Turkey: End of the Road

Internet Radio

…No. Israeli journalists and other Leftists who think and write this way just can’t face the truth that Obama’s hostility to Bibi has not a scintilla of grounding in anything Bibi ever said or did to him or anybody. He hates Bibi as the King of the Jews, the Jews who make men like him envious, and homicidally so. They see in Bibi and Israelis and Jews successful people — far more successful than Obama’s father’s Muslims and Kenyans and Arabs, which makes him feel inferior and projects onto Bibi a contempt for his inferiority. Obama looks at Bibi and smirks to himself, “You think you are better than me. We’ll I’ll show you.”

It is simply intolerable that Barack Hussein Obama has such a friendship and professional relationship with Recep Erdogan without the friends of Israel in the United States publicly calling him out on this…

Bibi as Rabin

Internet Radio

…No doubt this reference made the Leftists in their seats squirm, for this fact, and a few others from this speech, expose them for the true betrayers of “Mr. Security,” Yitzhak Rabin. The Left’s position today is not Rabin’s but Yossi Beilin’s, he who publicly declares he is not a Believer in the religion of the Jewish people; the position of Shulamith Aloni who does not call herself a Jew. Today’s Left ran a rally last Motzei Shabbos in Tel-Aviv to remember Rabin’s assassination, only the mostly young people in attendance — who likely have no recollection of Rabin — would not know that the position of today’s Left wringing their hands over Rabin’s death is opposed to what he stood for…

Lapid: What a Dunce

Internet Radio

…What Israelis miss is that our enemies hate us here from the wellsprings of their Hamitic-Ishmaelitic culture and religious beliefs which have nothing to do with any Balestinians or the alleged need to give them a state.

That is why Bibi is right on target demanding that the enemy recognize our right to a state, and why uneducated, narcissistic dummies like Lapid don’t get it.

Our enemies here are mostly Muslims whose relationship to the Jewish people did not begin in 1967, 1947, 1917, 1897. They have been hostile to our Zionist enterprise proclaiming striving for and attaining Jewish independence from Day One.

And over the last century the only thing that has changed is the narrative because the Arabs have successfully, with the help of doltish Israelis, created this Frankenstein monster of a nation whose sole purpose has been to justify Arab resistance to Jewish freedom and justify what they call the armed struggle and civilized people called terrorist atrocities…

The West Needs Self-Love

Internet Radio

Program Link: An Israeli Soldier to American Jews: wake up!

…No doubt the Muslim con man in the White House sincerely has believed that since Islam is the answer, and all the governments in the Arab states are corrupt dictatorships, it makes sense to support their perennial opposition, the Muslim Brothers. Obama is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Political correctness prevents people in the West from speaking the truth that in the Middle East, in Syria, Iraq, Libya etc. the people are unfit for democracy because they are so illiterate, uneducated, anarchic and cruel to one another, to women. They say most of the women in Egypt have been mutilated.

The West has to recover its healthy self-love as the home of Judeo—Greco-Roman Christian civilization and not shy away from looking at the people in the countries where Islam dominates as barbarians…

Proud to be Israelis or Jews?

Internet Radio

…Yesterday at the continuing 20th anniversary gathering of the Begin-Sadat Strategic Studies think-tank, Minister of Homeland Defense Gilad Erdan painted a picture of our strategic posture as unnerving as any in our history. He described the next full scale war as one in which thousands of missiles will shower down on the home front for up to three weeks and that every point in the country could be targeted by Hezballah. He said Israel is surrounded by enemies in possession of 200,000 missiles. One out of every 10 homes in Lebanon has a rocket launcher or weapons stored in it. There are homes with roofs built to open up to allow a pre-positioned missile inside to be fired.

And of course Hezballah will target national infrastructure sites, natural gas facilities, electricity plants. “Our enemies want to break the spirit of Israelis, and get them to stop believing that we can have a normal life here.”

No doubt…

Rabbis & Politics

Internet Radio

…In Yediot as well, my favorite settler journalist, Hagai Segal, who used to be the star journalist at Arutz 7 in Hebrew, danced around this facet of this important rabbi. In the immediate wake of a man’s passing it is not right to highlight his sins.

He was verbally vicious towards fellow Sabbath-observant, kashrut-observant, family purity-observant Jews as he, but because their sons serve in the army, he sneered and curled his lip at them.

There was fracture in his character. In person with others he was remarkably gentle and polite, but when pronouncing on others in the realm of politics, Rabbi Jekyll turned in Rabbi Hyde.

His merits were great and many; had they not been, 800,000 Jews yesterday would not have interrupted their workday routine to attend his funeral.

Still, I think his life will become an example of the unstable and dangerous mixing of politics which is about power, and religion, which focuses more on the lives of each individual in his or her daily life…

The Chasm between Jews and Arabs

Internet Radio

…Israel should call off the so-called peace talks until Abbas in Arabic goes public with harsh words against this attempted homicide of a 9 year-old Jewish girl.

The bottomless chasm that separates us Jews from these Arabs marks the frontier between the civilized, people who are forever improving their societies, and these retrograde Arabs with their endless, savage violence among themselves. For sure we are outraged when they bleed us in wars and terror attacks. But arithmetically speaking, they are far, far worse to their own brothers and sisters. Four dead in Egypt on Friday and Saturday in the endless struggle between the army and Muslim crusaders.

I think that contest in Egypt could also be framed in terms of the rational and insane…

Madness & Disrespect

Internet Radio

…What in the name of sanity are the liberal democracies still doing by participating in the clinical mishegass in that UN building?

Several small books have been published over the years by former U.S. representatives serving in the UN, Jed Babbin and Pedro Sanjuan, which track with the comment of the late, great Jean Kirkpatrick who said she was shocked when she arrived as UN ambassador to find the rampant, shameless antisemitism in its halls. Not anti-Zionism but antisemitism.

And so it remains today a sink hole of antisemitism, evidenced by this JPost story this morning. Iran is on record fantasizing the dropping of an atomic on Israel; Iran is manufacturing its own nuclear bomb, and then gets chosen to monitor its desire for a non-nuclear Middle East…

Bibi’s Speech…I Wish

Internet Radio

…So watching just a couple minutes of Bibi today speaking in that UN auditorium, the question was why? What does he hope to accomplish? His purpose, the MSM in Israel told us, was to speak the truth about Hassan Rohani of Iran, the new “smiling” president.

And I say people are not that stupid. His smile or Ahmadinejad’s nastiness, Iran remains Iran and only a fool believes it is ready to call a halt to its A-bomb making efforts. It understandably would like to see the sanctions lifted but will not cave in. So long as there are not bread riots in the streets and people dying of starvation, the regime will not give up.

So I look upon Bibi’s address today as more of the make-believe life in this world of lies, alma dishikra we live…

Sometimes I Want to Scream


Internet Radio

…Abbas accused Israel of running a “colonial military occupation of the land of the Balestinian people and all of the brutality of aggression and racial discrimination against our people, which policy constitutes a breach of international humanitarian law and United Nations resolutions and the is the primary cause for the failure of the peace process…”

You got that? The primary cause for the failure of the peace process is racial discrimination.” For that statement alone, if I were Bibi, I would announce a very special announcement to be made by the Prime Minister of Israel from Jerusalem and broadcast live on all the major international networks in which the Prime Minister says that until Abbas retracts his accusation of racial discrimination, the peace process so-called will go into suspended animation and the Jewish people will build wherever they want in Judea and Samaria and whatever they build will be theirs forever.

This is the equivalent in 2013 of the UN resolution in 1975 calling Zionism a form of racism…

Islamist? What’s that?

Internet Radio

…It was a coincidence for yours truly after Shabbos to turn the news and learn of the deceiving of poor Tomer Hazan and his murder by Nidal Amar in light of the table talk that afternoon in the Succa which turned to the behavior of Arab Lotharios who seduce Western women with gifts and smiles and respect and promises. And then after their marriage and trip to the new husband’s family, the new wife finds she basically has been turned into a slave to her mother-in-law and the sweet man she married is no more to be seen. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Well, that is what happened to Tomer Hazan, HaShem yikom dammo. He was seduced into believing in the smiles and friendly ways of this Arab like the thousands of Western women, and young Jewish women in Israel who also fall for an Arab’s sweet nothings and boxes of candy only to find themselves basically enslaved.

It is the same two-facedness: the Arab disregard for verbal promises they make and even put down paper and sign off on. The abysmal naivety or stupidity of Rabin and Peres, the two former socialist youth group members never out in the real world who believed that ugly mass murderer Arafat would actually keep the promises he made and signed off on…

The Syria Opposition

Internet Radio

…Webcasting from Israel surrounded on three sides by the chronically violent and bleeding Arab Muslim Middle East. Last webcast I mentioned the full-bore war in Sinai waged by the Egyptian Army against the jihadis. Well, this afternoon one radio report said an operation is currently underway the likes of which has never been seen there, with the Egyptian Army closing in on and destroying those tunnels at the southern end of the Gaza rectangle. General al-Sisi, contrary to the wisdom of the wise imam in the Oval Office, does not see the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as anything but his and his army’s mortal enemies who deserve no quarter. Hamas is part of the Brotherhood and he is out to turn back the clock to the way it was under his three predecessors…

Covering (Up) Islam

Internet Radio

…When it became clear that the Sinai was becoming a new Yemen, a year-long summer camp for would-be mass murderers a.k.a. jihadis, the defense establishment was worried, especially when coterminous to that development, Mubarak was deposed and in came Obama’s Muslim Brothers. We simply cannot tolerate the presence of these barbaric men who on a whim can launch rockets into Eilat and wreck the tourist industry there.

But lo and behold, here come the Egyptians to do the work for us. They seem to be hunting down the jihadis using attack helicopters. APCs and whatever, with nary a concern for what the Enlightened abroad will say. Today the Times of Israel online reported that Egyptian forces came upon a consignment of anti-aircraft missiles. You don’t give matches to children to play with and don’t allow these conscienceless outlaws to get their hands on such missiles which can bring down a passenger plane flying into Eilat, G-d forbid, or coming in for a landing at Ben-Gurion Airport. The collapse of Gaddafi’s despotic time in power turned all of his arsenals into loot for terrorists. Remember the great fear of the Soviet version of Stinger missiles falling into jihadi hands…

The Hand of G-d

Internet Radio

…Irony in the events of nations is a marker of the hand of G-d. Here is this radical leftist Saul Alinsky community rabble-rouser type called a community organizer who loathes using force for the benefit of his country over that of other countries…like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama opposes military intervention to advance and defend his own unexceptional country but he is ready for humanitarian missions. Obama is threatening to use force in the name of civilians caught in the middle of this gang-war, which is what Arab internal wars are all about. He wants Assad to cease and desist and is willing tobomb the crap out of his military power to make him cease and desist.

And if this story plays out, at the end of the day, the removal and/or destruction of Assad’s nerve gas stores, the greatest benefit could accrue to us in Israel. Obama comes to the rescue as he removes this major threat to Israel.

Like Balaam and his jackass, both of whose mouths the Lord controlled, if this plays out, Obama the anti-Jew is being led to serve and protect us Jews…

Obama’s Victory?

Internet Radio

Program Link: ISNA

…And here was Obama telling the world that Muslims are as American as everybody else.
This is the same man, this Barack Hussein Obama fellow, who declared that the Ft. Hood massacre was “workplace violence” for which he should have been removed from office as medically unfit to serve, evidenced by this perfect delusion, this re-writing of the past. Obama was telling the world, “That was no Muslim maniac but a disgruntled American employee who went ‘postal’ as the saying goes.” For this delusion he should have been removed from office.

Well, he did it again last week praising his beloved, fellow American Muslims for “their innovation and entrepreneurship.”

Excuse me, but we Jews are noted for innovations in medicine and hi-tech, “The Start-Up Nation” and all that. But the Muslims? Where? When? Who are these innovating Muslims? More theft of Jewish intellectual wealth…

Sec’y of State “Jane Fonda”

Internet Radio

…I am not a fan of John Kerry’s moral calculus. I reject his indignant demand that the U.S. just must bomb Syria in the wake of the use of poison gas. For sure it looks like a terrible way to go but there are other terrible ways to go, even worse ones. For example, Arabs have been known to castrate their victims, like Israeli pilots shot down over their territory and stuff their organs in their mouths. And one imagines they do it with their victim alive to send him from this world in a state of incomprehensible pain and horror.

Did Kerry and Obama call for such drastic action on hearing of the dozens of churches burnt in Egypt and dozens of Christians murdered in the last two years of Thomas Friedman’s Arab Spring…

This Reckless Man

Internet Radio

Program Link: Oslo, 20 Years Later

…It will be interesting for historians to find out what thinking is at the moment in AIPAC, the legendary Israel lobby. AIPAC’s principle target are the 535 Senators and Representatives serving in those two chambers, and one can only pray AIPAC makes it opinion known to everyone that it is flatly against this punitive bombing run, whose benefits weighed against the potential disaster for us here are a no-brainer.

Will AIPAC advise the 535 to deny this Muslim enemy of the West permission for his bombing which could potentially ignite World War III, here, Armageddon?

One can only hope that some responsible Israeli and American Jew makes known the potential disaster of this attack, versus the potential benefit for Mr. Obama…

The Calm before the Storm?

Internet Radio

…One has the feeling that this shallow, ignorant Obama learned nothing from America’s experience under one of his role models Jimmy Carter and his fiasco in Iran. In the name of human rights, Carter presided over the toppling of the Shah, notorious for his cruel secret police, but in his stead came a tyrant far worse in terms of cruelty, Ayatollah Khomeini and his tyranny of fanatical Muslim priests. In the name of human rights, the human rights of Iranians went from bad to much worse.

And here is President Barack Hussein wanting to bomb Assad and his administration which must bolster his opposition who are at least as insane with Islam as the Ayatollah Khomeini. Al-Assad is defending himself from al-Qaida types who want to install a Muslim Brotherhood-type dictatorship, which may be a clue to Obama’s desire to bomb Assad. Besides the moral preening, between this infidel Alawite and the Sunni jihadis who want to bring him down, these soul mates of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, Obama probably backs the opposition…

A Foreign Policy of Narcissists

Internet Radio

…Last webcast, two evenings ago I said if Syria is attacked by Obama-Kerry, the Syrians will likely attack us.

The day after, yesterday, Syrian spokesmen threatened exactly that, and today Israeli spokesmen were saying that would be insane on Assad’s part so the probability is low.

I’m glad they are more optimistic than I am and the lots of Israelis today crowding the distribution points for gas masks. This man al-Assad has now proven he has no moral scruples about using nerve gas against his own fellow Arabs, so surely he has even less when it comes to us. Fanaticism has been a feature of international life since the late 1960s, and at bottom it is a religious phenomenon. This latest Sultan of Damascus Bashaar the Geek al-Assad told the Pope of Rome when he visited Syria that we Jews are the same people who murdered Jesus, and for sure all over the Arab world we Jews are conceived of as demons. If he feels threatened with the end, he is likely to want to go out in a blaze glory by using his nerve gas on us, G-d forbid…

Israel on Edge

Internet Radio

…On Friday in Makor Rishon Mordechai Kedar, the former career intelligence officer in the IDF, fluent in Arabic, came to the conclusion that not only is Obama a Muslim Brotherhood supporter, so is the State Department, which does not surprise me. The State Department has traditionally been the most antisemitic to the State of Israel. And the Brotherhood is an association of Muslims who are as insane in their fear and hatred of Jews as Germans at a nighttime Nazi rally in the 1930s were, so I am not surprised by his assessment. It tracks with the credible report that John Brennan is a Muslim convert, so was the murdered Amb. Chris Stevens. And what with Obama’s behavior toward Egypt, whose modern political history is a history of suppressing the Brotherhood mercilessly.

And here is Mordechai Kedar who has come to the conclusion it is not only Obama who enamored of the Brotherhood; the State Department Arabists too. They see, and they are not totally wrong, Islam as the only cement that holds society together in this part of the world…

Arabs Gas Their Own

Internet Radio

…In a way, we Israelis are no different. Just like our neighbors’ dictators, our government likewise has the power and has used to it under the euphemism of “administrative detention” to lock up would-be killers indefinitely, and to Hell with a civil court’s principle of habeas corpus.

It is, paradoxically, one of the unintended advantages of not having peace with these people. A constant state of war allows our military to be the ultimate authority in Judea and Samaria and that means the ability to scoop up suspects and remove them from circulation for as long as we want, with little recourse for the victim because this is military law, which is to civilian law what military music is to real music.

On Monday of this week the army in Egypt arrested the spiritual leader of the Brotherhood Muhammed Badie and one suspects much time will pass before he is let out, if ever.

The Egyptians like other Arabs don’t play games…

Judea and Samaria Forever, Logically

Internet Radio

…And although this latest clash like this will be not long remembered, it is proof of why the peace processors, because they are anti-Jew, are so irrational in their other-worldly vision of a peace here. What these nightly raids demonstrate is the indispensable right of our heroic soldiers to go anywhere west of the river after a potential Jew-killers, which means sovereignty in these hills can never be Arab. We are the sovereigns and have the right to go anywhere west of the river at will. We are the legitimate armed force in these hills which position of control we would lose by agreeing to withdraw our troops and recognize a real, international border crossable only by permission of the sovereign. Were Judea and Samaria to become an independent Arab state, Israel would not have the liberty to conduct these nightly raids without permission from a foreign government. Israel can never surrender the control we have now which is what an independent Balestinian state would mean…

Obama: Wicked and Ignorant

Internet Radio

…That wicked and ignorant man in the Oval Office was today reported to threatening, besides canceling the Bright Star program for this year, not sending the usual, annual, financial aid, to which Sisi and friends will not respond. They are fighting for what little freedom Egypt used to afford its people, and no amount of money, however important, is going to change their minds about the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Indeed, it is the granddaddy of all Islamic terrorist organizations nurtured in the hothouse of Al-Azhar, where Barack Hussein was so warmly received…

Egypt’s Ancient Behavior

Internet Radio

…The politics surrounding the State of Israel are unique in the world. In addition to all the normal facets of the life of a nation among the nations, the political and military and economic dimensions, with Israel there is always the unique dimension of religion and homo sapiens never-ending rebellion against G-d…

A Moral Abyss Separates Us

Internet Radio

…Europe doesn’t give a damn about the so-called Balestinians. These bureaucrats know they are the same Arabs and Muslims who are making life miserable all over Western Europe. I just heard there are 751 no-go places in municipalities in France now; that is 751 parts of towns and cities which the police and fire services have basically disowned. They have become autonomous Muslims neighborhoods. Surely those enemies of Israel in Brussels know at some level of cognition these so-called Balestinians are the same people.

No, their focus is on Israel, which they single out for special treatment…

A Failure of Nerve

Internet Radio

Program Link: The Mosque: Center of Religion, Politics and Dominance

…The nerve of these goyim in Brussels telling us we have apostasize, renounce the Jewish faith’s core belief that the Land and Jerusalem are ours and nobody else’s. We have to stand alone on the other side of the river with Avraham and talk back to the hostile goyim, the nations of the world and tell them “We are right and they are wrong.” This land is rightfully our land according to Gentile jurisprudence, in addition to our religious beliefs.

But for some reason, this great mystery, Israelis like Bibi, like Elkin, are incapable of answering the antisemitic poison of reptiles like the late Arafat and his sidekick Dr. Abbas the famous historian…

Our Own Worst Enemies

Internet Radio

…Has there ever been a people with such a high percentage of enemies within? As the US is currently being led by an anti-American American, who in tossing out a bust of Winston Churchill and bowing before the barbarian king of Saudi Arabia, exposed his traitorous views, so in Israel we suffer from huge percentage of anti-Jew Jewish Israelis whose flagship newspaper is ironically Haaretz, which means The Land, the very land its readers want to drive hundreds of thousands of Jews from and hand over to an enemy shameless open about his drive to destroy all Jewish freedom; their readers’ freedom…

The True Root Cause

Internet Radio

…It will certainly be interesting to see how this latest version of age-old religious Jew-hatred plays out. I mean, beneath the contemporary politics, that is all this EU bureaucracy gambit is: another attack on the Jewish religion.

It is hard at the moment to imagine the Prime Minister agreeing to this demand if only because it means disowning Jerusalem, which Israel formally unified and embraced within like a week and a half of the Six-Day War, and a formally incorporated the Golan in 1980 or 81.

In a way, these hostile goyim have done Israel a favor. If they were smarter than they are, they would have omitted Jerusalem and the Golan, specified just Judea and Samaria, and Netanyahu would surely have been put on the spot. But now, so long as it seems to be a package deal, all this real estate together, it is not plausible that Bibi will agree to sign such a statement as the price for participating in Horizon 2020. What the European enemy has done is strengthened Israel’s grasp on all these territories. We renounce none of them.

And this is why I say this is just the old hatred of Judaism in modern dress…

Obama’s Threat

Internet Radio

…If I were Bibi, I would arrange for a tete-a-tete, with him, just the two of them in a room, and if I would tell Kerry, “I don’t know your motivation. I have no x-ray vision and cannot see into your heart. But I feel on solid ground telling you that from what I know of your background and your stewardship of US foreign policy in our region since last January, I don’t think you know jack-[expletive deleted] about Israel and our war for survival surrounded by these violent Muslims.

And I am not going to do anything to endanger my people and my country by listening to you. You do not know my country and my neighbors like I do, like our intelligence people know them; our GSS, our Mossad. You don’t know anything about Islam, which is apparent in your handling of Egypt…”

Douglas Bloomfield

Internet Radio

…Of course Bloomfield wants the best for Israel but in his writing he repetitively treats Netanyahu and Abbas as if they were equals doing the same thing because they are politicians. For example, adopting the pose of Olympian neutrality, Bloomfield could write, “That expectations are low for the renewed peace talks in view of the scant confidence most people have in the ability of the leaders on both sides to rise to the occasion.”

They are “hobbled by reputations as weak and cautious leaders rather than creative thinkers willing to take risks…the conventional wisdom considers the new talks a waste of time as long as Netanyahu and Abbas are around…both leaders fear failure and the judgment of history. There is no sign of real change on either side.”

And so on and so forth. There was more of this repetitive linking as equals the two leaders both unwilling to take risks.

I don’t know about you, but this moral equivalence disgusts me for its dishonest construction of reality and functionally (albeit covert) antiJew aggression. How dare Bloomfield compare the prime minister of Israel, whose biography is a matter of public record, with this international terrorist criminal, this Holocaust Denying murderer?

Bloomfield sits up there on Mt. Olympus and smirks down on both sides…

Israel’s Cardinal Sin

Internet Radio

…Yeah, with Obama in the White House, the greatest spy/foreign agent in history, I think it is another sign the world is going crazy. The West by its greed and really gluttony has spent itself into economic ruin, its appetite for money and rich foods out of control, hence the so-called the plague of obesity which really should be called gluttony.

And with Obama in the White House, backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia, Egypt and Syria, we Jews have had our arms twisted into humiliating ourselves by having to liberate those who butchered our loved ones…

Bibi’s Decision: Why?

Internet Radio

…What caught my eye was Bibi’s expressed hope for ending the conflict with the Palestinians, because if he believes that, we are in serious trouble. Surely, given his father’s teaching, which was that there is no end to the conflict, only eternal self-defense, he does not really believe that Israel can hand over enough land for a truly independent Palestinian state which will placate these people. It is their nature always to demand from us what we cannot give. The carrot they dangle before us always demands that we humiliate ourselves more than we have in the past – like today’s decision, which can be interpreted as the end of the line for Bibi’s kind of secular right-wing Zionism…

Slaves of Slaves

Internet Radio

…Once again, here is no marginal crank but the leader of the Lebanese Shiites accusing Jews of committing massacres we never have. This is classic, textbook anti-Semitism for its fantastical imagination.

His outfit, the Party of G-d came to public attention not by winning Nobel Prizes in Medicine but the massacre technique of the suicide bomber; he who insinuates himself into a crowd of innocent people and explodes himself. It is for this massacre technique Nasrallah’s organization became famous and here he is in classical, textbook Muslim fashion attacking when attacked by returning the accusations. The Muslim never tries to defend his behavior. He just flings back whatever accusation is made against him. Hence, Israel is guilty of massacres. We are a kind of dartboard for these primitives whose darts are dipped in their own guilt they must stab us with.

This guy is a mass murderer who accuses the IDF of being mass murderers…

Word Games

Internet Radio

…This guy Indyk, to be charitable it, may be suffering from the same mental disorder Uncle Shimon suffers from: the denial of failure. Here is Indyk having been a perfect failure himself as a peace processor, believing the old idea of Oslo remains the right idea and never mind the way things really played out. “Let’s do it again!”

This bum is like co-chairman of the New Israel Fund, which is about a left-wing as one can get with crossing the red line into blatant treason. Indyk attends a Reform Temple and that is a form of heresy. Having grown up in those Reform temples, I know of where I speak. These congregations are simply no longer Jewish in theory or praxis. Every religion has a metaphysical concept and a set of behaviors, holidays, rituals which make identify it, and in this way Reform Judaism is simply not Judaism at all…

Kerry’s Triumph?

Internet Radio

…I don’t think John Kerry has the depth to understand what the violence here is all about, and it ain’t statehood for the Ancient Ones. It is about demanding ownership of land in Jewish hands when legally the Jewish people, Israelis, are the rightful, legal owners of Judea and Samaria. The claim that the settlements are illegal in international law is not true. It is a lie. And the history of persecuting us is a history of lies. The mass attacks we have suffered have always been seen by their antiJew perpetrators as legitimate retribution for the Jews’ crimes…

Europe’s Chronic Hatred

Internet Radio

…So I reserve judgment on the gravity of this demarche by the bureaucracy in Brussels, its real impact. I have no doubt it has been fueled by vintage European Jew-hatred of many generations. This EU diktat is a cousin of the Polish legislation outlawing the kosher slaughter of animals. Each is a jab at the Jews the way the Roman centurion jabbed his lance in the side of the Jew on the cross. For fun, for sadistic pleasure. Again, it is a mistake to think that anything the EU does is for the benefit of the Ancient Ones. What moves them is their age-old hostility to Jews.

The EU organization has come down and not for the first time 100% alongside the Arabs here, these Muslims with their suicide bombers, their terrorists who enjoy bashing Jewish faces and heads into pulp.

And all those who side with the Arabs in the matter of who owns Judea and Samaria are anti-Jews plain and simple. Here is a property dispute: who owns this land? And the EU is 100% on the side of the barbarians.

The morality of this policy – the idea that Israel must hand back all the land it took in 1967 – could not be more antisemitic for denying the age old principle to Jews of “to the victors go the spoils…

Ramadan Entertainment This Year

Internet Radio

Program Link: Adultery as Aperitif, Served by 6 Amateurs and a Pro

…The Qur’an is blatantly a plagiarization of the Bible, intellectual property theft at its worst; copyright infringement, and in the theft and perversion Muslims also misconstrue what it means to be the Chosen People.

Jewish national identity is unique, and this may explain the unique ability of Jews to survive from generation to generation when all other nations are born, live, grow old, die and disappear.

And that is because the Jews are nation bound not by their cultural products but their religion, their metaphysical construction of reality. Other nations, like the French are known for their language and cuisine and high fashion.

Not the Jews. What distinguishes this nation is its religion, and only its religion…

A New Christian Arab Party

Internet Radio

…By my personal count, in the Five Books of Moses the idea of the Promised Land is written in several ways 180 times. In Kabbalistic mathematics, that is 18 which equals life times the mystical number 10 which is such an important number it is literally imprinted on our bodies twice.

180 times HaShem promises this land to the Children of Israel, but a lot of people have a real hard time accepting that. Pretty much the whole world that has an opinion on the matter. I mean, we Jews constitute one-half of one-half a percent on the human race and even most of our people have a hard time saying, “Yes, Judea and Samaria are rightfully ours.”

Some Egyptian History

Internet Radio

…The situation in Egypt continues to be the best show in town. Yesterday morning around sunrise, the Egyptian army was likely provoked by Muslim Brothers in a mass protest demonstration outside the facility where their leader is under arrest. Hundreds were wounded in the gunfire, over 50 died, and some Muslim Brothers were very pleased with the results. You provoke the regime into this kind of response and then crow it is proof of its illegitimate cruelty…

The Army vs. the Priests

Internet Radio

…Kerry of course also wants to pursue his $4 billion investment plan which will include Arab building in Area C.

One can only hope that Bibi is just stringing him along, maneuvering, keeping one’s head above water as the days creep forward until the day Obama the Muslim Brotherhood plant in the Oval Office is out of office.

What is it with these ignorant men and women at the State Department whose enormous ignorance of the Middle East is matched only by their arrogant ambition to drive hundreds of thousands of us Jews from homes we have every right to live in?

All of them, Carter, Clinton, Obama and their secretaries of state believe they know our world better than we do and know better than we do how to deal with these Arab- Muslim barbarians…

The Coup in Egypt

Internet Radio

…Well, the word in Jerusalem is that Prime Minister Benyamin ben Bentzion has enjoined his ministers to say nothing of what is happening in Egypt, which is the right course. Who knows what’s going to happen there, which will happen no matter what Israeli ministers say?

Since the last webcast, the Egyptian army has executed a military coup d’etat, arrested the legitimately elected president of Egypt Muhammed Morsi. The 20-30 million demonstrators this week got their way.

Maybe we have to redefine what we think of when we say “the Arab street.” Egyptian society seems to be one in which politics is less a field for competing ideas than how many people you can bring out into the street.

Typically the Arab street has referred to the feelings of the young, male, unemployed who for time immemorial can be seen in droves in the streets of Arab cities. Seen them myself…

Obama the Brother

Internet Radio

…What the Muslims never learned, and what it took the Europeans 1500 years to learn via the Protestant Reformation/Revolt against Rome was that combining the roles of leader of the nation and high priest is such a volatile mixture it should be not attempted.

In the West it is called the Separation of Church and State, Jefferson’s Wall of Separation, which is something the Jews have known since the generation of the desert.

When Moses the Lawgiver turned over the leadership of the people shortly before his death, he did not choose from his own priestly tribe of Levites. He had already chosen his brother to be the high priest. And in light of the stories of brothers in the Book of Genesis, Aaron was the perfect brother, the perfect older brother who was perfectly not jealous of his kid brother. Aaron was everyone’s favorite uncle…

Religion, not Territory

Internet Radio


…The following year the Congress would begin writing the future US Constitution and when completed its first amendment called for no “religious establishment” in the new government which today’s liberals do not understand at all. It was not because the Framers wanted to stifle religion; just the opposite. Religion was none of the government’s business, people were free to believe whatever they wanted and worship as they wanted with no government office, no bureaucracy, as in Israel, charged with regulating religion in society.

This is one marker of the abyss that separates Judeo-Christian, what’s left of it, civilization from the world of Islam. Tonight there could be violence in Cairo, in Homs or Istanbul and Ankara in all three Muslim lands the issue is Islamo-Fascist dictatorship vs. people who don’t want to submit to the tyranny of a Muhammad Morsi in Egypt and Erdogan in Turkey…

Our Eternally Violent Neighbors

Internet Radio

…Loss in the huffing and puffing over the NSA scandal is that this whole snooping business is the direct result of the menace of militant Islam. This snooping’s essential justification is the hunt for Muslim terrorists, and in this way it is akin to the modern headache of air travel, the security check, especially in the states. The “drill” of emptying your pockets and taking off your shoes and belts and holding your pants up as you go shuffling through the electronic scanner. This too is a result of Arab-Muslim barbarism.

In history Muslims made Jews remove their shoes whenever they passed in front of a mosque, and here the Muslims have forced billions of air travelers to remove their shoes and put them back on too…

Why They Hate Bennett?

Internet Radio

…The very word “Palestinian” is an antisemitic concept. It is inherently a verbal vessel bearing hatred of the Jews. In our time the word “Palestinian” conjures up Arabs, Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, Bedouin Arabs, Arabic-speaking Druze, Muslim Circassians who came in the 19th century; that’s a half-dozen communities in Palestine. All are “Palestinians”.

Only, there is another community in Palestine which is excluded from the definition of “Palestinian”: the Jews. We are as excluded from the concept “the Palestinians” as Jews have been excluded from lots of things throughout history: colleges, medical schools, private men’s clubs, exclusive residential areas, fraternities in universities, restaurants. I myself and my family in the early 1950s were basically barred from eating in a restaurant in our town, an upscale suburb of New York. There was one country club in the town; no Jewish members…

Lies and Liars

Internet Radio

…So here was the two-week-old prime minister of a non-existent state Rami Hamdallah resigning from a post that was created not by the so-called Palestinians but the US in order to put a break on the rampant larceny of the Palestinian Authority. Fayyad was the first prime minister never elected by anyone, but just appointed. A prime minister that never stood for election who quit because he could no longer stand being blocked by Abbas and cronies determined to return to ripping off the aid money in the billions given by World AntiJewry in order to keep the Jews from returning to full sovereignty in the heart of their G-d–promised land…

The Two-State Religionists

Internet Radio

Program Link: Preconditions have no basis in law or fact

…Yeah. A tsunami of bromides of the kind that make yours truly want to blow lunch have been heard in the land these last couple of days. What a revolting spectacle. There was Clinton of the stained blue dress and Sharon Stone, the Hollywood actress who became famous by starring in a movie called Basic Instinct and exposing herself like a two-dollar hooker was also there. Clinton was famous for the mixing of the world of Hollywood movies and politics, and here too was the admittedly excellent actor Robert DeNiro and the Mayor of Chicago who like DeNiro’s words in many of his movies sprinkles his conversation with a four-letter word beginning with the sixth letter of the English alphabet.

What do Rahm Emanuel married to a non-Jewess and Sharon Stone and Robert DeNiro have to do with the resurrection of Jewish life in the Holy Land?

Iran’s Sham Election

Internet Radio

…Anyway, I say the top story was the pseudo-election in Iran because all six candidates were approved by Mr. Big, the Muslim ayatollah who succeeded Khomeini and so it was basically a sham election yesterday. The Iranians are smart and clever and bona fide tricksters and dissemblers, and it is highly likely that while the other five candidates were seen as conservative, even reactionary, Rohani’s election as the “moderate” candidate in contrast to them was exactly what Khamenei wanted. The other five split the reactionary vote allowing this “maverick moderate” to win.

Well, this character has been an insider with the top dogs all his political life. There are photos of him at prayer in the first row just behind Ayatollah Khomeini. He also was in charge of leading Iran’s talks with the West over its nuclear project and of course that effort has never been anything but a scam…

Leon Wieseltier

Internet Radio

…One of its recipients on Sunday was Leon Wieseltier who takes the cake for being one of the most obnoxious Jewish Leftist intellectual Israel-bashers while claiming, like Little Tommy Friedman and his former colleague at the New Republic Peter Beinart, how much he loves the country.

Like Alan Dershowitz, he attended Yeshiva of Flatbush High School and like him abandoned the faith while at the same time, parading his identity as a Jew as something that makes him exotic, and because his father was a survivor, he stakes a claim to being some kind expert on what it means to be Jew and on Israel.

He wrote a pretentious meditation on the mourner’s Kaddish in the 1990s which won him a National Jewish Book award, and here again he has won another prize. He is as much of a charlatan as the Obama he likely voted for…

Israel’s Essential Identity

Internet Radio

…In a related story, on Sunday after the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Netanyahu attended the annual international cyber security conference at Tel-Aviv University where he said there has been a significant rise in the number of cyber-attacks on Israel coming from Iran. Another source said there are hundreds, even thousands per week not only on defense and government sites but all kinds. But not to worry, as the PM said, one rarely hears of successful ones because Israel is a leader in Internet security. In this regard as well, as part of the reportage, it was reported that in addition to such as Intel and Microsoft and Google and other operations with major facilities in Israel, GE and Oracle are now setting up R &D operations here too.

And maybe you heard of the latest deal in which Israeli start-up WAZE is being sold for more than a billion dollars…