Election Post-Mortem

Internet Radio

…So Yair Lapid is not a starry-eyed urban Yuppie in this regard, and the reason could not be simpler. He lives, I think, in Raanana, one of the gold coast belt of communities north of Tel-Aviv in the old 9-mile wide strip of coastal plain that was Israel’s waist from 1949-67. And like Bibi in Caesarea, Yair Lapid is not comatose and knows that returning the hills in back of his house to the Arabians means handing it over to the same homicidal savages who fire rockets at us out of Gaza. Returning the western slope of the hills of Judea and Samaria to the Arabs means the Arabs drawing to within a few kilometers of his presumably posh home…

Every Generation Has Its Jew-Hate

Internet Radio

…If indeed Israel is turning right as they say, we will know tomorrow, and the recent mass murder attempts by rocket out of Gaza are a factor as are the behavior of our neighbors such a President Morsi in formerly peaceable Egypt who thinks we Jews are apes, pigs, cockroaches and rats.

In JPost this morning from London their Jonny Paul reported on an appearance in the Arab areas of the city a Saudi Arabia-type of street morals police, thugs who in the name of Islam license themselves to approach a fellow Muslim to yank a beer out of his hands if his is drinking, or mock an effeminate Muslim as a fag, and presumably harass and even molest women deemed immodestly dressed.

I read that and simultaneously felt bad for the English over what is happening to their country and thought they deserve whatever misery the moon-shippers bring down on you…

Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Truth

Internet Radio

Program Link:
Raised on Hatred

…Before me on my desk is a clipping from Friday’s International Herald Tribune – which is just the New York Times slightly adapted when published in Paris – and it is an op-ed piece that is a must-read. I think of its appearance as sort of a miracle. I’ve been reading the New York Times editorial pages for like half-century and counting, and I’ve never seen anything it. It is a piece by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the first ever I think, whose topic is antisemitism among the Muslims which rivals Nazi propaganda at its worst. I mean, not only have we now seen the president of Egypt on video likening Jews to apes and pigs, Ms. Hirsi Ali writes that for children as young as three, textbooks feature paintings of Jews as monstrous creatures, and in songs, newspaper articles and blogs Jews are variously compared to donkeys and rats and cockroaches too. And vampires…

Moses Was Right

Internet Radio

…On Tuesday this week almost simultaneously with Goldberg’s scurrilous siding with Obama against Netanyahu, fresh tenders were announced for more apartments to be built in Efrat and Kiryat Arba. This seems to be how Bibi has chosen to respond: every time this s.o.b. does something against us, he will respond with more building in the forbidden zone, the last acreage on Planet Earth where there is no shame in shouting to the hills, “No Jews allowed!” That is the consensus of international wisdom. Doesn’t every Enlightened, progressive, peace-loving person know that the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is for the stronger party to weaken itself and agree that Judea and Samaria should be Judenrein? No Jews allowed. Were a mayor in a Western town to announce publicly that his town will not let Jews live in it, there would be an outcry.

But not when it comes to Judea and Samaria and of course Jerusalem…

Jeffrey Goldberg

Internet Radio

…I hope one day Obama explains to Jeffrey Goldberg just how it came to pass that growing up as he did in Hawaii and Indonesia and living and working as a community organizer in Chicago he came to such a deep understanding of Israel’s predicament that surpasses that of Benjamin Netanyahu, native Israeli, veteran commando, Israeli ambassador and prime minister? How does it happen, even more importantly, that Barack Hussein Obama has a better understanding than the people of Israel? I mean, when Obama criticizes Bibi for being unEnlightened, he is also criticizing the Israeli electorate, two-thirds of which voted for parties in the Knesset sympathetic to the right and Netanyahu’s views. How does it happen that Barack Hussein is wiser about our predicament than the two-thirds of the voters who voted for Netanyahu’s stewardship? When this Muslim imposter insults the Prime Minister of the democratic State of Israel, he insults the people of Israel…

Ishmael’s Bitter Cry

Internet Radio

…This was a miracle or miracle-like moment. Here we are in the sixth millennium of Creation, almost 4 millennia after Avraham lived and sired 8 sons, and here was the seed of Ishmael sounding unchanged: the bitter and angry claim to the land whose ownership the Torah miSinai could not be clearer about. Ishmael the first-born lost his right to this land by his behavior and never really got over it. What I heard this morning was the whining of these Arabs of the injustice done to them by Israel planning to build on E1 because it is rightfully the property of the Ancient Palestinian people – and never mind this is an absolute fantasy cooked up by these larcenous Arabs to justify claiming what rightfully belongs to the children of Israel, not Ishmael, and not only according to the Bible but common law common among the nations of this world…

Obama is A Thief

Internet Radio

…Uncle Shimon the national village idiot was in the New York Times yesterday bad-mouthing his country’s prime minister. Shimon was called a tireless underminer for this behavior by the late Rabin. A more educated man than Rabin might have called it compulsive behavior. Shimon is a tireless saboteur of the man in authority. Again and again Peres decided that he knew better than the prime minister how to deal with the Arabs, and set out to do that, and to hell with the prime minister’s policy; you know, the man whom people had voted for when they cast their ballots. Not for Shimon, but the man at the top. And Shimon is a compulsive aggressor against the man at the top…

“In Your Face”

Internet Radio

…What the hell does this Islam-loving dissembler Barack Obama think he is doing by ordering people not to see a connection between the plague of terrorist atrocities in their thousands these last four decades and the Islamic religion of the terrorists which they themselves flaunt? Hezbollah and Hamas. These are Islamic terms. For Obama to order the denial of this connection is grounds for his impeachment. It is a form or Orwell mind control. A 1984-like government order ordering government employees not to link the horrors of terror with the Islamic religion. I wish I were rich and could retire and start a movement called OutlawIslam.com because Islam is a religion of polygamists and dictators and cruelty, not to mention illiteracy and an abysmal hatred of Jews…

Obama’s AntiJew Crusade

Internet Radio

…And now on the cusp of his second term, for one of his first important appointments, he turns to the most blatantly anti-Israel senator of the last dozen years. A true, real outlier outside the American consensus on Israel. But remember Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and at the root of that pursuit is this man’s hatred, Obama’s hatred, of the Jews, which you can see in his photographs sitting opposite the Prime Minister of the Jewish state. There is in the tilt of his jaw a belligerence and a challenge rooted in the radical black’s absolute hatred of Jews a la Louis Farrakhan.

Guilt by association may not be acceptable in a court of law but politics is not a court law and I say Obama is a Louis Farrakhan soulmate who unlike Farrakhan has had the brains to conceal his hatred. He is a smooth operator. The most successful race hustler ever…

Shimon Peres’s Brain

Internet Radio

…And I see some connection between Shimon Peres’ uncommon stupidity about people and the absence of Jewishness in his make-up. Although Jews are known to be usually well-educated, Peres is an ignoramus with very little serious higher education. Rabin as well. There is a stupidity about people here, an obtuse inability to listen to what the Arabs say and take them seriously; a preference for visions of peace in Shimon’s dream-world over the reality of our neighbors who have been Jew-haters since day one of Islam…

Peace Process Prostitute

Internet Radio

…Kibbutz Hanita sits next to the fence with Lebanon, and in March 1938 there was not a Jew within kilometers of the location when after dark a convoy of trucks loaded with building equipment and dozens of socialist khalutzim/pioneers, male and female in the teens and early 20s who rode up to this high ground location a few score kilometers northeast of Haifa, in a decade when there was no phone system in this area, and the only way to communicate with their base in Haifa was by searchlight semaphore…

LTF: Slave of His Hatred

Internet Radio

…On the military front, JPost’s Yaakov Lappin yesterday said the situation in Syria is deteriorating and the time may not be distant when outside forces – Israel, Jordan, the US, – take action or let the largest arsenal in the world of chemical and biological weapons fall into the hands of al-Qaida and/or Hezbollah, both organizations the creation of homicidal Muslim maniacs.

This is beginning to sound like a James Bond movie where one megalomaniacal villain like Goldfinger wants to blow up Fort Knox and destroy the American economy or menace the world with some other monstrous scheme. And here is what some say is the world’s largest storage of 1,000 tons of deadly chemicals and biological agents.

When Qaddafi went down and chaos ruled Libya, stores of Russian copies of Stinger missiles, thousands of them, were reported to have been pilfered…

Bennett Smeared

Internet Radio

…And here the irony could not be more pointed: There is now an international consensus that Judea and Samaria are the rightful property of the Ancient Palestinian people and we Jews must leave; must leave behind all of our mostly modest apartment homes in over a hundred communities with all the amenities: stores, workshops, paved roads, an electricity grid that did not exist before 1967; water lines too because the international, Enlightened consensus is that we Jews must leave our houses, remove all are movable possessions and go live on the other side of the 1949 cease-fire with Jordan, which gave up its claim to the area in 1988.

The irony of Jews driving Jews from their homes in Judea is hard for some of us to compute…

Tongue-Tied Israel

Internet Radio

…Nuland’s official statement said, “Israeli leaders continually say that they support a path towards a two-solution, yet these actions only put that goal further at risk.”

And she is absolutely right. And that is a result of the contradiction between Netanyahu’s Bar-Ilan statement and what he really plans to do, which is not to permit the “Two-State Solution” to materialize, because that very expression is an antisemitic deception.

The “Two-State Solution” is a euphemism for the diabolical fantasy of driving hundreds of thousands of Jews from homes they have built for themselves with their own money and have every legal right to own and live in in peace and freedom.

It is the repressed, inarticulate fantasy of an expulsion of Jews of the same magnitude as the great historic Expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Spain in 1492…

Europe Condemns! Horrors

Internet Radio

…Well, if it is only a condemnation, it is much ado about nothing. During its first almost half-century 1945-89, the UN Security Council condemned – its sharpest category of hostility – Israel 49 times vs. 0 times any Arab state. So if this is only to be another condemnation, yawn, boring. It is nothing. It is perhaps a psychic need of these nations to act this way, even though they themselves are no longer practicing and believing Christians so they don’t hold us Jews responsible any more for killing God…

Obama, Kerry, Hagel

Internet Radio

…Chuck Hagel is a Ken Livingston: hates Jews but denies it at the same time. No one in the US Senate has had a record on Israel like Hagel. This is one angry anti-Jew. He is the product of a Catholic High education in Nebraska; of German Catholic and Polish heritage. Served in the infantry in Viet Nam, made sergeant. When Obama was in the Senate he was identified as the most left-wing Senator on every issue, and Hagel who served for 12 years was unsurpassed in refusing to vote time and again with the large majorities on statements of support for Israel. Every time Israel struck back at our brutal, barbaric neighbors, Hagel always accused Israel of aggression. Of all the recent US Senators when it comes to Israel, Obama would pick this fellow Jew-hater…

Fratricide Forever?

Internet Radio

…But today? The MSM propagates the Palestinian narrative of what goes on here and why it goes on and so once again Jews are the villains in Danish and other post-Christian eyes.

Yesterday Avigdor Lieberman speaking, I think, at the first annual Jerusalem Post conference in Herzlia, blasted Europe for its unhealthy percentage of Jew-haters – my words of course – and said Israel will not be sold out like Czechoslovakia in 1938.

This prompted I think Her Majesty Baroness Catherine of Ashton to say he insulted all of Europe.

And I say, “What’s wrong with that?” When Europe spends hundreds of words bashing Israel for asserting its right to build within a stone’s throw of Jerusalem versus a mere handful of words directed at our mortal enemies, the suicide cultists of Hamas, that’s not an insult by all of Europe to all of Israel?

Euro Trashers

Internet Radio

…Speaking before of tying oneself in intellectual knots and the contradiction between Bibi’s talk of the two-state solution and his real policy which is totally opposed to it, opinionating in JPost today was Charles “Chuck” Freilich the American Israeli political science and reserve officer in the IDF who accused both Abbas and Netanyahu of living in Wonderland – which already is a shameful thing, moral equivalency between Netanyahu and this antisemitic, Holocaust-denying outlaw terrorist. He accused Abbas of a feel-good PR victory at the UN over choosing to negotiate peace, and Bibi of pointlessly reviving the issue of E1 “whose sole practical import is to infuriate the entire world.”

LTF Bleats Again

Internet Radio

…It has been a while since LTF (Thomas L. Friedman) was a topic here. As a rule of thumb, he makes me sick. I think he is a dummy about a lot of things, the ultimate middlebrow, and so I do not read him.

But in times like this when antiJew passions flare up, he pipes up, and never mind his record of foolishness about Israel and the Middle East, about which he has been proven wrong time and again. He still presses on in the belief he has something intelligent to say.

In his opinionating on Tuesday he spread once again the mistaken liberal Jewish myth that the Ottomans had a live-and-let-live mentality towards their subjects.

This is such rubbish. They were a corrupt truly imperial nation who unlike the Christian colonial enterprise which developed the lands it conquered, the Turks just wanted to rule over them for their taxes. And as for their legendary live and let-live ecumenical rule, more nonsense: the law of the land under the Caliphate was the Sharia and its animosity to the Jewish people is a matter of record; its abuse of Jews and non-Muslim nations…


Internet Radio

…Apparently, because the government of the world’s only Jewish state did not restrain itself from reacting to the aggression of this terrorist murderer Abbas, it must be chastised and even threatened with future punishment if it goes ahead with these plans.

Apparently, these five EU countries expect Israel, like Gulliver tied down by the Lilliputians, or a Jew nailed to a cross as in the Roman persecutions, not to respond. As Jesus, representative of hundreds of thousands of Jews nailed to crosses could not respond to the Roman centurion having fun with him by jabbing his spear into his rib cage, Israel is expected not to respond, to react, take defensive action.

How dhimmi-like already these Europeans have become…

The UN, Abbas and Aftermath

Internet Radio

…He accused Israel of killing people at checkpoints as if Israel was guilty of the wanton murder of innocent bystanders; of its “war of aggression in Gaza which left thousands of martyrs and wounded.”

He bewailed the year of 1948 when Israel conducted “operations of uprooting, destruction and removal of a vibrant and cohesive society that had been contributing in a pioneering and leading way in the cultural, educational and economic renaissance of the Middle East.”

I hope you hear the astonishing theft of the Zionist narrative here. “Pioneer” was the translation of the Zionist chalutz whose people led the way in a cultural, educational and economic renaissance here. Modern Jerusalem and Israel were built by the Jews, and the “Palestinians” had no more to do with it than serve as rank and file laborers given work by the Jews.

Dr. Mahmoud Abbas, PhD last Thursday addressed the plenum of the United Nations Organization and called the security barrier we had to erect to keep out Abbas’ lunatic suicide freaks the “racist annexation Wall.”

Of course he worked the word “apartheid” into his speech too.

He referred to the “Palestinians” living outside Palestine as being in “the Diaspora” – and this may be the nth instance of thievery, intellectual property theft, plagiarism on the part of this shameless, guiltless predatory nation of thieves.

That’s all the Palestinian Nationalism hallucination has really been about: a cover-up for the age-old lust for other people’s wealth which Islam works to justify. Islam provides the justification for Arabs to covet the property of others and invent a false claim to justify wanting to take it away for themselves…

Rituals of Hate

Internet Radio

…Everyone knows of the infamous 1975 resolution calling Zionism a form or racism. But less well known are the 53 other resolutions in which Israel was linked to apartheid South Africa. All know the “Zionism is racism” resolution was annulled in 1991, but that was just meaningless. The accusation remains active today in the Jimmy Carter-esque linking of the name Israel with the word apartheid.

Israelis, typified by Bibi in this desire for normalcy a/k/a a non-Jewish identity, “a place among the nations,” are understandably glum at today’s ritual of hate, but they shouldn’t be. It is possible to rejoice in the animosity directed at us by such societies as found in all 56 Islamic states, not an advanced and democratic one among them where individual liberty is a supreme value. That such peoples’ ambassadors at the UN vote against Israel I accept as a badge of honor. We are their opposites and that stokes their envy…

Stealing Dates

Internet Radio

…Instead of playing this annoying game, it might be refreshing for an Israeli prime minister to respond in kind to the hijinks of this punk killer Abbas. On Sunday before Abbas left Ramallah on Monday for ultimately New York and the UN, he told supporters that he was going to the UN after “having won the support of all peace-lovers and countries that believe in the Palestinians’ right to self-determination.”

To which an Israeli prime minister might retort, “There are no ‘Palestinians’ and the only nation with a right to self-determination here is the Jewish nation. Mahmoud Abbas was born in 1935 in Tsfat in the Galilee which in Arab-Muslim eyes was in Syria, so he is a Syrian and his state of Syria has been independent since April 1946, 13 months before the Jews declared Israeli statehood. Mahmoud Abbas doesn’t need another state…”

Jewish Genius

Internet Radio

Program Link: Bankrupting terrorism – one interception at a time

…The Arabs under Islam remain a barbaric people for they, inter alia, imperialistically deny other peoples the right to live. Arabs not only are chronically aggressive against us, in Algeria they won’t let the 20% of the native, non-Arab, truly indigenous population live with them as equals.

The Arabs deny the Kurds their freedom.

In Lebanon they oppressed the Shiites; in Syria the Alawites were oppressed – until they took power.

In Egypt the Muslims keep the Christians in a state of constant anxiety and murder them from time to time.

Islam means submission and it demands submission. When Muslims pray they assume the position of slave on the floor before the sultan who if he wants could chop off his head.

Islam is a totalitarian system antagonistic to liberalism in the best sense, which celebrates the liberty of the individual to the maximum society can allow…


Internet Radio

…And pay no mind to the crowing of the barbarians and their supporters among the Left, today’s incarnation of 20th century antisemites, about how Hamas won and Israel lost.

This framework is wholly inappropriate. This was not a battle between two nations and their militaries but two radically unlike entities; the army of the Jews who target those who endanger them vs. outlaws for whom the targeting of non-combatants is why people call them terrorists. Israel’s task was to stop them; theirs was to kill non-combatant Jews at random.

Israel aims at specific killers; the killers can kill any Jew anywhere in Israel and preen themselves as victorious heroes who made Jews cry. No matter what we do they will claim victory…

Another Miserable Day

Internet Radio

…Over the last five days hundreds of Jews have been wounded, three dead, property smashed. A grad rocket demolished a store completely in Ashdod. And of course with each siren and warning the heart skips a beat. Or with me my stomach does a back flip, as it did today as the sirens went off in Jerusalem and Judea and the boom was heard louder than Friday night’s. It came down in Gush Etzion near the Arab settlement called Jaba on the road from the Gush down to the coastal plain via Emek HaElah, meaning Valley of the Oak where two champions once faced off, a giant of Philistine and a young Jewish boy named David. And we know how that encounter ended, with David cutting off Goliath’s head…

Shooting Gallery

Internet Radio

…I find it fascinating how Israel is tongue-lashed by such dopes as Richard Goldstone and the opinionators in the New York Times for its alleged war crimes against innocent Arab civilians, but nary a complaint is heard from them about Hamas’s principle tactic which is massacring masses of innocent Israeli civilians. When was the last time you heard the expression “innocent civilians” used to refer to Jews in Israel?

Every rocket fired out of Gaza into Israel is a war crime, a deliberate attempt to kill defenseless civilians, but it is Israel that is cautioned about being disproportionate in its response.

Has Hamas ever been told its rocket fire was “disproportionate”?…

The Arabs Lack Empathy

Internet Radio

…So the good news today, amid the rain of hundreds of missiles was that just as in 2006 when the Air Force in 34 minutes took out all the long-range rockets in Hezbollah’s hands as the opening shot in that round of violence, so yesterday after exterminating Ahmad Jabari the Air Force destroyed the bulk of the Fajr 5 missiles in the Strip, smuggled in from Iran.

One imagines that there is a self-limiting utility to the increasing size of the missiles the barbarians Gaza smuggle into Gaza. I mean, the bigger and more complex they are, the harder to hide from Israeli intelligence…

What a Depressing Day

Internet Radio

…So Israel’s policy should be the eventual de-population of the Gaza rectangle as a gigantic petri dish to cultivate a human culture of Jew-hate. Homicidal Jew-hate.

The rockets of the last week have sent scores of Jews into shock. Serious damage to property, to scores of Jewish homes and businesses, has been done. The blast of these rockets even when they land on nothing has shattered countless windows. The nights are getting colder as we move toward winter, and Israel is at a loss over how to stop it.

Goyim are making life intolerable for hundreds of thousands of Jews and Israel is paralyzed thanks to the situation created by the beautiful people, the Enlightened, who still think like St. Simon of Oslo, beloved by the antisemitic goyim in Scandinavia who gave him his Nobel Prize for peace when in truth he brought down on his country not peace but years of horrific carnage…

The New Jew-Killing Fields

Internet Radio

…What Obama did in his inaugural speech was demote the Jewish people in American society. A “nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus” relegates us to third place, now behind the Muslims and back with the Hindus whose contribution is negligible and who are hated by Muslims for being idolaters. During his first campaign, Obama promised to “fundamentally change” the nation and this was part of it, however subtle, right at the beginning…

The Dissembler Returns

Internet Radio

…This is so wrong. It turns Jewish life re-born in Judea and Samaria into a punishment of the Arabs, which unwittingly confirms them in their paranoia that Zionism’s primary purpose has always been to aggress against the Ancient Ones. Settlements as evil and cruel, and never mind that the Jewish communities built on barren hillsides since 1967 displaced no Arabs and even led to gainful employment for them.

Israel, on the other hand, should finally – it is long overdue – declare Jewish development in Judea and Samaria not only legal but salutary, and proceed apace.

The great rabbi Hillel taught. “…and if I am not for myself, who will be for me?” so there is something awry when the government of the State of Israel cannot play defense attorney for the Jewish people in their claim to Jewish ownership in Judea and Samaria.

Our struggle for survival is a property dispute: who owns this real estate? And it is simply not right that Israel never makes its own case for ownership of this land in the court of public opinion…

The Gangs of Araby

Internet Radio

(May 17, 2012) …No, the chronic and bloody clashes with the Arabs here today were not in the top of the news. Which is not to say the problem of violent goyim was absent. On the contrary, the top concern was this seeming wave of rapes of Jewish women by Africans who have illegally entered our country.

I myself have not been through south Tel-Aviv in ages but the reports are repetitive and consistent and believable. For every major horror like these rapes that have been making headlines, there surely have been oodles more that have not. In other words, I believe the reports that in south Tel-Aviv and other areas in Eilat and Arad there are swarms of these Africans who are not political refugees fleeing a dictatorship, each like a fictional Victor Lazlo in Casablanca, freedom fighter against tyranny. They are just guys without work back home looking for work. And not surprisingly, since there are thousands of them here now, statistically they just have to produce an intolerable number of evil ones who are making life in these Jewish communities unlivable.

Which is why Minister Eli Yishai burst out yesterday with his desire they all be rounded up and put in detention camps and shipped out of the country; which of course led to some of the Enlightened angrily protesting; those who relish sticking up for these men. Their own self-image as sisters of mercy is more important to them than the lives of their fellow Jews, often poor Jews now suffering from this unacceptable invasion.

Eli Yishai is now being sued because some idiot called one of these NGOs with threats to burn it down, as fire-bombs have recently been thrown at such do-gooder groups by people fed up with the miserable deterioration of the lives, preyed upon as they are by these violent goyim who have no legal right to be in Israel and certainly no moral right to embitter our lives here in our own country.

So Eli Yishai is being sued as an incendiary provocateur who stimulated this idiot to make this threatening phone call, if indeed that is what happened.

It is a miserable situation, with the Enlightened here paralyzed with fear that if Israel does what it should do – round up the men and drive them from the country – Israel will look bad in the eyes of the goyim; be seen as racists.

These modern-day post-Zionists like Ehud Barak and Bibi Netanyahu are so unlike their dedicated parents and grandparents who didn’t care what was said about them as they fought to build their homes on barren land and fought off this predatory nation of violent Ishmaelites whose whole history is that of thieves, burglars and barbaric highwaymen.

Israel has to gird its loins with belief in itself and its right to the life it wants to live…

Our IDF Rulers

Internet Radio

(May 10, 2012) …Well, I am likely this evening to conclude early, for two reasons: I have a wedding to attend and no weddings are more beautiful than Jewish one held outdoors at sunset in the spring or summer in the Promised Land.

Two, it has been blessedly quiet lately on war front with not only our immediate savage neighbors but their backers world-wide among the goyim, the nations of the world.

But I cannot let the day go by without some response to the extraordinary, historic milestone in Washington, DC yesterday when the President of the United States of America came out in support of holy matrimony for Sodomites. Only time will tell, if at all, of the weird connection in his mind of the loss the day before in North Carolina of a referendum on this – what the Bible calls abomination – and the vote against what he just came out in support of. Now 32 states, I believe, have voted against this craziness, thank G-d, but Emir Barack Hussein is now in favor? What could he be thinking? Or has HaShem guided his mind in this direction to bring him down in November?

Some seven years ago the ultra-Orthodox Shira Leibowitz Schmidt, who lives in Netanya, I think, penned a memorable column in JPost, an educational one in this regard. Citing the Midrash on Genesis, she pointed out that the Midrash there teaches that even though same-sex unions were widespread in the generation of the Great Flood, that generation was not blotted out from the world until people wrote marriage contracts for males and males, males and animals, thus legalizing such practices. Said the Midrash, “The Lord G-d is long-suffering for everything except for such behavior.”

In other words, long-suffering even for same-sex unions. It was when people made them legal people stepped over the line.

She also pointed to another Midrash in Vayikra/Leviticus which “differentiates conceptually between non-normative behavior itself and the more severe step of legalizing the non-normative behavior, with a reference to Leviticus 18:3 which prohibits the Jews from following the laws of the Canaanites in such matters as males marrying males.

Indeed, there is a vast conceptual chasm between rejecting sodomy and tolerating it on the one hand, and legalizing it on the other.

The Lord God is long suffering, even forgiving of those suffering powerful, non-normative urges to which they surrender, so long as these non-normative desires and behaviors remained non-normative.

But when they are called normal, a line has been crossed. And in the matter of sodomy, there is nothing in the Chumash/the Five Books to compare to what may have been a massive hydrogen-bomb explosion over Sodom and Gomorrah, which story sends a message about abusing the G-d-given and G-d-like capability of human procreation. Man is no more like G-d than in his ability to create more men, and he must never abuse it. Rather, he must certainly never legalize abusing it, for the consequences are potentially catastrophically dire.

Well as always, here’s Yosef Karduner.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Bentzion Netanyahu, R.I.P.

Internet Radio

(May 6, 2012) …Think of the forerunners of today’s Ancient Palestinians, the Philistines who thought that by capturing the Ark of the Covenant that they had gotten their hands on some material which would give them power. What they did not understand is that Jewishness is not to be found in material objects but inside oneself. The Ark of the Covenant contained just some words etched in stone whose power was not in the stone but in the spirit and intellect behind the words. The Ark was not some object that anyone could get his hands on like a magic wand and manipulate its power.

By the same token, here was Benzion Netanyahu apparently cut off from the Sabbath that he had keep all his life as a duty to his father without ever understanding what it was all about.

Ergo, his oddball thesis which other scholars shake their heads at. His thesis was that religion was not a factor in the relationship between the Roman Catholic Spaniards and the Jews.

He rightly pointed to the material dimension of the inquisition and the motivations of the Church to burn Jews at the stake because the punishment for being a false Christian, being exposed as a Jew in secret, included the sheer, human, ugly greed of the Church; for in addition to being burnt at the stake, all the victim’s property was confiscated by the Church. The Inquisition brought Spaniards great wealth, as the Holocaust in Germany, besides being another mass burning of Jews, was also the theft of the money, the homes, the cars, the businesses, you name it, of the Six Million.

Bentzion Netanyahu was like a color-blind person who cannot see some or even all colors. In his own life religion did not exist, and so it is not surprising this is how he looked upon the Spanish Inquisition.

And this is root of his son’s identical deadness when it comes to Yiddishkeit, to the metaphysical and religious experience of the Jews.

In one of the voluminous commentaries over the weekend someone who knew Bentzion Netanyahu personally said the same thing. There was not a drop of Yiddishkeit in him. Like father like son. Like son, like father…

The Real Messianists

Internet Radio

(April 29, 2012) …Well, a week ago, you remember, the cabinet after decades signed off on the communities in Judea and Samaria: Bruchin, Sansana and Rechelim, with reactions among the goyim about what you’d expect. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon of the organization that spends a third of its time bashing Israel and pays his nice salary and provides him with a posh apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East side, said that he was “deeply troubled” by the decision.

Germany’s Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said he was “very worried about the plan to legalize Israeli settlements in the West Bank.”

That was last Tuesday. And then on Thursday the Right Honorable Baroness Catherine of Ashton, foreign policy mastermind for the entire continent of Europe said she was “extremely concerned.”

“Deeply troubled,” “very worried’ and “extremely concerned.” Ah yes, all of them. And she did not fail to add as she always does, “Settlements are illegal under international law.”

This is just pathetic. Ban Ki-moon of course is a hired hand, hired by the largest non-governmental anti-Jew institution on the planet; Westerwelle and Ashton as Europeans have a rich history of antiJew behavior but also in fairness to them, they have every reason to believe that if they were to be less pro-Hamitic and more pro-Semitic the Hamites among them would erupt into waves of terrible urban terrorism.

The Europeans have become, these seeds of the Crusaders, after all, an occupied people. No, they were not invaded by uniformed armies of enemy Saracens but civilians willing to do work Europeans were not.

And now these Saracens, these Muslims, have a major foothold in Europe, millions of them, and no government wants to stir them up, which they would by taking our side.

In a way I can’t blame Catherine of Ashton und Herr Minister Westerwelle for taking the positions that they do. Their countries are occupied by Muslims unbridled by civilized restraints.

France has suffered over the last half-century and more waves of terror inside the country perpetrated by Muslims. First there were the Algerians setting off bombs in France as part of their war of independence in the 1950s and 60s. And then in the 1980s there was a terrible way for Hezbollah objected to French backing for the Maronites in Lebanon, and terrorized Metropolitan France accordingly with bombs.

So of course these major league diplomats are deeply worried that we Jews are acting on the belief that we have the right to live in Judea and Samaria, when Muslims are adamant that all the land in Balestine becomes to Believers. That is Sharia law. And as the English ad the French and the Germans have accommodated themselves to a degree to Sharia law, it is not surprising that Baroness Catherine is “extremely concerned”…

Israel’s Holocaust Day

Internet Radio

(April 19, 2012)Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, kaf-khes beNissan, Parashas Tazria-Metzora, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 19 April, 2012, webcasting from the Israeli State of Israel on its version of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

There are three such days. The non-Zionist misnamed ultra-Orthodox – which is as much a misnomer as ultra-pregnant – did not stand still today at 10 a.m. when the sirens wailed because they see the behavior as non-Jewish. They also believe that the Six Million martyrs should be grouped with all Jewish martyrs remembered on the 9th of Av, the granddaddy of a day slated for all the Jews who suffered in history, and some of those people on that day will set aside a psalm just for the Six Million.

Then there is the day in January when Nations United Against the Jews Organization chose to remember our Holocaust, International Holocaust Day, and of course all the holocausts, all the genocides, the oppression of people who suffered from their race, religion, sexual orientation and any other collective one can think of in order to dilute the specific associative connection between the term Holocaust and the Jewish people, the only people at the UN discriminated against by barring them de facto from sitting the Security Council.

If I were Israel’s ambassador to the UN, I would work for a resolution declaring an International Day of Protest Against Anti-Semitism at the UN.

Not that it would pass…

Hiding in Plain Sight

Internet Radio

Program Link: Loyalty to Syrian President Could Isolate Hezbollah

(April 10, 2012) …Last Friday the weekly Forward newspaper in New York featured a new poll done by an outfit called the Public Religion Research Institute investigating the projected upcoming Jewish vote. This vote said Obama’s Israel policies are not American Jews’ first priority. The economy and social justice are.

One Democratic pollster even predicted Obama will add to the 78% of Jews voters who voted for him in 2008. Versus the head of the Republican Jewish Coalition Matthew Brooks who predicted a significant drop down to 62%.

I’ll stick with the higher figure remaining up there at almost 80%, which makes perfect sense; perfect Jewish sense.

80% is what the Sages told us the percentage of Jewish slaves in Egypt who chose not to flee the country and therefore perished doing the plague of darkness. The verse in Shmos/Exodus speaks of the Children of Israel going out of Egypt khamushim/armed, but since that word’s root is the same as the number five, they interpreted it to signal that only a fifth of the community fled the country, the surviving fifth around midnight between the 14th and 15th of the month of Nissan.

Demographers claim that without all the persecutions and assimilation the Jews have experienced and undergone over thousands years, the Jewish people should be the most numerous on the planet, even more than the Chinese who constitute a fifth of mankind, I believe.

Instead, we probably have lost in every generation 80% of our people which accounts for us being as small as we are today.

It is Biblically understandable that 80% of American Jewry supported Obama and will support him again, for they are lost to the Jewish people.

And in fact, demographic fact, I’ll bet a lot of these Jews polled by all these different organizations are not really Jewish but the offspring of intermarriage which the post-exilic prophet Malakhi, and the last of the 12 minor prophets, Malachi in English, fingers as the greatest threat to the continuation of the Jewish people.

Post-Exile Ezra and Nehemiah also took on the menace of marrying out.

Too many of these so-called Jews in America, even the ones Halachically Jewish, are existentially post-Jews in their ignorance. Of course they will vote again for the Muslim Prince…

Hebron: The Confllict in a Nutshell

Internet Radio

(April 5, 2012) …Well, you all know the denouement in Hevron since the last webcast. Yesterday afternoon when most of the Jews living in that disputed house were out and about doing their business, the special police squad bully boys swooped into this house in view of the family plot of the Jewish nation, the Machpelah, and drove the Jews inside – mostly women and little children – out, and then put all the furniture they had put in out, and then, I believe, welded the doors shut.

Prime Minister Netanyahu went along with the desire of Ehud Barak and his Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein. We pondered the iconic biography of the former last time who has a record of refusing to fight over religion, but all I know of Weinstein is that in private life he was a hot shot criminal defense lawyer in Tel-Aviv, which suggests he may have a problem with knowing right from wrong. Lawyers like him have that problem. Like Alan Dershowitz they will work for anyone who pays them. For lawyers like this, there is no right and wrong, only different versions of reality and the law is about which lawyer tells the most persuasive story.

In a word, Yehuda Weinstein is not a man to seek out on the rightness of Jews living in Hevron or not; living in that house. This latest episode is a wonderful counterpart to the saga of Migron. There the State of Herzlandia has declared that the land under those 50 cottages is the property in perpetuity of individual “Balestinians” and never mind there is not one individual Balestinian who can produce title to those acres. The High Court seemed to be saying “This land is their land forever and ever.”

And now in Hebron Israelis like Ehud Barak and Yehuda Weinstein have likewise declared all buildings in Hevron at the moment not occupied by Jews, can never be occupied by Jews. And never mind that in this case there really is paperwork proving the building, actually part of a building, was sold to Jews. What these post-Jewish Israelis are saying about Hebron is that the Jews are not allowed to increase their holdings of immovable property. Their community cannot grow. The Jewish community in Hevron is to be frozen in terms of its physical size forever and ever…

Toulouse & Beinart Again

Internet Radio

(March 20, 2012) …So the UNHRC welcomed yesterday to their proceedings a member of HAMAS which is judged a terrorist organization by the saving remnant of civilized countries.

As such the UNHRC gave further evidence it is an antisemitic body. Only don’t expect Israelis and “Inside the Beltway” American Jews to say that.

In truth and in fact the whole United Nations Organization is infested in every department and agency with antisemitic poison.

At the UNHRC the so-called Balestinians now want that body to create a Goldstone-like inquisition to write a report on the crimes of us settlers. Israel has been fighting that initiative diplomatically against that initiative, though I doubt Israeli diplomats use the term antisemitism to describe what Abu Mazen & Associates are up to.

In yesterday’s Yediot their Eli Brandtshtein covered the Geneva meeting and cited Foreign Ministry sources who see in the Arab initiative “a political maneuver.”

No, it is a religious maneuver…

Why I’m Not an Israeli

Internet Radio

(March 1, 2012) …So that is why I am not an Israeli. Israelis are blind to the religious quality of the satanic hatred that drives these people to do their most savage, bestial worst, like carving PLO into a young Jew’s scalp; like slaughtering like animals the Fogel family a year ago yesterday I think.

Israelis who are not religious are thus cut off from arguably the irreducible bottom line of the violence here, which is its religious dimension, where the fires of Islam’s belligerent teaching burns with its hatred for non-Believers.

Judaism teaches of the One G-d focused on man’s moral life that he is enjoined to ceaselessly improve and lead mankind to a higher level of civilization – versus these Muslims who by their crimes of terror and savage horror are resisting enemies of civilization…

Stone Age People

Internet Radio

Program Link: Egyptian Presidential Candidate Tawfiq Okasha Predicts that Egyptian Army Will Open Fire on ‘Its Enemies’ – the U.S., Germany, and Israel – Within Three Months, States: If Not For the Holocaust, the Jews Would Have Annihilated the Germans

(February 23, 2012)Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, erev rosh khodesh Adar Parashas Truma, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 23 February, 2012, and webcasting from the high ground of Judea under attack by Stone Age people.

Stone Age people. Here that refers to the teen years for male descendants of Ishmael, who with a certain periodicity rise up in mobs to throw stones at Jews. It is their “stone age,” and I fear we are in for another storm of stones as we were a decade ago. Periodically it seems, there is an intifada when antsy street Arabs, teenage boys license themselves – as they are licensed by their society – to throw barrages of stones at Jews in passing cars. There is a photo on the web, I understand, of a Jewess in Judea, Zahava Weiss who lives in Carmi Tsur, being stoned in her car with the press photographers capturing the scene.

Who is more immoral here? The stone-throwing kids or the press photographer who did nothing to stop them or to warn her? There’s this media guy with his camera shooting it all as it happens, as this big rock smashes into her car.

And this is not a dramatization, ladies and gentlemen; this is the real thing before your very eyes: a Jewess in Judea being stoned by street Arabs, these teenage age punks throwing those stones with murderous intent. These little bastards have murder in their eyes and while Arabs are definitely not the only nation with punks like this, the Arabs uniquely hold them in high esteem. It is not that the Arabs produce such low life savages uniquely; but they do uniquely admire them as heroes. They are upheld of objects of veneration in the Arab nation, which marks them, the Arab nation, to be a nation of nation of barbarians.

Their role models are brutes. Left to their own devices after World Wars I and II, they produce 21 independent states free of all colonial control and under their own steam they produced such statesmen as Muammar Qaddafi and Hafez al-Assad and his son Bashaar al-Assad. Saddam Hussein with his two psychopathic sons; and Ali Abdallah Salah in Yemen and the Communist FLN in Algeria; and bin Ali in Tunis who made with a billion dollars; and Mubarak with his billions of dollars. The Arabs are and really always have been losers when it comes to nation-building…

Holocaust Lesson

Internet Radio

(February 16, 2012) …Finally, something far from our usual focus on the eternal Arab war against Israel. In a really interesting irony of history, Israel’s National Library which doubles as the library of Hebrew University is being given the religious writings of Sir Isaac Newton, which were far more voluminous than his scientific papers, which repose at Cambridge University.

Isaac Newton was arguably the greatest physicist of all time but, lesser known, most of his thought was theological. Unlike today’s fashionable atheists, Newton the genius was a true believer in the G-d of the Universe and it is historically most fitting his theological writings are coming to Israel.

His descendants in the 19th century, offered all of his papers to Cambridge University but Cambridge was interested only in the scientific material and I guess turned its nose up at his religious ruminations.

And it is fitting that these religious papers will end up here because Isaac Newton was arguably more Jewish than anything. He was nominally a Christian but he rejected Jesus as a figure of worship. Worshipping Jesus in his mind was idolatry. He most certainly rejected the concept of the Trinity. At Cambridge University professors of his magnitude were required to be ordained as priests only he never was. He always found a reason to put off the ordination. When appointed to the highest chair, he had to get a special waiver from King Charles II because he never was ordained.

And on his death bed he refused the sacraments.

He studied Hebrew, believed in the G-d of the Hebrew Bible and denied the idea that the Jews had become a fossil people. He also foresaw a time when the Jews would return to Eretz Yisrael, just as the Bible predicts on numerous occasions.

He himself, a student of the holy text, made predictions.

Isaac Newton, a rebel in religion with ideas quite at home in Yiddishkeit. So it is fitting that while his scientific papers belong to the English and are archived in Cambridge, spiritually his work belongs here, in a resurrected Jewish Jerusalem…

What’s in a Name?

Internet Radio

(February 14, 2012) …Speaking before about nameless actions and actors, that does not seem to be a problem for the Iranians and other mass murdering Muslim terrorism junkies. On Monday in Teheran Isma’il Haniyeh, head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza which Israelis continue to miscall Hamas, was in Tehran where he said in a TV interview at the end of his three-day visit that Israel remained the “main enemy” of the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Absolutely. He is 100% right. He and over one billion Muslims are perfectly clear that their main enemy in this life is we 13 million Jews because we stand for everything they don’t: freedom, mercy, civilization.

But what power we have in their minds. You know the old joke about the two Jews sitting on a park bench in Berlin in the early 1930s when it was still possible to do that, one reading a newspaper and smiling, a Nazi newspaper like Der Sturmer or Der Beobachter, with the other looking at him like he’s crazy. Both newspapers were full of nothing but stories slandering the Jews, and the one who was smiling said he liked to read how strong we are alleged to be, how capable we are of all these plots and schemes.

Well, that is Islam today, leastwise in the hands, hearts and minds of its major movers and shakers like the priests who run the show in Teheran and the suicide cultists in Hamas under Haniyeh. That is how they see us; immensely powerful, threatening so many Muslims…

The AntiJew York Times

Internet Radio

(February 7, 2012) …Speaking in this webcast of Anti-Jews, did you see where on Sunday, on the very same NBC, 44 years after the Six-Day War, the president of the United States of America who loves Islam said, when asked about Iranian threats of terror attacks in America itself, “We don’t see any evidence that they have those intentions or capabilities right now.”

Oh really? Just five days earlier, on Tuesday of last week, 30 January, in congressional testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, his own Director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned that Iran’s leadership, including El Supremo Ali Khamenei, “have changed their calculus and are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States as a response to real or perceived actions that threaten the regime.” Though I don’t know if Clapper or others specifically brought up the recent plot to murder the Saudi ambassador to the US in a Washington, DC restaurant surely not far from the White House in a hit orchestrated from Mexico.

I said in the previous segment that the AntiJew York Times can go to hell. Well, so can this Obama, this son of a female canine who is constitutionally incapable of facing in public the menace, the threat posed by Iran, this huge country with access to mountains of petro-dollars and energized by an ideology as psychically powerful and venomous to free people as Nazism was. Clapper did say the Iranians were trying to penetrate and engage in this hemisphere.

Here “Bogie” Yaalon on 18 January had told the Times that Iran is smuggling ordinance into the US over the Rio Grande.

Combine that with Obama’s refusal to police that border, I look forward to the day this bum is indicted for high treason…

Hadrian, Hitler, Abbas

Internet Radio

(January 26, 2012) …Lastly, maybe you noticed how in Monday’s Republican candidates’ debate Newt Gingrich expressed his view, which is mine, that it was Obama who canceled the long-planned exercise here, two years in the making, meant to fortify Israel against an attack by Iran.

One imagines that Gingrich has some good foreign policy advisers with reliable contacts here who advised him that this was the case.

By amusing contrast was the reaction of the President of the National Jewish Democratic Council David Harris who accused Newt of fabricating events as a ploy to smear the Muslim Prince who has “an outstanding pro-Israel record.”

How do these dejudaized, inside the beltway Jews live with themselves?

Leila tov veShabbat shalom

Santorum’s Faith

Internet Radio

(January 8, 2012) …And interesting minor coincidence this week of being able to read not one but two op-eds by two of America’s leading professional Jewboys, Dennis Ross and Aaron David Miller both of them protégés of and altar boys for James Addison Baker, III. Had they not worshipped in the Church of Jim Baker the antiJew they would not have had the careers they have had.

Miller was in the LA Times last week, and yesterday Ross was in the Washington Post, and I never cease to be amazed and entertained by what shallow and foolish fellows they are. Miller wrote of the “personality conflicts” between Prince Barak Hussein and Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu. Miller says that unlike the emotional attachments to Israel of both Clinton the Democrat and Bush the Republican, “Obama’s views came from other places; his own logic, the university in which he developed intellectually and his own moral sensibilities. Obama does not see the Arab-Israeli conflict as a morality play pitting the forces of good against the forces of darkness but a conflict between two rights and two just causes.”

You know who used to talk like that? That covert Soviet agent and radical American journalist I.F. Stone, who was born Isadore Feinstein. When in the 1940s his idols in the Kremlin supported Zionism as a weapon against the British presence in the Middle East, Izzy Stone supported the Zionist movement toward the birth of Israel. But when it became clear after the new state came into being that it would not align with the Soviet bloc but the free West, well, Stone became a forerunner of LTF, Little Tommy Friedman as an Israel-basher. Stone used to pitch that very same line: “This is not a war between right and wrong but two rights.”

Taurine excreta; though Aaron David Miller can’t see that. Notice how in his tripartite explanation for Obama’s views – his own higher education in the US and own moral sense and logic, Miller left out his boyhood years living in a Muslim country and surely for some years living as a Muslim and his twenty years listening to Jeremiah Wright who gave an award to the notorious Jew-hater Lewis Farrakhan.

Absent from the fawning mind of Aaron David Miller, certified professional Jewboy is the possibility that Obama’s repeated praise for Islam may reflect an influence other than the university environment he refers to.

He calls Obama’s view of Israel “analytic not emotional.” Analytic.

Aaron David, the guy is an antiJew who likes and respects Islam, this totalitarian antiJew ideology.

And then there was Dennis Ross today in the Washington Post writing of the two sides here in conflict saying, “There should be no illusions about the prospects of a breakthrough in peace talks anytime soon. The psychological gaps between the parties make it hard to resolve their differences that have bedeviled all the work for peace talks over the past few years.”

“Bedeviled.” Now, that is a good word. A devil is at war here that prevents peace for Israel but it is not the psychological gaps, Dennis, between the parties. He went on to equate Netanyahu and Abbas who “carry the weight of their peoples’ history, and mythology and face enormous political constraints.”

Here Dennis equates Jewish history with so-called Palestinian history, and “both sides have mythology.” The moral equivalence here between the Jewish prime minister and this bloody criminal is simply nauseating.

Dennis, there are no psychological gaps. The Arabs have a history of being predators, raiders, armed robbers and their religion justifies their greed, their hunger to overrun the world.

Dennis Ross always sounds like Dr. Phil or some other marriage counselor trying to get the two spouses to work things out and get back together.

Dennis, we Muslims and we Jews have never been together. Ever…

No to Armenian Genocide

Internet Radio

(December 27, 2011) …Yes, Islam is a menace, the last of the anti-Jew ideologies that must also fall.

I mean, the classical pagan world of Greece and Rome made its contribution but its metaphysics did not survive. As far as I know, there is not one person on the planet sacrificing to Zeus or Jupiter these days.

Roman Catholicism, which supplanted Rome, seems to be in a parlous state. One diocese after another has been stripped of its wealth in lawsuits by victims of its predatory, homosexual pedophile priests. Its churches are empty in Europe.

The top echelon of the Nazi command was heavily Roman Catholic starting with Der Fuhrer on down, all baptized in the Church of Rome. Nazism too, another antiJew ideology, has been defeated.

Now it is Islam’s turn…

A World Obsessed with Jews

Internet Radio

(December 22, 2011) …Now, as for the local response here in Israel to the Foreign Ministry’s sharp retort to the European attack on Tuesday, the reaction of Defense Minister Ehud ben Yisrael Barak was totally predictable. What Lieberman said to the Europeans was, more or less, “We will ignore you and you will have no say in determining the future of the Holy Land.”

For Israelis like Ehud Barak, isolation from Europe is a fate tantamount to the death of Israel as they want it to be. In the words of Bibi’s book title, Israel is supposed have A Place Among the Nations and not be isolated.

But the unknown secret of the especially Leftist Zionists which they hid from those they wished to recruit was that contrary to their propaganda about being proud Jews who fought back, who did not go like sheep into the gas chambers, their idea of a Jewish state was a non-Jewish state. In a nutshell, they came to the Land of Israel not to be Jews but to stop being Jews, as weird as that may sound.

And there is a connection between that weirdness and Israel’s perennial begging for acceptance by the Arabs and the rest of the world. Some weeks back I mentioned an interview with former Israeli UN ambassadress Gabriela Shalev crying over how alone she felt at the UN.

Versus Avigdor Lieberman who demands respect and not love from the Gentiles. In this, though, seen as a hardline right-winger, he is no different from that famous Leftist Zionist also from the Russian Empire Golda Meir, who once quipped that if she had to choose between being loved and dead or alive and hated, she preferred the latter…