T. Friedman: Whore

Internet Radio

(December 15, 2011) …Well, did you catch yesterday’s latest verbal droppings from LTF, Little Tommy Friedman, who I call “little” because despite his 60 years I still hear a nasty little boy sniping at his mommy and daddy, like the Kahane-ite I described earlier.

What Friedman never does in his pieces on Israel is present fact and argument; it is always a rant against Israel for its attitudes and feelings toward the Ancient Ones that Israel needs to change. In this regard Thomas Friedman is the worst commentator on Israel in print.

Yesterday as he has in the past he worked into his text the words and phrases “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “stifling dissent,” “weakening minority rights.”

He also wrote that “Israel sees America at its ATM”; that Bibi won all that applause before that joint session of Congress last spring because “that ovation was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.”

In this LTF exposed himself and not for the first time as no better than a low-life scumbag of an antisemite, for this is how deranged Jew-haters talk. What LTF just said was that all those 535 elected officials had been bought off, corrupted by Jews with big bucks. The Jews have corrupted the very heart of the American system of government.

Not for LTF the possibly that those 535 Americans are pleased and proud to be allied with Israel and not with the ragheads who not only bought down the World Trade Center but attacked the Pentagon, the seat of the American military. LTF in his way holds his fellow Americans and their elected representatives in utmost contempt for allowing themselves to be bought off by Jews with all that money.

LTF, and as I say not for the first time, exposed himself this week as an antisemite; there is no better word for his type of thinking when it comes to Israel. He is always whining, “It’s the Jews’ fault, it’s the Jews’ fault.” He is simply pathetic.

Thomas L. Friedman is simply one of a posse of Jewish anti-Jew prostitutes who have made a life for themselves, well-paid in prestigious careers by bashing Jews. Had LTF never been an Israel-bashing journalist, he never would have been appointed by the New York Times as its first Jewish chief of bureau in Jerusalem since the birth of the modern state. Anyone chosen before then would have been for his dual loyalty.

But not LTF. It is no accident that he became in the mid-1980s the first Jewish bureau chief for the Times in Jerusalem because his views were well known and there was no fear he was going to take Israel’s side. Since 1897 when the New York Times was bought by German Reform Jews, it has always been nastily anti-Israel. Zionism was a moment that impugned their loyalty to the United States and therefore their careers and bank accounts.

I’ve read Friedman call us settlers – those who refuse to leave our homes for peace – “greedy.” And don’t tell me Thomas Friedman somewhere in his brain was never aware of the history of using that word to describe Jews. Never head of Shylock. Never heard of Karl Marx’s crackpot theories about Capitalism which were inseparable from his view that Capitalism was the tool of capitalist bankers like the Rothschilds determined to gather up all the money in the world and make everybody their slaves; that the Jews lived for money, worshipped money, not the G-d of Israel.

Little Tommy Friedman in these instances of using the word “greedy” has got to know at some level of awareness he is spewing antisemitism.

That is who all these Jewboys are: Friedman, Martin Indyk, Aaron David Miller, Jeffrey Goldberg, Danny Kurtzer; whores of the Jewish people who for fame and fortune sell themselves out as professional, career Israel-bashers…

Swedish Christianity

Internet Radio

…This son of a female canine Obama is a Muslim and the religion he admires with its “revealed Holy Qur’an” is a religion of antisemitism. You can see it in his face in the still photographs of him looking at Bibi.

The Israeli opinionators here in the MSM of course attribute the ill will from him to Netanyahu as stemming from his intense dislike of Netanyahu – as if the smirking Leftists agreed that Bibi is so dislikeable…when that makes no sense whatsoever because Obama does not know Bibi. They never lived in the same place, worked together, did business together. No relationship whatsoever in the past which would lead Obama to so dislike him.

No. Obama knows nothing of Bibi. For him Bibi is The Jew, the King of the Jews who stole Balestine from the Balestinians. Obama is a classical, timeless Jew-hater…

Normal Arab Psychopathy

Internet Radio

…Well, I hope you all had a good Succot, zman simchateinu / “the time of our happiness” when we dance with the Torah, G-d’s gift to us and really the world.

It was Succot business as usual here around most of the country but there were thousands and thousands of Jews who passed yesterday in bomb shelters when homicidal maniacs in Gaza of the Philistines launched some 60 missiles and mortars into their communities. No one Israelite was physically harmed but who knows the psychological damage? After almost a dozen years of this terror, the medical and psychological information is there to draw the conclusion that thousands and thousands of Jews and especially little Jewish children have been traumatized and terrorized by these thousands and thousands of lethal projectiles the Israelis have never figured out how to stop.

Thousands and thousands of Jews here yesterday squeezed themselves into safe rooms for hours; not much of a zman simkhateinu for them…

Hijabs Forever

Internet Radio

Program Link: Dr. Tawfik Hamid

…Today the top story in Israel was the collapse of Iran’s currency, the catastrophic halving of their usual oil income, for that is all these Muslims have to sell. And only HaShem knows why He created this situation in which this vital resource is in the hands of barbarians who without it would still be living in the Dark Ages as they did into the 20th Century when the Judeo-Christian West they so despise and envy discovered and developed their oil industry for them.

Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz admitted the successful squeezing of Iran by the economic sanctions, though the question still remains: the purpose of the sanctions is to so squeeze the people of Iran they will force the regime to end their bomb-building project. But that could take years.

In my view, the sanctions strategy is the wrong one and even an immoral attempt to avoid doing the right thing, which is to declare war on Iran and list its crimes against the U.S., France, Israel, etc. and proclaim the goal of the war to be the bringing down of the regime in Teheran. The leaders are the enemy, not the bomb-building equipment.

I think it could be possible to draw up a list of Iran’s 100 most important people and where they live. And then one night around 3 a.m. local time a flight of Israeli F-16s could penetrate Iranian air space and release 100 GPS-guided bombs into their 100 bedrooms. Decapitate the regime in a flash and with miniscule collateral damage to the general population. A victory over the enemy at the cost of less than a thousand people in modern warfare is unheard of.

The West must declare war on Iran as in olden days and prosecute it to a victorious conclusion. Maybe you saw last Saturday’s news which contained the joint statement of some veteran anti-Jews in the political and military establishment: Retired Admiral William J. Fallon, former Senator from Nebraska Chuck Hagel, a product of Roman Catholic education through high school, who in his Senator career was consistently anti-Israelite in his views; Thomas Pickering, Lee Hamilton, Anthony Zinni, all of whom oppose military action against Iran. “We believe a fact-based discussion of the objectives, costs, benefits, timing capabilities and exit strategy should govern any decision to use military force.”

If George Orwell were with us now, he might have something to say about such language. Fallon and Zinni are a former admiral and former Marine Corps general who believe not in good and evil, not in right and wrong, not in defending America against her enemies but wanting a “fact-based discussion of the objective, costs, benefits, timing capabilities and exit strategy…” thus has the language of Political Science corrupted the hearts, minds and souls of Americans.

They were the highest ranking officers in America’s military forces and they apparently have forgotten the word “victory.” What they want is an “exit strategy.” They don’t want to win; they want an “objective discussion of the costs and benefits.”

The West must declare war against Iran and demand unconditional surrender, the same terms forced upon the Japanese and the Germans at the end of World II. Iran must be told to start dismantling its equipment in 24 hours or the Allies will strike!

Instead we have had years of talk, and now sanctions. Anything but declaring war and destroying the evil mullahcracy as surely the governments in Berlin and Tokyo in 1945 were put out of business…

Obama the Unreal

Internet Radio

Program Link: Mona Eltahaway arrested for defacing one of Pam Geller’s signs

…Mukasey even raised in his concluding paragraph’s two sentences the thought of impeachment, without using the word: “It appears that the only course open now is for Congress to demand an unequivocal statement from the State Department and the White House that the U.S. will not transfer or release Abdel Rahman under any circumstances. Absent such assurance, it may be time for Congress to make clear that such a transfer or release could be considered the kind of gross betrayal of the public trust that would justify removal from high office.”

End of his piece, written by a former U.S. Attorney-General and Federal Judge, no wild-eyed radical…

Two Faces in the News

Internet Radio

…On Friday, three more Muslim suicide nutjobs killed a young Jewish man just like they used to in the south Lebanon security zone for 15 years. For fifteen years there were either daily preparations for killing IDF soldiers in the zone, or daily carrying out such plans, and it cost Israel about 25 soldiers a year. I looked upon it as the price for having neighbors proud descendants, factual or imagined, of Canaanites and Philistines, both descendants of Ham, the most antediluvian of Noah’s three sons. These people are, if not exactly into human sacrifice, they certainly have a very different attitude toward death and life. For me the emblematic image of these people is that crazed Arab with hands dripping with warm Jewish blood in that Ramallah police station…

The Arabs in Molt

Internet Radio

…I remember in 1967 some Arab propagandist, when the shooting war began, bragging that their soldiers would soon be sitting in the cafes of Tel-Aviv. The image seems to have been spawned by the behavior of the officers in the German army that rolled into Paris in 1940 and enjoyed themselves sitting, eating and drinking in the cafes of Paris which was now theirs by conquest.

And it was an odd wish, I thought, because Tel-Aviv was built on wasteland outside of Jaffa, never developed by the Ancient Ones at all. I mean, I could understand some Arab moaning for the house he was born in when his parents chose to flee the fighting.

But this was daydreaming about real estate and property his people never built. He was dreaming of sitting in the cafes of Tel-Aviv as conquerors – not weepy refugees returning to the old sod that had been in the family’s ancestral homestead since the beginning of time…

Cathcart’s Tale

Internet Radio

…Islam is the religion of Ishmael the incorrigible who after he left his father’s household became a desert highwayman, an armed robber/mugger preying upon people in transit. Ishmael was the quintessential sociopath by which mean anti-social. He has a hard time living in society because he is such an aggressive, violent personality giving to storming embassies to loot them and kill the foreigners inside…

Obama the Muslim

Internet Radio

…This verbal badminton match between Bibi and Obama-Hillary this week is disgraceful. Like Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey who said he did not want to be “complicit” in an Israeli strike at the country that killed 241 US military personnel in Lebanon in 1983; 17 more in Saudi Arabia in 1996; 17 sailors more in Yemen in 2000, all killed by some tentacle of Iran.

And Dempsey is not ashamed to speak this way?

Cowboy Hats & Kaffiyas

Internet Radio

…The bris mila/circumcision story in German continues to percolate. Last week in the state of Berlin the senator for Justice and Consumer Protection magisterially ruled that circumcision was legal but had to be performed by a physician and after the parents had been advised of the risks. In other words, the Jews may not circumcise their sons as Jews have for almost 4,000 years.

The Jewish community of 10,000 in Berlin was unanimously indignant at the ruling of Herr Thomas Heilmann of the Christian Democratic Union that he posted on the city’s website.

Thomas Heilmann. What a name. A “mann’ to whom one must say “heil”? Heil Heilmann! You appear to be spiritual soul-mate of Barack Hussein Obama who is determined to fundamentally transform American into some non-American re-incarnation. Here Herr Heilmann believes he has the right to tell Jews they cannot practice their religion as they have practiced it for thousands of years because Heilmann apparently thinks Jews are cruel and primitive people like the Arabs who mutilate their daughters. Heilmann knows “besser” than the Jews who are cruel to their babies and must be prevented from this practice in a class “mit” Chinese foot-binding…

The Worst Generation

Internet Radio

…Hanan Ashrawi like Edward Said received a PhD in English Literature. He at Harvard, she at the University of Virginia, which fact likely has Thomas Jefferson spinning in his grave. U of V was his creation, this early American anti-Islam crusader.

What also comes to mind in pondering the careers of Ashrawi and Said is the failure or more charitably the inability of an American education to educate these primitives to think more clearly than they do.

But then again, Dr. Ashrawi and Dr. Said are arguably not much different from Dr. Beilin who also like an Arab lives in a world of deception, delusion and hatred of Jews…

More Poison from the Times

Internet Radio

Program Link: When It Pays to Talk to Terrorists

…Let’s do what I have not done for a while; some Basic Deprogramming 101 of an opinion piece in the New York Times.

Let us vivisect it, shall we? It is the link posted on this webcast. Please put me on hold. Download the link. Read it, then get back to me…

Okay. Now that you have read this masterpiece of antiJew opinionating, let us go to work.

In the lede sentence he says it is the 40th anniversary of the Munich massacre in which “Palestinian militants killed 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team.”

No. He should have written not “Palestinian militants killed 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team” but “Arab terrorists murdered 11 Jews from the Jewish state that is an offense to Islam…”

Islam Hates Life

Internet Radio

…Think of the Far East where statures of the Buddha in some countries show a diamond in the middle of his forehead, the third eye of wisdom.

Think now of the Muslim at prayer in which he presses that very spot into the floor so hard over time he flattens his forehead and gives himself a permanent black and blue mark. For Muslims, piety is the blinding of the third eye of wisdom, crushing it. Piety is unthinking, mindless obedience and a rejection of this life as not good enough.

How often we have heard madmen like Hassan Nasrallah boast that in the clash between Believers and al-Yahud and the West, the Believers will win because they love death and the West loves life.

How true. The Torah teaches choose life, and the Torah has not a word about an afterlife. It is all about living a righteous life in this world, this beautiful, amazing creation of HaShem.

Muslims hate this life and want out. Jews love this life and thank HaShem for it a hundred times a day…

The “God of Israelis”

Internet Radio

…I read that and wanted to weep for Jewish people like her, these lost sheep who know nothing of the Jewish religion they spurn. There is no “Jewish ethical tradition” to which Martin Buber and Hannah Arendt ever belonged. There is no chain of transmission characteristic of a tradition for them. Buber looked like a classical Jew but in truth broke from the tradition and became functionally a Gentile philosopher who was no longer particularly Jewish.

And Hannah Arendt was a thoroughly dejudaized woman known for also studying Gentile philosophy and fornicating before the War with Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger and after it bashing Israel for putting Eichmann on trial and then killing him…

The Battle for Migron

Internet Radio

…Take, for example, the founding of kibbutz Hanita in 1938 along the border with the new Lebanon. In those days the pioneer group then in stealth one night loaded up trucks with equipment and volunteers; who in darkness drove up from Haifa into an area where there were no Jewish communities at all; where overnight they threw up a perimeter and communal hall and began creating a new kibbutz, were seen by others as heroic pioneers, halutzim, for going into what they called the “lion’s throat” by settling among all those hostile Arabs. These Leftist, socialist, idealistic communards thought they had every right to establish that new settlement on barren ground that under the table deals had purchased; and all Zionists in the country at the time, March 1938 applauded and did not think they were stealing land from the Ancient Palestinians, in part because in 1938 only Jews happily used the words “Palestinians” for themselves.

And among the leaders of this group of settlers was a 24 year-old who had been born on a kibbutz but grew up on a moshav, a system of communal living invented by his father, Shmuel Dayan, young Moshe Dayan. And with him was a 21 year-old settler friend by the name of Yigal Alon, future draftsman of the Allon Plan of 1967.

There was a time in this country between the wars when the Zionist Left idealized its settlers. They were the leaders of the yishuv. This was the crème de la crème, and it was this slice of Jewry in Palestine pre-state that Leon Uris idolized in his book Exodus

Arabs and Democracy Do Not Mix

Internet Radio

…I mean, the right thing to do I thought then was that for every rocket fired from Gaza at Sderot and environments, Israel had to fire back three missiles, slightly larger than the Qassam and much better aimed into the middle of the neighborhood where the leaders lived. Those Jewish rockets would have done more serious damage than the Qassam and the world would scream at Israel and Israel would calmly answer back “We are doing exactly what they are doing: firing rockets indiscriminately into people’s homes. And we will never do it again, so long as they don’t. But if they do, we will answer in kind with superior force until they stop these barbaric rocket firings at us no different ethically speaking than the Nazi buzz bombs and V-2s shot into the city of London in World War II”…

The Extreme Consensus

Internet Radio

…One wants an Israeli leadership a little more awake to the age-old hatred of Jews that fuels the accusations of our neighbors and their cheerleaders in the degenerate West. Following Mahmoud Abbas’s toxic verbiage about the Jews having no right to Jerusalem – it belongs to Arab Muslims and Arab Christians – Netanyahu’s spokesman Mark Regev said in response that he was disappointed to hear the mainstream Palestinian leadership “echo outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the Temple Mount, conspiracy theories that as the usual domain of extremist elements.”

The implication here is that Abbas sounded like the “extremists” when in truth he was speaking the centrist position. What Westerners don’t get about Hamitic society is that a consensus position does not reflect the middle ground between extremes. In Araby, the consensus is the most extreme position…

Israelis Don’t Get it

Internet Radio

…In other words, as in Egypt, the Islamists would take control. To prevent that, the PA is allowing, and happy to have, the IDF arrest Hamas rivals and keep them in Israeli prisons and that way not have to account for their incarceration “in the Arab street.”

And not only is Hamas a threat in Judea and Samaria: as always in Araby with its tendency to clustering in gangs and the creation of rival gangs, Hamas is being challenged in Yosh by Hezb-ut-Tahrir/ the Party of Liberation, another Islamist cult group with dreams of a world-embracing caliphate. They recently held rallies to which tens of thousands showed up.

Which situation should not surprise. What the antiJews have done over the half-century is play the “Palestinian Narrative” gambit, i.e., the framing of their war against the restoration of the Jews to Eretz Yisroel as an “anti-imperialist, Third World war of national liberation.”

Balderdash. Nationalism is beyond the comprehension of these Hamites who remain largely sub-national, mired in their tribalism. They have never been able to rise to the highest form of social organization known to man, to nationhood.

All they have as a communal ideology is religion and that is not good enough…

Bat Ayin & Uncle Shimon

Internet Radio

…In other words, contrary to the analysis of the wealthy analyst Thomas L. Friedman who saw an Arab Spring like the Prague Spring of 1968, the flowering of democracy, Egypt has gone from dictator to dictator. Democracy has nothing to do with this chain of events. And that is because Liberal Democracy is the antithesis of Islam, which means submission. Liberal Democracy enshrines liberty (as in the Statue of Liberty) which means a society in which the liberty of the individual, to the maximum that is possible, is paramount. The liberty of the individual to live and believe as he or she chooses.

Versus Islam which is about the eradication of the individual who submits like a slave to G-d, rather than masters his nature in order to serve G-d better…

Antisemitism by Zip Code

Internet Radio

…Here you surely had a team of bureaucrats in Brussels pouring over maps of Israel with a huge magnifying class looking for zip codes of illegal Israeli infestation and illegal occupation of Balestinian land. And of course the boys and girls on the case there are paid well for their efforts in pouring over maps of this tiny country in search of Jewish criminals squatting on stolen land that really belongs to the Ancient Ones, the original, authentic aboriginal people of this landscape who had their entire country swiped from them by pushy Jews who just barged in after the Holocaust and drove this entire ancient nation from its ancient homeland; moved into its homes and stole their orchards and cultivated fields and made of the Balestinians the new Jews: homeless, stateless vagabonds, the victims of racist criminals…

Defang Those Persian Cobras

Internet Radio

…All the Levy Report did was what Israelis have refused as a people to do since 1967 which is to stand up to the world and say, “We are going to keep the land we took away from the enemy. We are under no obligation to return it. We paid for it in blood and national treasure over six days of a war we did not start.

“The enemy came to kill us all and take away all the land we brought back to life. And it is fitting and proper and just that the penalty for their aggression be the loss of land; they should be punished and suffer what they attempted to inflict on others”…

Jefferson’s Qur’an

Internet Radio

Program Link: Obama Hosts Iftar Dinner, Notes Thomas Jefferson’s Koran

…This whole tunnel business at the southern end of the Gaza rectangle I find simply as bizarre as anything Lewis Carroll came up with in Wonderland. Why can’t these Arabs, on both sides of that fence, manage in a civilized manner a normal civilized border crossing? The tunnels system is simply institutionalized and tolerated smuggling. You know Arafat’s father in the 1920s was also involved in smuggling between Egypt and Gaza. It is a way of life for the Bedouin in the Sinai Wilderness. How interesting, how ironic, that HaShem chose the Sinai Wilderness for the giving of the Torah, His teaching at Mt. Sinai, calling for a way of life more civilized than any known on earth in 14th Century before the Common Era.

The Torah was given at Har Sinai; the Jews went on from there and have lived by it for over 3,000 years of contributing to the advancement of civilization, giving birth to Christendom and Islam, so much of the world now, while the Sinai Wilderness remains one of the wildest on the earth, a peninsula of outlaws, renegades from sedentary civilization for whom borders between peoples mean nothing. And the violation of laws like against smuggling elicits no twinge of guilt or bad conscience about engaging in such criminal activity…

Muslim Fratricide

Internet Radio

…What a violent nation are the sons of Ishmael. Let me count the ways. Another bomb went off in Iraq, scores more human beings massacred at random, and it is kind of ironic that these Muslims who bequeathed the world starting in 1968 with the plague of international terrorism – which is a euphemism for Muslims going into non-Muslim countries and murdering people at random – how ironic that arithmetically speaking, they murder one another far more than non-Muslims…

The Arabs Are All Mixed Up

Internet Radio

…I don’t know its source but there is something in Arab culture which produces a society in which reality is always perceived as false, a false front. Behind everything is a conspiracy, a deeper truth which puts the lie to the perceivable world. Reality is always veiled. Nothing is as it appears. It is a paranoiac’s experience of life.

Mentioned in the previous segment was the US combat in Iraq where at first Saddam’s captured officers were interrogated and shown to be, one after the other, all capable of beating the lie detector. Lying was functionally second nature to them. And at the time I remember webcasting to listeners how long ago the GSS also learned of the futility of attaching lie detectors to capture terrorists. In the West, intelligence agents are taught, trained to beat such equipment and it takes practice and not all are adept at it.

But in Araby, dissembling is a way of life…

Israel: Islam’s Worst Nightmare

Internet Radio

Program Link: Nonie Darwish: Why Muslims must hate Jews
Special Audio Feature by Mark Levin:
[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/Levin_120726.mp3|titles=Frank Marshall]

…“After a lot of thinking, analysis, research and writing I discovered that Jew hatred in Islam is an essential foundation to the Islamic belief system that Muslims cannot seem to be able to rid themselves of. Jew hatred masks an existential problem in Islam. Islam is terrified of the Jews and the number one enemy of Islam is the truth that must be constantly covered at any cost.” She describes how Muhammad at first made nice to the Jews but when they rejected him as one of and really the last and greatest of their prophets, he, in her words, flipped out. “The Quran changed from love to threats and then pure hatred, cursing and commandments to kill Jews. Rejection by the Jews became an intolerable obsession with Mohammed.”

She also observes how the Jews of Medina, to which he fled, earned their living from legitimate and successful business versus Muhammad and followers who stole theirs, for that is who the Arabs always were: raiders, marauders, highwaymen said Rashi a thousand years ago writing from France.

Well, I am going to do something I’ve never done before, which is “share” so to speak a webcast with another, because I cannot improve upon so much of what she has to day in this relatively short piece. I am going to yield so to speak some of my time to her.
So I am as usual going to put up some music but encourage to you all to download this link and read what she has to say. Note especially how she confirms my views in her last sentence in which she claims “without Jew hatred Islam would self-destruct…”


Internet Radio

…Islam is led by savages and in our generation we find ourselves led by villains like Barack Hussein Obama who likes Islam and in June 2009 reached out to shake hands with the Muslim Brothers and is still up to that. Aided and abetted by that spoiled abyss of ambition Lady Macbeth Hillary Clinton.

While the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry recently came back from Cairo where he said he had two candid discussions with the new president, which led him to advise “It would be a mistake for us to pull back from our engagement with a free and democratic Egypt.”

John Kerry, you see, this shallow aristocratic, this political dupe, thinks that the recent voting in Egypt is the sign of a free and democratic people.

What the West needs today is a Winston Churchill, the one who as a young soldier actually fought Islamists in the same Pakistan – Afghanistan region as today, and in Sudan and called Islam, I paraphrase, the greatest retrograde force in the world. He wrote that in the 1890s and it is still true…

Ignorance & Denial at the Times

Internet Radio

…The ignorance of life in Israel and the surrounding Arab culture never ceases to amaze when it appears as it does all the time in the international chatter about Israel. Ignorance and denial of what is known.

Let’s take the denial first. Consider the anonymous editorialist in the New York Times – more like a Catholic priest unseen in his confessional or the Wizard of Oz hiding behind his curtain – expressed his sage New York Times opinion that Mitt Romney’s speech here two days ago was “certainly inflammatory” which “insulted the Palestinians by declaring that cultural differences not decades under Israeli occupation are the reason Israelis are more successful economically”.

The stupidity here is vast and deep. One of the cliches about Jews – which like all cliches reflects some truth – is that Jews are good in business which makes sense because they’re good in other things like the pure sciences, medicine, music, literature and technology. Why not in business too?

The South Koreans certainly would disagree with the New York Times which is why they are studying Talmud these days…


Internet Radio

Program Link: A 12-step plan to sober up for peace

…And it is significant, I think, that one after another, these Inside-the-Beltway, fence-sitters belong to the so-called Conservative movement in Judaism, a movement of fence-sitters who in the end fall off the fence on the side of the enemies of the Jews.

It is a little known fact of history that the Conservative movement was funded by Reform Jews in an effort to draw away from classical Jewishness those who wanted to keep the mitzvot but were willing to dejudaize their appearance. Off came the beards and payos, and just like Gentiles, the men and women would sit together in the synagogue.

In the beginning of the movement at the end of the 19th century, that is the way things were. A life of mitzvot but with one major change: the breaking down of the mechitza in shul, which led to the ultimate breaking of the mechitza between Jews and non-Jews. Today’s Conservative Jews are indistinguishable from the Reform, and in their views of Israel and its relations to the Arabs, they pretend to themselves they are on the fence, but in truth, they’re working for enemy by supporting his outrageous fantasies of a Palestinian nation with national rights to the identical land at the heart of the Bible, the promise of which is at the heart of the very idea of Jews…

Their Medieval Minds

Internet Radio

Program Links: Israel is monster that eats children, in Palestinian art on PA TV
Egyptian Actors Pranked, Told They Are on Israeli TV Station

…Where are Abe Foxman and Elie Weisel when you need them? They are acutely attuned to Western-style antisemitism but about the culture-wide Jew-hatred in Araby they never say anything. When Sderot was being pounded and community life there destroyed, both these non-Israelis were mute, when in fact the hatred of Jews in Gaza today is as intense as the hatred of Jews in the Nazi Europe they both knew as boys.

In their defense I would say they defer to Israel to speak up about this, as it is part of the Arab war on Israel, and since no Israeli leader pins the tail in this donkey, the Muslim here, what do we want from Elie Weisel and Abe Foxman.

One would think our prime minister might have something to say in this regard, but he too is silent about the insane antisemitism that burns in the breasts of our barbaric neighbors. Indeed not a word of the Arabs’ positively medieval fear and hatred of Jews rooted in their own twisted psyches…

The Arabs’ Chronic Violence

Internet Radio

…Remember now, this Ghassan Khatib who is a major bureaucrat in the PA, and he is obviously as bonkers as zillions of these Arabs when it comes to objective truth and reality.

Like Arafat who told Clinton that the Temple Mount was not the Temple Mount and Dr. Abbas the Holocaust Denying historian, Ghassan Khatib is another nutcase and a further example of why Israel cannot make peace with these people. All Israel can do is assert and fight for its rights and defend them. The search for peace in our time is lunacy…

Carnage in Bulgaria

Internet Radio

…I never cease to be amazed by this phenomenon of people so crazed with hatred of Jews, they give their lives for it. I can’t begin to imagine the state of mind of the suicide freak about to the press the button who makes a choice, his last act of will in this life, and that is “More important than my life is Jew-killing.” The statement is, “I the Muslim warrior want so much to murder Jews, I am ready to lay down my life.”

So yesterday in Bulgaria, possibly a Western convert, blew himself up on that bus full of Jews from the free Jewish state which took the lives of six more martyrs for the ten ideas King David celebrated almost 3,000 years…

Mofaz & Hillary

Internet Radio

…Nine weeks ago, Mofaz took his Kadima Party – after Princess Tsipora was sent home as its leader – into the government of Netanyahu, and today he backed out. And over what? Not the most crucial of Israel’s problems: the Haredi boys who thumb their noses at the State of Israel for its hypocrisy, which is undeniable. I mean, this is a state with a flag of minimalist design. A white background and two blue stripes inspired by the stripes on a prayer shawl, and in the middle the Star of David, the greatest king of the Jews ever, a soldier no less than Shaul Mofaz, a commando leader and killer no less than Ariel Sharon, who also happened to be a live wire of belief in the G-d of Israel Whose will David was dedicated to….

Random Thoughts

Internet Radio

Program Links: Sodomy “For the Sake of Islam”
Obama and “The Brothers”: An Invitation to Disaster

…In a word, what Lidman did was propaganda for the anti-Jews. She has a problem with Israel demolishing homes without building permits because the violators are Ishmaelites, but when Jewish homes are judged illegally built and get deconstructed, that’s okay. Gotta respect the Holy Ones at the summit of the Israeli judicial system.

When gets me too in a story like this is an Israeli organization actually refusing to speak the names Judea and Samaria, even denying in the very title of their organization the Jews’ right to claim Judea and Samaria. For Israelis like these, they are the Occupied Territories, or the West Bank.

And I say that a Jew who cannot say Judea and Samaria is a Jew with a psychological problem…

“….which the Palestinians claim…”

Internet Radio

…In the first paragraph of this New York Times editorial yesterday we of course saw the mendacious, anti-Jew formulation “West Bank” and “East Jerusalem” which “the Palestinians claim as their capital.”

And today I did a Google on that language “…the Palestinians claim as their capital” and in a flash the number of hits was posted. About 25,000,000 times that expression is out there in the blogosphere. We have heard it so often, again and again. Whenever Israel is scolded for wanting to improve Jerusalem in the former Jordanian (not Palestinian) sector, we are told again and again that the “Palestinians claim East Jerusalem for their capital.”

Oh they do, do they? All they have to do is claim that this real estate is what they want for a capital, and Israel has to give it to them? And if Israel goes not give it to them, Israel is the guilty, racist, fascist oppressor denying the Ancient Palestinians their capital? And we know it is their capital because they claim it…

“What Will The Goyim Say?”

Internet Radio

…At Auschwitz in the 1940s, that generation’s No.1 antiJew nation converted Jewish names into serial numbers, and in our time the Nations United – like Emperor Hadrian of Rome, the Adolf Hitler of the 2nd Century who invented the term Palaestina to replace the name Iudaea in use for two hundred years by Rome – refuse to use Yehuda and Shomron and call them instead the “Occupied Palestinian Territory.” In the footsteps of Emperor Adrianus, the UN has de facto awarded Judea and Samaria to the alleged descendants of the Philistines after whom Hadrian made up that name.

But in fairness to this generation’s antiJew goyim at the UN, they are only supporting the Jewish antiJews here who also insist that Yehuda belongs to the Neo-Philistines…

Distorting Reality

Internet Radio

…Lastly, about the excitement of that announcement in Geneva yesterday by physicists who say they have finally seen the predicted Higgs boson sub-atomic particle they call the “God particle.”

I beg to differ. I remember as schoolboy, I think, they told us the universe was 4 billion years old. And then as a teenage they told us the universe was maybe 8 or 9 billion years old. Now they say 13 to 15 billion. And I suspect that the more they pursue its age, the further back in time they will go and never be sure.

Likewise, they seem to be saying we have reached rock bottom, “Eureka!” – found the smallest building block in the universe.

Once upon a time the Ancient Greeks said the smallest thing was an atom. And then later physicists discovered protons, neutrons and electrons, its components.

And then came the sub-atomic particles. And now this latest discovery of the “God particle.”

Well, I find the name if not blasphemous than pretentious. Man will never know the innermost secrets of G-d’s universe. That’s impossible because man is man and G-d is G-d…

Who Cares What They Say?

Internet Radio

…If Israelis were more Jewish they would understand that the international animosity towards Israel is not really about the tragic plight of the Ancient Palestinians but just this generation’s excuse for Jew-bashing.

The UN Human Rights Council meets on a regular basis and like many such organizations each participant is presented with a printed list of the agenda for the meeting, and Item No. 7 is always about the eternal crucifixion of the “Palestinians.”

The Council has 43 member-states I think, out of 193 at the UN, and there is no other state in the organization like Israel for having a permanent place on the agenda of each meeting.

Israelis are perpetually in a snit about this, but why? That the regimes in Iran, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Cuba, Turkey took turns on Monday in Geneva tongue-lashing the world’s only Jewish state for its abuse of non-Jews? And never mind the plight of the Copts in the Egypt sitting in judgment of us in Geneva; the hundreds of thousands Greeks on Cyprus driven from their homes by the Turks in 1975; the Kurds endlessly suppressed by the cruel Turks. Israelis should be a little less upset by such behavior by the goyim. But of course, that word is not in their vocabulary, and that absence speaks volumes about their misperception of the hostility to their country…

Truthers & Liars

Internet Radio

…Mursi also gave a speech in May translated and posted by Memri.org in which he said “Jihad is our path. And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.”

Lord have mercy. What is being said it is simply satanic. The Jews invented martyrdom, which is to say, the act of dying for one’s metaphysical beliefs; it began with the Jews. And the Christians certainly have a long tradition of venerating those who die for their faith.

But you’d be mistaken to liken Islamic martyrdom with the other two because it has a feature the other two don’t. When a Muslim like President Mursi calls “death for the sake of Allah their most lofty aspiration,” it also includes, if unmentioned, the death not only of the martyr but his unsuspecting, utterly defenseless taken by surprise victims. Muslim martyrdom also commonly connotes mass murder…

“Kauft nicht bei Juden”

Internet Radio

…It was the remarkable Christian Zionist Orde Charles Wingate who said, more or less, the Jews’ greatest contribution to mankind was the idea of God, meaning the God of the Bible. You know, when Captain Wingate, a British intelligence officer landed here in 1936 during the Arab Revolt, he began touring the country on its few roads to get to know it and in the passenger seat of his little car lay a pistol and a Bible. When he landed he already knew as much Biblical geography as any of the Zionists. Like those two other British Christian Zionists Prime Minister Lloyd George and Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour. One of them, I forget which, said he knew the geography of the Holy Land better than the map of England…

Nothing New

Internet Radio

…Anyway the fires two days ago and today’s major fire along Route 1 leading to Jerusalem were with a high probability set by antisemites – but of course no Israeli news source or politician would ever use that word to describe these vandals. They are what? Palestinian activists? Freedom-fighters? Terrorists? Muslims? Anything but antisemites in the conventional sense of Jew-haters.

They have done it before, the sons of Ishmael: gone on arson kicks to burn down all the trees the Zionists planted, one sapling at a time.

The smoke was so thick today, the major road into Jerusalem was shut. There were scenes of panic as people in their cars were stuck, and sensed the fire coming, the smoke making it impossible to breathe so they abandoned their cars and ran for their lives…

Egypt’s Historic Day

Internet Radio

…This concept of a separation of powers between religion and politics is 100% Jewish because it is Biblical. Christians evolved their concept of a separation of church and state via the Protestant Reformation, the revolt against Rome, and the gradual, physical reduction of the real estate under Catholic control was shrunk to the four hundred or so acres of Vatican City when the Church used to directly rule colonies and armies. The French Revolution was as much a revolt against the monarchy and nobility who paid no taxes as it was against the Church.

This history, by the way, led up to the so-called Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution whose first words call for “no establishment of religion” in this government, which as a phrase has been tragically misunderstood. Liberal haters of religion think it means that religion should play no part in the life of Americans and their government, when its purpose was to allow for the free exercise of religion with no restraints imposed by the government. Basically the opposite meaning of what modern liberals think it means…

What Dejudaized Clowns

Internet Radio

…And then in JPost today was a piece on another one: Dennis Ross, also here for Uncle Shimon’s President’s Conference, yet another in an endless parade of kaffeklatches and cocktail parties for movers and shakers so dear to their hearts.

Ross, who hitched his star early in his career to James Addison Baker, III, the notorious Episcopalian anti-Jew who at Princeton University in 1952 wrote his senior thesis on why it was wrong for President Truman to recognize the Zionist state – as he surely socialized with fraternity brothers in their fraternity that barred Jewish members.

Ross, the deep thinking statesman, opined that it is time for the P5+1 countries to “pivot” – his word – toward a new strategy following the failure of the Moscow round of talks this week. He said Iran should be given an ultimatum which if they fail will expose them to the world community as not really wanting nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

Who is this idiot? Dennis and the world need proof?

He also said though that while the military can strike and set back their nuclear program the Iranians could always rebuild what is destroyed, so the military route is no solution. The solution is international sanctions strictly adhered to.

I read this stuff and want to weep. Where are you, Teddy Roosevelt, now that we need you? Where are you, Andrew Jackson? It no longer occurs to such American foreign policy “experts” to call for a declaration of war and a waging of war against Iran until it waves the white flag…

The Struggle for Egypt

Internet Radio

Program Link: Egypt’s generals grab for power

…The menace of Iran is the menace of Islamist insanity, but the Post can’t see that as an issue in Egypt. Liberals are simply blinded by their own need to see their own reflection in their opinions which present them as superior beings. Here the Washington Post editorialist is waving his own credentials as a supporter of democracy over military dictatorship, which in certain contexts is certainly a fine philosophy, but it is out of place here. The set and setting and circumstances of what is happening in Egypt are wholly other; it is a non-Western culture but an Islamic society when nowhere in Islam’s 56 officially Muslim states is there a democratic society those of us who grew up in one would want to live in for more than five minutes. Muslims do not produce democracies as that concept connotes in the West…

Egypt: Good News?

Internet Radio

Program Link: Magdi Cristiano Allam has seen the future, and it looks to be Islamist

…What seems to have happened in Egypt on Wednesday as a fresh declaration of martial law by the military, with the court the next day concurring by returning legislative powers to the Egyptian military and ruling that Ahmed Shafiq, former prime minister under the now convicted and sentence Mubarak could run for president.

It seems to have a military coup in partnership with the secular judges of the state system who see in the qadis, the Islamic judges, a rival judicial system. In other words, both bodies, army and secular judges do not want Egypt to go the way of Iran where the mullahs rule.

Egypt has a history as the most cosmopolitan of Arab countries and no doubt a significant and powerful segment of the ruling class does not want an Islamist state; and Wednesday and Thursday’s maneuvers were evidence of that.

What remains to be seen is the results of the two days of voting this weekend. The Court dissolved the just-elected Islamist legislature was allowed but the election for president to procedure between the Old Guard Ahmed Shafiq, prime minister under Mubarak and just like him a former head of the Air Force, and the Islamist candidate Muhammad Mursi.

So the news out of Egypt can be seen as good, even if the Sinai peninsula has become if not a no-man’s land than a land of barbaric anarchy. Last week’s shocking turn of events suggests that there still is some fight left in those segments of Egyptian society who simply do not want the country to evolve into another Saudi Arabia or Iran, though the prospects for them are not bright. Islam is a tsunami of slaves of slaves who crave the slavery that Islam provides. The antithesis of freedom, which carries with a measure of insecurity and anxiety. Islam offers the snugness of a womb, of mindlessness and submission to authority…

The Real Enemy

Internet Radio

…Well, the top story in Israel today was for sure the report by State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss enumerating all the errors mostly of omission by Netanyahu and Barak which led to the Mavi Marmara unpleasantness; basically, a decision-making process with little preparation and coordination and ignoring projected scenarios of violence.

Though in all the extensive verbiage in the press today quoting the report, I did see certain words whose absence suggests that even Lindenstrauss and staff are limited in their perception.

I saw no reference to Islam, Muslims, Muslim fanatics, antisemitism. It was seen as a media event about the “Palestinians” in Gaza and as Bibi’s book A Place Among the Nations was all political science, so this report seems to have been yet another Israeli product oblivious to the reality that even though the state came into being 64 years ago, Israelis still don’t see the maniacal passion of these homicidal goyim driven to stab Jews like those Turks on that cruise ship.

Do you see the item out of Norway today about a Jewish boy who was burnt by a goy boy who had heated a coin over a flame and then pressed it to the nape of the Jewish’s boy’s neck?

This is the same story as the Mavi Marmara attack in a different format. There are goyim out there whose hatred of Jews is all-consuming and who are compelled to violently assault Jews at random…

Vaporize Teheran Now

Internet Radio

…The good news out of France today was the refusal of authorities, I assume at Charles DeGaulle Airport, to allow into the country three Saudi women encased in burqas. It is a law now in France that you cannot walk around like that.

And may there be many more laws like it to combat the penetration of Muslim culture into France. I’ve said it before: Islam should be disallowed in the liberal democracies because Muslims practice polygamy. May the French, may Washington, London and Denmark for starters wake up to the reality that polygamy practiced by Muslims can in an historical wink of the eye transform a whole country. Think of Pharaoh who saw that the fertility of Jewish woman and the low infant mortality of their babies perhaps would lead to the Jews taking power away from the Egyptians in their own country. Hence his post facto birth control degree about slaying all the Jewish male babies.

Now of course no one should legislate such a law today in a liberal democracy against Muslim male babies. But one can hope for legislation that has the people of a liberal democracy collectively pass judgment on Islam and declare it unwelcome because nowhere has Islam produced liberal democrats…

The Real Ulpana Culprits

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120610_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So this new information in the media here on Friday about the role of the State Prosecutor’s office in the Ulpana mess could never have happened if Israel had not for 45 years played the game of seeming to want to return the land, certainly much of it, to the Arabs in exchange for peace; sell it back to them. Some of it that it is.

The fantasy of Oslo and all the peaceniks is that if we return all the land we took in 1967, this will placate the other side – when this has no basis in history for thinking that. On the contrary, my research has shown that at every step of the way the Arabs have been up front about their true goal which is the destruction, G-d forbid, of Israel altogether.

This business of wanting a state just in the oPt is perfect nonsense. And this is not a guess or even a deduction; they literally year after year since 1974 when they adopted the Two-State Plan have said the ultimate goal is not only the oPt but everything else. Muhammad Abbas wants to return to the Tsfat of his boyhood as the Muslim ruler; and George Habash wants to go back to Ramleh and so on and so forth.

Never forget that Fatah. Abu Mazen’s Fatah was created in 1959 with nary a nod to the territory today called the West Bank and the Gaza Strip which at the time in 1959 were 100% in Arab hands. Fatah was created to capture Jaffa and Haifa.

“But never mind,” say the Meretz types, the Yossi Beilin types in that State Prosecution office who are determined to implement their Enlightened policy and to hell with what the prime minister elected by the people wants.

Remember in 2006 when ignorant of the Middle East fools like Condi Rice, Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter etc. pushed for elections in Arab Judea and Samaria and Gaza and were shocked when Hamas won, which shock is evidence to their ignorance.

And then the next year when Hamas in Gaza physically had to go to war against Fatah to get them out of their offices, the Rices of the world called it a coup-d’etat, a putsch, which the powers that be then refused to recognize.

You got that? Rice pushed for elections, did not like the results, and in effect canceled the elections retroactively. It is nonsense that the Hamas “illegally” attacked Fatah in Gaza. The reality is that the Fatah guys literally refused to vacate PA offices after the election and had literally to be driven out with violence. Hamas was wholly in its democratic rights to do that. Hamas was the legitimately elected administration, like it or not.

Well, something like that has been going on in the State Prosecutor’s office in Israel. These characters see themselves in business for themselves and to hell with the results of the elections.

They are apparently Yossi Beilin soul-mates and like him are haters and destroyers.

You know that if we were Japanese and not Jewish, for what Beilin did to this people with his Oslo brainstorm, he would have committed suicide years ago.

And now we learn that if there is to be violence at the Ulpana neighborhood and destruction, and ugliness and even bloodshed, G-d forbid, these legal eagles are at State Prosecutor’s office are at the root of the evil.

It did not have to be this way…

A Sorry Spectacle

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120607_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, since it has been quiet on our usual beat, the Muslim war against our country, let’s take up this story from last week about recognizing what so-called Reform and Conservative Jews call rabbis as rabbis. A week ago yesterday the JPost story began this way: “The Attorney-General’s Office announced on Tuesday that in accordance with a recommendation from the High Court of Justice, the state has agreed to pay the wages of non-Orthodox rabbis serving in regional councils just as it does Orthodox rabbis.”

But in a concession to opponents of this move, supporters of classical Judaism, it was decided to pay the new non-Orthodox rabbis from the Culture and Sports Ministry not the Religious Services Ministry that pays the salaries of the Orthodox rabbinate.

And it is noteworthy that this is the same Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein who is screwing the national religious Jews at the Ulpana houses. Weinstein is the legal barracuda of a defense attorney for anybody with cash to pay for his services.

Part of the decision was also obviously to officially call these people rabbis – when real rabbis are outraged for only they have the authority to decide who is a real rabbi.

One bright talk-backer observed the absurdity of using the term “rabbi” at all for these people when the very role and term was a Mishnaic development, and these people don’t hold by the Mishna.

It is like advertising oneself as a “psychoanalyst who rejects Freud,” when Freud invented psychoanalysis. By all means reject Freud, but don’t then call yourself a psychoanalyst.

Then, three days later, in a nice coincidence, came the news from the States about the Conservative movement. That is, its august Committee on Jewish Law and Standards formally approved model wedding ceremonies for sodomites and lesbians.

For years I believed the Conservatives have sprinkled holy water on rabbis who sodomize or are sodomized by other men. That’s been okay for them for some time, so this is a new wrinkle.

What is so annoying about the Israeli decision to award even the smallest recognition to these people who call themselves Reform or Conservative rabbis is the intellectual corruption of pretending that what these people preach and practice is Jewish in the slightest.

Theirs is a kind of copyright infringement. Reform Judaism purports to be a valid stream in Judaism as it tolerates/it accepts a Judaism of no Sabbath observance, of no food restrictions; no family purity between husband and wife. A Judaism without binding halakhot.

What are we talking about here? What we are talking about is a spiritual and intellectual corruption of common sense. Call Reform and Conservatives what you will, but don’t call them Jewish. And when the government of Israel in any capacity does that, it validates the spiritual and mental pollution of their deviant ways of thinking…

45 Years of Indecision

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120605_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Here’s a heart-warming story of the kind I commonly don’t bring up. It is about individual strength and character which is not directly related to what usually draws my attention: the war against us and how it is framed in the language of the day.

This is a story which appeared about a week and a half ago about the 24-year-old Israeli mountain climber on Mt. Everest, Nadav – which means generous – Nadav Ben-Yehuda, which means the son of Judah – was after months of preparation and expense 300 meters short of his goal, the top of Mt. Everest when he passed a fellow climber and friend who had fallen and appeared to be on the verge of death. Nadav bent down, picked him up and carried back down the mountain and saved his life.

Over the weekend there more details of this amazing story. First of all, it seems as if the assault on Mt. Everest has now become one busy and crowded pastime. It is literally crowded now on the main trails with climbers in the few weeks a year the weather permits an attempt to ascent to the top. And one literally for a time must wait for others to pass, and as one climbs closer and closer to the top, one must pass by on the sides of the trail the frozen corpses of climbers who died making the effort, fell by the way side and whose remains have never been brought for a proper burial. It sounds all terribly macabre to yours truly.

And when this story broke, we read about this Israeli hero who came upon a friend who had literally been passed by by other climbers as he lay dying, for in their environment taking one step can exhaust the body for many minutes, it is accepted climbing etiquette to excuse oneself from making the herculean effort to help a fallen climber. So they die off to the side and their frozen bodies can remain there for years.

So Nadav Ben-Yehuda is this veteran I think, of the Golani Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, the toughest soldiers in the Brigade, its finest physical specimens. Just two months before Ben-Yehuda went off to Nepal for the ultimate climb, he won the stair-climbing championship Tel-Aviv by racing up 76 flights of a skyscraper and doing it thirteen times in a row.

What he did on Mt. Everest was, they say, virtually superhuman; probably never done before. Up there over 29,000 feet, 300 meters from the top, he decides to forsake his lifetime goal in order to save the life of a fellow climber others passed by, a climber on the verge of death and saved his life by hoisting him on his shoulders and carrying back down for the next eight hours.

Talk about being in shape.

Oh, and there was a political side of story. Nadav’s friend Ayran Irmak is a Turk, a Muslim.

I did a search on the leading Turk newspaper in English Zaman, which of course is the mispronounced Hebrew word zman.

I found nothing. One can only guess how and if at all the Turkish media played this story about the rescue of a Turk by a recently demobilized Israeli commando; you know, like the naval commandos on the Mavi Marmara whose behavior Israel has to apologize for…

Netanyahu’s Dilemma

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120603_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Did you see last Wednesday how Minister of Post-Zionist Defense Ehud ben Israel Brug gave a talk at the annual meeting of the Institute for National Security Affairs? Here was the lead sentence report in JPost copy on Thursday: done by the way, by three authors, the reliable Yaakov Katz, Herb Keinon and Khalid Abu Toameh; “Israel should consider a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank if negotiations with the Palestinians fail, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Wednesday.”

And I say if there ever is a trial charging this man with political malpractice, this is evidence of what an idiot he is. This is a man who ordered the unilateral withdrawal of the IDF from southern Lebanon after 15 years, in May 2000, and by October 2000, Arafat had lit the fuse of the satanic intifada. He saw Israel literally run out of Lebanon one night, and thought he could keep al-Yahud running backward. If Hezbollah could drive the IDF out of southern Lebanon, he and his killers could drive us, the IDF, from Yesha.

This man Barak supported the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 which led to years of missile wrecking the lives of thousands in Sderot and environs.

And here is his big idea for a solution: listen to it again, “Israel should consider a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank if negotiations with the Palestinian fail.”

Not only he is an idiot for having learned nothing from his past decisions, he remains a kibbutz boy, at the age of 70, whose father and all the men in his community had nothing to do negotiating in the world of business outside; with earning a living. This moron does not understand that in a negotiation you don’t say things like, “If the negotiations fail, we will give them what they want anyway.” It is tantamount to telling the other side, “Don’t make us peace with us. That would mean an agreement in which you give us something in return. Don’t make peace, and we will give you everything at no cost.”

Ehud Barak is a blockhead…