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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The enemy, the sons of Ishmael who do this do us, are looking to do what they did in 2014; provoke us for the sake of provoking us. It gives them pleasure. And they are not the types who daydream of a future peaceful life after they get what they want. They are getting what they want, which is the daily right to attempt to kill Jews at random. And I expect we will see a replay of 2014, an IDF operation that once again smashes and smashes and smashes until the other side cries Uncle… |
All posts by DPP Webmaster
Israel’s “Galoot” Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Israel has become its worst nightmare: a replica of the cringing Diaspora Jew. Yeah, sure, we are a world-class military people and we use our military to kill Jew-killers and defend this spark plug of country, where life, aside from the violence of the antiJews is many levels of goodness above those of our hate-filled neighbors, which fact only pours the oil of envy on fire of their hatred. Still, we have become what the early Zionists sneered at: a people cringing before a local persecuting goy, if not physically but then spiritually, embodied in our acceptance of the narrative of today’s anti-Jew society. In every generation there have been antiJews and in this one they say that we Jews are guilty of stealing Palestine from the Palestinians and we agree if not directly than at least by acknowledging in the first place the existence of a Palestinian people and therefore, like all peoples, they have a right to an independent just like the Jews. The Jews say this is their ancient homeland and so do the “Palestinians.” And at Bar-Ilan University in 2009, Israel’s prime minister agreed. He said “The ‘Palestinians” are entitled to a state in Ancient Philistia just like us Jews, and the only obstacle is working out the proper conditions.” |
Why People Hate Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…“You lot stick together,” an old, ex-English gentile friend was explaining to me why people don’t like Jews. “You lot stick together.” In other words, it is not anything physical about you Jews that puts people off. It’s not even your beliefs or behavior. It is that you do not let go of your national identity at the same time you want to be accepted as patriotic Englishmen. You refuse to jettison the beliefs and behaviors of your ancestors and thus have a second identity that other English people don’t have. In other words, because the hostility is not physical, not racial, not biological, the average Englishman is willing to accept a Jew as fellow Brit, but that means giving up your sense of nationhood with Jews elsewhere in the world. It is the very identity of Jews as a separate community that the goy resents and doubly so because it is such a successful community… |
Good News All Around
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Knesset is to vote for the third, final and decision time on a law that requires all land disputes in Judea and Samaria to be treated like all land disputes west of the only thing holy in the Holy Land to the Enlightened, the “Holy Green line,” assigning such cases to an administrative court, versus the decades of enemy Arabs and their traitorous Jewish supporters via their NGOs who have appealed directly to their Holy Highnesses of the High Court that never investigates evidence but relies on information the government presents. For decades antiJews have paid the fee to petition the Court with fraudulent evidence and claims. And in every case, I have seen on line, or TV, in the hard copy newspapers of these land disputes, of such and such Jewish homes accused of resting on stolen real estate, that in every case the settlement is surrounded by barren hillsides. Why is it we never see the orchards and grape vines we stole of the Ancient Palestinians? The land where the Jews built their homes was as barren as the surrounding land in these pictures… |
Aggression as a Way of Life
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…These barbarians, take note, never express their goal, their condition for stopping. They never demand something in exchange for which they will stop firing these incendiary kites and helium balloons. They are also reported to be working on drones equipped by incendiary material and a timing device that can go off when the drone comes down in the center of Israel and starts a fire. I think they fired off four mortars today. They always must have the last shot… |
What Gazans Really Want and Need
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday, the entire groups of nine Democratic congressmen and women in Washington on the House Foreign Affairs Middle East Subcommittee demanded that President Trump provide more details of his decision to seriously cut the money given to the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza Strip and the Fatah gang described as the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, and, of course, roughly half of the letter-writers were born into the Jewish nation, non-observant of course, and therefore driven to communicate they feel no particular identification with Israel. On the contrary, the letter expresses their concern for the society that everyday launches fire into Israel. Today, a helium balloon landed on a Jewish home in Sderot. Yesterday, there were some three dozen fires. And they are writing letters… |
Israel’s Jewish Anti-Semites
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It was a weird sensation. As I say, these Israelis looked like Jews back home, only much healthier and more energetic. And although I did not understand Hebrew, I heard the same music in their speech among New York Jews speaking English. For those who don’t know, New York City with its multi-culti population produced differ kinds of New York accents. Today on the radio I can identify native New Yorkers who are Irish, Jewish, Italian, each has its own tone and rhythm, and so the music of their Modern Hebrew was familiar to me; their facial expressions. I was home. But when it came to the topic of antisemitism, boy was I confused… |
Bibi Stumbles & The Higher Criticism
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yes, we have never had such supporters as Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, and while it is true that Iraq of Saddam with its 100 army divisions belongs to history and is therefore no threat to us; and while it is true the Syrian Army and Air Force as a threat also belong to history, it is not good that the Gaza envelope communities continue to suffer. Hundreds of thousands of Jews are suffering, and the only hint of an explanation so far was an anonymous security source in Israel Hayom who said the focus is on Syria and the Iranians, and I say this is a bad omen. I also suspect that one reason for the paralysis is the deterrence HAMAS wields against us. And what is there deterrence? A repeat of 2014 in which one missile out of Gaza landed close enough to Ben Gurion Airport for the Muslim Brother in the Oval Office to declare Ben-Gurion a war zone thus crippling international air traffic into and out of Israel. We are the height of the tourist season and the last thing Israel wants is a repeat of 2014 that HAMAS is capable of… |
More Muslim Mind Twists
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday Israel’s national insurance institute agreed to recognize PTSD among the hundreds of thousands of Jews affected by these months of rocket attacks, clouds of smoke, no productivity, little sleep, hours beating down the flames with primitive giant rubber swatters. The people under attack, and that is what it is, civilians in homes, bedrooms, kitchens, terrorized by air raid loudspeakers that send them racing for what we call a security room what might as well be called a bomb shelter in the apartment. How’s that for something uniquely Jewish in our time? Not only are there public shelters in all schools and hospitals, but the building code requires a bomb shelter in every dwelling. And again, I express hope for a swift end to Israel’s paralysis and look forward to a good explanation for letting this happen. Those rockets and mortars launched from Gaza are weapons of war, and that they are so miniscule in military does allow us to avoid the truth that Israeli citizens under artillery fire in their homes by the enemy and Israel is doing nothing visible to bring end to this episode that is a direct insult to the Zionism of the pioneers for whom the spine of Israel is the army and something unique in history. In the Exile when the goyim came at us with murder in their eyes, we had no weapons, no army to defend. It is an idea that the prime minister frequently raises in his speeches. Being a free and independent Jewish state means the right and rightness of fighting back when attacked. And here in this celebratory year, we are letting this happen. No good… |
Bin Laden’s Letter to America
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Program Links: Koolulam | Al Kol Eleh | Israel’s 70th Independence Day | 4.9.18 Koolulam | Mehuzakim La’Olam – Avraham Tal | 1.1.17 |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…We also are under attack every day by vandals whose real intent is murder. For sure these wild asses of Arabs on two legs are content to destroy the land al-Yahud — the Zionist rebels against their status as dhimmi under Islam — brought back to fertility and human habitation. But best of all would be setting fire to a Jewish home and burning the Jews inside to death, G-d forbid. I continue to hunger for an explanation for the passivity of Israel’s response. How non-Zionist. Not that I suspect the government of corruption or cowardice. That is a monstrous thought to contemplate. I presume their good intentions… |
Nation or Religion?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I am currently reading a book seemingly tailor-made for me. Published in 1980 by Harvard University Press it is entitled, From Prejudice to Destruction: Anti-Semitism, 1700-1933, by Hebrew University Emeritus Professor of History Jacob Katz. It is a chronicle of the ideas about Jews in the centuries leading up to the Holocaust, the whole burnt offering of the Jewish people. Your normally educated Jew has heard that the term anti-Semitism was invented in the 1870s by Wilhelm Marr but Prof. Katz shows how the content, if not the label, had been around for centuries, meaning, the reconfiguration of Jew-hatred in the Age of Reason, which is a euphemism for rejection of Christianity, which led to the democratic revolutions against divine right monarchy; that led to the Emancipation of the Jews who until the late 18th century were citizens nowhere with rights, who lived on sufferance and were expelled from their homes on a whim… |
Israelis Think About Gaza, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Three representative Israeli minds on how to deal with the open wound of 70 years that bleeds every year. Lieberman, the spiritless, communist-educated nationalist thinks the violence against us is rooted in the standard of living in the Gaza Strip. It is an economic, material problem that can be solved with money. That the fire kite boys are backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, the granddaddy of all contemporary homicidal Muslim cult terrorist assassins, falls on his dead ears. And then there is Gilad Edan, Minister of Public Security justifies another military campaign so that “we can create durable deterrence.” Durable deterrence seems as a phrase suspiciously indistinguishable from a condition of peace. If so, why not say so? For Erdan, the goal is durable deterrence. Like mowing the lawn, every so often Israel has to military maul the people in Gaza, make them cry uncle, which they do after terrible destruction, and remain quiet for a time, only to erupt again sometime in the definite. For 70 years Gaza has been bleeding us and we have to bleed them, and Gilad Erdan is bereft of a solution, only durable deterrence. Lieberman thinks the Arabs can be seduced into peace by raising their standard a living. Erdan doesn’t even think that. Then there is Prof. Efraim Inbar who thinks it is right that Israel suffers a series of aggressions in order to, so to speak, purchase a license from the goyim to strike back and subdue the enemy. He speaks of winning “international legitimacy” and I say, that is, a euphemism for “from the goyim, the gentiles.” And I ask why? |
Israel Must Learn from Trump
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I think Israel might learn from Donald Trump and his success so far in forcing Kim Jung Un to stop firing missiles over the Sea of Japan, over Japan, into the Pacific in the direction of Guam. How did he do it? And surely the most puzzled are the Trump haters because what he did goes against the grain of everything their narcissistic essence recoils from. It was in August of last year that President Trump shocked the Enlightened by sounding like a loose cannon of a warmonger when he threatened Little Rocket Man with “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” Trump threatened decisive violence unbridled by any smidgen of mercy. Trump sent the message “Don’t mess with me. I will do anything to end your nuclear program.” What Israel has never done in regard to Hamas in Gaza is issue a similar threat of total destruction in Gaza and to hell with world opinion… |
Who Cares What the Goyim Think?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Jerusalem, unlike so many important cities in the world, did not rise along a river or a coast. There are no minerals and natural resources here to make it an attractive economic center. Until just recently in human history, traveling from Jaffa to Jerusalem was not so easy. In the 19th century, it was a two-day journey on the backs of animals. There was no road fit for wheeled vehicles and in fact all of Palestine was like that until the Jews began to purposely arrive from the Diaspora with the idea of bringing it back to life. Zionist historians mark the year 1870 as the beginning, which makes sense, for this was decade in which the term anti-Semitism became as much a topic among the chattering classes as would a century later it as replaced by chatter about the Palestinians and their righteous claim to victimhood at the hands of racist Jews a.k.a. Israelis. In every generation, with its changing circumstances, the presentation of Jew-hatred mutates with the times and like a chameleon alters its appearance… |
Madness Here, Normal There
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Program Link: Former Jihadi Jason Walter Speaks | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Every day the wild ass Muslim males in Gaza, brutes in their teens and 20s, launch not only fire into Israel but bombs as well. The latest figure is over 6,000 acres of fertile land, food products, nature reserves, have been destroyed by these Muslim savages, who were savage Arabs even before they stole Yiddishkeit, perverted it and called it Islam. Islam is a perverted form of Judaism has been only partially successful in taming the pre-existing condition of Arabness when it arose. Islam succeeded in drawing the sons of Ishmael away from the idolatry they had fallen into after Ishmael was expelled from his father’s tents. He went with his bow and arrow, a killing device, and lived in the desert; and as Rashi illuminates, he became a highwayman an outlaw who preys upon people at their most defenseless when in transit… |
Expulsion is the Way
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So it should not surprise that in the closest thing to a planetary government, the United Nations Organization, the nations unite around no issue more than the perceived torture and crucifixion of the pitiful “Palestinians,” the allegedly indigenous people of Palestine, and never mind that their mother tongue is indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula, not the country called Palestine. In the United Nations Human Rights Council of 47 nations, Israel is the only country in the world discussed and accused every month. Of all the human rights violations in the world, none receive more attention than Israel as arguably, therefore, the worst human rights violator in the world. This is exactly what the antiJew Roger Waters has said… |
May It Be The Last Expulsion
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Program Links: Koolulam | Al Kol Eleh | Israel’s 70th Independence Day | 4.9.18 Koolulam | Mehuzakim La’Olam – Avraham Tal | 1.1.17 |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is a fair bet that in every generation of this people’s history some Jewish families were ordered out of their homes and told to go live someplace else. That happens at the end of Fiddler on the Roof. For centuries, millennia, Jews everywhere in the world had no rights. They lived on sufferance and had no legal recourse when ordered to get out. The Catholic clergy was the eternal enemy, constantly pressing the feudal powers to expel their Jews who were useful to the upper class merchants and landowners. When a landowner presided over serfs, they were commonly illiterate, vs. the Jews literate in not only their own languages but others. They knew business arithmetic and percentages. They kept records, and one cause of the constant pressure from the hateful Catholic priests was that people saw how nice the Jews were and how wise their way of life. They were not the monsters described in church sermons and the Catholic Church did not like that… |
Enough With the Restraint Already
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Noah said to his son Ham that his seed would be “slaves of slaves,” and for sure, when I see masses of Muslims at prayer, I see slaves, face to the floor. Islam is a like funhouse mirror, reverse image of Yiddishkeit. We celebrate out escape from slavery once a year with a festive meal and remember it in our prayers every 24 hours, versus Islam, which means not freedom, not liberty, but submission. For them, piety is submission to the point of self-annihilation. Dee Tayreh zahgt/ the Torah says, “Choose Life!” We toast one another Lechaim!/To Life! versus our evil twin, as they might say in Hollywood, the sons of Ishmael who celebrate death, and they proudly admit to this. It is a commonplace for Muslims to snicker at us Jews by saying that they will win because we Jews love life and they love death.” |
Bravo! Miri Regev
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…One of the characteristics of agitated antiJew is hating the Jews for being guilty of the hater’s own guilt. For a classic example, Adolf Hitler, who wanted to conquer the world like any barbarian aggressor of old, Genghis Kahn, Attila the Hun, Alexander the Great, and accused the Jews of conspiring to overrun the world, impoverish and enslave mankind, and the Jews would do that by first killing all Germans then using Deutschland as their base to enslave everyone else. So his war, the Holocaust was preempting the Jews and exterminating them before they did that to him and his Aryans, his mirror image perversion of the Jewish notion of the Chosen People chosen to spread the word of the existence of one G-d who wants his creation to behave themselves. Against this conception, Hitler invented the notion of a Master Race… |
“Fiddler on the Roof Jews”
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It seems the goyim take turns being a generation’s leader in being cruel to the Jews. In the 16th century and beyond, the Spanish were the No. 1 Jew-killing people. In the 17th century, the Ukrainian Poles; in the 19th century Russian pogromists. In the 20th, of course, the Germans. Today, the No. 1 violent enemies of the Jews are the Muslims. For sure, everyone is calling them the “Palestinians” but I simply cannot. The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad, to put it mildly, do not hide their purpose which is religious, not nationalist, both puppets of Iran… |
A Classic UN Resolution
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…These are the same wild asses of Arabs Rashi had in mind; the same the Torah mi-Sinai had in mind on the character of Ishmael — that wild ass of a man today engaged in vandalism on a huge scale, costing us al-Yahud a fortune in losses. In last Tuesday’s webcast, I speculated, after a day of barrages by the Muslims in Gaza, that behind the volleys was Iran responding to the humiliation of Israel pilfering all those documents right of Teheran and the smashing in 90 minutes of 55 known Iranians positions in Syria. Dr. Mordechai Kedar today on the A7 site said the strike came after Soviet radar had been delivered but had yet to be installed and was among the wreckage, tons of equipment, that Israel destroyed worth millions… |
The Periodicity of Terror
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Program Link: Who is the woman who attacked man for putting on tefillin? | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It seems the latest, murderous temper tantrum of our homicidal Muslim neighbors has abated. Again, as in 2014, we hit them hard and eventually they cried uncle. They never cry “Peace!” They cry Hudna! meaning “Cease-fire!” They stop and lick their wounds and will lie low again until the next outburst. I wonder what a study of the periodicity of these bloody outbursts might reveal. Maybe there is some kind of internal clock-like mechanism like that found in a 17 year-cicada which could help us predict the next eruption… |
Gaza Fire: Good News Within The Bad
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Fortunately, the good news in the bad, was the response of parties that never responded like this, and one suspects the coming of Donald Trump has had an effect. The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process — such a lengthy title for a man who does nothing because there is no peace process — Nikolai Mladenov, the second time in recent weeks ,issued a statement shocking in its implicit siding with Israel! He said today, “It is unacceptable to indiscriminately fire at civilian communities. I am deeply concerned by today’s rockets fired by Palestinian militants towards southern Israel one of which hit close to a kindergarten. Such actions undermine efforts to improve the situation in Gaza.” Likewise, the EU ambassador in Israel, one Emanuele Giaufret, also called the rocket volleys “as kids were preparing form school unacceptable and to be condemned unreservedly.” I believe the major powers in Europe also condemned the rocket strikes… |
Oslo is Finished. Now What?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In Tovah Lazaroff’s third paragraph we read of a reaction by an Arab Muslim whom she called the “PA Foreign Minister Riyad Malki.” The “PA Foreign Minister”? This implies he is the foreign minister of a state. Does the Jerusalem Post recognize that state, the State of Balestine? The PA Foreign Minister means the foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority, but that is not a state. In New York and Jersey the Port Authority of New York manages bridges, tunnels the port and bus stations but it is an authority not a state. If The Jerusalem Post thinks Riyad Malki is a foreign minister, it presumptively recognizes the State of Balestine. This what the Israelis have done to themselves over the last half-century” they have gone along with the antisemitic fairy tale of there being a “Palestinian” people here with the identical right to an independent that the Jews have, which of course could not be more anti-Jewish in conception. Jews have believed, and the world has agreed, that the Holy Land, a.k.a. Palestine was the land of the Jews, but they were driven country and afterwards no other people claimed it was their ancestral homeland. And this is why into the 19th century Eretz Yisrael was a barren wasteland. This is predicted in the Five Books, and so it was. Without the Jews, this land became desert. There were no Palestinians… |
LTF and Phillip Roth
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In any case, Roth repeatedly rejected the description of himself as American Jewish novelist and he was absolutely right. He was an American novelist who wrote of Americans of Jewish-ancestry who, like himself, did not live a Jewish life. And in truth he never wrote on Jewish thought. Versus, say, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks who comments on the Five Books. That’s a Jewish writer writing on Jewish thought and values. Versus the immortal Torah, the Book of Books, which Jews have been reading and re-reading every week for thousands of years. It was a book for its time but surely will not speak to the ages, for Roth’s people are those who strayed from left the path of the Jews. This was his audience, Americans like himself of Jewish parentage but not Jews, existentially, like himself… |
The Twelve Demands
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Two weeks ago today, President Trump delivered that punch-in-the-nose speech to Obama, Kerry and their friends in Iran cancelling their evil handiwork. And yesterday the new, 70th Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced America’s demands for peaceful relations with Iran, 12 of them, like the 12 Tribes of Israel, in a list that gladdened hearts in Israel as evidence that President Trump really means it when he declares his determination to defang this Islamic gargoyle of a regime Iran. The 12 demands are each one a potentially fatal blow to what this regime represents, versus the Europeans who do not care if Iran builds the atomic bomb the mullahs joke about dropping on Tel-Aviv. They are running around today trying to figure out how to perpetuate their commercial relations with this generation’s successor state to Germany’s Third Reich… |
Gaza: Is it Over?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Last webcast on Tuesday, the day after sixty Muslims were expelled from Israel to Muslim paradise and the world had a conniption fit over us out of control murderers of innocent civilians for no apparent other than the Jews’ innate sadistic cruelty and hatred of gentiles, I took note of the preliminary score for the day, only one Arab had to be destroyed like a diseased, undomesticated jackass infected with a rabies-like spirit driving it to attack and kill people, and people want to know why; all of a sudden such quiet… |
Liquidate Gaza
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I find it fascinating how these Muslims think, how they reason. We warn them not to approach the barrier. They do, we shoot as we said we would, and the narrative emerges that our soldiers shot and killed innocent people, peaceful protestors, with no mention of their aggression, of their firing lethal projectiles at our soldiers inside our own country. The narrative in the minds of these intellectually stunted Muslims overlooks Muslim aggression, chapter one of the story, and begins always in Chapter 2 with the Jews killing Arabs as if at random… |
Jerusalem Day, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The IDF has now invented a response to these arsonists’ fire kites by sending against them model robot planes with knives on their wings to cut the tails on the kites and make them fall. One report said scores have already been brought down. I wonder. In any case, the barbarians are planning on disrupting our celebrations today and tomorrow when the American Embassy in Jerusalem is opened. These violent Hamites are promising major violence. Their goal is to open a breach in the Gaza barrier to allow hundreds of them, even thousands to pour into the nearby Jewish communities and act out their ancient behavior of the murder, rape and mutilation of Jews as in Hevron in 1929… |
Elation: Trump’s Speech and the Amazing IDF
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So my hopes were more than fulfilled when the President spoke. I want to read over the text some point because I cannot remember a speech in which every sentence was a bullet into the heart of what Obama and Kerry did. I was literally elated. I feel as if I were floating, I had been elevated a few millimeters due to some mysterious force. It was also like waking up after an eight-year long nightmare. G-d bless Donald Trump, one of whose greatest virtues is his isolation from the political correct lunacy of his generation… |
John Kerry, Traitor
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So I, like John Kerry, opposed the war but what he did was disgusting. His staged, media event of throwing his medals over the White House fence was a shameless bid for instant fame. But what was far worse was his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. This was on April 22, 1971 during which he reported on stories he had heard in his months in Viet Nam from combat of soldiers who “personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.” This betrayal of his comrades in arms here is breath-taking. If John Kerry were on the KGB payroll as a enemy agent in America, he could not have been more obnoxious in his smearing of his fellow Americans in uniform with these satanic accusations of subcivilized barbarism… |
The Abbas Apology: Ha!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The next day, Mahmoud Abbas spoke the following three sentences, “I condemn the Holocaust, which was the most heinous crime in human history. If anyone, especially of the Jewish religion, was insulted by what I told the Palestinian National Council, I apologize to them. I would like assure everyone that it was not my intention to do so and to reiterate my full respect for the Jewish faith as well as other monotheistic faiths.” Same m.o./modus operandi. “I would assure everyone” and then respects the Jewish faith but also other monotheistic faiths. Singling out Jewishness is something he cannot do. This is another manifestation of the bromides we hear on International Holocaust Remembrance Day when governments issue statements condemning not only antisemitism but an ever-growing number of groups with a gripe. The victims of not only antisemitism but racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia. Facing the enormity of antisemitism in isolation is something the world as yet to come to grips with… |
Abbas Exposed! Shocking!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Jewishness was already fourteen centuries old when Christianity entered the stage of history. Then another seven centuries had to pass before Islam imposed monotheism on the sons of Ishmael who had been idolaters. In other words, Jewishness was two thousand years ahead of Islam, its plagiarized shadow religion, and that fact may account for the performance on Monday in Ramallah by Mahmoud Abbas displaying, and not for the first time, an I.Q. far below the average person in the Judeo-Christian West. That was the top story in Israel today. Imagine in your mind a bi-lingual book, Hebrew on one page, its Arabic translation facing on the other and see two different minds at work. The Hebrew letters are distinct. Even without knowing the Hebrew alphabet let alone the language, one can see each letter is distinct, squarish, unadorned verticals and horizontals. Versus the facing page of Arabic, all cursive and linked, graceful, artistic, arabesque. These are two different minds at work. And what we heard last Monday out of Ramallah was the thinking of a man who might score in the high 300s on an American SAT Verbal Aptitude Test. This is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier of Ancient Palestinian thinkers… |
Bibi’s Purpose
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Prime Minister of Israel was an outstanding commando in the IDF and he has no illusions like those of the Left, that an enemy like Iran can be placated. As Churchill was hated by the appeasers, so in Israel Bibi is hated by the fashionable Left which includes, it may surprise, former heads of security agencies, like the GSS, the Army, and the Mossad. In Israel they all have been of men of the Left and not at all hardline right-wingers. So prime minister put on another performance in which he exhibited knowledge and understanding of nuclear technology and the individuals leading the enemy. His haters insist that he did not provide any evidence the Iranians have violated what they agreed to in 2015, but that was not the point of the presentation. It was to prove that when the Iranians in 2015 denied they ever had a nuclear bomb project, they were lying. And if they were lying in 2015 but since then have behaved themselves, so what? Like Yaakov working for seven years to win Rachel as his bride, so the Muslim theologians in Iran running the regime are content to wait another 7 years and then they will be able to drop an atomic bomb on the State of Israel, G-d forbid, and another one on the US in an EMP strike. They say the electromagnetic pulse of one small atomic bomb properly exploded high in the atmosphere above the center of the US could cripple all electrical devices country-wide… |
“Barbaric” Is The Word
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I never cease to be amazed at how the MSM in Israel, around the world, calls these rioters “Palestinians” when they are a HAMAS mob, which is the Muslim Brotherhood. The label “Palestinians” is nothing but a disguise, camouflage, an oriental veil. In Gaza, the Muslim Brotherhood rules, whose principle rival is Fatah, allegedly a secular, national movement, and never mind that the name is a chapter title in the Quran. HAMAS also must contend with the smaller cells called Islamic Jihad, al-Qaida, ISIS, whatever. These too are camouflage for their essential Hamitic-Ishmaelitic character that produces not an advanced society but a culture of gangs. All male clubs bent on violence against al-Yahud. So the IDF was forced into killing only four of these homicidal-suicidal Arab Muslim maniacs, though judging from the reportage, the aggression by the sons of Ishmael was grown in intensity… |
The Menace of American Jewry
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Well, last webcast was entitled “Thieves!” exclamation point, and I guess I’m still pondering that symptom of antiJew insanity in our time, the respect the world pays to this obvious perversion of recorded history that is absolutely silent on any “Palestinians” living in Palestine from time immemorial. Here is Fatah in 1989, Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Board, with whom those fools Rabin and Peres believed they could cut a deal, broadcasting this thoroughly mendacious account, this fake history, and see how the world, worst of all official Israel, has gone along with and tolerate this monumental lie on a par with Holocaust Denial. Both are corruptions of the historical record… |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Al-Jazeera interviewed one of these criminal Ishmaelites claiming the right to setting fire to Jewish fields. The reporter asked him, “What motivated you to burn the fields of the settlers east of al-Bureij?” And the answer, “We, the Palestinians, do not recognize these fields as belonging to the enemy. These are our lands, and the fields planted on them are not theirs by right. These are our lands, and we have the right to them. We say to the [Jews], ‘We will not let you sow your lands and enjoy them. We will burn your fields, which you harvest to pay for the bullets that you use to shoot children and peaceful unarmed demonstrators.” And in these words out of the mouth of a son of Ham we hear the basic claim of the Jewish religion and the Jewish nation that this land is our land, not the land of any other nation in the world including of the hologram of a nation called the Palestinians, plagiarized. This is a claim testifying to the truth that this fellow and those who think like him are plain and simple thieves at heart, burglars of other people’s property including their religion. That is all that Islam is, Yiddishkeit purloined and perverted… |
Israel Always the Bad Guy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Not surprisingly, Israel HaYom this morning featured that mysterious killing of a Hamas weapons maker in Kuala Lumpur, by two men on a motorcycle. Similar mysterious two-man teams on motorcycles have been known to kill atomic scientists in Iran. And not surprisingly, by contrast, the ever enlightened Jerusalem Post blared, “Death of 15-year-old Gazan draws EU, UN criticism of Israel.” The UN’s man on the scene Nikolay Mladenov accused Israel, “How does the killing of a child help peace?” I also cannot overlook, before going any further with this story, the fact that right above the day’s major headline, was a teaser for a story inside on page 24 entitled. “Adult entertainment: The reopening of Israel’s only S & M club, the Dungeon.” The once dignified Jerusalem Post of the Jewish people published in the Holy City is now doing porn. The Jerusalem Post used to be not only a Zionist newspaper but a Jewish one, but this behavior is simply not Jewish… |
Remembrance and Pride
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…They too you know, the Assassins in the 12th century were just like Hamas and Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda cultists today; antediluvian, sub-civilized savages licensed to murder people in the name of their religion. Throughout Islam’s lifetime, Muslims always have had the right to murder people who did not believe that Muhammad was the finale and greatest prophet/ interpreter of the monotheistic religion of Avraham, and never mind the Muslims chronically mispronounce his name which casts doubt on the validity of their belief that they know best what Avraham ben Terach preached. Their religion is actually a frontal and homicidal assault on the religion of Abraham and the Jews whose Holy Scripture records the expulsion by Avraham himself of his first-born son Ishmael from his home, his encampment with hundreds of families… |
“Protest Demonstrations”?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Many analysts like Gen Jack Keene on FOX are clearly disappointed. As a military man, he knows of where he speaks. But as a military man, he is no diplomat, and it is likely the attack was as soft as it was because it was the baptism of fire for both England and France. I think it is a real accomplishment, and in order to get them on board, Trump had to compromise with them. France is functionally becoming a vassal state of the Muslim Empire via the peaceful invasion of Muslims whom Macron must deal with. Likewise Teresa May. If the English continue down the road of giving in to Islam inside the UK, they too will become a vassal state. London now has a Muslim mayor and not coincidentally it has become far more murderous than New York. That Trump got them to be violent at all against a Levantine tyrant was an accomplishment… |
The Immortal Jewish Nation
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Hello? These Arabs in Ramallah are borderline personalities. They function in daily life, unlike the helpless psychotic, but in their minds there are insane ideas, a fantasy life of their own making that they confuse with reality. They are so primitive in their intellectual life, they do not understand that history is not something one guesses at or speculates about. History can only be what the evidence left behind tells us about the past, all kinds of evidence, and there is no evidence of such a claim that Israel was planned as revenge for the Crusades. These people, these Arabs, these Muslims, one after another, are not playing with full deck… |
Those Inhuman Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…One of the characteristics of the antiJew is the blurred vision of Jews as perpetrators of atrocious behavior, evil behavior. For centuries. goyim believed the Jews’ religion commanded them to murder gentiles for their blood, a necessary ingredient in the matza for Passover. And never mind that Jews, unlike most of the rest of mankind, do not ingest blood when they eat meat. Yet in this fantasy, Jews are functionally vampires dependent on gentile, human blood… |
Arab Rocks and AntiJew Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This Friday only 9 of them had to be destroyed like diseased cattle, or rabid donkeys. For sure. this behavior could not be more primitive. It is literally Stone Age behavior, when the first humanoids learned they could kill animals and other people with rocks. For sure. they revel in the violence and test their mettle against al-Yahud, daring the devil to kill them. For sure, it is violent behavior leading to bloodshed and death but otherwise has absolutely no connection to actual warfare. This behavior has no military significance. It is a psycho drama in which these thuggish Arab teenagers act out their lunatic hatred of Jews, infected with a kind of intellectual, spiritual rabies that drives them mad with delusions of Jews as devils who you throw rocks at… |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Mad dog Muslim goyim with a proven record of murdering thousands of Jews throughout history attacked on Good Friday of the Christian goyim when tens of thousands of homicidal Muslim maniacs came to attack the barrier Israel built like a micro-version of the Great Wall of China to defend itself from barbarians . If they could, these wild asses of Ishmaelites, would vandalize Jewish property and continue on into the State of Israel to murder Jews at random in so-called terror attacks. These are the same blood-thirsty people who embezzle aid money to build tunnels in order to penetrate, say, a Jewish kindergarten in the morning and massacre all of the children. They have a record of doing that numerous times over the last 70 years of the world’ only tiny Jewish state, murdering Jewish children in schools and school buses… |
Historic Decisions
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…For example, the first happened on March. When Howard Kohr, career lobbyist for Israel, CEO of AIPAC, addressed its annual jamboree in Washington, he became the first American of Jewish extraction at that post to part company with the people of Israel and align himself with the part of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Samantha Power etc. It is a fair guess that in Israel today most people know from the history of the quarter-century that the two-state solution that was tried and bombed, literally and figuratively as a peace plan. When the head of the opposition in Israel, Aviv Gabbay head of Labor said he foresees the evacuation of Jewish communities in real peace arrangement – which means no two-state solution as the enemy formulates his mendacious position – and the head of AIPAC does not support the democratic people in he democratic Israel of Israel, something new has happened… |
Ayelet Shaked: Pistol!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Now comes proof of some good, even great news from the same, non-observant member of the otherwise the religious Jewish Home Party., Ayelet Shaked. On Sunday the Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved a plan by her to transfer legal power over Judea and Samaria from the High Court to administrative Affairs Courts to be established in Israel’s District Magistrate Courts. So in addition to ending the tyranny on the High Court of the enlightened with non-activist judges, she does a double service for the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria because that High Court was forever preventing Jews from building homes on barren hilltops, ordering what had been built to be bulldozed, and worse, because in theory the High Court is a court of appeals, the judges never felt obligated to investigate the depth of validity of claimant claims. In practice this meant time and again antiJew Jews on the payroll of anti-Jew Europeans filing bogus claims to the land where the Jews were building and these enlightened judges took their claims at their word… |
Israel’s Intolerable Tolerance
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And I say it is a national Israeli disgrace that no one stands up and says, “J’accuse.”. This is man is delusional. These claims are complete fictions; they are bogus claims, fraudulent. The entirety of the Palestinian National movement is one big fat, antisemitic lie meant to justify hating and murdering the Jews in this generation and that no Israeli, no public Jewish leader answers this lunatic Mahmoud Abbas is a shand, a Jewish shame… |
The Eternal Rebellion of Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Lev Bronstein, who re-fashioned himself with the gentile name Leon Trotsky had a faithful hagiographer in Isaac Deutscher, a soulmate of a post-Jew, who once penned an essay you can find online called “The Non-Jewish Jew,” and in a way, so-called Reform Judaism is about that a non-religious Jewish identity. I see myself an expert on Reform Judaism having been exposed to it and there is no religion there. It is a social community for people of Jewish extraction but there is no religion there, which is one reason why the ongoing tussle over the Western Wall never ends. Because it is so profoundly irrational a demand, it can never be satisfied. It is irrational because, logically, Reform Jews came into the world rejecting Jewish prayers for a return to the Land of Israel to build the Third Temple. This is why they call their buildings temples. Each one makes the statement that this community of Jews is loyal to the country where it exists. They have no desire to return to Eretz Yisrael and build the third and final temple, for which the Western Wall is a mournful substitute. Reform Jews praying at the Western Wall makes no sense for it alludes to the ancient Jewish desire for the return from exile and resurrection of our temple, which the Reform rejected as Jewish wish. Their notion of Jewishness has nothing to do with that… |
Poland’s Official AntiJewitis
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Program Link: Poland’s official anti-Semitism | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…These Poles are as antiJew as the Arab Muslims are, only now there is no deicide charge, just the crime of making people feel guilty for the Holocaust, which some peoples, like the Arabs, like the Poles evidently, cannot confront the truth of their own participation in it. And like the Arabs, who invented the fantasy Palestinian Narrative, the Palestinian version of history, so are the Poles right now re-writing history in a way that might surprise even George Orwell. Not only is their prime minister a dedicated antiJew, wielding the absolutely, bizarrely twisted narrative in which the Jews perpetrated the Holocaust too, a Member of Sejm, the Polish parliament and head of the far-right national movement, attended a party at the Iranian Embassy celebrating Khomeini’s taking power and is making an officially sanctioned, I presume, exhibition entitled, “The Jews Who Murdered the Poles.” |
The Pathetic Poles and the Death Penalty
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…You remember, how the old pinball machines when you hit them too hard went “Tilt!” and shut down. Well sometimes I think the very idea of the Jews in too many human minds wrecks their brain waves or something and they wind up believing and saying the darndest things about Jews. Take, for example, a top story in Israel today, the words of the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, I think, at the Munich Security Conference yesterday in response to a question from Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman. He related how his mother escaped and survived after overhearing Polish neighbors planning to reveal her location, but with the new law pending in Poland, he can be arrested in his country for suggesting there were antisemitic Poles. The prime Minister said Poland will not punish people who say there were Polish perpetrators, as there were Jewish perpetrators, as there were Russian perpetrators, as there were Ukrainian perpetrators not only German perpetrators. Of course everybody in Israel, starting with the prime minister expressed their outrage at this lunatic festival of moral equivalence, this attempt at saying everybody perpetrator the Holocaust, including the Jews… |