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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In the delirious celebrations by the Israeli Left in the wake of the horrible handshake on the White House Lawn in 1993, they took to crowing they were no longer Zionists, but post-Zionists. The Zionist movement was over; it had succeeded in creating a state accepted by the Arabs; it finally had a respected “place among the nations.” Zionism was over and they were now post-Zionists. As their parents and/or grandparents had removed off the yoke of the mitzvot from their shoulders, the lifestyle of the classical Jew, and became post-religious Zionists, so their seed would shed their fathers’ Zionism. They became Israeli post-Zionists no longer interested in living in a state of Jews, not when that connotes a religious lifestyle… |
All posts by DPP Webmaster
Iran, Today’s Nazi Germany
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So the chronology of it is that last Thursday night there were vague reports of a major Israeli strikes in Syria, many Iranian sites bombed, only the Air Force said nothing. Ever since September, when a Russian plane was shot down by the incompetent Muslims, which incompetence the Russians blamed on Israel, things have been different. DEBKA reported that 15 sites were bombed but not by Israeli warplanes this time but ground-to-ground missiles. Syrian military targets were attacked too. It is pretty clear what Iran wants. It has transferred thousands of Shiites into Syria to become Syrian citizens to help Iran turn Syria from a Sunni-majority to a Shiite-majority country… |
Assimilating Greek Culture
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…We have two holidays added to the Biblical ones to remember two different ways World AntiJewry has tried to exterminate this people; violently or via seducing Jews into disappearing into the melting pot of nations. The first is Purim, the threat of more than mass murder, genocide: the second is this one connected to Hanukah, when classical Jews fought a civil war against Jews seduced into adopting Greek culture that ruled the country for more than a century before the rebellion broke out when a Jewish tax collector for the Syrian-Greek rulers horribly oppression Judaism was assassinated by a family of priests who rallied the people to go to war against the Greeks, whose culture was polluting ours… |
Stealing Partition Day
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Like a soap opera that never ends, like malaria that comes and goes, yesterday’s top story in the Jewish global village were the words of a professor at Temple University — what a coincidence, spoken in the temple of diplomacy in Manhattan at 43rd street and 1st Avenue. Professor March Lamont Hill, a known associate of Louis Farrakhan, and commentator on CNN, called for the destruction of Israel as we know it. His vision is of a multiculti, non-denominational state “from the River to the Sea,” which obviously would require designing a new flag, unlike the current flag with its exclusively Jewish symbols. You know how greedy Jews can be… |
Western vs. Eastern Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Lately there has been a daily scorecard of violence against the Children of Israel everywhere. Yesterday in Judea, three IDF warriors were plowed into by a Muslim, who was exterminated by a soldier untouched by his violence. The boys were only slightly wounded and treated by medics on the scene. And in Brooklyn we saw video of a Jewish boy ambushed from behind and pushed down on the sidewalk. In LA, a Somali named Mohammed, and the fact that at so many of them bear this name is evidence what a stunted culture. Surely there were other virtuous Muslims one might call a boy. Islam is a totalitarian culture and it is no accident that the very name means submission and prayer is tantamount to self-abasement. It is not a culture that admires the individual for this individual contribution to society. So in LA this Muslim attempted vehicular homicide on some three Jews but failed… |
What Israelis Cannot Say
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Nobody ever said such a thing for two decades. What also was a watershed moment post-67 was the interview on the war’s second anniversary with the new Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir of blessed memory, that opens my book. Golda told the London Sunday times there never was a Palestinian people, as the myth in 1968, that crazy year, saw the birth in common speech of a heretofore unheard of nation with a role in the Arab-Israeli conflict. UN Security Council Resolution 242 five months after the war said nothing of any “Palestinians.” So, Golda was responding in June of ‘69 to the birth in the previous lunatic year of 1968 when Israel’s enemies began talking of a “Palestinian” people that had been in residence for thousands of years whose country the Zionists stole from them. Golda said there were no “Palestinians” at the time of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 or 1922 with the birth of Mandatory Palestine. And she had to know because she had made aliya the year before from Denver, Colorado, by way of Milwaukee and Kiev where she was born… |
The Slanderers, III
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Hating Jews is an equal opportunity hatred. You don’t have to be a gentile to hate Jews. Indeed, three times daily for thousands of years, Jewish men make mention of such people in our prayers. The slanderers. We call this central prayer the 18 Blessings, which was true in the beginning but no longer when about the year 100, in Yavneh a curse was issued against those in that year who sneered at their home people and collaborated with the Romans… |
The Invisible Green Line
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today the top story domestically was the end of the coalition crisis. Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked chose to back down form their threat to leave the coalition, bring it down and go to elections, and the top story in foreign affairs was the decision of the Airbnb company based in the wackiest of American cities, San Francisco, announced it was removing from its list of short-tern rentals in 81,000 cities in in 191 countries the two hundred rentals in Judea and Samaria that Airbnb repeatedly called in its announcement “the occupied West Bank.” |
Surreal or Real?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It is the evening of the 2nd day, yud-alef beKislev, Parashas Vayishlakh, tav-shin-ayin-tes, 5779, the evening of the 1st day, Sunday, 18 November, 2018, webcasting from political Israel once again planning on elections, which are a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money. This constant jockeying for power bores me and I never deal with it. I am more at home with what the goyim in the UN are up to, and last Friday the General Assembly voted on nine resolutions verbally scourging Israel. One was the annual renewal of a resolution from the 1970s creating a special committee inside the UN tasked with monitoring the human rights of the Balestinians in the occupied territories. In effect, its job is to keep an eye on the perfidious Jews abusing the Palestinians, who never abuse the Jews. Another condemned Israel for building in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Excellent Hillel Neuer of UN Watch said, “The UN’s planned assault on Israel with a torrent of one side resolutions is surreal.” |
Why Bibi Has Held Back
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It took centuries for the Children of Israel to be victorious over the Philistines. The last mention of them in Tanakh is in the reign of Khizkiyahu/Hezekiah, almost 800 years after the invasion of the Land of Canaan under Joshua. The Phlistim were there through the period for the Judges, the story of David and Goliath, and for centuries to come. So maybe 70 years is not so bad… |
Israel Needs A New Heart
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It is the evening of the 4th day, vav beKislev, Parashas Vayatsay, tav-shin-ayin-tes, 5779, the evening of the 3rd day, Tuesday, 13 November, 2018, webcasting from Israel once again bombarded by projectiles launched from Gaza of the Philistines who have tormented Israel for 70 years. Last night was the worst. Hundreds of missiles fired at us. Iron Dome brought down one hundred of them. Most fell harmlessly, a few did physical damage; one man was killed. No school today for tens of thousands of Jewish children. No business and productivity. With Israel as stymied as ever over how to put an end to this menace. The Air Force is are back to bringing down multi-story buildings which I reason are mostly empty apartment and office buildings. Unoccupied. Indeed, Israel is proud there were no civilian casualties in its air raids on 150 sites, and I learned during the Viet Nam that when a government reports arithmetic, it is an evasion of the issue. 150 sites bombed is meaningless so long as the missile barrage continues. One report said they might have launched 400 missiles but still have another 20,000… |
What Israelis Lack
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Take, for example, veteran military affairs correspondent for Yediot, Ron Ben Yishai, a nice guy, no ideologue. Former combat officer in the IDF, who has also, an assumed identity, visited Arab countries, risking capture, to report from inside the enemy. In today’s piece, he writes on the anomaly of a recently violent Gaza Strip vs. a relatively quiescent “West Bank” and of course as a post-religious Israeli chalks everything up to economic conditions. “Commentators invested a lot of time and effort in explaining why Gaza is going up in flames, while the Palestinians in the West Bank are demonstrating indifference. Now the tables have turned. It appears Gaza is calming down, whereas the shooting and stabbing attacks in the West Bank are becoming more commonplace. The reasons for the apparent lull in Gaza are obvious: Hamas is slowly achieving the economic benefits it desires, and attributing those successes to the March of Return campaign and the intense kite and balloon terrorism.” I’m sorry, but the young male Muslims who stabbed Ari Fuld in the back and pulled the trigger on Ziv Hajbi and Kim Levengrond after he bound her wrists with cables were not protesting the economic situation anywhere… |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Jewish people, someone once wisely observed, are just like everybody else, only more so. Which I understand to mean that Jews stand out in human affairs in all kinds of pursuits and behaviors, for good and evil, if not the kind of extreme evil gentiles like Germans and Arabs are capable, those most horrific crimes against humanity, against the human being, G-d greatest creation. Jews are capable of many crimes, but not the kind of gruesome violence the Germans have been capable of, and the Arabs with their horrifying acts of terror, like pouncing on Jews and stabbing them to death; like flying airliners into office towers, exploding themselves among Jews in crowded rush hour buses in their cities. We have had gangsters; organized crime in the States was only half-Sicilian, the other half Jewish. White collar criminals like Bernie Madoff. And like other normal nations, we have traitors. Think of England’s Cambridge Spies, Kim Philby and friends; of American Aldrich Ames, CIA, whose father was CIA, who betrayed his country to the Communists and the assassination of dozens spies for the US… |
Varieties of Jew-Hate
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Think of your radio with its different frequencies broadcasting to different communities. And hating Jews appears in different formats depending on the community. For example, professional politicians and diplomats these days have a psychological block when it comes to thinking clearly about antisemitism, arguably the spiritual fuel of the Second World War that ended the lives of sixty million people. You know how I’ve pointed out the eerily similar behavior of world governments on the UN’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day. They all issue statements referencing not only antisemitism and as a bad thing but lots of other forms of bigotry, prejudice and hatred… |
Stealing from the Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Everybody wants a piece of the action. What is Christianity if not the claim of being the religion of the Jews’ Messiah? Christians claim ownership of the Jewish concept of Messiah, ownership and definition. The Catholic Church claims to be the True Israel. In effect, they claim ownership over the word Israel too. The word christ/khristos is the Greek translation of Moshiach, meaning “anointed.” Christianity is worship of the anointed of the Jews. Then there is Islam where the envy is on display in broad daylight under a scorching Middle Eastern sun at high noon. Islam the name like Christianity as a name points to Jewishness, so Islam points to the Jewish story of Hashem testing Avraham’s faith by commanding him to bind his son as as if for sacrifice, only then does not make Avraham go through with it. Islam means “submission” and the Muslims venerate submission like a slave to Allah only they misunderstand the G-d of Avraham who most certainly does not want his chosen people to be slaves. He is the G-d of the greatest jailbreak rebellion of slaves in history. He is the G-d opposed to human chattel slavery… |
Hevron Forever
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So it is about time for the good news this week that, after 16 years, another building will be built in Hevron on land that was Jewish property in 1929 when Muslims butchered 69 Jews, mostly delicate, non-threatening, not even Zionist Haredi yeshiva boys as part of the three-day pogrom in Mandatory Palestine when Jews were pounced upon and murdered like what happened to Ari Fuld, hy’d, in several locales for a total of 137 dead. Then after the massacre, the British Mandatory government claimed it could not defend the Jewish community in Hevron, so in addition to the gore, bloodshed, death and funerals, the entire Hevron Jewish community was expelled from King David’s first capital which became completely Judenrein until 1967. Then along came the Six Day Miracle War, and all of a sudden Hevron was in Jewish hands for the first time since before the birth of Christianity, let alone Islam… |
Israel’s Hysterical Blindness
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And what after all is the endless violence here directed against us about if not who owns Jerusalem? Haram a-Sharif is like a child’s security blanket. Without being in possession of it, the pretense of Islam as the One True Faith falls apart. There are Christians today whose belief has survived the return of the Jews before the second coming. Because they never discarded the Hebrew Bible completely but have schlepped it around for 2,000 years and find meaning in it, particularly the psalms, they have survived the resurrection of the Jewish people in our land. Versus the Muslims who cannot. Like a house of cards Islam collapses with the loss of Jerusalem to the Jews… |
Resist the Schismatics!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…About the latest eruption of satanic Jew-hatred in Pittsburgh nothing constructive can be said because there was absolutely not one innovation in the deed. In a way, this massacre should not even have been newsworthy. Murdering Jews like this has been a feature of life on earth for thousands of years. Coincidentally, yesterday I was with a family of friends whose 21-year-old Israeli daughter still wrestling with the common urge to abandon the religious life she was raised in argued and age-old argument that if the Jews are hated like this, they must be doing something to make themselves hated, starting with calling themselves the Chosen People. I countered and told Jew-hatred is never anything but based on delusions, fantasies, fairy tales, never ever in truth and reality. So I for one was not surprised today to read this maniac in Pittsburgh now in custody believes the Jews have invaded the US and committing genocide. QED, Quod Erat Demonstratum… |
Mainstream US Jewry, R.I.P.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And in this light the Jews are arguably the oldest steady-state nation, a people, a national identity whose language and religion today and sense of its historic geography are the oldest in the world. I mean, the Jewish language, Hebrew and the Jewish religion are the same today as were alive in the age of the Pharaohs’ whose religion is long gone. The religious language of the 10% of today’s Egypt that is Coptic Christian — the word Coptic being a phonetic cousin of Egypt — descends from the language of the Pharaohs and is surely not the language of Muslims in Egypt today, which is Arabic. Today’s Muslim Egyptians are living on the same country as the ancient Egyptians, but they are another people… |
BDS – What Is It?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is what so-called BDS stands for. It lies that it is only against the presence of Israeli Jews in the West Bank which they believe the Balestinians rightfully own and should govern as part of an independent state and have the right to evict all the half-million-plus Jews living on its soil that bears the source name of the Jews themselves. In this alone, BDS is an antisemitic, politicide-bent operation. Where is it written that the “West Bank” must become the last patch of dry land outside Araby and Islam on the planet to legally deny Jews residence? What would Alan Dershowitz say if the next Cambridge, Mass. City Council where he made his home for decades is taken over by the radical left and declares that all Jews must leave? Where is it written that Judea and Samaria must be Judenrein? |
Israel and the Goyim
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Excerpt from today’s program:
…You know, I’m pretty sure that the Jews living in Muslim countries did not call what Israelis call the Arabs, Arabs. That is an Israeli practice. I know for sure that the Jews in Tunisia and the Jews in Yemen, where I have been, and have reason to believe Iraqi Jews likewise, did not call the Arabs Arabs. Just like my Polish and Russian Yiddish-speaking grandparents, they called them goyim. In Yemen they pronounce it joyim. Today’s Israeli society is probably the first in Jewish history not to use the word goy… |
Israelis Just Don’t Get It
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…They just don’t get it that Herzlian Zionism as an attempt to free the Jewish people from antisemitism has not been completely successful. Yes, there are goyim who support our return from the Great Dispersion even without the resurrection from the dead of Jesus of Nazareth. There are atheists who also support our return. But let’s not kid ourselves; so many of the rest are just old-fashioned haters of Jews in modern dress, in the language of the Times, pun intended… |
The Enemy Within, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Just look at the news stories featuring antiJew Jews in Israel and the States today. In England, they write for the Guardian, though one never hears of such types in the French media. Interesting. That is where in recent years 50,000 Jews had literally to flee their homes, and if they owned them, probably sold them at fire sale prices in order to get out as fast as possible because their locations had been overrun by violent anti-Semites of the classical Muslim variety… |
What Israelis Lack
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I can only wonder how long it will take the powers here to see that what is going is functionally in Gaza a religious activity. These are Sunni Muslims but what they are doing is reminiscent of the Shiites in Iran who commemorate the assassination of Hussein ibn Ali, grandson of Muhammad — the Hussein Barack Obama is named for — by slicing razor blades across their scalp. The scalp contains a lot of veins and capillaries so when it bleeds it can pour down in rivulets which is what they want, these blood-thirsty savage Muslims. There is something of this mortification going on in Gaza in which thousands of boys show up and it is likely an honor to be wounded by al-Yahud. As the German nobility would even pay a barber to slice his cheek so he can pretend he sustained the scar a double of honor, so these Muslims boys coming for what we deliver which has the double purpose of personal glory but contributing to the image of al-Yahud as cold-blooded killers of innocent protestors, the Jews as child-killers… |
Not Playing with a Full Deck
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today two more Jews were wounded by a homicidal Arab-Muslim, whose government the PA routinely names streets, parks and school for such Jew-killers. Thank G-d the two were not slain. A 32 year-old reserve soldier at a bus stop was pounced upon just as Ari Fuld, hashem yikom dammo, was by another would-be Muslim murderer who stabbed him. A 26-year-old Jewess was also lightly wounded when civilized Jews shot at the would-be murderer who raced off… |
Assimilation and Its Price
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And one factor accounting for this shift has been Israel’s tragic flaw, its never-ending yearning to become normal and stop being religious, which is the essential heart, mind and spine of the Jewish people’s identity, vs. the drive by Reform Jews, Herzl was a Reform Jew, to strip the Jewish people of its religious identity in order to become a normal nationality whose identity is non-religious. Spain and France are neighboring Roman Catholic countries, so what divides them is anything but religion. Language, diet, clothing, haircuts. And one way the Zionist enterprise has striven to do that is to bend over backward to be anything but the chosen people… |
Thieves & Murderers
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today was doubly bitter. A massive fire broke in the south that will burn days. And in the Shomron, an Arab-Muslim shot two Jews to death, wounding a third. At the Barkan Industrial Area down the road from Ariel where 8,000 people, half Jews, have Arabs, come to work every day, a known Arab employee in one of the companies showed up with a home-made automatic weapon and shot to death a 28-year-old wife to a husband and mother to an infant 16-months old. The MSM said she was an Israeli, but that is only academically true. Because she was a Jewess, she was murdered by an Arab, a Muslim, driven by hatred having nothing to do with Palestinian patriotism. These savages were doing these things to Jews here in the 20th century — when they were denying there was such a country called Falastin, a name they cannot even pronounce correctly it is so unknown to them, and today’s so-called Palestinian identity had nothing to do with it… |
Kavanaugh and Sexual Madness
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In the 1960s, the first American astronauts with the “Right Stuff” were rightly seen as American heroes, those “daring young men on the flying trapeze,” and Hillary Clinton wanted to be one of them, though I doubt she considered the route they took to arrive at that position. They were test pilots and fighter pilot combat veterans, and the fact they were no women among them was not the work of a nefarious patriarchal society. It was societally expected after the loss of so many young men in World War II that young American women were eager to marry and have children, be mothers and wives. Versus Hillary who rejected that. She is on record sneering that the alternative to her political career was baking cookies for a family. But this whole woman’s life has been, ironically, a feminist disaster, even a feminist nightmare… |
Europeans as AntiJew as Ever
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday at the UN in New York, that cesspool of world antiJewitis — anyone who doubts that needs to see my research into its voting patterns displaying clearly an obsession with the world’s only Jewish state — ambassadors from Britain, France, Germany, Russia, each with an indelible history of antiJew behavior, with the Chinese, met with Iran’s ever-smiling, wonderfully fluent in English foreign minister Zarif and all agreed they would find a way circumvent President Trump’s sanctions meant to strangle Iran’s oil economy. They met with the foreign minister of what all their intelligence agencies agree is the puppet master of most of the terror and violence in the world, global Public Enemy No. 1, the most criminal of states on the international scene. For these major countries, the fact of Iran’s criminal status was no barrier to wanting to sustain trade, and even help the Iranians develop their nuclear capability, nations who surely know that Iran’s leaders in public have joked about destroying Israel, G-d forbid, with one atomic bomb. In a word, Europe remains as antiJew as ever… |
LTF Strikes Again
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So, I found it amusing today to read of Little Tommy Friedman’s latest brilliancy, his prescription for what has to be done for peace and justice between Israel and the Ancient Ones. Little Tommy yesterday, Yom Kippur of all days, when he should have been confessing his ugly hostility toward Jews and even more important his stupidity about the Jews in Israel, stuck again. Jews are supposed to be smart, but here was this antiJew Jew still pitching the Two-State Solution, still thinking that these Arabs, these Hamitic Muslims, can be pacified by offering them some semblance of sovereignty in what he called the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Friedman is nothing if not an intellectual robot with a computer-generated voice in calling for, as he did, “a viable, demilitarized Palestinian state in the West Bank and a degree of Palestinian sovereignty in East Jerusalem.” |
Ari Fuld, hy”d
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Put another way, the savage who murdered Ari Fuld today probably shouted out Allahu Akbar. For sure, I have never heard of an Arab assassin — an Arabic word – shout out at such moments, “Long Live Balestine!” It is always this Islamic war cry, not at all a patriotic “Palestinian” imitation of, say, HaTikva, the Israeli national anthem that speaks of a Jewish soul yearning for this land. These are not “Palestinians murdering us like this, stabbing us in the back but Muslims. I only met Ari once and one he was a most friendly fellow, for sure a great lover of Israel. Like you, I only saw the blurry security camera video and it makes sense he was stabbed in the back, for that is their favored technique. Because they are such chronic losers in a fair fight between soldiers in uniform, this is the only way they can kill the enemy, that is, the unsuspecting civilians in public places, pounced on from behind. Ari was a combat soldier and enjoyed being one, the physicality of it, and I would not want go mano-a-mano with him. So this evil little savage Arab pounced on him from behind plunging and plunging his blade into him. He was rushed to hospital barely alive and passed there… |
Oslo @ 25
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today, 25 years ago, a spectacle took place on the White House Lawn where two of the most uneducated and foolish Jews in Jewish history nursed on Marxist claptrap shook hands with that disgusting reptile of a lunatic murderer Arafat, that Nazi-loving Muslim Brotherhood, homosexual pedophile. The scene transfixed the planet. Wherever there were television sets on the planet, the handshake on the White house lawn was on display. In attendance were the in-crowd of IBJs — Inside the Beltway Jews — smiling and clapping one and another on the back for the dawning of the messianic age of peace which in practice would mean the Two-State Solution and the expulsion of more Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria than were expelled from Iberia in the 1490s, with the rich irony being that this time, the regime expelling the Jews would be the Jews’ own government in Jerusalem… |
Janus-faced Albion
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The scandal of Jeremy Corbyn in the UK these days is like a malignancy in the body politic. It is not a good sign that is tumor of an idea that Zionism is racism, what he stands for, has erupted. On the one hand. Or the other, maybe it is a good thing because it forced the core of Labour to face the truth that it had to sign off on the international definition of anti-Semitism, which Corbyn opposed. Basically at stake for him was the right to call Zionism a form of racism. Today video from London shows a bus shelter plastered in protest of the anti-Corbyn decision with the words “Zionism is a racist endeavor,” Corbyn’s language… |
Arabs and History
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I spent four years of my life working in psychiatric institutions, including the most regressive, psychotic and catatonic, schizophrenic and I learned you cannot talk someone out of his madness with logic because his problem is not his logic. It is his sensorium, his reception and perception of the world is damaged. One inmate told me how riding on the bus in Jerusalem that day he felt that he was made of glass and all the passengers could see his all his sins and guilt… |
The Amazing Trump Team
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…On Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that the US would end all funding to UNRWA, and David Israel in the Jewish Press reported the next day that this would happen in a few days. But that then shrunk to the next day, Saturday, when The Trump Administration announced it was ending its support for UNRWA altogether. It had already docked the annual tribute to these modern-day Barbary Pirate protection artists by a third. Now the US is going all the way. Amazing. And no less amazing is one of the explanations for the move came from US Ambassadress Nikki Haley who said, “First of all, you’re looking at the fact that, yes, there’s an endless number of refugees that continue to get assistance, but more importantly, the Palestinians continue to bash America.” She said that speaking before the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Imagine that. She said more importantly than the scam was the endless bad-mouthing of America that has provided the lion’s share of support for these shake-down artists, this fake nation, like fake news… |
Armchair Zionists
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Israel-bashing has been common behavior since there was an Israel, I guess. This nation is unique in so many ways, one of them being the participation of so many of its people in the Jew-bashing style of the day. In about the year 100, the classic Jewish prayer called the 18 Blessings was modified and a 19th clause was added that was no blessing but the opposite. In Rabbi Sachs’s Koren translation, “For the slanderers let there be no hope, and may wickedness perish in an instant. May all Your people’s enemies swiftly be cut down. May You swiftly uproot, crush, cast down and humble the arrogant swiftly in our days. Bless are You, Lord, who destroys enemies and humbles the arrogant.” And his commentary calls the 19th “Against Informers.” “The original object was the sectarians that split the Jewish world during the late Second Temple period,” which description I find a bit too polite. In the Nusach Ashkenaz version, there is no reference to the minim/the sects but is there in Nusach Sefarad. And for sure one of the hostile sects in mind at the time were the Christian Jews, as scholars call them, the first Christians who were all Jews living here for about a century with their drive to dejudaize the religion. They were perceived enough of a threat to trigger the insertion of this 19th clause meant to drive them from the synagogues. And in the end, after they truly betrayed the people they were born into by siding with Emperor Hadrian and his Romans in the Bar Kochva revolt, they were persona grata in Eretz Yisrael. And in fact turned to the gentiles to spread the new faith… |
Israel’s Inferior High Court
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday, the High Court in Herzlandia, named for the Reform Jew for whom salvation meant stripping the Jewish people of their religion and having a state like all the goyim, was at it again, interfering in the conduct of foreign affairs, as it has interfered in military operations, this time tearing up the government’s policy in the matter of medical care provided to the enemy, even as the enemy with his rockets, mortars and fire kites terrorizes thousands of Jewish people – and I deliberately say “Jewish” not Israeli people, because the Ishmaelites firing at us did not respect Israeli identity. They see us only as Jews in rebellion against our Quranically-mandated oppression and humiliation… |
“Jews Don’t Love Death!”
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Palestinian Nationalism is this generation’s format for hating and snarling at Jews for being the Chosen People. In this generation, the AntiJew cloaks himself as a supporter of the self-described Ancient Palestinians victimized by the Jews who stole their land from them – and never mind photographic evidence from the earliest years of photography that exhibits the desolation of the Eretz Yisrael in the generation before the birth of the modern resurrection of the Promised Land by Jews. Herman Melville in 1857 called this country, a caked depopulated hell. Mark Twain ten years later said it “sits in sackcloth and ashes.” After 1840, when the Turks for the first time since the Crusades allowed Christians to visit and Christian countries to open consulates, Cooke’s Tours would eventually organize trips for tourists to the Holy Land, to Syria as it was called, because there was no jurisdiction under the Muslims called Palestine. My book opens with the list of 55 national and communities living in Israel in 1905 not one of them called Palestinian… |
Muslims Know No Guilt
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Excluding the Chinese and the Indians with their populations mind-boggling size, most of the world is either Christian or Muslim, and what are they if not rooted in the story of G-d commanding our Avraham to bind his son Yitzhak for a human sacrifice. Perhaps He knew man learns best not only through wise words but action, the acting out of a lesson, dramatizing it if you will. HaShem sent the 10th generation descendent of Shem son of Noah to the Land of Canaan to launch the process of dispossessing the Canaanites of the Land they occupied at the nexus of the three major continents, Europe, Asia, Africa. HaShem tells Avraham that in four hundred years’ time, a nation will come from him that will dispossess the Hamitic wild men of the land and implant the spirit of Shem son of Noah. And what a nice and curious coincidence that the very same name, Shem, became for Jews the proper, respectful way of speaking about the ineffable Creator… |
Do Arabs Think?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Hamitic Islam logically must be anti-Shemitic. That was the original spelling and pronunciation of the term. Over time the “h” fell away and thus the words Semitic and antisemitism were born, the second one being one of the most dishonest, really Orwellian word. The word antisemitism is like the word “Palestinian,” a verbal phenomenon meant to deceive. The term antisemitism makes no sense for it implies as Semitism that does not exist. The term Semitic originated among philologists in the 18th century to label Hebrew and cognate languages. Do a Google on that expression Hebrew and cognate and languages and see what you find… |
Israel Played for a Sucker
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Friday morning, Haaretz headlined, “Details of cease-fire emerge: Israel to rebuild Gaza, do prisoner swap, with Hamas.” Then the text: “Three senior Israeli official told Haaretz that the understanding includes six main clauses, comprehensive cease-fire the reopening of Gaza’s border crossings, an expansion of the permitted fishing zone; medical and humanitarian assistance; resolving the issue of captive soldiers and civilians, a broad reconstruction of Gaza’s infrastructure with foreign funding and discussions about sea and airports.” In a word, this is the mugging of Israel. Starting March 30, the Muslims in Gaza began attacking with intent to damage Israel’s defense barrier, Israeli property, as well as trying to kill Israeli soldiers with rocks and Molotov cocktails. Then came the fire kites and balloons, but now Israel is now prepared to buy off the mugger, get him to stop by offering these inducements like medical and humanitarian assistance. Apparently, we haven’t given them enough, and never mind the years of Gazans getting free medical treatment in Soroka Hospital in Beersheva… |
Where’s the “Jewish Narrative”
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…But Israel has not evolved for the better in the realm of national pride, judging by the growth of the malignant political left in the MSM. For example, the newspaper Haaretz which used to be – just think of the name, Haaretz, short for Land of Israel – used to be a Zionist newspaper. Today, a major shareholder is German gentiles, and not surprisingly Haaretz today reflects the Euro-Left epitomized by Dr. Mogherini, who represents this generation of European antiJews. The European hatred of Jews for killing Jesus has gone out of fashion; today the evil of the Jews is their crime of stealing Palestine from the Palestinians. The medieval Catholic priest on Good Fridays squawking from his pulpit on the perfidy of the Jews, the required sermon topic for the day, has been replaced by the Communist Jeremy Corbyn squawking that Israelis in recent weeks have killed dozens of Palestinian children… |
Corbyn is Textbook
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so, it is no coincidence that the rise of the evil Third Reich in Germany was coterminous with its Fuhrer who simultaneously hated Jews and loved Wagner’s grandiose operas rooted in pre-Christian German folklore and paganism. In our generation, Wagner’s great-grandson, who hated German Nazism, gave lectures on the connection between the covert antisemitism buried in his forebear’s operas and the Holocaust. They are not only celebrations of pagan Germans but sub rosa aggression against the Jews. As I often point out, Nazism, Marxist Communism and Islam are all totalitarian haters of Jews, and so is Jeremy Corbyn. And I find it interesting that as the US had a Jew-hating Muslim as president for eight years, so the Labour Party in England is now led by another cockeyed antiJew as deranged as a David Irving, or Mahmoud Abbas. The Daily Mail exposed Corbyn at a memorial for Fatah terrorists in Tunisia and his self-defense is textbook verbiage for this type of denier of the truth about Jews… |
The Arabs’ Phony Demo
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The truth was on display last night, big time. The top story in Israel today was the gathering in the St. Isaac Rabin Square in Tel-Aviv of Arabs with citizenship allegedly protesting the Nationality Law but in truth identifying with the enemy. If they, in truth, had come to protest being excluded from the State of Israel in some way that harms or offends them, they would have been waving the Israeli flag, acting like Druze who fight and die for that flag, that state in which they live and live better than in Lebanon or Syria. Instead, these protestors protesting their exclusion from Israeli society in some way were waving the flag of Balestine and chanting exactly what the Ishmaelites in Judea and Samaria have been known to chant. “With spirit and blood, we will redeem you, Falastin. Israel is a terrorist state…an Arab Balestine from the sea to the River Jordan.” |
“Eyeless in Gaza”
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So you all know that over the last 24 hours over 200 projectiles, rockets, mortars, small arms fire, and flying incendiaries, have terrorized thousands of Jews. Maybe you saw the video from Sderot yesterday where the rockets came crashing down, and the Jews could be heard shrieking in terror for their lives, especially the children, all of them scrambling for a bomb shelter. 70 years after the founding of the Zionist state, goyim are still trying to murder us. And even if they don’t — I mean, only four Jews were wounded, only four — the murderous Muslims in Gaza have the pleasure of terrorizing Jews, disrupting their lives, making them screaming in fear. For these Muslims, this is pleasure… |
The Endless War Against US
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…As I’ve said before, what strengthens my belief in the G-d of Israel as much as anything is the angry and snarling enemies who via their hostility bear witness to the power of the Jewish idea. According to the Jewish Press this afternoon, the rally in Tel-Aviv two nights ago was funded by a group call Anu, meaning “We,” that in turn in funded by the New Israel Fun, the European Union, the UNESCO and the Shocken Fund. This is wonderful. There can be no greater validation to the truth of the Nation-State law than the reactions of antiJews the world over. The UN in New York and Geneva; the EU in Brussels, the New Israel Fund in New York and Washington backing Israeli antiJews. Anu informed the news media that they were the “headquarters if the struggle against the Nationality Law” that is, basically, nothing but classical Zionism… |
Kushner’s Conceptual Breakthrough
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The topic of how much the Jews should be allowed into society was endless. In the post-religious 19th century, it was no longer logical to hate Jews as deicides, when a person no longer believed in the divinity of the Nazarene. So what the gentiles did was redefine the Jews as not a nation within a nation. The Jews as a nation started out in the womb of Egypt, and in its dispersion remained a nation within nations. But now in the age of the study of religion as a scientific pursuit, with anthropological pioneers studying the world’s races, the Jews were redefined as a race and the negativity toward this race called eventually antisemitism. The first antisemites made the case that the Jews were racially, that is biologically, so different, their offensive ideas and behaviors could not be removed by allowing them greater penetration into society… |
Jews Must Not be Pitied
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The older I get, the more I see of life, the more I am convinced of the truth of the Bible. And what convinces me is the mind-boggling genius of the writing, the amazing, immortal history of the Jewish people, and the behavior of antiJews like Jeremy Corbyn, like Adolf Hitler, like David Irving, all of them with minds that off the rails. What all display is an attachment to Jews no less powerful than that which propels yours truly every morning to bind my weak side arm and my head with the Torah miSinai and keep G-d in mind all day in numerous normal activities, like eating and answering nature’s call. As Jewishness is an all-consuming pursuit for a serious Jew, so Adolf Hitler was consumed by his insane hatred of Jews 24-7… |
Israelis! Not Jews!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So the Nation-State Law remains a hot topic this day in Israel, and I think one of the most important reactions came from the most respected opinionator in Yediot Aharonot, until bypassed by Israel Hayom, Nahum Barnea, and veteran spokesman for Israel’s post-Jewish Israelis. Of course, he is critical of the law that erodes “Israeliness,” but he never spells out what that is. In typical hysteria for his slice of society here, he thinks the law says to popular Israeli Arab TV personality Lucy Harish — who speaks 100% Jewish Israeli Hebrew – that she has no part in life here. Nonsense… |
Lying About Our History and Other Perversions
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I do hope my book in its latest format is a success not only because I need the money but because it is an antidote to the lies told about Jews in this generation and no less by Jews themselves, how sad for us; how said for the Jewish liars. On Friday the International New York Times ran a page one op-ed by such an antiJew Jew, indeed an Israeli, but before getting to him, take note of the recent practice of the once dignified New York Times that believed in separating fact from opinion, news coverage from the editorial page and its regular columnists. As Sean Hannity correctly complains, there is no more journalism in the MSM. It is all opinion and at its worst for resting on feelings and not facts. In its drive to maintain readership, the Times has joined the fashion by featuring opinions on page one and once again the columnist is an Israel-bashing Jew… |