Holocaust and were by being given a state, so the Ancient Ones must have one too. This is the narrative inside the council of nations, a.k.a., the high-ceiled imposing chamber of the United Nations General Assembly, the assembly of all mankind that believes it has the moral right to dictate what goes on this country, not the Jews, who are illegitimate, criminal colonial invaders… |
Gantz Abominates
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This morning yours truly woke as usual to the first news from the old Kol Yisrael station that the Lapid party Gantz party decided to unite to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu whom they loath because of their ugly envy of him. One of Bibi’s great strengths is his verbal defense of the country in perfect American English, especially in use with every foreign diplomat. I doubt Benny Gantz can hold a candle to him in this regard. Worse, antz finally exposed himself, at least to me, on Tuesday when he debuted his party list at the Tel-Aviv Fairgrounds and, to my mind, spewed outright lies about Benjamin Netanyahu. He mocked the prime minister, the people’s choice, and thus indirectly mocked them too by calling him “the ruler” as if he is some kind of Napoleon. He actually said, “When I lay in muddy foxholes with my soldiers on frozen winter nights, You, Benjamin Netanyahu, left Israel to improve your English and practice it at luxurious cocktail parties. On the day I commanded the Shaldag combat unit in life-threatening operations on enemy soil, you, Benjamin Netanyahu, worked your way bravely and determinedly between makeup sessions in television studios. While I trained generations of commanders and fighters, you took acting lessons in a New York studio. In a month and a half we will all choose between a ruler who has English from Boston, heavy makeup and luxury suits and an Israeli leadership which is real, caring, authentic and not phony.” Notice the double mention of Bibi’s English because post-Jewish Israelis like him suffer from a neurotic attachment to English, which they see on a higher plane their own old-fashioned Hebrew… |
Slaves of their Hatred
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…If I accomplish nothing in my deprogramming career but the following, I will die happy. The other day, another webcast, I explained how three things make in a believing Jew, and one of them being antisemitism. And if I accomplish nothing but teaching Jews to marvel at it and take pride in it as much as they rightly fear it, I will be a happy man. In a way, I think I have learned to respond to massive votes at the UN like Obama and Kerry’s Res. 2334 with a big smile precisely because I see all these countries paying inadvertent homage to the holy truth the Jewish religion. I see in all the countries at the UN in unison snarling at Israel as slaves of their antiJew passion, which is a connection they have as strong as any believing Jew to HaShem… |
The Two-State Solution Heresy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And this way of thinking is still prevalent among the post-religious Jews in Israel is evidence that these people learned nothing over the last 25 years. A minor brouhaha today was the political opinion of a newscaster who is paid to report the news and not comment on it, but Israelis chronically resist “parking between the lines.” Starting with the corrupt, iconic Israeli sabra President Ezer Weizmann, followed by Shimon Peres and the current Ruvy Rivlin, these men licensed themselves to pontificate on politics, Israel post-religious a.k.a. Leftists in journalism likewise conflate reportage with opinion, and commonly trash classical Zionist beliefs… |
Defending Ilhan Omar. For Real.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I look to three supports for my belief in the existence of G-d. One, the Five Books of Moses, the greatest piece of literature inhuman for its genius, its artistry, its emotional and ethical depths; its poetry. In my own research, I read shelves of books on Arabs and Islam written by fine scholars and historians. But the best book for understanding the Arabs and their stolen version of Yiddishkeit called Islam is the Torah miSinai. The portrait of Ishmael is so rich, truthful and concise. A dozen verses contain more insight into the Arabs and Islam than whole the books on those shelves… |
Those Darned Israelis
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So a top story today was the exposure to the cameras of the smiling Muslims assassin of Ori Ansbacher, named for Arafat who for sure told police, “I entered Israel with knife because I wanted to become a martyr and murder a Jew. I met the girl by chance.” And in the MSM a news item continued “On Sunday, the Shin Bet announced that the murder was a nationalistically motivated terror attack.” Excuse me, but the word martyr is a religious term. And the smiling murderer did not say he wanted to murder an Israeli. That could be a Muslim or Christian with citizenship. No, he did note even say he wanted to murder a Zionist, which was a nationalist movement lacking a religious dimension. No, the aspiring religious martyr wanted to murder a Jew, and for sure his scripture does not lack for nasty things written about the Jews. Indeed, one verse calls them a Believer’s greatest enemy… |
This Land Is Our Land
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Program Link: The EU: Undermining Israel under the guise of humanitarianism | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Two days ago another Jew, another Jewess, was butchered. literally, stabbed many times to death by a Muslim who, the MSM here in Herzlandia call a “Palestinian.” Ori Ansbacher, 19, was pounced upon a 29-year-old descendent of Ham, Ishmael and Muhammad who gloried in his own hundreds of murders of Jews by chopping off their heads. The MSM citing the police said it seems to have been a “nationalistic” crime, meaning the perpetrator was a “Palestinian” and the victim an Israeli. Israelis have yet to grasp the murderer was a Muslim and his victim a Jew… |
Israel’s Electoral Follies
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today the MSM published the results of the Likud primary, meaning, a numbered list of candidates according to the number of their supporters. We know the position of every one on the list, and I ask you, what good is it for me to know the results of this vote? What is the significance for the people of Israel to know that Gideon Saar is now No. 5, he who is perceived as a rival for power to Netanyahu? What does it matter that Miri Regev is No. 6 and Nir Barkat No. 9? This is a politically meaningless exercise and in effect a massive deceit perpetrated on the voting public… |
American Jewish Demise
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In 1928, the Conservative movement in America, at the time the largest community, estimated that the American Jewish population that year was 4.8 million. Today the Jewish population has dishonestly been reported to 5 or so million for many years, never changing. This is the figure produced by the Reform’s in-house demographer Steven Cohen, who was recently sacked after decades of employment for sexual harassment, that inadvertently is evidence of the demographic Holocaust in the US since 1928. Had the American Jewish community reproduced like gentile Americans over the last 91 years, there should be way more than 5.5 million, over 12 million, which is another way of saying that more Jews were lost in the US in the 20th century than in Europe during World War II. The infamous Holocaust… |
The Immorality of Peace with Them
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And now, because there was not much news today in Israel, we can turn to what’s happening in Europe. We know that official Belgium recently aggressed against the Jews by outlawing the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food, and in the UK another chapter in the ongoing aggression of the government there against Jews in the Haredi community who do not teach their children there is nothing wrong with sodomy, nothing wrong 24-7 transvestism misdescribed as transgenderism, nothing wrong with lesbianism, the whole gamut of sex perversity now called the LGBTQ community. The government has a law that all school children must be told about the variety of behaviors a person can engage in his reproductive and excretory systems. And if a school does not teach that to their children, this is a crime… |
The Goyim’s Endless Sniping
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Lying on my desk are five news items about goyim attacking us, thank G-d not physically but verbally. A half dozen nations in the so-called Temporary International Presence in Hevron, the TIPH contingent of 64 personnel led by and heavily financed by Norway, objected to being expelled by the Government of Israel because they not only serve no good purpose but are antiJews, evident in their obvious hostility to the Jewish community and fashionable siding with the poor, poor “Palestinians” who suffer from the Jews. Of the 64 there are also Danes, Swedes, Swiss, Italians and Turks. Then there are two international, that is, multinational organizations who attacked us this week. Amnesty International and another surely useless hot air factory called the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. Beats me what their work is if it can be called work. I imagine these are diplomats who convene for a few weeks or days each year lodging in the finest hotels, eating at the best restaurants… |
Holocaust Education: What Is it?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The good news is that I sensed in the online posts about the Holocaust this week a welcome reconsideration of it, that is, our remembrance of it after making it a major project of it over the last generation. There are more than 100 memorials to the Holocaust in the US and not coincidently, produced by the same largely unobservant Jewish community that is dying, committing collective Jewish suicide via intermarriage. For these same Jews, remembering the Holocaust is the heart of their Jewish identity. I see them as Holocaust cultists. For them the zakhor veshamor, remembering and preserving the Sabbath, the 4th commandment, remembering the Holocaust is their substitute, with seriously negative consequences. There is a connection between their irreligiosity, Holocaust remembrance and fatal plague of marrying out of the Jewish people… |
The UN Holocaust Day Farce
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Likewise, this day has come to be marked by banal speeches that cheapen the day. They are routinely banal. They barely reference what happened to not only the six million dead but the six million survivors, homeless, alone in the world, with no money, no livelihoods. Today’s UN-invented day, and therefore a poisoned enterprise from the git-go, has corrupted the term Holocaust when, since 1945, it had attached exclusively to the Jews and Jews only. Yes, other groups, Gypsies, sodomites and socialists were murdered, but the record of the Wannsee Conference launching the Final Solution targeted the Jews as their primary victims… |
Europe Enslaved to Its Hostility
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So yesterday was the publication of an ever more extensive report on the continued EU funding of these antiJew outfits. Last month, the EU’s own auditors identified major problems with the EDU’s ability to monitor the funds it sends out. In a nutshell, we should not be surprised. Dr. Mogherini’s hostility to the Israel Reborn is a matter of not only the written record but the photographic one. Just this week I saw another photo of her and Iran’s Rouhani, or was it Mahmoud Abbas, smiling as she always does in the presence of these Jew-killing potentates. Vs. the photographic evidence of her shaking hands with Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Jews. Her smile is forced; she’s as stiff as a corpse. She is the most German-looking Italian I’ve ever seen. And I can only wonder if Gilad Erdan, the Israeli understands that this is the face of Jew-hatred in our time, hers is the face contemporary antiJewism… |
The Quality and Quantity of Mercy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Clearly, with all the Holocaust memorials in the world — there are at least 100 memorials to the Holocaust in the US alone – they have not rid the world of billions of people who would applaud and cheer at the news of Israel destroyed. In the US, Tamika Mallory and those two Muslim women in Congress surely do not represent the American people, but they would feel at home in any of 134 nation-states in the G77 that elected the Fatah terrorist chieftain, their chairman Mahmoud Abbas Arafat’s partner on the White House Lawn on 9/13, 1993, one of the squad of Arab savages who butchered 11 Israeli athletes in 1972, first castrating the strongest one of all, the weightlifter, presumably in the front of the other ten. From this we understand that killing an enemy for an Arab Muslim is not just taking his life. It must be cruel, satanic in its sadism, producing not just pain for the victim but in his last moments in world of nightmarish horror. So, the thought of negotiating peace with Arafat and Abbas after decades of their barbarism was something only those post-religious, socialist dunderheads Pres and Rabin would attempt… |
In Defense of Tamika Mallory
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday the ladies were marching in protest against society’s mistreatment of them, or so they think, whose leader was Tamika Mallory who, interviewed on PBS, refused to affirm Israel’s right to exist, and that is because the Balestinians are “the native people” and the Israelis “brutally oppress them.” This is a corruption of history in a class with Holocaust Denial. This Al Sharpton protégé was formed by Reverend Al, that cheap, antisemitic race hustler who was invited to the White House in the Obama years more than any other guest; this creep who supported the hysterical Tawana Brawley hoax of the 1980s and was connected to the murder of a Jewish shop keeper in Harlem. He was a mentor to Tamika who believes the villainous Israelis stole the land from the native Palestinians and continued to oppress them as blacks in Apartheid South Africa were abused. These are the common thoughts of billions of Muslims and other Third World people, and Israel is no help when it comes to such ignorance… |
Another Wrongheaded Peace Plan
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The UN, whose record on the Jews is strong evidence that the spiritual and mental disease of antiJewitis did not end when the State of Israel came into being, as the secular Zionists thought it would. It truly is a disease, a dis-ease. AntiJews are not happy people, ill at ease, upset and angry all the time at the children of Jacob-Israel in their obsession with us. And because it is a baseless hatred, based on accusations of Jews doing terrible things Jews don’t, it has not been responsive to the remedy the post-religious Zionists thought their movement would provide. Their solution to antisemitism was to stop being a people inside other peoples, which caused friction. Keeping kosher and keeping the Sabbath isolates Jews from their host country, “You lot stick together,” say the Brits. The Zionists said this causes friction, so let us create out own state in our forlorn wasteland of a homeland, and when we do, we will become a normal, nation and Poof! antisemitism will evaporate with the morning dew… |
Jewish ID: What’s It All About?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And today the top story in Israel was Benny Gantz’s first utterance about anything in Israel, he who wants to contend with Netanyahu, and it concerned nothing material: standard of living, state of health care like the shortage of doctors; or on foreign affairs, how better to manage our lives surrounded by wild asses of men. No, he came out against the so-called Nationality Law that said nothing of the Druse community that as a soldier he fought alongside with and saw their ultimate sacrifice for the State of Israel. Who can argue with that? But on a deeper level, this classic IDF general’s behavior is in a class with the words of the Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan on Holocaust Day of all days insinuating that Israelis were on the cusp of becoming Nazis and presumably persecuting the “Palestinians” instead of handing over Judea and Samaria… |
Pompeo vs. BHO
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…First the speech by Secretary of State Pompeo delivered at Cairo University, the locale itself making a statement. Before getting to the substance of his remarks, one remembers the taqqiya of Obama’s speech in Cairo ten years ago sponsored significantly not by the government of Egypt but both Cairo University and Al-Azhar, the nursery of every major Muslim terrorist cult leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Osama bin Ladin, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, etc., and significantly the locale was Al-Azhar, though the double sponsorship resulted in the White House website citing just Cairo University. And to this day too many news sites reported Obama spoke at Cairo U., when he did not… |
What’s It All About, Israel?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In 1967, when Israel routed the Jordanians, the schoolbooks in use were of course full of classic Jew-hatred and of course were removed and replaced by the approved Arab texts used in Israel’s Arab schools. For those who don’t know, the Arabs learn in separate schools. “Horrors! Apartheid!” But what is the alternative? To deny them an education in their own language by forcing them to go to schools in which the language of instruction is Hebrew? Do that and the Enlightened will scream bloody murder… |
Never Imitate Them
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There is an old expression that Western civilization is the product of Athens and Jerusalem, meaning Greece and the Land of Israel. The former gave the world architecture, philosophy and engineering, sculpture, poetry, the theater of tragedy, stories of man commonly at odds with the gods in a world of many gods. The latter gave the world ethics, morality, dictated by the One G-d of All Creation of All with whom one strives to live up to His demands and be all one can be. Improve society, raise it to a new level. We Jews are the world’s most experienced experts in injustice. We know what that is better than other people because hand-in-hand with the unique history of never dying, as many Western nations these days seemed headed for the memory banks of history, but not the Jews. So, or it seems, that beside the gift of immortality thus far, in every generation we are abused by Jew-haters who can be homicidal in the hatred, big time. As the Adolf Hitler was Evil in every cell of his body hated this opposite number, the Jews, the Jews represent the opposite of Evil, the Good… |
I Don’t Like Islam. Deal With It.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…At the risk of being misunderstood I think the Holocaust was the greatest compliment ever paid the Jewish people by the Devil, the evil force in this world. What an honor to be hated by the Devil Incarnate, Adolf Hitler. His wild hatred of Jews was the reaction of evil in the face of good, the good Jewish people. Murderous hatred. And while Nazism is a thing of the past, the hatred of Jews is alive and well. Today the leading Jew-hating nation is no longer Germany with its National Socialist ideology. Today, the leading Jew-hating ideology is Islam, which like Nazism, like Communism, is a totalitarian ideology; like them both, an ideology aspiring to world conquest; and it is no coincidence that all three in the black heart of their ideology, hates the Jews. And because Israel has a friend among the nations, the United States, Islam, Muslims hate the United States too… |
Trump’s Latest Bull’s Eye
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I suppose one top story today might be the day’s Donald Trump quote “Iran can do what it wants in Syria.” More hysteria from those hysterically envious of this successful man. He has agreed to slow down the withdrawal of the 2,200 US troops in Syria to pay his respects to his critics, however uncomprehending when Donald Trump also said Syria was a country of “sand and death.” G-d bless you, Donald Trump for speaking the truth and wanting to pull US troops from Syria because he loves those troops and does not want to die for this killing field of a state… |
The Pathetic NY Times
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is the country at which the world spits its venom. Take, for example, the behavior of the New York Times on Sunday, commonly a big day for the Enlightened to relax with this newspaper, enjoy brunch, and read the latest aggression against the only Jewish state in the world, and last Sunday the Times really outdid themselves. They published their investigation into the death of an Arab Muslim woman medic Gaza which included, the investigative research working with 1,000 crowd-sourced photos and videos of the scene, examining the autopsy report, conversations with friends and relatives, interviews with thirty key witnesses. This woman was in a crowd of Arabs in Gaza and IDF investigation allows that she made have been hit by a ricocheting bullet, or fragment of a bullet, vs. the Times considered judgment that the shooting was reckless at best, and possibly a war crime, for which no one has yet been punished. You get the picture? The Times invested all those calories and energy, analyzing hundreds of videos, interviewing dozens of witnesses all of which could mean that one Israeli soldier deliberately murdered this innocent Balestinian… |
English Dhimmitude
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And World War II no less was a holy war albeit an unholy one, waged by the Devil incarnate Adolf Hitler obsessed, seized by the very idea of Jews. The Holocaust was as much a religious war as any; a war against the people whose nationality is inseparable from its religion; the religion that gave birth to the Christianity in Germany that overran the pagan pantheon that Hitler and Wagner and so many Germans still cherished… |
The Sinking of American Jewry
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Back in ’97, the devoutly secular Forward newspaper in New York ran a piece by E. J. Kessler who wrote of “the widening rift among the Jewish denominations fueled mainly by the accelerating Orthodox shift to the right.” And my letter in response began, “This is an optical illusion, like calling dawn sunrise. The sun is not rising; he earth is turning. The Orthodox by definition do not move. Non-progressives they prefer to make no progress in any direction. “On the contrary, a dispassionate and objective review of the numerous changes in doctrine and practice made by Reform/Conservatives over the last quarter-century such as ordaining women and blessing intermarriage and homosexuality shows there has indeed been accelerating shift but by the secular left. “Ms. Kessler would do better to redirect the accusation away from the Orthodox right toward its polar opposite in order to find those truly responsible for the tragic rent in the fabric of the Jewish world. Who is drawing away from whom?” |
A Fresh Obama Shocker
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…That’s all I said and since then had a chance to read Raymond Ibrahim’s Gatestone post fully. It is more evidence of Obama as not only the enemy of the Jews, he is big time an enemy of Christians, like too many Muslims who take their faith seriously. It is a religion of hatred for non-Muslims, especially Jews and Christians on this Christmas Day… |
Trump, Mattis, Syria, Hysteria
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is how crazy Jew-hatred is, how it distorts the mind. Palestinian Nationalism is this generation’s Holocaust Denial. Both of them corrupt history. Holocaust Denial deletes from history facts and truths the denier is incapable of facing and assimilating. For David Irving, Jeremy Corbyn, Barak Obama the Muslim saboteur crusader for Islam, which is nothing but Judaism the sons of Ishmael stole and perverted. And as they cannot deal with the Holocaust, they cannot deal with the reality of Israel Reborn, the very existence of Israel, the return of the Jews as it says in the Torah, after 18 centuries, because the very existence of Israel refutes their claim that Islam is the Real McCoy, the real religion of Ibrahim, another name they mispronounce… |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Recalcitrance. The dictionary’s synonyms are disobedience, resisting authority or discipline, and I’d say those are good words to describe the archetypal Israeli who disobeys HaShem Who promised this land to His people, whom the archetypal Israeli, including some religious ones, resists His gift and commandment to embrace this Land, the one promised to Avraham in his first encounter with Almighty… |
Israelis Are “Friers”
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…webcasting from messianic Israel, the creation of messianic national socialists who thought that if they stopped acting like believing Jews, the world would stop hating them and tormenting and torturing this people. What they did not factor in was the possibility that the goyim would not let them shed their religious identity. I saw with my own eyes in 1993 Mr. Oslo Peace Process, Shimon Peres, say the purpose of Zionism was to normalize the existence of the Jewish people which can have only one meaning: joining the post-European intellectuals who had discarded Christianity. Young Shimon Peres wooed his future wife by reading to her from Das Kapital which he thought was the greatest book ever, Marx the genius who said religion is the opiate of the masses and Jewishness the worst of them. To this day there are many Israelis who believe that antisemitism was triggered by the Jews themselves… |
Stealing Our Dates
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So Chaim and Liora’s grandchild in the making didn’t make it. The 30-week-old baby born in an emergency C-section struggled for four days but didn’t make it despite the absolute efforts of the staff at Shaare Tzedek hospital, Shaare Tzedek meaning Gates of Righteousness. And no doubt about it; the violent attack that shot up Shira Yael was seen through a certain Islamic lens as an act of righteousness. Let’s be clear: what happened on Sunday evening was not an armed robbery; money was not the object. Spraying those innocent Jews at the Ofra bus stop was an act of righteousness because they were not innocent but guilty of the triple sin of 1) Jews stealing Balestine from Believers in One True Faith. 2) The Koran does not allow Jews to have their freedom in their own state. They must be oppressed and humiliated. 3) In Muslim eyes, Zionism is the Jewish intifada, the Jewish uprising, a rebellion against their status in Islam. It is an insult to Islam… |
Their Homicidal Envy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…How they hate us, so many in the world, and no less the Hamitic Ishmaelites on Sunday evening who thought it was a good idea to drive by a group of Jews waiting at a bus that the Jews built, along a road that the Jews built, and rake the group with gunfire. Seven were wounded. Most will do okay. Newlywed husband Amichai Ish-ran, 21, took two rounds in the legs and is expected to do all right. If not his bride, Shira Ish-Ran, also 21 years old and 30 months pregnant. She was raced to Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem, the doctors there decided to remove the baby and ever since have been fighting for his life, as his young wife and mother fights for hers. This beautiful young Jewess was hit in the abdomen and her future as of this writing is unknown… |
Rituals of Hate and Abuse
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Prophet Yeshayahu a/k/a Isaiah who lived here some 2,600 years ago, said “For from Zion will go forth the law, and the word of G-d from Jerusalem” and it is that truth the world, like Adam and Eve those first rebels in human history, is at war with when they curse and murder Jews. In fact, the nations of the world have proven that over and again, over the last more than 40 years of a Biblical generation, by refusing to condemn people who murder Jews at random in the name of their victims, the indigenous, ancient Palestinian people. I cover this in my book, how the UN has never been able to draft a definition of terrorism acceptable to World AntiJewry led by the Arabs and Muslims and corrupt, degenerate Western leftists who support them. The Judeo-Christian West has always supported criticisms of PLO and Hamas-type Jew-killing as terrorism, vs. the rest of mankind that says that terrorism is terrorism only when perpetrated against everyone in the world, except Jews. With Jews, what in others countries is terrorism, in Israel is not. It is acceptable even laudable… |