Three More Martyrs

Internet Radio

…There is something profoundly immoral, to my mind, by not putting to death, murderers, especially when the murderers are proud of their killing.

By all means in civil proceedings afford the defendant who claims he is innocent all possible avenues and techniques for proving his innocence.

But not every homicide leads to the arrest of someone claiming, “I didn’t do it. Get me Perry Mason.” Some murderers actually crow of their dastardly crime and these should immediately be put to death.

This business of Israel warehousing thousands of these men who deserve death cannot be justified. To do so is to commit an offense against their Jewish victims. So yesterday Baruch Mizrachi’s widow — ironically the counter-terror specialist in the police force murder outside of Hevron Erev Pesach — was demanding death for his killer and rightly so.

It is, I fear, one facet, of some defects in the Israeli character. One would think that along with the building of the New Jew who fights back, as Bibi likes to say, who has his own country and own army and can fight back, the New Jew would not hesitate to execute as soon as possible an Arab murder of a fellow Jew.

Israel needs to revamp its thinking about acts of terror and Arab brutality. Israel needs to declare to the world that in the land of Israel, the ultimate crime is violence by a goy against a Jew.

How common that has been in the exile; how uncommon it must become here…

Israel Misses Its Mission

Internet Radio

Program Link: Hamas official to Abbas: Don’t make us take over Gaza

…You may have seen the headshots of the two principle suspects behind the kidnapping two weeks ago. Makor Rishon on Friday said within like a day the GSS was pretty sure these were the two masterminds and for two weeks this is whom they are looking for.

And judging by their photographs, these veterans of homicidal violence against Jews and Israeli prisons, this is the enemy. One is in his late 20s, on in his early 30s, and they are, judging by their appearance, nothing but street punks who if they did not have us Jews to brutalize, they would be doing it to their own.

This is the enemy. Not soldiers, not freedom-fighters, but violent punks, gangsters. Think of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi, Assad father and son. This is who the Arabs have for leaders. Gangsters who haven’t got an eye-dropper’s worth of concern for the people they rule over. In their culture, to be a leader is to steal, embezzle the wealth of the country and keep the people down…

Israel Must Stop Begging

Internet Radio

…That is the bottom line here. The Islamic, Qur’anically mandate hatred of Jews. Israel has to re-brand the conflict as not about statehood for any Balestinians but the Arab-Muslim inability to tolerate statehood for Jews; a religious inability.

The problem with Israelis is their mistaken belief that this is a nationalist struggle between two nations, Jews and Ancient Ones instead of Islam’s endless war against Jews and Jewishness.

Israel has to finally start to protest and actually take action against foreign journalists who write of events on the “West Bank.” Israel hands out ID cards to foreign journalists here which helps them in their work, and in the future Israel must monitor their product to make sure they call Judea and Samaria Judea and Samaria, not the “West Bank,” whose invention was meant literally to cover up and even erase these Hebrew names, exactly the way the Emperor Hadrian in the second century came up with the names Palaestina and Aelia Capitolina to replace the two-century old Roman practice of calling the land Judea and the capital Jerusalem.

Israel’s tolerance of this vocabulary all these years has been a major contribution to the form antiJewism has taken since 1967.

What would Roger Waters do without resort to using the term “West Bank” to describe Judea and Samaria? Can you see him and other antiJews declaring as they do that the Jews must evacuate Judea? What a jerk he and they would look like then…

Death to Terrorists!

Internet Radio

…G-d bless Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, former Baptist minister, currently a talk-show host on Fox who has visited Israel like 43 times, right after his weekend show, flew to Israel in the wake of the triple kidnapping and said what no Israeli politician ever says: The kidnapping is “nothing less than an act of anti-Semitic, rabid hatred.”

Bull’s eye. He gets it. He gets what Israelis, leastwise the secular elite here, are blind to. The homicidal hostility toward us has little to do with the alleged injustice we Zionists have visited upon the Ancient Ones and everything to do with Islam’s inveterate hatred of Jews. This former Baptist preacher knows religious fever when he sees it.

And not only the anti-Semitism of the Arabs here but their backers all over the globe….

…Over the last week, the IDF arrested Abu Hassan Yousef, head of Hamas in Judea and Samaria, whose rebel son broke from his father’s house, sort of like Abraham, rejected Islam and converted to Christianity, saying, the problem with Islam is it conception of G-d, who is a cruel god.

Bull’s-eye. The great divide between paganism and Jewishness is over the nature of G-d. The pagans saw the forces beyond their power as cruel, capricious and chaotic.
But Avraham said there are no “forces,” no multiplicity of powers or gods but the One G-d only and He is Merciful. Avraham chose HaShem as his G-d, and G-d chose Abraham as his new Noah for a new beginning for mankind because Avraham’s greatest characteristic was his kindness. It was, so to speak, a marriage made in heaven…

It’s a Mental Disorder

Internet Radio

…Prime Minister Netanyahu reacted to Abbas’s surprising expression of “caring about the lives of human beings” – not Israelis, not Jews – by, as usual, demanding action to match the words, such as cancelling his pact with Hamas.

By contrast, the Palestinian Nationalist here who moon-lights as Israel’s Ministress of Post-Zionist Justice Tsipora Livni said Abbas’s words were “very important in our international struggle to get legitimacy for our actions.”

This too is so typical, in this case of Tsipi Livni’s slice of Israeli society, the Enlightened post-Jews. For them, what is most important, just as Livni says, is “getting international legitimacy for our actions.”

In other words, winning the approval of the goyim, especially in the West. We must be sprinkled with the holy water of their notion of legitimacy. Not our notion; not HaShem’s notion. For Livni and her ilk, legitimacy is rooted in what the goyim think of us. We have to appeal to their sense of justice in order to be secure in what we do…

Out on a Limb

Internet Radio

…Well, the Israeli today was right to survey the reactions of the world community to the triple kidnapping, and they were consistent with their spiritual distortions.

Today Baroness Catherine of Ashton, after four days of maintaining radio silence, finally came out with a statement in the name of Esavian EU countries condemning the kidnapping. She and her colleagues in Brussels should be ashamed of themselves for this. As Herb Keinon reported today in JPost, this is the same EU that applauded the marriage of Fatah and Hamas.

Indeed, just yesterday, instead of condemning the triple kidnapping, the EU’s man in Jerusalem, summoned to the Foreign Ministry, Lars Faaborg-Andersen, said that because of the weekend, the EU had been delayed in issuing such a statement, to which Rafi Shutz, director-general of relations with Western Europe who had called him in, reminded him that the EU had issued a statement regardless of the weekend about its meeting of foreign ministers with Arab foreign ministers during the week in Greece. In other words, “Spare me the taurine excreta.”

No More Two-State Solution

Internet Radio

…It has long been a puzzlement that Israel and the U.S., bastions of free speech, in their own eyes at least, allowed for the creation of a Soviet-style government in the manner of the Palestinian Authority media.

Remember the old Soviet Union, with its Izvestia and Pravda, one the government news service, the other the Communist Party’s daily newspaper called the Truth.

Imagine if Obama decreed martial law, which I believe he has the power to do in the Constitution, suspended habeas corpus as the great President Abraham Lincoln did during the Civil War, and declared that all news media outlets be shut down and the only one allowed to write the news would be a newspaper produced by his party called The Truth. Pravda.

Imagine an America like that and what classical Americans would think about that.

And now be aware that this is what the Oslo Peace Processors came up with. The PLO, the greatest spreader of terrorist murder and mayhem, was whitewashed and re-named the Palestinian Authority and controls Palestinian television, news and radio programs, and has its own daily newspaper.

Among other things, this is one of insanities of the Oslo Delirium…

Arab Culture

Internet Radio

…How long will it take for Israelis like Peres, like Lapid, Livni, the mainstream leftist media, to see that our neighbors, the Arabs, are as insane in their minds about Jews as Europeans ever were; as Germans and lots of their helpers in the countries they overran last century. These Arabs; these Muslims see us as the embodiment of evil; of being agents of the devil, the shaitan, this typical, lisping mispronunciation of a Hebrew in Arabic, the satan. We all know how the Iranians originated the language of the US as the Big Satan and Israel as the Little Satan, and I submit these are not exercises in creative propaganda. They really see us as the most evil people in the world.

And this is why they deny the Holocaust. The Jew is not a figure of pity to whom an injustice has been done who deserves pity and expressions of regret and compensation for the evil done to him.

Oh no. The Holocaust endows the Jews with a stick with which to beat the world into granting them the right to steal Balestine. And this is why the Arabs invented Nakba Day in the 1990s to combat the memory of the Holocaust. If the Jews had been the victims of injustice instigated by the racist doctrines of antisemitism and Nazism, then the Ancient Ones were likewise the victims of the racist doctrine of Zionism…

A New President

Internet Radio

…And then came Ezer Weizman and the rules of the game changed. He is the one to turn it into a popularity contest, a competition because the people had rejected him as their leader in politics.

He corrupted the office was found believed guilty of financial corruption too. The statute of limitations prevented prosecution but the revelations impelled him to resign for having disgraced the office.

The came Moshe Katsav, a political hack known for his sexual predations who was removed from office and remains in prison at this very moment.

And then came Uncle Shimon who true to a lifetime of challenging the leaders of this democracy, this low-brow, soi-disant pseudo-intellectual was up to that as recently as last week; his fool of a man.

And now, that is, during recent weeks, we were witnessed to the shameless campaigning by one political party hack after another saying, “I want to be president! I want to be president! Vote for me!” with no awareness that one does not ask for such honors let alone campaign for them.

Then again, the original leaders of this Herzlian state were Leftists who set the culture and dreamed of a classless society, and what they got was a society with no class.

On the bright side, Ruby Rivlin, I think, will be a good president; leastwise in his victory speech today he seemed to understand the role when Peres, Weizman and Katsav never did. It should be above politics and policies. The president must foster not the ideas that divide the people but unite them…

Our Hellenists Today

Internet Radio

…Every day Israel is at war not only with the sons of Ishmael, that wild ass of a Hamitic man; Israel fights its perpetual war with its own Hellenists, those who identify with the goyim in the West.

For example, yesterday Israel’s Ministress of Post-Zionist, really post-Jewish Ministress of Justice Tsipora, which means bird, Tsipora the Birdbrain Livni, said Israel should cooperate with the new and improved Balestinian Unity government. This is what has been said in European countries, in Washington. Cooperation with the new unity government.

And I think Tsipora Livni, as a true princess of Hellenism, really has no views of her own. She looks to the West for guidance, and whatever they say, she will adopt as her opinion. Yesterday she said Israel should cooperate with the new government because the new ministers are not members of Hamas. In effect, Israel’s Ministress of Foreign Affairs was doing PR for the views of the Jew-killer Abbas who has made the same argument. Livni yesterday did not promote the views of Israel’s prime minister who appointed her. She was an advocate for the doctor of the philosophy of history was awarded the title doctor by the antisemitic Communists in the Soviet Union for this dissertation, his thesis that there was no mass murder of Jews in WWII and in any case those who were killed died at the hands of Nazis and the Zionists who worked with them. Tsipora Livni yesterday might as well have been the Foreign Ministress of the antisemitic PLO organization which never accepted the right of Jews to live free of their Qur’anically mandated oppressed and humiliated status…


Internet Radio

…I envy historians of the future who study this period in which arguably the greatest enemy spy-agent in history managed to become the head of the enemy’s people and do things consistently to weaken them.

Obama has stripped the Persian Gulf of US forces. He is shrinking US forces to levels below World War II, when there were less than half the Americans today and a world a third in size, population wise.

And now this evil man has liberated these five, proven, Muslim monsters to kill again.

And there is a connection between what he did by freeing them to get back this Edward Snowden-type traitor who sees himself acting out of love for his country by his betrayal, and the other decision this same week to stab Israel in the back.

When this decision to respect the new, so-called Balestinian government means is that of the $500 million the US sends every 12 months to the so-called Balestinian Authority, some will now be going to Hamas, a soul-sister Muslim cult of the Taliban, of al-Qaida, of Hezbollah, of the Muslim Brotherhood that he helped to install in Egypt, the Brotherhood being the original Islamist, crusader organization.

And thanks to Europe’s centuries of Jew-hatred, it is not surprising the Brits, the French, the EU joined the Obama bandwagon using the same word: “technocrats.”

No more Arabs. No more Muslims. No more Fatah. No more Hamas. These are kosher technocrats!

Varieties of Dehumanization

Internet Radio

…Tomorrow Israel may take actions to punish Abbas and his merry band of brother barbarians for linking arms with Hamas, and if so they in turn are threatening to sign up with 63 international organizations, treaties and conventions, and I say let them. This too is some of the rotten fruit of the Oslo madness: the fiction that there is a difference between Fatah and Hamas.

We are trapped like a fly in a sticky spider’s web. The same ridiculous game is being played with Hamas as was played with the PLO. In 1975, that uneducated boor Yitzhak Rabin said the PLO had to speak of recognition and peace and the end of terrorism in order to be recognized because that fool seemed not to consider that these conscienceless brutes might someday speak the magic words and sound sincere in their new-found recognition of Israel and renunciation of terrorism but be lying.

When I say it does not matter what these enemies of civilization say or do not say. They should never have never been talked to. They should all have been killed…

The Christian Cap & Gown

Internet Radio

…In the Holy Tongue, Biblical Hebrew, the word of a man, male, is basically the same as the one-word statement, “He remembered.” The only difference is a slight vowel change. In Modern Hebrew they are pronounced the same.

In other words the words here are telling us that a Jewish man, at least, is one who remembers. Next week, the Feast of Weeks commemorates the exact date in the 14th century before the Common Era, that’s a long time ago — the Hebrews as they were then known — escaped slavery in Egypt into the Sinai Desert and 50 days later, 7 x 7 plus 1 days later, they camped around a mountain where the Creator of the Universe gave them a book. Five books actually, and actually another 18 volumes worth of discussion called the Talmud, which discusses the Five Books. The Creator did not need 40 days and 40 nights to engrave the 10 Sayings in stone. The forty days were a 24/7 seminar he gave Moses to help him understand the Five Books.

And next week we will remember that moment in planetary history when G-d and Man met at the top of a mountain…

Perfectly Balanced

Internet Radio

…Worse, in politically correct fashion, the fashion of this generation’s Arab and Muslim suicide-massacre freaks, when escorted to the Israeli memorial to these victims in order to match his unscheduled homage to the security barrier, the Pope acted out the same body language but said, “I pray for all these victims, and for the victims of terrorism in the world.”

This is standard antiJew procedure in our time. Singling out Jewish suffering if only for a moment is a no-no. Focusing the mind just on the persecution of Jews, commonly as a result of some satanic fever in the brain, is not allowed. One may mention antisemitism and the suffering of the Jews due to it but then one must immediately bring similar hates and persecutions. You know, like on International Holocaust Day in January. Speakers commonly groan over the Holocaust of the Jews and the scourge of racism wherever it is found. “We remember the Holocaust and the persecution of Muslims at the hands of homicidal Islamophobes; of sexist chauvinism against women; against illegal aliens and sodomites, and in particular lesbian illegals. We cry over those who have suffered for being short, the victims of heightism, and bald guys for being laughed at…”

The Pope’s Same-Old Same-Old

Internet Radio

…The big story in Israel today is the visit of the Pope of Rome, the church which baptized Adolf Hitler and so many of his henchmen. And here he was parroting the post-modernist wisdom about us Jews in Terra Sancta, the evil clichés about “both sides having to make sacrifices to create two states with internationally recognized borders, for the good of their people,” an evil cliché for the moral equivalence implied between us civilized Jews here, the victims of Arab aggression and our murderers, these sub-civilized, barbaric, savage people whose brains are as filled with antiJew lunacy as that of Adolf Hitler and friends; whose brains are packed with fantasies of invented Jewish crimes which justify their demands for Jewish property. They covet the wealth we have created here and have concocted a narrative to justify why it all belongs to them and why they have the right to murder us because we stole it from them. And here was the Pope of Rome having swallowed this narrative like a communion wafer…

A New Blood Libel?

Internet Radio

…Yeah, the Muslims here seem to be trying once again to perpetrate a hoax to smear us Jews with their own penchant for cold-blooded murder.

My own conclusion about the Muhammad ad-Dura blood libel is this: while some say there may have been no killing of a boy by that name at all; it was all staged; I judge the behavior of the father and the son crouching and cringing in terror to have been no act by them. I believe they were really being shot at to scare them to death, only the shooters were of course not Israeli soldiers but Muslims in the Strip who either had a bone to pick with this man or he and his son were anonymous passersby picked out by the Muslims to be sacrificed for the cause. As Muslims identical to the 9-11 demons who slaughtered themselves and other Muslims on those planes or in the World Trade Towers at the time, those shooting at the father and son may have decided it was all for the cause of Allah against the infidels, al-Yahud…

We Owe the Balestinians Nothing

Internet Radio

…Every time Dr. Martin Indyk PhD opens his mouth about Israel, you are treated to his identity crisis, his panicked discomfort with having been born into this hated and chronically persecuted people.

So the world acts ambivalently to the existence of the Jewish people and in our time our return after 18 centuries in exile. On the one hand there is a traditional hatred of Jews just for being Jews and now an additional layer for having returned since 1967 to Jerusalem and Hevron as masters; and on the other this unites them around about the only foreign policy issue in the world that breeds such unanimity. There is 100% agreement that Israel is not entitled to call Jerusalem its capital, and as for living in Judea and Samaria and visiting the graves of their ancestors, that too is an international no-no among the goyim.

Problem is, too many Israelis don’t see that, and that has several sources. Among those born and raised here, they attend school, K-12, in which everyone in the school is a Jew so they never witness a fist-fight on the playground ignited by a goy boy calling a Jewish boy a dirty Jew who then has to defend his honor…

Dershowitz the IBJ

Internet Radio

…Indyk blames Naftali Bennett and Uri Ariel as the culprits responsible for blowing up the peace talks with their building plans. This Indyk is a nasty piece of work, who will become, I predict, a textbook case in the future for the study of Jewish apostates, with the unique twist that in our time post-Holocaust, antiJews must dissemble. You know, like the J Street variety of Jewish antiJew. It is Thomas Friedman’s technique as well. You proclaim your love for Israel but wail because you love it so much you can’t stand Israel’s miserable oppression of the victims of Zionism. This variety of contemporary Jewish antiJew, like the Gentile antiJew, must cloak his antagonism in words of concern and love. This is like the Gentile antiJew today who denies he is an antisemite but just pro-Balestinian. Since the Holocaust, outright, frontal, in your face, honest Jew-hatred is found only among shameless skinheads and marginals with swastika tattoos. In the West that is.

In the Muslim universe, by contrast, society remains pretty much pre-War, pre-World War II in its attitudes toward Jews. There is no shame in spewing Nazi-like Jew-hatred animated by delusional, practically magical fantasies of Jewish evil.

Consider the video this weekend of Turkey’s anti-Jew turkey of a Muslim tyrant Recep Erdogan snarling at angry demonstrators and calling one “Israeli scum (semen).”

Nakba DeProgrammed

Internet Radio

…This is a land dispute and we have the winning case, not them. And no amount of making compromises will win us any points, because they are not interested in compromise and sharing the land, as all the stupid peace-makers like Martin Indyk think.

We live in an Alma Dishikra, a world of lies, when Israel pretends these people are “Palestinians” with national rights to statehood here, a thought that would have amazed Zionism’s founding fathers across the board. If any of them had believed this desolate landscape belonged to a settled nation with its own government and history and culture and language, they never would have imagined their project of restoring this land to fertility and habitability. The idea that there was a “Palestinian” nation in residence with rights to statehood would have flabbergasted every one of them, secular, religious, left or right.

I remember this country a half-country ago and can imagine what it looked like in the 19th and early 20th centuries, assisted in my thoughts by the paintings and photographs taken at the time.

Yesterday’s destruction of Jewish homes by the government of the Jewish state is yet another shameful episode like Gush Katif and Amona…

Some Truths About Our Neighbors

Internet Radio

…Today the ADL reported that in a survey in 100 countries, over half of the people never heard of the Holocaust; and like a quarter of these countries were “deeply antisemitic.”

And one is not surprised, though I suppose too many Israelis are. The creation of this terrific little state has been functionally a miracle. But contrary to the hopes of the secularist pioneers, its birth has not dispatched antiJew thinking and feeling to their eternal rest.

And as noted at the beginning of this webcast, as the Arab attitude toward the creation and existence of a Jewish state today differs not at all from what it was in late 1947, so here we have evidence that old-fashioned, delusional antiJew fantasies are alive and well in too many human brains.

Last week, PMW reported that on a weekly Hamas TV program for kids, a little girl was asked what she wants to be when she grows up and she said a policewoman so she can shoot all the Jews.”

The interviewer asks her, “All of them?”

“Yes,” she said.

And I say, these are our neighbors, and the ones identified as non-Hamas are no different than Hamas in their views of Jews. And that is because this is their religion, whose priests in their pulpits spew classical, fantastical Jew-hatred, right out of the Middle Ages, really the Dark Ages, as their politicians preach the mythical history of the Balestinians who have lived here from time immemorial, such peace negotiators as Saeb Erekat, who says the Jews never had temples on the Temple Mount.

Really now: When are Israelis going to splash some cold water on their faces and face the reality of just who these Arabs are?

What AntiJews See

Internet Radio

…Speaking before of the classical, age-old, really age-less hatred of Jews and fantasies of our imagined evil deeds, the other top story here today was the hysterical Newsweek piece yesterday reporting on Israel’s alleged spying on America which allegedly began even before there was an Israel. How’s that for the magical powers of Jews? Israelis spying on America before there was an Israel.

The Newsweek piece said, “Zionists were dispatching spies to America before there was even an Israel, to gather money and materials for the cause and later the fledgling state.”

This sentence makes no sense. It starts with the “dispatching of Zionist spies to America,” who “gather money and materials for the cause.” But that’s not spying. Spying on what? Yes, they were fund-raising and buying supplies for their self-defense which they knew would be needed. How is that spying on America, let alone spying with intent to harm America?

It sounds as if this is not the first time determined antiJews working for CIA or the State Department Defense Department who mean Jews ill. And true to antiJew form, they cast accusations of malevolence…

Slaves of Slaves

Internet Radio

…And then there is another variety of Jewish anti-Jew behavior which we saw yesterday when Peres’s protégée, Ministress of Justice, Peace Maker extraordinaire Tsipora Livni, chaired an emergency meeting at her ministry joined by Public Security Minister, basically chief of the national police, Yitzhak Aharonovitch on her left side and on her right Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein. The emergency meeting was called and dutifully covered by the media to ask the Cabinet to declare these price-tag attacks “terrorism,” and all yours truly could do was sigh in disgust, for two reasons. It is a perversion of language to call these graffiti raids terrorism when no one is terrorized by them, shocked into a sudden great fear. That’s terror. This is not terror. It results in the next morning some Arabs sneering in anger but no one is terrorized, terrified or frightened.

What this crusade by these Leftist fools is fueled by is their need to advertise to the world, as Livni has already said, that these vandals do not represent her Israel; they don’t belong to her nation.

She and the others likewise foolishly call these antics “hate crimes” when they cannot be confused with what “hate crimes” usually connotes. There is nothing wrong with Jews hating Arabs. It is normal, it is justified, it can be beneficial…

The Peace Processors’ Diagnosis

Internet Radio

Program Link: Inside the talks’ failure: US officials open up

…Without Islam, for the Arabs as a nation, comparing themselves to the nations of Europe and the West is a depressing exercise. I’ve traveled in a third of the Arab states and nowhere is there a New York, Paris, London, Prague, Tokyo, Chicago, Kyoto, Kobe, Toronto, Montreal, cities which is where man reaches the heights of his capabilities; where he builds research hospitals and libraries and universities, museums and think-tanks.

Versus Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc. Jordan. None of these countries has even one city to compare to what cities in the West, as a concept, associates to.

Where is the R & D in Araby? They produce nothing; innovate nothing. Look at Japan, South Korea with their automobile plants. Look at burgeoning China.

Islam is everything to these people and it simply cannot accommodate Israel in its midst…

Israeli Provincials

Internet Radio

…Unfortunately the Israeli government’s official response to these statements misses the mark as usual. Yes, an anonymous official told JPost these remarks expose the myth that somehow Hamas has changed or moderated its positions.”

But then the spokesman concluded, “Hamas remains an extremist, jihadist organization committed to the destruction of Israel.”

No. It is not an extremist organization. It won the election against Fatah in 2006, the last time these sub-civilized barbarians held an election. Hamas does not represent the extreme or margins of the Arabs here; the election results show exactly the opposite. Hamas speaks for the majority. That is not extremist but centrist.

People in the West have got to get over using categories of perception unsuited for this part of the planet. In Araby the extremists, the ones out on the fringe of society, are the liberal democrats (liberal democrat in the sense of classical Western democracy, not the corrupt liberalism we know today).

For sure there are individuals in Araby who understand the virtues of liberal democracy, of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and conscience, and above all the need respect people who disagree with you.

But these are so few and far between, they are politically marginal, on the extreme edges of a culture when the Arab street is ruled by the mob and the mob waves the banner of holy war.

Hamas is no extremist organization. In fact, its rival, shares its philosophy, differing only in tactics…

Kerry Outs Himself

Internet Radio

…I’ll say. The more I observe these Muslims, the more I focus on the perverse relations in their culture between the sexes and within the sexes. Polygamy is an ancient system and related somehow — I am not sure of yet — to polytheism, to the pagan vision of life. In any case, it leads to fratricidal competition between the many sons of a potentate, and the Muslim attitude toward women generates somehow a society of men lacking in compassion, mercy. How divinely brilliant of Jewishness that the Holy Tongue, Hebrew, connects the word for womb, rekhem, to the word for mercy, rakhmanoot.

And I suspect there is connection between the boundless cruelty and sadism these Arabs and Muslims are capable of and their perverse relationship to women…

“Radical” Is Mainstream Islam

Internet Radio

…There is also a connection to what the Israeli GSS, the internal security agency, discovered long ago: the futility of relying on lie detectors with Arabs. I remember reading ten years ago of the American military’s discovery of the same phenomenon in Iraq. Every Saddam Hussein loyalist in the army or political echelon could beat the lie detector. Western intelligence agents are taught techniques for controlling one’s autonomic system to beat the polygraph, which they have to practice — versus the Arabs for whom lying is second nature. Like Barack Obama whose every statement is a lie, in the sense that he tells his listeners what they want hear with no fidelity to the truth; he has his agenda, and lying is perfectly acceptable as a weapon in his crusade to fundamentally change America, and one way is to lay the groundwork for the penetration and spreading of Islam. Hence, Ft. Hood was a “workplace conflict.” For Muslims, really Arabs, lying is how you get through the day, and so what we have been treated to over the last few days is another performance of an Arab shamelessly lying…

Israel on the Verge?

Internet Radio

…In a nutshell, the word ger does not refer to a neighboring non-Jew who murders your teenage daughter with a bomb in a pizza parlor, or so batters your 12 year-old son his corpse can only be identified by his DNA. We Jews are not Christians who are enjoined to love their enemies.

I remember when American journalist Terry Anderson in the 1980s was held by Hezbollah as a hostage in some crummy apartment in Beirut for seven years, much of the time chained to a radiator like a dog, who upon his liberation said that as a Catholic he was obligated to forgive his kidnappers.

Well, we Jews ain’t Catholics. We are not ordered to love a neighbor, a non-Jewish neighbor, who plants a bomb in a supermarket on a Friday morning and blows up your wife shopping for Shabbos, G-d forbid, or your grandmother. That would be to demand of us Jews behavior that is simply not of this world.

So, I think young Mr. Jacob Magid needs to do more studying about what a real occupation is and why our situation in Judea and Samaria is nothing to be ashamed of.

He also has to understand that within the term narrative as he uses it, there is post-modernist poison which corrupts not only the soul but the mind and one’s moral faculties…

Abbas Threatens

Internet Radio

…Heaven only knows how much was sunk into Judea and Samaria over the last almost half-century now in infrastructure, roads built, water lines laid, an electricity grid, cell phone towers and businesses. All of it financed by the Jewish people which these Arab highwaymen demand as payment for not attacking us with homicidal intensity. In the age of the Oslo Peace Process, which Abbas is now threatening to rip up, there was no peace for the thousands of Jews murdered, even more thousands wounded, maimed and mutilated for life physically and psychology; no peace for the thousands of Arabs we were forced to kill in self-defense. Abbas demands all this real estate which we took away from the attacking Jordanian army. He thinks all these two thousand square miles should be turned over to him and his allegedly archaic nation, and if it does not, Israel will be dragged before the International Criminal Court and charged with war crimes. So much for John Kerry’s big idea of how to make peace…

Two, Not One, Hate Crimes

Internet Radio

…And so today in the West at least, Jew-haters have taken to denying their Jew-hatred, which has always festered in a cesspool of lies about Jews. Here was a talkbacker denying he was an antisemite in one part of a sentence as he acted out classical antisemitic behavior in the other. He lied about Israel. There is no racism here, no apartheid here, as he charged. What is here is a community of 6 million Jews now defending themselves from violent neighbors who covet the wealth we have created and reject the right of Jews who live independently of Muslim rule. And our defense measures have nothing to do with anyone’s skin color or doctrine of separateness on the basis of skin color, which is what the word apartheid means.

This, then, is the new wrinkle in Jew-hatred in our time. The hatred survives under cover of a newly concocted charge sheet of lies, only now the Jew-hater denies his hatred. He claims it is a rational response to Jewish perfidy.

But it always has been. Every massacre was for “good reason.” And the good reason today is the monumental crime committed by the Jews of having stolen Balestine from the Balestinians which they compound daily by their chronic, racist abuse of them…

How They See Us

Internet Radio

…By the way there is a new affiliated website to check out: which has a link to the front-page editorial in Haaretz the day Israel declared independence in 1948; what a long journey that newspaper has had.

But notice too, when you check it out, the use of the term Hebrew, as opposed to Jew, for that is how the post-religious Zionists regarded themselves: Hebrews, not Jews. They nicknamed Tel-Aviv the first Hebrew city, meaning Hebrew-speaking, and the first university they founded they called Hebrew University, not Jewish University, because the language of instruction would be Hebrew but also because in fact its faculty and student body were overwhelmingly non-observant, post-religious post-Jews, for that was the intellectual fashion of the age in the surrounding Gentile culture in Europe. It is no accident, no coincidence that in the 1870s the concept of antisemitism was all the rage among the chattering classes at the same time one of their leading philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche tore Christianity to shreds, as Tom Paine had in the 1790s; as Karl Marx had dismissed religion in the 1840s and 50s as the opiate of the masses…

Simply Inhuman

Internet Radio

…I find it simply nauseating that any Jew, like the J Street crowd, like Indyk and Kurtzer and the Jews at the New York Times and National Public Radio take the side of the Jew-killers in the matter of their not coming across with the declaration of Jewish rights to independence. Bibi says that is the “sine qua non,” and here was Kerry siding with the PLO by agreeing that this position of Bibi’s is a “mistake” and such a declaration should come at the conclusion of the negotiations.

More inhuman dehumanization of the Jewish people, by supporting a position simply in human, contra natura, against nature. The Israeli demand for such a verbal expression that costs not a cent or shekel or drachma is another way of asking to hear that handing over any land will lead to true peace, the end of the conflict, the end of Arab claims, the end of Arab threats not to murder us wholesale in either war or retail in terrorist atrocities. It is a request for a verbal expression of good, not evil, will.

Israeli is saying, more or less, “Before we hand anything over, do you finally respect our right to our own independence and do you relinquish any claim to having a “right of return” as you understand it?”

Versus the ethical byways of our homicidally antisemitic neighbors now supported by John Kerry, to wit, Israel must purchase Arab good will, and only then will the Arabs deliver an expression of good will.

But if that is the case, then it is not good will but a commodity that can be traded, traded away. It is no more sincere good will than a call girl’s praise for her client’s sexual prowess, whatever the truth…

Distorting the Jews

Internet Radio

…Why am I a racist if I want to live in a country when the holy day of rest is Shabbos, not Friday, not Sunday? Why must I live next door to people who in their generality murder one of their daughters like once every ten days because she dishonored the males in the family by her lascivious behavior, as they configure it? I don’t want neighbors like that.

Which stance by the way puts me squarely opposed to Caroline B Glick’s idea of a solution to the Arab-Israeli fighting: handing out citizenship to another 1.6 million Arabs. Does she really think these people would be happy to start singing the Israeli national anthem about a Jewish heart pining for its homeland over thousands of years?

I have the highest respect for Caroline B. Glick and come Shabbos newspaper reading she is always first on my list for her lively style and sources of information, though she has tendency to suggest the sky is falling when it is not.

But her idea of absorbing all these Arabs is simply not of this world. I’m all for annexing the land that is rightfully, lawfully, morally ours, but giving the Arabs citizenship is simply delusional…


Internet Radio

…The problem with Livni and her generation of Israelis is the disconnect between them and the Jewish people in history. If Tsipi Livni thinks, in her own words, “The whole world blames Israel even though Israel behaved appropriately” and it’s Uri Ariel’s fault they do, she has zero sense of the history of the Jewish people. She has no sense that in every generation in Christendom and Islam the Jews were believed to be behind all kinds of misfortunes. The Jews were always guilty of something.

In a way, the guilty Jew is the core image of Christianity: Jesus, the Jew, is tortured to death for all the sins of mankind. As he passed from life to death he bore all the sins of mankind and thus cleansed men of their guilt.

And indeed in Jewish history in every generation Christians have killed guilty Jews for one reason or another…

What a Farce!

Internet Radio

…The Oslo Process — still on-going this week — also implied the near-miraculous transformation of mass murdering, antisemitic Hamitic Arab savages into friendly people who just wanted to be the Jewish people’s friendly neighbors, and the concomitant, functionally inhuman judgment that these not serial killers but serial massacre freaks were sincere in their protestations of newfound peaceful intent and — just as crazy — the belief they could be trusted to be men of their word.

Ten months after the handshake on the White House lawn, Yasir Arafat in a limousine he entered in Rafah, Egyptian-ruled Sinai, rode into the Gaza Strip to deliriously cheering herds of Ishmaelites while hiding on the floor below the window line was a killer terrorist so evil Israel had told Arafat they would never let him return.

In order words: in the split-second Arafat returned to Gaza for the first time since 1967, he violated his word, and it was a harbinger of broken words to come without end. Like Barack Obama who cannot miss a day without lying, so Arafat was a congenital, chronic liar, and for years to come no Israel, no progressive IBJ (Inside-the-Beltway Jew) would ever call him on it. I think, don’t quote me, Dennis Ross in his book on the so-called peace process admitted that not calling Arafat & Co. to task for their broken promises was a major of the peace process. I’ll say…

Olmert the Corrupt

Internet Radio

…What madness. What stupidity. The daily peregrinations and doings this week of Kerry and Indyk and their Arab protégés, and those of Prime Minister Netanyahu and his staff, are nothing but the insane continuation of that insane handshake on the White House lawn now more than 20 years ago. The goal of that abomination remains the goal of Kerry and world anti-Jewry which is to pry Jews out of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, based on the belief that the so-called Balestinians just want a state on this land next door to Israel.

When will this whirlwind of delusion and antiJew venom cease?..

Illusion and Denial

Internet Radio

…He even went on to praise Arafat who was “after all, the man who created a nation of the Arabs who were either turned into refugees or saw their land come under Israeli control in the 1948-Arab-Israeli War and the Six-Day War.”

And I say, dear me. This is painful to read. I mean Wagner is no Leftist jerk and malefactor like Beilin and Indyk and Friedman who wave the flag of the Ancient Palestinians.

Nonetheless, it is depressing to see how Wagner has assimilated, without knowing it, the poison antiJew spew in our generation. When he writes of Arafat making incredibly bad choices that delayed the creation of a Balestinian state, he reveals his belief in Arafat’s desire for a Balestinian state; for anybody’s desire for a Balestinian state. He has swallowed like a communion wafer belief in this alleged nation-building nationality; belief in Arafat’s desire for such a state.

This is utter nonsense. The Arabs have been offered statehood again and again and each have refused it, which permits some of us to consider the possibility they really don’t want state…

Historians Will Wonder…

…Winston Churchill said,

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith…

One can only wonder if Barack Obama ever read these words and was enraged by Churchill’s rejection of the faith he so obviously holds in high esteem…

Lapid: What a Dunce

Internet Radio

(October 15, 2013)…What Israelis miss is that our enemies hate us here from the wellsprings of their Hamitic-Ishmaelitic culture and religious beliefs which have nothing to do with any Balestinians or the alleged need to give them a state.

That is why Bibi is right on target demanding that the enemy recognize our right to a state, and why uneducated, narcissistic dummies like Lapid don’t get it.

Our enemies here are mostly Muslims whose relationship to the Jewish people did not begin in 1967, 1947, 1917, 1897. They have been hostile to our Zionist enterprise proclaiming striving for and attaining Jewish independence from Day One.

And over the last century the only thing that has changed is the narrative because the Arabs have successfully, with the help of doltish Israelis, created this Frankenstein monster of a nation whose sole purpose has been to justify Arab resistance to Jewish freedom and justify what they call the armed struggle and civilized people called terrorist atrocities…

Egypt’s Ancient Behavior

Internet Radio

(August 15, 2013)…The politics surrounding the State of Israel are unique in the world. In addition to all the normal facets of the life of a nation among the nations, the political and military and economic dimensions, with Israel there is always the unique dimension of religion and homo sapiens‘s never-ending rebellion against G-d…

Europe’s Chronic Hatred

Internet Radio

(July 18, 2013)…So I reserve judgment on the gravity of this demarche by the bureaucracy in Brussels, its real impact. I have no doubt it has been fueled by vintage European Jew-hatred of many generations. This EU diktat is a cousin of the Polish legislation outlawing the kosher slaughter of animals. Each is a jab at the Jews the way the Roman centurion jabbed his lance in the side of the Jew on the cross. For fun, for sadistic pleasure. Again, it is a mistake to think that anything the EU does is for the benefit of the Ancient Ones. What moves them is their age-old hostility to Jews.

The EU organization has come down and not for the first time 100% alongside the Arabs here, these Muslims with their suicide bombers, their terrorists who enjoy bashing Jewish faces and heads into pulp.

And all those who side with the Arabs in the matter of who owns Judea and Samaria are anti-Jews plain and simple. Here is a property dispute: who owns this land? And the EU is 100% on the side of the barbarians.

The morality of this policy – the idea that Israel must hand back all the land it took in 1967 – could not be more antisemitic for denying the age old principle to Jews of “to the victors go the spoils…

Iran’s Sham Election

Internet Radio

(June 16, 2013)…Anyway, I say the top story was the pseudo-election in Iran because all six candidates were approved by Mr. Big, the Muslim ayatollah who succeeded Khomeini and so it was basically a sham election yesterday. The Iranians are smart and clever and bona fide tricksters and dissemblers, and it is highly likely that while the other five candidates were seen as conservative, even reactionary, Rohani’s election as the “moderate” candidate in contrast to them was exactly what Khamenei wanted. The other five split the reactionary vote allowing this “maverick moderate” to win.

Well, this character has been an insider with the top dogs all his political life. There are photos of him at prayer in the first row just behind Ayatollah Khomeini. He also was in charge of leading Iran’s talks with the West over its nuclear project and of course that effort has never been anything but a scam…

Cowards of the Left

Internet Radio

(May 2, 2013)…And likewise Herzl’s spiritual offspring today, Israel’s Leftists. Just today the latest Pew Research Center poll reported that 40% of Muslims support suicide bombing.

Now, dying for one’s religion under certain circumstances is even a Jewish value. Knowingly going to one’s death for a religious principle deserves honor, but tragically the Muslim barbarians, 40% of them who think this way, suffer from a kind of monocular vision. All they see is the act from the point of the suicide bomber sacrificing for a cause greater than his own life; what they don’t see are his victims: innocent passersby, undefended, women, children, old people at random whose lives the suicide maniac takes from them. He may have the right to sacrifice for his beliefs in order to reach Paradise, but he does not have the right to sacrifice me and others for his quest.

Gai gezunterheit, go kill yourself Abdul, but leave me and us Jewish people out of it…

Mishegass at the Wall

Internet Radio

(April 11, 2013)…In my lifetime, the culture invented the prenuptial agreement before marriage, which practice, the writing and reading out loud at the wedding of the kesuba, the marriage contract, has been Jewish practice for thousands of years. It obligates the husband far more than the wife and spells out her rights. A Jewish father marrying off his daughter hears the marriage contract read aloud in public which obligates his future son-in-law to be a good husband to his daughter. The signing of the kesuba, the protection of the wife is part of a network of Jewish behaviors that have kept this people alive as no other and against all odds and aggressions for thousands of years.

But the top story today in Israel continued to be the assault on Jewishness by a handful of women arguably neurotic for accusing others of their own sin…

The Israeli Narrative

Internet Radio

(March 5, 2013)…It is also a fact that of the eight founding terrorists in Fatah in 1959, all had been boyhood members of the Muslim Brotherhood youth group.

Michael Oren and Bibi Netanyahu and Haaretz and AIPAC live in a world where the Two-State Solution is The Solution. Everybody knows that – but in reality the Two-State Solution, as the enemies of Israel conceive of it, will never happen.

No Israeli regardless of political or religious or atheistic bent who is not insane wants to see the high ground overlooking Ben Gurion Airport in the hands of Arabs absent the presence of the IDF and the Jewish communities who live on this high ground.

Nobody, regardless of political party who is not suicidal thinks it would be a good idea if all the Jews abandoned their homes and all the Israeli police and army too, and in their place 100% Arab sovereign rule would take over, which is what Barack Hussein has in mind. And all antisemites like him. But this is not going to happen…

Obama is A Thief

Internet Radio

(January 10, 2013)…Uncle Shimon the national village idiot was in the New York Times yesterday bad-mouthing his country’s prime minister. Shimon was called a tireless underminer for this behavior by the late Rabin. A more educated man than Rabin might have called it compulsive behavior. Shimon is a tireless saboteur of the man in authority. Again and again Peres decided that he knew better than the prime minister how to deal with the Arabs, and set out to do that, and to hell with the prime minister’s policy; you know, the man whom people had voted for when they cast their ballots. Not for Shimon, but the man at the top. And Shimon is a compulsive aggressor against the man at the top…

Tongue-Tied Israel

Internet Radio

(December 20, 2012)…Nuland’s official statement said, “Israeli leaders continually say that they support a path towards a two-solution, yet these actions only put that goal further at risk.”

And she is absolutely right. And that is a result of the contradiction between Netanyahu’s Bar-Ilan statement and what he really plans to do, which is not to permit the “Two-State Solution” to materialize, because that very expression is an antisemitic deception.

The “Two-State Solution” is a euphemism for the diabolical fantasy of driving hundreds of thousands of Jews from homes they have built for themselves with their own money and have every legal right to own and live in in peace and freedom.

It is the repressed, inarticulate fantasy of an expulsion of Jews of the same magnitude as the great historic Expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Spain in 1492…

The Sky will Not Fall If…

Internet Radio

…Yesterday, the bad news out of London was the sentence of life given to the convert to Islam who chopped Drummer Lee Rigby’s head off last May.

Think of that: rather, deprogram it. He murdered Rigby, took his life, and what did this post-Biblical, English court give him? They gave him his life! A life sentence. They sentenced him to life; what a gift!

For sure he will be confined indoors, but in that time for sure such murderers find some time to enjoy life. A cold drink of water on a hot day; relieving themselves of all the water they drink. When you’re bladder’s bursting, it truly is a pleasure to release all that water. He can read books in the prison library, play some basketball.

The murderer was given life, instead of death! The Bible tells us after the Great Flood that henceforth — apparently this was not so before the Flood — Man will take the life of a murderer. Capital punishment is mandated for the most heinous of crimes.

But here in our post-Christian, post-Jewish West, the height of morality is acting as if modern man knows better than HaShem/G-d in matters of this kind…

An Israeli Liberal

Internet Radio

Program Link: The essence of peace

…What Wilf cannot see is that the people she calls “Palestinians” are simply not motivated by “Palestinian patriotism” because there is no such thing; never has been such a thing. As my book makes clear, the official Arab line until the 1960s was that there was no Palestine and no “Palestinians” because only the Zionists proudly used the terms. There had been no Falastin throughout Muslim history and their resistance to the League of Nations Mandate was rooted in their rejection of the very idea of an area being created called Palestine when since the 7th century there never had been.

What Wilf and fellow Political Scientists don’t get is that the “Palestinian” national identity is a “burka” of an idea (a garment that completely covers up the woman) in this case the truth that what fuels the fire in their hearts and minds today against the Jews is the same as it was before the 1960s.

In other words, Dr. Wilf the Political Scientist calls them “Palestinians,” but underneath they remain violent, blood-thirsty, imperialistic, larcenous Arab Muslims whose attitude and behaviors toward the Jewish people over 14 centuries are a matter of record, if people would only take the time to peruse it…

The Reform Crack-Up

Internet Radio

Program Link: Hath Not a Jew Eyes?

…I read such words and can only shake my head at the age-less behavior here that predates Zionism. What is all this peace process about if not the demand by the Muslims and their antiJew backers around the world, that hundreds of thousands of Jews must be evacuated from their communities and homes; homes they built, furnished, raised their families in, attended their synagogues in? And here is the Gentile paritz (in Hebrew the Gentile ruler, lord of the manor) telling us Jews we might be able to remain in our homes

Oh thank you, Secretary Kerry. Thank you for considering a scenario opposed to enlightened opinion according which we Jews will not be forced out of our homes to become refugees basically in our own ancient promised land.

And one reason for this state of affairs is the congenital inability of this Israeli government, following in the footsteps of the anti-religious Labor government that came with the Oslo process, to declare, like the late Communist folk singer Pete Seeger, “This land is our land” and in contradistinction to other lands where we sojourned for 18 centuries of mostly oppression and persecution, here nobody tells us where we can and cannot live.

Israeli governments, the fruit of post-religious Jews have been incapable of flying the flag of the Jewish religion, the true nuclear core of Jewish identity, and tell the world to get lost and stop trying to dictate to us where we can and cannot live…