Why the Paralysis over Iran?

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120529_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…It will be interesting tomorrow or maybe the day after to learn what the President of Germany now visiting the country Joachim Gauck had to say about the Holocaust and for sure he will say something.

In JPost today Efraim Zuroff spoke his piece. Zuroff is the successor to Simon Wiesenthal as head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center whose mission remains hunting down and bringing to trial still living Nazis. Zuroff is clearly and I think rightly disturbed by the fact that this current president of the Bundesrepublic of Germany signed off in 2008 on the so-called Prague Declaration which equated Soviet brutality post-War with Nazi brutality, a comparison which in effect strips the Holocaust of its uniquely Jewish and crazy character.

This linkage has now become fashionable in certain European circles which also has the advantage of being able to smear the Jewish Communist oppressors, namely the traitorous Jews who became Communist big shots and did their evil deeds.

This is a view on a par with the perception of the Holocaust as one of numerous genocides, which view also strips it of its uniquely Jewish features. You know who thinks like this? Samantha Power, vizier to Emir Barack Hussein, she who was born in Ireland, emigrated to the US at age 9 and is now married to Cass Sunstein, another Jewish antiJew policy intellectual in the mold of LTF or Martin Indyk; a radical policy intellectual.

Samantha Power even wrote a book called Genocides in the plural which in effect stripped the Holocaust of its uniquely Jewish identity.

So Efraim Zuroff was right to alert people in Israel to this dangerous situation when the President of Germany thinks this way too.

As I’ve opined about the massacre of millions of Armenians: that is what it was: a massacre, but that it not a synonym for genocide. The word “genocide” was invented by Polish Jewish survivor Raphael Lemkin precisely because massacre and its synonyms would not do. The Holocaust was new and deserved a new term.

The Holocaust was the effort to find, hunt down and murder every Jew on Planet Earth. The Turks, by contrast, had no such desire vis-a-vis the Armenians. They just wanted the land the Armenians wanted and the Turks had no scruples about how to dispossess them of it. The Turks are barbarians and acted barbarically toward the Armenians, but they did not produce propaganda films likening Armenians to rats, or vermin or viruses; people possessed of an evil nature determined to rule the world and exterminate the people of Turkey. The Turks did not produce pseudo-intellectual theories about why the Armenians were inherently hateable and dangerous not only to Turks but all mankind.

Likewise anyone like Samantha Power who equates massive cases of massacres to the Holocaust is possibly a malicious enemy of the Jewish people, like Samantha Power, but one hopes not today’s president of Deutschland…

How the Arabs See Jews

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120524_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The sons of Ishmael, true to their forefather, suffer from a dangerous envy. In his own case Ishmael in his own lifetime felt, as we used to say as kids, rooked, cheated. As they said at Ebbets Field, “We wuz robbed.”

Ishmael was after all Avraham’s first-born son and should have inherited two times what was slated for his half-brother. Only Ishmael was such an incorrigible person, who the wise Sarah fingered for a potential murderer of her son, he and his mother were asked to leave.

At Yitzhak’s weaning party, when he was either two or three years old, which made his older half-brother either 16 or 17 years old, who made jokes about his kid brother, the center of attention; and the wise Sarah, the greatest Jewish mother in history, saw him and a shudder likely ran down her spine. She had watched Ishmael grow up from birth and just as the Torah recorded, he turned out to be into a wild ass of a kid. Sarah foresaw that when she and her husband were gone, Ishmael was the type of person capable of murdering her son Isaac. So she said to husband Abraham, “They gotta go.”

Avraham resisted. The kindest man in the world, this was still is first-born son who had his good attributes.

But G-d told him, “Listen to your wife.” In this matter she sees more clearly precisely because this was his first-born son.

So Ishmael and his Hamitic mother Hagar were banished from the tents of Avraham and that had to be for Ishmael like having acid thrown in his face.

And in his bitterness and just general wildness he was profligate with the water given the two of them for the journey. And when it was all gone, because Ishmael and his mother were careless with it, and he is dying of thirst, now his mother abandons him. Walks away, leaves him under a bush to die and walks away because she couldn’t bear to see him suffer. In other words, her feelings were more important to her than the feelings of her dying son.

In any case, poor Ishmael: kicked out of the house by his father, deprived of his inheritance, abandoned in his hour of need by his own mother, this is one angry boy capable of anything…

Declare War Now!

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120522_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So, yeah, I am as ticked off as the next guy about these restrictions against us on the Temple Mount but at the same time, we are not enjoined to provoke the potentially homicidal goyim because they have a record of unbridled cruelty against us.

On the one hand, I am as irritated as anybody by these regulations, but on the other, if I were in charge, I am not sure I would do things differently.

When Moshiach comes, we will be able to re-build the Temple and I predict along with the reconstruction, the Ishmaelites will finally put on the yoke of civilization, confess their theft of our religion, ask for forgiveness for all their cruelty and injustice to us, and respectfully ask permission to be allowed to dismantle Al Aqsa Mosque and take the pieces away, maybe back to Mecca and re-build it there.

When Moshiach comes, maybe these violent Jew-haters will evolve into becoming peaceful sons of Ishmael who accept that this land is not Ishmael territory but Israel territory…

Not Their Dhimmi Anymore

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120520_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So contemporary Jewish prostitutes like Rob Davies in South Africa and Martin Indyk and Danny Kurtzer can expose themselves in pubic to the goyim as full-blown traitors to the Jewish people by adopting the view of reality fashionable among a slice of the goyim, the peoples of the world. One imagines Rob Davies in South Africa could not have risen to the post of Minister of Trade without having been a faithful Jewboy every step of the way by adopting the worst views of Jews fashionable in the ruling elite in his country.

But getting back to the obtuseness of Israelis like Yigal Palmor when faced by such venomous hostility from in this case the government of South Africa, Israelis even like Benyamin ben Bentzion on this week’s cover of TIME Magazine need work. I haven’t seen the text of that piece, only the quotes in the Friday MSM here. It is reported to be more favorable than not, but nonetheless the author Richard Stengel could not be more politically correct in writing, “King Bibi has conquered Israel. But will Netanyahu now make peace or war? The world will find out if he is a builder or a general…the Israeli leader could finally make peace with the Palestinians or the one who launches a potentially disastrous unilateral attack on Iran.”

That’s twice in this quote expecting Bibi finally to make peace with the Ancient Ones as if it is in his power to do so; as if they are waiting with open arms desiring his offer of all of Judea and Samaria so they can make peace.

In Stengel’s shallow, slick magazine perception, Israel has to be the one to make peace with the passive other party waiting for the proper and generous offer. And if the status quo of no peace continues, well, then it’s Bibi’s fault for not making peace with the Balestinians as Stengel misperceives them. They are not Balestinians; they are Syrians. They are Arabs. They are Muslims. There is nothing, absolutely nothing Palestinian about these people, not their language, not their religion, not their food, not their clothing…

The Gangs of Araby

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120517_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…No, the chronic and bloody clashes with the Arabs here today were not in the top of the news. Which is not to say the problem of violent goyim was absent. On the contrary, the top concern was this seeming wave of rapes of Jewish women by Africans who have illegally entered our country.

I myself have not been through south Tel-Aviv in ages but the reports are repetitive and consistent and believable. For every major horror like these rapes that have been making headlines, there surely have been oodles more that have not. In other words, I believe the reports that in south Tel-Aviv and other areas in Eilat and Arad there are swarms of these Africans who are not political refugees fleeing a dictatorship, each like a fictional Victor Lazlo in Casablanca, freedom fighter against tyranny. They are just guys without work back home looking for work. And not surprisingly, since there are thousands of them here now, statistically they just have to produce an intolerable number of evil ones who are making life in these Jewish communities unlivable.

Which is why Minister Eli Yishai burst out yesterday with his desire they all be rounded up and put in detention camps and shipped out of the country; which of course led to some of the Enlightened angrily protesting; those who relish sticking up for these men. Their own self-image as sisters of mercy is more important to them than the lives of their fellow Jews, often poor Jews now suffering from this unacceptable invasion.

Eli Yishai is now being sued because some idiot called one of these NGOs with threats to burn it down, as fire-bombs have recently been thrown at such do-gooder groups by people fed up with the miserable deterioration of the lives, preyed upon as they are by these violent goyim who have no legal right to be in Israel and certainly no moral right to embitter our lives here in our own country.

So Eli Yishai is being sued as an incendiary provocateur who stimulated this idiot to make this threatening phone call, if indeed that is what happened.

It is a miserable situation, with the Enlightened here paralyzed with fear that if Israel does what it should do – round up the men and drive them from the country – Israel will look bad in the eyes of the goyim; be seen as racists.

These modern-day post-Zionists like Ehud Barak and Bibi Netanyahu are so unlike their dedicated parents and grandparents who didn’t care what was said about them as they fought to build their homes on barren land and fought off this predatory nation of violent Ishmaelites whose whole history is that of thieves, burglars and barbaric highwaymen.

Israel has to gird its loins with belief in itself and its right to the life it wants to live…

Nakba Day Lies

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120515_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: US academic watches in despair as Egypt unravels

…There was more in JPost on Sunday by their Oren Kessler interviewing Raymond Stock, translator of Egypt’s Nobel Prize laureate for Literature Naguib Mahfouz who passed away in 2006. We’ll put up the link. For my money it is as good a take on the situation in Egypt today as anything in the MSM and certainly better than anything written by the obnoxious and always ignorant Thomas L. Friedman, that jackass who reported from Tahrir Square last year on the glorious Arab Spring.

Raymond Stock spent 20 years in Egypt until deported two years ago – something Kessler did not mention in his last piece – for having written an article in Foreign Policy magazine about Farouk Hosni in 2009 when he was touted as a candidate to head up UNESCO; about his antisemitism really.

As I say this Kessler piece as good as any as analysis of Egypt’s last 12 months and the major players there: the army, Amr Moussa and Abol Fotouh, the two leading candidates in the upcoming presidential election. And as he reported three years ago in Foreign Policy, he focuses on the abysmal antisemitism in Egypt which seems to be the only thing that lights Egyptian passions. Not the miserable economy; not the corruption.

He also foresees the scenario I described some weeks back of the Egyptian army making no hostile moves toward Israel, but if and when the growing terrorist infestation in Sinai lad to something that forces a major Israeli counter-strike in self-defense, this will be enough to light that army’s fire.

It all sounds reminiscent of what my own many years of reading of Araby taught me and what I saw first-hand in traveling in Arab lands. For centuries visitors from the West have repeatedly used the word “fatalism” to describe Muslim life. In Turkish the word is kismet – the name of a famous Broadway musical based on the Arabian Nights. Broadly translated, it means “fate,” or one’s lot in life against which one can only shrug. It is an attitude that does not lead to a desire for revolutionary change. One traveler in centuries passed described seeing a father watch his son run over in the street by a runway horse and killed, which elicited from the man only a shrug.

In other words, for all the poverty and miserable relations between people in Egypt, there is this fatalism, this surrender to the way things are. In other words, don’t look for, as the moron LTF thought he saw, a fire in the belly among social reformers striving for a better tomorrow. The drive to depose Mubarak was not a drive for a revolutionary new system but just a common, generational rebellion against the current corrupt despot.

And if this Kessler piece on Raymond Stock has a subtext, it is that the only thing that incites the passions of the Egyptians is their hatred of Al-Yahud, the perennial agent of the Shaitan, of Satan.

I’ve said it before: Islam needs a reformation on the magnitude of the Protestant Reformation against Rome, though there is nothing on the horizon to hint that this is in the offering.

Which is why our best hope is praying as we do, three times daily, for Moshiach

Stand Up to Them!

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120513_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…JPost hard copy reported today on an Italian court decision fining an Italian journalist, one Peppino Caldarola, 25,000 euros because he satirized an Italian political cartoonist in the rival newspaper Il Manifesto, one Vauro Senesi who had drawn a caricature of a member of parliament, Fiamma Nirenstein as a hooked-nosed monster wearing a Star of David and fascist symbols. The hard Left Italian judge Emanuela Attura fined Caldarola for satirizing the antisemitic cartoonist.

Fiamma Nirenstein, for those who don’t know her, is an Italian daughter of a Jewish father who identifies as a Jew and lived in Israel for many years writing for the Italian press. She speaks fluent Hebrew and has been a fierce defender of Israel since she returned to Italy a few years ago and entered politics. She is a contemporary of mine, a child of the 1960s. She, though, unlike me, was a full-blown Communist in those days but like, say, David Horowitz, she woke up to the nonsense of the Left and especially its antisemitism expressed in its vicious hatred of Israel. Hence the caricature of her.

Ironically, the journalist fined may even still be a Communist for all I know. He writes for the rival newspaper “L’Unita of the Communist Party, but at least he appears to be, if still a Communist, a sober one who knows an antisemite when he sees one, as he did in this cartoonist and evidently ridiculed him in print, which led to this fine.

The Italian Jewish community is outraged. Abe Foxman has been on the case since 2008 when the cartoon first appeared – and one can only wish that Israeli politicians, starting with our prime minister, joined the fight.

But Israelis like him almost never do. For them, antisemitism abroad is something they turn away from in part because their secular Zionist doctrine sees antisemitism has a problem for Jews in the Diaspora which plays no role in Israel’s life.

In other words, we are back to where we started this evening: the inability of Israelis to see the world-wide consensus that we Jews have no right to Judea and Samaria, ergo, we must not challenge the world; challenge the US, the Europeans when it comes their adamant rejection of the right of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria; to keep Judea and Samaria.

Hence, the cabinet decision today when Bibi & Co. made it known they want no trouble and are willing to bow down to the dictates of the world which dictate no permanent Israeli rule in Judea and Samaria.

Not even an Israeli prime minister opening his mouth to declare that the “Palestinian’ claim is bogus, an antisemitic lie, and our claim the just, authentic, and legal one…

Our IDF Rulers

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120510_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, I am likely this evening to conclude early, for two reasons: I have a wedding to attend and no weddings are more beautiful than Jewish one held outdoors at sunset in the spring or summer in the Promised Land.

Two, it has been blessedly quiet lately on war front with not only our immediate savage neighbors but their backers world-wide among the goyim, the nations of the world.

But I cannot let the day go by without some response to the extraordinary, historic milestone in Washington, DC yesterday when the President of the United States of America came out in support of holy matrimony for Sodomites. Only time will tell, if at all, of the weird connection in his mind of the loss the day before in North Carolina of a referendum on this – what the Bible calls abomination – and the vote against what he just came out in support of. Now 32 states, I believe, have voted against this craziness, thank G-d, but Emir Barack Hussein is now in favor? What could he be thinking? Or has HaShem guided his mind in this direction to bring him down in November?

Some seven years ago the ultra-Orthodox Shira Leibowitz Schmidt, who lives in Netanya, I think, penned a memorable column in JPost, an educational one in this regard. Citing the Midrash on Genesis, she pointed out that the Midrash there teaches that even though same-sex unions were widespread in the generation of the Great Flood, that generation was not blotted out from the world until people wrote marriage contracts for males and males, males and animals, thus legalizing such practices. Said the Midrash, “The Lord G-d is long-suffering for everything except for such behavior.”

In other words, long-suffering even for same-sex unions. It was when people made them legal people stepped over the line.

She also pointed to another Midrash in Vayikra/Leviticus which “differentiates conceptually between non-normative behavior itself and the more severe step of legalizing the non-normative behavior, with a reference to Leviticus 18:3 which prohibits the Jews from following the laws of the Canaanites in such matters as males marrying males.

Indeed, there is a vast conceptual chasm between rejecting sodomy and tolerating it on the one hand, and legalizing it on the other.

The Lord God is long suffering, even forgiving of those suffering powerful, non-normative urges to which they surrender, so long as these non-normative desires and behaviors remained non-normative.

But when they are called normal, a line has been crossed. And in the matter of sodomy, there is nothing in the Chumash/the Five Books to compare to what may have been a massive hydrogen-bomb explosion over Sodom and Gomorrah, which story sends a message about abusing the G-d-given and G-d-like capability of human procreation. Man is no more like G-d than in his ability to create more men, and he must never abuse it. Rather, he must certainly never legalize abusing it, for the consequences are potentially catastrophically dire.

Well as always, here’s Yosef Karduner.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Israel: The Politics of Chelm

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120508_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi Launches MB Candidate Muhammad Mursi’s Campaign: Mursi Will Restore the “United States of the Arabs” with Jerusalem as Its Capital

…According to Maariv this morning, in the wake of the French election in which Nicholas Sarkozy lost to Francois Hollande, a convention in Paris on Sunday promoting aliyah was attended by 5,000 curious Jews as opposed to the same convention two years ago when only 2,000 showed up.

In other words, French Jewry is scared. It has been scared for the past decade as the Muslims have terrified Jews, murdering Ilan Halimi with the same frenzy of satanic cruelty as the Fogel family in Itamar was butchered; we saw the murders in Toulouse, and at its worst I think every day somewhere in France a Jew has been attacked by a Muslim.

And now French Jews see in the success of Marine Le Pen yet another symptom that makes them afraid.

Likewise Francois Hollande is reported to be no Jew-hater himself but he is, after all, a man of the Left and is expected to put in positions of power numerous Muslims.

A week ago in Norway on Mayday Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, head of the Labor Party said nothing about the anti-Israel and antisemitic banners at a Labor Party gathering that he attended that day.

And then of course in Greece, there were elections and that country is coming apart at the seams. And not surprisingly in bad times, out-and-out Nazis are on the rise.

And in London, Boris Johnson defeated Ken Livingstone for mayor but only by 4 percentage points, 51 to 48.

Welcome again to the 1930s redux

Bentzion Netanyahu, R.I.P.

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120506_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Think of the forerunners of today’s Ancient Palestinians, the Philistines who thought that by capturing the Ark of the Covenant that they had gotten their hands on some material which would give them power. What they did not understand is that Jewishness is not to be found in material objects but inside oneself. The Ark of the Covenant contained just some words etched in stone whose power was not in the stone but in the spirit and intellect behind the words. The Ark was not some object that anyone could get his hands on like a magic wand and manipulate its power.

By the same token, here was Benzion Netanyahu apparently cut off from the Sabbath that he had keep all his life as a duty to his father without ever understanding what it was all about.

Ergo, his oddball thesis which other scholars shake their heads at. His thesis was that religion was not a factor in the relationship between the Roman Catholic Spaniards and the Jews.

He rightly pointed to the material dimension of the inquisition and the motivations of the Church to burn Jews at the stake because the punishment for being a false Christian, being exposed as a Jew in secret, included the sheer, human, ugly greed of the Church; for in addition to being burnt at the stake, all the victim’s property was confiscated by the Church. The Inquisition brought Spaniards great wealth, as the Holocaust in Germany, besides being another mass burning of Jews, was also the theft of the money, the homes, the cars, the businesses, you name it, of the Six Million.

Bentzion Netanyahu was like a color-blind person who cannot see some or even all colors. In his own life religion did not exist, and so it is not surprising this is how he looked upon the Spanish Inquisition.

And this is root of his son’s identical deadness when it comes to Yiddishkeit, to the metaphysical and religious experience of the Jews.

In one of the voluminous commentaries over the weekend someone who knew Bentzion Netanyahu personally said the same thing. There was not a drop of Yiddishkeit in him. Like father like son. Like son, like father…

Symbolic Jewish Fratricide

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120503_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, it seems that the powers that be here, that is, Bibi here has decided to hold elections in early September, 13 months early, though you’ll have find some other opinionator to explain why.

Maybe he wants to have an even stronger mandate from the people to attack Iran before the American elections in order to force the Muslim in the Oval Office to help out, provide back-up, political support at the UN, whatever is necessary.

Today the Israeli Navy, officers and Ministry of Defense officials were in Germany to formally take possession of Israel’s latest German-built submarine with a nuclear cruise missile capability, though it will be months of sea trials before it becomes operational.

Maybe this another part of the same story too.

Well, only the powers that be, Bibi and Ehud, know for sure.

Anyway, thank G-d for this quiet week. May they all be so quiet.

Leila tov veShabbat shalom miEretz Yisrael

The Idol of the “Palestinians”

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120501_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 4th day, yud beIyar, Parashas Emor, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 3rd day, Tuesday, 1 May, 2012, webcasting from the confused State of Israel.

Today’s two top stories were of the kind I have nothing to say about. One was the passing of Bentzion Netanyahu, zal, the prime minister’s 102 year-old father, and the stirring of the domestic political pot of political parties, talking of election in a few months, more than a year before the law requires a new election.

For some reason, Israeli journalists love party politics and the wrestling for power and prominence within these parties. I don’t. To be it is boring. Because it has next to no connection to the citizens; because this is a self-proclaimed democracy in which its parliamentary representatives have no constituents and therefore represent no one. What they do represent is their party whose power – Soviet-style – lies in its Central Committee and its leaders. Israeli parliamentarians don’t know what it is to receive a phone call from an irate constituent because the parliamentarian has no constituents that he has to answer to.

One irony of the situation is that the worst fate for an Israeli is being a sucker, a frier, which all of them are without knowing it. They are all suckers of their politicians and at the same time they preen themselves on being the only democracy in the Middle East. Yes, such as it is, but that does not change the fact that it is also the worst democracy of the democracies…

The Real Messianists

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120429_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, a week ago, you remember, the cabinet after decades signed off on the communities in Judea and Samaria: Bruchin, Sansana and Rechelim, with reactions among the goyim about what you’d expect. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon of the organization that spends a third of its time bashing Israel and pays his nice salary and provides him with a posh apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East side, said that he was “deeply troubled” by the decision.

Germany’s Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said he was “very worried about the plan to legalize Israeli settlements in the West Bank.”

That was last Tuesday. And then on Thursday the Right Honorable Baroness Catherine of Ashton, foreign policy mastermind for the entire continent of Europe said she was “extremely concerned.”

“Deeply troubled,” “very worried’ and “extremely concerned.” Ah yes, all of them. And she did not fail to add as she always does, “Settlements are illegal under international law.”

This is just pathetic. Ban Ki-moon of course is a hired hand, hired by the largest non-governmental anti-Jew institution on the planet; Westerwelle and Ashton as Europeans have a rich history of antiJew behavior but also in fairness to them, they have every reason to believe that if they were to be less pro-Hamitic and more pro-Semitic the Hamites among them would erupt into waves of terrible urban terrorism.

The Europeans have become, these seeds of the Crusaders, after all, an occupied people. No, they were not invaded by uniformed armies of enemy Saracens but civilians willing to do work Europeans were not.

And now these Saracens, these Muslims, have a major foothold in Europe, millions of them, and no government wants to stir them up, which they would by taking our side.

In a way I can’t blame Catherine of Ashton und Herr Minister Westerwelle for taking the positions that they do. Their countries are occupied by Muslims unbridled by civilized restraints.

France has suffered over the last half-century and more waves of terror inside the country perpetrated by Muslims. First there were the Algerians setting off bombs in France as part of their war of independence in the 1950s and 60s. And then in the 1980s there was a terrible way for Hezbollah objected to French backing for the Maronites in Lebanon, and terrorized Metropolitan France accordingly with bombs.

So of course these major league diplomats are deeply worried that we Jews are acting on the belief that we have the right to live in Judea and Samaria, when Muslims are adamant that all the land in Balestine becomes to Believers. That is Sharia law. And as the English ad the French and the Germans have accommodated themselves to a degree to Sharia law, it is not surprising that Baroness Catherine is “extremely concerned”…

Memorial Day’s Odd Name

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120424_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 4th day, gimmel beIyar, Parashas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 3rd day, Tuesday, 24 April, 2012, webcasting from Israel on what is officially now known as Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and the Fallen in Enemy Actions.

Interesting how they did not call the latter “terrorism.” The victims of terror. Initially the day’s name was just Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers, but in light of the two intifadas, the name was changed to its current much lengthier one to include really, I think, the victims of antisemitism.

But Israelis don’t see things that way. When a Muslim murders a Jew here, the crime’s motivation is labeled “nationalistic.” Though what the other nation’s name is, is debatable. Is the nation the Arab nation? More likely, Israelis conceive of the enemy as the “Palestinian nation” which nationality has been a fantasy creation of Jews as much as the world’s antiJews…

Barak: “Feiglinite Extremists”

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120422_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, as of this webcast, it remains to be seen, the fate of the Ulpana neighborhood at Beit El. As with Migron, a truly unelected by the people or their representatives High Court is the true decisor of the future of the State of Israel.

And it has not helped that Mr. Netanyahu, notorious like his father apparently, for fence sitting attempts always to please both sides. Bibi just a few weeks publically, you may remember, smilingly, told outgoing Chief Justice Dorit Benisch how much he supports the Court and its independence from politics. He didn’t want to talk about changing it.

Bibi is too smart for such rubbish. He knows that in the liberal democracies supreme courts are not so independent as to be closed, self-selecting clubs of like-minded people. On the contrary, common sense dictates that a panel of judges should be balanced between left and right, different tendencies and inclinations, because that is the nature of man. HaShem Himself reveals Himself as the G-d of Justice and Power as Elokim, and the God of Mercy – HaShem. And we, His highest creation, have hearts and brains. The human body locates the heart slightly left of center, where it should be, but above it in the middle is the brain.

Versus Israel’s almost monolithic panel of mostly Enlightened, progressive, liberal, anti-religionist Illuminati who have transcended the folly of religion and they too believe in the “Palestinians” as the victims of Zionism who must be catered to in order reach peace with them…

Israel’s Holocaust Day

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120419_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, kaf-khes beNissan, Parashas Tazria-Metzora, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 19 April, 2012, webcasting from the Israeli State of Israel on its version of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

There are three such days. The non-Zionist misnamed ultra-Orthodox – which is as much a misnomer as ultra-pregnant – did not stand still today at 10 a.m. when the sirens wailed because they see the behavior as non-Jewish. They also believe that the Six Million martyrs should be grouped with all Jewish martyrs remembered on the 9th of Av, the granddaddy of a day slated for all the Jews who suffered in history, and some of those people on that day will set aside a psalm just for the Six Million.

Then there is the day in January when Nations United Against the Jews Organization chose to remember our Holocaust, International Holocaust Day, and of course all the holocausts, all the genocides, the oppression of people who suffered from their race, religion, sexual orientation and any other collective one can think of in order to dilute the specific associative connection between the term Holocaust and the Jewish people, the only people at the UN discriminated against by barring them de facto from sitting the Security Council.

If I were Israel’s ambassador to the UN, I would work for a resolution declaring an International Day of Protest Against Anti-Semitism at the UN.

Not that it would pass…

Shalom Eisner’s Mistake

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120417_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, a nice quotation from a sheriff in Luna County, New Mexico, one Raymond Cobos, whose department was alerted to the vandalism of a billboard located in an empty field alongside a road in the town of Deming. I think that is the country seat. The sign declared, “Stand with Israel” and urged passersby to sign a pro-Israel pledge sponsored by Christians United For Israel, one of the nation’s largest pro-Israel groups. CUFI has also posted four other billboards in New Mexico and others in California and Oregon, G-d bless them.

County Sheriff Raymond Cobos called the incident an “odd anomaly” and said he had “never heard anybody express anything anti-Israel or anti-Jewish” in his time on the force. “It’s odd, very odd,” he told the Free Beacon, which is a new online conservative newspaper, attributing the vandalism to “borderline morons who have no connection with the real world.”

Bravo, Sheriff Cobos. I like that. “Borderline morons,” those who would tear down an advertisement soliciting support for this tiny little country that has contributed so much to humankind.

CUFI, Christians United For Israel, has on is executive board Gary Bauer and Pastor John Hagee, and the organizations pledge on its website reads thusly: “We believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right. We maintain that there is no excuse for acts of terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the same right as every other nation to defend her citizens from such violent attacks. We pledge to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the attacks stop and they are finally living in peace and security with their neighbors.”

Amen. And only “borderline morons who have no connection to the real world” would disagree with that.

Leila tov from the Holy Land…

The Flytilla Flop

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120415_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So much for almost half of these idiots.

Bibi’s letter was a good one, telling them first to go our neighbors and check out the human rights situation in Syria and Iran and in other countries, then report back to Israel on what they learned.

But surely there were other options the government could have taken. If I were Bibi, I would have prepared a little sound and light show for them, with aromas to match the spectacle.

One might have ushered the ones detained, a few dozen I think, into an auditorium with a big screen and flash photographs on it for hours, the handiwork of Israeli police photographers who appear at terror scenes and take photographs.

During the first intifada that suggestion was made to the government but it was rejected. The suggestion was to release to the media the hundreds of crime scene photographs taken when buses explode, or fast food restaurants go up in flame and smoke and noise; or crowded bus stops. You know, the walls dripping with blood and gore, the severed limbs, the severed heads; bodies blown apart. But it was decided back that viewers would not have the perpetrators in mind and be angry with them but the Israelis who showed them these nauseating scenes of horror.

Perhaps. Then again, it might be suitable in this situation: showing these people one gruesome picture after another until these idiots, a captive audience, being to vomit. They would surely want leave the auditorium, but we would not let them. Make them throw up in their seats and have the air stink with their puke as a substitute for the smell of burning flesh in all these buses that blew up.

The Flytilla, as of this evening, seems be yet another flop for these ultimately juvenile people whose purpose is not to improve the lives of the Arabs but to smear Israel with dirt and guilt for being the last of the racist, imperialist, rapacious Western colonies notorious for stealing whole countries from their ancient owners.

I wish Bibi had also found a way to allude to the age-old Jew-hatred lurking beneath the lie of Zionism of these people that Zionism is a racist, imperialist enterprise.

Beneath it all, their hatred is ageless…

Hiding in Plain Sight

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120410_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Loyalty to Syrian President Could Isolate Hezbollah

…Last Friday the weekly Forward newspaper in New York featured a new poll done by an outfit called the Public Religion Research Institute investigating the projected upcoming Jewish vote. This vote said Obama’s Israel policies are not American Jews’ first priority. The economy and social justice are.

One Democratic pollster even predicted Obama will add to the 78% of Jews voters who voted for him in 2008. Versus the head of the Republican Jewish Coalition Matthew Brooks who predicted a significant drop down to 62%.

I’ll stick with the higher figure remaining up there at almost 80%, which makes perfect sense; perfect Jewish sense.

80% is what the Sages told us the percentage of Jewish slaves in Egypt who chose not to flee the country and therefore perished doing the plague of darkness. The verse in Shmos/Exodus speaks of the Children of Israel going out of Egypt khamushim/armed, but since that word’s root is the same as the number five, they interpreted it to signal that only a fifth of the community fled the country, the surviving fifth around midnight between the 14th and 15th of the month of Nissan.

Demographers claim that without all the persecutions and assimilation the Jews have experienced and undergone over thousands years, the Jewish people should be the most numerous on the planet, even more than the Chinese who constitute a fifth of mankind, I believe.

Instead, we probably have lost in every generation 80% of our people which accounts for us being as small as we are today.

It is Biblically understandable that 80% of American Jewry supported Obama and will support him again, for they are lost to the Jewish people.

And in fact, demographic fact, I’ll bet a lot of these Jews polled by all these different organizations are not really Jewish but the offspring of intermarriage which the post-exilic prophet Malakhi, and the last of the 12 minor prophets, Malachi in English, fingers as the greatest threat to the continuation of the Jewish people.

Post-Exile Ezra and Nehemiah also took on the menace of marrying out.

Too many of these so-called Jews in America, even the ones Halachically Jewish, are existentially post-Jews in their ignorance. Of course they will vote again for the Muslim Prince…

Hebron: The Confllict in a Nutshell

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120405_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, you all know the denouement in Hevron since the last webcast. Yesterday afternoon when most of the Jews living in that disputed house were out and about doing their business, the special police squad bully boys swooped into this house in view of the family plot of the Jewish nation, the Machpelah, and drove the Jews inside – mostly women and little children – out, and then put all the furniture they had put in out, and then, I believe, welded the doors shut.

Prime Minister Netanyahu went along with the desire of Ehud Barak and his Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein. We pondered the iconic biography of the former last time who has a record of refusing to fight over religion, but all I know of Weinstein is that in private life he was a hot shot criminal defense lawyer in Tel-Aviv, which suggests he may have a problem with knowing right from wrong. Lawyers like him have that problem. Like Alan Dershowitz they will work for anyone who pays them. For lawyers like this, there is no right and wrong, only different versions of reality and the law is about which lawyer tells the most persuasive story.

In a word, Yehuda Weinstein is not a man to seek out on the rightness of Jews living in Hevron or not; living in that house. This latest episode is a wonderful counterpart to the saga of Migron. There the State of Herzlandia has declared that the land under those 50 cottages is the property in perpetuity of individual “Balestinians” and never mind there is not one individual Balestinian who can produce title to those acres. The High Court seemed to be saying “This land is their land forever and ever.”

And now in Hebron Israelis like Ehud Barak and Yehuda Weinstein have likewise declared all buildings in Hevron at the moment not occupied by Jews, can never be occupied by Jews. And never mind that in this case there really is paperwork proving the building, actually part of a building, was sold to Jews. What these post-Jewish Israelis are saying about Hebron is that the Jews are not allowed to increase their holdings of immovable property. Their community cannot grow. The Jewish community in Hevron is to be frozen in terms of its physical size forever and ever…

Ehud Barak the Enlightened

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120403_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, did you see or read about Obama yesterday attacking the Supreme Court for any ruling overturning his healthcare bill which he said was passed with a strong majority. It would be, he said, an example of unprecedented judicial activism.

I saw that and was momentarily left speechless. This guy taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago after being editor of the Harvard Law Review? I wanted to weep over the damage affirmation action and political correctness has one to American society. This would never ever gotten anywhere in life were he white because he is just over his head with statements like this.

Judicial review, as it is called, was established with Marbury vs. Madison in 1803. No serious survey course of American History does not cover this famous case when the Supreme Court reinforced itself as the conservator of the meaning of the Constitution in the face of future generations of legislators who might write legislation that in the opinion of the court violates the Constitution.

This guy Obama…I watched this video clip yesterday and felt like, I don’t know, an outraged wife who has discovered her husband has betrayed her and who screams at him, “Get out! Just get out! Leave!”

This guy is either an idiot or like the Arabs, he will say anything to get his way with no fidelity to truth and reality.

Come November one must remember on Election Day in the States to pray to Hashem that this charlatan, this nasty piece of work is not just defeated but decisively run out of Washington.

Okay, tomorrow I will, as I said last webcast, do the week’s third webcast – but then again maybe not. It depends on several factors. And if not, then I will do one on Thursday.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael…

The March That Flopped

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120401_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, maybe you saw the 35 “Middle East experts” in England moonlighting as actors and actresses and directors with their statement in the Guardian, among them the pathetic English Jew film director Mike Leigh and Emma Thompson demanding that Israel’s national theater be denied the right to perform in London because of Habima’s collaboration in the “colonization” of Ancient Philistia by agreeing to perform in a theater built in Occupied Balestine.

These theater and film people are just pathetic in their ignorance. The statement they signed in the Guardian objects to the “illegal colonization” of Occupied Palestinian territory.

How bizarre that these people whose stock-in-trade is language should so abuse it. The colonization of Judea and Samaria, they say. Colonies traditionally have been far-flung settlements sent by a Mother Country to remove the natural resources of a distant lands to the benefit of the home country, so just what home country are these “colonies” a/k/a settlements shipping their pilfered natural resources to? What we are talking about in large part are bedroom communities, most in sight of Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem or Haifa, whose bread-winners do not engage in stripping the land of its natural resources for sale in the home country. These are just gated communities built on empty land. They are not colonies. There is no colonization.

So stop the antisemitism on display in this Orwellian perversion of language that these artistes are guilty of. These disgusting people.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Obama: The Enemy

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120329_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Analysis: US thwarting Israeli strike on Iran

…On a final note of good news just before the Holy Sabbath: Stanley Fischer, head of the Bank of Israel, presented a 321-page report card on the economy yesterday to the government and he says the economy is in a good shape. Expected growth this year is 3.1%; there is nothing like that, I think, elsewhere in the West. Indeed, in 2011, it was a whopping 4.7%; and unemployment dropped to 5.6%, the lowest level in 30 years.

Go figure. The rest of the West is crashing, and we are not. “A people that dwells alone.”

Migron: A Golden Opportunity

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120327_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Finally, two wholly non-political items. One was a fascinating short piece in JPost the other day about brain research underway at Haifa University which has revealed that when reading either Hebrew right to left or English left to right, the brain works in a similar way.

But when reading Arabic, it works in a different way, which is strange because Arabic is a cognate of Hebrew likewise written right to left.

This is a mystery and I have no explanation, though I have no doubt – read Raphael Patai or David Pryce Jones or John Laffin – that the Arabs think differently than civilized Jews and English speakers. So I look forward to more on this story.

And secondly in the New York Times the other day, a piece was entitled “Why Bilinguals are Smarter” which discussed how that capability develops the brain and the mind, and it occurred to me that this may be a factor in the high IQ scores Jews are known to rack up because so many have been bilingual, because in every generation there have been waves of Jewish refugees running from one country to another which produce children raised in the country of refugee who are bilingual: speaking to mommy and daddy in the language they brought with them, speaking with others the language of the new land of refuge.

But I’m really anxious to see what that brain research into Arabic leads to. How odd that brain activity appears the same when reading English and Hebrew but not when reading Arabic.

No doubt about it. Arabs do think differently.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael…

Migron: Bork was Right

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120325_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: France’s Jihadist Shooter Was No Lone Wolf

…Of course more information has come out about that demon murderer in Toulouse, the latest homicidal suicide named Mohammed to, I guess, enter that great drunken orgy of raping virgins for all eternity in the sky.

One of the more informative pieces appeared on Friday in the Wall Street Journal – I’ll put up the link, though I don’t know if it will work for non-subscribers – written by one Jytte Klausen who tracks jihadi networks from her base at Brandeis University of all places. She says this latest massacre pervert Muhammad Merah was no anonymous street kid who got swept up in Islamism. She calls him a prince of the movement in French jihadi networks. His mother is a married to the father of one Sabri Essid also from Toulouse who went to Syria to run a transit house for Al-Qaida jackals on their way into Iraq to kill Americans. In 2009, Sabri Essid and five others were convicted in a French court of conspiracy for terrorist purposes. He was given five years. So in a way Mr. Muhammad Merah had a predecessor to live up to…

Islam is Madness

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120322_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So for sure what happened in Toulouse this week is nothing new. Hardly the first time a homicidal maniac murdered some Jews. Nothing new under the sun here.

The new wrinkle, though, is that the goy crazed by the existence of Jews whose madness prevented him from seeing us as fellow human beings and not demons with superhuman powers and evil desires against others, he too wanted to die.

And according to the ADL’s report released today, the latest public opinion polls in Europe measuring anti-Jew feelings are higher than in memory, and the atmosphere may have contributed to this peculiar flare-up of homicidal Jew-killing.

I personally don’t worry when there are around 20% of a population afflicted with this malady. I think that is to be expected. It’s normal. Every population has, for example, a bottom 20% when IQ tests are administered; and in 1969 when men landed on the moon some 20% of Americans polled believed it was a fake, staged in a studio with special effects. Those respondents clearly were the dimmest bulbs in the country. Something like a million spectators lined the beaches north and south of Cape Canaveral as the Atlas rocket lifted off. There really was a space program and it was the fruit of all these people working in it, thousands of them, yet here were 20% of the population believing it was a fake. These were the intellectually challenged big time of the time – as anti-Semites are never playing with a full deck. And so if a poll shows a country to be 20-25% suffering from unrealistic notions of what we Jews are like and what we are up, not to worry.

But these latest figures are disconcerting. Polling was done in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and the UK and it turned up such numbers as 45% believing the Jews are more loyal to Israel than the country they live in.

But what does that mean?…

Toulouse & Beinart Again

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120320_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So the UNHRC welcomed yesterday to their proceedings a member of HAMAS which is judged a terrorist organization by the saving remnant of civilized countries.

As such the UNHRC gave further evidence it is an antisemitic body. Only don’t expect Israelis and “Inside the Beltway” American Jews to say that.

In truth and in fact the whole United Nations Organization is infested in every department and agency with antisemitic poison.

At the UNHRC the so-called Balestinians now want that body to create a Goldstone-like inquisition to write a report on the crimes of us settlers. Israel has been fighting that initiative diplomatically against that initiative, though I doubt Israeli diplomats use the term antisemitism to describe what Abu Mazen & Associates are up to.

In yesterday’s Yediot their Eli Brandtshtein covered the Geneva meeting and cited Foreign Ministry sources who see in the Arab initiative “a political maneuver.”

No, it is a religious maneuver…

Israel Turns the Tables

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120318_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, on the southern front, where a million Jews were terrified last week, it was quiet today; the kids were back in school. The rocket fire seems to have stopped – for now. That it continued last Thursday night 24 hours after the alleged cease-fire was attributed by Debkafile to new, heretofore unheard of Muslim organization. According to Debkafile, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committee were silenced by the IDF but a new splinter offshoot from Islamic Jihad identified as Salafi Palestinians has taken over. They called themselves al-Harakat al-Mujahidin, which means Organization of Holy Warriors. The Arabs in Gaza, really everywhere, are chronically, dare we say cosmically fractious; they are given to creating an endless supply of splinter groups talked about last webcast.

You know, the big shots call a halt because Israel has destroyed its arsenals and killed a lot of its top leaders, which leaves the lowest ranking members bereft of their raison d’etre which is Jew-killing. Every time a terror group agrees to cease-fire, there are rejectionists who oppose the leadership and accuse it of selling out to the Zionists.

The Arabs are born anarchists, which words derives from the Greek prefix, an- that we use in English meaning without, and archon meaning leader. It may all go back to the desert where a man with his own tents and women and camels and goats; if he did not like the local mukhtar, the charismatic commonly tribal chieftain, he just pulled up stakes, rolled up his tents and moved away. For these savage people, freedom means freedom from the constraints of society, from law and order which are necessary when people live in close quarters to together communally. Communal living means submitting to the needs of the collective to a degree. But these wild asses of men, like wild, undomesticated desert jackasses kick at authority. So that if Hamas or Islamic Jihad calls for a cease-fire, for a cessation of Jew-killing attempts, there will always be disgruntled people who do not want to be told that cannot fire off rockets whose loud noise they just love and in the fantasy that the rockets will come down on Jews and killed them.

Did you see the news item last week about the 14 youths in Baghdad reportedly stoned to death for dressing in the latest youth culture duds that goes along with its style of music called Emo in the West? They seem to have been targeted by devotees of Barack Obama’s beloved Islam who using stones and bricks bashed their skulls in.

As I said before, the world would be a better place if Western peoples could re-impose their rule over this ocean of antediluvian devotees of the Hebrew concept of hamas, meaning the unbridled conscienceless aggression characteristic of these sons of Adam and Eve that brought on the great Flood to cleanse the world of their blood-spilling ways…

Cry Uncle

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120315_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…A last word on Erdogan and why he is such a splendid specimen of the textbook antisemite. His accusations of Israeli brutality in Gaza and the shameless broadcasting of them with no awareness of the hypocrisy when his own Turkish Air Force on his orders is no less involved in bombing the rebellious Kurds who want to be liberated from his oppressive Turkish rule.

I don’t know if hypocrisy is the right word. This is one side of the brain not knowing what the other side is thinking and saying…

“Those responsible…”

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120313_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…We left off with the poverty of speech among Israeli leaders when it comes to referring to the enemy. In the West during World War II there was no inability by anyone bad mouth both the Japanese and the Germans for their barbaric cruelty.

Here, though, only silence. What I have in mind is the latest PMW posting, yesterday, which deals with how the official PA daily covered the news story last week you might have seen of the purchase by a coin collector for over one million dollars of a coin minted by the Jewish rebels here in the first years of the revolt against Rome which began in the year 66 of the Common Era. The official PA newspaper – which when you think about it is a Communist notion: an official newspaper published by the regime – called the coin an “ancient Palestinian coin” and that it is part of the “Palestinian cultural heritage.” And never mind there was no Palestine in the year 66 and would not be one for another century.

This of course is akin to the PA claiming “Palestinian” ownership of the Tomb of Rachel and the Tomb of Joseph and the Cave of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs.

And once again from official Israel there is only silence. When the PLO killers got UNESCO to declare the Tomb of Rachel the tomb of some Arabian princess or something, I don’t recall the Government of Israel saying anything, making a fuss. Now too no response.

Someday future historians will be seriously scratching their heads over the oddity of the PA, created in 1994, putting out such nonsense with Israel’s permission. The PA TV for example with its antisemitic broadcast for two decades now with the Government of Israel saying nothing.

You know the PA TV station was given to them by Shimon Peres, who should have, at the first sign of its antisemitism, taken it back. I remember watching PA TV when the second intifada erupted in 2000 which was to broadcast a (repeating) loop of maybe 30 minutes of unedited, raw footage of Arabs rioting, stoning Jews and the IDF and police striking back and drawing blood. There was raw footage of Arabs wounded in the melee, being carried by friends into hospitals, put in and taken out of ambulances. No commentary, no explanation, no analysis, just screaming and blood and sirens shown endlessly for hours on end. All it could do and was supposed to do was stir up the blood, enrage Arabs who watched, and it was simply stunning how the Israeli government did nothing to pull the plug…

The Irony of “Haaretz”

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120306_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…We left off before the music with Haaretz as a symptom of the end of Zionism which was largely a non-religious movement, and as such had a short life span. All political parties do. All are man-made visions of society and as such are as mortal as the men who make them.

Versus the Torah which is above time; it is eternal. Haaretz talks to that slice of Israeli culture enraptured by the fashions of the post-Christian West; and the news has been manifold this week with symptoms of that malignancy. Yesterday in Ramat Gan’s family court the judge ruled that two women should be registered as the biological mother of one child. What they did was remove an ovum from one woman, fertilize it with the sperm of an unknown male, and then implant it in the womb of the second woman.

This is behavior a piece of behavior like with the pornography in public problem. Both are abuses of the holy gift of reproduction.

Another story this same morning concerned the functional anorexia of fashion models in Israel and a bill is being submitted in the Knesset to ban employment of models whose body weight is clinically categorized as descriptive of anorexia, or words that effect. And I suspect there is some connection to the opposite phenomenon in the West in our time of impossibly obese people.

And then there was a third story yesterday of the State submitting last Wednesday an opinion to the High Court against the exclusion of women from advertising in public in certain neighborhoods which the State claims is a violation of the fundamental rights of women. JPost hard copy accompanied the story with a photo of a bus stop in Jerusalem with an ad for a restaurant which showed a woman lasciviously licking a plate while wearing some garment displaying a deep décolletage.

The State is basically trying to sue religious neighborhoods that don’t want that kind of pornography in their public streets.

I think I spoke some months back of friends who live in Monsey, NY who were “in the city,” as the expression goes, meaning New York, and could not believe the vulgarity of a particular advertisement they saw on the side of a bus cruising down Fifth Avenue. And to deepen the significance this happened after Thanksgiving when all the famous Christmas decorations are just starting to appear.

The world of fashion her and in the West, everywhere these days, favors women with the figures of skinny boys, as in the courts in the West sodomy and lesbianism have swamped a culture whose popular entertainment now is filthy words, perverse sex and violence.

It is like that in the West, and it is like that here in a certain slice of the culture. On the blog the other day friend Swede P offered sympathy for me for saying “I don’t feel Israeli.”

No sympathy is needed. Israel is a collection of communities. It is the ultimate in a free pluralistic society. Everyone has his community. Mine does not include people who like Haaretz.

So what? They are fated to extinction for they have forsaken an eternal ideology for a toxic passing fashion…

What is “paramilitary”?

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120304_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: One state for Palestinians and Israelis

Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 2nd day, yud-alef beAdar, Parashas Ki Sisa, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 1st day, Sunday, 4 March, 2012, webcasting “from the hills whence cometh my help.”

Leastwise, what other hills could King David have had in mind when he wrote those words? For sure Emek HaElah/the Valley of the Oak is down below these hills. That is where he fought Goliath and slew him by using his brains not animal-like brawn. In praying as surely did to HaShem to help him defeat Goliath, the hills whence came his help were these hills above him, the hills of Judea between Hevron his future capital and Jerusalem, the future capital of the whole nation of Israel.

Today the MSM here was mostly speculation about the upcoming AIPAC conference today where Uncle Shimon the National Village Idiot was to speak at 11 this morning, and I think be given an award for bringing into the country 40,000 antisemitic Arab terrorists who led to the slaughter of almost 2,000 Jews and the maiming of thousands more.

Uncle Shimon was scheduled today to meet with the Prince of Islam Adoration before the prime minister of Israel met him. Again these Israelis are an embarrassment in their domestic politics. No one is saying but, Shimon, he’s got to learn to “park between the lines.” He’s president, not prime minister, which role traditionally was intended to be outside of politics.

As Aharon Barak and his altar girl Dorit Benisch stepped way over the line by exercising their judicial powers where they had no business, so does Shimon cross lines. Aharon Bark said everything is justiciable which is a rejection of the principle of a separation of powers which concept is as old as Montesquieu who lived in the 16th century, I think.

But not for these radical Left Enlightened ones like Shimon who claim power over everything. So Shimon Peres has crossed a line he should not have crossed, and it is to Israel’s shame that nobody says anything here about this old fool meddling in politics when that is not his job description.

He has been reported in the rumor-laden MSM to want to tell Prince Barack Hussein that Israel should not attack Iran, which fits his psychological profile as a Leftist and his own personal history. As a Leftist he plays advocate for the enemies of your people, and as Uncle Shimon he has biography strewn with instances of doing things behind the backs of his superiors, conducting his own foreign policy because the youthful Marxist philosopher that he was is still alive to a degree, and this was evident in his shameless and blockheaded Oslo deal with Yasir Arafat which was the height of human stupidity: making a deal with a mass murderer who as a mass murderer was probably not above breaking any deal he signed his name to.

So Emir Barack Hussein addressed the AIPAC crowd today I don’t know what he said and frankly I doubt I will even read the reports tomorrow…

Why I’m Not an Israeli

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120301_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So that is why I am not an Israeli. Israelis are blind to the religious quality of the satanic hatred that drives these people to do their most savage, bestial worst, like carving PLO into a young Jew’s scalp; like slaughtering like animals the Fogel family a year ago yesterday I think.

Israelis who are not religious are thus cut off from arguably the irreducible bottom line of the violence here, which is its religious dimension, where the fires of Islam’s belligerent teaching burns with its hatred for non-Believers.

Judaism teaches of the One G-d focused on man’s moral life that he is enjoined to ceaselessly improve and lead mankind to a higher level of civilization – versus these Muslims who by their crimes of terror and savage horror are resisting enemies of civilization…

The Arabs Have Nothing

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120228_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Finally, a last word about the creep in the White House. His administration is now distancing itself from the revelation that funds his government sent to New York ended up in the NYPD where they used to service a far-reaching intelligence operation in which informants were run in all the metropolitan area mosques; license plates were recorded and so on and so forth.

The Police Department’s solid Commissioner Ray Kelly is rightly unrepentant, as the Obama administration puts out that it had no acknowledge this was happening, as if the message is, “I, Prince Barack Hussein, are not in favor of spying on Believers.”

Coupled with his betrayal of Israel these days, he is more than ever my eyes a creep.

Leila tov miEretz Israel

Flakey Fayyad & Egypt

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120226_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, something not about Israel directly: the situation in Afghanistan, the unintentional burning of books of Qur’an and the idiotic apology sent by Emir Barack Hussein, and the rioting since then and the murder of US personnel in its wake.

John Bolton was on FOX today and he got it right. If the US presence in Afghanistan is meant to improve the country, make it a better place, change it, as they say in Noo Yawk, “Fuggedaboutit.” Afghanistan has been a subcivilized land since the days of Alexander the Great. The only reason to be there is to insure it is not used as a base for more Taliban and al-Qaida satanic hijinks against the US and the rest of civilization.

Islam is the religion of barbarians, who will remain barbarians until Muslim themselves choose life and not death.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Stone Age People

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120223_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Egyptian Presidential Candidate Tawfiq Okasha Predicts that Egyptian Army Will Open Fire on ‘Its Enemies’ – the U.S., Germany, and Israel – Within Three Months, States: If Not For the Holocaust, the Jews Would Have Annihilated the Germans

Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, erev rosh khodesh Adar Parashas Truma, tav-shin-ayin-bes, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 23 February, 2012, and webcasting from the high ground of Judea under attack by Stone Age people.

Stone Age people. Here that refers to the teen years for male descendants of Ishmael, who with a certain periodicity rise up in mobs to throw stones at Jews. It is their “stone age,” and I fear we are in for another storm of stones as we were a decade ago. Periodically it seems, there is an intifada when antsy street Arabs, teenage boys license themselves – as they are licensed by their society – to throw barrages of stones at Jews in passing cars. There is a photo on the web, I understand, of a Jewess in Judea, Zahava Weiss who lives in Carmi Tsur, being stoned in her car with the press photographers capturing the scene.

Who is more immoral here? The stone-throwing kids or the press photographer who did nothing to stop them or to warn her? There’s this media guy with his camera shooting it all as it happens, as this big rock smashes into her car.

And this is not a dramatization, ladies and gentlemen; this is the real thing before your very eyes: a Jewess in Judea being stoned by street Arabs, these teenage age punks throwing those stones with murderous intent. These little bastards have murder in their eyes and while Arabs are definitely not the only nation with punks like this, the Arabs uniquely hold them in high esteem. It is not that the Arabs produce such low life savages uniquely; but they do uniquely admire them as heroes. They are upheld of objects of veneration in the Arab nation, which marks them, the Arab nation, to be a nation of nation of barbarians.

Their role models are brutes. Left to their own devices after World Wars I and II, they produce 21 independent states free of all colonial control and under their own steam they produced such statesmen as Muammar Qaddafi and Hafez al-Assad and his son Bashaar al-Assad. Saddam Hussein with his two psychopathic sons; and Ali Abdallah Salah in Yemen and the Communist FLN in Algeria; and bin Ali in Tunis who made with a billion dollars; and Mubarak with his billions of dollars. The Arabs are and really always have been losers when it comes to nation-building…

Totalitarian Islam

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120221_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, the top political story today of course was the endless parade of Americans like Chief of-Staff Martin Dempsey and other functionaries and European politicians telling Israel not to defend itself from the threat of Iran which has threatened death to Israel by atomic bomb, G-d forbid.

On Obama’s part this is an absolute betrayal of Israel and of America. What this so-and-so should be doing is the opposite: he should be standing should-to-shoulder with Israel and together threatening the evil ones in Teheran to either stop work on their bomb or be destroyed as a regime.

But this Obama is an antiJew of the rankest, lowest sort. Every time I see his picture now I think of his soul-mate Louis Farrakhan and their “God damn America,’ “God damn Israel” politics.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

The Parsha and the Headlines

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120219_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: For Punishment of Elder’s Misdeeds, Afghan Girl Pays the Price
Palestinian television still glorifies terror attacks against Israel

…Here are two seemingly unrelated stories. No. 1. The three rockets fired out of the artificial Gaza rectangle of Jew-hatred with the intent to kill Jews at random and No. 2 the story last week of a UN investigator accusing Israel of Judaizing the West Bank. Shocking, in her mind.

In the first item here, YNET.com quoted a resident of Omer, a suburb of Beersheva, who was in a parking lot when the Color Red siren went off. The large hardware store she was next to ordered all of its employees into safe rooms. She and other shoppers, though, had nowhere to go so they just stood there, as I understand it. “Then we heard a loud boom. I wasn’t frightened. We remained calm.”

Another woman who also lives in Omer told the journalist that she hid in her kitchen with her children. She said they are used to sirens.

Here we are 70 years after World War II and still there are people out there trying to murder Jews. Not a day passes here, in Gaza or southern Lebanon, home of Hezbollah, where goyim are not planning Jew-killing attempts. If it is not an attack on Jews here, then abroad, in India or Thailand, Argentina.

Not a day has passed since the Holocaust without some goy plotting to murder Jews.

And then there was this other story of this UN investigator, this Raquel Rolnik, sounds Jewish, submitting her report to the UN Human Rights Council accusing Israel of Judaizing Judea, as if there was something wrong with Jews living in Judea and making it thrive and grow.

And the connection between these two stories I think is as always, forever and ever, the hand of HaShem manipulating history, manipulating people who give us a hard time in order to keep alive our separate identity as a truly special people, set apart, which is the basic meaning in Hebrew of kodesh/holiness. A people set apart, a kingdom of priests, a holy people. Until we accept that mission in life, we are still going to have a hard time from people like Raquel Rolnik.

And the rocket-launcher boys in Gaza. They are both driven, possessed in Gaza of their homicidal Jew-hatred; and here is this probably Jewish zombie of a woman who seems not to know or care, that the UN Human Rights Council is also obsessed with smearing Jews with guilt…

Holocaust Lesson

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120216_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Finally, something far from our usual focus on the eternal Arab war against Israel. In a really interesting irony of history, Israel’s National Library which doubles as the library of Hebrew University is being given the religious writings of Sir Isaac Newton, which were far more voluminous than his scientific papers, which repose at Cambridge University.

Isaac Newton was arguably the greatest physicist of all time but, lesser known, most of his thought was theological. Unlike today’s fashionable atheists, Newton the genius was a true believer in the G-d of the Universe and it is historically most fitting his theological writings are coming to Israel.

His descendants in the 19th century, offered all of his papers to Cambridge University but Cambridge was interested only in the scientific material and I guess turned its nose up at his religious ruminations.

And it is fitting that these religious papers will end up here because Isaac Newton was arguably more Jewish than anything. He was nominally a Christian but he rejected Jesus as a figure of worship. Worshipping Jesus in his mind was idolatry. He most certainly rejected the concept of the Trinity. At Cambridge University professors of his magnitude were required to be ordained as priests only he never was. He always found a reason to put off the ordination. When appointed to the highest chair, he had to get a special waiver from King Charles II because he never was ordained.

And on his death bed he refused the sacraments.

He studied Hebrew, believed in the G-d of the Hebrew Bible and denied the idea that the Jews had become a fossil people. He also foresaw a time when the Jews would return to Eretz Yisrael, just as the Bible predicts on numerous occasions.

He himself, a student of the holy text, made predictions.

Isaac Newton, a rebel in religion with ideas quite at home in Yiddishkeit. So it is fitting that while his scientific papers belong to the English and are archived in Cambridge, spiritually his work belongs here, in a resurrected Jewish Jerusalem…

What’s in a Name?

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120214_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before about nameless actions and actors, that does not seem to be a problem for the Iranians and other mass murdering Muslim terrorism junkies. On Monday in Teheran Isma’il Haniyeh, head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza which Israelis continue to miscall Hamas, was in Tehran where he said in a TV interview at the end of his three-day visit that Israel remained the “main enemy” of the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Absolutely. He is 100% right. He and over one billion Muslims are perfectly clear that their main enemy in this life is we 13 million Jews because we stand for everything they don’t: freedom, mercy, civilization.

But what power we have in their minds. You know the old joke about the two Jews sitting on a park bench in Berlin in the early 1930s when it was still possible to do that, one reading a newspaper and smiling, a Nazi newspaper like Der Sturmer or Der Beobachter, with the other looking at him like he’s crazy. Both newspapers were full of nothing but stories slandering the Jews, and the one who was smiling said he liked to read how strong we are alleged to be, how capable we are of all these plots and schemes.

Well, that is Islam today, leastwise in the hands, hearts and minds of its major movers and shakers like the priests who run the show in Teheran and the suicide cultists in Hamas under Haniyeh. That is how they see us; immensely powerful, threatening so many Muslims…

Let Syria Be

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120212_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…On the domestic front today, besides the good news this morning of the end of a five-day strike, the Israeli Psychological Association has published a document which while still largely politically correct on advising against psychotherapy meant to lead sodomites away from their vice – my word, of course, not theirs – it does not ban such so-called conversion therapy and instructs professionals on how to treat those agreeing to give it a shot. In Europe, evidently, it is against the law for mental health professionals to help the addicted – my word – free themselves from this powerful vice, which I believe belongs in the same categories as alcoholism and compulsive gambling and similar psychological enslavements.

It is a truly surprising turn of events here in post-Zionist, really post-Jewish Israel whose devotees are themselves enslaved to every fashion popular in the degenerate West, and I do mean degenerate, for in the politically correct West, the habit these days is not to reproduce, not to generate but to degenerate.

Indeed, last Tuesday a federal appeals court in California ruled that the recent referendum by the voters in that state opposing same-sex marriage “violated the US Constitution.”

Have Americans lost their minds? For sure they have lost their intellects with a ruling like that. Presumably, the two judges who ruled this way had studied at some point in their legal education not only the text of the Constitution but the context in which it was written, where and when it was written, and by whom. The US Constitution was drafted over the summer of 1787 in Philadelphia, PA by 55 gentlemen, a majority of whom (I think) could sight-translate a Latin text into classical Greek. They were educated; many were lawyers. They knew history; they knew of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Gibbons’s book came out with that title in 1776. They were all nominal Christians familiar with the Bible and its story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The idea that those 55 American gentlemen, the Framers of the Constitution, could sign off on the idea of the rightness of men marrying men and women marrying women leaves yours truly speechless. Their ruling ruled that the majority of the voters of California who voted as they did against same-sex marriage “violated the US Constitution.” This belongs in the Wonderland of a gay Lewis Carroll.

At the same time, in a decision that would also boggle the minds of the Framers, the current president of the United States of America, signed off on a policy forcing believers in the Bible like the Catholic Church to pay for intrauterine infanticide a/k/a abortion, contraception and whatnot.

Indeed, at a fundraiser last Thursday near Washington for Sodomites and Lesbians, the same president praised himself for his support of them as “profoundly American,” for example, his tolerating if not encouraging sodomy in the armed forces. This too boggles the mind.

He said it is “profoundly American” to do what he has done.

This was on a par with his dozens of wacky versions of history delivered three years ago in Cairo…

The Farce of Reconciliation

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120209_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: Libya Struggles to Curb Militias as Chaos Grows
Why the U.S. should resist stoking the chaos in Cairo

…It will be a day of wonder when leaders in Jerusalem and Washington and maybe London too, speak the truth that the last 19 years of the “peace process” has exposed the truth that making a peace deal with the Arabs in Judea and Samaria and Gaza as the West would like to see a peace deal is just not in the cards, and the best thing to do is void and annul the Oslo abomination and back, support Israel’s right, its righteous right to incorporate Judea and Samaria and rule it as Israel sees fit, tendering respect and human dignity to the Ishmaelites as individual human beings but no more than that.

And if those individuals cannot live under Jewish sovereignty as the Jews administer it, they should just go live with their brothers elsewhere in Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria…

The AntiJew York Times

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120207_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking in this webcast of Anti-Jews, did you see where on Sunday, on the very same NBC, 44 years after the Six-Day War, the president of the United States of America who loves Islam said, when asked about Iranian threats of terror attacks in America itself, “We don’t see any evidence that they have those intentions or capabilities right now.”

Oh really? Just five days earlier, on Tuesday of last week, 30 January, in congressional testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, his own Director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned that Iran’s leadership, including El Supremo Ali Khamenei, “have changed their calculus and are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States as a response to real or perceived actions that threaten the regime.” Though I don’t know if Clapper or others specifically brought up the recent plot to murder the Saudi ambassador to the US in a Washington, DC restaurant surely not far from the White House in a hit orchestrated from Mexico.

I said in the previous segment that the AntiJew York Times can go to hell. Well, so can this Obama, this son of a female canine who is constitutionally incapable of facing in public the menace, the threat posed by Iran, this huge country with access to mountains of petro-dollars and energized by an ideology as psychically powerful and venomous to free people as Nazism was. Clapper did say the Iranians were trying to penetrate and engage in this hemisphere.

Here “Bogie” Yaalon on 18 January had told the Times that Iran is smuggling ordinance into the US over the Rio Grande.

Combine that with Obama’s refusal to police that border, I look forward to the day this bum is indicted for high treason…

The “Missiles of February”?

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120205_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, some good news. On Friday, according to JPost this morning, two “activists,” a French woman and a Dutch man were hit by IDF tear-gas projectiles at Nabi Salih during a weekly demonstration.

The bad news is that they did not suffer any serious injurious.

The bad news as well, as always in the JPost coverage was Nabil Salih was said to be in the “West Bank,” and as always, the bad news is JPost was calling them “activists,” without saying activists for whom.

Well, it did quote one Jonathan Pollack who is a spokesman for the Palestinian NGO called The Popular Struggle Coordinating Committee.

So I just there is more bad news in this item than good. It is bad that the Post used the term “West Bank”; it is bad that they used the term “Palestinian”; bad that the spokesman was this NGO was an Israeli Jew.

Bad that they called these two foreigners “activists,” without calling them “enemy activists” for that is exactly who they are; enemy provocateurs assisted by this Israelite.

Oh well. It was good news that these two enemy goyim were hit by these tear gas canisters if not seriously.

Anyway, maybe to take my mind off the “Missiles of February,” I’ll try to stay up for the Super Bowl.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Primitives & Dumbbells

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120202_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking in the last segment of Jewish dumbbells and other fools, there was one other at the Herzliya Conference who deserves mention: former US Congressman Robert Wexler who on Tuesday spoke his piece. He is the current president of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace, and for those who don’t who S. Daniel Abraham, he’s the Slim Fast millionaire who made his bundle pushing Slim Fast snacks as a way to lose weight. Like Haim Saban the Israeli who made his billions with the Mighty Morphin Rangers toys who opened the Saban Center for Peace, Martin Indyk, chief cook and bottle washer. Abraham is another Jewish businessman who wants to be player and opens up a think-tank and hires out-of-work diplomats and politicians to write policy statements in line with his own views, which are pretty much in line with those of Uncle Shimon the Fool.

Wexler in the conference brought up the terms of a deal discussed by the Holocaust Denier and Ehud Olmert, that low life, who sons abandoned Israel; whose daughter is a deranged, radical, leftist lesbian, pro-terrorist activist.

Wexler was just full of percentages in his remarks. He said those two Olmert and Abbas in 2008 talked of Israel swapping 4% of the land it had before 1967 in exchange for the right to keep the large settlement blocs. He said that in that year there was roughly 5.1% swappable land contiguous to a future Balestinian state that was empty. But now because of the construction since then, that percentage has dropped to 4.5%. “As we get closer to that 4%,” he said, “the Israeli public should debate what to do,” as he hinted that construction in those areas should be frozen to keep the land-swap option viable. He said both Israel and the PA “missed a golden opportunity last May in not endorsing Pres. Obama’s speech calling for an agreement based on the 1967 lines.”

You know, when Obama sandbagged Bibi with his surprise announcement that basically trashed Res. 242, the backbone of Israeli diplomacy for 44 years.

Wexler is known as one of Emir Barack Hussein’s “closest Jewish confidantes,” in the words of JPost journalists Herb Keinon.

Yes, another Jewish dumbbell. Another dummy who probably would not know what why his recommendation supporting Obama’s disgusting ambush of Bibi trashed 242.

Another dumbbell, another Jewish dummy…

Bibi’s Ploy

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120131_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before of Montreal and Canada and political correctness, well the power of that political correctness popped up in the most unlikely place this week.

There on the front page of JPost hard copy this morning, its lead story was the speech delivered at the 12th annual Herzliya security conference last night by Canada’s foreign minister John Baird. The main and subhead headlines were: “Delegitimization of Israel is the new Anti-Semitism – Visiting Canadian FM John Baird says Israel has no better friend than Ottawa”.

How true. He and Prime Minister Harper and Minister Jason Kenny are hands down Israel’s friendliest government, especially with that villain in the White House. But he said something that was indicative of the power of political correctness, or maybe I am wrong: it is the power of the fear people rightly suffer from when they consider Islam. Herb Keinon reported in an indirect quote, so I hope he got it right, that Mr. Baird “likened terrorism to Fascism and Communism and cautioned against appeasing it.”

Excuse me, but fascism and communism were/are political ideologies. Terrorism is not. This is a bogus comparison. Terrorism is criminal activity likely energized in large part by the evil in some men for whom murderous violence is a way of life, a thrill. If Yasir Arafat had not been an anti-Zionist, some other idea would have served to license him in his own mind to murder people at random. Like individual psychopathic serial killers driven by their evil inner demons, Arafat and Abu Nidal and the rest of the PLO terrorists without Israel would have found other excuses to murder people at random.

John Baird linked Fascism and Communism and terrorism, when what he might really have had in mind was not terrorism but Islam. Fascism, Communism, Islam are all ideologies of dictatorship; all of them enemies of the freedom of the individual to believe and live as he or she chooses.

Baird’s use of the word terrorism was similar to many other politicians including George W. who after 9-11 waged a war against terrorism, when it truth it was a war against predatory, savage, imperialistic Islam.

Terrorism is not an ideology but criminal behavior of the worst possible kind: the murder of innocents at random in terrorist atrocities.

John Baird was right that delegitimizing Israel is the new antisemitism, and I say Islam is the new communism, the new Fascism, even the new Nazism. And the sooner the West allows itself to see that truth, the better…

Islam is for Slaves

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120129_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: The Tahrir Square illusion

…In the last segment we looked at the all too common behavior of contemporary anti-Jewry, specifically Jewish anti-Jewry, in this archetypal behavior of Jew-bashing to balance those times when one unavoidably must criticize the Arabs and the Muslims.

The PA’s top man of the cloth calls Jews apes and pigs, and the president and CEO of Americans for Peace Now rebukes him and then must for the sake of her own spiritual equilibrium bash Jews and smear us with the same crime. “Both sides” must not talk this way,” she says, when there is no record of rabbis talking this way at all.

In a similar fashion, something we see every year now at the end of January when official, Gentile Holocaust Remembrance Day comes around: the bromides fro such as Emir Barack Hussein who last Friday had the White House issue a statement for the day in which he said “…We pledge to stand strong against all those who would commit atrocities, against the resurgence of antisemitism, and against hatred in all its forms.”

Yes indeedy. Contemporary culture simply cannot focus solely on the problem of antisemitism without the moral equivalence of focusing on “hatred in all its forms.”

All its forms? Well, let’s see I hate having a head cold. I hate liver. Are these included in Obama’s catchall? Probably not but he wants his listeners to think not only of antisemitism but anti-gayism, male chauvinism, ageism. Like one of his advisers Samantha Power who wrote a book not on the genocide of the Jews but genocides in the plural, because the Jews have no monopoly on being the victims of genocide. There have been lots of genocides.

And as the Jews do not have the right to solitary ownership of Jerusalem, the way, say, Muslims have solitary ownership of Mecca and Catholics of Vatican City, Jews must ecumenically share Jerusalem with the world and especially the Ancient Ones because otherwise people will call the Jews greedy.

Barack Hussein Obama this dissembling antisemite is constitutionally, in his soul, incapable of singling out the satanic Holocaust of the Jewish people and must make reference to all kinds of hatreds so as not to let the Jews have all the pity. That would be unfair and greedy of them.

I dread the day this character is re-elected…

Hadrian, Hitler, Abbas

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120126_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, maybe you noticed how in Monday’s Republican candidates’ debate Newt Gingrich expressed his view, which is mine, that it was Obama who canceled the long-planned exercise here, two years in the making, meant to fortify Israel against an attack by Iran.

One imagines that Gingrich has some good foreign policy advisers with reliable contacts here who advised him that this was the case.

By amusing contrast was the reaction of the President of the National Jewish Democratic Council David Harris who accused Newt of fabricating events as a ploy to smear the Muslim Prince who has “an outstanding pro-Israel record.”

How do these dejudaized, inside the beltway Jews live with themselves?

Leila tov veShabbat shalom

Poetic Justice

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/120124_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Before the music my fantasy was a country without Arabs because there is no way we can share this country.

That is, Arabs can live here in any numbers so long as they have zero claims to national independence among us, to ownership; so long as they accept that as Arabs have 21 states that are officially Arab, Israel is officially Jewish. The Jews own it and are in charge.

And that is because, to repeat, there is an abyss of culture that separates the two peoples. On Sunday, Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin received back a secular new year’s greeting he had sent to parliamentary speakers like himself around the world, and this one came back from his counterpart in Amman, Tahar al-Masri who returned letter because he said it was racist. He said when Rivlin in the circular letter called Jerusalem Israel’s capital, this was a racist and biased and political statement.

I read stuff like that and despair of ever having a rational, intelligent, sober talk with any of these Arabs. Any Arab is entitled to object to Israeli rule in Jerusalem; but he is not entitled to call this rule racist.

Are his fellow Arabs racist when they officially call every one of their 21 states an Arab state? Are Muslims racists when they deny non-Muslim entry into Mecca and Medina?

It’s this throwing around of words ripped from their meaning that so separates the two peoples, the sons of Israel and the sons of Ishmael.

Tahar al-Masri surely claims Jerusalem for the Ancient Balestinians – and never mind his last name means “the Egyptian.” There are thousands of Arabs in Israel and Jordan with this last name, a name reveals their roots, which ain’t in Balestine.

What I’m saying is here is that there can be no sober dialogue with such people who are so low level in their thinking.

These Arabs are constitutionally incapable in our time and who knows for much longer of dealing with us as equals. In their universe the only way to deal with Jews is to rule over them and confiscate their wealth.

The Torah is true. It says we are people that must dwell alone, and the sooner we stop trying to make formal peace with these people in words and deeds instead of treating them as they really are…that is the way to real peace and quiet. Waiting for these Arabs to say they accept us is a fool’s errand…