What Is Going On?

Internet Radio

…There is a lunacy loose in the world borne by an ill wind, wind being the air we breathe, the very substance which sustains life every moment.

In Hebrew, Latin, I presume Greek, the word for breath and spirit is the same. Spiritus in Latin and ruach in Hebrew which is what HaShem breathes into Adam to make him live, and keeps him alive every moment of his life.

How long can a person go without food? Days. How long without water? Likewise more than a day or three?

But breath? Air? Pearl divers can submerge for some minutes but they are the exception to the rule. G-d keeps us alive every minute with His breath.

And a people without G-d will not survive.

What is going on?

Leftists Love to Bash Their Own

Internet Radio

…The Israeli media today of course covered the nomination of Samantha Power yesterday listing her famous policy prescriptions. You know, quotes from that 2002 video whose link was posted on yesterday’s website, which included the criticism of spending billions on supporting Israel’s military instead of spending billions on building the State of Balestine, though none bothered to note that this video, this interview with her when she was still a professor of government Harvard, was made in 2002, arguably the most satanic year in the last intifada, when Jews were being butchered and blown apart seemingly every week. In this interview she said the US had to intervene to prevent genocide, presumably committed by us Jews against the Ancient Ones, this in that satanic year…

Samantha Power? Oh no!

Internet Radio

Program Links: Republican Jewish Coalition statement on Samantha Power nomination
Make Room for Islamistgate: The Obama Administration’s New Scandal

…Yeah, there seems to a serious concern in Jerusalem that in the works in the nasty head of the enemy agent in the Oval Office is a plan to force upon us what Samantha Power alludes to in the link posted on this webcast.

Yesterday in a speech delivered by Minister Yuval Steinitz at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, he forcefully expressed opposition to, according to the headline in JPost this morning, an international force as part of any peace deal. In other words, the very idea expressed by Power in this video clip of 11 years ago in which she entertained the idea of driving the IDF out of Judea and Samaria to be replaced by another military force.

Steinitz was quoted saying he would “vehemently oppose any deployment of international force to replace the IDF. And why would he say that yesterday if not for intelligence coming his way suggesting such a plan is in the works?…

The Moshiach Solution

Internet Radio

…It took yours truly about a dozen years following the Six-Day War to accept that giving back the land captured was no solution; that after a dozen years of rejecting Israel’s hope of land for peace the Arabs were simply not interested in such a deal.

But dreams die hard, and such as Livni and Kerry remain enslaved to the belief that there are really Balestinians out there just like us Jews who want a cute little state for their stateless brethren – when statehood is the last thing these Arabs want.

They were offered more or less the same two- state solution in July 1937 by the Brits, the Peel Commission recommendations. A decade later in 1947 the UN General Assembly also offered them more or less the same deal. Again they said, “No thanks.”

How long, O Lord, how long, before such as Livni and Israel’s Left open their eyes and surrender their ignorant really perception of our Hamitic neighbors?

I am afraid the Two-State Solution is no solution. The only one that will work is the Moshiach Solution…

Israel Hi-Tech vs. Russian Hi-Tech

Internet Radio

…Well, on the domestic front here in the Judenstaat, if not quite the Judescher Staat, the bill calling for drafting Haredim and throwing their draft-dodgers in jail passed its ministerial committee vote and must now be voted on by the full cabinet and the Knesset.

Yair Lapid got his way and held a press conference to gloat, and in another apostrophe to a hypothetical Haredi youth he tried to persuade him that his rabbis were just trying to scare him, for this bill can only help by leading toward his absorption into Israeli society. Lapid said, “What is happening is not an attack on the Torah. We do not intend – God forbid – to force upon him secularism or our version of how to be an Israeli.”

And again, as observed last webcast, Lapid most certainly does have in mind Israeliness at the center of his identity. Like the liar Obama, he certainly does, like his father, yearn to see Haredim abandon Jewishness in favor of Israeliness…

Crusaders: Kerry & Lapid

Internet Radio

…Yesterday the big head line in JPost hard copy was “Kerry unveils $4 billion economic plan to revitalize flagging Palestinian economy”

To “revitalize”? That connotes restoring it to a former and healthier condition, which is simply detached from reality. How can you revitalize something that was never vital?

I remember Judea and Samaria right after the Six-Day War. Wretched is not too strong a word. I remember the few and crummy roads, the mean villages. I remember Jerusalem after 19 years of Jordanian rule with three stop traffic lights, alleyways where people along open sewers. No street lights. What is Kerry talking about?…

No S-300s?

Internet Radio

…You all know that last Thursday Imam Barack Hussein delivered a long and rambling speech on terrorism, over 6,000 words only three of which referred to Islam.

In all honesty I tried to read what he said at the National Defense University but I confess I couldn’t. Because I do not believe a word this man speaks.

Analysts who do take him seriously found his words unreal. His claim that the terror threat is now lower than before 9-11 was, as Steve Emerson said, a “total fabrication.” Newt Gingrich found his words ‘stunningly, breathtakingly naïve.”

Well, that is again where I part company with the otherwise highly intelligent Gingrich. I don’t think he is naïve. I have never thought he ever sincerely said anything. He is an empty suit with a sinister agenda.

I hope he is nailed for the dereliction of duty over Benghazi and removed from office for this alone…

Islam: What is it?

Internet Radio

…The world is obsessed with Israel, so evident in this story about the allegedly miserable state of health care in the “occupied Palestinian territories” presumably because we cruel and sadistic Jews keep it that way. When the truth is that our presence here since 1967 has worked miracles in the matter of health care here; in terms of lowering the Arabs’ infant mortality rate, extending their life-span.

Last week the famous Ancient Palestinian peace processor Saeb Erekat addressed the UN and whined about the apartheid here. Two years ago I had a medical problem which resulted in a 24-hour stay at Hadassah Ein Kerem, mostly for tests, and I was examined by Jewish doctors and Arab doctors, and served by Jewish and Arab male and female nurses, and spent the night in a room with three other men, two of us Israelites, two of us Ishmaelites. What in the name of sanity is this scheisekopf Erekat talking about?…

Lapid in the Times

Internet Radio

…This morning on radio Galei Tsahal’s flagship morning political program with Razi Barka’i, he and his military political guests discussed the Muhammad ad-Dura story for almost half an hour and I did not hear even once the words “antisemitism” or “blood libel,” let alone reference to, say, William of Norwich, an English boy in the year 1144, smack dab in the middle of the Crusader period who turned up dead and whose death was attributed to the evil Jews, which led to the murder of one of them. This case is remembered as the first of many in Europe for centuries to come; which belief in the blood-thirstiness of Jews is alive and well among our neighbors.

To be fair, there are voices here who have seen the classic blood libel at work here, but rarely do they belong to the secular elite…

Nerve-Wracking Threats

Internet Radio

Program Link: Why Muslims Must Hate Jews

…Anyway, the foregoing has been largely the fruit of today’s nerve-wracking news. Scenarios of flights of missiles targeting our cities and airfields and naval patrol boats.

It is not pleasant to wake to the morning’s first news with threats of missiles on Tel-Aviv made by Sultan Bashaar in Damascus if Israel again strikes a fourth time. The first three were on an arsenal of missiles, and a convoy of missiles, and chemical plant.

Israel has laid down its marker that Hezbollah will not take possession of these advanced missiles, and Assad has to respond at some point.

Israel in turn, it is rumored in the news. has countered that threat with its own to liquidate altogether the Assad regime if he does that.

With Putin and Russians making their own threats because they are determined not to see him go down.

Not a pleasant day, news-wise here today…

Arab Cannibals

Internet Radio

Program Link: FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Fired From Watergate Investigation For ‘Lying, Unethical Behavior’

…Yeah, there is an abyss separating civilization as we know it in the Judeo-Christian West and the world of Islam as we know it in Araby, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Iraq, where the bombs never stop going off, and of course Turkey, where, while there are no bombs going off, for sure the despot at the top who met today in Washington with his pal in admiration of Islam, named for the second martyr in Islamic history, Hussein ibn Ali, remains a fervent Muslim and Jew-hater who is dragging his country back into the universe of Islam which for 80 years since Ataturk had been suppressed.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Obama’s best advisor on the Middle East, has locked up more journalists than any country in the world. 20% of the generals in the army that used to preserve democracy are also in prison. He is Obama’s most trusted advisor on the Middle East and as Efraim Inbar of the BESA think-tank says, he is a full-blooded antisemite.

I hope Obama does not survive the cascades of scandals dominating the news…

The UN Boondoggle

Internet Radio

…Lastly, following on the idea that preceded the music: On Friday the Washington Times reported that the ex-girlfriend of the Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev said he used to “beat her if she wore Western clothing and tried hard to turn her against the United States….One day he’s this funny normal guy, the next is praying four times day and talking insane nonsense…He became extremely religious and tried to brainwash me to follow Islam. He wanted me to hate American like he did.”

And there you have it. Crusading Islam in a nutshell: 1-He beats his woman 2-He talks insane nonsense 3-He hates America.

And this is the religion of the fan of Islam in the Oval Office.

HaShem yirakhem/G-d have mercy...

Jewishness Can Make People Crazy

Internet Radio

…This for me was a jaw-dropper. He writes as if the Oslo years never happened; as if people today who do not want to trade land for peace have no basis for that other than their own bigotry toward the Ancient Ones rather than their sober conclusions.

Dershowitz writes as if the Oslo years, the Handshake on the White House Lawn, never happened. That was truly a major effort at trading land for peace with the Balestinians, but it failed. Failed big time, Alan, but you seem not to have noticed or learned from the experience.

Dershowitz writes as if those horrendous explosions here did not lead sober people to declare the initiative a bust, big time. It got so bad on Pesach 2002, when a dining-room full of old Jews were obliterated in an explosion so powerful it left no bodies to bury, only gore and splatter to vacuum up, after which Prime Minister Sharon ordered the army of Israel to take back all the land we traded for peace, Alan. But you want to try it again?…

Returning to Jerusalem

Internet Radio

…The taking of Jerusalem 46 years ago, on a Wednesday too it was, was special after more than two weeks of great fear that the Arabs were going to do what they publically crowed they wanted to do – finish Hitler’s work. It generated feelings unlike any other one can imagine. It was not until Wednesday, after 48 hours of the Israeli government saying nothing during the war and the Arab governments publically rejoicing over the “occupation of Tel-Aviv and Haifa already,” that the curtain of secrecy began to lift to expose the reality that not only had Israel survived the threats of scores of millions of Arabs, Israel was now four times larger in area, which fighting had included driving the Jordanians out of the divided city and the taking of the Western Wall and Temple Mount. Not since 63 b.c.e. had there been such a moment…

Rock Bottom

Internet Radio

…This guy Obama is a menace. He is an agent for real, or just functionally, for his behavior, of the Islamists in the Middle East. His refusal to call Ft. Hood an Islamist massacre speaks volumes; in addition the volumes of government paper work now cleansed of any reference to Muslim terror also speaks volumes, when Benghazi was no less an act of al-Qaida terror on 9-11 2012, as the one on 9-11 11 years earlier. And he tried to cover it up, cover up the villains who killed a U.S. ambassador.

Not only should this imposter be removed from office, he belongs in prison for his anti-American polices and behavior. The country has been bloodied again and again by Muslims over the last half-century, since the late 1960s, and he is a president in full denial of the reality that there are Muslims out the who hate America religiously, Islamically, and are supported by Islamic priests. I think the country could save a lot of money by shutting down the CIA with its 44 billion dollar annual budget and just have a skeleton staff watch YouTube sermons by Islamic priests. It’s all you need to know about the Middle East…

Cowards of the Left

Internet Radio

…And likewise Herzl’s spiritual offspring today, Israel’s Leftists. Just today the latest Pew Research Center poll reported that 40% of Muslims support suicide bombing.

Now, dying for one’s religion under certain circumstances is even a Jewish value. Knowingly going to one’s death for a religious principle deserves honor, but tragically the Muslim barbarians, 40% of them who think this way, suffer from a kind of monocular vision. All they see is the act from the point of the suicide bomber sacrificing for a cause greater than his own life; what they don’t see are his victims: innocent passersby, undefended, women, children, old people at random whose lives the suicide maniac takes from them. He may have the right to sacrifice for his beliefs in order to reach Paradise, but he does not have the right to sacrifice me and others for his quest.

Gai gezunterheit, go kill yourself Abdul, but leave me and us Jewish people out of it…

Their Misdiagnosis

Internet Radio

…Yeah, how we describe, how we diagnosis the malady here which leads to this constant hemorrhaging of human blood, should lead to prudent action, which obviously cannot include turning over any more real estate to our neighbors. We tried that, and it’s been rocket-Hell ever since.

And before 1967, before Evyatar Borovsky had started living in Samaria, there were Arabs just like his murderer today who stabbed Jews to death. Before 1967 there was terror, which is a way of saying that the new Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria since then are not the cause of the homicidal hatred, so removing them would solve nothing…

Gang Wars Forever

Internet Radio

…Gafni is so wrong when he says the Knesset is just like other national parliaments. No way. The US Congress is not that crude; neither I’ll bet do Canada’s parliamentarians in Ottawa comport themselves this way. It is certainly not the folkways of the House of Commons, mother of parliaments, in London. For sure at the appropriate moment it is permissible to shout out “Hear! Hear!” or guffaw, but never with the purpose as in the Knesset of just preventing someone else from talking. That’s the difference.

If I could I would force these MKs to watch a few episodes of the prime minister’s question time in which the opposition mostly certainly has the right to challenge, laugh at, mock the other side but it had better be a verbal barb well fired with intelligence and wit…

Buy Them Off

Internet Radio

…If this report this morning is a good analysis, then how illuminating and the surprise at the similarity in Bibi’s way of thinking, this prince of the Zionist right to that of Moshe Dayan, prince of the Zionist left in the legendary generation of ’48. In ’67, Moshe Dayan also predicted that Israel’s presence in Yesha would raise the Arab’s standard of living and for this they would be grateful and stop hating Israel. One of the oddities of the Age of the Socialists is their disdain for capitalism at the same time they believe that any social problem can be solved by the government throwing enough money at it…

An Unnerving Day

Internet Radio

…Today I caught like a minute on Israeli TV of Uzi Arad being interviewed. He rarely does that. You know, Bibi’s former National Security Advisor in the mold of a Herman Kahn or Richard Perle, and he seemed genuinely puzzled by America’s behavior in the face of the looming threat of the mad murderous mullahs in Teheran in possession of an Atomic bomb. To him it was obvious how it was in America’s interest to defang the Persian viper and so he was puzzled by the lack of urgency and a deadline from Washington to Iran to knock it off.

What the Arad seemed not to khap, Yiddish for “get,” is that Obama is not in office to look after American interests. He has another agenda…

Outlaw Islam II

Internet Radio

…Likewise Barkat and secular Israelis are bothered by the growing body of observant Jews in Jerusalem, a city created thousands of years ago not on a sea coast, not on a river, not on land rich in natural wealth, but a city meant to serve a temple. The whole purpose of Jerusalem is to be a holy city, but Mayor Barkat and Israel’s Enlightened don’t like that. They want Jerusalem to be as non-Jewish as Tel-Aviv or Haifa, nicknamed in the 1930s the “Red City” for the political dominance of the hard Left. On Shabbos in Haifa since 1948 there have been bus lines in operation.

Like the radical feminists who cannot tolerate Orthodox Jewish practice, so the Enlightened want to dejudaize Jerusalem.

In this they are sort of like the Muslims who cannot tolerate the existence of our little island of a state in the vast sea of Middle Eastern Muslim states…

Israeli Self-Abuse

Internet Radio

Program Link: Jordanian Journalist: The Jews And The American Right Are Behind Boston Bombing, Just As They Were Behind 9/11

…John Brennan is on video calling Jerusalem “Al-Quds” and took his oath of office not on the Bible of his upbringing as a Roman Catholic but a copy of the U.S. Constitution.

Chuck Hagel also had, through high school, a 100% Roman Catholic education pre-Vatican II, and probably like Mel Gibson’s father and Pat Buchanan, because Vatican II which absolved the Jews of deicide. did not sit well with him. Jews until 1965 were all seen as Christ-killers and treated accordingly, and it is no coincidence that Chuck Hagel was most famous during his 12 years in the Senate for his defiant protest against the normally pro-Israel senators. I suspect Rep. Lamborn – married for 36 years, raising five children, living in Colorado Springs, ground zero for Christian Conservatives – knew exactly what he was doing when put in the record classified information. Why classified? Why should that fact be hidden? How does hiding it enhance the security of the American people? On the contrary, exposing it could energize Americans to pressure the administration to take action…

Death in Boston

Internet Radio

…Of course no one knows who did it but it is always interesting to see the differences between Western civilization and Muslim and other Third World barbarism in such cases. It is likely that yesterday’s satanic bombings in Boston were the handiwork of maniacs similar to the demon who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords of Arizona, or that madman who shot up that theater in Colorado, 12 dead, or at Virginia Tech, or at, I am losing track… The point is that such mass murderers in the West are seen as insane. Madmen. Out of their minds. Completely crazy. That Lanza murderer who spent his days in a fantasy world of violent video games. These people are nuts, we say in the West.

In Araby and Islam they are saintly, pious, heroes of the faith…

Whose Human Rights?

Internet Radio

…This is their tactic for decades now. Youngsters throwing stones that can kill who when killed by the IDF becomes martyrs, innocent victims of IDF harassment.

And there supporting these so-called Balestinians are the likes of Bill Van Esveld of Human Rights Watch who is completely blind to the human rights of us Jews who have the human right, I think, not to be pelted with rocks as we drive by in our cars.

A 14-year old with a good pitching can probably throw a baseball-sized rock at maybe 70 miles an hour into the windshield of an oncoming Jewish car moving at 40 miles an hour, for an impact at 110 miles an hour a rock thrown into a car window, into a Jew’s head and you’ve got a dead Jew. These kids are would-be murderers which the likes of Bill Van Esveld go to bat for in the name of their human rights.

And what about our human rights, Mr. Van Esveld, not to be stoned as we have been stoned constantly throughout 14 centuries of Islam?

Mishegass at the Wall

Internet Radio

…In my lifetime, the culture invented the prenuptial agreement before marriage, which practice, the writing and reading out loud at the wedding of the kesuba, the marriage contract, has been Jewish practice for thousands of years. It obligates the husband far more than the wife and spells out her rights. A Jewish father marrying off his daughter hears the marriage contract read aloud in public which obligates his future son-in-law to be a good husband to his daughter. The signing of the kesuba, the protection of the wife is part of a network of Jewish behaviors that have kept this people alive as no other and against all odds and aggressions for thousands of years.

But the top story today in Israel continued to be the assault on Jewishness by a handful of women arguably neurotic for accusing others of their own sin…

Sunday School in Plains, GA

Internet Radio

…And the Halacha, which is voluminous, simply never licenses a Jew to deal unjustly with a Gentile. Period. The Arabs license Believers to dissemble in order to conquer and oppress. We are just the opposite. We only ask to be left alone.

This business of Jews allegedly teaching their children to hate non-Jews is nothing but, this deep accusation, a projection of the antisemite. Observe the irony: here is Jimmy Carter teaching his Sunday school classes, his church’s children, to hate Jews, to hate and fear us. And that is because in the relationship it is Jimmy Carter who teaches hatred of Jews, not Jews teaching hatred of Christians like himself.

Evidently Simon and Schuster marketed tapes of Carter’s Sunday School talks for some time, only now people are paying attention to them their perverted view of Jews plainly on display for all to hear.

Not that anyone should be surprised. Everything in this man’s attitudes toward Israel was a function of his functionally medieval fears, hatreds and fantasies about us Jews…

Blackmail Forever

Internet Radio

Program Link: The Pharaoh Weeps by Judith Miller

…What the West has been doing for 20 years now is forking over billions to these grafters in exchange for relative peace with Israel.

This has been the American posture toward Egypt since the 1979 peace treaty. All that foreign aid to Egypt went to the army, the second government there, in exchange for which the army maintained the peace with Israel. Foreign aid as extortion, rather, extortion as foreign aid, which was the tribute Western countries used to pay the Barbary cities not to hijack their merchant marine and enslave their passengers and crews.

Dealing with these Arabs is like living in a state of permanent blackmail…

An Unprecedented Decision

Internet Radio

…“The West” here surely includes the United States of America under Imam Barack Hussein, assisted by his CIA appointee who smiles at the word jihad as a positive, spiritual exercise, he insists, having nothing to do with flying airplanes into skyscrapers. If indeed Brennan is a covert convert who converted in Saudi Arabia, he is a demented fellow for thinking as he does about the spirituality of jihad when 15 of the 19 homicidal Muslim maniacs on 9-11 on those planes were Saudis.

This character spent some years (I guess) as CIA station chief in Riyadh and apparently had no problem living in a culture where women are functionally slaves. How John Brennan could live in that country so bereft of civilization and want to convert to the religion of that society is beyond me…

Muslim Imperialists

Internet Radio

Program Link: Shhhh, Don’t Tell Anyone: Hamas Won

…Well, in addition to the failure of Zionism mentioned before to extinguish lunatic Jew-hatred in the world, the recent visit here by His Holiness Imam Barack Hussein did nothing to advance the so-called peace process which has never really been a peace process because it began with and was based on a lie: that the Arabs here had had a change of heart and mind when it came to Israel and the Jewish free state. Oslo was a monumental act of self-deception by those two socialist-educated fools Rabin and Peres and his poodle Yossi Beilin who is more of an anti-Jew then the two of them combined. The self-deception was that the enemy was no longer the enemy; that Arafat, Abbas & Co. really had come around to accepting the right of Israel to exist and that all they wanted for themselves was just Yesha…

Obama & Krauthammer

Internet Radio

…Charles Krauthammer has now joined the camp, believe it or not, of LTF and Alan Dershowitz, those “Inside the Beltway” Jews who market themselves as staunch defenders of Israel and simultaneously trash the right of Jewish people, Israeli citizens, to make their homes in these hills. I have read LTF and heard Dershowitz both say that yes, Israelis/Jews have this right BUT for the sake of peace, there is something more important that Jewish rights to own land and be sovereign in their ancient homeland. And that is peace and justice for the victims of Zionism. They trump Jewish rights…

“Israel Doesn’t Want Peace!”

Internet Radio

…Lots of people in history could point to holy land, a holy river, a holy lake or mountain. Read the German scholar Rudolph Otto’s classic text called in English The Idea of the Holy.

But over thousands of years of recorded history only one whole country claimed to be holy, and it is an international fact that when people talk about The Holy Land, they all have the same place in mind.

This is a major reason why a third of the work of the United Nations deals with this country and not others. The United Nations are nations united around Israel as around no other issue…

Lethal Stones

Internet Radio

Program Link: The Secret Document That Set Obama’s Middle East Policy

…Sharia Law in effect goes the concept of the Promised Land a quantum leap further. The Holy One Blessed be He promised this little country to this little people but no more. This people had the obligation to expel the current inhabitants when they crossed over Jordan, which they did not meet for over 400 years.

But that was it. The map of the Promised Land is described in words in the Torah more than once but that’s it.

Versus the Muslim belief that believing in Muhammad as the final and greatest prophet of all means ultimately the taking possession of every country on earth. Islam is a license to conquer, in order to steal, the world…

Degrees of Madness

Internet Radio

…When we were told by the delusionists on the White House lawn that those two criminals, Arafat and Abbas, were now finally ready for peace with Israel, some of us did not believe it. The Oslo delirium on exhibit on that sunny day almost two decades ago now was built upon the belief that one could trust the word of these two savage barbarians, these two murderers of innocent people. The logic of that sick ceremony was that in the past these two villains may have been mass murderers of innocent people, but now they had become advocates of peace and friendly relations with the Jews. Oslo rested on the implicit belief that one could trust the word of slime like Arafat and Abbas, the doctor of Holocaust denial. I find it fascinating how we could all watch David Irving goose-stepping in the Old Bailey courtroom in London strutting his stuff as a lunatic Holocaust Denier, as in the West sober observers look upon men like him as nutcases.

But not Dr. Abbas, PhD. This guy is as much of a nutcase as David Irving but is still seen as the great white hope of peace between his victimized authentic owners of Palestine people and the Jews in Israel…


Internet Radio

…This UN report signed by an international civil servant, Her Moral Majesty Navi Pillay of India, Highest Commissioneress of Human Rights, said that “all parties to the conflict, Gaza Palestinians and the IDF failed to respect international law.”

Israeli being Israelis, they of course focused on the exoneration in this instance but overlooked the moral pollution of the larger context in which both sides are held to the same standard. The report’s idea of even-handedness is taking both sides to task for “failing to respect international law.”

I read that and got morally nauseous. Doesn’t this High Commissioner on Human Rights know that the Hamites in Gaza are terrorists, international terrorists, criminals who are known solely for their terrorist atrocities, the grossest violation of human rights imaginable, the murder of fellow human beings at random? These are people whose very existence is coterminous with the criminal violation of law…

Fratricide as a Way of Life

Internet Radio

…What a world. What a scenario. The White House is taken over legally by Muslim crusaders whose leader is out to bankrupt America.

So this latest maneuver by the Obama administration, bringing this bin Ladin son-in-law into Federal court in Manhattan, he who surely knows lots of secrets about al-Qaida but will not be interrogated as he would be in Guantanamo… this latest Obama-Holder stunt is grounds for impeachment and removal but of course no one in Congress will lead that campaign.

And I think one of the reasons for this, one of the reasons no one has truly campaigned to expose his birth-certificate as a forgery is fear. Real, live, human fear of violence from this man Obama and his supporters. I find him a scary dude. There are expressions on his face photographers capture that I have never seen on any American presidents’ faces. I think he is liar, an imposter but nobody is standing to him precisely because he is so scary.

I think that AIPAC and the Jewish Democratic senators are afraid of him too…

Dennis Ross: Jerk

Internet Radio

Program Link: TERRA INCOGNITA: Segregating fact and fiction

…There is anxiety here and among pro-Israelites abroad that the Prime Minister Netanyahu is ready to give away the store – which he likely wants people to think. I will believe it when I see it. My guess is that Netanyahu’s tactic today is the same he used in 2009 when he offered to create a state for the Ancient Ones in the heart of the Promised Land but so hedged and conditioned his offer as to make it impossible for it to happen. I suspect once again he is sending out trial balloons to prove what a nice guy he is – no greedy Jew – but again will hedge these talked of concessions with impossible conditions…

The Israeli Narrative

Internet Radio

…It is also a fact that of the eight founding terrorists in Fatah in 1959, all had been boyhood members of the Muslim Brotherhood youth group.

Michael Oren and Bibi Netanyahu and Haaretz and AIPAC live in a world where the Two-State Solution is The Solution. Everybody knows that – but in reality the Two-State Solution, as the enemies of Israel conceive of it, will never happen.

No Israeli regardless of political or religious or atheistic bent who is not insane wants to see the high ground overlooking Ben Gurion Airport in the hands of Arabs absent the presence of the IDF and the Jewish communities who live on this high ground.

Nobody, regardless of political party who is not suicidal thinks it would be a good idea if all the Jews abandoned their homes and all the Israeli police and army too, and in their place 100% Arab sovereign rule would take over, which is what Barack Hussein has in mind. And all antisemites like him. But this is not going to happen…

Surrounded by Madmen

Internet Radio

…This was the thinking of Adolf Hitler. In his first meeting with Haj Amin al-Husseini in Berlin in 1941, Hitler told him they had a common enemy. Hitler believed that his two greatest enemies, the Bolsheviks to the east in the Kremlin and the Capitalists to his West in the White House, were really fronts for the Jews who manipulated them both. Hitler seemed to have marveled at the oddity of the Communists in Moscow and Capitalists in Washington in an alliance against him. Hitler believed (and not without reason) that the Bolsheviks were all Jews (half of them were) and of course in the West, it was Jewish bankers who dictated to the White House.

Well, this delusion of a globe-encircling Jewish subterfuge to dominate the whole world is Erdogan’s too. In other words, this guy is as clinical about Jews as Hitler was…

US Jewry, R.I.P.

Internet Radio

…I think this Hagel business marks a major turning point that turns downward radically for the American Jewish community. That it left it happen says much about this community. Only one Jewish organization spoke up, the ZOA of Mort Klein. All the others said nothing about Chuck Hagel. Maybe if he had strutted around in a Nazi uniform like Prince Harry they would have been forced to protest. But so long as he did not, they looked away from the glaring truth that Chuck Hagel is an antisemite as that word has been understood.

Chuck Hagel like Louis Farrakhan made a name for himself via his hostility to the State of Israel and Jewish people in general. Farrakhan without his Jew-hatred would be nobody, and likewise Chuck Hagel in the Senate stood out not his rhetoric or eloquence or leading for some great cause, or as an expert in some field; Chuck Hagel stood out for his anti-Jew animosity…

The Root Cause

Internet Radio

…The crappy architecture of the Israeli political system is such that in the recent election, many people wanted Netanyahu to stay in power but still voted for Bennett or Lapid in the desire to strengthen and pressure Bibi to move left or right more to their liking.

I find this weird. It is a political system in which you don’t vote for the one you want to lead but his rival?

This crummy system of voting for party lists only not only is not democratic, it perverts democratic thinking. It messes up the way people think about politics…

Brennan a Muslim?

Internet Radio

…Think of the Biblical story of the theft of the Ark of the Covenant by the Philistines, those Hamitic cousins of the Canaanites. In their primitive ignorance, the Philistines thought the object or objects inside the Ark were some kind of mysterious, magical instrument(s) which anyone could use. They had no understanding that all that was inside that container were Ten Utterances engraved in stone; some words, that’s all.

Indeed, those words have been powerful beyond imagining in producing Jewish civilization, Christian civilization and the spread of Islam -which is just a rip-off of Judaism. Indeed, unbelievably powerful words if but not in the way the Philistines thought.

And so these Ishmaelites have invented “Islamophobia” to compete with antisemitism…

Daniel Kurtzer the Dolt

Internet Radio

…On Friday Haaretz ran an op-ed by Daniel Kurtzer, former U.S. ambassador in Tel-Aviv and former kippa-wearing dean of students at Yeshiva University who may have the distinction of having been the first Jew-boy hired by the U.S. State Department. Kurtzer received his doctorate from Columbia in 1976, with a dissertation whose very title advertised his political bent: “Palestine Guerrilla and Israeli Counterinsurgency Warfare: The Radicalization of the Palestine Arab community to violence, 1949-70.”

Every word hear signals his anti-Jew bias. “Palestine Guerrilla.” Again, there is nothing “Palestinian” about these people, and until the 1960s their leader Haj Amin was adamant there was no such country as Palestine. Yet Kurtzer uses the term.

And “Guerrilla.” No, guerrillas traditionally attack the soldiers of foreign armies to drive them back to their countries of origin; versus the PLO terrorists who preferred to murder defenseless civilians rather than engage with the IDF…


Internet Radio

…In contemporary, Enlightened Israel, there is a taboo on declaring Judea and Samaria Jewish land as of right. That stance is identified with us Religious Zionists and because we are religious, in Enlightened eyes, we are irrational religious fanatics who think our beliefs are more important than peace with the Balestinians.

In effect, we Religious Zionists don’t want peace. Given the choice between peace and living in Judea and Samaria, we reject peace. This is the thought-process of Israel’s Enlightened.

For the Enlightened, religion is a synonym for voodoo and bigotry, hating the Ancient Ones, hating the men and boys of Sodom…

Infected Europe

Internet Radio

…So yours truly won’t know the fate of the Hagel vote until tomorrow, which will compete for our attention with the State of the Union address delivered by this Muslim in the Oval Office who I am convinced is out to destroy America. He has acted like a rebellious, truculent teenager who gets hold of daddy’s card and goes on a spending spree. Obama simply cannot be oblivious to the damage caused by his reckless spending, which behavior I can understand only as a willful, albeit possibly unconscious, act of malice; of malevolence, which means ill will toward America, which he hates as much as he hates Israel.

And now we have his boneheaded choice for Secretary of State, john Kerry, whose first policy initiative since being sworn in 12 days ago is to see that another 700 million US dollars are given to the Fatah killers masquerading these days as the PA…

What’s Obama Up To?

Internet Radio

Program Link: Sarah Honig’s Blog

…These Arabs here are the same Arabs who brought down the World Trade Center 12 years ago and just last month slaughtered 38 oil industry workers in Algeria.

When one reads dispatches from Palestinian Media Watch and Memri.org the picture could be not clearer: these Muslims truly are a less developed society, a less developed culture than found in Judeo-Christian countries. And that means one cannot deal with them as one deals in the West.

I think Israel’s biggest mistake is humoring them by catering to their delusions. Like Bibi saying “Yes, the Ancient Palestinians should have a state in Judea and Samaria, but only under certain conditions.”

I wish – contrarily – our leaders would respond to the demand for a “Palestinian” state by answering that there is no Balestinian nation and certainly not one entitled to Judea, homeland of the Jewish people…

Comparing Us to Barbarians

Internet Radio

…Secondly, in just the title of this anti-Jew document we see the use of the expression “the Other.” This is the pseudo-Martin Buber-esque language of pseudo-intellectual juveniles like Norman Finkelstein or Michael Lerner of Tikkun Magazine. These deep thinkers accuse both sides of demonizing the Other and that is precisely what this State Department report set out to do. Find words in Jewish books which indict the Jews for bigoted views of the Ancient Ones, and vice versa…

A Leftist Mantra

Internet Radio

…Chuck Hagel is a dimwit, and his choice is another reason to look upon Barack Obama as either an idiot or an enemy of the American people. Or his choice of Hagel may be just another symptom of his obsessive Jew-hatred that consumes him. Senator Lindsey Graham, G-d bless him, got it right when he nailed Obama after the announcement was made for its “in-your-face” aggression against the pro-Israel lobby, which is very large, and therefore, I add, an aggression against the American people. As Walter Russell Mead said during the Republican primaries, supporting Israel is now an essential component of the American identity. And here is the president obsessed with us and America’s support for us here…

The Fourth Geneva Convention

Internet Radio

…Fiddlesticks. We have every right to declare Judea and Samaria part of sovereign Israel and we are under no obligation to give the enemy Arabs in these areas citizenship precisely because they are enemy. They are Arabs and of 21 recognized Arabs states, only two have made peace with us. We have every right to keep the spoils of war and are under no obligation to give these enemy Arabs citizenship in our state. What? Are we crazy? Or are the antiJews crazy in making these demands on us that are simply inhuman?

The Crisis in Syria

Internet Radio

…So the news today was proto-nerve-wracking because the immediate issue at hand in the break-up of Syria is their vast arsenal of poisons and diseases with the potential of taking the lives of millions of people. Bibi surprised his government by opening the weekly cabinet meeting with a warning about the situation in Syria, and yesterday and today that was the top story…

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Internet Radio

Program Link: Sarah Honig’s Blog

…History. His story. History is the events of man, G-d’s greatest creation, who since the Garden of Eden has rebelled against his Maker. And one major chapter in this endless unfolding of the wars of man against G-d was the Holocaust. World War II saw the killing of 50 million people, and the most important engine of that war was the infernal Jew-hatred of Adolf Hitler and the millions of people who supported him not only in his native Austria and adopted Germany but in every land his rampaging army overran. Not just Germans but many nationalities participated in the mass slaughter of Six Million Jews, which gargantuan human sacrifice included the stripping of every one of those Jews of their material wealth. The Holocaust was also the greatest armed robbery in history…