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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Israel for sure is a democracy but an inferior one thanks to several factors. None of its founding fathers grew up in a liberal democracy. Most came from Eastern Europe and Russia. They had no tradition of living in a self-governing democratic republic in the English tradition. Second, within its first eighteen months in 1948-49, Israel’s struggling 650,000 brand-new Israelis were inundated by about the same number of penniless Jewish refugees from Arab countries when medieval despotism remained the norm. Factor No. 3: The inherent tribalism, for want of a better word, of the Jewish people that has led to too many political parties that cripple good government. Liberal democracy tends to produce two major parties and not the dozen or more parties in Israel. It is also a system of cronyism by denying the electorate the right to vote for specific individual representatives in the Knesset. One only votes for a party list… |
All posts by DPP Webmaster
The Idolatry of Peace
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Is there another locale on the planet where mobs of homicidal Jew-haters can get away in the court of public opinion with beating Jews to death with their fists, rocks, iron bars? Yesterday, and not for the first time, two Israeli soldiers in an Israeli car lost their way and wound up in savage Jenin where in a flash a flash mob not of hip-hop dancers but young male descendants of Ishmael that wild ass of a man, formed and began pelting the car with rocks and iron bars beating the two al-Yahud inside, and that one was a young woman did not deter these animal-like attackers from beating her face bloody… |
Iran’s First Attack
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Purim approaches, when we recall the first time — this is the second — the Persians spoke openly of killing all the Jews. Back then it was all of them in 127 countries ruled over the by Persian Empire. So this is the second time mobs in their hundreds of thousands in Iran come to together to chant in unison “Mar Barg Israel” Death to Israel. The top story today in Israel was the action yesterday during our Holy Sabbath so rudely interrupted by these Persian barbarians via penetrating Israeli air space with a drone that seconds later was destroyed by an Israeli air force Apache helicopter pilot… |
Obama’s Normal Muslim Obsession
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…He was not more than ten minutes into being president of the United States of America when he oh so subtly insulted, demoted, belittles the Jews. Singing the cliché praises of America as a great melting pot, he spoke not of its Judeo-Christian culture but a county of “Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus.” From being the acknowledged second religion in America, Obama saw Muslims displacing Jews, taking their place and pushing them back to third place. He had said in his campaign that he was going to “fundamentally change” this country and I saw with my own eyes at JFK Airport how he opened the gates to a million legal Muslims and who knows how many more illegal Muslims. As commander in chief, he also dramatically reduced the size of US forces in the Persian Gulf that Israel could rely on as a back-up in an attack on Iran… |
Israel’s I.D. Needs a Reset
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal, 29, ten years older than his Arab assassin, a rabbi, a teacher, a husband, a father, pictures of whom we saw today smiling, happy with his family, like the pictures of the Rabbi Raziel a month ago also the victim of an Arab murderer enslaved to his Jew-hatred. And maybe one of the reasons some people hate us to death is their envy of healthy, happy, successful Jewish families. Another rabbi slain. A new Jewish widow. Four new Jewish children made orphans… |
The Irish and the Poles
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In reading through all of 19th century German Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz’s six-volume history of the Jewish people, I never knew how awful the Catholic clergy was. As today in our time, we discovered that these superficial celibate conquerors of the normal male sex drive are underneath riddled with predatory pedophiles, so it seems that much of their work century in and century out was snarling at Jews, preaching how evil we are from their pulpits and pressuring the secular authority to drive us out, or denying them numerous professions and ways to make a living, forcing them to be rag pickers and hated money-lenders… |
Too Jewish and What’s A Stranger?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Take, for example, the current aggression against Israel for working to expel tens of thousands of illegal invaders who do not invade in order to live with the Jewish people as either proselytes or Noachides, but just for a better economic situation. Even the post-Jewish, trendy, Leftie High Court in Israel approved the government plan to expel them. But that means nothing to the 750 so-called rabbis of the Reform Jewish community — which name is copyright infringement for there is nothing Jewish in what is called Reform Judaism. It is not, plain and simple, Judaism. But more of that, I am sure, further on. Today we read of these 750 “rabbis” and other Jewish clergy who signed a letter to the government telling it to reverse this deplorable policy, or words to that effect. JPost reported the letter was launched by the New Israel Fund, HIAS, T’ruah and Right Now. That’s a new one on me. These are all groups hostile to Israel who cloak their hostility in “critical love.” And that they behave this way is proof of their hostility because in the first decades of the State, the policy of the organized, non-Orthodox American Jewish community was that since they themselves do not live here, they supported whomever the democratic state of Israel’s people elected to lead them. So when Menachem Begin in 1977 replaced three decades of social democratic rule, the AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups switched gears and began supporters of the Begin government. But no longer. In this generation, there are American Jews who believe they know better than the Jews who live here that keep reelecting right-wing governments who decided to expel these invaders… |
The Sabra’s Flight from Jewishness
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…That is what the founding fathers of Zionism wanted. Their Zionism emerged in any age drunk with Darwin, Marx, the Enlightenment’s shedding of Christianity, what Marx the opiate of the masses. That is what religion was. And for too many Jews, the shedding of Christianity provided an opportunity to shed one’s Jewish identity in Europe when for thousands of years, being Jewish meant permanent oppression, humiliation, expulsion, armed robbery basically. Was it like that every day for thousands of years? Of course not. Like the beating of the human heart, expanding and contracting, the rise and fall of the tides, the waxing and waning of the phases of the moon, Jewish history had periods of quiet and prosperity. Precisely because they were allowed to prosper, periodically they became tempting targets for outrageous taxes and pogroms to steal the wealth they had accumulated. Also, thanks to the stupidity of the Catholic Church that outlaw all money-lending at interest, the Jews were forced to become the money-lenders because without this, an economy cannot thrive. The Jews were forced to be the bankers and then were hated for being the bankers, the shylocks, the moneylender. This went on for centuries… |
Diluting the Holocaust
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Today is the internationally recognized UN Holocaust Memorial Day which was preceded yesterday by the European Parliament including in the definition of the Holocaust the mass murder of Roma and Sinti peoples and thereby ended the Jewish monopoly on the term, the term the Jews had used to describe Jewish life and death in Europe in the 1940s. Coincidentally, and even eerily, the very word holocaust in English was invented in the 14th century, probably by John Wycliffe, to translate the word in the Torah for the Olah sacrifice the whole burnt offering. Holo is Greek for whole with a w, and caust/fire, as in the word “caustic” burning. Holocaust was then a splendid choice of word for the Hebrew Shoah because of its roots in the concept of the Olah, the whole burnt offering, the word used to refer to the binding of Isaac. That was a human sacrifice the G-d of Israel prevented, if not the burning in the crematoria that turned Jewish corpses into black smoke… |
What Is Abrahamic?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Christians have the holy sites within Jerusalem, but as for the rest of the city, its plumbing, electricity network, telephone, garbage collection, road maintenance, only the Jews are involved. It is simply not true that Jerusalem is holy to three faiths. Christians at least have their sites of transcendent meaning, their highway to the divine. But the Muslims? What? They have this 1001 Nights miracle story about a man riding on a flying horse through the sky from the homeland of the Arabs, landing on the site of the Jews’ Temple Mount, where he jumped up to heaven, rising through seven heavens -“I’m in 7th heaven” – an idea stolen from the Talmud where he met all the great Jewish giants, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses Aaron then descended back to his flying horse and flew back to Mecca, and all in one night. This is a religiously significant event? What is its content? All it means is that the Muslims are now the favorite people of Allah… |
The War on Shabbat
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Jews were nicknamed by the illiterate Arabs the people of the Book, which Book opens with the words, “In the Beginning G-d created heaven and earth.” In the beginning, G-d. Without that concept no definition of the Jews can be accurate. So yesterday in Ashdod, home to Russians like Avigdor Lieberman, people of Jewish extraction who do not believe as Jews have believed and do not live Jewish lives, some 2,500 showed up to protest the new law calling for the continuation of an Israeli law since day one of this country. Shabbos, Saturday, was to be a day without commerce. Now’s there’s an irony for you: for centuries Jews have been portrayed as money grubbing money-lenders, Shylocks, when it is the anti-capitalist Leftist antiJews who cannot suspend commerce for even one day a week. Who is the greed-head here? |
The Arab Mind, II
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so the very idea of Jews is so powerful, it affects Arabs that not only deny the Holocaust happened, that deny Jewish history ever happened. This is madness, is it not? There have been cases of girls who get pregnant and keep it a secret; give birth, abandon baby in a garbage can and when found out, deny ever being pregnant, a denial of virtually psychotic intensity. And so yesterday the Syrian Arab masquerading as a Palestinian with a doctorate in history, Mahmoud Abbas, PhD in an emergency meeting in Cairo of fellow Arab Muslims called in response to Donald Trump’s recognition Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, said the Canaanites built Jerusalem and he and his fellow Arab Muslims are the descendants of the Canaanites. There is something in the Hamitic-Ishmaelitic brain that like a pinball machine shuts down by going “Tilt,” when it comes to thinking about history. For them, history is whatever you want it to be. I highly recommend the Rambam’s Moreh Nevukhim/ Maimonides’s Guide for the Perplexed in which this native-Arabic speaking Jew who lived his whole life among the Muslims, describes the pathways of the Arab mind that are simply defective… |
Abbas Rants
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yes, the top story in the MSM was the speech delivered by this antisemitic enemy of civilization Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday to not the Palestinian Authority but the Palestine Liberation Organization, the legal parent company of the shell company called the Palestinian Authority. Abbas spoke to the Central Committee of the PLO, which point not one Israeli pundit that I saw took note of. Not surprisingly the focus was on his statements of policy and perversions of history. He said Pres Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was a slap in the face to the PA and the PA will slap back. He said Trump “stabbed the Palestinians in the back,” which I found fascinating, for that is what his homicidal Muslims have been doing to us in the Knife Intifada of the last two years. What is wrong with a stab in the back when you want to get your way? Who is he to complain about a stab in the back? |
A Spiritual Autoimmune Disease
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is some kind of autoimmune disease, a spiritual autoimmune disease the aggression against Jews by Jews. For example, the current kingpins at the Jerusalem Post who have turned the paper into a mouthpiece for the so-called Reform Jews who are dying off at warp speed. It is a fair bet that as the percentage of self-defined Reform Jews in Israel is statistically insignificant, so is the percentage of Reform Jewish readers of the Post. In this it does a disservice to its readers… |
Thirsty For Our Blood
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…A gangster-style drive-by shooting. One Hamite from Hell driving the car, the other with an assault rifle leaning out of the passenger side window, spraying the Jew at wheel in the drive-by. And I called it a ritual not a terrorist attack, because “terrorist” I think is a terrible word, because it is untrue. A terrorist is a devotee of terrorism, when there is no such thing unless we imagine a cult of murderers for fun who just revel in murdering people at random, when that is not the case. The murderers do have an ism, an ideology that drives them. Its name is Islam. So I prefer not calling what happened yesterday a terrorist attack but an “Islamic attack.” |
AntiJewism in Transformation
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Yesterday, the British Foreign and Commonwealth office issued a statement reporting on Foreign Minister Boris Johnson telling his fantasy counterpart, Balestine’s foreign minister Riyad Malki, that the UK fully endorses the Two-State Solution and believes the future Palestinian states should have Jerusalem as its capital. “I reiterated the UK’s commitment to supporting the Palestinian people and the two state solution, the urgent need to renew peace negotiations and the UK’s clear and longstanding position on the status of Jerusalem…Jerusalem should ultimately be the shared capital of the Israeli and Palestinian states.” This is in line with the reaction of the Prime Ministress Teresa to the US recognition of the Jerusalem a month ago. At that time she said the same thing; the identical words a “shared capital of the Israelis and the Palestinian states in line with security council resolutions, we regard East Jerusalem as part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen: The Occupied Palestine Territories is simultaneously the name of a place that also declares this place belongs to the “Palestinians.” And since the Jews are not Palestinians, they have no right to be in these “Occupied Palestinian territories.” This is functionally a religious creed… |
Israelis Still Don’t Get It
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…For example, the welcome news that President Trump does not want the US to give money to people who don’t want to make peace with Israel, specifically, to UNRWA, which I call the greatest scam in UN history – after the UN itself. Unlike every other effort in history known to man made by people trying to help war refugees who flee from one country to another, help them to establish a new home, UNRWA has never done that. UNRWA is the greatest welfare scam in history. 70% of the people in Gaza live on its dole, with free schools, free medical care, and no employment. And this goes for the other dozens of such UNRWA operations in other Arab countries. And the reason for this was the refusal of the Arab states to take care of the Arab refugees from their failed war against Israel 1948-49. One reason is perfectly understandable and human. They were overwhelmingly not native to Palestine but migrant workers from all over the Middle East who went to Mandatory Palestine looking for work, commonly unskilled, illiterates, the poorest of the poor. They ran from the fighting in 1948 because they had no property to hold onto or fight for. The two ports of Haifa and Tel-Aviv were surrounded by shanty towns for these migrants working as manual labors in the ports and at other jobs. And when the Arab armies invaded, they ran from the fighting expecting the armies to kill all the Jews real fast and then can return to loot the property of the Jews. Only things didn’t work out that way, did they? |
Yes to the Death Penalty!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So yesterday the Knesset passed the first of three readings of a bill calling for the death penalty for terrorists. Only twice in Israel’s history were people executed: a tragically convicted, innocent Jew for alleged treason during the War of Independence – posthumously exonerated — and then Adolf Eichmann who was hung. And I think not only the death penalty for terrorists but any murderer. That is what the Torah prescribes. Right after the Great Flood, G-d calls for that. There is nothing immoral or wrong about the death penalty, not when prescribed by the Creator of All Things… |
The Black AntiJew Heart of Islam
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Well the top story in Israel was the top story everywhere in the global village concerned with international affairs: the violence in Iran, where they have started using live fire against the agents of the regime which did not happen in 2009. In Israel, the debate in the government was how to respond. In the five days since the riots began, the prime minister said nothing. Yesterday, he finally did. The argument was to support or not support. One fear was that the mullahs in Teheran would use Israel’s support as proof Israel was behind it, which the tyrants there Khameini and Rouhani have already said. Of course they would say that, for they are priests of Islam whose scripture contains 114 chapters arranged by the number of verses in each chapter, starting with No. 2. (No. 1 is just a couple of verses of creed) so starting with No. 2, that is the longest chapter in the Quran. No. 3 is some verses shorter, and so on all the way to the end. So discounting the first sura, a corruption of the Hebrew word, shura, the first and longest sura in the Quran is called Baqara and it is a trumpet blast at the Jews. That is how central Jew-hatred is to Judaism… |
Sovereignty? Yes!
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…One of the last pieces of the original Promised Land yet to be claimed as part of the modern state of Israel is Judea, which makes sense. The Almighty in His Unfathomable Wisdom orchestrated the return from Exile led by Jews who did not want to be Jews. Herzl was a Reform Jew and tried to Reform Jewishness from a religious identity above all into an ordinary national identity, like any one of the 192 other member-states in the UN Organization, home to not only the Oil-for-Food scam, and UNRWA scam, but the UN itself as scam. I mean, what good has the UN ever done outside the World Health Organization? |
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so, to return Theodore Herzl’s Tel-Aviv, it too has assimilated into the non-denominational culture in the global village and is no longer Jewish as that term connoted for thousands of years, a person belonging to a people that dwells alone by virtue of its fidelity to its own calendar in which the seventh day is a day of rest described in the Torah as applying not only to Jews but their non-Jewish servants; to non-Jews living in the Promised Land with them; and no less domesticated animals. They get the day off too. Devarim/Deuteronomy 5:14 On the Sabbat “you shall not do any work you, your son, your daughter, your servant your maidservant, your ox, your donkey and your every animal and your convert within your gates in that your servant and maid servant may rest like you.” How’s that for an egalitarian society? But in Tel-Aviv now, business has been licensed. Employees will be required to work on the Sabbath… |
A Political Earthquake?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Here is Mahmoud Abbas sounding like the progressive, pluralistic Pope of Reform Jews Rabbi Rick Jacobs. O, those terrible, exclusivist Orthodox Jews. Abbas complained that the US has “ignored that East Jerusalem is part of the occupied state of Palestine, an occupied city where church property in the future is being threatened by the occupier and groups of Zionist fundamentalists.” And I find it astounding that this man has had and continues to receive from otherwise civilized and sane people polite respect. I think it helps that he is clean-shaven. No keffiya on his head, wears a suit and tie, and thus projects the image of a civilized, indeed educated, indeed awarded a PhD in History for his winning thesis there was no Holocaust. The guy is a soulmate of David Irving. And now that relations appeared to be severed, we can return to a more sober analysis of our endless self-defense without any more delusions of a “Palestinian” people with rights to statehood… |
A Remarkable Man
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So today’s General Assembly vote means absolutely nothing. It is another exercise in exercising one’s hostility to the Jews, and I think I know why. Because the return of the Jews to Israel and the resurrection of Jerusalem lends much gravitas to the Jewish claim to being the Chosen People with a Scripture unbelievably prophetic about exile and return. Christians have been able to cope with the return before the Second Coming but not the Muslims. The resurrection of the Jewish state is a mortal threat to Islam concretized in the Temple Mount and who owns it. Islam, remember, is the religion of the seed of Ishmael, a first-born son who did not inherit as a first-born because he was just too uncivilized. He had the temperament of an undomesticated donkey in the wilderness trapped inside the body of a man. He was even expelled from his father’s household, he was so incorrigible. Disinherited, he lost out to his younger, half-brother. Expelled with his mother, he was profligate with the generous supply of water for their journey back to Egypt that Avraham had given them, and they ran out of water. He began to dehydrate and his mother, who could not bear his suffering, abandoned him to suffer alone. Ishmael was one bitter fellow at that point. No wonder he went on to became an outlaw enemy of civilization whose livelihood was armed robbery of defenseless, innocent travelers… |
Obama’s Betrayal
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Unfortunately at the UN following Nikki Haley’s veto of a resolution presuming to empower the Security Council to order the United States to rescind its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the reborn Jewish commonwealth, Israeli ambassador Dani Danon parroted the same cliché I’ve noted before. The oddity of Israeli spokesmen, the prime minister, Naftali Bennett, Nir Barkat now Dani Danon saying after the veto, “King David declared Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish people 3,000 years ago and it has served as Israel’s capital for almost 70 years.” And there it is again. The reference to 3,000 years ago and then a jump to the birth of the State, that is mute on the history of the modern Zionist movement that launched the return. The 162 years now since Jews began rehabilitating the city which at the point was a disgusting, garbage-strewn, rat-infested slum, a Muslim’s idea of a holy city perhaps? Israelis seem no longer to acknowledge the state building period of almost century, when Palestine was a treeless wasteland dotted with malarial swamps that killed Jewish halutzim/pioneers… |
Identity Theft
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And among the speakers was the Holocaust Denying butcher of Jews who spoke for an hour and exposed the reality he is still the same lunatic when it comes to Jews as he was when the antisemitic Soviets gave him a PhD for a dissertation saying there was no Holocaust and those Jews who were killed were murdered by the Nazis and Zionists working together. For one hour this evil madman, Mahmoud Abbas, this idiot, said things about Israel and the Jews as delusional as his PhD thesis and what was striking were the echoes of the Quran. His accusations about Israel paraphrased verses in the Quran in which the Jews are accused of changing words from their context, which alludes to the essential Islamic belief that the Torah is a plagiarized perversion of the Koran, and never mind the Torah had been around for almost 2,000 years before Muhammad was even born… |
Islam’s Murderous Envy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Vying for Jerusalem has been a news story, so to speak, for thousands years. Like a soap opera that never ends, humanity has fought over who owns Jerusalem since ancient Babylon. And by its existence as the perennial target of envy, Israel’s worst enemies unwittingly salute the truth of Jewishness; that indeed Jerusalem is the world’s uncontested, universal, No. 1 Holy City on the planet. I mean, to Buddhists in Tibet, Lhasa is their holy city; Japanese adherents of Shinto may regard various mountains sacred; native Americans believe in sacred lakes. But in every case, it was a local belief, not universally accepted the way Jerusalem is and fought over. The fighting over it is the antiJew’s unwitting acceptance that what Jews call holy is the Real McCoy. Think of the Philistines who captured the Ark of the Covenant containing the tablets in the belief they were the source of Israelis strength and success, not understanding that the tablets were not the source of power. The source was the words and ideas engraved in them, that the Philistines never understood. Islam is like that… |
Who is Dr. Mogherini?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…I was so ignorant of Jewish history and thought for most of life because I was a so-called Reform Jew — which is bad grammar; it should be Reformed Jew — I was so ignorant because I thought, as I was led to believe, that Hanukkah was a holiday celebrating the abstract principle of freedom of religion for all people, a holiday the American Civil Liberties Union could love. That’s two mistakes right there. The implication is that Hanukkah has all individuals in the world in mind who have a right to their religious beliefs. For sure they do, but that is not what this holiday is about. It is much closer to home and less universal. It is not about every man and woman’s right to believe what they want to believe. No, Hanukah remembers the Jews resisting those among them who insisted upon reforming the Jewish religion, by, for example, adding pigs to the animals that get sacrificed in the Temple. These were the Hellenizers who thought it was good to adopt the ways of the Greek culture still dominant in the region after the death of Alexander, when his two principle generals Ptolemy and Seleucus took over, the former in Egypt, the latter Seleucus in Damascus. Greek culture for sure had much to recommend it, but it remained a pagan culture at odds with the ideas and commandments Hashem gives in the Chumash, the first five books of the Bible. In other words, today’s friction between so called Reform Jews and the classical Jewishness of every community in the world in the 20th century except the United States, is nothing new… |
Israel’s Political Cowardice
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The news today, I don’t have to tell you. You all know that on Friday night, the Sabbath, where the traditional people in Sderot, originally refugees from Arab mobs in Morocco, and then later refugees from Russia, both these Jewish communities were the victims of homicidal Muslim maniacs. Like the attempted butcher today at the central bus station in Jerusalem. The attack is online, the video of it. Why don’t Jews do this to Muslims? How different our cultures are. The American TV comedian Conan Obrien visited Israel recently and the hospital in Tsfat when thousands of Syrian Arabs have come for free medical treatment, since much of Syria is now, one city after another, piles of rubble. Oh how they hate us in Israel for all the terrible things they believe we do that we don’t, and look at what they do to themselves in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Egypt where Copts are periodically murdered and Salafiyyun type terrorists murder Egyptian police and soldiers. Conan O’Brian in his visit to the hospital in Tsfat said to the Israeli medical staff, which is Jewish and Arab, “You people deserve the Noble Prize for Peace.” |
O Jerusalem. Why Jerusalem?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…For myself, I am not overjoyed. In many ways, the US is the greatest country in the history of nations but I have found it unseemly that Jews think we need recognition from anybody, any country. In fact, I have preferred the unanimity of the nations in not recognizing Jerusalem as our capital as a kind of unanimous recognition that it is. That no other country is treated this way is yet another instance of the Jews being treated as a chosen people, chosen for treatment that no other receives. What also is immensely if oddly complimentary is the anger of the world today in the name of the principle that Jerusalem is a city holy to three faiths and therefore the Jews are being greedy in wanting a monopoly on sovereignty. What is in play is an attitude that is a religious state of mind thousands of years old spiced with resentment at the Jews for having this unique relationship to the G-d Almighty, a special covenant that no other people, no other religion can claim. Hence, for two thousand years, the Church of Rome has claimed to be the True people of Israel, and therefore true sovereign over the Promised Land. By not only rejecting but murdering their own messiah, the Jews lost that covenant and Roman Catholics took their place. Indeed, Christianity claimed to be the authentic continuation of the history of the Jews in the Old Testament. Christians had superseded the Jews and become the new chosen people, which idea of supersession then inspired Muhammad to claim that Islam superseded Christianity… |
A New Saudi Peace Plan?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so is a top story in Israel today, yesterday’s New York Times report on the peace plan Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman presented to Abbas in their meeting last month. The title of Caroline Glick’s report today was “A credible peace plan, at last.” No. Even she admits that the details of the plan have not been confirmed by the Saudis. This is standard operating procedure: chumming the waters, so to speak, with bait in the belief the Saudis have finally reconciled themselves to Israel’s right to exist, without officially saying so. Caroline Glick has many merits as a writer and thinker but with certain deficits. I don’t thinks she knows much of the history of the conflict before she was born as she should, and her analyses never include the religious dimension… |
Israelis: Their Own Worst Enemy
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…At Auschwitz, the Germans took away our human names and burnt serial numbers into our arms, as if we were diseased cattle being registered before being destroyed, and now with the rise of the “Palestinian” people and their noble cause of national liberation, we ceased to use Judea and Samaria but “West Bank.” It is almost as if today’s MSM in Israel has gone to work for our Nazi-loving enemies by doing their work for them, inscribing our own map with their names that blot out Judea, origin of the word Jew, and Samaria, origin of the Christian story of the Good Samaritan. That Israel and the Jewish people have gone along with this corruption of language, truth and thought to the detriment of the Jewish people is a national disgrace. Jews are supposed to be so smart and clever and can be, so I find it amazing that only Golda Meir stood out among her generation of founding fathers and mothers of the state in standing up to the monstrous lie that there was another nation besides the Jewish nation with a right to a state in Palestine, a.k.a., the land of Israel, a.k.a. the Promised Land. It is an outrage that these primitive intellects, the Arabs, have been able, via acts of terror on the world stage, to impose their fraudulent history according to which Palestine belongs to the “Palestinians,” a people absent from the country’s history that is thousands of years old. Historians of the future may marvel at this fact; the absolute Israeli refusal to stand up from day one to the nonsense of the existence of this other people with the identical right to statehood in the land whose 1,000 years of history can be found in Tanakh, the Bible. So desperate were the post-religious Zionists to create a post-religious state, they were willing to waive their rights to the heart of the Promised Land, Judea and Samaria. The No. 1 iconic act of this generation was Moshe Dayan in 1967 returning the Temple Mount to the Muslim. The gesture sent the message, “We Israelis don’t care about such things.” |
Radical Islamic Terrorism? Ha.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And what is hypocrisy? Doing the evil that one accuses others of doing. Classic example: Hitler accusing the Jews of wanting to overrun the world, at the same time his Nazi Youth Organization, the Hitlerjugend were singing Heute Deutschland, Morgen Der Gantze Velt / “Today Germany, tomorrow the entire world.” This was a youth movement whose youngsters were encouraged to see themselves as the Master Race destined to overrun and dictate to the entire world. Hitler’s notion of the Master Race is not accidentally reminiscent of the Chosen People as a nickname for a nation, a mirror image, in which left is right and right is wrong, of the Jewish idea of Chosenness, chosen to live a life of commandments and thereby set an example to the world of human potential. People can be better than they are… |
Antisemitism: What Is it?
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…This is why the idea of a secular Jew is an oxymoron. Someone who calls himself a secular Jew is using words he misunderstands. Jew comes from Yehuda, the name Mother Leah gave to her fourth son. She expressed hope three times previously, giving birth each time to a boy, that she hoped would finally win Jacob’s love. This time she just thanked G-d for son number four. His name thus resonates with the very concept of thanking God, and that is one reason why humankind suffers from a predilection to hating Jews, for our existence as a nation, as a community, has proven so far to be immortal and thus a proof of the existence of G-d as Jews conceive of Him, He Whose first lesson to his greatest creation is to know that there is good and there is evil, G-d wants man to choose the good and not the evil. And people don’t want to hear that because it means reining our worst impulses and urges. So much pleasure is succumbing to temptation, instant gratification, but long term sorrow. So someone who calls himself a secular Jew, when secularism means against religion, and Jew connotes a G-d-thanker. Jews are constantly thanking G-d, and if so, and anti-religionist G-d-thanker makes no sense… |
America, Israel’s Promised Land
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…You should have the seen almost banner headline in the post-Zionist post-Jewish Jerusalem Post: “Hotovely insults US Jewry, then apologizes under pressure.” And the subhead: “Facing Diaspora fury, threatens termination.” This was almost an LOL/laugh out loud moment for its bizarre distortion of what she said and the notion that the Diaspora was furious. Tsipi spoke the truth, if less than elegantly and as an Israeli, well, they are not known for their tact. Truth be told, I did detect a shallow misperception of American Jewry, but overall she spoke the truth. And that can, like a dentist hitting a nerve, cause great pain, which was the response in Israel to the post-Zionist, really Jewish Israelis whose perception of American Jewry, judging of the MSM’s hysteria, is likewise fanciful and defective. “Diaspora fury” over her words? Puh-leeze. 99% of Diaspora Jews do not know what she said and could not care less. Israel is simply not part of their thoughts… |
Israel’s Divided Self
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…There are no bigger supporters in Israel of these gate-crashing Africans than the anti-pro-Balestinian Israeli Left. Anything to damage Jewish group solidarity. I remember one Independence Day Meretz took out an ad in the paper seemingly in celebration, using as a sub-headline, “Israel: A Multicultural Country.” The idea of uniquely Jewish country sickens them. It is this spirit at work as well in the demand of Israel’s post-Jewish Left who insist that Israel be a Jewish and a democratic country, by which they mean a Jewish and a non-Jewish country. For Israel’s enlightened post-religionists, the term Jew associates to the Jewish religion, and if you are not religious, you are an Israeli, a patriot, a nationalist but not a Jew. It is the eternal tug of war here. Today I woke up to newspapers blaring advertisements for major sales tomorrow because it is Black Friday, and it is not the first time Israelis have pilfered something from American culture and made it their own, without any understanding of what they are doing… |
Closing Down the PA Office and Weird Sex
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…At one point in our history, the news that the PLO office in Washington, open since 1994 as part of the heavenly Oslo Peace Delirium, has been ordered shut would have caused a firestorm of protest here among the Enlightened. Twenty years ago, say, there would have been outrage in Israel where the Enlightened often say, “Everyone knows what a final solution will look like, two states for two peoples,” and closing that office does nothing to advance that sublime goal. That was the fantasy that created the Palestinian Authority, and here its office in Washington was just shut down for violating American law… |
The Sabbath is Everything
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So talk of Trump Peace Plan was a top story and related was the threat by Secretary of State Tillerson to shut down the PLO office in Washington. These international outlaw terrorist criminals have turned to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to persecute Israel, which is against its own word in previous negotiations. Tillerson said the PLO has to withdraw its case or see its Washington office shut and padlocked. In any case, in all candor, I now read such stories quickly with a jaundiced eye, for any continuation of the Oslo Process, and the current diplomatic dance is that, is doomed to fail. It is forgotten that the Two-State Solution which remains official policy in Washington, the UN, Russia, was the brainchild of these post-Jewish fools, Rabin, son of an ardent communist, Peres, youthful Marxist philosopher, Beilin, proud post-Jewish atheist and cohorts in academe, all of whom knew nothing of the enemy. So it is illogical to continue to use the same terms, ideas and concepts of the Oslo Peace Process. A whole new set of ideas and concepts must arise to meet the reality that the Oslo delusionists never could… |
A Watershed Decision
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Indeed, Palestinian Nationalism is in essence more than antisemitic; it is a frontal attack on Judaism, which began with the appearance of Abraham to whom G-d’s first words were “Go to a land I will show you.” Then, over the next 290 years, his seed grew into a party of 70 people who descended into Egypt; then 210 years later emerged as nation of millions liberated from slavery and bound to occupy the Land first promised to Moses’s great-grandfather’s great-grandfather Abraham. The Five Books then end with Moses standing on the east bank looking over that Promised Land, but today, every enlightened person knows this land belongs to the Ancient Palestinians, not the Jews. Palestinian Nationalism is beyond anti-Zionism. It is an attack on the central belief of Judaism, the promise of the Promised Land. Today, university students say this land belongs to the Ancient Ones which the criminal Jews stole from them… |
Under Attack from All Sides
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…The Ten Commandments are 70% negative like the first one in the Garden; “Don’t do this and don’t do that, which you will want to do.” The beginning of morality is less doing good than refraining from doing evil. And for this the world hates us. We are surrounded by antiJews. Consider the following news stories today. The Iron Dome system has been installed in the center of the country in anticipation the homicidal Muslim Jew-haters in Gaza fittingly called Islamic Jihad — there could no better name for them — though three years ago, the MSM repeatedly called those firing rockets in our homes and streets “Palestinians.” There is fear in Israel that Islamic Jihad wants revenge for what the IDF did a couple of weeks ago already. Blew up a tunnel being dug in hopes of being able to send teams of suicidal-homicidal Muslim maniacs into Jewish villages to murder Jews at random, and in the process ten of their bigwigs, are should I say their big keffiyas, were unexpectedly launched into Muslim paradise. You might think that Islamic Jihad would thank Israel for dispatching the ten to that eternal orgy in the sky. But no. Israel is expecting a reprisal… |
The English and the Jews
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Program Link: My Story of Sexual Harassment | |||
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…So this will be the English webcast. For sure, after us Jews, the English have a special relationship to the Eretz Yisrael, dare one say an Esavian relationship. There is that old Hebrew belief that Esav sonai leyakov, meaning Esau hates Jacob, shorthand for Esau’s eternal hostility toward his fraternal twin, but no less Esav has other character traits that could not be more admirable. He is after all Israel’s twin brother, son of the same mother and father, Rivka and Yitzhak. Some think the origin of the ethnic name Briton comes from the Hebrew brit, or in the Ashkenazi pronunciation, bris, meaning covenant. There was a time in history when serious thinkers in England pondered the possibly they were one of the lost tribes… |
Always the Bad Guys
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…You all know yours truly is endlessly fascinated by the thinking of antiJews, how their minds work, which I think is one of the most important characteristics of the human race that needs to be driven from the world, like crippling and fatal illnesses. AntiJew thinking has been as destructive to society as any war and famine. World War II over its six years’ duration saw the destruction of 60 million lives and a case can be made that one major driving force for this war was Jew-hatred. The Nazis were bent on overrunning the whole world and in the process murdering every Jew they encountered until the whole world was Jew-free. Seen in this light, many more gentiles died than Jews. Germany alone lost 8 million people… |
Progressive Jews
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…It is this generation in general that also produces students of Jewish extraction who do not live Jewish lives and like their fellow snowflakes cannot tolerate ideas they don’t agree with. Hence, the academic horror this week at Princeton of all places in which a gaggle of Jews who support the principle Jew-killers in this generation prevented a speech by Deputy Foreign Ministress Tsipi Hotovely. They created a petition protesting her as a racist because she denies the existence of the Ancient Palestinians whose entire country Zionists like her allegedly stole from them and won’t give back. Her talk was set for last night at Princeton’s Center for Jewish Life which apparently answers to the Hillel foundation of mostly Reform Jews but was cancelled when a group calling itself the Alliance of Jewish Progressives objected and won the day. The Center for Jewish Life did not hold, to borrow from great Irish poet William Butler Yeats, and canceled her talk as demanded by these progressives. That is the substantive in their name; Jewish is only an adjectival modifier… |
Nikki Haley Gets It
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…US Ambassadress to the UN Nikki Haley spoke before the Israeli American Something Council, started by yordim, those who descend from the Holy Land into the Exile who want to help Israel nonetheless, like other successful American Jews, if no longer Israelis. And she gave a wonderful speech. I believe I read in a mini-bio of her, her past includes run-ins with bigotry in the US because her family came from India and therefore she is not Caucasian, so she experienced insult and it sounds as if she identifies with the Jews for that. Orde Charles Wingate was like that, the English intelligence officer posted to Mandatory Palestine in 1936 to help squelch the first intifada known in the history books as the Arab Revolt — certainly not the Palestinian Revolt, not when in 1936 all Palestinians were Zionist Jews. Wingate grew up in an offbeat Protestant sect called the Plymouth Brethren and was the butt of jokes among boys at school belonging to the mainstream Church of England. Wingate was the butt of jokes in his boyhood and he too identified with the persecuted Jews. In any case, Nikki Halle nonetheless had never been to Israel, which is kind of strange, but maybe not. For thousands of years, Jews too moaned of their longing to go to the same land they had never been to… |
Balfour Day and Rabin, Jr.
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And so Islam is the religion of thieves who shamelessly stole the story of Abraham and Isaac and re-wrote it. The binding took place not in Jerusalem on the future temple mount, they say, but in Mecca on the Qaaba stone that in Muhammad’s day had been a pilgrimage site for pagans worshiping 365 idols on it. And when asked to explain the discrepancy between the Jewish and Muslim versions of this most famous, world-historical little story, some 300 words, Muslims say the Jews stole it from them and “changed words from their context.” The accusation appears numerous times in the Quran. Muslims say Moses, whose name these lisping illiterate outlaws botch as Musa, not Moshe, brought down from Mt. Sinai not the Five Books but the Quran, and at the bottom of the mountain the Jews snatched it from him and re-wrote it. In basic Islamic doctrine, the Jews are the thieves of holy scripture… |
The UN’s Latest Aggression
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…And how do we know that? Very simply, by the behavior of the nations of the world in congress assembled, a.k.a. the United Nations Organization which is obsessed with our little state and possessed with the need to scold Israel for its immoral behavior as no other state in the world in the UN organization is chastised. Today’s latest episode is the world’s obsessive-compulsive daily need to point the finger of guilt at Israel firing charges of immoral behavior, its immoral, criminal persecution of the Ancient People whose country the Jews stole from them. Two days ago the webcast was about Michael Lynk at the UN, a Canadian, I believe, calling for denying visas to Israelis and in effect turning the whole state into a ghetto. Today a top story was the decision by the UN to spend 1.3 billion dollars on helping the Ancient Palestinians achieve their stated goal of statehood, which will entail condemning Israel for its criminal occupation of their ancient homeland. Remember the 1975 UNGA Resolution 3379 condemning Zionism as “a form of racism”? Well that spiritual state of mind at work in the General Assembly then remains alive and well and perhaps will remain so until Moshiach comes, in which it is our destiny to fight back against this ageless, eternal human response to the very existence of the Jews fueled by homicidal hatred… |
The Almighty’s Hidden Help
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Michael Lynk and the bulk of the billion-plus Muslims in the world and still too many in the West remain enslaved to the same mental crippling that makes them see in Jews not agents of HaShem, the Merciful G-d of Abraham, in contrast to the cruel pagan gods on the goyim in his time. Michael Lynk and fellow Jew-haters see us as the opposite, as agents of major evil. This is the mind of Roger Waters who likewise has said Israel is the worst human rights offender in the world. These people minds twist their vision. They hate the one people that at Mt. Sinai accepted G-d’s amazing Torah when all the other people rejected it. The Chosen people was the Choosing people, and for that is hated. Michael and the UNHRC, 47 states functioning like a panel of priests in 16th century Europe condemning Jews to suffering, in this case, turning Israel into a pariah state, its people denied visas, turning the country into ghetto/prison, cutting off trade to impoverish the state until the Jews themselves decides to drive out the half-million of them living on “Palestinian” land illegally. And I say, “What do you expect when Israel itself never shoots down that accusation?” Israel never says the opposite, that Judea and Samaria are legally and rightfully Jewish property on which the Arabs there live on our sufferance. Legally and morally, this is our land and they enemy are aliens living on it… |
The Post-Jew Menace and “Gandhi”
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…Chief Justice Miriam Naor, whose last name means “enlightened,” ruled that the municipality of Tel-Aviv has the right to violate that quintessential Jewish contribution to world culture, the Sabbath. According to YNET’s story, “Traditionally, on their last day justices choose to read a verdict issued on a significant appeal that reflects their judicial worldview.” How fitting then, how exquisitely appropriate, that on her last day as chief judge in the enlightened State of Israel, she would for her swan song, the capstone of her legal career, issue her blessing of an insult to and violation of a behavior uniquely Jewish. It is the first commandment demanding action. The fourth. The Holy Sabbath. If you recall, a couple of years ago Tel-Aviv ruled that small groceries in Tel-Aviv could be open for business on the Sabbath because as one complaint by denizens alleged, they like to stop off for a bottle of water as they walk to the beach often in their bathing suits, as naked as Caribbean cannibals. They in effect objected to the inconvenience of having to buy said bottle of water the day before. Horrors. What an infringement on their freedom in this allegedly democratic country, meaning a society not dictated to by religious people. And her opinion, which was basically a recitation of the folk wisdom “live and let live,” Tel-Avivans have the right to ignore the quintessential hallmark of the Jewish people. “Every individual should be allowed to mold their own Shabbat according to their personal beliefs.” This makes no sense. Shabbat is not a concept defined and molded by the individual. To think that is to reject the Jewish view that the very idea of the Sabbath came from HaShem, from G-d, not from every individual as he or she sees fit… |
Dying American Jewry and J.D. Salinger
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…J.D. Salinger, author of Cather in the Rye, also wrote Franny and Zooey in which Franny, a young woman, finds herself in a spiritual crisis and falls in love with a book about a religious pilgrim who has a prayer that he constantly repeats until it matches the beating of his heart. Salinger thought he was a Jew until he discovered in his teens that his mother was not and it precipitated a major identity crisis. Salinger grew up in several different apartments on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. At one point, home was a couple of blocks from the future site of the ultimate in non-Jewish Jewish delicatessens, Zabar’s… |
Europe’s Eternal Aggression
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In fact, these eight states are members of something called the West Bank Protection Consortium, and I heartily recommend you all find time to Google this outfit that came into being in 2009, I think. I just briefly scanned its website, slack-jawed at yet another group of non-productive international civil servants, unelected, who can give birth to themselves as yet another body targeting the world’s only tiny Jewish state. In a related item this weekend, we learned that the UN recognized, I presume, has registered and given privileges and even assistance to 6,200 NGOs, that according to UN expert Anne Bayefsky have used their global legitimacy to promote bigotry, antisemitism and at times, terrorism. You got that? I never asked myself the question how many NGOs are there in the world, in other words, in this context, non-governmental, self-starting associations commonly involved in international affairs, lobbying for one cause or another, and in the end producing nothing of value, mostly hot air, hatred and incitement to homicidal massacres, a/k/a terrorism. Who are these nameless, unelected European bureaucrats to create sort a consortium with a budget to give us Jews a hard time by supporting our mortal enemies, the Arab Muslims in Judea and Samaria who overwhelmingly supportive of Barak Obama’s soulmates in the Muslim Brotherhood? |
The Looming Menace of Iran
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Excerpt from this day’s program:
…In the past, Israel never publicly crowed over its successes, and Assad was allowed to deny they ever happened. He did not respond to Israeli operations. But since March Syria has been attempting to shoot down Israeli planes and even claimed success, lying to the Syrian people. In any case, bottom line, our strategic posture is about to change for the worse. The Iranians are driven by their Jew-hatred to provoke us. It makes them feel good. The Zionist entity of free Jews does not deserve to exist. It is doctrinally opposed to Islam and in practice has resulted in the outrageous situation in which Believers in Israel and the Palestinian territories are actually ruled over and ordered about by the infidel Jews. In a related unrelated story today as well you likely came across, a lifetime Nazi-lover in the UK, one Kevin Wilshaw, declared he was living the movement because he is sodomite, and was persecuted for this by fellow Nazis, which helped him to see the reality of persecution. He also said his mother had Jewish blood, whatever that is… |