Kerry’s “Disappointment”

Internet Radio

…Yeah, so Kerry has no understanding of the Arabs, and the post-Jewish Jews here are no help, for they cannot see the Arabs and Muslims here as classical Arabs and Muslims, not Balestinian nationalists and patriots, though Obama is not so naïve. He is a Muslim crusader and chronic Jew-hater because that is basically what Islam is at base: a form of antisemitism. The Christians in their New Testament do not lack for cosmic accusations of evil against the Jews, but at least in schlepping around the Old Testament as they call it, they at least left it alone and appended their story to it.

Versus the Muslims who re-wrote the Torah and claimed it was Jews who re-wrote the Qur’an. Musa, their mangled mispronunciation, of Moshe, brought down from Mt. Sinai the Qur’an but then the wicked Jews took it away from him and re-wrote it. Isma’il was the favorite son of Ibrahim and he bound his son for a sacrifice in Mecca, and when the Jews say it was Ishaq in al-Quds/Jerusalem, the Jews lie.

How can anyone think that with such people a nice, amicable, compromising, harmonious rule of these hills between Jews and Ancient Palestinians can be possible? It is Alice in Wonderland thinking…

What Wil The Gentiles Say?

Internet Radio

…Director Ken Loach also said Israel, “throws children in prison.” That’s amazing. For some reason, Israel, what, kidnaps Ancient Palestinian boys and girls and just for no reason, probably just the innate cruelty and sadism of Jews, throws them in prison.

And I say this Brit is a worthy descendant of Charles Dickens and his creation Fagin.

This is the culture of England, and Ken Loach is a man of culture, which has a history, starting at least in the 16th century of producing artists like William Shakespeare who wrote The Merchant of Venice with its Shylock and Christopher Marlowe who wrote The Jew of Malta which was originally called The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta which, Wikipedia says, is about “a Maltese Jew’s barbarous revenge against the city authorities.”

I myself remember reading as a boy Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None and I think it opens with a Jew-joke. The Brits have long been unashamedly anti-Jew. No politically correct politesse toward Jews until after the Shoah.

Now it is taboo to be openly antiJew so the default option is to be anti the State of Israel for the terrible things it allegedly has done and is doing to the Ancient Palestinians, like throwing children into prison.

Yes, the Jews are notorious for the gratuitous sadism and brutality…

The Biggest Lie

Internet Radio

…The Israelis will make a quantum leap forward when they understand that the hostility to Israel has nothing to do with the history of an injustice done to the Ancient Palestinians because that is a phantom nation sucked out an oriental water-pipe to serve as a smoke-screen for old-time, pre-Zionist Jew-hatred.

The Times of Israel website reported today on a new study just published by the Israel Balestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in which, the study concludes, the major source of the Israel-Balestine conflict is Zionism itself which is on a par with “Christian exceptionalist beliefs that contributed to the Nazi Holocaust. The genocide of Native Americans, and countless other instances of tragic brutality.”

This is rich. Here is a major Presbyterian organization protesting the genocide of Native Americans when there was no genocide. There was a collision between a Stone Age culture and modern civilization; one thrived, the other did not survive, and that had nothing to do with a centralized plan to exterminate the aboriginals as they were sometimes called in the earliest days of the Republic.

And it is rich because among the leaders of the settlement of the United States were Presbyterians, the Protestant church of Scotland a.k.a. Scotch-Irish who bravely penetrated the American wilderness and did not let the aboriginal nomads deter them with their barbaric violence…

The Right of Return

Internet Radio

…Erekat said this; listen carefully: “I told minister Livni in Munich recently that we won’t change our history, culture and religion. We are not going to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.”

Precisely, but John Kerry and Leftist Jews and Israelis refuse to listen and take seriously.

In Friday’s Makor Rishon, editorial pages editor in Maariv Ben-Dror Yemini wrote on this topic of the Arabs being incapable of recognizing Israel as the state of the Jewish people but he said that is because of the right of return issue. Ben-Dror Yemini like too many native, non-religious Israelis, think that Abbas, Erekat & Co., hold most dear this “right of return” fantasy (which they do not have) and so recognizing Israel as belonging to the Jews negates that. The right of return as the Arabs use it is yet another act of intellectual property theft. As they stole the Torah, re-wrote it and called in the Qur’an; as their Hamitic forebears the Philistines stole (for a time) the Ark of the Covenant, so the term “right of return” they stole from Israel…

Is John Kerry Antisemitic?

Internet Radio

…So no I do not see John Kerry as antisemitic, which word resonates with a terrible history. I do, though, see him as a boring, run-of-the-mill man of his time and society which is most definitely antiJew.

Obama, by contrast, I think, is a real antisemite; Kerry is not. He is a creature of politically correct fashion and old-fashioned ignorance about Jews and Muslims and the Middle East.

And as for Avigdor Lieberman who has come to his defense: he is too unJewish in his contempt for those of us who believe this land is holy. Lieberman is basically a Russian nationalist, a Putin, who happened to be born a Jew. For him Israel is his national identity and relates to it as Putin does to Russia.

And not coincidentally, because he is so unreligious, he misreads John Kerry and what he represents: thousands of years of Western civilization marked and scarred by its vicious abuse of the Jews…

Hounding Haredim

Internet Radio

…The relations between the young, nubile and fertile are without restraint, a freedom enabled by modern medical pills and devices. The women today, with their hemlines where they are, dress themselves like the street-walkers of earlier generations.

Internet traffic, it was reported recently, is like a third pornography, which is why there are Haredi companies who provide the service of previewing every website, which prevents your children at an earlier age from using the computer unsupervised and coming across the filth.

Recently at one of those endless series of awards ceremonies entertainers are always giving themselves, one Miley Cyrus was dressed as if to appear in her undergarments and she danced like the women in pornographic films always have, only this live broadcast could be seen in billions of family homes, their living rooms or bedrooms. It is a culture swimming in pornography.

Popular movies serve up dialogue laced in dirty words, and it is this world, this society in the West, which can be found even in the Israeli army, and Haredi fathers simply do not want to expose their sons to it.

So I empathize with them. They fear losing their sons. That is how they express it…

Why I’m Not Worried

Internet Radio

…Bibi has said as many times as we have heard this that the other side “must recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people,” only I wish he came up with a new formula. For example, how about: “The Palestinians must accept the right of al-Yahud to live free of Muslim oppression mandated in Sharia statutes.”

Or how about, “The Jews have the right to live free in their ancient homeland given to them by Allah as it says in the Qur’an” citing the chapter and verse which does refer to Allah’s gift of a land (however unnamed) to al-Yahud.

And the reason for that is then the focus will fall on the true center of the conflict, the religious core in Islam that burns with hatred for Jews. Islam is a religion of hatred for non-Believers and a justification for conquering them, ruling over them, forcing them to convert to Islam, and of course confiscating their property; confiscation being in this case a euphemism for stealing all of their property and wealth…

Kerry’s (Indyk’s) Venom

Internet Radio

…This again is the tragic flaw of this people, really of the human race: betrayal of a brother. No one asks the trendy lefties to live a Jewish life. They are entitled to believe and behave as they choose.

But they are not licensed not to fight for the right of a Jew to live and rule in Judea and Samaria for a settler’s rights to his home are identical to that of the Jew in North Tel-Aviv. Identical.

And it is that betrayal which is also so characteristic of Leftists in general, like John Kerry becoming a mouthpiece for the Communists in the Viet Cong and North Viet Nam, like his boss Barack Obama who betrayed Egypt and betrays Israel…

The Price of Deception

Internet Radio

Program Link: First-Class Islam: Eric Holder Puts Muslims Above Terror Suspicion

…Well, yesterday was International Holocaust Day and I wish that half of our Knesset and other movers and shakers had not gone to Auschwitz because it is not our day. The State of Israel has its own Holocaust and Heroism Memorial Day, as it is called, while traditional Jews include its victims with those remembered on the 9th of Av.

This January 27th date was I think a UN concoction, which already in my mind smears it with a bad smell, for that is an antisemitic operation through and through.

Like other manifestations of covert antiJew animosity, the UN links the Holocaust with other episodes of man’s inhumanity to man on a massive scale when the Holocaust was unique…

Bibi’s Bombshell

Internet Radio

…And surprising it was this morning at first light to hear Kol Yisrael report that the prime minister on Friday in Davos, in meetings with the Secretary of State of the Muslim-led United States of America told him [this later from JPost hard copy] “I have no intention of evacuating any settlement or uprooting any Israelis.”

This of course was a bombshell in Israel today. What? Bibi has agreed to the creation of a state of Balestine presumably in Judea and Samaria in which the so-called large settlement blocs will remain but by implication the little ones will be destroyed and the Jews driven out of them as in Gush Katif.

But here was Bibi basically laying claim to not just the so-called large settlement blocs but all the settlements…

The Jews’ Tragic Flaw

Internet Radio

…The history of the Jews is a history of creating religions and religious sects and their sectarians. Most notable, Christians, Muslims, Karaites, Samaritans, Essenes, Sadducees, Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist and even Yiddishists.

And historians of the future might eventually classify the Zionists as one of them and for sure one of the strangest Jewish movements in history. For one, it is surely the first that does not casually refer to non-Jews as goyim. For Israel’s Enlightened, it is even an ugly word for it sets the Jews apart, and being standoffish has been, the Enlightened think, one of the main reasons people hate us.

I used to have an English friend, a very pleasant fellow, who said “The problem with you lot is you stick together.” No biological theorist of the racial inferiority of Jews, he had no objection to them blending into English. It was their persistent difference and community with one another that bothered him.

He was not prepared to see that this is so for a couple of perfectly understandable reasons, such self-protection from goyim like him and his English people with a record of persecution and discrimination and irrational fantasies about us.

Another reason is we like each other and share a world-view together. We are proud of Jewish accomplishments and are not embarrassed to remain Jews and live with other Jews…

O Canada

Internet Radio

…Not that I am either disappointed or angry. I do not accuse him of hypocrisy. If I were Stephen Harper I would do exactly as he has: publicly defend Israel but officially go along with the policies of similar governments because Stephen Harper may love Israel but is paid a salary to defend Canada and Canadians. And if his government were not to take the politically correct line and even come out in support of Jewish sovereign rights in Judea and Samaria, he could become another Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama responsible for the killing of four US personnel in Benghazi. If Canada was not to take the conventional position, this would license in the minds of the homicidal Hamites here in the Middle East an attack on a Canadian consulate, embassy, business or people. Stephen Harper may be a great friend of Israel but he is a greater friend of his own countrymen and it would irresponsible to go public with support for Jewish rights to Judea and Samaria…

These Are Our Neighbors

Internet Radio

…If John Kerry believes that Muslim terrorists today are driven by the poverty of their upbringing, he hasn’t been reading the newspapers for the several decades, even as he served, inter alia, as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

In other words, this incident Malkin reported on I find truly frightening because it is more evidence that in addition to the secret Muslim agent imposter in the White House, who also is on record saying 9-11 resulted from “poverty, ignorance, helplessness and despair,” the State Department is run by an idiot.

The Secretary of State of the United States of America thinks that the horrors of international terrorism pulled off by Muslim maniacs are rooted in their poor childhoods?

Lord have mercy. How did this happen? How did the once great United States of America raise up for leaders these two jerks who have by their stupidity and malevolence presided over a Middle East turned upside down and set on fire…

Indyk the Instigator

Internet Radio

…I sensed a personal insult in Bogie’s words when he said, so to speak, “Who is this pisher John Kerry to teach me about how to deal with my neighbors?” And Maariv today also fingered Martin Indyk as the leader of the pack, in touch with left-wing Israeli reserve officers and U.S. military officers who have worked with Israelis and support Imam Obama’s views. It is Martin Indyk who is orchestrating the operation against Yaalon and Netanyahu’s view, the view of the overwhelming majority of Israelis who follow the news that withdrawing from the Jordan River and allowing the Arabs as much power in Judea and Samaria as they now have in Gaza, would be suicidal…

Yaalon Speaks

Internet Radio

…What’s going on — this weirdness of phony peace talks — is the result of persisting in the vision of Rabin, Peres, Beilin and other Enlightened post-Jews called the Oslo agreement. Kerry and world antiJewry keep trying to drive us from Judea and Samaria on the false premise that what the Arabs want is just Judea and Samaria, though by their refusal to salute the right of the Jewish people to have their own, independent state anywhere in Balestine, they put the lie to that.

What Bibi does by his ultimate his demand — that they recognize Israel as the Jews’ state as of right — is to expose the lie that their goal is the positive creation of yet another Arab-Muslim polity when their real goal is the negative destroying of the Jews’ freedom and stealing all their money…

Ariel Sharon, z”l

Internet Radio

…In fact, Oxford University historian Albert Hourani, in the early 1990s published a major work he called A History of the Arab Peoples (note the plural) and in his introductory pages was at length to explain his title for even he has trouble seeing an Arab nation, a unified community.

The history of nationalism in the West covers centuries of a process of ever expanding group identities which congeal into one identity. Spain, France, Germany, Italy et cetera came together as separate and singular nation-states after centuries of provincial princes and dukedoms.

But the Arabs, by contrast never became a nation. They remain largely tribal and regional and incapable of shedding their particular local identities for a larger national one.

And what is happening today in the Middle East is the bonfire of the Arab nationalist movement going down in flames to the rise of imperialist and totalitarian Islam, terrorist Islam.

And in this turmoil, Israel’s Arab Christian citizens should understandably be moving in the direction of the Druse who may speak Arabic but don’t call them Arabs. According to this report, some of them are starting to call themselves Arameans, not Arabs…

Same-old same-old

Internet Radio

…So this morning an IDF patrol along the Jurassic Park-type barrier surrounding the Gaza rectangle came under mortar fire. Three shells landed. No casualties, no damage. By noon, the Air Force executed two bombing runs, claiming afterwards to have “intercepted terrorists during their final preparations to launch rockets toward Israel.” Just about every day now there is fire out of Gaza and Israeli counter-strikes which kill a teenager here, a teenager there.

And again the MSM today said it was the “Palestinians” who fired the mortars, which I consider the worst kind of journalism. All these rocket-launcher boys are themselves launched by Hamas and Islamic Jihad and other cells all bearing Islamist names, all of them functionally disdainful of nationalist identity. They see themselves as Muslims fighting the infidel Jews whom the Qur’an calls the Muslims’ worst enemies. As Muslims they launched their deadly weapons, but the MSM here keeps calling them “Palestinians.” Same-old same old…

“Israel and Palestine”

Internet Radio

…In any case, this ignoramus of our neighbors Ehud Olmert doesn’t get it that the dream of “full equality” between Jews and Muslims is the antithesis of their dream. They want to return to the days of yesteryear when they were the dominant people who treated Jews the way white trash in the segregated American South treated their “Nigras”: with contempt, sadism, disrespect, exploitation, injustice. Olmert dreams of a world the Muslims never dream of, and because there are far more Muslims around here than Jews, his dream of “full equality” is logically and simply not of this world…

The Silence of Israelis

Internet Radio

…Lastly, Mordechai Kedar had a great lede sentence today in JPost Features:
“Everyone is aware of the American plan to impose the Muslim Brotherhood on Egypt and any other country that would allow it. The reasons for this American plan were revealed on this stage a half-year ago.”

Think of that. This is would have been the equivalent during the Cold War of having a president in the Oval Office who sided with the Kremlin against his own country.

Last week FOX TV posted a video clip of Charles Krauthammer saying, “Obama has taken the side of the mullahs in Iran against Congress.”

Think of that: to me it is on the same level as Obama demanding, like the Queen of Hearts in Wonderland, that everyone think of the Ft. Hood massacre as a workplace accident having nothing to do with Islam!

At the Nelson Mandela funeral, Obama, besides his now infamous “selfie” photograph, met with the head of the Polisario Front based in Algeria which attacks the traditional American ally Morocco.

The Polisario is categorized in the State Department as a terrorist outfit, and here was Obama smiling next to its headman, Muhammad Abdel Aziz.

Hashem Yirakhem. Lord have mercy…

Kerry’s 10th Visitation

Internet Radio

Program Link: Obama Classmate: He Was A Lying, Drug Using, Homosexual Foreigner

…So John Kerry on one side descends from Aaron the brother of Moses, a Cohen forebear who betrayed Aaron and Moses by his apostasy and became Roman Catholic, and on the other descends from the first Americans who loved the Jewish Bible. He was back in town today for his tenth visitation in 11 months.

His compulsive fixation on Israel is by definition unhealthy for distracting attention from the main enemy to his country, imperial Iran which if not stopped will eventually have enough equipment and weapon to stand eye to eye with the United States of America and basically aggress against it in order to topple America from its perch as the greatest country in the world.

Muslims like Kerry’s boss don’t like it that the world looks up to America. Obama in public declared he does not believe in American exceptionalism. One assumes — but only assumes – that as a progressive, multicultural thinker he prefers to see all cultures of equal worth; and I emphasize “one assumes” that is the alternative but he may also be thinking, “No, the one true exceptional culture is Islam.”

The War against Judaism

Internet Radio

…Bibi seems to be playing for time and doing what he thinks will deter the antisemitic Europeans from having an excuse to aggress against us economically and politically, but I doubt the ultimate effectiveness of his tactics and strategy.

I think he would be more successful in dropping this futile insistence on Israeli security concerns which no one cares about and rebuts in any case with proposals such as Kerry’s calling for surrendering land and having the US and other powers defend Israel instead of the IDF. That, they say, will answer Israel’s security needs.

I would much rather see him speak the truth that this aggression against us by the Ishmaelites and their backers in the EU and the White House is nothing but the old-time religion in modern dress.

This war against our presence in Judea, Samaria and above all Jerusalem is a war against our religion, and it is in the realm of religion Israel must fight.

Official Israel must tell our enemies that this is the Holy Land, the Land promised to us by the G-d of the Bible, and their hatred and aggression is nothing less than a war against our religion, and we wish they would knock it off…

More Murderers Go Free

Internet Radio

…It is nothing short of astounding to yours truly that after the awful driving of 10,000 Jews from their homes in Gush Katif they had every right to live in, the destruction of their communities, the wrecking of lives and livelihoods – which destruction brought nothing in the way of peaceful intent out of Gaza just tens of thousands of missiles — that Israelis like Peri and Livni can envision an even greater expulsion of Jews from Judea and Samaria. It is as if they learned absolutely nothing from the destruction of Gush Katif and subsequent rocket attacks. They still cling to the Oslo fantasy that at the end of the day the Arabs will say, “Okay. Just give us Judea and Samaria and we will cease being the violent haters that we are and become smiling good neighbors.

It is truly amazing to yours truly as well that Peri can talk this way in a week when all around us our Muslim neighbors are as usual in such violent turmoil. These people have never learned to live peaceably with one another but with us Jews they will?

Israel in Denial

Internet Radio

…This war-crime claim that the settlements are a war crime according to that Geneva Convention is nothing but more ugly antisemitism in its dishonesty. As the Levy Report argues — as has been argued for almost 50 years now since the Six-Day War — Israel’s claim on Judea and Samaria is arguably the greatest claim on the basis of the League of Nations Mandate, which was perfectly silent about any nation of Balestinians having title to this real estate, and Israel’s capture in self-defense and routing of the Arab Legion which was truly in illegal occupation.

Tragically, and almost mysteriously, one government after another in this country has refused for almost 50 years to publicly stake Israel’s claim to this land. Regardless of the political party in charge, every Israeli government has operated in the hope of ridding itself for much of this territory in exchange for peace, with even this right wing prime minister publicly acknowledging the rightness not of Jewish sovereignty but Ancient Balestinian sovereignty…

Fighting for Jewish Rights

Internet Radio

…Caroline Glick today in JPost finally got around to what yours truly has preached for years: this is a battle for our rights, not for acceptable security measures and the right of the “victims of Zionism.”

What Israel needs to battle is the poison favored by such as LTF and Alan Dershowitz that yes, Israel may have the right to live in Judea and Samaria but more important than Israelis rights is peace with the Ancient Ones. That is more important than Jewish rights.

But I say Jewish rights are as important as Negro rights were in the Jim Crow South and the rights of Blacks in apartheid South Africa to better treatment by the government of the country.

How materialistic these Israelis are, the offspring of post-religious Jews, post-spiritual Jews. How imprisoned they are in material concerns like security arrangements instead of fighting for the right of this people to life, peace, liberty and the pursuit of Jewish life in our ancient homeland, which includes the right to keep the spoils of war.

What Bibi has done is join the antiJews in agreeing to the rights of our mortal enemies while begging only for security measures which by their very existence are evidence of his belief that our neighbors even after the hypothetical creation of a Balestinian state will still want to destroy ours, dip their hands in as much Jewish blood as they can and steal all the wealth we have created here…

Why G-d made the Arabs

Internet Radio

…About two o’clock this afternoon an innocent inter-urban bus for guilty Jews – in the eyes of Muslim Believers – was chosen by one of the sons of Ishmael to be bombed — but fortunately the dozen-only people on it alerted the driver to an abandoned bag. He saw wires sticking from it, pulled the bus over –it was in Bat Yam at the time on the way to Bnai Barak. He told everyone to leave, which they did. The police were alerted; sappers arrived, and as they were dealing with it, it blew up. Fortunately only one of the sappers was injured lightly.

The police surmise it was planted by Arabians fearful that the so-called peace talks would succeed and these factors oppose any peace between Believers and what the Qur’an calls their worst enemies, the Jews.

Today’s incident likely is related to the attempts two days ago on Friday and yesterday, on four separate occasions, IDF soldiers opened fire on Arabs who appeared near the barrier between Gaza, just a few miles down the coast in this tiny state from Bat Yam, who also seemed to be placing a bomb. On Friday when soldiers saw suspicious movements along the fence, they shot in the air to frighten the hostiles away, but when they did not leave the soldiers took aim at their legs and hit two of them.

Yesterday on the holy Sabbath there was similar activity and this time our soldiers killed one of them…

Remembering Anna Frank? Why?

Internet Radio

Program Link: Why I Support the Academic Boycott of Israel

…Unbelievable. If you remember, Olmert that corrupt fool, offered to give away the store and it still was not enough for this Arab thief who demands everything. Here he is claiming he was ready for a deal back then and when everyone remembers he rejected the disgusting Olmert’s offer.

What will it take for otherwise sober people to see and understand that Abbas and his tribesmen simply do not want a state in Judea and Samaria even under the most generous terms and the reason for that is that they are in 2013 no more willing to accept the right of us Jews to live free of their tyranny than they ever were. Which is why Bibi demands they admit to that right, which is a variation of what Ehud Barak demanded of Arafat 13 years ago at Camp David, that he sign off on language containing the words “end of conflict.” Ehud Barak also was ready to give away the store in exchange for such a declaration which Arafat would not give, which refusal blew up the Camp David talks, in addition to his demented claim to Bill Clinton’s face that the Jews never had a temple on Haram as-Sharif. The Jews only say that because they want to steal it from the Arabs.

How’s that for psychological projection?

What Will the Goyim Think?

Internet Radio

…I had an Israeli woman friend for many years, raised in a truly antisemitic Communist household, who spent ten years in London getting a degree in history and then becoming a professor of history in Israel, who was convinced even after ten years in London, that the English did hold English Jews in contempt but not Israelis whom they saw as virtually another nationality. Some of the English, she believed, were so uneducated they did not think of Israelis as Jews at all.

She is the type of Leftist intellectual here who insists that because she does not believe in the Jewish religion, she is not a Jew. She does not believe in Catholicism, so don’t call her a Catholic, and likewise don’t call her a Jew.

Ron Pundak, another I think historian, one of the Oslo architects, says the same thing. He insists he is not a Jew but like her a Communist.

And one suspects it is this attitude which contributes to the inability of Israelis like the otherwise estimable Bibi to declare the legality, indeed the righteous right of Israel to sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, a right ultimately rooted in the Jewish religion, because they are embarrassed to identify with it. Or like Livni and Beilin, they are determined to keep religion out of it, out of the conflict here, because then there is no solution…

The Religious Heart of the Matter

Internet Radio

Program Link: Kidnap ransoms ‘fuelling terrorism’ – UK Foreign Office

…The aggression against Israel for our presence, continuing presence in Judea and Samaria; in Hevron, Shechem and above all Jerusalem is clearly more than an attack on the Jewish people. It is part of history’s endless resistance to the religion of the Jews. In this our struggle is a religious aggression, as Jews have been the target of the religions of Christianity and Islam and Communism, a substitute/phony religion, all of which snarl at the refusal of the Jewish people to forsake our religion for theirs.

Like the famous Sherlock Holmes story in which the key clue was the dog that did not bark — an event that did not happen — it is the absence of religion in all this blah-blah about Balestinian nationalism — a phantom if there ever was one — and military defense measures and tactics and techniques which alludes to Religion as the heart of the matter…

Hope Dashes

Internet Radio

…The Free Beacon today reported that the dominant Senate Democrats will not take action against Iran in opposition to the wishes of their antisemitic leader in the two weeks remaining of this Congressional session. The hope had been that via the Senate Banking Committee and the annual defense authorization bill the crippling sanctions needed could have been installed but now that hope has ended. Israel’s greatest friend in the Congress, Republican Representative Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota who after high school visited Israel and worked on a kibbutz and fell in love with the country, called the Senators’ obedience to the president not to take such action is a “tragedy. This is our first president who has truly made a decision to be truly anti-Israel.”

While Israel Slept

Internet Radio

…What’s interesting for those of us with memories of history in the Dutch case is how forty years ago at this time there were still, I believe, dozens of Dutch truck drivers in the country who had volunteered to come here during the Yom Kippur War because of the mass call-up. I myself, at the time, not yet an Israeli citizen, happened to be in the country at the time and I too volunteered to drive a truck, in my case carrying fuel from the refineries in Haifa, because all the able-bodied truck drivers were still in uniform.

This was six years after the Six-Day War and I don’t recall anyone in Holland complaining that Israel was in illegal occupation of these very same hills. It was not an issue.

Also from an historical point of view, the hypocrisy of the British takes one’s breath away…

What’s It All About, John?

Internet Radio

…A featured speaker was Yuval Diskin, former head of the GSS who brainlessly said the absence of peace with the Ancient Ones was a greater threat to Israel than Iran’s A-bomb project.

And his bright idea was calling for an immediate building freeze beyond the Green Line as a gesture of “good will,” which won him a wave of enthusiastic applause.

I heard about that and thought this is some of kind of political Alzheimer’s, a collective amnesia among otherwise intelligent people who seem to have forgotten the 10-month freeze that commenced four years ago in November 2009 which brought us nothing

But then again, this was just more proof that this conflict is through and through wholly an unholy religious conflict. There are no “Palestinians” yearning for a state but Muslims incapable of letting Jews have one; and Jews like these Enlightened Tel-Aviv types who hate the communities in Judea and Samaria also for religious reasons; their hostility to the religion of the people they were born into, the only people whose religion created their nation…

Israeli Blindness

Internet Radio

…On the micro level, the self-starting, free-lance attacks continue. Last Thursday, as reported here, a Jewish infidel, a two-year Zionist female, was hit by a rock thrown by a Muslim warrior in the Armon HaNatziv neighborhood in Jeruaslem which abuts Tsur Baher, an Ishmaeli neighborhood. The little girl had her head smashed for the crime of being a rebellious Jewess riding in the family car. She was rushed to hospital semi-conscious but the latest reports are positive. After extensive tests, she was sent home on Sunday, as the police announced yesterday they had arrested five wild-ass-of-a-man Ishmael clones for the attack, about Ishmael’s age too, Arab teenagers, but of course the MSM here, and even Arutz 7 called them “Palestinian Arab” teenagers even though there is nothing Palestinian about them. Maybe if enough people buy and read my book it will help turn the tide in this regard…

Geneva’s Great Success

Internet Radio

…Remember too how in the spring of his first year Iran’s voters were betrayed by the Muslim priests running that country who oversaw a wholly corrupt vote, after which people came out in huge numbers to protest and Obama said nothing in support.

How many times must this Muslim crusader do something exposing his true intentions, his support for Islamists in Turkey and Iran, before people wake up and face the truth about him?

As I have said before, when he called the Ft. Hood massacre perpetrated by a Muslim religious fanatic shouting “Allahu Akbar!” a workplace accident, immediate steps should have been taken in the Congress of the United States of America leading toward his removal from office under the rubric of high crimes, including treason.

This shameless demand of the American people that they deny the evidence before their eyes that Ft. Hood was ethically identical to 9-11, only the arithmetic, the number of dead Americans killed by a Muslim fanatic, was different…

The Passing of the Sabras

Internet Radio

…When Arik Einstein became the iconic Israeli entertainer, principally a song-writer-singer but also popular actor with no pretensions to creating another character on screen – by changing his speech pattern, using make-up and costumes to become someone else – in light comedies with his pal Uri Zohar with just the two of them being themselves on screen in some story about young Tel-Avivans in the 1950s and 60s, mirror images of how the young audience wanted to see themselves.

He had a lovely singing voice and his songs were always easy on the mind and heart and above all the ear. This was an Israel that had no counterpart to Elvis Presley, that white guy whose act was plagiarized from black entertainers in Negro nightclubs where the entertainer not only sang but moved his body is a sensual, even sexual manner in a long tradition of African dancing with roots in fertility ceremonies between men and women…

Oslo & Geneva

Internet Radio

…Yeah, Barack Obama reminds me of Bernie Madoff and his pyramid scheme which he kept going for years by constantly fishing for new contributors until 2008 when everything collapsed and his thousands of clients wanted out of the market. That is when Bernie Madoff’s scheme came to an end — and in the Obamacare scandal/fiasco Obama’s life of lies has run its course. Finally he has been caught for his chronic lying.

There may still be a video on YouTube, a montage of him created from his 3 years only in the Senate chronically showing up late for committee meetings, apologizing with some excuse. Lying has been a way of life with this man. I think he is nothing but a snake-oil salesman all his life and because Western culture has become an alternate reality of images of celebrities on television, he made himself into just another celebrity…

Evian and Geneva

Internet Radio

…This agreement, like the Oslo abomination, is another abomination and for the same reason. In the Oslo ceremony 20 years ago on the White House lawn, otherwise civilized leaders, Clinton, Rabin, Peres shook hands, as if with equals, Yasir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas when justice would have been better served if one or both Jewish leaders pulled out guns and shot the two of them to death.

And then when the outraged world complained of the ambush sneak-attack, the Jews’ leaders could have said, “We gave them as much warning as they gave the thousands of their victims, the thousands murdered or mutilated in their terror atrocities, these brutes who as young terrorists carried in their pockets pictures of Adolf Hitler. You’ll find that authoritatively footnoted in my book…

The Truth Comes Out

Internet Radio

…People who don’t know Hebrew think torah means law when it really means “teaching” and is related to the word moreh, for teacher. G-d gave us His teaching at Mt. Sinai, we accepted it, and ever since people have hated us. And they hate us because they logically can’t hate G-d. Like the dog who does not bite the hand that feeds it, so mankind cannot hate He who gave them the life they have and fear losing more than anything on earth. In some dark and deep recess in their minds, they know G-d gave them life and so they cannot hate G-d consciously but they can hate the people He hired, so to speak, to teach His teaching, which begins with the lesson in the Garden of Eden, which is “Curb your appetite.” Don’t eat everything you can eat. It is a kosher law. Curb your appetite when it comes to food, money, sex.

The top story in post-Jewish Israel today was the sex scandal of Eyal Golan, the country’s No. 1 pop singer alleged to have participated in orgies with young teenage girls. You know, the groupie syndrome…

Bennett Bests Amanpour

Internet Radio

…During World War II in the Allied countries, no one had any doubt who the good guys were and who were the bad guys. Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo were the bad guys, and FDR and Churchill were the good guys.

But in our time, we Jews are denied whole-hearted support and whole-hearted rejection of the thinking, ideas and values of our regional, mortal enemies. Oh no. We too are at fault, guilty as Friedman said in his column. To repeat, Israel is “devouring Palestinian farms and homes in the West Bank in ways that are ugly, brutal, selfish, and deceitful.” That is a string of four whopping lies about us Jews. 1. We are not devouring Palestinian farms. Since 1967 we have built exclusively on barren land. Sometimes the ownership is in doubt, but what is never in doubt is that the land the enemy contests we stole is barren. We have expelled no people from their homes other than those who built without normal building permits on territory that is legally and morally ours…

It’s the Jews’ Fault. Always.

Internet Radio

…Last item: again last Thursday, maybe you saw news of the amusing incident at the UN when one of the interpreters, forgetting her mike was open, wondered out loud, to all present in the General Assembly, why Israel was the only country that the body ever attacked.

On that day there were nine separate votes on nine separate resolutions attacking Israel. She commented that all kinds of bad things were happening in the world and “nobody says anything,” and many of those with their earphones on let out a laugh.

That’s right. If you have never checked out the link on the DPP home page on UN votes, you can get a flavor of the repetition compulsion that is acted out at the UN all the time: Israel-bashing via voting for these resolutions which have no legal weight. They are basically just restatements of Jewish perfidy. If the UN can be likened to a temple, its central cult is Jew-bashing, and that only makes yours truly smile…

Kerry Then & Now

Internet Radio

…The last item: We began with yesterday’s latest human sacrifice of a Jewish man to the satanic appetite of a blood-thirsty Arab, and PMW just posted a video showing a recent sermon by the PA Minister for Religious Affair, Mahmoud Habbash, who said, following the report of the exhumation of the remains of the human viper Arafat and the claim that the Israelis killed him, this Minister in the PA said Arafat died a martyr. “We never had the slightest doubt the Israelis killed him one way or the other. When the Prophet Muhammad was dying he told his wife Aisha ‘I feel the pain of the poison I ate in Khaibar.’” That was the Jewish community he massacred and decapitated. According to Muslim tradition, a Jewess captured at the time and forced to work as a cook for Muhammad poisoned him. Unlike companions who dined with him that day who died immediately, he sensed the poison right away and spit most of it out in time, but a small amount did get in which was enough to kill some time later.

This is a narrative particularly liked by the Shiites. As inveterate thieves, as the Christians blamed the Jews for killing Jesus, so the Muslims blame the Jews for killing Muhammad…

The Menace of John Kerry

Internet Radio

…And what these negotiations principally concern as the most immediate threat emanating from Iran is this one: to finish Hitler’s work or at least pick up where the Emperor Hadrian left off. He presided over the greatest massacre of Jews second only to the Holocaust 18 centuries later in a conscious effort to not just subdue the Jews but exterminate us as a nation. So he not only slaughtered a million of us, he changed the name of our holy capital and the name of the country. For two centuries at that point the Roman Empire had call this country Judaea. The after the second revolt with its Holocaust, in the year 135, Hadrian renamed the country Palaestina and its capital city Aelia Capitolina, a combination of his family name and a reference to the so-called triune Capitoline gods in Rome, possibly a forerunner of the Christian idea of the Trinity as a way of enticing converts for its similarity. In both forms, the godhead is divided into three which of course is a direct revolt against the Jewish idea of the one unified G-d of Life. Rome went from paganism to Christianity. It adopted the so-called New Testament which contains not a word about the Trinity; that was a later development in this religion. I just note the coincidence between the Latin-speaking Rome of pagans and the succeeding Latin-speaking, imperial institution of the Church of Rome…

Pathological Liars

Internet Radio

Program Link: Childhood friend of Obama comes forward with damaging information

…Well, in addition to last Thursday afternoon’s TV interview of John Kerry by an Israeli journalist and a pseudo-Palestinian, a main topic of Thursday’s webcast, the interview in which John Kerry served as Mahmoud Abbas’s mouthpiece, he evidently was even worse in private the following day. He had not planned to fly to Geneva to participate in the P5+1 farce of negotiating with Iran, but chose to do that real fast, so Prime Minister Bibi went to Ben Gurion Airport to meet with him there. And when Netanyahu left the meeting, he was obviously furious and, some might conclude, frightened. Kerry evidently told him of the deal in the works which was all about pleasing the Iranians and doing absolutely nothing to stop their bomb-building project.

The two of them were supposed to pose for the ritual, smiling handshake afterwards but Bibi nixed that and left the airport posthaste and told the media that this is a deal that Israel rejects utterly. He said it requires nothing of the Iranians, and evidently it was the French foreign minister who, I understand, like Kerry, raced to Geneva to participate and apparently to foil this plan. This takes us back to the 1950s and 60s when France was Israel’s protector not the United States…

Imaginary PM

Internet Radio

…So imagine Israel had a prime minister who summons the press corps here, especially with Kerry in town. (I think on a regular basis hundreds of journalists are based here as nowhere else except Washington. And with Kerry in town, there are even more.

Imagine the prime minister announcing an unprecedented press conference billed as the delivering of a major policy address who speaks the following words:

“Ladies and gentlemen of the press and the world community, Shalom. I am here to tell you all that as a representative of the people of the State of Israel, this government is suspending all peace talks with the Arabs in Judea and Samaria until their leader, Mahmoud Abbas, confesses that like his co-religionist Barack Hussein Obama promising “You can keep your health plan” and was lying when he did, when he Abbas said yesterday in Bethlehem of all places, the Balestinians have been in this land since the birth of Jesus, he too was lying.

Abbas has to take that back, and admit it is lie. He claims to be a doctor of the philosophy of history and that in historical fact there is not one scrap of evidence of a Palestinian people living here 2,000 years ago. Christian Scripture records events here and the cast of characters includes Jews, Romans, Samaritans, Egyptians, Greeks, and maybe more. A variety of peoples but not one word about a Balestinian people…

Stand Up to Bullies

Internet Radio

…This is the message of contemporary anti-Jews like John Kerry, who paid us a visit today. He is the face of contemporary anti-Jew aggression and of course does not act, sound or look like a Nazi. But make no mistake: he represents post-Christian Western man who wish us Jews ill; who are determined to drive us from the high ground we captured from the enemy in 1967; determined to see hundreds of thousands of us uprooted as surely as hundreds of thousands of Jews in centuries past were uprooted; turned into refugees, and then hand over it to the same enemy Arabs in 1967 whom we defeated and took the high ground from. Anti-Jews like Kerry believe we have to give it back and presumably allow the Arabs to have another shot at succeeding when they failed in 1967 to destroy our freedom, kill a lot of us and steal all the wealth we had created. John Kerry in this regard is no different from Mahmoud Abbas; he and of course his boss, the Muslim Brotherhood agent who managed to become President of the United States…

Israel’s American Enemies

Internet Radio

Program Link: Anti-Semitism is at the root of the UN’s double-standards

…So a major story in the field I write about was this latest American aggression against Israel which Israelis are so puzzled about. Apparently last Wednesday, and not for the first time, the Israeli Air Force struck inside Syria to either destroy an airfield and/or shipment of Soviet-made SA-8 missiles the Syrians had planned to send to Hezbollah in Lebanon. And not for the first time someone or ones in the government in Washington, presumably inside the White House told CNN that Israel did it when everyone knows Israel does not like that, to put it mildly. It goads Bashaar al-Assad into attacking if only to maintain his Arab honor. And why would anyone in Washington want Israel to get dragged into this combat between a bunch of Arab tribesmen these days mistaken for political factions? The Alawite tribe against the Sunni tribe and Christian tribe and Shiite tribe Iranian tribe. They are all slaughtering one another in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and why would anyone in Washington want to goad Assad into firing missiles into Israel, guided missiles?

Talking to our Enemies

Internet Radio

…Yours truly would much prefer an Israeli representative to speak the truth that there is no greater violation of human rights than having your teenage daughter, schmoozing with girl friends in a pizza parlor, get her head blown off by a soul-mate of every one of those Muslim devils on 9-11 and in scores of other horrors perpetrated by these Muslim barbarians.

Israel’s ambassador might change his tack and stop apologizing and expressing only good will toward the Balestinians and tell his audience there are no Palestinians. They are the same Muslim maniacs with the ethics of Neanderthals that have become a curse all over the world. From the Philippines to Thailand, to India, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Kenya, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Nigeria, every one of them in recent years the scene of satanic massacres of innocent people.

I would tell my listeners that Islam is this generation’s imperialist Leviathan as rapacious as Nazism and Communism, and like them wildly antisemitic, which is perfectly understandable. The national independence celebration of the Jews each spring, Passover, is about the breaking of the chains of slavery, when all totalitarians want to rule over not citizens or even subjects but slaves…

Execute All Terrorists

Internet Radio

…I wonder how much the very unspiritual Benyamin ben-Bentzion understands that prisoner release thing is like Obama slapping Bibi in the face numerous times. It is another one of those insults meant to humiliate the Jew. What this stinking maneuver is all about is bending us to the will of these lunatic Arabs who insist that the men being let out of prison this night are soldiers, freedom-fighters, not criminal terrorists. Tonight is a victory for barbarism which justifies the barbaric behavior of these Arabs.

The Arabs are a defective nation, lacking features famous in the West…

Israel Refuses to Fight Back

Internet Radio

…Every time Abbas opens his mouth, our prime minister must tell the world he is not only a lunatic but a crook reported to be worth $100 million, when this bum never did a day’s honest work in his life. On Friday, Makor Rishon reported on a court decision in the states in which Abbas had sued Middle East expert Jonathan Schanzer for defamation over an article of his in Foreign Policy Magazine describing his wealth and that of his son, built on aid funds provided to the PA.

In other words, he is as much of a gonif/thief as Arafat. Where does a man like this come by all that wealth? What he did was use US taxpayer money intended for the poor poor Ancient Ones to make himself a very rich man. Bibi should tell the world what a crook he is…

If I Were Bibi Talking to Kerry

Internet Radio

Program Link: Terra incognita: Saudi Arabia’s Security Council charade

…I suppose we must wait for Bibi’s memoirs to be published to know what it was like to be alone in a room with John Kerry for hours yesterday talking about Kerry’s greatest concern which is not the Iranians building an atomic bomb but the future of the poor, poor ancient victims of Israel. One imagines Kerry thought he could persuade Bibi to see things his way presumably because John Kerry believes he knows better than our Benjamin the son of Bentzion how to make peace with the Balestinians and by extension the whole Arab and Muslim world. All Israel has to do is fork over the spoils of war it took in self-defense. The Arabs demand the return of all Judea and Samaria which then will restore the geographic relationship between Israel and the Arabs which led to Arab assault which required Israeli self-defense.

In other words, John Kerry believes that Israel must return to the status quo ante 1967 and that will bring peace because, implicitly, that is all the Arabs and the Muslims in the world want. Just another cute little Arab state, like Jordan, Yemen, Syria. With 21 states, the world doesn’t have enough of them…

Humiliation Forever

Internet Radio

…Livni and Lapid and the whole lot of them this week have been whining about the assault on democracy that these court reforms constitute. Lapid, like Livni, has no serious education in his background and likewise misconstrues the role of a supreme court. It is not to play wise men on a mountain top preaching morality to the benighted. Both Lapid and Livni and Galon see the Court as the enemy of the masses with their uncouth hostility to the “victims of Zionism” and racism directed against African who illegally enter our country.

The current legislative proposal is the opposite of what Livni claims. It is an attempt to return power to the representatives of the people which has been stolen by the High Court which plainly has no respect for the people, as seen in the case of the African illegals let out of jail and allowed to return to their destruction of public life among some of Israel’s poorest people…