
Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before about loshon hara, evil speech and how destructive it can be, the power of words, and here today Prime Minister Netanyahu asked the Attorney General’s office to open an investigation into the 9 January sermon given by the PA Mufti appointed by that peace-loving Holocaust Denier who also in his dissertation on the Holocaust which didn’t happen, the Zionists collaborate with the Nazis in the murder of Jews. On 9 January commemorating the 47th anniversary of the Fatah’s first violence against Israel – misreported routinely as the founding of Fatah, which had happened six years earlier – this Muslim holy man Muhammad Hussein brought up that old Muslim chestnut from the hadith that they all love in which Jews are called apes and pigs.

Not that anything will come of this investigation into his words. What? He is going to be tried in an Israeli court for insulting Jews?

What, in any case, is there to investigate when hardly a month goes by without some Muslim dullard uncreatively, repetitively bringing up this legend of Allah turning Jews into apes and pigs?

Coincidently, last Thursday night in Holland on Dutch television, Prime Minister Netanyahu likened Iran to Nazi Germany in the matter of both harboring a crazy ideology and pursuing nuclear weapons. And I was reminded of Bibi’s book A Place Among the Nations which was in the same vein of analyzing Israel’s predicament in the language of Political Science and politics with nary a hint of Jewishness thrown in.

For sure Bibi was trying to sell his audience on the danger that Iran poses with its crazy ideology, his word his “zealotry” and how like Nazism, this is a terrible combination in Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons and “extreme ideology.”

Well, Bibi, what you call “extreme ideology,” I call antisemitism. That is the link, the similarity between Iran and Nazi Germany. Both peoples and ideologies are enslaved to a lunatic vision of Jews which leads to terrible violence against Jews and not only Jews. Antisemitism has a track record of making life miserable not only for us but lots of other people too.

Sometimes I wonder if Israelis like Bibi really understand why Israel’s traditional reception of foreign dignitaries includes a trip to Yad Vashem. Visiting Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey just went through the drill.

I mean, what is the point of remembering the Holocaust at all if it is only an act of remembering? Then it becomes a kind of antiquarian entertainment.

No. the message of Yad Vashem must be that it happened before and it can happen again, and I say these Muslims today, these Iranians, they are today’s Nazis in their insane hatred and demonization of Jews. has a whole archive now of these TV preachers all over Araby spewing the most medieval Jew-hatred not a whit more sane than anything the Nazis ever said.

Only Bibi, the archetypal dejudaized sabra, doesn’t have it in him to tell the Dutch that these Iranians are this generation’s Nazis who must be stopped, not only for our sake, us Jews in Eretz Yisrael, but for the sake of the whole free world…

Only Bibi & Ehud Know

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…In yesterday’s JPost hard copy there was an interesting story out of France where a 300-page report commissioned by the French Assembly was published last month called “The Geopolitics of Water” in which 20 of its 300 pages are called “The Jordan Basin: Water as an Integrated hinge of the Territorial Conflict and Security Question.”

Its author is a socialist, a member of parliament for the Socialist Party Monsieur Jean Glavany who thinks Israel’s water management is another face of its apartheid policies towards the Ancient Ones.

Well, the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem of course filed a complaint in Paris charging that the section on Israel was “venomous, inaccurate and strewn with anti-Israel propaganda.”

Unfortunately, as is so common among Israelis, the foreign ministry cannot see that this is yet another chapter in the millennia of anti-Jew venom; this is just old-fashioned Jew-hatred in modern dress. You know, how Shakespeare can be performed in modern dress? Well, what we have here is yet another specimen of hating the Chosen People; hating the very idea of a Chosen People. That’s what the repetitive behavior of anti-Jews in our generation is all about when they compulsively must smear the Jewish people and Zionism with the words like “racism,” “apartheid.”

In 1975, the UN General Assembly voted in its plurality if not yet majority for the judgment that “Zionism is a form of racism.”

Since the founding of the UN in 1945 with less than sixty member-states, way more than one hundred new nation-states came into being and in each case there was some kind of national movement clamoring for independence, typically from some colonial power.

Well, Israel was one of those 100-plus new states, only it was unique among the new nations, alone among the nations, for its movement for national liberation was judged in 1975 “a form of racism.”

Other peoples can come together and function as a nation, but when Jews do it, they do it in a racist way against all non-Jews. Jewish nationalism is an aggressive, injurious form or nationalism. Why, in order for the Jews to become as independent as say, modern Algeria, the Jews had to steal an entire country from another people.

Jews are known to be cliquish and clannish. Jewish nationalism is an offense against mankind.

In other words, what this French socialist did in his report was behavior known over countless generations. He said Israel’s water management was part of its policies of apartheid that impacts to unjustly and grievously on the victims of Israel’s racist policies.

And never mind that racism, a la South Africa or the American South was exclusively about skin color. Skin color was the most important feature in people in those societies who did not have white skin. This was politics as a branch of dermatology.

Versus Israel where skin color has nothing to do with Israel’s policies toward the Arabs. Not one among the Ishmaelites here has been unjustly treated because of the color of his skin. Those who have run afoul of Israeli law have done so for their behaviors, like sticking dynamite in their underpants to go and murder Jews at random. Apartheid, a regime of distinction by skin tone, has nothing to do with Israeli policies or Jewish nationalism, so this allegation by this French socialist is nothing but lying about Jews which in my definition is antisemitism.

But again Israelis are ill-equipped to call that spade a spade…


Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, I am looking forward to the journalists and/or historians in the near future or distant future who will teach us what happened on Sunday when this US-Israel drill was suddenly canceled. There are, they say, already, some 9,000 US troops in the country in preparation for the drill scheduled for April, which drill has now suddenly been postponed until the last quarter of the years i.e. election time. I look forward finding out what happened.

Debkafile said it was a remark made in the morning on Kol Israel by Deputy Prime Minister here “Bogie” Yaalon expressing his “disappointment” in the US administration for being last forceful on sanctions than the British and the France which triggered the abrupt decision to cancel this drill two years in the making, a drill meant to deal with the threat of rockets fired at us possibly carrying WMD. I think part of the deal, of the drill, was bringing into Israel equipment that we need for our defense and after the drill it would be left behind.

Well, if so, this is Prince Obama screwing Israel big time. Yesterday in the New York Times the radically deranged, Jewishly speaking, Roger Cohen, a walking Jewish Stockholm Syndrome of misidentification with antiJews like Prince Barack Hussein sounded like Leon Panetta et al telling Bibi not to attack Iran. The cancellation of the drill may be Obummer’s sadistic screwing of Israel so that it will hesitate about striking Iran knowing that its defenses have been seriously jeopardized by the absence of this equipment.

Roger Cohen laid out a bitter bill of indictment in Obama’s head concerning Netanyahu’s alleged hostility to him. Cohen wrote of “Obama’s fury at several things: the way Netanyahu has gone over his head to a Republican-dominated Congress where he is a darling.”

Translation: Bibi has not gone over his head, and the thirty standing ovations he got were self-generating among the legislators. Is Bibi to feel guilty for generating such feelings? No matter. If Cohen is right, and he probably is, Obama is wildly jealous of Bibi and is out to get him.

Cohen says Obama is furious at Bibi’s “ingratitude” over the vetoing of the PLO-sponsored UN Security Council initiative attacking the settlements. Notice that so far Obama’s complaints are wholly insubstantial. They address attitudes and manners, like ingratitude, not policies inimical to the United States of America. Cohen is describing an egomaniac bothered by Bibi’s relationship to him rather than the substantive issues important to both countries.

Cohen referred to the “dysfunctional relationship between Netanyahu and Obama” with the implication of course it is Bibi’s fault and his responsibility to repair the relationship.

This is what American Jewish intellectual Phillip Reiff had in mind when he wrote a book called The Triumph of the Therapeutic which dealt with the conquest of the mind in popular culture by Freudian-esque psychology, pop psychology. We all think and use those terms. Dennis Ross to me sounds like a marriage counselor and Roger Cohen sees a “dysfunctional relationship” that needs to be repaired.

What he does not see is the existential threat to the lives of another 6 million Jews that Bibi is responsible for and he does not see the in-grained hatred of Jews in men like Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and Barack Obama…

The PA Mufti Speaks

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…On the domestic front which I rarely get into because the political system here is so second-rate I prefer not to get into it – someday these Israelis are going to wake up and understand that the very structure of their electoral system produces second-rate politicians – the top story last week and into this week is the entrance into politics of TV talk-show host and weekend columnist in Yediot Yair Lapid, son of the late Jewish antiJew Tommy Lapid. Yair resigned from his program to declare his desire to enter politics by creating his own party. How typical. Estimates by the pollsters say that he could get 15 seats out of the 120 and at the expense of Tsipi Livni’s Kadima Party, which makes sense. They both represent the vacuous dejudaized Israelis for whom Jewishness is drag and the Palestinians are the victims of Zionism who deserve a state.

Lapid is a handsome guy who in every picture of him is shown trying to look as debonairly handsome as he can. A week ago Friday he wrote his last column and just like his late father he blamed the problems of the middle class in Israel on the Haredim. He wrote that in representing the middle class he wanted to “prevent their money from being taken by settlers, tycoons and the government – but most the Haredim. Israel has been enslaved for many years by members of a shameless, extortionist, special interest group – some of whom aren’t even Zionists – who take advantage of our twisted political system to steal the money of the working class.”

In other words, those Haredim are a bunch of blood-sucking Jews leeching off the working class.

Sound familiar? But I won’t call Yair Lapid an antisemite because he is too shallow and provincial to have any awareness of how he sounds. He is just another empty suit of a dejudaized Israeli who stands for nothing except the material good life.

He tells people proudly that he remains a good friend of Ehud Olmert who he claims was his father’s best friend. Olmert: another empty suit of a man without belief in anything except material success.

Tommy Lapid, remember, was asked to join the Shinui Party of Avram Poraz who was a khozer be-she’elah, an ex-Haredi heretic also at war with Jewishness but lacking Lapid’s public wise guy persona whose stock in trade was Haredi-bashing, Poraz invited him to join the party and he did.

Lapid, Jr. now, Yair, seems to be the rotten apple who has not fallen far from the tree…

A Colossal Hoax

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…I envy the historians of the future who will have access to all the material documenting our generation, the generation of the Oslo Brain Fever, when people’s brains went on the blink; when they made a deal with the lowest form of humanity imaginable, Yasir Arafat, that mass murdering, antisemitic psychopath and homosexual pedophile.

What will the historians make of our time? Historians of the future will also have access as well to the archives of such as PMW, Palestinian Media Watch which has compiled a record which is perfectly clear that the Oslo players Beilin, Peres, Rabin, Clinton and State department Jewboy flunkies were perfectly blind. The idea of Oslo was that the Arabs here (claiming to be an ancient nation) had finally come around to accepting the rightness of the existence of Israel as it existed west of the 1949 cease-fire lines, and that all they wanted was the spoils of 1967.

But if that were true, the PMW would not have an archive of the kind of material the PA media routinely broadcasts and publishes, like the rebroadcast this week of a children’s song played last May called “On the Way to Jerusalem,” and the refrain is: “Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and Nazareth are ours.”

The first verse (it sounds like a child’s round) “I, Muhammad, sing about the Galilee and the Golan.”

Then the refrain: “Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and Nazareth are ours.”

Second verse: “I, Kabha, sing about the Galilee and the Golan.” And then the refrain. And then, “From Bethlehem to Jenin is Palestinian. Ramleh, Lod and Sakhnin are Palestinian. Nowhere is more beautiful than Jerusalem, no matter how far we travel. From Tsfat to Al-Badhan (near Nablus) is Palestinian. Tiberias and Ashqelon are Palestinian.”

There are 16 place-names in this song. 15 are places west of the Green Line; only one of them is in Yesha. These people are singing about pre-1967 Israel.

What will historians in the future make of the clash of MSM stories of euphoria among the Enlightened over the Oslo process and this daily cascade of evidence exposing the peace process for the colossal hoax that it has been pulled off by the Arabs and their antiJew dupes, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, Israeli and non-Israeli alike.

In 1993, when the Oslo brainstorm was made public there was no record out of Araby with the tiniest sliver of evidence that the Arabs had finally come around to accepting the rightness of the Jewish commonwealth re-born. Not an eye-dropper’s worth of evidence that the so-called Balestinians had basically given up their dream of demolishing Israel as it was pre-1967.

In a very profound way, all the hullabaloo about “Palestinians” and their need for a state in Judea and Samaria and Gaza has never been anything but a smoke-screen, a distraction meant to cover up the enduring truth that the violence here is about destroying a state, not building one.

The Arab-Israeli conflict is about the Arab drive to deny statehood to the Jews, and what the Arabs came up with as a formidable weapon in psychological warfare is the antisemitic myth that that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about the Jewish drive to deny statehood to the phantom nation of Balestine…

Fighting for Our Rights

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The American Civil Rights Movement was about fighting for the rights of Negroes that they were entitled to but were denied in the American South via the segregation laws. The underlying rationale was that as Americans, who fought and died in all its wars and most recently World War II, they had rights that were being violated, and that had to stop. They deserved respect that they were not being given.

The problem with these post-Jews, these post-Jewish Israelis is that they recoil when it comes to identifying with the most victimized people on the planet, the Jewish people. For the secular Zionists, Zionism was about creating a new Jew because the old one was a despicable character. Sabras in the first decades of the state were indoctrinated to look with contempt on Holocaust victims because they went like sheep into the gas chambers. They sneered at Yiddish as the language of this contemptible people who by their beliefs and behaviors brought on to antisemitism.

Modern Israelis refer to the Arabs euphemistically as a “minority,” in exact imitation of the American concept of minorities, with the implied guilt of a majority over a minority which is in the nature of things. The minority is the abused party.

It is more comforting for Israelis to see themselves as the dominant majority abusing Arabs than to identify as the tiny minority that we are in the Middle East endlessly assaulted by homicidal maniacs.

What Peace Now types cannot see is the colossal, even cosmic injustice done to Israel by our neighbors and their backers world-wide by refusing to recognize our right to our Jewish state – that is the demand Bibi makes of Abbas the he cannot fulfill.

And they also deny our right to keep the spoils of war we took in righteous self-defense in 1967.

Which brings me back to where I often find myself: puzzling over the absence of an Israel that fights for and demands its rights; demands that the Arabs and world sign off finally on the League of Nations Mandate which created a Palestine that did not exist under Muslims, one explicitly intended to be the Jewish homeland. Bibi’s demand that the PLO sign off on that, and the inability of the PLO to do is the whole conflict in a nutshell.

And I say Israel has to go even further and insist on our right to keep every square meter we took in self-defense in 1967. That is what this conflict is all about: the refusal of the world to respect our rights to this Land as per the laws of nations and the human right to self-defense. We took this land away from an enemy people that used it to launch murder squads to murder us in the 1950s and 60s; and in 1967 they made a second major push to succeed in destroying Israel when they had failed in 1948. Only in 1967 again we survived, we were victorious, and took this land that they used to attack us away from them, and we are under no moral obligation to return it to them and let them have another shot at exterminating us.

Peace will come when Israelis stake their rightful claim and demand their rights.

Which is the opposite philosophy to that of the Enlightened who unquestioningly go along with the ridiculous concept of a Palestinian Nation with rights to our ancient homeland…

Santorum’s Faith

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…And interesting minor coincidence this week of being able to read not one but two op-eds by two of America’s leading professional Jewboys, Dennis Ross and Aaron David Miller both of them protégés of and altar boys for James Addison Baker, III. Had they not worshipped in the Church of Jim Baker the antiJew they would not have had the careers they have had.

Miller was in the LA Times last week, and yesterday Ross was in the Washington Post, and I never cease to be amazed and entertained by what shallow and foolish fellows they are. Miller wrote of the “personality conflicts” between Prince Barak Hussein and Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu. Miller says that unlike the emotional attachments to Israel of both Clinton the Democrat and Bush the Republican, “Obama’s views came from other places; his own logic, the university in which he developed intellectually and his own moral sensibilities. Obama does not see the Arab-Israeli conflict as a morality play pitting the forces of good against the forces of darkness but a conflict between two rights and two just causes.”

You know who used to talk like that? That covert Soviet agent and radical American journalist I.F. Stone, who was born Isadore Feinstein. When in the 1940s his idols in the Kremlin supported Zionism as a weapon against the British presence in the Middle East, Izzy Stone supported the Zionist movement toward the birth of Israel. But when it became clear after the new state came into being that it would not align with the Soviet bloc but the free West, well, Stone became a forerunner of LTF, Little Tommy Friedman as an Israel-basher. Stone used to pitch that very same line: “This is not a war between right and wrong but two rights.”

Taurine excreta; though Aaron David Miller can’t see that. Notice how in his tripartite explanation for Obama’s views – his own higher education in the US and own moral sense and logic, Miller left out his boyhood years living in a Muslim country and surely for some years living as a Muslim and his twenty years listening to Jeremiah Wright who gave an award to the notorious Jew-hater Lewis Farrakhan.

Absent from the fawning mind of Aaron David Miller, certified professional Jewboy is the possibility that Obama’s repeated praise for Islam may reflect an influence other than the university environment he refers to.

He calls Obama’s view of Israel “analytic not emotional.” Analytic.

Aaron David, the guy is an antiJew who likes and respects Islam, this totalitarian antiJew ideology.

And then there was Dennis Ross today in the Washington Post writing of the two sides here in conflict saying, “There should be no illusions about the prospects of a breakthrough in peace talks anytime soon. The psychological gaps between the parties make it hard to resolve their differences that have bedeviled all the work for peace talks over the past few years.”

“Bedeviled.” Now, that is a good word. A devil is at war here that prevents peace for Israel but it is not the psychological gaps, Dennis, between the parties. He went on to equate Netanyahu and Abbas who “carry the weight of their peoples’ history, and mythology and face enormous political constraints.”

Here Dennis equates Jewish history with so-called Palestinian history, and “both sides have mythology.” The moral equivalence here between the Jewish prime minister and this bloody criminal is simply nauseating.

Dennis, there are no psychological gaps. The Arabs have a history of being predators, raiders, armed robbers and their religion justifies their greed, their hunger to overrun the world.

Dennis Ross always sounds like Dr. Phil or some other marriage counselor trying to get the two spouses to work things out and get back together.

Dennis, we Muslims and we Jews have never been together. Ever…

German & Egyptians, Then & Now

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, it is good news that in the Iowa caucuses the anti-Jew Ron Paul came in third. Last week quoted some blog called Rightwing News quoting some former Ron Paul aide Eric Dondero who says Ron Paul wishes Israel didn’t exist.

Well, I wish Ron Paul didn’t exist.

Dondero said Paul thinks Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the American taxpayer.

People are entitled to their opinions but not to their ignorance. Foreign aid is like one percent of the federal budget and there are lots of other recipients of that one per cent besides Israel, with none of them, except Israel returning on the investment as Israel does. George Gilder lays out in his book The Israel Test the benefit to the US to US taxpayers via the aid it gives Israel.

I would vote for any of the Republican candidates except Ron Paul, so I am enjoying this campaign because I don’t care who wins. They are all good enough to be president and anyone of them is preferable to the Islam-loving villain in the currently in the Oval Office.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Enemies Without & Within

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly this evening, here is a case in which there are besiegers within and without working together. It was we know the pressure of the Left-liberal media here that drove Netanyahu to liberate hundreds of violent barbarians for the life of Gilad Shalit, and now it turns out, one of those liberated, one of those behemas afn tsvay feese / beasts on two feet, a Mr. Mahmoud Awad Damra has just become a major-general in the army of the People’s Democratic Republic of Balestine. This homicidal Hamite was responsible for the murder of young Eish Kodesh Gilmore on the Arab side of Jerusalem in 2000 and out in Benjamin about the same time the murder in a drive-by shooting, I think, Rabbi Benjamin Kahane son of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane and his wife Talia. The couple with their children were riding in the family car driving toward Ofra, if memory serves when either in a drive-by or from the side of the road the vehicle was sprayed with gunfire. This villain was at the time the commander of Fatah’s Force 17, Arafat’s personal Praetorian Guard.

He was sentenced to life in prison, but two years ago Mahmoud Abbas, anyway, bestowed upon him the rank of major-general. And now he is out and has taken up his post.

This is what I mean about the collusion of Israel’s enemies without and those within.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael…

Have We All Gone Mad?

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Did you see where last Thursday in Egypt, so-called security forces raided the offices of 17 nonprofit NGOs including at least three democracy-promotion groups financed by the US? The government in Cairo said the raids were part of an investigation into the “foreign hands” behind the latest wave of protests. Heavily armed men in black uniforms belonging to the so-called central security police carted off boxes and files and computers.

I think a frowning Lady Macbeth Hillary Clinton, the famous Middle East expert had something to say about this the next day. She was not happy.

But what I am waiting for is the wisdom of LTF, Little Tommy Friedman who makes millions as a Middle East expert, when in truth he is a dumbbell because he is much too twisted up inside spiritually to see the Arabs for who they really are.

LTF has the same understanding of Islam as his soul-mate Yossi Beilin, both of them cases of arrested development when it comes to hating their parents for whatever reasons which manifests and presents as hating the Jews.

Friedman like Beilin was dizzy with pleasure over the Handshake on the White House lawn inn 1993 together in their ignorance of the Arabs and Islam. All they cared about was a process leading Israel to hand back the spoils of war and the driving of scores of thousands of Jews (in 19930 from their homes in the heart of the Promised Land.

Likewise Friedman in Tahrir Square saw last year what he wanted to see.

The report out of Egypt today was that the Deputy Supreme Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Rashad Bayoumi, that’s pretty high up, was quoted in Al-Hayat the Arab newspaper published in London that the Brotherhood respects international treaties but also the will of the Egyptian people who never got to vote on the treaty with Israel. So he wants to see a referendum. This way the beople will decide.

He, though, personally, will never allow himself to “sit down with a criminal,” meaning an Israeli; any Israeli. “We will not deal with Israelis by any means,” he said.

I can understand his point of view: he is a Muslim who takes the Qur’an seriously, which text calls for oppressing and humiliating Jews. And anyone who goes against the Qur’an is a criminal. All Israelis are criminals for as dhimmis they have no right to independence, no right to rule over Believers.

This is the new Egypt, not the Egypt of Little Tommy Friedman’s palsied imagination…

The Ugly Israeli

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: Palestine, a history rich and deep
Christmas in Eurabia – Deck the Halls

…So this week we had the big demo of thousands on Tuesday night in Beit Shemesh against a dozen budding sociopaths as symbols of Haredi Jews everywhere and then there was another heroine created this week like Tanya Rosenblit, who thinking she too was Rosa Parks deliberately riding a mehadrin bus to challenge the preference of the people aboard for their preferred mode of public conveyance. This was a girl soldier Doron which interestingly enough is one of those bisexual names used here by both men and women.

And then this morning in the newspaper was this dramatic studio photograph, done by like fashion photographer, of eight famous women in Israel facing the camera, taking a stand against what their spokesman called “an ugly, internal Israeli tsunami that wants to sweep us all away.”

And who their spokeswoman was Tsipi Livni right there in the middle of the picture, most forward, standing closest to the camera, dressed in black trousers and black top like a ninja prepared to do battle. Her statement to the press about this “tsunami threatening to sweep Israel away” was characteristic of the anti-Haredi posturing and hysteria.

Also in the photo at her right hand was actress Gila Almagor who said, “I am sure that in Israel a new Jew grew up, proud, free. And suddenly I get smacked in the face with the segregation of women in the face. A Haredi spits at a 7 year-old girl and calls her a slut. I’m sorry this is not the country we grew up in. I really think we have to take to the streets because social justice begins and ends with people.” Whatever that means.

Notice the old Zionist ideal of a “new Jew,” because the old Jew was what caused antisemitism. We are not going to be like that, we Israelis, we sabras. The unspoken background to her remark is the contempt for Jews who were responsible in part for their own fate. Brought it on themselves with their dreadful religion.
One doubts Gila Almagor has any awareness of how she sounds like an antisemite. She objects, as she should, to the behavior of a handful of budding sociopaths but then uses the fact of their existence them to smear all Haredi Jews, which she shouldn’t.

The Enlightened are acting as ugly as the Jews that hate…

Violent Haredim?

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…And lastly a word about our neighbor about Syria where on Friday 44 people were suicide-bombed to death in front Syria’s intelligence headquarters in the middle of Damascus. I think there were another forty dead today.

The Arab League’s observer mission, the head was to arrive last night Sudanese Gen. Muhammad Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi who was head of Sudanese intelligence when Sudan’s ruling Arab Muslim elite was slaughtering hundreds of thousands of black Muslim Sudanese, the Darfur people. It is this guy the Arab League chose to lead the peace-keeping mission, the monitoring mission.

This is Alice in Wonderland meets Franz Kafka.

The best thing the world could do, if it had the money and will would be to invade all Arab lands, conquer them and rule them as colonies, as in the good old days, for left to their own devices, these Hamitic Arabs are a blight on humankind…

A World Obsessed with Jews

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Now, as for the local response here in Israel to the Foreign Ministry’s sharp retort to the European attack on Tuesday, the reaction of Defense Minister Ehud ben Yisrael Barak was totally predictable. What Lieberman said to the Europeans was, more or less, “We will ignore you and you will have no say in determining the future of the Holy Land.”

For Israelis like Ehud Barak, isolation from Europe is a fate tantamount to the death of Israel as they want it to be. In the words of Bibi’s book title, Israel is supposed have A Place Among the Nations and not be isolated.

But the unknown secret of the especially Leftist Zionists which they hid from those they wished to recruit was that contrary to their propaganda about being proud Jews who fought back, who did not go like sheep into the gas chambers, their idea of a Jewish state was a non-Jewish state. In a nutshell, they came to the Land of Israel not to be Jews but to stop being Jews, as weird as that may sound.

And there is a connection between that weirdness and Israel’s perennial begging for acceptance by the Arabs and the rest of the world. Some weeks back I mentioned an interview with former Israeli UN ambassadress Gabriela Shalev crying over how alone she felt at the UN.

Versus Avigdor Lieberman who demands respect and not love from the Gentiles. In this, though, seen as a hardline right-winger, he is no different from that famous Leftist Zionist also from the Russian Empire Golda Meir, who once quipped that if she had to choose between being loved and dead or alive and hated, she preferred the latter…

Fatah’s War on UNSC 242

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: In praise of haredi buses

…Lastly, more information has come out about that storming of the Efraim Brigade last week, the background to it.

It seems the catalyst was the leaking of an IDF plan that day to destroy the Gilad Zar outpost at the order of – behind Prime Minister Netanyahu’s back – Defense Minister Ehud “the Socialist-Atheist” Barak who apparently has a bee in his bonnet about these outposts like so many of his peers. At the last moment, Netanyahu stopped it.

One suspects that Barak wants to carry out the Supreme Court’s order to destroy this outpost in order to preserve the democratic life of the State which includes respect for the decisions of the High Court, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I think that is rubbish on his part. Barak the youthful communard who grew up in a house full of atheists was raised to see in religion, and especially the Jewish religion, medieval superstition. Believing Jews are objects of contempt in Barak’s world, not fit for membership in Herzl’s state of New Jews.

I still don’t approve of what this mob did but now have a larger context in which to understand it.

What possibly could be driving Ehud Barak to destroy that outpost if not a bee in his bonnet? He is getting no pressure from Washington during this election year. His war against the outposts may be coming from the same dark place that drives Little Tommy Friedman.

That’s it for this evening, the first candle of Hanukah.

Chag sameach and I will be back, G-d willing, on Thursday….

Uri Saguy’s Bull’s Eye

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Did you see how last week Turkey’s antisemitically deranged foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu addressed parliament during budget talks and crowed how Turkey made Israel “kneel down in front of Turkey and isolated the Jewish state in the region.”

Well, my immediate reaction to that last remark about isolating Israel in the region was “Baruch Hashem / thank G-d.” Isolating Israel in the region is exactly what Israel needs; as little to do with these Muslim states as possible because they are so spiritually, politically and mentally backward.

And as for the image of Israel kneeling down before Turkey: this guy is as delusional as any antisemite. Antisemites have a poor grasp of reality when the concept of the Jew rises to consciousness. The political columnist Pat Buchanan is like that. He can be wonderfully intelligent, well-educated, clever and knowledgeable on many topics but when the Jews enter his mind, he blows some fuses.

Maybe that is how it is with Ahmet Davutoglu. Here he is talking about Turkey’s budget and works into his remarks how Turkey made Israel kneel in front of it. When? How? Israel never did as Turkey commanded; Israel never apologized for our sons defending themselves before a band of mostly blood-thirsty Turkish Muslims.

Notice overall the importance in the mind of this Muslim of humiliation as a form of victory and certainly its importance in the handling of foreign affairs. Foreign affairs between civilized societies deal with joint and separate interests and how to manage them via diplomacy; force being the consequence when diplomacy fails.

Here, though, foreign affairs deals with humiliating others and making them kneel down before you.

Spoken like a true Turk throughout their history.

Imagine an American secretary of state or Canadian foreign minister, or British or Australian foreign minister/foreign secretary saying such a thing?

For Muslims and the Arabs who gave the world Islam as well, the clash of civilizations is not about competing for natural resources. The Arabs, the Muslims, do not need the 2,000 miles of Judea and Samaria. The Arabs alone are 40% larger in area than the United States. What they are fighting over in their endless aggression against us is wholly spiritual, psychological, bound up in a miasma of their antediluvian culture…

T. Friedman: Whore

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, did you catch yesterday’s latest verbal droppings from LTF, Little Tommy Friedman, who I call “little” because despite his 60 years I still hear a nasty little boy sniping at his mommy and daddy, like the Kahane-ite I described earlier.

What Friedman never does in his pieces on Israel is present fact and argument; it is always a rant against Israel for its attitudes and feelings toward the Ancient Ones that Israel needs to change. In this regard Thomas Friedman is the worst commentator on Israel in print.

Yesterday as he has in the past he worked into his text the words and phrases “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “stifling dissent,” “weakening minority rights.”

He also wrote that “Israel sees America at its ATM”; that Bibi won all that applause before that joint session of Congress last spring because “that ovation was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.”

In this LTF exposed himself and not for the first time as no better than a low-life scumbag of an antisemite, for this is how deranged Jew-haters talk. What LTF just said was that all those 535 elected officials had been bought off, corrupted by Jews with big bucks. The Jews have corrupted the very heart of the American system of government.

Not for LTF the possibly that those 535 Americans are pleased and proud to be allied with Israel and not with the ragheads who not only bought down the World Trade Center but attacked the Pentagon, the seat of the American military. LTF in his way holds his fellow Americans and their elected representatives in utmost contempt for allowing themselves to be bought off by Jews with all that money.

LTF, and as I say not for the first time, exposed himself this week as an antisemite; there is no better word for his type of thinking when it comes to Israel. He is always whining, “It’s the Jews’ fault, it’s the Jews’ fault.” He is simply pathetic.

Thomas L. Friedman is simply one of a posse of Jewish anti-Jew prostitutes who have made a life for themselves, well-paid in prestigious careers by bashing Jews. Had LTF never been an Israel-bashing journalist, he never would have been appointed by the New York Times as its first Jewish chief of bureau in Jerusalem since the birth of the modern state. Anyone chosen before then would have been for his dual loyalty.

But not LTF. It is no accident that he became in the mid-1980s the first Jewish bureau chief for the Times in Jerusalem because his views were well known and there was no fear he was going to take Israel’s side. Since 1897 when the New York Times was bought by German Reform Jews, it has always been nastily anti-Israel. Zionism was a moment that impugned their loyalty to the United States and therefore their careers and bank accounts.

I’ve read Friedman call us settlers – those who refuse to leave our homes for peace – “greedy.” And don’t tell me Thomas Friedman somewhere in his brain was never aware of the history of using that word to describe Jews. Never head of Shylock. Never heard of Karl Marx’s crackpot theories about Capitalism which were inseparable from his view that Capitalism was the tool of capitalist bankers like the Rothschilds determined to gather up all the money in the world and make everybody their slaves; that the Jews lived for money, worshipped money, not the G-d of Israel.

Little Tommy Friedman in these instances of using the word “greedy” has got to know at some level of awareness he is spewing antisemitism.

That is who all these Jewboys are: Friedman, Martin Indyk, Aaron David Miller, Jeffrey Goldberg, Danny Kurtzer; whores of the Jewish people who for fame and fortune sell themselves out as professional, career Israel-bashers…

Speak Truth to Liars

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…I think I have to correct myself if last webcast I left you with the impression that Netanyahu had opposed a cabinet vote on backing a law against loudspeakers on minarets because they bother people here in Herzlandia. I thought he sided with the antis when on the contrary he backs the law, postponing a vote only for tactical reasons.

In his party Limor Livnat and Dan Meridor – he who really belongs in Labor – and Mickey Eitan the reformer right-winger – opposed the bill as unnecessarily disturbing the Arabs. They all seemed to side with Shimon Peres who told Yediot on Monday that a law exists against excessive noise and the proposed mosque bill makes him feel ashamed. “This is just a march of folly. What does this gives us? It just damages our image.”

Spoken true to form, Uncle Shimon: worried for Israel’s image among the nations rather than doing what is right for the Jews regardless of what the nations see in our image.

Bibi supports the anti-minaret noise law and rightfully states that Israel need be no more liberal than Europe, where Switzerland, France and Belgium have laws that single out Muslim behaviors and pass laws against them, like the anti-veil and scarf laws in France, and the anti-minaret law altogether in Switzerland. Imagine the global shrieking were Israel to adopt the same law as Switzerland according to which no new mosque built can have a minaret.

Uncle Shimon opined to Yediot yesterday the anti-noise law on the books is sufficient. “Don’t go and create a law with a religious argument. You don’t have to stir up all the Muslims and the Arab world against us.”

Once again spoken like a true St. Simon of Oslo in his ignorance of our mortal enemy. Peres never understood anything about Islam, knew anything about Jewish life under Islamic tyranny, which is why he pursued so ardently the ludicrous Oslo peace plan concocted by his political vizier Dr. Joseph Beilin, PhD, another groiser khochem, a “wise” ignoramus about the Arabs. Shimon doesn’t see that whether or not Israel as he puts up it stirs up all the Muslims and the Arab world, our very existence fuels the fire of their burning hatred and aggression.

Shimon said, “You can’t separate Judaism and democracy. There is no such thing.”

It sounds like he thinks Jewishness and liberal democracy are indistinguishable. Spoken like a true, post-mitzvot modern Jewish liberal…

The Gingrich Bombshell

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So the good news was the Gingrich performance overseas, but here in Israel the news was not so good. Last week the IDF killed a terrorist cell in Gaza plotting murder and mayhem in Israel, and did so with pinpoint accuracy – and the barbarians responded with the opposite of pinpoint accuracy: a barrage of rockets aimed in the general direction of Jewish communities in hopes of wreaking random murder and destruction among al-Yahud.

Over two days what Gingrich rightly calls the terrorists in Gaza fired maybe 20 projectiles all over the south. For a day (I think it was Friday) hundreds of thousands of Jews were ordered by civil defense authorities to stay within 15 seconds of a shelter.

Is this what Theodor Herzl had in mind? Hundreds of thousands of Jews in their home towns and villages who are limited in their physical movements because of homicidal Jew-haters fixing to murder them?

The other depressing news here was that of the Mugrabi Bridge to the Temple Mount being closed as it should be, but Bibi dares not build a new one because the Ishmaelites are threatening mass rioting in the Arab world if Israel proceeds with the project. The principle, of course, among the barbarians is that Israel has zero rights to make any changes in al-Quds.

Also disheartening was the news today that the Yisrael Beiteinu party may withdraw MK Anastasia Michaeli’s bill to squelch the PA systems on minarets that blast out their calls to prayer that irritate hundreds of thousands of Jews. The majority of Likud ministers oppose the bill in the name of religious freedom.

In other words, in Switzerland the Swiss can pass a law against minarets altogether but not in Israel. Israel, in the name of this religion of Islam, with its 1 billion plus adherents, 56 officially Islamic states and scores more countries with Muslim populations, must bow down to its dictates.

This is the equivalent of allowing since 1967 the Muslims to rule the Temple Mount and literally prevent Jews from praying there altogether. The imbalance in religious freedom on the Temple Mount is a shocking marker of Israel’s lack of self-respect.

One understands the fear in Netanyahu of mass Arab rioting in the volatile Arab states which could break out were Israel to build a new Mugrabi bridge, let alone re-write the rule book for sharing the Temple Mount. No prime minister wants to be held responsible for igniting a third intifada over the Temple Mount, which is precisely what Ariel Sharon did when he ignited the second in 2000.

But there has to be a limit to this self-abasement and retreat which in the long-run can bring on the very thing the self-abaser is trying to deter: even more aggression by one’s mortal enemies.

Israel must every day – as free peoples must fight to defend their freedom in every generation – Israel must every day make clear that Eretz Yisrael is the world’s one and only Jewish country and state and in it only the Jewish people will rule and decide what happens.

And that self-confident stance can begin with the Temple Mount and the building of a new bridge to it, despite the Hamitic menace emanating from our Arab neighbors…

Egypt is a Basket Case

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…There was more on the terrible 3 videos story yesterday when the Ministress of Immigration and Absorption Sofa Landver testified before the Knesset Committee on Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs chaired by Likud MK Danny Danon who summoned her to address the controversy. She said there was no intent to hurt anyone’s feeling, but if there were, she is sorry. She was sorry if people were offended but insisted she was not apologizing. “If anyone was offended, they should look in the mirror, and see their kids when they come back from public schools.” In other words she stood by the message of the videos.

Meanwhile, in the States the senior vice president of the Federations of North America Rebecca Caspi said that indeed American Jews were “hurt to their depths of their souls. The videos presented a message that a Jewish life can only be lived in the State of Israel. It is unacceptable that US Jews are expected to hit the streets when they are needed to protest on Israel’s behalf while Israel delegitimizes their Jewish lives in their home country.” She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

By contrast, Charley Levine told the committee he thought the videos were great. He has lived in Israel since 1979 and as in the States makes his living at PR. He told the committee, “I don’t know why people are apologizing. Any time any Israeli raises the issue of Aliyah, there will always be problems of sensitivity. As a professional, the content here is terrific. If Israel wants to be a Zionist leader, it has to choose between being popular and correct. I prefer that we be correct. These ads are the responsibility of Israel [to make].”

Precisely. So Rebecca Caspi and Jeffrey Goldberg don’t like being told there is a difference between being a Jew who lives in Israel and one who does not? They think there is no difference? Then of Judaism, of Jewishness, of Jewish thought and belief, these are ignorant people…

J. Goldberg & the 3 Videos

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…There is not one good reason to have pulled those videos for they were right on target, masterful productions doing so much in such a short time. And if some Americans of Jewish extraction felt under attack by their message, that’s their problem.

Goldberg said Jews in Washington can identify with what’s happening in Tel-Aviv but not Jerusalem or the settlements. “There is a large gap between most Jews in the US and most Jews in Israel. Jews in the US are becoming more universal in their outlook while Israeli Jews are becoming more and more tribal in theirs.”

Now Jeffrey Goldberg would surely harrumph in protest were he to be called to his face an antisemite, but that is what his words here tell us he is, in spades. Zionism, let us remember, was judged by the world community of nations to be a form of racism. Post-World War II, the membership roster of nations at the UN went from less than 60 to almost 200 new states, all of them with some kind of national liberation movement before liberation and independence with only one of these new dozens of states having its national liberation movement smeared with racism.

In other words, what is laudable nationalism among the nations, among scores of nations – like the movement for national liberation of the venerable Palestinians – in Jewish hands nationalist has been a racist, colonialist, imperialistic enterprise. Jeffrey Goldberg uses the term “tribal” to describe the, I guess, national feelings of Jewish people in Jerusalem and the post-’67 communities. This variation of the old “Zionism is racism” routine smear when he uses the term “tribal” to smear the national movement of Jewish people.

Goldberg objected to the message that he took away according to which America is no place for a proper Jew. But again that was the message of the socialist Zionists who looked down on American Jews for their addiction to the capitalist chasing after wealth.

Notice too how Goldberg says American Jews are becoming more universal in their outlook which he contrasted to us tribal Jerusalemites and settlers.

This is Hanukkah all over again. That is the one holiday of this month of Kislev we shall soon be celebrating.

Jeffrey Goldberg sees himself, though, more universalistic in outlook. He is not at all “tribal” like us primitives here in Judea and Samaria…

One Ignoramus After Another

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, maybe you saw how last Wednesday at a Jewish conference in Brussels, the American ambassador to Belgium, a man of Jewish extraction, Howard Gutman, said Jew-hatred among Muslims comes from Israel’s policy toward the Ancient Ones.

Who is this moron? I am embarrassed as an American and a Jew that this numbskull enjoys the cushy office that he does.

Has he no knowledge of the history of Israel before 1967 during which the fate of any “Palestinians had nothing to do with the Arabs’ homicidal hatred? Has he no knowledge of the 1400-year history of Jewish life in Arab Islam? Has he no knowledge of the Qur’an on whose pages the Jew-hatred is plain to see?

What a jerk. Along with Hillary and Panetta, here’s another American ignoramus about matters he knows nothing of.

Okay, there is a lot going on here in this part of the world, like the Egyptian elections and the explosions in Iran, which, bli neder, we will have to get to next time.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

“Lovers of Palestine”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…I imagine you all saw the continuing reports on the UN document presided over by the righteous gentile Geoffrey Palmer which declares that in the Mavi Marmara episode Israel was legally in the right to board that ship and it was the Turks that were at fault for not preventing the ship from sailing and for conducting afterwards a tendentious a/k/a ludicrous version of an investigation. The Palmer report calls for no apology to be made by Israel, even if, as always, its soldiers lost control of themselves.

At the same time in New York City Minister Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon failed in negotiations with Turkey’s Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu to agree on a text which would abort the publication of the Palmer report, with the sticking point still the Turkish demand that Israel apologize.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, unlike the Defense Minister, the kibbutz-raised, atheist, multi-millionaire socialist Ehud Barak, remains adamantly opposed to Israel making such an apology; apologizing that its soldiers defended themselves. He called it a “humiliation and a forsaking IDF soldiers.”

Of course it is a humiliation, because humiliation is one of the most important drives in Muslim, Arab, Turkish society. These are cultures in which dominance and submission are routine states of being. The Barbary Pirate power states of North Africa – Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli – were autonomous Regency city-states run by Turkish Janissaries who demanded tribute from non-Muslim countries as the only way to have a ceasefire in the eternal jihad between Islam and Christendom, pashas who in turn were required to pay tribute themselves to the Sultan in Constantinople, meaning, giving him huge gifts of money and spices and fabrics and jewels and black slaves from Africa. And woe betide the Barbary potentate who failed to pay the Sultan.

Likewise the annual jezya tax on the non-Believers allowed to live, principally Jews and Christians. But this was a heavy tax on the community, and it was also deliberately meant to humiliate the non-Believers, i.e. concretize their subject status. It was an exercise in admitting who’s the boss.

Imagine if Israel were to levee on the 20% of its citizens who are Arabs a special heavy tax that Jews don’t have to pay. What would the world say?

It is out of this mindset the Turks are demanding Israel apologize. It is also the way these guilty barbarians try to manage their guilt which they cannot experience. They deny their guilt and insist that the Jews are the guilty party…

Covert Antisemitism

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Yeah, this Barack Hussein Obama guy thinks like an Arab. When he says “the borders of Israel and Palestine must be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps,” he is saying, “If Israel captured x-square miles of land from the Ishmaelites in ’67, Israel must return the identical number of x-square miles, and if the parties agree to swap some of the captured land for other land in Israel’s possession since 1949, they can do that.”

BUT, if Israel took x-thousands of square miles in 1967 away from the Arabs, Israel must return the same number because Israel is not allowed to keep the spoils of war.

That wouldn’t be very nice. The Arabs will not become happy if Israel is allowed to keep the spoils of its victory because every moment the land remains in the hands of al-Yahud, this is a stain on the honor of the Arabs, these holy warriors. Israel must return the same number of square kilometers it took or there will be no peace. It would be wrong for Israel to keep such spoils.

And Israel’s refusal to hand back what it took in its aggression in 1967. only exacerbates the anger and irritation of the world at its stubborn refusal to hand back what it took.

That is why I say the mirror image of that viewpoint is declaring that the truly moral and just solution to this conflict is not sovereignty in the hands of the Fatah terrorists but sovereignty in the hands of the State of Israel.

And Israel has the right to do what it wants with these lands taken in self-defense and the exaction of true justice thereby. The Arabs attacked in 1948 and again in 1967 to steal all the real estate the Jews had developed over a century of land reclamation and making the desert bloom. But they lost in their attempt and must pay punitive damages in the same coin. They came to take our land away from us; as punishment we take land away from them.

As Germany today is smaller than it was before September 1st, 1939 when its army crashed over the border into Poland and ignited World War II, so Syria is smaller than before ‘67; so Jordan is smaller. What’s the big deal?

What is it about Jews that evokes in mankind this double standard?

On Friday in Yediot their veteran political writer Shimon Shiffer wrote up Shimon Peres’ recent meeting at the White House with Prince Barack Hussein before Bibi went to Washington, and in the meeting Shimon evidently told him 1) that Bibi was dead set against the concept of negotiating from the ’67 borders but that he, St. Simon of Oslo the Wise, fellow Nobel prize laureate for peace, in his tete-a-tete with the Muslim Prince of course agreed with him that the Balestinians must receive territory equal in size to the ’67 borders. And if Israel is to keep any lands, i.e. the land under the immovable major communities, Israel must pay for them with territory in the Negev.

You got that? Israel must pay if it keeps any of the spoils of war.

I say this is antisemitism of the kind Israelis like Netanyahu just can’t see…

Obama’s Immorality

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So there is a deafness of a kind in Bibi Netanyahu, really his whole cohort of dejudaized Israeli sabras when facing off against an anti-Jew like Obama. Bibi’s response to the magic words “1967 borders” was to say, “They are indefensible,” which completely misses the point of Obama’s demands. Obama pays lip service to Israel’s defense needs but simply is not interested in them. His demand is an assertion that Israel is in guilty possession of land it stole from the Ancient Ones. Obama’s demand is less a strategic choice and far more an opportunity to smear Israel with guilt. The proper response is not that it is an indefensible line but that this land is our land, not theirs.

Bibi’s missing Obama’s intent. Obama’s intent is not about military defense. It is about asserting that all of Judea and Samaria is Arab land. It was Arab land before 1967 (and never mind it was no less occupied by Jordan than Israel which kingdom had no right to be there) and it must remain in Arab hands in perpetuity according to those who think like Obama. Israel has no right to rule, to own, to govern, to decide the fate of, live in Judea and Samaria because it is land that rightfully belongs to the Ancient Ones, the victims of Zionism, colored Third Worlders like Obama’s father and grandfather in Kenya. In Obama’s eyes, Bibi is the guilty one. Israel is the guilty party that vanquished the Ancient Ones and stripped them of their ancient homeland. Obama has in his head a cartoon perversion of historical truth.

One can only hope that Bibi uses his speech before the joint session of Congress on Tuesday in a way he has never spoken before. I think it was wrong of him in that face-to-face video to say again as he has said on so many occasions how much he wants peace and how much Israel really wants peace. He seems to think that that is his job: persuading our enemies of our good, benevolent, not malevolent intentions. Bibi is always trying to persuade the world how much Israel wants peace, which only re-enforces the enemy in his weird way of projecting his own aggression against Jews onto Jews. The Arabs chronically see themselves as Israel’s victims. Israel, in their minds, strikes at them for no reason other than Israel’s evil racism.

Instead, Bibi for a change might go on the attack and paint our enemies in their true colors. They are past masters of re-writing history right out of George Orwell’s brilliant writing. They are as a people as antisemitic as the Germans and the Austrians and other Europeans were in the 1930s and 40s. Bibi could cite but won’t the work of PMW, which he never does. They record the PA madness about Jews which is as wacky about Jews as Hamas or Nazi propaganda. Bibi must smear Abbas with responsibility for the PA media which is steeped in classical, demonic images of Jews as supernatural demons.

Bibi has got to, ultimately, finally, some day, besides singing of our Israel’s good will, stake a claim to our ancient homeland and assert our right to live anywhere in it and our right to rule over it and it does not matter that there are more Arabians in at the moment than Jews.

Instead of bleating about Israel’s wanting to create a Balestinian state under certain conditions, Bibi must go to war against the immoral policy which declares that Jews do not have the right to keep the spoils of war taken in legitimate self-defense…

Obama’s Affect

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Another thought on Obama’s affect – when he made the announcement the other night, “affect” as the psychologists use the term, his emotional expression or lack thereof when he announced the successful operation: Maybe he was depressed for it is now no secret any more that Pakistan, the recipient of billions of American dollars, is a two-faced ally. For years, the Pakistanis said bin Ladin was in Waziristan, tribal areas we never go into, on the border. In truth, he was down the road from Pakistan’s equivalent of West Point.

On the one hand, Pakistan has been for ten years a support base for US operations in Afghanistan against the Taliban; and on the other hand Pakistan is itself a support base for the Taliban and even al-Qaida. Pakistan can no longer be shielded by Obama and his administration – and in fairness the ones before his – as a US ally against Islamist terrorists because Pakistan is one of them; it is an Islamist terrorist entity.

While some of its military and politicians may have been pro-Western, its covert, veiled, security agency the ISI is an Islamist operation. It has long been known that they were the backbone of the Taliban in Afghanistan, using Saudi money to support those lunatics at their worst before 9-11 which led to the end of their rule. On 9-11, Obama’s base was in Afghanistan, the country run by Muslim fundamentalist Taliban funded by Saudi Arabia.

And the relationship between Saudi Arabi and Pakistan is a long-standing one. The Saudi kingdom is a kingdom of illiterates and primitives and tribesmen with no real loyalty to the Saudi family that runs the place. They are not very good with modern, hi-tech equipment either. For this reason the Saudis have long relied on the Pakistanis to serve in their military. They even had a treaty saying that in the event they are needed, the Saudis can call upon 300,000 Pakistani soldiers to come and defend them. The way the United States defended them twenty years ago.

The Saudis gave Pakistan the money for its nuclear bomb program, and according to one source, the Kamra Air base in Pakistan stores A-bombs reserved for the Saudis. And there have been reports that given the tension with Iran lately, the Saudis have already moved some of their A-bombs into their country; nuclear warheads that can be fixed to missiles manufactured in Pakistan and in China.

In my own imagination I imagine that one factor deterring Israel from using A-bombs to crush Iran is the fear that this will license the Pakistanis to use theirs against us, G-d forbid.

In a nutshell, besides the Muslim maniacs in Iran and Turkey and Egypt, Algeria, Libya and Yemen, Pakistan may be the most dangerous Muslim regime of all…

Hamas-Fatah Accord?

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Why Is Obama Protecting Assad?

…Lastly, JPost ran a piece today on how only 5% of Lebanese know the words to their national anthem. A political scientist at AUB (American University of Beirut), a Muslim, was surprised the figure was even that high. He said, “We used to make fun of the anthem in the Sunni school I attended. We were taught that Lebanese identity meant nothing, that it was an artificial European creation.”

Precisely. This Muslim political scientist then went on to “fault the anthem for exalting Lebanese nationalism…with words that deliberately erase the Arab-Muslim history of Lebanon.” He said he “proudly belongs to the 95% of Lebanese who don’t know the anthem.”

Yeah. Right. Exactly. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan. These states were all created, their boundaries were drawn, by Europeans, because the sub-national tribesmen of the region had no sense of nationhood as understood in civilized societies.

Another reason why Mahmoud Abbas and his fellows in their version of Murder Incorporated don’t really want a state. It has no meaning to them. As Arabs they covet the wealth we Jews have created and hate us for illuminating their own inferiority to them.

Hence the grievous sense of humiliation, insult, sense of deprivation. We Jews deny them the wealth they hunger for, and we humiliate them by our superiority.

Islam for them truly is, as Karl Marx said, the opium of the masses…

Decommission Gaza

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So quiet has returned to the skies over Gaza but of course the attempted murder by rocket and shell will begin again at some point. Gaza has been a burning spearhead in Israel’s side for 63 years and will remain so until this artificial rectangular district is decommissioned.

The Strip is about three times the size of the Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base and it is home to over one million Arabs, most of them stateless, unemployed, on welfare and dwelling in slums, providing an ample pool of potentially violent males who want to get in on the firing of rockets at the Jews or in planting IEDs along the security barrier; or firing anti-tank missiles through the fence at army vehicles or school buses.

What Israel should not be doing is feeding Gaza as it sends into the Strip every day thousands of trucks carrying supplies, commodities, gravel for building. Yesterday the Israeli functionary with the grand and lengthy title of Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announced that “despite the recent escalation in violence, the authority had coordinated the transfer of 3,656 trucks into the Gaza Strip bearing food and medical supplies.”

Maybe it is just me but I find something simply bizarre going on here. These subcivilized criminals fire an anti-tank projectile into an Israeli school bus, and we are still supplying them with food and medicine? Whatever happened to old-fashioned siege warfare in which you starve the enemy until he can fight no more? What is going on here with Israel sustaining the enemy? This is unheard of in human history, I think.

In 2005, with the retreat from land and communities that were rightfully ours, we should have given the Arabs a year’s notice in the matter of supplying them with anything, not only food and medicine but water and electricity. The message might have been that “You can’t have it both ways, Arabians. You can’t expect Israel to sustain you as you fire rockets to kill Israelis. One or the other.”

In the matter of water, I’ve heard, it might not be so easy to separate, for the two systems are intertwined after all these years. But electricity is another matter.

Of course turning of the water and the electricity would raise howls around the globe; that would echo throughout the solar system, even the galaxy and beyond, that Israel was practicing collective punishment on the Ancient Ones. Okay, The Israelis don’t like these little rocket barrages, the Enlightened say, but why should all of Gaza have to suffer?”

And the Israelis would have to answer that terrorism is the ultimate in collective punishment cruelty. What one crummy little home-made Qassam rocket does when it shoots up and the sirens go off around the Gaza rectangle in the Jewish communities, tens of thousands, scores of thousands of Jews are frightened, fearful for the lives, for the lives of their little kids playing outside. Terrorism’s ethical logic is that every man, woman and child in Israel is guilty and deserves to die. This is the ultimate in collective punishment…

Israel Needs New Ideas

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, did you see where one PA-affiliated media outlet reported that maybe some Thai migrant workers were responsible for what happened at Itamar?

Another PA-affiliated news outlet pushed the theory that Israelis, that they did it, to make it look like the Ancient Ones were responsible.

I would love to see an Israeli politicians say that these Arabs, these Muslims, are simply not ready for independence; not ready for prime time. They are not the type of people to govern themselves without the supervision of their civilized betters. Israel, therefore, will not hand over any more land and will not midwife “Palestinian” independence on land, in any case, that we have more right to than they. We Israelis, we Jews have as much right to Judea and Samaria as Barack Obama has to his home in Chicago, Illinois. Both names, state and city, come from the native Native Americans from whom Americans took that land.

We have as much right to this land as those parts of Germany that Czechoslovakia and Poland got to keep after the War.

Land here granted us by the League of Nations, which land grant renders every settlement in Judea and Samaria legal.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

“Search your souls”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Heck, two days ago at the White House, didn’t Imam Barack Hussein tell the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations to tell their friends and colleagues in Israel, “Search your souls”? That’s what Minister Barack Obama said. Minister, as in Minister Louis Farrakhan.

“Tell them, your fellow Jews in Jerusalem, to search their souls,” he said, and did so because at some level of cognition he understands this is a religious issue, and if Israel wants peace with Islam, it must hand over Haram al-Sharif – in the mind of Barack Hussein Obama. He wants Israelis to “search their souls” and confess their guilt that they are the obstacles to peace for greedily hanging onto property that they stole from the Ancient Ones. That is what is in his head.

That was what Barack Obama told those overwhelmingly non-practicing Jewish millionaires. “Search your souls.”

Yeah, souls. This is a religious conflict. And statehood for the Ancient Ones, this “national liberation movement,” is only a cover-up….

Wingate: As The World Turns

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: ‘How can an intelligent people only see the short term?’

…Today in response to yesterday’s raid of destruction at Khavat Gilad and the subsequent juvenile temper tantrum of teenagers and their delinquent rabble-rousing elders during which they vandalized Arab property and got 23 of themselves arrested, Prime Minister Netanyahu told his Likud Party this: “People do not understand where they are living. If you do not live in the real world, it is possible to disregard everything…we live in a very difficult international situation; the US veto in the UN Security Council was achieved with great effort. We could ignore everything and say ‘no problem,’ but as the prime minister who bears responsibility for this country, I have to be responsible.” The issue at hand of course was the de facto freeze on new building.

Translation: The protest of the settlers is that building in Yosh remains frozen and that is not right. Yes, but there are other factors besides this right.

And when he said, the UN veto was achieved with great effort, that was more euphemism. Translation: Everyone knows that there is in the White House an antiJew the likes of which we in Israel have never had to contend with. And we are walking on eggshells for the next two years with this enemy.

We have never been in a situation like this before with this man in the Oval Office and now 65 years after Auschwitz when stupid Europeans like Jean Asselborn of Luxembourg feel licensed once again to exercise their anti-Jew muscles and impulses.

You all cruise the MSM. You all know that Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen licensed himself to ridicule the Jewishness of a person; and now there is this fashion industry butterfly Galliano on YouTube with his antiJew verbal bilge sounding like Mel Gibson a few years back. Hollywood actress and Jewess Wynona Rider worked with him some years ago and she said his nickname for her was “Oven Dodger.” Galliano said something similar.

In other words, it is back in fashion that which for a couple generations was out of fashion: sneering at and mocking and publicly reviling Jews.

I also saw today on the Net some Serbian night club singer, a blond bombshell who has also gone public with her antiJew discomfort being around Jews.

And then there is that old Communist folksinger Pete Seeger, this phony upper class guy who went to Harvard University then made a career of pretending to be one of the people singing folk songs. He is now out and behind the boycott Israel movement as if we were South Africa; as if Zionism truly is racism. This is typical for Communists.

I think what Bibi was trying to say in his oblique way was that the violent among us are living in a bubble of their own. These are highly provincial communities; youths unaware of the outside world and that old-time hatred of Jews is now making a politically correct comeback. So we have to be more careful. So vandalism and rage after what happened at that farm is not a good thing.

Especially with the surrounding Hamites now swarming in their passions. G-d forbid some of our out-of-control teenagers leave a bomb in a mosque. Who knows what these barbarians are capable of and worse now that they have the rotting remnants of Christian civilization behind them…

Antisemitism Itself

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, with the news out of Egypt today much more subdued, with many in the crowds of the last two weeks going back to their usual lives, the Muslim Brotherhood did announce it was going to field candidates for the coming elections for the new parliament.

Of course they will. In 2005 that won 88 of the 454 seats of the lower house, and it is a reasonable assumption that they actually won far more than that but the level of corruption held their mandate down to 88.

And last November, what do you know, those poor Brothers did not win even one seat. And it is a fair bet not because their popularity had plummeted but because Mubarak’s loyalists gave them no quarter this time.

So if they field a slate of candidates for elections in the fall, they might not, probably won’t win a majority. But they could win the plurality and end up as the largest party, especially since there are something like two dozen other parties – a sign of how this community hasn’t got a clue about the mechanics of good democratic government machinery. Like in Israel: too many parties. Real democracies are like the human body divided between left and right, heart and mind; and they tend to two produce two big parties, not dozens.

And the campaign is already underway to whitewash the Brotherhood. It will proceed apace for sure.

But the free and democratic Westerners must not let themselves be fooled about a new and improved, moderate, modern Brotherhood. No more of that old-time religious jihadi fanaticism for them. You know, Barack Obama’s and James Clapper’s vision of multiple voices in a heterogeneous Brotherhood.

Perhaps. But the fact remains that the leader of the Brotherhood remains Mr. Muhammad Badie, 66, who just recently, according to Charles Levinson in today’s Wall Street Journal, pledged that the Brotherhood “would continue to raise the banner of jihad against the Jews,” which he called the group’s “first and foremost enemies.”

Levinson then added he has also “railed against American imperialism and calls for the establishment of an Islamic state.” And I point out: notice the sequence, the priorities. First, the Jew-hatred; then the America-hatred; then the wish for an Islamic state.

All of which makes perfect sense to yours truly. For the Qur’an – what Emir Barack Hussein calls respectfully the Holy Qur’an – does contain many, many verses about Jews and they are not positive to say the least. There is even one verse which Mr. Badie here seems to be quoting almost verbatim. It says that of all the enemies of Believers in the world, the Jews are number one. They are the most hostile to Believers, “even more than Christian priests.”

As I said before, Islam is less an antisemitic religion and more a religion of antisemitism…

Obama Knows What He’s Doing

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Obama Egypt Strategy Could Place US at Risk

…Kenneth Timmerman, the investigative journalist, posted on Newsmax yesterday material that was a significant catalyst for my thoughts this evening. I’ll put up the link.

He reports that two months before Obama’s Cairo speech, he welcomed two members of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood to the White House.

He also, and I remember this, lifted the ban on Tariq Ramadan coming to the States. He is the grandson of the founder of the Brotherhood Hassan al-Banna, who was also, by the way, the uncle of the notorious Jew-killing terrorist Sabri al-Banna better known as Abu Nidal, who likely met his end when, for whatever reason, Saddam Hussein had him murdered. Tariq Ramadan is an intellectual who lives in Geneva and his game is denying the evil of Islamic fundamentalism. He was invited to be a scholar-in-resident at Notre Dame, the American University in Indiana, but was denied entry into the country during W’s time in office.

The MSM today here in Israel and elsewhere has focused on opinion in Israel, concerning the outrageous behavior of Obama in turning his back on Mubarak.

I think it is not so much that the US does not know what it is doing. I think Obama knows exactly what he is doing.

HaShem Yirakhem. God have mercy…

Paralysis in Zion

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…There are times when yours truly here despairs, and that happens whenever some enemy mouthpiece spews his historical lies of “Palestinian” Nationalism which official Israel never responds to, never attacks and demolishes as the IDF did today that terrorist at Mevo Dotan.

“Palestinian” Nationalism is as much a lie about the Jewish people as the Blood Libel that Sarah Palin rightly referred to in her own self-defense against haters of everything she stands for.

All of 19th and 20th century antisemitism was a mountain of lies about evil Jews conspiring against mankind; as much as the medieval Blood Libel was of Jews murdering non-Jews for their blood as an “essential” ingredient in Passover matzo, you know, for this blood-thirsty cult of devil worshipping Jews.

But oddly, very oddly, Israel’s ruling elite in our time never ever chooses to call out our enemies for their lies about the allegedly ancient, indigenous landlords of “Balestine.”

On the contrary, all of them – to a man and a woman and even among many religious, nationalist right-wingers – they refer to these people as “Palestinians” with no awareness, apparently, that every time anyone refers to “the Palestinians,” it is another nail in, if not our coffin than in the cross to which we Jews in Israel have been nailed for what we allegedly did to the Ancient Ones, who have to be compensated.

Gone are the Zionist pioneers found in the best-selling book of 1959 Exodus by Leon Uris, which book made a Zionist out of lots of people, out of Natan Sharansky and yours truly and others who saw the Hollywood movie. That generation of Jewish pioneers/halutzim was simply not perceived by the world as stealing Palestine from “the Palestinians.” That would have been impossible because those halutzim WERE the “Palestinians,” and the Arabs were “the Arabs,” because that is how the Arabs called themselves.

There was no Palestine Liberation Organization before 1964. What existed in 1944, three years before the Partition Plan, was the AHC, the ARAB Higher Committee run by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who in 1919, reacting to the plan of creating a country called Palestine that the Arabs never had known, founded a newspaper called Southern Syria. And for the remaining forty years of his miserable life as the leader of the Arabs here, he preached that there was no such country as Palestine.

It was impossible in the 1940s for the world to accuse us Jews of stealing Palestine from the Palestinians, when for fourteen centuries Palestine had meaning only to Jews and Christians. The country simply did not exist for these Arabs, for these Muslims. It doesn’t appear in the Qur’an.

But of this massive lying about history lurking in the black hearts of “Palestinian” nationalists, Israelis, from Bibi on down, say nothing. And I find that odd, even weird.

And because it is so weird, one suspects the wellsprings of this behavior are very deep and meaningful.

If Israelis were to face the truth that today’s Israel-haters are just another variety of Jew-haters; that the lies the Arabs tell about the past are in a league with the Blood Libel and Holocaust Denial, Israelis would have to face the reality that becoming an “Israeli” was an absolute failure, for their type of non-religious Zionism insisted that statehood would put an end to antisemitism, a/k/a the irrational, mendacious homicidal hatred of Jews and anti-Jew persecution.

And that for them might be such a shock to the system, they couldn’t stand it…

Living on Hope

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Last week at the White House Emir Barack Hussein launched yet another peace initiative toward Syria by naming a new ambassador. His predecessor, you may remember, was withdrawn a half-decade ago after the murder of Lebanese leader Rafik Hariri. Obama and obviously Lady Clinton are still hopeful that they can engage in fruitful peace talks with the Syrians and persuade them to severe ties with Iran – with no understanding that without this alliance, Syria is one of the great big nothings of a country on this planet; with nothing to offer the world, to engage the world, to get the attention of world except by menacing the world with its support for terror. The only reason anyone pays any attention to Syria at all in this life is its identity as an outlaw, rogue state, as much a base today for numerous terror gangs – Fath, PFLP, Hamas, Hezbollah – as it was a base for kidnappers in the days of Abraham.

The Syrians in our day as a people have nothing to offer mankind in the way of products, science, culture. There is some tourism there but of course that is mostly foreigners interested in the ruins of non-Syrian peoples, the Greeks and the Romans and what they left behind. Like Egypt, where tourism is a major business, where tourists come not to see what the Muslims created since they overran the country in the year 640, but the remnants of pre-Islamic, Pharaonic civilization.

Glick also reported that retiring Israeli Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi is another Israeli who wants to hand over the Golan in the belief that the Syrians will then have a change of heart toward Israel, sever its relationship with Iran become a nice, peaceful neighbor.

Glick got it right in nailing the Israeli Left for believing that Israel can completely change Syria and Iran by “denying itself the ability to defend northern Israel by abandoning the Golan.”

They all live on hope and the fantasy that they can remake the character of the Syrians and the Iranians by material concession, by handing over what these two enemies demand as rightfully theirs.

I guess it makes sense that these post-Jewish Israelis would think this way. For to stand up to the enemy demands, to challenge and refute them, would be to claim that all these territories are rightfully Jewish land for three reasons, each one sufficient in itself to make the case: 1) The League of Nations mandate called for a resurrected Palestine to become a Jewish homeland. 2) All these demanded lands were taken in 1967 in righteous self-defense from the violators of the cease-fire agreements of 1949. 3) Because they are at the heart of the Jewish religion, for which we need no more legitimacy from the international community than found in the Five Books of Moses, which might otherwise be called, because he only wrote them down, the Five Books of G-d…

Just Gangsters

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 5th day, tes-zion beTeves, Parashas Shmos, tav-shin-ayin-alef, the evening of the 4th day Wednesday, 22 December, 2010, webcasting from the clash between sanity and insanity, Israelites and Ishmaelites, the civilized and the barbaric, truth and falsehood.

Two mornings ago, Monday morning – when the cruel barbarians in Gaza know that at such an hour Jewish children are on their way to school – they deliberately fired a Qassam rocket out of the artificial Gaza rectangle which landed a few feet from a Jewish girl walking to her school in a kibbutz near Ashqelon. One report said she was 16, another 14. She was wounded by the blast. Other people in the area were not hit by the shrapnel but they did go into shock and of course were rushed to hospital.

If immediately afterwards our Air Force had taken off and deliberately bombed a school in Gaza killing, say, 9 children, I am sure I could defend the operation as highly moral for trying to save lives in the future by putting a stop to this rocket business right now.

If I were prime minister, I would order such an attack which took the lives of 9 children in Gaza at random. This would of course rouse the whole world of Enlightened people who think it is their job to teach us Jews ethics and morality. I would wait until they were all shrieking at the UN at us condemning us; wait until their righteous indignation was at a fever pitch then I’d call a press conference, a live television press conference encircling the globe and say the following: “Many peoples believe in the Golden Rule formulated in the positive: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ (Leastwise that is how I was taught in an American public school.)

“But in Israel, we read from right to left and see things our way. Our Golden Rule is formulated in the negative: ‘Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done to you.’

“What we just did in Gaza is exactly what they tried to do to us. But with better equipment and intelligence and greater effect. And we make no apologies for being more technologically advanced than these Arabs in Gaza backed by the dangerous Jew-haters in Teheran.

“They fire missiles to murder Jews at random; as today we killed Arabs at random.

“And if they don’t like the results of what we did, ‘Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done to you…’”

Antisemites to the Core

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So let us turn to more familiar material, to borrow from Bibi, Israel’s place among the nations. There was more good news this morning as another Jerusalem neighborhood was licensed to build another 625 homes for Israelites, Pisgat Ze’ev, which has been around for three decades. It was started in the second year of the first Reagan presidency. You know, I find it annoying that like Israel’s inability to demand its rights – as opposed to asking for support for its security concerns – and refusing to make the case the settlements are not illegal – Israelis like Bibi have forgotten what Pres. Reagan said. He said the settlements are legal – if not helpful.

Instead, like thieves in the night. we must wait for a storm in the politosphere when the world is preoccupied with another big story to announce we are going to build more homes in Jerusalem, because we have never surrendered the right to exercise our rights in Jerusalem and vicinity.

Which vicinity, by the way, would not exist without Zionism anywhere outside the old Turkish walls. East Jerusalem, South Jerusalem, North Jerusalem, West Jerusalem. All of these Arab settlements east of the city like Al-Azarya on the Mount of Olives or Beit Jala to the south, or Beit Tsafafa, are themselves, even though all Arab, products of Zionism. Today the Arabs say these are Balestinian villages from the beginning of time, but that does not square with the historical record. Nor with the photographs and paintings of Jerusalem from the mid-19th century. Without the presence of the Zionists, these Arab communities would not exist at all.

So there is a denial here as abusive of historical truth as Holocaust Denial or denying that the Western Wall means something to us Jews, as we heard this week.

And all to deny us Jews the right to own what we built up, what had been sleeping for almost two thousand years: this Land.

We brought it back to life, but these Hamitic-Ishmaelitic thieves have the delusional chutzpa to claim all of what we built is theirs.

The Balestinians are a bad dream of the sons of Adam…

The Threat of War

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Adolph Hitler thought like that too. Erdogan sees a nation, the world’s only nation of Jews so powerful as to be able to endanger peace all over the world.

That was his most notable statement on Monday of this week, and today, still visiting Lebanon he said Turkey would not remain silent if Israel attacked Lebanon or Gaza. “Does Israel think it can use the most modern weapons, phosphorus munitions and cluster bombs to kill children in Gaza and then expect us to remain silent? We will not remain silent and we will support justice by all means available to us.”

Here we see a man who sees our soldiers going into Gaza to hunt and slay Muslim girls and women.

We saw that in fact in that video clip from Turkish TV dramatization of the fighting there in which an expressionless IDF soldier slowly and deliberately takes aim at an Arab girl paralyzed with fear and kills her.

This guy Erdogan and his vast community of Islamists in Turkey have now taken control of that country and almost overnight turned itself into a menacing state when it used to be an allied state.

What is making people nervous here in the political and defense professions is the pending release of an investigative report into the assassination of Saad Hariri’s father five years ago, with major indications that Hezbollah is to be fingered as the assassinating culprit. And if so, how will these lunatic, crazed with Jew-hatred Muslims react? Hezballah, exactly like Hamas, has one raison d’etre, one purpose in life which is to destroy freedom for the Jews and by extension raid into and take away the wealth they have created. This is what Ishmael grandson of Ham has been doing since he was expelled by his father from their home, the kindest man on earth. That’s what a problem kid Ishmael was…

The Irony of Israeli History

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…How ironic that the diplomatic warfare today in Israel hinges on the decision of a rabbi born, raised and educated in the home country of the Babylonian Talmud, whose contents, with his photographic memory, are all in his head.

Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir are surely spinning in their graves, those Ashkenazi socialist mockers of religion.

And the key issue in this wrestling match is over Jerusalem, a city which Israel lost in 1948 perhaps because the socialists were happy to be rid of it and didn’t fight hard enough for it. The memoirs of some of the socialist Zionists do not lack for sneering at Jerusalem as this medieval slum (which it was) and sump of superstition over which they preferred not to fight and die for. When the UN proposed international control, they were happy with the idea.

Today, though, what happens to Jerusalem during this next freeze of 90 days is the stumbling block. Eli Yishai wants it in writing from Barack Hussein and Lady Clinton that no freeze applies to our Holy City in toto, but of course so far the US is not going to re-do U.S. policy over Jerusalem since 1967. The US never recognized Israel’s right to keep, to own, to possess and rule over the Temple Mount, because the Muslims say it is Haram al-Sharif and the Prophet actually walked there one night after flying in on a flying horse from Mecca. That’s Islamic doctrine and the basis for their claim to Haram al-Sharif. Because one night Muhammad, peace be upon him, mounted a winged horse that flew across the sky; a horse name Buraq (Lightning) with the face of a beautiful woman and the tail of peacock, and it flew the Prophet to Jerusalem, where he alit next to the Temple Mount and jumped up to heaven, to the highest seventh heaven – that’s a Talmudic idea – and got to see the prophets in history that preceded him; after which he went back down to the mount, re-mounted Buraq and flew back to Mecca and all in one night.

For the Jewish people the Temple Mount is inseparable from the Book of Books, the greatest Jewish contribution to the human race – versus this 1001 Nights fairy tale. On the basis of this child’s story of magic, the Arabians claim our Temple Mount is rightfully theirs and we stole it from them!

The Settlements are Legal

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Harper will defend Israel ‘whatever the cost’

(November 9, 2010) …President Obama in the Far East where he lived as a Muslim school boy said this “kind of activity” his words “was never helpful.” And never mind that the activity of Jewish people over the last 150 years of building in Jerusalem is what turned what was a stinking, Muslim backwater of a museum-like town into a modern, thriving, lovely city. His beloved Ancient Victims of the Jews’ ancient cruelty, the Balestinians, didn’t build anything; certainly nothing more public than a mosque. Today, though, they shamelessly claim Jerusalem is theirs. We Jews started building in this city before there were any Arab dwellings east of the Turkish walls. We built this city, made it 10 times larger today than it was 100 years ago, but these descendants of desert highwaymen insist the city, the heart of Jerusalem, is their property. And the State Department seems to go along with that.

This is a lie on a par with the Muslim claim that Avraham was ever in Mecca with his son Ishmael. Where does it say that in our holy books? It doesn’t. The first Muslims just made it up. You know, like the schoolyard bully who yanks a ball from the hands of a smaller boy, Ishmael stole Judaism from Israel. At the point of Islam’s birth it was always already 2,000 years old…

Rights or Punishment?

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, according to the UNESCO rally of hatred for Israel disguised as support for the mythical Balestinian state, post-Jewish Israel not surprisingly said the wrong thing when the government said that in response it would build 2,000 more apartments in areas there is a national consensus for keeping: Maaleh Adumim, Har Homa, Ramot (those two neighborhoods in greater, post-‘67 Jerusalem) and Efrat. What was wrong was not the decision to build but linking it to anything the enemy did.

There was also a namby-pamby decision to withhold the transfer of customs fee from the PA for a whole 14 days. Wow. The reality is that Israel believes these payments help keep the barbarians quiet, which may be true.

What was wrong about suspending payment is the silly attempt to punish them like a parent trying to educate a misbehaving child toward better behavior. You know Bibi’s slogan: “If you give you get; if you don’t give you don’t get.”

I think it is a terrible thing to link our behavior to theirs. It turns our decision to build into punishment, though in truth today in the Knesset, perhaps because some advisor gave some similar advice, Netanyahu sort of corrected himself by saying, “We build in Jerusalem because it is our right and obligation to this generation and the next – not as punishment but as a basic right of our people to build our eternal capital.”

But by then the damage had been done. The announcement yesterday in the wake of the antiJew rally in Geneva came across as punishment and elicited the predictable chastisement from the post-Christian antiJews in Europe. Foreign policy czarina of the EU Baroness Catherine of Ashton said, “I am deeply concerned by the latest Israeli decisions. The settlement building is against international law.” This was not the first time she has said that.

Her countryman UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said the same thing. “This settlement building program is illegal under international law and it is the latest in a series of provocative and unhelpful settlement announcements.”

I’d pay good money to attend one their press conferences where questions are fielded to be able ask either of them just what international law they are referring to and where it can be read and studied; in what book of international laws.”

What is going on here is – as always – antisemitism because the basic definition of that behavior is lying about Jews, accusing us of some crime where we have committed no crime…


Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: UNESCO admits the ‘Palestinians’

…Speaking this evening as I often do of the subterranean, age-old hatred of Jews camouflaged in our generation by misericordia for the eternally crucified at Jewish hands Balestinians, last Friday Makor Rishon ran a story exposing how 80% of the money spent by HMG, Her Britannic Majesty’s Government on human rights in the Middle East is spent on Israeli and Balestinian groups, who of course are both concerned with the welfare of the Ancient Ones. A handful of the Israeli NGOs deal with helping Israelis but most of the Israeli recipients of British government largesse are dedicated to helping the victims of Israel, the Ancient Ones.

An investigation was undertaken by the Israeli patriotic organization Im Tirtzu – the ones who exposed the New Israel Fund. This investigation surveyed the years 2005-2009 during which Leftist pro-Palestinian Israeli NGOs received 3.6 million pounds sterling’ Arab NGOs in Judea and Samaria received 2.2 million pounds sterling. No Israeli right-wing NGOs received a British farthing. And the sum total of British aide to human rights groups in the rest of the Arab Middle East received 1.4 million pounds sterling altogether.

No one pound in this period was spent on human rights NGOs focused on the absence of human rights in Gaddafi’s Libya or Mubarak’s Egypt or the medieval kingdom of Saudi Arabia or bin Ali’s kleptocracy in Tunisia.

Versus Israel’s Peace Now which received 100,000 pounds, about 600,000 shekels. Yesh Din also received even 50% more, almost one million shekels. Yesh Din means “there is a law.” 300,000 shekels went to Ir Amim whose obsession is the “immoral” “Judaization of Jerusalem at the expense of the Ancient Ones.

As I suggested before in regard to that video clip from the UNESCO vote, antiJewism takes many forms and is forever mutating from generation to generation, from country to country, culture to culture. Those applauding in Geneva, those cheering diplomats don’t look at all like torch-bearing Nazis at a night-time rally in Munich in 1938 but in their support for the phantom nation of “Palestinians” they are no less antiJews themselves.

And here’s England in its traditional antisemitism given expression in the amount of money HMG spends on this generation’s legitimately recognized Jew-killers, the poor poor Ancient Ones…

A Paralysis of Thought

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Last night, thanks to the rain of terror missiles in the south, the demonstration planned for Beer-Sheva was canceled, the renewal after two months of the so-called social justice protests.

The one in Tel-Aviv however, was held, with far fewer demonstrators than hoped for by its Leftists organizers.

The demonstration also went ahead in Jerusalem, and in this morning’s JPost was a picture of that demonstration in which the largest banner on display read “Tsedek, Tsedek Tirdof / Justice, Justice, you will pursue” with even the citation: Deuteronomy 16:20.

This is one of the favorite quotes of dejudaized Jews used to rebuke the Jewish powers that be. In this case it was directed at the government, but mostly it is used by Leftists to bash those of us determined to hold onto what is rightfully ours: the last remnant of the land we took from the enemy in 1967, after having surrendered all of Sinai and destroyed the Jewish communities there in 1978-82, and then the surrender of the Gaza rectangle where we destroyed more Jewish communities that we had every right to remain in.

“Justice, justice, you will pursue.” I have heard more time than I can remember out of the mouths of anti-Israelites, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, especially Jewish Leftists who unwittingly in their use of this famous quote expose their ignorance, for it is only the first half of a verse. The second part fills out and completes the thought, but that is never quoted. And I doubt that any of those few thousand in the demo in the Holy City last night know, know the continuation of this verse. In full it reads this way in Hebrew: “Tsedek, tsedek tirdof, limaan tikhyeh veyarashtah et haaretz asher HaShem elokecha noten lach./Justice, justice, you shall pursue so that you will live and inherit the Land that HaShem, your G-d, gives you.”

Lots of ideas in that verse they don’t want to hear: the existence of a G-d that gives you a land; that you will inherit. Pursing justice in this sense leads to the possession of this Land, which certainly includes what most of these demonstrators call “Palestinian” territory.

There is a connection in this verse between righteousness – which by the way Artscroll translates tsedek in this context, and taking possession of this Land. Taking possession is inextricably connected to justice, to righteousness.

Maybe that is what is so infuriating about these dejudaized Leftists: Israel has every right to keep Judea and Samaria, and not fighting for this right is the height of injustice.

Which brings us back to Israelis like Bibi who say nothing of the criminal viciousness of Islam and nothing of our rights not to be attacked with these infernal rockets. All he can do is threaten the other side with military retaliation, not as an act of righteousness but just to make them stop…

The Islamic Heart of the Matter

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Antisemitism Documentation Project

…In the news today in several locales, as the publisher of Condi Rice’s book is now marketing it, we read her description of the unbelievable concessions made to her personally in private by that corrupt post-Jew Ehud Olmert which Abbas & Co. rejected.

Olmert offered in this stupidity, his foolishness, to surrender the Temple Mount to an international committee including the fanatical Jew-hating Saudis and Jordanians whose king rules by the belief he is a direct descendant of Muhammed – described by the great Rambam/Maimonides as an imbecile and a madman. Olmert wanted to see a committee of “wise men” run Jerusalem. And the reason Abbas & Co. rejected his offer, which included handing back 96% of Judea and Samaria, is that the offer still allowed for Jewish participation in this committee and the continued existence of Israel without a right of return for millions of Believers.

We have seen again and again that more than statehood, Abbas and others like have said that the right of return is paramount. It is the more important thing.

In other words, this right of return which reflects the Muslim claim to ownership of this Land, is the heart of the matter, the spiritual heart of the matter, which renders all material plans even for a two-state solution doomed to failure. The two-state solution implies joint ownership of this land which is something these Muslims cannot accept…

“Leave Religion Out of It”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: PostScript: Leave religion out of it

…What this blind fool cannot see is that the Jewish national entity is unique in the world for being a religious identity, and for that reason the Jewish nation has uniquely survived for more than 3,000 years. Precisely because the Jewish national identity is a religious identity it was able, this nation deprived of its country, to survive not only over time but in the face of truly devilish aggression.

Hirsh Goodman’s problem is the result of his wrong-headed secular Zionist ideology which was an attempt to redefine Jewishness in non-Jewish terms. To redefine Jewish national identity in normal, gentile terms. To become in the words of Prime Minister Bibi, a state with A Place Among the Nations…

More on Shalit Deal

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Words of truth amidst a world of lies

…Here was a report this morning in JPost by Khaled Abu Toameh and Herb Keinon: “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has decided to honor Palestinian prisoners who were released in last week’s Gilad Shalit exchange deal by rewarding them financially…Abbas’s decision follows a similar move by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh who decide to give each prisoner a $2,000 dollar grant.”

An early this morning I heard (I think) on Kol Yisrael Abbas will give them 3,000 dollars each, making it a $5,000 present, as at the rally in Gaza the top Hamas leader in prison famous for stabbing Jews to death 25 years ago said the Balestinians had no choice but to continue kidnapping soldiers to gain the release of those still in jail. Each one of them will get $5,000 from Hamas and the PA.

And course Abbas’s gift – since the PA survives on outside aid provided by the EU and US – comes from the pockets of the taxpayers in the free, liberal and allegedly civilized West.

Is this not sickening? Though perhaps most sickening is the silence of the government of Israel in the face of this outrage. It is Bibi’s silence, he who, as a post-Jewish Israeli is simply incapable of calling these criminal enemies of civilization antisemitic enemies of the civilized free world.

The silence of these Israelis takes my breath away. Netanyahu’s game of supporting a state for the Ancient Ones in Judea and Samaria is the height of anti-Zionism. Men like his father and other secular Zionists abandoned the Jewish ideology and Jewish life-style of belief in the Holy One Blessed be He and the commandments which act out this belief and thought they could become normal gentile-style nationalists.

Sorry, but it hasn’t worked out that way, has it? On freeing the almost 300 barbarians sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering Jews, Amnesty International issued a statement saying, “The prisoner exchange involving Gilad Shalit and 477 Palestinian prisoners highlights the need for the humane treatment of all detainees in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).”

Moral equivalence again. The Arabs were prisoners; Gilad was a hostage, a soldier denied his rights under the Geneva Convention about which Amnesty said nothing. And in its statement here it called for the humane treatment first of all of detainees in Israel, as if these antisemites in Amnesty did not know of the cushy conditions in Israeli prisons for these barbaric enemies of civilization: the regular family visits, the rooms where they sleep containing showers and cooking facilities and televisions.

This moral equivalence has been the result of 18 years of Israeli stupidity and immorality in refusing to fight these murderers to the death, instead of negotiating with them in the delusional conviction a friendly condominium arrangement can be worked out.

Bibi in his weakness also made a jerk of his heroic brother Yoni who died fighting the terrorists because Israelis in those days rejected trading murderers for Israeli hostages. According to Bibi’s current shameless betrayal of his own words in his book about terrorism, the Israeli government in 1976 should have released the PFLP murderers the terrorists at Entebbe demanded and thus saved his brother’s life.

This is the end of the secular Zionist enterprise…

What Israel Has Become

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Yesterday in the High Court Meir Indor testified. He is head of the Almagor Terror Victims Associations which came into being because Israeli solidarity with terrorism’s victims was less than it might be. Indor yesterday called on Netanyahu not to participate in the expected “carnival,” his word yesterday, and that is exactly what it was in the MSM here today: carrying on as if the country were welcoming home the conquering hero. He was embraced by the no less than the chief of staff and the prime minister.

And I submit to you they were really embracing themselves.

What is going on here is but another facet of a very well-known Israeli behavior commonly experienced as rudeness. For example, one day some time ago, I was standing in a medical clinic waiting to speak to the appointments secretary and being an American allowed for some space between myself at the head of the line and the person at the moment at the desk talking to secretary. And just as that person patient finished and started to walk away, cutting in front of me was a young mother, a little girl in tow, who approached the window, at which I must have said something, I forget which, which made her heads spin head and say, “Just a question,” at which I said, calmly, politely but audibly: “No problem. Everyone knows your life is more important than my life; the whole world knows that your life is more important than my life.” At which she got flustered and turned beet red and was embarrassed in front of her daughter.

Well, for my money, this is exactly but Noam and Aviva Shalit have been doing for five years. How different they are from Pini Magen’s mother 41 years ago. The Shalits’ message has been, “We want our son back, and everyone else can go to hell. We don’t care how many people in Israel get murdered by the hundreds just so long as our boy comes home.”

This is the same Israeli narcissism, selfishness, on display 24/7 on Israel’s roads where every driver experiences other drivers out there as not fellow drivers using the same facility but an inconvenience in their way. “I am going about my business, going where I want to go and everybody else is an annoying obstacle in my path.”

It was reported that yesterday in the High Court after the session – which of course ended as it did – Noam Shalit, in leaving, was verbally assaulted by those who have lost loved ones and now have to watch as their murderers go free, saying to him as her passed by, “Shame. Shame on you.”

And they were right. How opposite is this behavior to that of Pini Magen’s mother? Whatever happened to the tough, bold, determined Israeli of yesteryear? A generation ago we also suffered constant terror attacks but consoled ourselves to a degree with the belief that our resistance was right and moral, a war against evil that had to be waged.

What has happened is that today’s Israelis are a generation and more away from the revolutionary fervor of their Zionist grandparents and parents. These Israelis believe in nothing but pleasure…

Land of Delusions (08/04/11)

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Remember now, keep in mind, as we hear a bit more of thinking going in the
mind of Dr. Nabil Shaath, PhD that he is no riffraff. This is paragon of the civilized, peace-loving, Fatah Party that runs the so-called Palestinian Authority.

He said “Jewish gangs exiled more than 750,000 Palestinians.” This is a double whammy of a lie. First of all, there were no Jewish gangs. The IDF was an organized army in uniform; that is not a gang.

The UN figure, secondly, was 590,000, not 750, and of those perhaps 100,000 were not exiled by “Jewish gangs” but, as soon as the UN General Assembly voted for partition on 29 November 1947, who picked up and packed up and left the country because they did not want to live under a Jewish regime. And they were able to pick up and pack up so quickly because they had where to run to, because so many of them were no natives of Balestine at all but had come into the country during the Mandate period to get in on the booming economy – thanks to the Jews. They had homes and families elsewhere, and so when they decided to leave, they had where to run to and find a place to live, not in refugee camp but with family, on the old family sod.

The IDF in its infancy as well, fighting to save the infant Jewish state was too busy fighting the regular armies of five Arab states to have had the time to expel 750,000 people.

The interviewer in Kul-al-Arab asked Shaath, “Do you still believe in two states for two peoples?”

Here is the answer: “We do not recognize anything called the state of the Jewish people. We are prepared to recognize the State of Israel, if they say that the Israeli people include those Muslim and Christian residents who” – fasten your seat-belts now – “are the true owners of the land. We do not agree to two states for two peoples, which means that Israel belongs to the Jewish people. Israel must belong to everyone who lives there, and first and foremost to its original inhabitants. We have never agreed and never will agree under any circumstances to recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people.”

Remember, now, this is the voice of the “moderate peace camp” among the Arabs here, these “moderates” unlike those terrible religious fanatics in Hamas.

Fatah and Hamas are identical in their goals, differing only in tactics.

Israel should not be negotiating with Fatah any more than with Hamas, and never should have been negotiating with any these so- called Balestinians who think like this.

This is the best and brightest of them, and he has the mind of a delusional amnesiac for whom history is whatever you want it to be in order to justify your appetite for another man’s property and your desire to use homicidal violence to take it from him…

Delusions About Jews

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…And now for some good news as we come to the week of Succot. It seems that the recent destruction of those three homes at Migron was upsetting for enough in Netanyahu’s own Likud Party so that he and others are now thinking of ways not to repeat that behavior. Something about it tells them it’s bad business.

I mean, I myself am a law and order man, and I wish some of these so-called outposts had greater legal documentation but so long as there is no action taken against the Arabs in Yosh who build at will, the double standard can only smell of old-fashioned antiJewism.

Talk about being isolated: the whole world thinks nothing of siding with the Arabs in their legally baseless claim that Judea and Samaria are “occupied Palestinian territory,” and therefore they can build at will – nobody says anything – while Jews may not.

Indeed when Israel does build it is called a provocation and not conducive to the atmosphere necessary to persuade the Jew-killer Mahmoud Abbas to return to the negotiating table. Israel even accepted a ten-month moratorium toward that goal but that failed; still such as Hillary Clinton and Baroness Ashton of the EU were chastising Israel last week for building more homes in the Gilo neighborhood.

One senses an awakening among Israelis to the unfair, double-standard here which no self-respecting Jew should respect. Ergo, no more demolishing of these unbelievably modest cottages for young couples with infant children built on empty acres from which no Ancient Palestinian had been thrown out of his house.

What is so sick about the hostility to the settlement moment is that no Arab was disposed of his home; no Arab had his furniture thrown out into the street and turned into a homeless vagabond forced to live in a cardboard shack because the Jews stolen his ancient home from him and threw him out of it. All the post-‘67 settlements were built on uninhabited acres.

So it was good news to read today of Likud MK Haim Katz, chairman of the Knesset Labor, Welfare and Health Committee who visited Samaria yesterday and criticized Defense Minster Barak for not signing off on new construction. Katz said, “Anyone who wants to uproot Jews from their homes after the failure of the retreat from Gaza and the communities in northern Samaria does not understand where he is living.”

So Bibi too is reported to be amenable to coming up with some legal fancy footwork to do an end run around the High Court’s diktat that these outposts are illegal and must be destroyed.

Our only hope and course of action must be to strengthen our hold on Yosh and Jerusalem and never weaken it. And to hell with those who fear this will isolate Israel even more.

So long as there are no trade sanctions against our healthy, productive industry’s products for sale, who cares what some in the conference rooms of the New York Times, Independent and Guardian think of us?