All posts by DPP Webmaster

“What were they thinking?”

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: “What were they thinking?”
Webcast Date: 06/01/2010
Length: 39:50 Minutes
(June 1, 2010) …I think this fiasco this week has Ehud Barak’s spiritual finger prints all over it, his thinking. He is the Defense Minister, where the buck stops, and for sure if any one man is responsible for overlooking this possibility, it is he, Ehud Barak, prince of the socialist communes that dominated the Zionist movement for a generation, from the early 1930s to 1977.

Back in the year 2001, I think, in January, when Ehud Barak as prime minister still, four months into the satanic massacres of the second intifada, ran against his challenger Arik Sharon, he was interviewed by Ari Shavit in Haaretz. And it was the most unusual interview I have ever seen anywhere because the interviewer did not ask one question. It was like reading a transcript of a monologue by Ehud Barak. Shavit just turned on his recorder and let him ramble. And his rambling thoughts on the situation at that time, and why he should remain prime minister, left a strong impression on yours truly. I read a train of thoughts which told me – to my horror – this supposed clever fellow who studied Systems Analysis, I think, at MIT for a bit, this most decorated fighter – had an uneducated and an untrained mind.

Which makes sense because I spent a few brief periods living in an Israeli kibbutz just like Ehud’s. I know the culture and I am not surprised he turned out the way he did.

These were communards, those who dominated the secular Zionist movement who junked thousands of years of Jewish culture and belief and saw themselves re-inventing not only the Jews but human society by their communal way of life; by first breaking up the nuclear family; taking new-borns from their mothers at six weeks and raising them communally. Mother and child would spend hours together during the day but not at night. The children slept in the Children’s House.

These were admirers of Karl Marx who was notoriously deficient when it came to human psychology, the way people really are by nature. The Marxists thought they knew better than nature.

And this is a major reason why Marxism failed because its inventor was an angry, ugly human being who did not understand mankind. These Marxists had so little appreciation of the human person and what the person naturally tends to and shies away from and can aspire to; and cannot reach.

Well, Ehud Barack was raised in a society whose wisest leaders believed in 1993, like Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin, that it was possible to shake hands with Yasir Arafat and agree on a nice neighbor policy with conditions that he and his people would faithfully uphold and adhere to.

For Peres and Rabin; for Beilin, for Ehud Barak, Arafat was a man you could do business with.

And it is no coincidence that none of these idiots in their adult lives worked in business, ran a business, did business with other people. They were always on the public dole one way or the other.

In a nutshell, the entire edifice of the world-famous Oslo Peace Process rested on the judgment of these post-mitzvot Israeli men that Arafat was a man Israel could do business with.

And here is Ehud Barak, or so it seems, behind this shocking trap the IDF dropped into, which should not surprise. It seems not to have occurred to Barak & Co., who signed off on this mission, that our sons would be met as they were on the deck of Marmara by dagger-wielding, Jew-hating, homicidal Muslim maniacs…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:24 Mins)

Mossad Flotilla Hijinks?

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Mossad Flotilla Hijinks?
Webcast Date: 05/30/2010
Length: 36:07 Minutes
Program Link: Iraqi Columnist in Arab Liberal Online Daily Elaph: The Hostile and Provocative Name Chosen for the Planned Ground Zero Cordoba Mosque Symbolizes Dreams of Expansion and Invasion of the Territory of the Other
(May 30, 2010) …Speaking before of those vessels which have yet to show up here, this could turn out to be more good news.

One possibility is an ugly confrontation between Israeli warriors at sea and these deranged antiJews, some of whom surely would like to make their mark by attacking a racist imperialist and having a video of it on YouTube as a record of one’s heroism against some of the most evil people in the world, these Zionist oppressors of the Ancient Ones.

On the other hand, so far so good. What started out as nine vessels is now down to five; and by early evening they too seemed to be having mechanical difficulties.

There were also reports in the MSM this morning that the communications equipment aboard the ships was malfunctioning.

And the Cypriots refused to play along by denying Cypriot ports and coastal waters to the flotilla, which stopped them from taking on, as I understand it, some official E.U. antiJews, with analysts here explaining that Cyprus is doing this for economic reasons, which may reflect an Israeli threat that if it does not, Israeli tourists will just stop coming to Cyprus as they have stopped going to Turkey.

It also is an opportunity for the Cypriots to screw the hated Turks. Not because they love Israel but because of the Turks who are major backers of this flotilla.

Judging by these news reports it sounds like Mossad, Military Intelligence, GSS whoever, has been gainfully employed getting employees onto those vessels, mixing in with the crowd with some secret equipment to crap up their communications network and or any other computer stuff on board. Israelis know about computers.

I think it was back in the first intifada in 1988 when Arafat cooked up an imitation Exodus vessel carrying stateless Arabians to land in Israel as another media event. You know how they invented the Naqba to imitate the Shoah, another plagiarization of some Jewishly-owned intellectual property and used it to attack the Jews with it. And so Arafat wanted an Exodus-type vessel. And that single vessel was, I think, lying at anchor in Limossol port on Cyprus the night before it was to set sail, when for some reason some mysterious explosion blew a whole in its hull and it sank. So much for that ploy.

And it sounds as if Israel’s secret services may be having some fun with these nasty antiJews…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (2:44 Mins)

Most Ran Away

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Most Ran Away
Webcast Date: 05/27/2010
Length: 41:19 Minutes
(May 27, 2010) …In other words, Israel is not wholly pure in this matter. Some 5% seem to have been driven from their homes in the Ramleh-Lod area for military necessity, with the young Communist-educated IDF officer Yitzhak Rabin in charge of that expulsion.

But, really, like 95% ran away in part because there were good reasons to do that. So many of them who fled were migrant laborers living in shanty shacks who owned nothing. And it was no big deal to leave behind one’s worldly possessions for what they assumed to be for a few days.

Most of these migrant workers had come from all over Araby. From Morocco to Yemen to Iraq and were illiterate, unskilled manual laborers who had no permanent homes and possessions in Mandatory Palestine.

But then there were other Arabs who did run away and did have homes and possessions; the crème de la crème really. Like Edward Said’s uncle who lived in Jerusalem in the Arab Christian neighborhood of Talbieh next to Jewish Rehavia, an Arab neighborhood for Christians, mostly Lebanese like the Saids, which neighborhood would not have existed without the Zionists first creating Rehavia. These far more sophisticated Arabs – especially those living in Haifa, because they had come recently from Lebanon to get in on the development of the Zionists – still had family in Beirut. And so it was not much of an ordeal when the war began to throw some clothes into a suitcase and drive the family car – an indication of their greater wealth – over the border into Lebanon to spend some time with family as the Arab armies overran developed Palestine and took it away from the Jews. What shameless thieves these Arabs are.

Yes, the first wave of 100,000 Arabs left Palestine even before the war began, following the U.N. General Assembly Resolution 181 of 2 November, 1947 which called for – finally – creating a Jewish state on 12% of the original promise to the Jews.

(The Merchant of Venice, come to think of it, is also about doing business with a Jew and breaking one’s promise to him.)

So the first exodus from Palestine, after word came from New York in early November of ‘47, were these 100,000 richest and most sophisticated Arabs: the lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, successful merchants, Edward Said’s people, who simply picked up and left because they did not want to fight for Palestine – which made Edward Said’s career all the more, in my eyes, contemptibly disgusting.

In a way, the career indignation about the alleged theft of Palestine by us racist Jews was really for Said a masquerade meant to cover the truth that his people did not fight for Palestine. They were cowards.

And this goes for all of them. Mahmoud Abbas as well is on record remembering his flight from Tsfat as a young teenager, when teenage Jewish boys were helping with the war effort. Arafat as well was living in Gaza at the time when he fled to Cairo even before the IDF showed up.

So these first 100,000 Arab refugees were not driven from their homes. And the bulk of the rest weren’t either.

Yet this is the fairy tale of Jewish evil that is in the head, at this very moment, of hundreds of antiJews on nine small vessels having, I am sure, this evening a wonderful time partying aboard ship as they cruise toward Gaza to act out the fairy tale of Jews starving the Ancient Ones to death after having in 1948 stolen their country from them…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (4:13 Mins)

Brando/Zionist & The Guardian

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Brando/Zionist & The Guardian
Webcast Date: 05/25/2010
Length: 38:09 Minutes
(May 25, 2010) …In those days it was as “in” to be pro-Zionist as later it was to be pro-civil rights and the other.

For example, in New York City in September, 1946, a new show debuted on Broadway that was called A Flag Is Born and it was all about the rightness of finally turning the Palestine created after World War I into a Jewish state. It was a social cause play whose cause was the rightness of having a Jewish state in Palestine finally – what with at that very moment hundreds of thousands of Jews still confined to Displaced Persons camps in Europe.

Two of the cast of this three-person drama were two of the finest actors at the time: Paul Muni and Celia Adler and a third one just making a name for himself, a young actor by the name of Marlon Brando.

This play was a plea for the creation of a Jewish state. It was written by Hollywood’s most successful screenwriter, Ben Hecht. It was directed by Luther Adler, also of the famous Adler family; with music by Kurt Weill. It was produced by the American League for a Free Palestine, an organization headed by Hillel Kook a/k/a Peter Bergson.

The play with its three-character cast concerned a husband and wife, Tevye and Zelda (Teyve is the Yiddish/Hebrew “Tobias”), two survivors of the death camp at Treblinka who are desperately trying to get to the Land of Israel. And they are traveling with their angry teenage son played by young Marlon Brando. He too survived the concentration camps.

The play opens as the older couple halts for the night in the journey and Zelda lights Shabbos candles on a broken tombstone. And Tevye recites the Shabbath prayers. And then he dreams of the town where he was born, as it was before the Nazis destroyed it.

He dreams of King Saul at war in Gilead and dreams up a conversation with King David after which, in his dream, he addresses the Security Council of the United Nations – England, France, the United States, the Soviet Union – and pleads for the creation of a Jewish state. Of course in his dream they all ignored him.

Then he awakes to find wife Zelda has died during the night. He says Kaddish, and welcomes the Angel of Death who has come for him too, he believes. He too wants to die.

And his angry young son David also ruminates on suicide, but then three Jewish soldiers appear and promise to take them them to the Land of Israel to fight for Jewish independence.

As Wikipedia has it, in the play’s stirring finale David (Marlon Brando) delivers a moving Zionist speech and marches off to fight for Jewish freedom holding a Zionist flag made out of Tevya’s prayer shawl.

Well, that was 1946, and today is today…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (3:25 Mins)

The Real Menace II

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Real Menace II
Webcast Date: 05/23/2010
Length: 37:30 Minutes
Program Link: The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment
(May 23, 2010) …Today’s top story was the first day of a five-day exercise in Israel on how to cope with a rain of missiles, thousands of them. Some time back I named a webcast “The Real Menace,” which is not the A-bomb in Iran but these missiles which by themselves, I reckon, would do serious damage to the people of Israel, not so much in terms of casualties. The real danger is what they can to our infrastructure, to the oil refineries in Haifa, to the power plants in this country which you can’t hide from Googleearth cameras.

On Friday JPost headlined the story: “Next week’s civil defense drill to simulate attack on water infrastructure.”

What happens when our water supply is damaged? What will we drink?

How will we turn on lights when our electrical plants are bombed?

What happens when Ben Gurion Airport is hit and all airlines, save for Israel’s three or so, stop flying here? What happens to our tourist industry?

What happens to the ports of Ashdod and Haifa being made incapable of handing cargoes?

And in thinking these thoughts today, they led to this longish excursion into the life of Karl Marx because it appears that as Israeli Marxist philosopher Shimon Peres was the genius who thought bringing Arafat & Co. into our tiny country was a good idea, it was the Marxist philosopher Shimon Peres who more than any other Israeli is responsible for Israel’s notorious refusal to admit to having nuclear bombs.

One could argue that the miserable strategic situation we are in today derives from this policy of nuclear ambiguity connected with this man.

It would have been a different world if instead of the history of the last half-century here in which Israel has refused to relate to its nuclear potential, and I don’t mean actively but as a threat.

Imagine a world in which Israel as soon as it got the bomb held it over the heads of the Arabians and gave them the excuse to make peace; to be docile.

Imagine a world in which the first day Israel got wind that Iran was fixing to build a bomb, Israel publicly threatened to bomb it with our own unless they stopped.

I can’t help thinking that our miserable strategic crisis today is all the product of the mind of Shimon Peres, HaShem Yirakhem, G-d have mercy…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (2:49 Mins)

Exile the Enemy

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Exile the Enemy
Webcast Date: 05/16/2010
Length: 37:06 Minutes
(May 16, 2010) …So yesterday was Nakba Day, and a new idea came from Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz who reacted to the words yesterday of Raed Salah- he’ s head of the major Islamist movement among Arabs here with citizenship. Salah said, inter alia, “Jewish construction in Jerusalem is the new nakba.”

And Steinitz said, “It is intolerable and unforgivable that in the State of Israel there are Arabs, and also a small group of Jews, that oppose Israel’s existence and mourn its establishment. In my opinion, we have to find a way to limit these people, and maybe even revoke their citizenship. Whoever opposes the State of Israel’s existence, whoever cries over its establishment [that’s what Nakba Day is] is raising a question mark as to his own citizenship in this state.”

There are a couple of things here: First of all, while countries like the United States do not allow the government to deprive people of their citizenship if they are born in the territory of the U.S., the U.S. has no power to send people outside the country, but others do. The Russians exiled Solzhenitsyn.

In any case, it is not written in granite that all countries must have laws which forbid exiling natural-born citizens. Why not make exile from the country a possible punishment for certain behaviors?

Though at the outset I would stipulate that there be here, if we go in that direction, complete inequality in this matter between Jews and non-Jews. It should be much harder to exile a Jew, if at all.

And of course Israel, by making that distinction, the Enlightened would howl and shriek “Racism! Making a distinction between Jews and non-Jews?” And never mind that there are 21 Arab states – officially Arab states – which make every non-Arab within their borders outsiders. And there are 56 officially Muslim states. Same thing goes for that.

But when the one, tiny Jewish state proclaims itself as exclusively Jewish as these others are exclusively Arab or Muslim, the Jews are tongue-lashed as racists and bigots…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (6:52 Mins)

A Disputation Today

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: A Disputation Today
Webcast Date: 05/13/2010
Length: 38:48 Minutes
(May 13, 2010) …You know, it is a misconception that a ghetto for Jews was a Christian-European invention, starting with the first, as the historians teach us, in Venice in the year 1516. The word ghetto at the time meant foundry; you know, a noisy, industrial metal-clanging plant, dross and fumes. And it was near one of these in a section of that city of canals that was walled off to serve as the Jewish area. Hence, ever since, such compounds have been called ghettoes.

Well, that may be the linguistic history of that word, but it was hardly the first time in Jewish history Jews were told where in a town or city they could and could not live. In Marrakesh, Morocco decades earlier, the Jews were confined to what in Moroccan Arabic is called a mellah, from the word for “salt” (melakh in Hebrew and Arabic) and it referred to, I believe, salty ground not good for planting, bad land where the Jews had to live.

Next door in what became Algeria and Tunisia the Jewish ghetto – before the word ghetto appeared in Christian Europe – was called “hara”. In Yemenite Arabic it was “qaa”. Qaa-al-Yahud, the Jewish area.

And in 20th century America Jews were not allowed to buy homes in such places as Greenwich or Wilton, Connecticut, or Grosse Pointe, Michigan. And in the wealthy buildings of Manhattan’s Upper East Side there are co-ops and condos that are Judenrein, no Jews allowed.

In the tony town outside of New York where yours truly grew up, Jews were denied residence in certain areas. The one country club in the incorporated village would not admit Jews as members.

And now we are in the 21st century after the Jewish people have resurrected Jerusalem, with their money, their efforts, their sacrifice, pain and blood being told there are also areas in Jerusalem that must be Judenrein. No Jews allowed, for the land is rightfully the property of the Ancient Palestinians, and Jews have no right either to build homes there for themselves or destroy standing Ancient Palestinian buildings built without Israeli building permits. “Who is Israel to be handing out or not handing out licenses to the Ancient Ones in “their” ancient city?”

Bibi acquitted himself well yesterday in a special Knesset session commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and expulsion of the Jordanian aggressor-occupiers of two decades. He gracefully dismissed those Israelis who “lament the day that Jerusalem was liberated and freed from its stranglehold.” He likely had Yossi Sarid in mind whose opinion piece yesterday morning in Haaretz did just that.

Could there be a more antiJew, antiZionist sentiment than Yossi Sarid’s? Regretting the return to the real Zion, meeting the Temple Mount? Yossi Sarid & Co., the Israeli and Jewish left, are nothing but the Neturei Karta without the beards…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:37 Mins)

Jerusalem Day

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Jerusalem Day
Webcast Date: 05/11/2010
Length: 38:13 Minutes
(May 11, 2010) …Well, today among the Enlightened, Erev Yom Yerushalayim, it is the common wisdom that it is wrong for Israel to rule over all of Jerusalem to the exclusion of the Ancient Palestinians whose claim is surely as ancient as that of the Jews – and never mind they did not build this modern city, the Jews did.

Palestinian Nationalism is a fancy term covering up the hunger of these Hamitic Arabs for our property, for what rightfully belongs to us. Palestinianism is the justification for their insatiable appetite for Jewish wealth.

I think that is what jihad is all about too. These Muslims believe that they have the right, the religious obligation even, of getting the whole world to be Muslim. And as Believers they have the right to do anything, including leave a car bomb on 45th Street in Manhattan. They have the right to conquer the world – and wind up with all the world’s wealth. That is the unspoken part of the deal.

What an odd turn of events, historical events really. A generation ago in 1967, the Jewish liberation of Jerusalem was kind of a supernatural moment in time, an electric moment.

Today, though, “Who do these Jews think they are building in Ancient East Jerusalem of the Palestinians?” and never mind that Jerusalem is a Jewish word. It is a Hebrew word…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (6:10 Mins)

Proof! We are the Chosen People

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Proof! We are the Chosen People
Webcast Date: 05/06/2010
Length: 39:17 Minutes
(May 6, 2010) …Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, kaf-gimmel be-Iyyar, Parashas BeHar, tav-shin-ayin, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 6 May, 2010, webcasting from the home of the Chosen People chosen by mankind as the Scapegoat People.

Interesting word “scapegoat,” invented, if memory serves, by William Tyndale, who was put to death for translating the Christian bible into English so that people could understand it. What a difference between Christendom and Jewishness until the age of Tyndale and subsequent translators. In the Catholic Church, the Latin Vulgate Bible was forbidden most believers because they couldn’t read Latin.

Versus Yiddishkeit which demands not only that our rabbis but all Jewish men read and study all the holy texts. The Jewish rabbinate has no monopoly on what’s written in the Bible and Talmud. And because of that rabbis, when they cite a passage to make a point, if it is inaccurate and/or poorly argued, his listeners will not hesitate to tell him and challenge him.

Versus the Reform rabbis I knew in my youth who were never asked questions because there were no texts, so whatever the rabbi said was unchallengeable. Reform Jews simply do not read let alone live by what’s in the holy books.

But I digress. Roman Catholicism was in a way akin to the Druze religion which is known fully only to their priests; the laity is in the dark. And as part of the evolution of history leading up to the Protestant Reformation was the translating of the Latin Bible into a language Catholics could understand. It was a capital offense to do that, though, which is why Tyndale lost his life.

And when it came to the passage we just read on Shabbat the other day concerning the two goats sacrificed on Yom Kippur by the High Priest in the Temple in Jerusalem on land now in the hands of Ishmaelites who hold it captive as surely as their brethren in Gaza are holding poor Gilad Shalit, William Tyndale in 14th century England translated the term se’ir laazazel, the goat spiritually laden with all the sins of the community chosen to be sent into the desert away from the community to be pushed off a cliff and killed… Tyndale came up with the word in English, he made it up, “scapegoat.”

Later on in history when Israel sank in sinful failure, and the nation of Greece arose, the Greeks too, descendants of Esav, had yearly rituals of expelling from the community a goat who carried the evil spirits. In Biblical Hebrew goat is se’ir and in Greek it’s tragos, whence cometh the word “tragedy.” Today, “tragedy” is misused to stand for misfortune or sad occurrence or accident; originally it was connected to this ritual of expelling bad feelings.

And over time the religious rituals of early Greece led to the composing of poems and stories and dramas which were acted out as part of the ritual. And these early dithyrambs evolved into the theater of Greek tragedy, which commonly concerns man and fate/divinity in conflict.

Aristotle the great theorist of art defined tragedy as a story leading to, in the audience, the purging or expelling of the emotions of pity and fear.

So Tyndale gave the English language the word “scapegoat,” which is directly rooted in the Torah miSinai. It comes as a concept from the Jews, and historically the Jews have been mankind’s scapegoat people who are laden with the community’s – in this case, the international community’s – worst sins. Leastwise it is one way to understand the current moment in the news in which we in Israel are being bashed from all sides…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:03 Mins)

Theater of the Absurd

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Theater of the Absurd
Webcast Date: 05/04/2010
Length: 38:58 Minutes
(May 5, 2010) …But to return to an earlier idea that there is a through-line between the collapse of the capitalist system, the victory of sodomy and the corruption of the peace process as a railroad process meant to railroad Israel to its death, G-d forbid. It is no coincidence, I think, that in the same year of 1969 two years after the Jewish people returned to rule in Jerusalem and Judea as they had not since before the Roman occupation a half-century before the rise of Christianity, the denizens in the West of the Sodoms and Gomorrahs emerged from their haunts to demand the re-branding of their behavior from an abomination into a blessed behavior; and at the same time the emergence on the stage of history and international diplomacy of the heretofore unnoticed Ancient Palestinian nation as a party to the Arab-Israeli violence separate from “the Arabs.”

As for the Sodomites, “Gay Liberation” it was called, and “Palestinian national liberation both emerged within weeks of each other, the former before man landed on the moon that year and the latter afterwards, but still in the same satanic year when the Rolling Stones sang of their sympathy for the devil and a member of the audience one evening in a Stones concert was stabbed to death.

This was the age as well of the feminists who burst upon the scene in 1966, not coincidently when the birth control pill and other devices became publicly available. Until then, society had scorned sodomites as hedonists for whom sexual pleasure had nothing to do with procreation, the creating other human beings, the next generation. After 1966, when sexually more normal people adopted the revolution in birth control, the gays laughed in the face of proper society by pointing out that now “We are all equal.” If “straights” could separate the unique pleasure of sexuality, why not Sodomites?

And this led to the opening of the flood gates of appetite for all kinds of desires, including making mountains of dollars one would never spend and not be above killing the goose that laid the golden egg of the capitalist system to do that, by wrecking the banking and financial system, milking it to death.
The 1960s was a time when conventional morality collapsed in a variety of ways. Sex, money, and the Arab-Israeli conflict which was turned on its head and transformed into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in which the Jews became once again the villains.

As we have been in every generation for millennia…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:25 Mins)

Israelis are Mute

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Israelis are Mute
Webcast Date: 05/02/2010
Length: 39:50 Minutes
Program Link: Who Lives in Sheik Jarrah
(May 2, 2010) …Well, there was some more juicy stuff in the news today, can’t get to all of it, so let’s focus on that cowardly betrayal of Israel by those two famous French “philosophes” of Jewish extraction, Bernard Henri Levy the peacock and Alain Finkielkraut, who joined 3,000 other European intellectuals of Jewish descent in calling for a ban of indefinite duration on Jews developing any more of the city of Jerusalem wherever they want and a ban all over Judea and Samaria as well. They have signed on with a European version of J-Street called JCall.

Supporters of the building freeze that fellow PhD, the famous moral philosopher Dr. Mahmoud Abbas is calling for, he who presided over one ghastly Jew-massacre after another as satanic as any the Nazis resorted to, are now joined by these two famous “philosophes”.

I think I am less angry with them than sad for them. I think they are simply pathetic, actually all 3,000 of them. My guess is that many are simply frightened by the recrudescence of violent and menacing Jew-hatred. Some Jew in France yesterday was brutally beaten.

Fortunately, the head of the French CRIF, the national Jewish organization created by Napoleon, Richard Prasquier sharply rejected this petition by the 3,000 which is going to the European parliament tomorrow in Brussels when JCall makes its debut on the stage of world antiJewry.

Good for le president du consistoire. If these two philosophers don’t know the world is ganging up on Israel, and no true friend of Israel joins in the bullying as they have, they are as blind as that other jackass of a French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre the Stalinist immoralist.

Leave it to the French to worship such a moral reprobate and adulterer as Sartre the philosopher, a profession that these two French philosophers of Jewish extraction proudly claim.

Well, they may be French philosophers, but in Jewish eyes, they are cowards and traitors…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (12:15 Mins)

Bibi Stands Up

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Bibi Stands Up
Webcast Date: 04/29/2010
Length: 38:55 Minutes
Program Link: The Hashemite Kingdom of Apartheid?
(April 29, 2010) …Today Enlightened, post-Christians and post-Jews in the West are of the lovely opinion that sharing Jerusalem is a must for peace to reign in Israel. Plain and simple: while the Jews may think they have the right to own and rule in Jerusalem the way, say, the Arabs own and rule in Mecca and the French own and rule in their capital of Paris, Israelis don’t have that right. The Jews in Israel do not have the right to own and rule in their capital as surely as Brazilians rule in Brasilia that they built in the 1950s in the middle of a jungle. The capital of Brazil is built by the nation of Brazil.

But the modern city of Jerusalem built by the Jews…well, they have to share it.

Modern Jerusalem was launched in the year 1855 when the first development outside the walls, the building of a windmill to grind flour for kosher bread, was constructed outside of Jaffa Gate.

And that was a revolution in history: for century after century there was nothing outside those walls, and photography shows that to be true. Photography by 1855 had been around for a couple of decades. Black & white, grainy, there are photographs of Jerusalem in the middle of the 19th century.

And then there are the painters who painted Jerusalem at the time. One painting was done in 1859 by Edward Lear, the famous English poet of light verse, who was also a painter, and he came to the Holy Land. Starting in 1840, a pivotal year in the Middle East, the Turks, threatened by Russia, wanted support from the West and got it but for a price. The Ottomans agreed to allow, for the first time since the Crusades, the freedom of Christians to come on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

And came they did. Thomas Cook & Sons, the famous travel agents wrote their first tourist guide to the Holy Land in the 1860s. The Land was flooded by tourists and pilgrims…to the extent the Land was capable of absorbing them. Painters came, photographers came.

And looking at this painting by Edward Lear, one sees the visual record – not filtered through the artist’s inner torment or his impression or expression that modern artists are involved in. In those days painting was recording what the eye saw. And this Lear painting makes clear that at that point Jerusalem sat as an island in a sea of desolation. No habitations outside the walls. Jerusalem was an oasis of human settlement in a desert of barrenness.

Thus, hence and ergo, all human settlement outside those walls today are the result of the Jewish nation spending its own money, sweat, tears and blood to restore civilization, city-life to Jerusalem and over all the Land of Israel.

And that this myth of a Palestinian Nation with a valid claim to ownership of the Land and Jerusalem is nothing but a lie as big as Islam itself…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:04 Mins)

The Internal Civil War

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Internal Civil War
Webcast Date: 04/27/2010
Length: 38:38 Minutes
Program Link: The False Religion of Mideast Peace
(April 27, 2010) …You know that the so-called Arab Peace Initiative was initially the handiwork of LTF [“Little Tommy Friedman”] in the year 2002, a year after 9-11 when Friedman went to Saudi Arabia to genuflect before the king at that time, Fahd, whose presence there was instrumental in bringing the Arab Peace Initiative to the world.

What with Yossi Beilin behind the Oslo Abomination and the continuing abomination of Beilin’s association with the Jew-killer Yasir Abed Rabbo in their Geneva Initiative, it sometimes seems as if the Arab-Israeli conflict is as much an internal Jewish civil war as a struggle between Jew and non-Jew. The Jewish people returned to their homeland are still fighting for peace and quiet and a life without threats of national annihilation, and Israel must still defend itself not only from Arabs and their Gentile supporters but Jewish antiJews too.

Beilin, Indyk, Roger Cohen, LTF, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Danny Kurtzer, Gerald Kaufman in England, Stephen P. Cohen at Harvard; there is no shortage of Israel-bashing Jews in the world, in Israel in the Exile, who energetically offer their services as Stephen P. Cohen did for Obama when he sent him a first draft of that Cairo speech.

There has to be something very wrong with the internal Jewish identity of such people, the 80% of self-identified American Jews like Stephen P. Cohen who voted for this guy…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:35 Mins)

Dark Times

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Dark Times
Webcast Date: 04/25/2010
Length: 38:07 Minutes
Program Link: Who Rules Israel?
Hamas is accused of being moderate
(April 25, 2010) …And the question asks itself: How many Grad rockets would it take landing in the middle of Eilat, G-d forbid, before the entire tourist industry is abandoned by vacationers? This is a serious problem.

What these maniacal Muslims did to the little town of Sderot, they can do to Eilat with even fewer projectiles launched before the thousands of tourists flee and turn the hotels and restaurants and other attractions into ghost facilities.

The intelligence community drew the easy conclusion that the rocket boys in the Sinai wilderness were al-Qaida types, not necessarily Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Which makes sense. As the PLO varied from 12-to-18 separate murder gangs, so the so-called Islamists are as fractious.

The Sinai Peninsula is about half the size of England and is largely uninhabited, but is known to be a place for adventurous jihadis these days, this plague of barbarians who use their religion to legitimize their barbarism. How many of them are holed up in the Sinai Peninsula is an estimate for the intelligence community to make but for sure they are there. Every vacation time Israelis go down the Gulf of Eilat coast to the hotels and beaches that we developed and handed over to the Egyptians. And every time the GSS emits warnings, that there are homicidal antisemites on the loose planning to murder Jews. And just this Passover there was a swarm of Jewish vacationers who hustled back over the border.

This is our fate. We have not known a day since May 14, 1948 when Israel declared independence without some Arabs somewhere plotting and carrying out plots to murder us. In this regard, World War II never ended for us…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (11:24 Mins)

The New Inquisition

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The New Inquisition
Webcast Date: 04/22/2010
Length: 43:39 Minutes
(April 22, 2010) …In order to really understand the Spanish Inquisition and expulsion in 1492, one has to start 101 years earlier in 1391, when in the spring Pesach and Easter coincided, and starting in Andalucia in Sevilla, a frenzied mob of Catholics rampaged through the Jewish community raping, stealing, mutilating, murdering in an orgy of blood.

Which homicidal fever then infected other Spaniards in the south, in Cordova and Granada and eventually, over the spring and summer that year, jumping from town to town like a forest fire, one Jewish community after another was invaded and the goyim brought their Christian version of hell for Jews to infernal life. That summer in Spain, thousands of Jews were slaughtered, raped, dismembered, burnt to death. It was such a tsunami of blood and terror, some scholars estimate that in the ensuing ten years, half of the hundreds of thousands of Jews in Spain converted to Roman Catholicism. Scared out of the minds with what that goy had just done, half of them converted.

For sure, some percentage of them threw in the towel on being Jewish. They did not want to die for it, and they converted and left it behind.

But no less many chose to go underground. They converted and lived as Catholics in public in every way; in private they lived their Jewish lives.

Think of Anne Frank and other Jews hiding in those attics in Amsterdam. Here legions of Jews became actors living double lives. The term marrano came into use, its origin in doubt. Scholars agree it’s basically a synonym for pigs/swine. In doubt was its genesis as name for these Jews. Was it the invention of real Spanish Catholics in their hatred of these phony, insincere Christians? Or was it the invention of Jews who did not convert and were contemptuous of those who did?…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:28 Mins)

Martin Indyk: Antisemite

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Martin Indyk: Antisemite
Webcast Date: 04/21/2010
Length: 36:15 Minutes
(April 21, 2010) …And “shared sovereignty” of a city in general? Where is the model for this? Where in all of human history over thousands of years has there been such a capital shared and administered jointly by two warring peoples?

And, in any case, at Camp David ten years ago this summer, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered just that: a shared Temple Mount. The Ishmaelites would keep the top with the mosque and the shrine and Israel would keep the Wall, basically freezing the current peaceful relationship, which is as peaceful as it is because Israel exercises exclusive police powers. The idea of splitting authority so that there are two police powers must inevitably at some point lead to disagreements, argument, friction and clashes.

How ironic. King Solomon the Wise appears in Tanakh – the builder of Jerusalem – and in short order after we meet him he is judging between two women fighting over a baby, which dispute the great psychologist Shlomo ben David solved by imagining the cutting in two of the baby, which idea provoked two different responses in the women. And he knew who the real mom was.

Well, one lesson from this tale might be that there are some things in life that you can’t divide, that are nor shareable. When in history has there been such a shared capital between two nations whose entire history is that of abuse by one side, the Ishmaelites of the Israelites, on the other?

Two peoples whose relationship began in the generation of a problem child, Ishmael, who was denied his birthright because he was such a wild guy.

And ever since, the seed of Ishmael has envied and begrudged the seed of Yitzhak, his baby half-brother who got his inheritance.

The Arabs facing the Jews are a bitter and resentful people because the Jews are so far above them in so many ways.

And so they must have Haram as-Sharif; it is essential for their self-esteem. And it cannot be shared with al-Yahud. Al-Yahud must give it up.

And not only that say the Arabs: they want to take it from them. Al-Yahud is lying. That is what Arafat said to Clinton ten years ago at Camp David. “When the Israelis say the Temples stood on Haram as-Sharif, they are lying because they want to steal it from us.”

Of course he would say that, this primitive punk Arafat, who put the Thief of Baghdad in his pocket as a thief, with two-thirds of the PA aid in his own private bank account.

He accused Israel of wanting to steal Haram as-Sharif from the Muslims…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (8:58 Mins)

The Real Threat

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Real Threat
Webcast Date: 04/18/2010
Length: 38:25 Minutes
(April 18, 2010) …Our cruel, Hamitic, antediluvian neighbors know very well how we did not like the rain of 39 SCUD missiles that landed on Tel-Aviv and environs in 1991. And how we certainly didn’t like the 4,000 rockets in 2006. Or the Frog missiles a year ago that terrorized hundreds of thousands of Jews in the south and paralyzed life for them during Operation Cast Lead.

The Iranians, for they are the principle enemy here operating behind Syria and Hamas and Hezbollah, also remember all too painfully their own experience with terror missile bombings in their cities; in their capital of Teheran during the Iraq-Iran War 1980-1988. Saddam Hussein, that monster father of two psychopathic sons, figured at the time that with his revolutionary neighbor Iran in turmoil, he could just barge in and steal some of Iran. Like the legendary Thief of Baghdad. He wanted to steal Iran’s oil fields on the other side of the border between them, the Shatt al-Arab, which incursion lasted for 8 years. Eight years of hell in which a million people died that ended only because Saddam, who lost the initiative early on and was mostly on the defensive, was still able to keep launching missiles into Teheran and making life hell for the people there, which ultimately forced Khomeini to sue for peace. Khomeini was determined to fight until Saddam was vanquished, but those volleys of rockets were intolerable, which led Khomeini to agree to a cease-fire. He said it was like drinking poison, but he agreed to it because of those terror rocket barrages.

Ergo, this is what the Iranians might enjoy doing to us.

G-d forbid…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (12:20 Mins)

Prince Obama Draws His Dagger

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Prince Obama Draws His Dagger
Webcast Date: 04/15/2010
Length: 41:06 Minutes
Program Link: Obama Speech Signals a U.S. Shift on Middle East
(April 15, 2010) …And that was Psalm 100.

Finally, I want to go back to that mention of Rashid Khalidi, Obama’s friend, writing in today’s snooty, antiJew Foreign Affairs magazine online, who is positively delusional when it comes to Israel. He whines, for example, that 40 generations of Palestinians are buried in a central Jerusalem Muslim graveyard.

Forty generations? Assuming a generation is forty years, that’s like 1,600 years.

And he complains about “pushing settlers into Arab areas in Jerusalem” “Pushing settlers”? Nobody is pushed. All are volunteers. He says this is “part of a tactic of the Zionist movement for over a century to obtain control over more and more of Palestine.”

A century ago, it was the year 1910 and Jews were building on barren land outside the walls of Jerusalem, that’s true; and in any case in 1910, Palestine did not exist except in the minds and in the books of Jews and Christians. Arab Muslims had no conception of it.

I read this charlatan’s book, Palestinian Identity: The Making of a Modern National Consciousness. It was such rubbish. There was not one line in it concerning the content of this “Palestinian National Consciousness.” What it was about was a search for the time when Arabs began to call themselves “Palestinians” which is a very different matter. And his earliest, inconclusive find was the year 1908, when two Christian brothers in Jaffa became publishing a four-page newspaper using the name.

Which happened four years after Herzl had died and had already set in motion the creation of the first modern bank in the Holy Land whose purpose was to facilitate the purchase of land by Jews. That’s when the Arabs began to discover “Palestine”.

But even then – aside from this exception – the Arabs continued calling the land “southern Syria” for decades to come.

This guy has a PhD and writes in this prestigious magazine on foreign affairs. He occupies a fancy chair at Columbia. What has happened to the world?

Rashid Khalidi is yet another crackpot charlatan – who does deserve to sit in a chair named for Edward Said at Columbia University.

Like Obama, yet another fantast of a past that never existed concocted to justify hating and murdering Jews in the present…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (11:20 Mins)

An Astonishing Emptiness

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: An Astonishing Emptiness
Webcast Date: 04/13/2010
Length: 39:27 Minutes
(April 13, 2010) …A final thought on Anat Kam to balance my perhaps ungenerous and uncharitable assault on her.

She looks to be a not particularly happy person based on pictures of her now in the media taken before the current mess.

She could be prettier than she allows her herself to be, and perhaps she turned out this way seemingly bitter, resentful, aggressive, revengeful because she was brought up so far from what she might have become already had she been raised in a Jewish, not an Israeli home: already a warm and nurturing mother of children and a husband.

The thought arose that her betrayal of the symbol of secular, post-Jewish Israel, the IDF, her assault on the IDF, has meaning. Some press reports had acquaintances of hers remarking on her failure as a pilot and unhappiness with serving as clerk/secretary.

Well, I suspect that before her time in the army she was embittered because somewhere deep in her being as a Jewish woman she sensed that she has been raised the wrong way, to have aspirations and feelings alien to her as a Jew and a woman.

Maybe this accounts for other leftists in Israel angry at the state, the culture so stripped of the best that Jewishness has to offer.

These leftists are on the surface furious with the state and patriotic and religious Jews, but underneath, one suspects, they are energized by a profound envious resentment for having been denied the right to be raised as Jews…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:35 Mins)

“We let you live…”

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: “We let you live…”
Webcast Date: 04/11/2010
Length: 37:11 Minutes
(April 11, 2010) …Without the Jewish geniuses in the field of nuclear psychics, nuclear energy for civilian and military purposes, there might not be such a field.

Men not only like Albert Einstein but a whole battalion of Jewish physicists who dominated the field in the 20th century and built the first bombs.

The United States of America’s greatest defense during the Cold War was its undersea fleet of nuclear subs very much the handiwork of Jewish engineers.

Jews have been prominent in the nuclear programs of France, England, Argentina, Russia, and in a word, Your Excellencies in your medieval kingdoms and Islamic Republic dictatorships must know that if Israel had wanted over many decades to build, say, 20 bombs and drop them on Teheran, Ankara, Baghdad, Damascus, Amman, Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, Cairo and Algiers, etc. all in one morning’s work, Israel could have done it.

And that we have not is evidence of just who we are, which is the opposite of your medieval, nay, Dark Age, demonic fantasies of evil Jews.

You should all go home now and get down on your knees facing Mecca and thank Allah that we Jews are such nice people.

We Jews don’t have to sign any NPT treaty because we have proven ourselves over decades of being no nuclear threat even when it comes to our hate-filled neighbors. We have proven ourselves as responsible, civilized, humane people.

Versus the homicidal priests in Teheran who publicly make jokes about dropping an atomic bomb on tiny Israel at the same time as they move full-steam ahead toward making this bomb.

All of you leaders here in this assembly today should thank the kind people of Israel who have let you live, who are not at all like the violent Muslims of this world with their terror-bombing daily in Iraq and Pakistan and Afghanistan and Moscow and Chechnya and New York and London and Arlington, Virginia, Bali Indonesia.

You Iranians have murdered our people via your front organizations of Hezbollah and Hamas. You murdered hundreds of U.S. soldiers and marines in Beirut and Iraq and Saudi Arabia in terror attacks. You have proven you are not to be trusted to have in your possession nuclear weapons.

We are to be trusted. We have proven that. You are barbarians, antisemitic barbarians, and we give you an ultimatum: start dismantling immediately your nuclear program or pay the consequences…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:25 Mins)

Enemies Domestic

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Enemies Domestic
Webcast Date: 04/08/2010
Length: 39:24 Minutes
Program Link: Petraeus’s Israel Problem
(April 8, 2010) …But what may be the ugliest feature of the antiJew dreamers’ two-state solution is their claim that really all the elements have been there in the negotiations from the beginning, and all that has to be done is to revive the plans discussed at Camp David in 2000 and later on at Taba in the last days of Ehud Barak’s time in office, which was the shortest time in office any Israeli prime minister.

What is so revolting in all of this is the insulting refusal to allow us Jews in our own democratic state to choose our leaders and commonly on the basis of what they say and do and plan to do. Ehud Barak in 2000was run out of office by Ariel Sharon for having presided over the collapse of the leftists’ fantasy of decades by giving life to the insane Oslo years. He and his leftists brought down murder and mayhem on the Land in terrorist atrocities the likes of which the country had never suffered from in such intensity.

And so Ehud Barak was voted out as in his last weeks he frantically tried to come up with some agreement with the PLO, but they kept refusing. He offered more and more, but in the end failed.

And now these antiJews in Washington, these viziers to Emir Barack Hussein, want to return to those failed efforts, and in so doing tell the Israeli electorate, “We don’t care what you think. We know better. We have a higher standard of justice than you Jews in your eternal crucifixion of the real Jews in this conflict, the real victims, the Ancient Ones.”

Men like Obama and Malley and Scowcroft and Obama are on the side of the barbarians…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (4:35 Mins)

Negative Force Obsession

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Negative Force Obsession
Webcast Date: 04/06/2010
Length: 36:04 Minutes
(April 6, 2010) …Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 4th day, kaf-gimmel be-Nisan, Parashas Shimini, tav-shin-ayin, the evening of the 3rd day, Tuesday, 6 April, 2010, webcasting from the Land of Israel still under attack by the Philistines here and Philistines abroad.

In the days of the Shoftim/the Judges whose history is recorded in the seventh book of the Bible of that name, a period spanning 440 years, one of them was Samson who is remembered for saving Israel by bringing the Philistine temple down on his head in Gaza and in atonement for his dalliance with Delilah in the year 931 before the Common Era. A long time ago.

Twenty-four years after he did that, David the son of Jesse the Bethlehemite was born, and what catapulted him toward kingship at age 30, inter alia, in the year 877 before the Common Era was his slaying of the Philistine giant, Goliath.

In other words, the Children of Israel crossed over Jordan in the year 1273 before the Common Era, and here we are some 400 years later, in the age of Saul and David, when they were finally ready for kingship after contending with the Canaanites and Philistines for control of this Land.

And here we are 2,864 years after David slew the Philistine giant, and the top story in the Israel morning was of the Neo-Philistines in Gaza calling for a Strip-wide end to rocket fire into the villages and towns and cities of the Children of Israel that they built – versus the history of Ishmaelites in this land who built nothing. They built goornisht, nada, klum in this Land, but as true, ravenous Hamites they are shameless in claiming that what we created is theirs.

A few days ago around Shabbos, Salam Fayyad said there will an Ancient Palestinian state in two years with Jerusalem as its eternal capital.

I heard that and wanted to call a lawyer and sue this son of a female canine for stealing our slogan…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (3:10 Mins)

Obama’s Passover Seder

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Obama’s Passover Seder
Webcast Date: 04/01/2010
Length: 38:52 Minutes
(April 1, 2010) …So for me, Mr. President, I don’t buy the slogan “…home to the three great monotheistic faiths.” I think only one of them is authentic. And I don’t feel I am being greedy when I say Jerusalem belongs to the Jews any more than I would if I were a Frenchman saying, “Paris belongs to the French,” or a Russian saying, “Moscow belongs to the Russians.” Why must we Jews have to share our capital and with such a wild and bloodthirsty people?

So, unlike the good rabbi in Salt Lake City, I guess, who was not insulted by the Mormons running a seder, I am insulted by Barack Hussein Obama messing around with my religion. I don’t like his interpretations of the Passover Haggada, which word means “the Telling,” the telling of the story of G-d rescuing the Children of Israel from a nightmare because He wanted to install them in the Land He promised to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – but not to Ishmael.

And I don’t like it that there were Jews at that table in the White House, as I imagine there were. Passover is not about “slavery” and “discrimination” and “persecution” in the abstract as a human behavior mankind must overcome. “We shall overcome…”

No. It is about the seed of Shem enslaved to the people of Ham and the promise to them of the gift of Eretz Canaan which they were commanded to transform into Eretz Yisrael…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (12:51 Mins)

Ignorance Emoting

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Ignorance Emoting
Webcast Date: 03/28/2010
Length: 38:28 Minutes
(March 28, 2010) …Now, for those who don’t know: university professors of religion are, by and large, not at all religious but debunkers of religion, starting with what they call the Old Testament whose first Five Books, they say, were not written by Moses but a cabal, if you will, of rabbis centuries after the time of Moses (if he really existed at all) who had access to maybe a half dozen or so different versions of the Five Books which they edited into one.

And never mind the idea of a committee of rabbis all agreeing on one meaning for every verse. The Talmud, for those who don’t know, is eighteen volumes of rabbis arguing with one other.

Anyway, Prof. Robert Wright commenting on world affairs objected to a recent opinion peace by the Christian Zionist and religious conservative Gary Bauer who wrote that “the East Jerusalem settlements are entirely within the city of Jerusalem and Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.”

Said Prof. Dr. Robt. Wright in reply, “That’s artful wording, but it doesn’t change the fact that East Jerusalem, far from being part of ‘the capital of Israel,’ isn’t even part of Israel. East Jerusalem lies beyond Israel’s internationally recognized pre-1967 borders. And the common assertion that Israel ‘annexed’ East Jerusalem has roughly the same legal significance as my announcing that I’ve annexed my neighbor’s backyard. In 1980, the United Nations explicitly rejected Israel’s claim to possess East Jerusalem. And the United States normally vetoes U.N. resolutions that Israel finds threatening, this time chose not to do so.”

This is a guy I feel who has never read one serious book on the Israel’s War of Independence and its denouement or the Six-Day War. Every writer regardless of political slant knows that in 1967 Israel had no “internationally recognized borders.” On the contrary, in 1949, Israel and all its neighbors had signed cease-fire documents which explicitly, in black and white, said these lines are not borders.

And when he mocks Israel annexing East Jerusalem and likens it to annexing his neighbor’s backyard, here is a PhD who is no more thinking than those earlier bloggers; he is just emoting. In addition to not knowing that there were no borders in 1967, he seems not to know Israel did not annex a place called “East Jerusalem.” The term was not in use, and Israel rightly saw itself reuniting a city that had been split by a wall even uglier than the Berlin Wall.

And as for the 1980 vote against Israel by the U.S., he is right: the U.S. normally did not do such things, and the only reason for the anomaly in 1980 was the fact of the president being James Earl Carter who we now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is a lying antisemite.

So here is the much classier Herr Doctor Editor-in-Chief of the Progressive Realist and Professor of Religion at the University of Pennsylvania thinking like the yahoos we first looked at; that is to say, he is an ignoramus with a woefully cracked version of the situation here.

And I fear it is a narrative like the one in Robert Wright’s head that is found as well in the brain of Prince Barack Hussein.

This morning in Israel, Yediot ran a small piece on an anonymous member of Bibi’s team in Washington last week who sounded just hysterical in his view of Obama as a “security catastrophe” for Israel precisely because he is now, unlike all other U.S. presidents, firmly on the Arab side in his grotesque distortion of the truth.

In his mind, Obama’s mind, we Jews in Israel are the villains and will be treated by him as such.

Oy Gevalt

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:20 Mins)

Obama’s Five Demands

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Obama’s Five Demands
Webcast Date: 03/25/2010
Length: 42:06 Minutes
Program Links: Hillary Clinton’s unfortunate mistake
Bawd and Man at Yale
(March 25, 2010) …So, here they are again, one by one, the five demands made by Emperor Barack Hussein, the Islam-lover who bowed down to the King of Araby whose educational system in his country produced an Osama bin Ladin and 15 of the 19 madmen on 9-11.

Demand of Bibi No. 1: Israel will not build in the settlements even after Bibi’s 10-month moratorium ends. This is a very basic demand of the mass murdering antisemite Mahmoud Abbas which Obama and Hillary have made their own. It embodies the principle that Israel recognize that it is in occupation of what the whole world today calls “Palestinian Territory.” Israel must recognize this from the outset even before negotiations are re-started; that this land is “Palestinian” land and that is why Israel must cease immediately any building on it. And never mind that the Arabs in Judea and Samaria have not stopped building either.

Indeed, they build at will without any licenses from the legal government here since 1967. They build with money sent from Arab states; homes and apartments that stand empty. What matters is just more building at will.

And for the life of me I have never figured out why Netanyahu does not go public and tell Obama & Co. that Israel will stop building, all building, when the Ancient Ones do so too. But since they don’t, this double standard is a variety of age-old Jew-hatred and Jew-oppression…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:58 Mins)

Bibi & Hillary @ AIPAC

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Bibi & Hillary @ AIPAC
Webcast Date: 03/23/2010
Length: 39:04 Minutes
(March 23, 2010) …In his speech, typical of Israeli politicians, there was no attempt to refute the arguments of the antiJews, to ridicule their claims and reasoning as a good debater at the Oxford Union might. There is no attempt to dismiss their claims for the rubbish that they are.

Bibi spoke of the removal of hundreds of roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank and how he helped spur a fantastic economic boom in an attempt to make Israel look good in the face of the slanderers that he himself referred to vaguely.

But at no time has he ever dismissed the rubbish that pours out of the Arab mind when it comes to us Jews here in this little land we brought back to life.

Hillary Clinton, exactly like Sheikh Barack Hussein, spoke of Israel’s “security and long-term success.” And course when it comes to making the right choices as a state from a security point of view, Hillary and Barack know better than Israelis, who in their right-wing majority don’t want to share Jerusalem and don’t want to retreat from the hills in back of Tel-Aviv.

That’s why these promises about Israel’s security are mostly meaningless. For the Saracen in the White House who clearly is the puppet master to his puppet the strident Hillary, Israel will only increase its security by handing over Judea and Samaria to the Ancient Ones because “when you do, they won’t hate you anymore and they will live next door as good neighbors”…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (9:17 Mins)

Saracen in the White House

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Saracen in the White House
Webcast Date: 03/21/2010
Length: 39:23 Minutes
(March 21, 2010) …Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 2nd day, zion be-Nisan, Parashas Tsav, tav-shin-ayin, the evening of the 1st day, Sunday, 21 March, 2010, webcasting from the Holy Land still largely occupied by Saracens.

“Saracen” is a name we find in material on the Crusades referring to the Muslim enemy. And Wikipedia provides the following information: “Saracen was a term used by the ancient Romans to refer to people who inhabited the deserts near the Roman province of Syria who were distinct from Arabs. The term was later applied to Arab peoples, and by the time of European chroniclers during the time of the Crusades came to be synonymous with Muslim.”

One school of thought says that the term “Saracen” comes from the Greek Σαρακηνός… in Ptolemy’s Geography, the Sarakenoi people refers to those living in the north-western Arabian peninsula, distinct from Arabs. The term spread into Western Europe through the Byzantines and Crusaders. After the rise of Islam, and especially at the time of the Crusades, its usage was extended to refer to all Muslims…”

Now check this out: “In Christian writing, the name was interpreted to mean ‘those empty of Sarah’ or ‘not from Sarah’ (See…John of Damascus. Both Christians and Muslims adopted the extra-biblical Jewish tradition that Arabs descended from Hagar’s son Ishmael. Christians also called them the Hagarenes (Ἀγαρηνοί) or Ishmaelites.”

Indeed. That is one way to describe the Arabs: “not of Sarah.” Of the seed of Avraham, but not of Sarah, and that makes all the difference in the world.

Avraham ben Terach was, for want of a better word, the greatest philosopher in human history and arguably the greatest scientist as well, who preceded Albert Einstein by thousands of years. When Avraham looked up at Creation, he understood – like an Einstein who said “G-d does not play dice with the universe” (no Darwinian he) – that all of Creation was one and therefore was created by One. Avraham against the whole world that believed in thousands of gods said, “No. There is only One.” Avraham saw meaning and order and intelligence in life. He was the perfect man of faith who let the G-d he heard lead him with total faith because G-d is good and wants the best for him.

Avraham ben Terach brought eight sons into this world but only one was the chosen, the one chosen to bear his spiritual legacy.

He had these eight sons with three different women, and what distinguishes the chosen one was his mother, his father’s legitimate wife.

Six sons came from a woman named Ketura after Sarah had passed, and the Midrash teaches she was Hagar who reformed herself, did teshuva. And so too would her son eventually reform himself and do teshuva.

But in the meantime – history – until the miraculous end times, the world has to confront his second son who came from Avraham and Sarah.

Avraham’s first son was Ishmael who came from Hagar daughter of Egypt son of Ham, and so the major difference between Ishmael and Yitzhak son of Sarah was just that: they had different mothers. Same father. Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch zatsal in 19th century Germany described beautifully how different these two women were and consequently their sons.

So there was more rioting today, and yesterday rioting. It has been a few years since a cohort of teenage Saracens has been throwing stones like this at us Jews. Burning tires, cat-and-mouse games with the Border Police and army, keffiyas around their faces.

And course in the general rising of temperature precipitated by the Muslim mujahid in the White House and his Wellesley girl sidekick attacking Al-Yahud, the “natives” have taken this as a signal to riot again…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt – Song by Gil Akibayov(15:12 Mins)

“Palestinian” is an Antisemitic Word

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: “Palestinian” is an Antisemitic Word
Webcast Date: 03/18/2010
Length: 43:28 Minutes
(March 18, 2010) …Of course Bibi will never agree to that because, to tell the truth, no sane and sober Israeli would. The demand has become truly inhuman because it asks of us Jews in Israel to act in the most inhuman way possible. We handed over Gaza and look at what happened.

But now Obama, Hillary and the Enlightened expect us to do the same thing and agree to hand over the hills of Judea and Samaria overlooking not only Ben Gurion Airport but Tel-Aviv but the whole of coastal, developed Israel.

The demand is inhuman because it asks us not to learn from experience.

Obama and Hillary already have blood on their hands today. A human being, a migrant worker from Thailand was slain by a Qassam rocket that fell just north of the Gaza rectangle. There have been three of these now in the last two days, and no doubt they have been launched in the heated atmosphere created by Obama and Hillary over the past week, which these savages react to as encouragement for more Jew-killing.

What is happening is like some Hollywood script, a cousin of the Manchurian Candidate which was about a communist plot to get a communist stooge into the Oval Office, only this real-life scenario we are living through is not about Obama the Stooge but Obama the Louis Farrakhan clone.

And we in Jews in lifeboat Israel have to deal with that…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt – Song by Amir Benayoun (9:52 Mins)


Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Obama/Farrakhan
Webcast Date: 03/16/2010
Length: 39:44 Minutes
(March 16, 2010) …Never mind that today thousands of Arabs were rioting thanks to delusional rumors spread by their leaders – their Fatah leaders – that Israel was fixing to destroy yet again Al Aqsa Mosque.

That is exactly what was done in Jerusalem in August 1929 when Haj Amin al-Husseini spread the word the Jews had already slaughtered 500 believers and torched Al-Aqsa Mosque. This was the lie that ignited the rampage in Hevron that saw the slaughter of 69 Jewish boys studying the Talmud, and 69 other Jews struck down elsewhere in the country that week in response to the rumor of damage to Al-Aqsa.

We’ve got a situation on our hands the likes of which we have never faced: the president of the United States is a lunatic antisemite in the mold of the lunatic preacher who converted him to Christianity. Barack Hussein Obama is underneath as flakey about Jews as Louis Farrakhan…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (9:01 Mins)

Reconquering the Narrative

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Reconquering the Narrative
Webcast Date: 03/14/2010
Length: 42:08 Minutes
(March 14, 2010) …So Israel, I think, has to re-conquer the narrative, the vocabulary of our endless struggle for survival. The world has yet to allow us live in peace, every man under his vine and fig tree.

For example, yesterday the AP gave us these two sentences: “Netanyahu has apologized for the timing, though not the substance, of the announcement to approve 1,600 new homes for Jews in east Jerusalem. The international community does not recognize Israel’s annexation of east Jerusalem – captured in the 1967 Mideast war – and the Palestinians see that part of the city as their own future capital.”

Listen again: “…The international community does not recognize Israel’s annexation of east Jerusalem.”

Israel has to make clear the double error here. Bibi needs to return to Bar Ilan University for a second major address in which he addresses the double error here. Israel did not annex a place called “east Jerusalem.” That was not the name in use. What Israel did was not annex but reunite Jerusalem, exactly as Berlin was reunited in 1989 when the Communist wall came down. West Berlin did not annex East Berlin, and Israel 22 years earlier did not annex east Jerusalem, because there was no east Jerusalem. The term was not in use. It was called “the Jordanian sector of Jerusalem” and the people living there at the time were called “Jordanians” and “Arabs.” They were not called “Palestinians”…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:54 Mins)

Biden in Wonderland

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Biden in Wonderland
Webcast Date: 03/11/2010
Length: 38:49 Minutes
(March 11, 2010) …Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, kaf-vav Adar, Parashas Vayakhel-Pekudei, tav-shin-ayin, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 11 March, 2010, webcasting from a land as weird as Alice’s Wonderland.

For me the most important image of the last 48 hours of this brouhaha ignited by Eli Yishai’s ministry announcing approval of 1,600 more homes for Israelites in Northern Jerusalem (not fantastical East Jerusalem as misreported everywhere in the world) was the footage yesterday of the 47th Vice-President of the United States of America Joseph Biden in Ramallah, with his arm around the antisemitic mass murdering terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, the two of them walking and smiling and joking, with Joe displaying affection and support. He had his arm around Abu Mazen’s shoulder.

And what came to mind was my most significant image from the onset of the Oslo Delirium Years: Shimon Peres kissing Yasir Arafat on the cheek. To my mind, that self-abasement by Peres before that mass murderer of Jews symbolized the essential horror of Oslo which included the cleansing of this devil of his evil; of all these PLO-Fatah terrorists. Shimon and Yitzhak and Yossi had no right to do that. They were not the high priests of the Jewish people…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (13:30 Mins)

“Pushy, Greedy, Criminal & Cruel”

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: “Pushy, Greedy, Criminal & Cruel”
Webcast Date: 03/09/2010
Length: 32:08 Minutes
(March 9, 2010) …There was an op-ed in Haaretz today that I could barely get through and did not because it was apparent from the gitgo that the leftist writer, whom I am not familiar with, calling for dialogue with Hamas simply did not know what he was talking about. He had no awareness of the stakes involved on the other side: how essential it is to the Muslim enterprise that Israel not be allowed to live. Israel’s very existence is experienced as an aggression, an insult to Islam. Its existence mocks the Muslim claim that they are the Chosen People who have a right to rule over this Land; indeed, the whole earth. They say this is Muslim territory.

Hamas has been at least up front about its philosophy of wanting to destroy Israel, G-d forbid, with delusionists of the Left believing that Fatah, by contrast, doesn’t want to do that.
Here was this latest Haaretz leftist arguing that Israel just had to open a dialogue with Hamas because they too are part to the conflict.

It is significant in the MSM here in recent days that more than one leftist is whining that Israel has never been in such bad repute in the world; never have so many countries been against Israel – because these leftists cannot tolerate the Torah prophecy that Israel is a “people that dwells alone.”

And what reeks of Jewish antisemitism in these Israeli leftists is their whining that the hostility to Israel in the West (never mind the East) is the fault of the Jews themselves, and that is because they are just too inconsiderate and selfish. All they care about is their own nation. They’re too Jewish, and thereby cruel to the victims of Zionism.

For these people, Jews demanding their rights is evidence they are pushy, greedy, criminal and cruel Jews…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:36 Mins)

Erdogan, the Mad Turk

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Erdogan, the Mad Turk
Webcast Date: 03/07/2010
Length: 39:06 Minutes
(March 7, 2010) …And so today here is yet another national leader of a Muslim country who is, if not a Holocaust Denier than a denier of the history of the Tomb of Rachel and the Cave of the Patriarchs.

It might not be so bad if Erdogan and his ilk would say, “Yes, they used to belong to the Jews but the Jews lost the special covenant, we got it, and so they belong to us now.”

But no. These Muslim meshugeners say that these have always been Muslim shrines. This is the same craziness as Arafat telling Bill Clinton to his face that the Temple Mount is not the Temple Mount.

We here in Israel are faced with national leaders in Turkey, in the P.A., in Syria, in Iran who are as flakey about us Jews as Hitler was, if not in the same details.

And you may have noticed that in recent webcasts I have said little about the political situation vis-à-vis these neighbors of ours in part because I have no inside information about the political and military situation, but also because I have chosen to look away; look away from a scenario that is not pleasant to contemplate.

I’m referring of course to the rumblings of war, so-called, more violence from our savage neighbors. Think of the recent war councils, the meetings between Ahmadinejad and Assad and Nasrallah and Mashaal in Damascus and Tehran, with their arsenal of tens of thousands of powerful and accurate rockets now.

In 2006 our neighbors – our blood-thirsty Muslim maniac neighbors – reveled like sharks smelling blood in the water at the sight of a million Jews in the north terrorized by them, their lives made hell for 34 days. And these barbarians are not beyond wanting to fire off all the rockets they have amassed in three years, G-d forbid, joined by the rockets now in Gaza smuggled in from Iran over the last year.

So this is not a pleasant prospect. And this behavior of these low-level hominids Ahmadinejad and Bashaar the geek sultan of Damascus, and that fat, turbaned lunatic Nasrallah; and their daily, verbal nastiness smells of wanting to foment a second round for the sheer fun of tormenting Jews in Israel again and to draw attention away from Iran as it continues to build an atomic bomb, they hope the first of many.

I would not be unhappy if tomorrow morning when I awake to hear the first news of the day on Kol Israel, I learn that over night some country, some unknown country, dropped an atomic bomb on Teheran which city is no more and has entered the history books alongside Hiroshima and Nagasaki…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (8:45 Mins)

The Curious Case of ISRA-EL

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Curious Case of ISRA-EL
Webcast Date: 03/04/2010
Length: 36:37 Minutes
Program Link: The Wilders Surge
(March 4, 2010) …Now I have not read On the Origin of Species and thus I am reluctant to comment on Darwin, for I suspect that like his contemporary Sigmund Freud, he said things people are unaware of and did not say things he is claimed to have said.

In any case, as a Jew, I have no problem with the notion of life not appearing in a flash as it is exists today but over time, in stages of evolution, because that is exactly what the story of the first ten verses of the Bible is: a story of the evolution of existence starting with light beams and celestial bodies, the simplest of compounds, H2O water, and marine life, terrestrial, stationary vegetation progressing to mobile creatures on land and in the air, finally culminating with the creation of the most complex and complicated and freest creatures, man. The Torah is the story of the evolution of life from its simplest forms to its most complex.

There is also in the holy writings of our mystics who, long before Darwin, believed that before HaShem created man, He created 972 varieties of hominids, man-like creatures, yet without a soul.

So I have no problem with evolution as a concept. I do have a problem with post-Jewish ignoramuses who think ultimate wisdom is to be found not only among the goyim but goyim whose universe has no place for HaShem…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:40 Mins)

The World Hates Us, Thank G-d

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The World Hates Us, Thank G-d
Webcast Date: 03/02/2010
Length: 41:07 Minutes
(March 2, 2010) …If you know the history of this Land, as I do, you find this kind of funny because it is so bizarre, as bizarre as it is ignorant. In ancient times the Land was not called the West Bank as it is here, and Nablus cannot be of any historic interest to today’s so-called Ancient Palestinians because it’s a Greek word. It is just the word Neapolis mispronounced. The Romans built this “New City” which is what the word means next to Shechem, the first city the Patriarch Avraham came to when he arrived from Ur Casdim on a mission from the G-d of the Universe.

Nablus is the same name as Naples, the English corruption of the Italian Napoli (you can even hear the “b” there) which is the Italian corruption of the Greek Neapolis. Although the Romans built this New City, they didn’t give it a Latin but a Greek name probably for the same reason English Quakers named their principle colonial city Philadelphia, to give it some class. The Romans looked up to the Greeks…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:20 Mins)

An Opportunity Lost

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: An Opportunity Lost
Webcast Date: 03/01/2010
Length: 36:31 Minutes
Program Link: Israel’s man in Hamas just ‘wanted to save lives’
(March 1, 2010) …The link that was put up today for this webcast leads to the cover story in Friday’s Weekend Haaretz Magazine concerning Mosab Hassan Youssef whose father helped found Hamas but who later became a convert to Christianity, really first a covert Christian while working secretly with Israel’s GSS to stymie terror attacks. It’s certainly a very interesting human interest story.

The details of his biography and the operations he was involved in are at the heart of this piece – a book he has written is now being published – but for our purposes, I recommend checking out this article and in particular its last few paragraphs, its last few columns, starting with the question, “Aren’t you afraid now after exposing all this?”

He of course admits to his fear but is proud of having served not Israel but his G-d and thereby saved so many lives on both sides.

And then he hits the nail on the head about terrorism. Of course, he says, it must be fought, but terrorism per se is not the problem. And neither, he says, is the occupation, as he still calls it. “The root of the problem does not lie in security or politics. It is a war between two gods, two religions. Between the God of the Torah and the God of the Koran…There will be no peace in the Middle East. Israel’s problem is not with Hamas or with any other organization, nor with the interpretation Hamas reads into the Koran. It is with the God of the Koran. After all, even a moderate Muslim who reads the Koran must read that the Jews are sons of apes and that the infidels must be killed. The Palestinians must stop blaming Israel, or the West, for all their problems. If they want true freedom, they must free themselves from their God.”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (4:08 Mins)

Three A-J Reactions

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Three A-J Reactions
Webcast Date: 02/23/2010
Length: 42:47 Minutes
(February 23, 2010) …Think of that. A Jew so alienated from Jewness he can’t call his ancient homeland by its rightful name. What’s wrong with calling these hills Eretz Yehudah, the ancient name for the tribal share in the Promised Land of the tribe of Judah, the great survivors of arguably the first real great Holocaust when 10 of the 12 tribes vanished into the melting pot of all peoples, leaving behind only the tribes of Judah and little Benjamin with some Levites and Cohens among them?

Thus did Jews, the Judaeans, enter history. And here is Haim Oron pointing to Judea and insisting it belongs to the seed of Hamitic Canaan and the Hamitic Philistines.

And as mentioned at the outset: notice the rape of history in his referring to the “borders” of Israel, meaning the 1949 cease-fire line which cease-fire the Arabs never honored. They just changed tactics. They had learned a bitter lesson in the ‘48-‘49 fighting that the Jews could run circles around them as fighters in uniform, soldiers. So they returned their soldiers to their barracks and supported men in civilian dress who would cross the cease-fire line to murder Jews at random…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:09 Mins)

Israel’s Shaky Jewish Identity

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Israel’s Shaky Jewish Identity
Webcast Date: 02/21/2010
Length: 40:52 Minutes
(February 21, 2010) …Natan Sharansky as well, as head of the Jewish Agency, spoke to the President’s Conference from the States last week and he too is concerned with identity, though in a different way than Bibi. For Bibi, the great story of this country is the history of the non-religious Zionists; for Sharansky, his Jewish side dominates. He had no connection to the Zionist enterprise until late in life and did not come here until 1986. He spoke last week movingly about the core centrality of Jerusalem to Jewish identity, and how he quit Barak’s government because Ehud wanted to divide Jerusalem.

But beyond this, because Sharansky himself is not truly religious, he has no real message for the Diaspora Jews he urges to maintain their Jewish identity. What he misses is that the indispensable core identity of Jews is the religion and all other variations are by definition defective.

The Zionists, like the Reform Jews, like Theodor Herzl who was raised in the second generation of Reform Jewish children, believed that like Gentile nationalism which is independent of religion, Jews too could be nationalists and patriots for their land.

The Reform Jews thought they could turn Jewish thought into a Gentile-style philosophy, when Jewishness has no philosophy, which means the love of wisdom.

Jews don’t love wisdom. Jews love G-d…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (8:39 Mins)

Dissemblers & Renamers

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Dissemblers & Renamers
Webcast Date: 02/18/2010
Length: 39:39 Minutes
(February 18, 2010) …And then of course who did in Israel today meet with Jeremy Ben-Ami yesterday and his J Street AntiJews and Congressmen, if not the leader of the Kadima Party, Tsipora Livni. She met with them.

Interesting name, Kadima. It means “forward,” signaling progress, moving forward, though it is bereft of all information as to the ideas and policies of this political party. The terms “liberal” and “conservative” convey some information, but “forward” conveys nothing. It is empty, as empty as the head of Princess Tsipi who did go ahead and meet with these antiJews, saying afterwards, “When there are so many who threaten us, we cannot afford to lose those who consider themselves Israel’s friends.”

This is the same shallow woman who insisted on having dinner with the popular entertainer Madonna, she who sullies the very name of Madonna in her act, which is basically jumping around on a stage in her underwear. This is an artist that our Tsipi just had to meet and exchange views with over dinner…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (11:28 Mins)

Cloak & Dagger

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Cloak & Dagger
Webcast Date: 02/16/2010
Length: 37:49 Minutes
(February 16, 2010) “…Three years later, the remarkable French Jew Adolphe Cremieux established the Alliance Israelite Universelle which set up an agricultural research station in the wilderness several miles inland from Jaffa to investigate the possibly of making the wasteland green and fertile again.

“This was and is Mikveh Yisrael, which is still in operation today. Only after then did Palestine begin to sprout the infrastructure of civilization, when roads were built, and cities developed, new communities implanted.

“And what was it exactly that the Ancient Palestinians did for this country? For their allegedly beloved ancient homeland whose name they can’t even pronounce properly?

“Israel is once again in the news with cloak and dagger, and why? Because these Arabs, these Muslims, never stop trying to murder us.

“On one hand, that is distressing, but on the other, in light of Jewish history, where is it written that the world no longer is home to lunatic Jew-haters with homicide and genocide in their black hearts?

“Zionism, secular Zionists thought like Karl Marx that they had a solution to a major social problem. Marx the manic egomaniac saw in himself the Isaac Newton of Economics. He finally understood, he thought, how economics works and via his revolutionary theory of Dialectical Materialism poverty and inequality would vanish from the earth.

“And so the Zionists likewise thought they had the solution to murderous Jew-hatred, but it seems not. Leastwise not yet.

“Secular Zionism surely has failed at putting an end to the antisemitism the “Moses” of the Secularist Zionists Theodor Herzl believed he had an answer to.

“We brought this Land back to life, populated it against all odds, but they are still out there, our Arab-Muslim neighbors, who are no more resigned to our existence today than the first days their grandfathers heard of Herzl and his Zionism.

“In this light, in this regard, secular Zionism failed…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (11:07 Mins)

AntiJew Styles

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: AntiJew Styles
Webcast Date: 02/14/2010
Length: 40:42 Minutes
Program Link: “Hard Mideast Truths” by Roger Cohen
(February 14, 2010) “…This fool does not understand that peace for Israel is the Arabs’ worst nightmare. For it would mean an Israel burgeoning as an economic power as never before. Not only would Israel become a vastly more prosperous state if it did not have to spend so much money per capita on national defense, the Arabs fear total domination in the Middle East by such a wealthy Jewish state, with all its freedoms as well for women and the “evil” influence such a state would have on the Arabs. Such a prosperous and free state for its people would be an intolerable neighbor for the Arab despots who rule over their 21 countries.

“Roger Cohen cannot or will conceive of this conflict as the aggressor Arabs against the victims of their aggression the Jews. He has to have a Palestinian Golem to match the moral power of the Jews in this conflict as the victim. In true antiJew fashion, Roger Cohen has a governor on his ability to identify with us Jews here who are no less today than ever the targets of lunatic haters.

“What the Roger Cohens of this world need psychically is a reason to blame the Jews for the absence of peace, not defend them from their aggressors.

“What the Roger Cohens and Douglas Bloomfields of the world cannot conceive is the reality that these Arabs as a collective, the Muslims as a collective, are as flakey about Jews today in the year 2010 as Hitler, his Germans and many European were in the 1920, 30s and 40s…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (9:19 Mins)

Israel, Land of Delusion

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Israel, Land of Delusion
Webcast Date: 02/11/2010
Length: 39:00 Minutes
(February 11, 2010) “…Ancient Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Salam Fayyad, PhD is another creation in the land of delusion, of Israel’s post-Jewish delusional ruling class.

“After the three Fatah murderers of Rabbi Meir Chai – one of them a member of PA counter-intelligence in Yosh – Dr. Fayyad, this former functionary of the dignified International Monetary Fund, paid a visit to the families of the rabbi’s murderers after the IDF came to arrest them but took no chances and had to kill them.

“These murderers in cold blood of Rabbi Chai – murdered by Jew-haters as in every generation rabbis have been slain by Jew-haters – and Ancient Palestinian premier Dr. Fayyad, PhD pays their families a visit and pronounces them “martyrs,” shahideen (I think).

“He’s like all the rest. On the outside, they are seen as civilized (well, maybe not Arafat) but among their own people they dare not represent civilization to their people. They risk their lives by trying to impose on them Western notions of good and evil.

“After the Holocaust the Roman Catholic Church had a change of heart and doctrine; after the Holocaust, the West voted at the U.N., leastwise 33 of the 56 founding states, on the rightness of recognizing, finally, a Jewish state in Palestine.

“The Arabs by contrast, have not had a change of heart and doctrine like the West. They remain faithful to their antiJew fear, loathing and religiously ordained hatred of Jews.

“And only the delusional for the last 16 years have nurtured the false claim that the Arabs at Oslo in 1993 finally came around to saluting the rightness of the existence of a Jewish state.

“The delusion that Arafat did; then in turn Dr. Abbas has, and now Dr. Salam Fayyad, who is no more able to call murder murder than they were…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:13 Mins)

The Threat to Freedom of Thought

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Threat to Freedom of Thought
Webcast Date: 02/09/2010
Length: 40:07 Minutes
(February 9, 2010) “…And as for demolishing homes? Their Qassam rackets have been known to thoroughly wreck Jewish homes when they crash into the very moderate apartment flats in Sderot or cottages in a kibbutz.

“And as for illegally occupying their land? Excuse me, but the League of Nations mandated that Palestine be the Jewish homeland. Nothing was said of any “Palestinians” or creating a “Palestinian” homeland. Joan Peters in her fine book of 1984 From Time Immemorial dug up some of the facts of history showing how throughout the Mandate Period, when the Jewish population of Palestine went from 50,000 to over 600,000, the Arab population also increased by the hundreds of thousands as Arab Muslim migrant workers poured in from Morocco to Yemen to Iraq; Syria, Lebanon and Trans-Jordan in search of work. It is they who are in illegal occupation of the Palestine that the West, principally Great Britain and the Zionists, brought to life after the Great War of 1914-1918.

“As so often in the minds of irrational Jew-haters, the facts are trashed in order to bash and unburden the Jew-hater with the guilt for his own crimes against us…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (6:19 Mins)

The Barbarians’ Conquest of Words

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Barbarians’ Conquest of Words
Webcast Date: 02/07/2010
Length: 42:22 Minutes
Program Link: Rewriting history: Jesus misrepresented as “Muslim Palestinian”
(February 7, 2010) “…Excuse me, but before Israel invaded Lebanon, Lebanon invaded Israel. The fighting began when Arabs, presumably citizens of Lebanon, Hezbollahi, Party of God members whose party today is a member of the government, launched rockets at Israeli border towns as a diversion for an anti-tank missile attack on two armored Humvees patrolling the Israeli side of the border fence. Of the seven Israeli soldiers in the two vehicles, two were wounded, five were killed and the bodies of two of the dead were taken to Lebanon. Five more were killed in a failed Israeli rescue attempt. That’s ten dead IDF soldiers and two “POWS” taken back across the line. And only after that did Israel, as the AP states, invade Lebanon. Then the AP went on to say the Community Security Trust reported that there were extreme reactions to the conflict in Gaza when “Israeli forces invaded…in 2008…and that it was a “three-week assault.””And I ask you, in this run-of-the-mill news story, who is invading these days, who is assaulting these days?

“Why, Israel of course is here cited twice for invading, first Lebanon, then Gaza. Not a whisper of Lebanon’s initial invasion of Israel or the  eight years  of rockets into Jewish homes and streets, and the lost of life and limb and expense; the cost to the Jews amounting to millions…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (12:07 Mins)

The Slanderers

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Slanderers
Webcast Date: 02/04/2010
Length: 42:03 Minutes
(February 4, 2010) “…Funny, how naked Jew-haters like Jimmy Carter call bedroom suburbs of Jerusalem and Haifa and Tel-Aviv in the Jewish homeland a mere 50 miles wide “colonies,” which is an absolute Orwellian rape of the conventional sense of that term, but do not see that the violence here is our Jewish self-defense of less than 6 million against the neighboring Arab people of 300 million who surround us on three sides and in an act of cosmic greed cannot abide our living free and independent from them in our ancient homeland. They have the right, they say, to rule over every square meter of the Middle East from Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Shatt al-Arab border with Iran in the east, a spread greater than the distance between Los Angeles and New York, with no room for a non-Muslim, non-Arab people to live here as they want to live free of the majority Arab Muslims in the region. So in this enlightened age of ours, the Arab-Israeli Conflict is about the Arab resistance, as they call it to the Jews having their own land. In this construction of perceived reality, the Jews are the greedy ones. They have too much land and the Arabs don’t have enough…”
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (6:53 Mins)


Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Disputations
Webcast Date: 02/02/2010
Length: 38:59 Minutes
(February 2, 2010) “…In medieval Spain – now this is centuries before the hell-fires of the Inquisition –the great Rabbi Moses ben Nachman a/k/a among Jews The Ramban and among Gentiles Nachmanides was 69 years old in the year 1263, well advanced in years especially for that time, in the twlight of his life, when he received an order from the King of Catalunia Jaime/James I to appear in his court in Barcelona to answer charges against Judaism and to explain his refusal to convert Cristianity, he and all the Jews of the kingdom.The catalyst for this royal demand came from Pablo Cristiani who had called on the king in the name of the head of the regional Dominican Order of Roman Catholic monks,  Master General Raymond de Penyafort, to tell the king that he, Pablo Cristiani, could prove the truth of Christianity by using the Talmud and other rabbinical writings; and if the king summoned the famous Rabbi Moses the son of Nahman to court to answer charges against Judaism, in the process he would convince him to convert. And he could do that because Pablo Cristiani was not his real name – which escapes me at the moment, a classical Jewish name, something like Yitzhak ben Haim – for Pablo Cristiani was a convert to Cristianity who could prove, he said, using the Talmud, that Christianity was the true religion…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (9:43 Mins)

The New Israel Fund

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The New Israel Fund
Webcast Date: 01/31/2010
Length: 41:51 Minutes
(January 31, 2010) “…And now we have the New Israel Fund and all these NGOs allegedly dedicated to improving Israel being revealed as the producers of the Goldstone Report.

“With the extra added information that the New Israel Fund itself is funded by the Ford Foundation, rooted in the founding father of the dynasty Henry Ford I who used to publish the Dearborn Independent in Michigan, a newspaper in the 1920s which he used for his antisemitic ranting. It was worthy of the Nazi publications popping up in Germany at the same time. I have heard, I think, that Adolph Hitler imakhshemo, the devil incarnate who was incandescent in his demonic hatred of Jews had no photograph or decoration in his office except for a picture, either hanging on the wall or on his desk of Henry Ford, inventor of the assembly line later put to interesting use at Auschwitz. Theirs was a mutual admiration society.

“The Ford Family also funded the fancy Hotchkiss prep School in Connecticut which barred Jews and probably still does.

“As a result of this long article in Maariv on Friday by star Israeli journalist Ben Caspit, there is going to be an investigation in the Knesset into this matter. And the head of the New Israel Fund today is none other than MK Naomi Hazan. We are already hearing demands that she resign from the Knesset for her organization’s responsibility in the Goldstone apostasy and the headache the country now suffers as its sons are accused by the world via Goldstone of being cold-blooded killers.

“In Barbary days there was a slang expression for Christians enslaved on the Barbary Shore who converted to Islam to escape slavery. It was called “turning Turk.” To “turn Turk” was to convert to Islam because the Barbary city-states were semi-independent Regencies that paid tribute to the superior Ottoman sultan in Constantinople. “Turk” was synonym for Muslim.

“And that’s what Richard Goldstone has done: he’s “turned Turk” and begun thinking like the Turks today who think IDF soldiers are cold-blooded, conscienceless murderers of the innocent…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:45 Mins)

What is the “oPt”?

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: What is the “oPt”?
Webcast Date: 01/28/2010
Length: 43:39 Minutes
(January 28, 2010) “…Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, yud-dales be-Shvat, Parashas Beshalakh, tav-shin-ayin, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 28 January, 2010, webcasting from what the U.N. calls the lower case “o,” upper case “P” and lower case “t”, the Occupied Palestine Territories.

“I just noticed that in some U.N. document. That is the new term for Judea and Samaria. And notice the peculiar style of upper and lower case. How fashionable of them. Like iPod or iTunes. This is the “oPt,” with the P standing up in the middle there. That’s what the new name has become…’”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:48 Mins)

Erasing the Jews

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Erasing the Jews
Webcast Date: 01/26/2010
Length: 36:31 Minutes
(January 26, 2010) “…According to others, this phenomenon is particularly prevalent in the Baltics, in Lithuania and Latvia where, unlike even in Poland, there was massive collaboration by the locals with the Nazis in their extermination of the Jews. For sure, these two peoples suffered under Russia’s occupation for almost 50 years, thousands were shipped off to and died in Siberia, still, this drive to lump Communist brutality with the Nazi crusade in which they participated is yet another attempt to deprive the Jews of their unique history. And I would add their own culpability.

“Think as well of the transparently ridiculous attempt here by the Arabs who equate the Holocaust with what they call their Nakba, which is another way of painting Zionism in the colors of genocidal racism.

“In the West too, I wish had a shekel for every Western leader in a democracy who also, when it comes to addressing antisemitism has clearly condemned it; and then in the same breath condemns all kinds of racism and bigotry and prejudice, and Islamophobia and homophobia, and ageism and heightism and ismism.

“How hard it is still for so many otherwise benign people to confront the enormity of what not only the Germans but other nations did, like the Baltic people during WWII, and in truth in other periods over millennia.

“’Yes, we condemn antisemitism and all forms of hatred and discrimination and persecution of sodomites and lesbians and yadda, yadda, yadda…’”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:09 Mins)