Egypt & Iran

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: LYONS: Only one solution to Iran: Regime change
Iranian E-Book: ‘The Holocaust – The Jews’ Greatest Lie’

…I said earlier and on other occasions that in Araby and Iran we are faced with hundreds of millions of Muslims who are as deranged about Jews as the European Nazis ever were. Likely even more so. While too many Europeans had no love for Jews, I imagine the truly crazy ones, the theorists of racial inferiority and the Jews’ plot to enslave the world were percentage-wise much less than in Araby and Islam.

These Muslims in their masses really seem flipped out at us Jews.

Check out the second link we’ll post this evening to a piece on a new Iranian E-book denying the Holocaust, that subtitled “The Jews’ Greatest Lie.” There is no detail, really, imagined detail of the history of the Holocaust that these madmen cannot “refute,” explain away. Check out this link and see how they deal with photographs of the concentration camp skeletons, those walking and those dead.

I am reminded of the years I spent in mental hospitals working with chronic schizophrenics so incapacitated they needed hospitalization under lock and key; some of them were so deep paranoia, no amount of reasoning can talk a person out of that. Reason with them as you will, and they will always have an explanation for the “truth” of their visions. And the mental agility is sometimes a wonder to behold.

Likewise with Ahmadinejad and Erdogan and Isma’il Haniyeh and Raed Salah the Islamist leader inside Israel. There is no reasoning with them, as there was no reasoning with Adolf Hitler.

The sooner the better that Iran is crippled as a menace to the world, better for the world, better for Israel.

What the world needs is a US president and maybe a UK prime minister prepared to help who will even provoke a clash with Iran which leads to the reduction of that country before it is too late…

Torching That Mosque

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Did you see where French President Nicolas Sarkozy was reported by the French newspaper Le Canard Enchaine to have said to a cabinet meeting after he returned from the UN gabfest, “It is silly to talk about a Jewish state. It would be like saying that this table is Catholic. There are two million Arabs in Israel. The US has been asking Abbas for some time to come to the negotiating table and he is willing to do it because he is a statesman. Netanyahu, on the other hand, never fails to disappoint us. Only now he announced the construction of 1,100 housing units in the Arab part of Jerusalem. The Palestinians have been waiting for a state for 60 years now…”

There is so much antiJew ugliness in these few sentences, it could take a whole webcast to properly deprogram them. For starters, this last crack referring to Gilo, like Angele Merkel saying it was “near Jerusalem,” Sarkozy is another ignoramus about the real estate he feels entitled to dictate its future. Gilo was built on barren hillsides in Jordanian-occupied Balestine but was not part of Jerusalem in any material sense. No Arab called the area “Jerusalem” before 1967. Gilo is the Hebrew name for what the Arabs saw as part of Beit Jala, which their mispronunciation of the Hebrew Gilo which is just across the way.

And as “the Palestinians waiting 60 years for a state”: this is a double Orwellian re-writing of history. 60 years ago the Arabs rejected statehood as they had rejected it in 1937; this was the second time. And they did not call themselves “Balestinians.”

And as for his third obnoxious, ignorant remark, let’s wait till after some contrapuntal soothing words from Yosef Karduner…

The Arabs Build Like Crazy

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before of Germany, maybe you saw JPost’s coverage last week and today of a German-government funded operation, EVZ, initial standing for “Remembrance, Responsibility, Future” which was created for the purpose of, among other things, teaching about the Holocaust. Instead this institution has run programs for Arabs in Israel in which Israel is compared to communist East Germany at its worst, using material showing crude drawings of Orthodox Jews in Israel vs. the oppressed Ancient Ones. Both the European Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal center have protested vigorously.

This outfit EVZ foundation was founded in 2000 and given 5 billion euros with a mandate to compensate inmates in Nazi slave labor camps and to educate about the Holocaust.

This is another not good sign out of modern Germany as it appears to be reverting to the Germany of old. Germany’s history, by the way, long before the 20th century, saw repeated anti-Jew operations of major magnitude.

And speaking of funding antiJew activities like this, Claudia Rossett at Pajamas did a sizzlingly good piece posted on 29 September called “US Taxes and the United Nations Money Pit.” One of the indicators of the moral corruption of our time is this organization, the UN, which began nobly in the hands of the anti-Nazi Allies of World War II but over time into this monstrous playground for Muslim and Third World dictatorships.

In 2001 the core annual budget of the UN was 2.6 billion dollars. Nine years later in 2010, it had ballooned to more than double: to 5.4 billion dollars annually, which I think is separate from the UNRWA budget and a host of other programs. So the UN’s it’s real annual spending is closer to 25 billion dollars, of which the US donates almost a third. The average UN staffer is now receiving salary and benefits worth over 200,000 dollars a year.

And speaking of money: how about Obama, Hillary and Panetta objecting to the Congressional decision to withhold 200 million dollars from the PA, really the PLO, the greatest international terrorist organization ever? The administration doesn’t want to punish the Ancient Ones for going to the UN with their statehood ploy even though that was threatened before.

What a corrupt age we live in, which can be traced to the year 1974 at the UN when the General Assembly vote after a decade of PLO terrorism to welcome Yasir Arafat with a standing ovation, the greatest international terrorist of the day, the Osama bin Ladin of the day, and to welcome the PLO as an observer in the Assembly. Ever since, the UN has never been the same. And neither has Israel.

It is simply mind-boggling that for the past 18 years the United States and the once upon a time leading Western countries have legitimized, called legal, these Arab cutthroats in the PLO, these airplane hijackers and bombers, and even have been shtupping this band of enemies of civilization with billions of dollars.

And all because post-Holocaust, this has been the only way for World AntiJewry to perpetuate its world-class, world historic hatred of the Jews…

Yosh is Ours, Legally (08/11/2011)

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, besides Peace Now, where we left off with, the ACRI, the Association of Civil Rights in Israel has sent a letter to Defense Minister Ehud Barak calling for nice treatment in September when the Ancient Ones want to demonstrate here as the UN General Assembly in New York does its thing. “Palestinian civilians taking part in protests should not be treated like enemy combatants, and the army should not be allowed to open fire on them.”

This is the equivalent of Barack Obama denying the existence of Muslim terrorists as only “extremists given to man-made disasters.” Here the Arabs are not a foreign enemy nation but civilians and thus presumably entitled to the treatment of Jewish Israeli civilians.

This is like Obama and Eric Holder his attorney general wanting civilian trials for the Muslim demons of 9-11.

It was what we have to suffer everything we go into battle every time. They attack us with military weapons but we must respond like urban policemen.

Heaven help us and spare us from the enemy within who blurs the line between what is within and what is without…

Stone-Throwing Arabs

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, as this is the last webcast of the year drawing to a close, let’s end with some goods. About a week and a half ago, the good news out of Egypt was that the veteran antiJew Amr Moussa, a candidate for president in the elections whenever the military junta there gets around to them, he said that the peace treaty with Israel was untouchable. He rejected all thought of cancelling it. He also was reported to have called the episode in which wild asses of men had stormed the Israeli embassy and sacked it; he said it was “the work of thugs.” AntiJew villain though he is, he is also an Egyptian aristocrat who has nothing but contempt and sneering disdain for the masses, Egypt’s teaming dirt-poor. I once spent a social evening with a bunch people in Greenwich Village many years ago chatting for a time with a niece of a Boutros-Boutros Ghali, former foreign minister of Egypt and for a time UN Secretary General. She wanted me to know she was not to be confused with the poor masses that visitors to Egypt meet in the streets.

Also in the good news column from a couple of weeks back was the announcement by Dalia Rabin that this year there would again be no public memorial in central Rabin Square due to no money and the shrinking number of attendees.

Yeah. Today’s youth, the kind that enjoys such mass gatherings, those in the army now have no living memory of the man. This news item is just more evidence that what the Left calls Rabin’s Legacy has turned to ashes in many mouths. So this is good news.

And then there was that item yesterday about Saturday’s speech at the UN by Spain’s foreign minister Ministress Trinidad Jimenez who outlined a new policy statement for Spain which includes the new Spanish view that “Israel is the Jewish people’s national home and any solution to the Balestinian refugee issue must preserve Israel’s Jewish character.”

Now that is good new since Spain has been one of the leading anti-Israel countries in Europe. What this policy does is stand up to and face down the nonsense of the PLO’s CEO Abbas – that’s Chief Executioner Officer (I think). This puts Spain firmly on Israel’s side, that is, behind Bibi’s rock bottom demand that the PLO acknowledge the Jewish people’s right to national liberation.

Not surprisingly she also balanced it with the impossible call for a Balestinian state in the ‘67 lines. This is simply an impossibility in this world that HaShem gave us. There is no way Israel can turn over the high ground in the vicinity of its one international airport to the Arabs because then all it would take would be for one raghead with a mortar shell lobbed into Ben-Gurion airport that did no damage to shut down Israel’s principle gateway to the world. One mortar shell falling on an empty runway would force all international airlines to Israel to cancel their service.

But of course Spain had to make this statement. And truth be told, were I Spain’s foreign minister I would too. I would also support the Ancient Ones in exactly the same way. For as a Spaniard, the foreign minister is responsible for the security of Spaniards and by not telling the Arabs what they want to hear, a foreign minister who did that would risk bringing on savage terror bombings in the cities of Spain.

Of course the Europeans are pro-PLO. They are hostage to the Arabs’ savage, barbaric penchant for perpetrating gruesome terrorist atrocities…

Bibi & Abbas at the UN

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, speaking of low-life before about Abbas: you saw maybe how last Thursday in a round-table with bloggers King Billy the Kinky Clinton raped the history of his own words.

In the past he was clear that peace-making in his years failed thanks to Arafat. Now it is Bibi’s fault for not accepting the “Clinton parameters” as the Arabs have now accepted them.

In 2000 of course Arafat rejected them; now the Ancient Ones tell Clinton they are ready for them, but Netanyahu is not. So King Billy was pining for the late Rabin and Sharon who were true peace-makers.

What a low-life Clinton is, he who soiled the Oval Office, the holy of holy in American culture with his playmate in perverted sex Ms. Monica. Not only a low-life but a fool. He said on Thursday, “For reasons that even after all these years I still don’t know for sure, Arafat turned down the deal I put together that Ehud Barak accepted.”

He still doesn’t get it. What do such liberals need? A sledge hammer on the head to wake them up to the realization that Arafat was never for a moment interested in the so-called two-state solution. That mass murdering psychopath was also a pathological liar. Everything that came out his mouth was a lie.

But Emperor Clintonius still doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t understand because he still needs to see the Jews as the guilty party.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Obama’s UN Speech

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…A last word on the Israeli Left’s reaction to Obama’s oration came from Haaretz’ veteran Jewish antiJew Akiva Eldar. He doubted that Obama’s gambit will help him politically. “Obama’s graceless courting of the Israeli government is unlikely to attract Jewish votes or financing; those who believe in the perpetuation of the conflict will prefer a Republican candidate who recycles the hollow vow to bring the US Embassy to Jerusalem.”

This is one facet of the Leftist character that made me flee this community years ago. This accusation that someone who does not share Akiva Eldar’s dream of peace is a person who “wants to perpetuate the conflict.”

This is the world of the Peace Now people. Their organization’s title I have always found intolerably disgusting for its implication that their prescription for peace, which is the total surrender of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, is the only one and those who do not share it don’t want peace now. For Peace Now, if you don’t agree with me, you want War Now. You are war lovers who don’t want peace now, which is attainable when Israel accedes to the demands of the victims of the Jewish people’s national movement, Zionism.

Well. To be continued. They say it could be weeks even months before Abbas’s petition to the Security Council is dealt with; likewise the appeal to the General Assembly is acted upon. So at that time we will see what Israel will do and how the story of the Jewish people’s return to Eretz Yisrael continues.

Stay tuned…

Civilization vs. Barbarism

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before about the eternal silence of the New York Times on the role of antisemitism in today’s campaign of anti-Israel hostility, of course the Times never touches that for then it might have to fire LTF (Little Tommy Friedman) and Roger Cohen, these textbook Jewboy betrayers of the people they were born into.

Maybe you saw Friedman’s last blast in which he called the Israeli government “the most diplomatically inept and strategically incompetent government in Israel’s history.”

“The most strategically incompetent”? More so than the Rabin-Peres government in 1994 which opened up the gates to the country and ushered in 40,000 antisemitic Arab murderers and gave them guns and ammunition?

Friedman’s shtick is pretending to care so much about Israel, that is why he writes with such disappointment when he writes.

If LTF really cared so much about Israel, why doesn’t he make Aliyah? Why doesn’t he come live here and on a daily basis teach us how to be less diplomatically inept and more competent strategically speaking.

Teach us, O Thomas, of your wisdom. Lead us, Rabbi Tom, by the still waters, make us lie down in green pastures.

In truth, I have stopped reading this pathetic clown of a Jew. I picked up his quote from another website.

In a related story LTF’s soul-mate Dennis Ross will be addressing this year’s J Street conference for the second time I think.

What harm these Jewboys do, only the Good Lord knows.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Courting the PLO: Yuk

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Mentioned before was the person of Zakaria al-Agha – Zakaria being another Jewish name the Ishmaelites stole – the PLO rep in the Gaza rectangle who in JPost today said that the PA was going to the UN because Pasha Barack Hussein in the White House in his speech to the UN a year ago talked about the establishment of an Balestinian state with one year.

How true. And we may be on the verge of seeing yet another negative consequence of Obama’s statecraft. When he came into office, remember, he ordered us Jews as no president ever has to stop building in Judea and Samaria and our Holy City, and as a result this became the bottom line for the PLO and ever since there have been no peace talks. Way to go Barack Hussein.

And now it appears that when the Holocaust Denier in a few days asks some UN body to given him title to the heart of the heart of the Promised Land, the US is likely to cut off the half-billion dollars Obama has asked Congress to give the Ancient Ones over the next fiscal year starting on 1 October, a week later.

Hence, in the Israeli media this morning were various stories on the defense establishment not wanting this to happen, as the thug Mansour earlier threatened, because it could lead to violence in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem, which the army of course does not want. Things are quiet now, and the army fears mass disgruntlement and a return to intifada with its serial atrocities if this aid money is cut off.

Indeed, how like the age of the Barbary Pirates – redux. The world is threatened with violence by Muslims who feel an injustice is done when they are not paid money.

What Israel has done to itself these last 18 years is turn the Arabs in Judea and Samaria into welfare addicts living off cash from outside that buys their quiescence.

The Zionists, by contrast, were never the recipients of foreign aid from foreign governments for almost 100 years of land reclamation and the resurrection of Jewish community life here. Not until after statehood did Israel begin to receive a penny in aid, and even then not much.

Versus these Arabs, whose cousins are of course all over the Middle East swimming in oceans of petro-dollars for decades who nonetheless are mostly supported by non-Arab states who turnover these billions of dollars and euros.

This is one reason why “Palestinian nationalism” is such a hoax: it is the creation of the world community and especially the post-Christians in Europe who after the Holocaust had no way to continue with their venerable anti-Jew hatred until they could invent after the Six-Day War Ancient Palestinians and begin supplying them with diplomatic muscle and recently to pursue the war against the Jews enjoyed by both Muslims and these post-Christians.

Turn off the spigot of foreign aid to this alleged nation of Balestinians and their national liberation movement would dry up, would wither, die and be blown away, gone with the wind…

Israel’s UN Hysteria

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…It is Bibi and Ehud who have helped create this tsunami of a story for it most upsets them. They simply have few tools in their spiritual-mental toolkit to deal with the kind of massive antiJew carryings on that go on in the General Assembly all the time and have for 61 years.

And there is also a connection between their dejudaized, secular Zionism and the miserable news item yesterday morning informing us that Hakim Awad of Samaria, one of the satanic knife murderers who butchered the Fogel family, Hashem yikom dammo, at Itamar last March, was found guilty in a military court and sentenced to five, count ‘em, five consecutive life sentences.

Wow. These Israelis, boy. They’re tough. They gave this murderer not one, not two, not three or four but five consecutive life sentences – and never mind that this sentence makes no sense. It has no meaning. It is a sentence impossible to carry out. It is an absurdity hardly fitting the gravity of the monstrous crime of murder, so why hand it out?

I guess to illustrate the righteous anger of the judges at this culprit for his terrible crime. And if so, such a sentence is far less about the culprit-murderer than the judges who preen themselves on their indignation.

In practice, all this sentence means is locking this guy up in a facility with other Muslim Arab men of violence, roommates in a room with a private shower and private toilet, cooking facilities and a television and the opportunity to take courses as a university student and acquire if one wants a PhD in political science. That is what awaits this guy.

Excuse me, but I find such sentences simply sickening for they illustrate the moral corruption of a society that cannot act respond properly to the greatest evil one man can do to another, which is homicide, which the Torah calls for capital punishment.

I wouldn’t recommend the following punishment for its possibly negative influence on society as whole were it to be carried out, but not because I think Hakim Awad would not deserve such a fate. I wouldn’t mind seeing him, say, tied to a stake and smeared down with raw meat, then allow five or six pit bulls who had been starved for a couple of days to have at him; to sick them on and eat him alive, with their mouths tearing him limb from limb. For what this beast on two feet did to the Fogel family, to the parents and the little kids, slicing them up as he did. He deserves to watch as wild dogs sink their teeth into his flesh and eat him alive.

I think Israel is not just incorrect but sinfully incorrect in not executing immediately every Arab terrorist like this bestial Muslim ghoul young Hakim Awad.

Instead he is now going to be sustained by Israeli taxpayers, which is another, like the Oslo peace process, abomination…

Erdogan Must be Stopped II

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So, this London telegraph piece filed last night was about the likely emergence of an Islamist regime in post-Gaddafi Libya, while last Thursday, on 8 September, the American Thinker ran a piece by one Rick Moran who claimed that Libya’s rebels are now in possession of thousands of Russia’s version of the American Stinger missile which did so much to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan and lead ultimately to the collapse of the Soviet Union. You know the Stinger missile? Easy to fire off your shoulder at flying aircraft quite high and destroy them in flight.

The fighting in Libya these months has opened for pillage stockpiles of weapons that Gaddafi had purchased. One source for Rich Moran was a CNN report by a human rights worker in Libya who says there were some 20,000 surface-to-air missiles in Libya when the revolt against Gaddafi erupted, and in every locale that the rebels had overrun, one of their first activities is to loot the missiles which can be sold on the black market for mucho dinero and of course wind up in the hands of soul mates of bin Ladin and Arafat and the entire host of Ishmaelitic demoniacs.

Moran cited this Human Rights worker who thinks the whole of North Africa could become a no-fly zone because no airline would dare risk the threat of being shot out of the sky.

Absent from this report was any reference to us, but of course a Jew living in Israel cannot avoid the implications. We are a land-locked country serviced and supplied by ships and planes, and we cannot afford to have our skies made unsafe.

There already has been an almost humorous news item about the fancy car with Libyan license plates taken out of Libya, driven across Egypt and smuggled into the Gaza Strip through those tunnels.

And who knows what other weapons from Libya are now in the Strip, including these Russian “Grinch” missiles as they are known in the West.

HaShem Yirakhem. G-d have mercy…

The Arab Street & Erdogan Folds

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…And that was Psalm 92:2-4.

Lastly, JPost hard copy this morning carried words from Emir Barack Hussein regarding 9-11 and they were immediately infuriating. Listen to this; this is the lede sentence: “On this 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we remember that 9-11 was not only an attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world and on the humanity and hopes that we share.”


This guy is a disaster. 9-11 was only an attack on the United States, you idiot. It was not an attack on the world and humanity and its shared hopes. There is nothing in the record about the 19 skydevils plotting to attack the world and its shared hopes.

Their target was the United States of America and its civilization. The wider world and the shared hopes of humanity had nothing to do with the evil done by these Muslims, Barack Hussein. This guy can’t even spend one whole sentence on America the Beautiful under attack before he changes the subject and starts talking about the “world’s shared hopes for humanity.”

This is so typical of his type of shallow, ultimately not very bright leftist internationalist for whom mere patriotism is too small a loyalty. He is a cosmopolitan internationalist.

Obama is this first ant-American occupant of the Oval Office and let us hope he is the last and does no more damage than he has over the next 16 months.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael.

Erdogan Must be Stopped

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: Code name: Barbaros
The Innocents Abroad: Obama’s Foreign Policy Is Characterized

…Speaking before of the Islam devotee in the Oval Office, he did at least today let his administration go public, finally, with the promise to veto in the Security Council the mass murderer Abbas’s request that it baptize Judea and Samaria as Ancient Palestinian property.

I even heard a threat by the administration that it would turn off the spigot of aid if the PLO if he goes through with his antic. This falls in line with the report a week ago that the Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Ileana Ros-Lehtinen was making the same threat.

Overall I think much too much has been made by Israel over this appeal to the General Assembly. Israel might have, alternately, just ignored the initiative because the Assembly has passed hundreds and hundreds of anti-Israel resolutions that have had no practical effect. All that will happen on 23 September when the body votes is to register what is known and has been known for decades. The entire Muslim bloc of 56 states, almost half of those who will vote for “statehood,” hate Israel and reject the principle of Jews living free of Muslim abuse, let alone being allowed to keep the spoils of victory taken from Believers, their victims. So what else is new? Likewise the other 60 or so corrupt states that will vote with them.

Late today, there was a report that the 27 states of the EU will deal with their own lack of unanimity on the matter by agreeing, all of them, to collectively abstain. That is just Europe trying as always to act as one power when there are limits to their federation which inhibit that.

Overall, I think Israel has made much too much of this whole business. Apparently, some dozen Israeli minister and MKs will be off to New York to make their voices heard in this regard, and this is a result of Israel’s neurotic relationship to the UN, which is a function of the foolishness of the secular Zionist fantasy, namely, create a state like all the states, in Bibi’s words, “a place among the nations,” and the nations, the goyim, will finally if not love you than at least stop their endless persecution of Jews.

And I say, after 62 years of abuse at the UN, when is Israel going to “get it” and accept that until Moshiach arrives, Israel will always be chosen to be a people that dwells alone…

Turkey, Good News & Bad

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Maariv this morning couldn’t help but cover the latest Wikileaks dump of diplomatic cables in which US Ambassador James Cunningham in Tel-Aviv reported back home on the Associate Director of the New Israel Fund in Israel, Hedva Radovanitz, telling him, in regard to future Knesset legislation on transparency in the matter of NGO funding, that she believed Israel would eventually, after a hundred years, become a majority Arab state and really disappear as a Jewish state but that was okay because it would be a more democratic state.

And there you have it. This is the New Israel Fund. This is what they stand for. You know the idea that today’s liberal American, non-observant Jew thinks Judaism and the platform of the Democratic Party are one and the same? Well, here is that idea incarnate. Here is a Jewess for whom democracy trumps Judaism as her ideal ideology.

Everything I know of the New Israel Fund tells me that its directors are hardcore assimilationists for whom Jewishness should be indistinguishable for other Enlightened Gentile cultures and societies. Multiculturalism trumps the particularity of Jews wishing to preserve their unique identity: a national identity rooted in a metaphysical belief.

Other peoples define their nationality by their real estate, by their cuisine, by their language. And when someone moves away and forgets the language and eats like the nation he lives in, he has lost his earlier national identity and joins the other national group.

But not the Jews. Jewish identity is above all the Torah, above even the Land. Most of Jewish history has been spent outside the Land. The Torah was given outside the land, and then carried around from encampment to encampment, over 40 years, 42 different camp sites, kind of a rehearsal (I imagine it to have been) for the great Diaspora when all the Jew had of their national identity was their Book and its metaphysic basis which they carried from country to country.

This exposure of the New Israel Fund was delightful. We found that this very person is in charge here of doling out 11 million dollars a year to 350 NGOs the overwhelming majority of them I’ll bet anti-Jew in outlook is prepared to see Israel disappear.

For sure the New Israel Fund funds some pro-Israel efforts, but that is just camouflage. The Fund really funds hundreds of anti-Israel outfits, and here is their local fund distributor, a Jewess, dreaming of a time when Jewish Israel disappears.


The Turks Menace

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: The Administration Takes on ‘Islamophobia’

…Last Wednesday JPost hard copy reported that several southern California mosques held prayers in support of the ten students at UC Irvine going on trial for their behavior in February of last year, 2010, during a speech by Israeli ambassador Michael Oren.

The technique was just on display the other night at the Albert Hall in London where Zubin Mehta was conducting the Israeli Philharmonic. When he gave the downbeat on a movement on a new piece some antiJews in the audience would jump up and start bellowing about the racist, fascist, imperialists in Israel, only to be hustled out by security. And they did this serially through the evening.

Well, at UC Irvine they did the same thing. One at a time, every few minutes, one would stand up and Jew-bait with their words, smearing the Holy Land’s representative, claiming he had stolen the Holy Land from the Ancient Ones, or words to that effect.

Anyway those ten arrested that day are now going to trial and south California mosques are supporting in them their prayers, which is another reason why Islam must be outlawed in all liberal democracies because as suggested before it is the religion tribesman, gangsters, subcivilized barbarians who don’t understand the rules of civilized behavior in a self-governing democracy of free people. In a university especially, the free and peaceful exchange of ideas that clash are the life-blood of the life of the mind.

But Islam, again, means submission, which is the antithesis of the liberty that fired the rebels in Colonial America and a few years later in France during the revolution there where fraternite and égalite (which may be incompatible, but don’t tell that to the French) and liberte were the watchwords.

That OIC conference in Istanbul co-chaired by Lady Hillary was about, for its participants, if not her, suppressing criticism of Islam. And here at Irvine was an attempt to suppress the right of a Jew to make the case for his people.

It is not an accident of history that across the vast expanse Islam’s officially 56 nation-states, none one of them is a democracy free people would want to live in. This is no coincidence.

And there is no irony but deep meaning in the hated of Islam for Jews whose seminal national saga is about the emancipation of slaves.

This is a religion where the name Abdel or Abdallah is common. And both mean “slave of G-d.”

Avraham Avinu did all he was told by HaShem but not because he was slave. But because of his clarity of vision and hence high intelligence. He saw the miracle of creation all around him, and knew it was the Creator talking to him. Only a fool would not listen…

Mind Plague

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So I think the foregoing news items referred to are evidence of the plague of antiJew lunacy that is out there.

Johnny Paul in London reported as well on a study of the Guardian newspaper’ opinion pages on Israel done by a group called Just Journalism which found that the old demand for a state for the Ancient Ones is now passé, so to speak. Now the pages commonly concern denying Israel’s right to exist at all. The old “Two states for two peoples” song is now out of fashion. The Guardian now publishes a variety of voices saying no peace is possible until Israel is physically destroyed, G-d forbid.

At least the truth is coming out. The entirety of the cause of the “Palestinians” has always been in truth not about a positive national liberation movement for Balestinians but the negative suppression of the national liberation of the Jewish people.

In the 1920s and 30s and 40s not one word was spoken here against the State of Israel because it did not exist. The violence had another cause.

Not one word of protest about “illegal settlements” in those days being the obstacle to peace. The Arabs were then as anti-Jewish independence as they are today. And that is the root cause of the violence and strife that never ends here. The violence has always been fueled by a negative, destructive energy bent on destroying the state-building enterprise of the Jews. This is why the so-called Palestinians have never had a written duplicate of what Theodor Herzl did in his two books, both of which dealt with building a Jewish state; building its infrastructure. So-called Palestinian Nationalism, by contrast, has never been about building something only destroying something.

And that is the significance of the current plague of antiJew viciousness evident in these pieces, about these people who suffer from delusions of Jewish villainy that does not exist. Like Prof. Bauman in England who confuses the walls of the Warsaw Ghetto with the security barrier Israel was forced to build to keep itself alive.

This is craziness. It is all craziness. And it is unfortunate in the extreme that Israelis had never had the wherewithal to combat, to resist, to destroy the fantasy of a Palestinian people. Bibi included in this with his talk of a cute little state for them…

Derfner & Baskin

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Egyptian Cleric Dr. Sallah Sultan, Founder of the American Center for Islamic Research, Calls to Kill Israeli Ambassador and Tourists in Egypt

…In Maariv yesterday there was a kind of follow-up to last webcast’s follow-up to the boys in Afghanistan story, whose larger context was sexuality in Islam in general. Citing the Sunday Times of Malta, which by the way is in spitting distance of Libya, Maariv said that those beautiful Libyan women we used to see in Ninja uniforms who were presented over the years as Gaddafi’s bodyguards, presumably volunteers because they loved El Supremo so much, were in truth recruited against their will and in the service were regular targets for rape by Gaddafi and his sons and their friends.

What a degenerate culture these Arabs propagate. has covered the Egyptian press in its response to the massacre of Jews near Eilat and the subsequent killing of five Egyptian soldiers. The veteran government newspaper down there, Al-Ahram, the country’s largest in circulation, editorialized by accusing Israel of planning this assault on the Egyptian soldiers. In the mind of the columnist, the shooting of the Egyptians was not the accidental outcome of events that day but their planned purpose, for the whole episode was the handiwork of the Israelis who infiltrated the PRC terror group and engineered the attack. In the mind of this columnist, it was an Israeli trick to get the PRC to attack those cars so that the IDF could then, in the end, be able to kill the Egyptian soldiers nearby. The whole thing was an Israeli operation from start to finish.

In the independent newspaper Al Destour, another columnist likewise wrote, “We cannot rule out that the attack in Eilat was carried out by Israel, considering that it coincided with the escalation of protests within Israel…”

You got that? To distract attention from the social justice tents, the summer jamboree adult campers here, Netanyahu got the PRC to launch that attack which ended with the killing of the Egyptian soldiers.

This is apparently now the accepted wisdom in Araby, as after 9-11 most Arabs polled believed it was a Mossad plot to make Arabs look bad.

Israel will begin to approach the desired state of peace that HaShem wants for us by becoming truly a people that dwells alone; that withdraws from the ugly UN and stops pleading with the Arabs to make peace with us and become our friends.

Rather than pine for Shimon Peres’s dream of peaceful borders crossed daily by rich merchants and tourists, Israel would do better to cut off to the extent possible all contact with these people because there is an abyss that separates our civilization from their culture.

Israel has to be a true champion of true multiculturalism by telling the world that the world is home to a multiplicity of cultures and societies and between our community and theirs, we have nothing in common.

These Arabs are so different dialogue with them is virtually impossible. If this is how they perceive reality, there is nothing we can do to change their hearts.

Only HaShem knows when and how that will happen, and until then all we can do is live by His commandments in this Land, defend ourselves, but otherwise cast off these dreadfully wrong-headed sabra fantasies of living a normal life next to these to people…


Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Afghan Editor Condemns the Custom of Dancing Boys, Says: ‘[Boys] of Ages 15 to 20 are Normally Dressed in Women’s Clothes, Dancing All the Night, Then Abused by Several Men’

…The corruption in Western culture takes various forms. The pornography of popular culture and entertainment. MTV’s regular fare is what used to be called pornographic a generation ago. Hollywood movies. Pay TV movies. The language is filth; the stories are sex and violence.

And here in Israel we experience the corruption of our generation’s variety of Jew-hatred: the hatred of Israel, the titanic emotions in such as Tony Blair’s sister in law and millions of Muslim lunatics. And their helpers in the West.

On Friday the Post’s Benjamin Weinthal in Berlin reported on the intention of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwalle to attend on 22 September in New York City the Durban III Hate the Jews Jamboree. That for me is one major and truly worrying sign of the times: that Germany’s FM would be such a shameless antiJew. The Weinthal piece was about efforts by the Jewish community there and at least one member of the Bundestag who belongs to Merkel’s party to get Westerwalle to follow along with Italy and the Netherlands and the Czech Republic and now Australia to boycott what is so obviously a gathering of antisemites. It is simply breathtaking that Germany at this stage is still planning to attend this cousin of George Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate.”

Jew-hatred since the eruption of the Al Aqsa Intifada 11 years ago is back in fashion only camouflaged as pity for the victims of those terrible Israelis. Last Thursday the Washington Times reported on the latest Wikileaks dump which revealed an Israeli embassy cable from Ankara to Tel-Aviv in October 2009 from Israel’s ambassador Gabby Levy describing Erdogan’s religious hostility to Israel, because he is a fundamentalist Muslim.

And on Friday Makor Rishon reported on an anonymous Turkish investigative journalist – afraid to use his own name – digging up Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s past as a Nazi lover and author in the earlier 1970s of an antisemitic play, that the censor eventually closed, in addition to his known four months in jail for seditious poetry.

It was the British poet W. H. Auden who, following the outbreak of WWII with the Nazi invasion of Poland on 1 September, 1939 called the 1930s a “low, dishonest decade” and that is one we live in now too.

Last Thursday, Robert Serry the UN Special Coordinator of the Middle East Peace Process – who obviously has become a well-paid man for doing nothing because there is no process – expressed “deep concern” over the “resurgence of violence in Gaza and southern Israel.”

That is a low, dishonest comment if there ever was one. A “resurgence of violence.” These antisemitic Muslim murderers, Mr. Serry, ambushed innocent Jewish people in the family car and took their lives.

Israel answers by killing those who sent the murderers, and in retaliation scores of rockets are launched at random into Jewish communities. This is a “resurgence of violence” he says and he urged “both sides to immediately take steps to prevent further escalation.”

“Both sides.” This is this generation’s sick, antiJew corruption…

Glenn Beck

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, I guess, not following the story closely enough to care about the time table, Glenn Beck has now come and gone. He has done his thing, and that too is a story about the opposite of antiJew hostility to Israel, the new antisemitism of our generation.

I am not a big fan of Glenn Beck, never was. I saw him on TV like a professor with blackboard and chalk making points and writing words that I didn’t quite get what he was getting at or wanted to buy what he was selling.

And when he spoke of Israel, I was appreciative of the sentiment but I saw right away I had nothing to learn from him. On the contrary, his knowledge was sometimes embarrassingly off the mark.

I appreciate his support and thank him for it, but he does display certain attitudes toward Jews that I recoil from.

Glenn Beck is a convert to Mormonism and Mormons, I have discovered through personal experience, are compulsive missionaries. In itself there is nothing wrong with that, but in their intrusive dishonesty they are wrong and can rub people the wrong way.

I find them trespassing on my boundaries as a person and certainly as a Jew. As a religious community, Mormons see themselves as temple-builders and claim that their holy scripture came from Jerusalem, originally at the time of the first khurban, the destruction of the First Temple, which of course therefore in their own minds gives them a purchase on Jerusalem; they have, so to speak, in their own minds, shares in the corporation.

I once heard a Mormon sermonize, in my presence, to other Mormons that they are as a people spiritually engrafted into the Jewish people. I did not want to make a scene, he was my host, and I said nothing. To myself, though, I wished I could ask him what we Jews think about that. I mean, do we Jews have any say in the matter when he says that his people have been engrafted into ours?

That is what I felt more or less when Beck on more than one occasion has emotionally cited words from the Book of Ruth the Moabite: “Whither thou goest, I shall go, your G-d will be my god” And I thought, “Whoa. Slow down. You do not have the right to use those words in this way; to declare yourself a member of this people, which is what Beck seems to be doing with his emotional embrace of Israel. And I doubt he knows how the story of Ruth is central, halachically speaking, to the conversion process which takes work. One cannot just declare himself a Jew by choice.

The Mormon I was referring to before, speaking to this group of his Mormon guests, also proudly told them how he had gotten me to go to the local Mormon visitors’ center to see a film dramatization of the life of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, which he did by deceiving me. He did not give me a choice; he did not ask if I wanted to do that. It was a trick on his part.

He told me he wanted me to see something but would not say and what, and with a smile signaled I was going to like it – and the next thing I knew we entered a building where I was greeted by a half-life sized idol of the man from Nazareth. Later I told him we are not allowed to enter such places with idols and thus he made me violate my religion and I did not like that.

I told him I have no problem with his desire to spread his belief that makes him happy. But I do have a problem with subterfuge and dishonesty.

The Mormons, remember, were also caught, and that is the word for it, some years back converting Jews who had died. Protests were made and the Mormons were reported to have stopped, but who knows. The Mormons, I have heard, have extensive genealogical records and they were “converting” Jews who had died in the Holocaust and I guess others post mortem.

This too was an uninvited invasion of the Jewish people.

Moshe Feiglin was in the Post this week expressing his “deep problem” with Rabbi Riskin in Efrat attending a Christian prayer rally with Beck at the amphitheater in Caesaria/Caesarea on Sunday, and I agree with Feiglin. Other rabbis who I think would have liked to appear with Beck, which I think would have been a good idea, but only so long as there was no mention of Christianity, certainly not to participate in an ecumenical worship service. It says in the Ten Commandments that the G-d of Israel is a jealous G-d and that means Judaism is never to be mixed or mixed up with any other religious belief, and certainly not with a belief which rejects the unity of the One G-d which in Jewish eyes Christianity mostly does. Christianity focuses on the figure of the Messiah, which distracts from worshiping the One G-d.

Jews don’t worship the messiah. We worship HaShem….

Our Predicament

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: NGO Monitor blasts Amnesty for not condemning rockets

…Lastly, maybe you saw what was in JPost hard copy this morning: remarks by actor John Voight at a Glen Beck event yesterday. “I feel complete contempt for anyone not intelligent enough to see that the media propaganda portraying the Palestinians as victims endangers the state of Israel…The Palestinian radicals have only one prayer on their lips; to remove every Jew from Israel.”

Imagine our prime minister saying this.

Better yet, imagine the head of the opposition in the Knesset Princess Tsipora the Enlightened protégé of her mentor St. Simon of Oslo. Tsipi Livni is such an air-head, she became Peres’s protégé after Oslo had already turned into the serial massacres of the second intifada.

Imagine Tsipi Livni speaking these words. Now that would be on her part an act of statesmanship of the highest order. In America the expression used to be “Politics stops at the water’s edge,” meaning we can squabble and fight domestically but in foreign affairs against the enemy, Americans are one. E Pluribus Unum.

But not in Israel. Here the head of the opposition does PR for the enemy in the name of Enlightened statecraft and Shimon Peres’s vision of peace.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael.

Thousands Terrorized

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Yeah, for an aging deprogrammer like myself, one of the interesting facets of this latest episode of if not crucifying Jews then terrorizing them with 80 missiles/projectiles on Friday and Shabbos, which slew a 38 year-old husband and father. I think in fact I sort of heard him die. Last evening after Arvit, I was chatting outside with a friend before we all went home to make Havdalah and we heard a boom. A couple of booms actually and wondered what they were. Well, about a half-hour later on the news it was reported that just about the time we heard those booms, in Beer-Sheva, which maybe 25 air mile, as the crow flies, away, two enemy rockets landed, one of which killed this Jewish man, as literally probably hundreds of thousands of Jews these last 48 hours have been terrorized to some degree.

They say now one million people in Israel are within range of the rockets in Gaza and of these 80 projectiles they were falling all over the place: Beer-Sheva, Ashdod, Ashqelon, Gan Yavneh, Ofakim. Homes were damaged, vehicles destroyed, sirens terrorizing thousands of Jews into running for cover.

That was on my mind before thinking about torturing Jews to death as a major activity in the performance of Roman Catholic tradition. Today hundreds of thousands of Jews have also been terrorized, dozens hospitalized in shock. And the world is mostly silent.

Mostly, if not completely. Still, listen to the words of Lady Macbeth Clinton after last Thursday massacre of Jews. “The United States condemns today’s attacks in southern Israel and all acts of terrorism in the strongest terms.”

This is a fine example of what Bat Yeor calls dhimmitude, the transformation of otherwise civilized Westerners into vassals of these menacing Muslims. What Hillary said is textbook PLO terrorist talk. Until the 1980s, Arafat rejected the term terrorism altogether; for him this was the” armed struggle.” But due pressure from the US and the West to renounce terrorism, he became to say he renounces terrorism “in all its forms,” meaning Arabs committing terrorism and Israelis committing terrorism. Moral equivalence. If the Arabs commit terrorism against the Jews, then the Jews commit terrorism against Arabs.

And here is Hillary, having assimilated, probably not even consciously the Arab dictate that Arab slaughters of Jews can never criticized in isolation. One must also criticize, by implication, the same crimes committed by others. So here Hillary condemned “the attacks in southern Israel and all acts of terrorism,” so that the Arabs can interpret her words to mean Israel’s “aggression” in Gaza that evening against the PRC gang leaders was also “terrorism.”

Yesterday, Hamas announced that it is no longer committed to the lull (tadiya?) with Israel. “There is no longer a lull in the face of the ongoing massacre that Israel commits against the Palestinian people without any justification.”

Again, as if the attack on the Eilat road never happened.

With such people as this, with minds like this that cannot see in Israel’s counter-strike the exercise of the human right to hit back when attacked, all talk and negotiations with such human beings are a waste of breath.

The Oslo peace process has been a waste of breath for almost two decades now. Breath being to something holy, the breath of G-d…

Supernatural Malevolence

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Resolution adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council 16/18

…Yeah. The coverage today concerned “Palestinian militants,” “armed infiltrators,” “assailants,” “attackers.” Missing were the words, “Arabs, Muslims, Jews.”

Even the prime minister of Israel called the massacres in the south “a severe event that targeted Israeli sovereignty.”

That makes as much sense as waging a “war on terror.” A war on terrorists is possible but not terror which just means great fear exacerbated by a sense of helpless defenselessness. The Arabs like that, by the way. They like to combine humiliation with their murder.

It is unfortunate that Netanyahu cannot or will not see the age-old, independent of Zionism religious madness about Jews which burns in the breasts of these savage Arabs and other Muslims. Israel’s sovereignty was not attacked today. Attacked were Jews. The “assailants” wanted to kill Jews. That is a very big mitzvah in their universe, their moral universe of perverse, barbaric ethics.

Yesterday too the anonymous editorial in JPost missed the boat when charging the anti-Semitism in the Arab world today is due to its importation from the West.

What are implications of that belief? That before it was imported, there was no antisemitism in Araby? In truth, the Arabs, the Muslims, had no need of 19th and 20th century crackpot antisemitism to teach them to fear and to hate Jews.

The editorialist also seemed not to understand antisemitism in its own native habitat in the West. “Antisemitism is nothing if not a surpassingly expedient political fantasy and anti-Zionism is merely the most expedient form of contemporary anti-Semitism.”

To see in antisemitism an “expedient fantasy” is to mistake its surface for its depth. For sure dictators have long resorted to distracting the masses with Jew-hatred, as an expedient fantasy but it goes much deeper than that. As the Jews are a unique nation, so Jew-hatred is not your run-of-the-mill hostility between peoples. Jews in Hitler’s mind and in the minds of Catholic priests for centuries were configured as this supernatural power with supernatural malevolence.

Hostility to Jews is not like other ethnic frictions. The English and the French went to war against one another so many times over hundreds of years and snarled at one another and had nasty nicknames for one another; probably likewise the French and neighboring Germans too. The Poles and the Russians; the Russians and the Lithuanians, etc. The Japanese and the Koreans.

But nothing compares to the other-worldly intensity of Jew-hatred. The Post editorialist spoke of “classical anti-Semitism” by which he seemed to mean the 19th and 20th century variety: the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Nazi propaganda stuff.

Missing here is the thousand and more years of Islamic culture in which the Jews were a perennial, daily object of abuse, humiliation and oppression. The Arabs, the Muslims are not known for their ecumenical kindness to minorities and non-believers.

Jews living in Muslim societies from the year 622 until 1948 lived on sufferance and often some protection for the local potentate who benefited by their skills. That is what the word dhimmi means. Bat Ye’or writes of dhimmitude. Dhimmi means in Arabic the “protected” ones, the protected communities. These were monotheists with a scripture. The Jews, Christians, now extinct Sabaeans, were entitled under Islamic rule to remain faithful to their beliefs; they didn’t have to convert. But otherwise they were an oppressed minority in a society that did not pride itself on how liberal it was to its minorities. “Protected” meant that the local potentate could tell the masses to refrain from killing the Jews and destroying their neighborhoods because the sheikh or pasha benefited from their presence.

Still, the Jewish community had to pay a yearly tax called the jezya and it is explicitly mandated in Sharia law to humiliate the infidel for refusing to convert. Muslims believe that everybody deep down knows the truth of Islam as the correct religion. But as infidels they stubbornly refuse to accept its truth. And for their stubborn resistance they must pay…

The Sex Lives of Muslims

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: Bacha Bazi Boys VIDEO – Afghanistan’s “Dancing Boys” & How Muslims Pimp Young Boys for Gang Rape
Danish Psychologist: Inbreeding Reduces Muslim Intelligence

…Well, it’s been pretty quiet in Israel. August is normally quiet in the world of politics. Even politics goes on vacation in August.

We’ve had these semi-Woodstock encampments around the country protesting the cost-of-living and the disappearance of a middle class. Israel has one of the worst gaps in the liberal democracies of the West. There are people with lots of money opposite people who “can’t finish the month,” as the expression here goes around here, with few people in between.

The spokesmen and spokeswomen of these tent encampments are hard core Leftists and anti-Bibi-ites for reasons having nothing to do with his stewardship of the economy.

They have no ideas, only demands. And what they demand is the welfare culture of the kibbutz. They want free everything. Perfect equality between members of the community in terms of wealth. It is a communist ideal of equality.

Trouble is, of course, while some kibbutzim worked better than others, in the end the economic theory of their kind of collectivist socialism does not work. Contrary to a fantasy that resonates with the word socialism, in which everyone wants the best for society, a society of sociable people, it is capitalism that provides the greatest good for the greatest number. It is not the squelching of competition but fostering it. Capitalism is the companion of political freedom, for capitalism posits freedom of the marketplace.

So these Leftists leading this tent protest have been acting like such fools they are an embarrassment to the Jewish people…

Moses as Bin Laden

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The foregoing news story on this politically correct British opera director re-writing the Book of Exodus – by the way, he’ll be working in Israel next month – it should not have been too surprising a story given the atmosphere in certain circles in Europe’s chattering classes. Last week in her mid-week column JPost’s Caroline Glick reported the information that in Oslo the day before that madman Anders Breivik’s massacre of the summertime campers in the Norwegian Labor Party‘s summer camp, the party’s Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store, a well-known anti-Israelite, paid them a visit and spoke of the need to destroy the security barrier Israel built to defend Jews from exploding Muslim maniacs.

The campers also role-played that day being Hamas Arabs breaking Israel’s lawful blockade; and they held signs aloft calling for a boycott of Israel.

Part of the problem may be the failure of Israel’s public diplomacy to keep abreast of the spread of the poison of the Palestinian narrative – which is not easy when your own Prime Minister has also come out in support of the proposition that the Ancient Ones desire a state in the middle of the Jewish people’s Promised Land and he is ready to give it to them.

Following the horror of what that lunatic Anders Breivik did, Maariv interviewed the Norwegian ambassador here in which he basically justified Arab terror against us because of the “occupation,” he said. He admitted there was a similarity between Breivik’s massacre and what happened at the Hotel Park in Netanya in 2002 – he was serving in the country at the time in a lower capacity – but he said he was not sure if they were identical. The difference, he said, is that the Palestinians attack Israelis with a definite goal in mind i.e. to end the occupation.

For this Norwegian, then, the world before May, 1967 did not exist. The world came into existence with the Israeli occupation in June, which is the norm now in Enlightened Europe. This is how they see history. Prior to the Six-Day War and Israel’s victory, Israel and the “Palestinians” had no history.

Worse, Europeans like this have a way of tolerating if not exactly blessing terror atrocities against us Jews, using a standard of course they do not apply to their own Anders Breivik.

This Ambassador Sven Sabia, also sounding like Catherine Ashton, said Norwegians see settlements as illegal in international law. Again, that’s Israel’s fault for never ever telling the world, as Ronald Reagan opined, they may be ill-advised and counter-productive – that’s a judgment call which only time will judge – but they still are legal…

Yosh is Ours, Legally

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, besides Peace Now, where we left off with, the ACRI, the Association of Civil Rights in Israel has sent a letter to Defense Minister Ehud Barak calling for nice treatment in September when the Ancient Ones want to demonstrate here as the UN General Assembly in New York does its thing. “Palestinian civilians taking part in protests should not be treated like enemy combatants, and the army should not be allowed to open fire on them.”

This is the equivalent of Barack Obama denying the existence of Muslim terrorists as only “extremists given to man-made disasters.” Here the Arabs are not a foreign enemy nation but civilians and thus presumably entitled to the treatment of Jewish Israeli civilians.

This is like Obama and Eric Holder his attorney general wanting civilian trials for the Muslim demons of 9-11.

It was what we have to suffer everything we go into battle every time. They attack us with military weapons but we must respond like urban policemen.

Heaven help us and spare us from the enemy within who blurs the line between what is within and what is without…

Social Justice

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, last week a new United States ambassador took up his post here, one Dan Shapiro who apparently hitched his wagon in 2007 to the future Ayatollah Barack Hussein in his campaign for the White House. That early on Dan Shapiro got on the bandwagon with him says something about him.

Looking at his CV, it seems that Dan Shapiro is yet another careerist of Jewish extraction who sells his identity for prestige and success among anti-Jews. He is yet another like LTF, Saint Thomas Friedman, a graduate of Brandeis University which was created by Americans of Jewish extraction in the late 1940s desperate for their children to succeed in America – and never mind that the Jews in Eretz Yisrael at the same time in Israel were being mercilessly murdered and maimed by Arabs.

During his college years, Shapiro did his year abroad in Israel so he speaks Hebrew to a degree. He majored in Near East and Judaic Studies which of course is not to be confused with Judaism. The approach is basically the same used in antiJew Christian seminaries over the last 150 years.

After Brandeis, Shapiro went to Harvard for two years and emerged with a Master’s degree in Middle Eastern Politics.

A master’s degree in Middle Eastern Politics. Does that mean he has become a master of Middle Eastern politics? Has Dan Shapiro ever used his mastery of Middle Eastern politics to shape and guide the region in its journey through time?

Dan Shapiro is a master of Middle East politics, and according to Akiva Eldar last week in the abominable Haaretz, Shapiro is not here to masterfully make peace between Israel and our Balestinian victims but, “Rather, his goal is to promote peace between the American president and American Jewish leaders. His main job will be to dismantle every Israeli land mine on his boss’s road to a second term.”

Looking again at his CV, after in 1993 he became a master of Middle Eastern politics leastwise in the eyes of Harvard University, he went to work for Congressman Lee Hamilton, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, no great friend of the world’s only Jewish state.

And according to Akiva Eldar, when the Balestinians signed the Oslo Accords in the fall, he cheered. He was a “fervent admirer of then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.”

Then he went to work, after the Republicans captured Congress in 1994, for the allegedly Jewish but not Halachically so Senator Dianne Feinstein as her senior foreign policy advisor. A year later, Feinstein refused to co-sponsor a bill to move the American Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. Presumably she was advised to do that by Dan Shapiro. It was believed at the time, you see, that the initiative was the sinister handiwork of the Israeli Right and its supporters in Congress who wanted to derail the peace process.

Translation: Dan Shapiro was a big supporter of the Oslo Abomination, and now, by hitching his wagon to that of the Imam in the White House, he has become U.S. Ambassador to Israel and he will get to live in a big, beautiful home in Herzlia with lots of servants as he masterfully sells the virtues of his political master Emir Barack Hussein to the people of Israel as he works toward his re-election.

In other words: another in the mold of Martin Indyk and LTF and Aaron David Miller and Danny Kurtzer, hustlers and hucksters of Hebrew heritage pretending to be big friends of Israel as they serve anti-Israel masters…

Land of Delusions

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Remember now, keep in mind, as we hear a bit more of thinking going in the
mind of Dr. Nabil Shaath, PhD that he is no riffraff. This is paragon of the civilized, peace-loving, Fatah Party that runs the so-called Palestinian Authority.

He said “Jewish gangs exiled more than 750,000 Palestinians.” This is a double whammy of a lie. First of all, there were no Jewish gangs. The IDF was an organized army in uniform; that is not a gang.

The UN figure, secondly, was 590,000, not 750, and of those perhaps 100,000 were not exiled by “Jewish gangs” but, as soon as the UN General Assembly voted for partition on 29 November 1947, who picked up and packed up and left the country because they did not want to live under a Jewish regime. And they were able to pick up and pack up so quickly because they had where to run to, because so many of them were no natives of Balestine at all but had come into the country during the Mandate period to get in on the booming economy – thanks to the Jews. They had homes and families elsewhere, and so when they decided to leave, they had where to run to and find a place to live, not in refugee camp but with family, on the old family sod.

The IDF in its infancy as well, fighting to save the infant Jewish state was too busy fighting the regular armies of five Arab states to have had the time to expel 750,000 people.

The interviewer in Kul-al-Arab asked Shaath, “Do you still believe in two states for two peoples?”

Here is the answer: “We do not recognize anything called the state of the Jewish people. We are prepared to recognize the State of Israel, if they say that the Israeli people include those Muslim and Christian residents who” – fasten your seat-belts now – “are the true owners of the land. We do not agree to two states for two peoples, which means that Israel belongs to the Jewish people. Israel must belong to everyone who lives there, and first and foremost to its original inhabitants. We have never agreed and never will agree under any circumstances to recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people.”

Remember, now, this is the voice of the “moderate peace camp” among the Arabs here, these “moderates” unlike those terrible religious fanatics in Hamas.

Fatah and Hamas are identical in their goals, differing only in tactics.

Israel should not be negotiating with Fatah any more than with Hamas, and never should have been negotiating with any these so- called Balestinians who think like this.

This is the best and brightest of them, and he has the mind of a delusional amnesiac for whom history is whatever you want it to be in order to justify your appetite for another man’s property and your desire to use homicidal violence to take it from him…

Handling the Mob

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, on the home front today the top story remained the cost of living and housing, for rental and for purchase.

Here in Judea, we are not immune from the crisis and it has in fact made life a little uglier here. You see, many families who have enough land to build a home and second residence do that to rent out and they have jacked up their rental prices according to the market which means that here too the prices are now sky high asked by these idealistic settlers – they are only human – which are as extortionate as in Tel-Aviv and a huge obstacle to young couples wanting to live in Yosh.

Not talked about in the dominant and dejudaized MSM here is the contribution to the tight market all over the country made by none other than Emir Barack Hussein who has succeeded during his time in office in throttling development in Israel, meaning in Yosh, so that the young couples who want to live here cannot and thus they too must look for shelter west of the Green Line.

Some day these post-Jewish Israelis may wake up and take note of how this generation of antiJews continue to dictate to us where we can and cannot live even in our own allegedly independent state.

How interesting too over the last two weeks of this protest for “social justice” that the Torah readings have been about settling the Land, parceling the land to big families and small. Real estate stories of Eretz Yisrael in shul and on the evening news.

Of course the solution to the tight housing market was conjured up last webcast. Imagine what would happen to the housing market if the government would declare all Judea and Samaria open to Jews and Jewish developers.

Think of the famous day in 1889, the Oklahoma Land Rush, when 50,000 land-hungry Americans lined up on a starting line at the edge of two million acres about to be given away for the taking and the asking for free.

At high noon on April 22, 1889, these 50,000 people on horseback and in buckboards – there are photographs of it – and wagons heard the cannons roar announcing the start of the land rush and they lit out in clouds of dust, all 50,000 of them to stake out their claims to homes and even lay out whole communities. In literally half a day, both Oklahoma City and the adjacent town of Guthrie had been staked out and occupied by 10,000 people. Famous Harper’s Weekly at the time said this: “At twelve o’clock on Monday, April 22d, the resident population of Guthrie was nothing; before sundown it was at least ten thousand. In that time streets had been laid out, town lots staked off, and steps taken toward the formation of a municipal government.

“Many settlers immediately started improving their new land or stood in line waiting to file their claim. Many children sold creek water to homesteaders waiting in line for five cents a cup, while other children gathered buffalo chips to provide fuel for cooking. By the second week, schools had opened and were being taught by volunteers paid by pupils’ parents until regular school districts could be established. Within one month, Oklahoma City had five banks and six newspapers.”

That’s from Wikipedia. That’s how Americans did it in those days. Imagine the government of Israel in our time declaring that as the Ancient Ones build at will in Judea and Samaria, so will Israelis, Jews, in our ancient homeland…

Doron Rosenblum

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Netanyahu has forgotten what it means to be Israeli

…Well, as of this posting, still no word on a deal in Washington over the debt ceiling crisis between the Muslim in the Oval Office and the representatives of the American people.

I think there is a real danger that this egomaniac may come to the conclusion that he stands no chance of being re-elected so why not make everything come crashing down now? He scares me.

As for cutting government spending, a fine idea was presented in Congress last Tuesday when Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch testified that the PA spends 5 million dollars a month, a major chunk of which is American taxpayer money, on paying the salaries of Arab terrorists in Israeli jails. Five million dollars a month paid to these convicted terrorists.

Have we all gone mad? In Israel? In America? Marcus, quoting from the PA version of Pravda, the official newspaper Al-Hayat al-Jadida, he told Congress that 5,500 Ishmaelites on the PA payroll are sitting in prison for their involvement in the mass murder of terrorism and getting paid.

And as an aside here parenthetically, what is this business of the US subsidizing a Palestinian Authority newspaper? Like Pravda, is it? Does the United States Government have its own newspaper? Does the United States Government have a monopoly on TV and radio broadcasts as does the PA and is paid to have?

A little over a week ago, it was reported that Marwan Barghouti was caught in prison with a smuggled cellphone and punished with time in solitary confinement.

Why is Israel paying to feed and house this mass murderer and give him medical care; this murderer of 30 people?

And then there was the story about the same time last week of the High Court ruling that Mustafa Dirani in Lebanon, the terrorist, has the right to sue the State of Israel for ill-treatment when held hostage here for 10 years in a bid to force Hezbollah to return POW Ron Arad.

This Hezbollah terrorist after his release returned to the working ranks of Hezbollah, i.e. working for the destruction of Israel, G-d forbid. And here the Israeli High Court agreed to adjudicate his claim; this enemy sworn to Israel’s destruction whose organization rained 4,000 missiles down on the north in 2005, and blew up our embassy in Argentina and murdered 80 other Jews there as well?

Have we all gone crazy?…

Richard Wagner was Right

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…There was good news out of the Knesset yesterday. The rejection of a bill written by, if you can believe it, one of the men of Sodom, to allow for civil marriage and civil divorce for Jews in Israel, versus the rabbinical monopoly on those legal institutions. The moment Israel agrees to do that it will begin to die. Without its religious identity, the Jews have no national identity, which is one reason for the immortality of this people.

The vote against the bill was 41 versus 16 MKS supporting.

The greatest threat to the Jewish people outside of the Muslim maniacs in Iran and its front groups in Hezbollah and Hamas is intermarriage. The history of the Jewish people over the last 200 years is proof of that.

Civil marriage is anathema to Jewishness because matrimony is ultimately holy or it is nothing. Why must it be spiritual? Having a religious sanction (a word related to the word for sanctity)? And the answer is that the joining of husband and wife commonly leads to Imitatio Dei, the imitation of G-d Almighty in the creation of human beings. Man is no more god-like than in his procreating and producing other human beings.

Think of the story of Frankenstein the monster, written by Mary Shelley which was published in the same year Karl Marx was born, revolutionary period, in 1818. Mary Shelley was the illegitimate child of William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft, two English writers, sort of the 18th century forerunners of Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn. Mary Wollstonecraft was the founding mother of modern feminism. Both parents English intellectuals and journalists who went south to live in Paris during the French Revolution to write about it. There they lived together without marrying which in their day was truly revolutionary and a rebellion against conventional morality.

Mary Wollstonecraft was the model of every radical feminist journalist in the 20th century, and her daughter Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin went on to live with the English poet Percy Shelley and become Mary Shelley, like her mother a writer, who came up with the fantasy of a scientist figuring out how to create life. Only in a prophetic mode Mary Shelly imagined the experiment at playing God going to seriously awry so that the life created was a monster.

It is no coincidence that the proposed bill in the Knesset that failed yesterday was submitted by MK Nitzan Horowitz of the almost now extinct – thanks to Oslo – Meretz Party, who is also the Knesset’s only public sodomite and crusader for sodomy.

That too is behavior that as a perversion corrupts the God-like process of creating life as HaShem does. The male act of procreation concludes with the sending out of the body of seed programmed by the Creator to swim in search of an egg which is found only in the womb of the female of the species.

Male seed is out of place when deposited in any of the bodily openings of the male of the species.

If nothing else it is medically contraindicated…

Domestic Strikes & Norway

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So, as of today, it seems, the eruption of evil in Oslo, Norway last Friday was perpetrated by yet another madman who long harbored and nurtured a fantasy of murdering scores, even hundreds, even thousands of people in an orgy of blood.

Timothy McVeigh was such a person who murdered 168 in Oklahoma City in 1995 with a truck bomb that was the model for the one used in Oslo on Friday. McVeigh also wounded 680 others.

A year earlier here, Baruch Goldstein here in Hevron acted out a fantasy he likely had also been nurturing for years when he killed a whole bunch of Arabs in a burst of homicide.

Four years after that in Columbine, Colorado two high schools boys went on a murder spree and massacred a teacher and 13 of their school mates and wounded two dozen others.

And then of course there has been the endless terror bombings in Iraq and Pakistan and India by Muslims, by the thousands, and course the Gold Medal of 9-11.

I think it is psychiatric condition that deserves serious study: these maniacs who cross religions and national boundaries like this Norwegian fellow Anders Behring Breivik. They are driven to these spectacular crimes and I think that drive precedes whatever rationale or explanation they put down in writing over 1500 pages. They need to commit such a crime and then invent a reason to do so. Like Adolf Hitler in his prison cell in the 1920s dictating Mein Kampf to Rudolf Hess and Emil Maurice. They need to do what they need to do and the explanation follows.

What was this evil one thinking? That he was going to kill off the next generation of Labor Party leaders in Norway and thus prevent them from handing the country over to the Muslims with their brainless multiculturalism?

He is right to fear the loss of his nation to the Muslims, but when he arrogates to himself the right to slaughter individuals like this in the name of his own deepest beliefs, he becomes a Muslim; he acts like a Muslim who justifies to himself all the gruesome carnage. He becomes no better than they are. He becomes one of them.

From what has come out so far from Norway, this horror will not change the minds of Norwegians regarding their political views of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Or their view of Muslims. They look upon Muslims, the way, I guess, Little Tommy Friedman does. It contains and includes a perverted view of Jews, which tracks with those of Muslims. In the Arab war against our freedom, the Norwegians see what they want to see: Israel is the aggressor-bad guy; Israel as the substitute bad Norwegian. In their inability to confront their own racism toward non-white Arabs, they smear us with their own racist revulsion. We are the ones who are the racists, the abusers of our brown, Third-World victims.

Norwegians are the people who bestowed on the world the term “Quisling” after Norway’s war-time, collaborationist prime minister Vidkun Quisling. I don’t think they have come to grips with that. They don’t seem to be too introspective.

They came to Christianity quite late, in the Crusader period. Until then they were pagans; they have been civilized for less than a thousand years.

And in this we may find the roots of their hostility to Yiddishkeit…

“Taking Risks for Peace”? (07/08/10)

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
……And that was Psalm 113, assorted verses from it, from the Hallel Prayer. What a talent he is. And that is the tenth of his ten selections on his a capella album, and so now for the remainder of the three weeks, another four webcasts and today, we will repeat the cycle.

So, not surprisingly on Tuesday when Bibi met Barack, the latter came out of the meeting pleased to tell the press that he was persuaded that Israel is, under Prime Minister Netanyahu’s leadership, ready to “take risks for peace.”

That’s an expression of lengthy pedigree; it has been in the lexicon of the peace processors for years. They believe that one necessary ingredient of successful peace processing is Israel’s readiness to “take risks for peace” – which is code for “retreat and weakening itself by handing over strategically important terrain to the enemy in the belief this will please him and slake his thirst for what Israel possesses. Israel must take a risk for peace by endangering itself even more than it is endangered now.”

And why? To placate, to satisfy, to soothe the savage breast of the Ishmaelites who feel aggrieved because Israel stole Palestine from them. If Israel wants peace, it must compensate the victims of its national movement.

Hence, even more “confidence-building gestures” to be made by Israel. Notice, the Ancient Palestinians are never asked to make their own confidence-building measures, like reducing the quantity of antisemitic bilge on their PA TV station.

Nothing. Never. Goornisht. Only Israel must make confidence-building measures a/k/a baksheesh, tribute. The Ancient Ones never, the aggrieved party in this relationship.

One wishes for a prime minister who when asked by some obnoxious, ignorant journalist like a Thomas Friedman if Israel is prepared to take risks for peace, answers candidly: “What, are you crazy? Do you think we are crazy? We are surrounded on the three sides, 5 and a half million of us, by 300 million barbaric Arabs and Muslims whose core identity, Islam, is a nasty piece of antisemitic nonsense in a league with Mein Kampf or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

“We Jews too, if not ahistorical Israelis, have a history with these Muslims going back 14 centuries, and it’s not a pretty story. And in our own time as well, these cruel savages have bombed us hundreds of times with their suicide maniacs, homicidal Muslim maniacs for whom murdering Jews is the ultimate in piety, more important than life itself. Exploding yourself in the middle of a crowd of unsuspecting Jewish people in an otherwise peaceful civilian setting is worth it – if you take the lives of as many al-Yahud as you can with you.

“That’s who the enemy is, No. 1. No.2: We don’t take risks because we live on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea on a strip of land 50 miles/80 kilometers across, that’s it.

“Take risks for peace”? The last person in Israel who should be ready to take risks for peace is the prime minister. His first duty is to protect his people. A parent sends his child to school on a school bus and expects the driver to take no chances when on the road with his charges. He must take no risks. And likewise the prime minister of Israel is charged with the safety of his people surrounded by all these brutes.

“No sir,” I would tell Prince Obama Israel will take no risks for peace whatsoever. Let the other side take risks for peace. We took a big risk in 1994 when we handed over a significant amount of land to the Arabs in Yesha and what we got in return was a series of diabolical bombings that took the lives of almost 2,000 Jews and wounded even more physically, and even more emotionally: the surviving family and friends of the dead, the crippled and the mutilated.

I am sick of these peace processors and their process which is all about kowtowing to these barbarians…

Standing Up to the Enemy

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So I think maybe Bibi, while ready to stand up to the obvious hostility of the Muslims in Ankara, he is not ready to stand up when it comes to the NGOs perhaps because he knows who they are: the hidden face of the EU and other enemies of Israel in the West, those who fund these NGOs under the pretense they are human rights organizations or peace activists, instead of this generation’s post-Holocaust mutation of classical antiJew antagonists. And Bibi just does not want to stir them up unnecessarily.

The Turks are waiting for the Palmer report to come out and accuse them of collaborating with the IHH terrorist front, which is why they, I imagine, they stopped the Mavi Marmara from sailing this time.

And perhaps Bibi does not want to irritate the NGOs – that is, the antiJews behind them – when such bell weather types as Abe Foxman and American Jewish Committee types might have a hard time explaining this second piece of legislation against these wonderful humanitarians.

But if so, he is wrong. These NGOs must be faced down just like the Turks who are in cahoots with the IHH, so are these NGOs, these Brit-fund, French-funded, German-funded, American-funded organizations like Btselem and Amnesty and the New Israel fund. They are all antiJew operations.

All of them are of the view referred to at the beginning of this webcast. All of them agree with the Romans in the days of Emperor Hadrian: this land belongs to the Philistines, in our time the Neo-Philistines. They are the rightful owners of this land, not the Jews.

Heck, letting the Jews have this Land might lead to some people in the world to believe that their G-d really exists and really has brought them home as their Books says he would. I don’t know if the world is ready for that…

Violent Hamites (07/18/10)

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So these Muslims, these Arabs, these Iranians, Pakistanis, Algerians, Lebanese are a violent slice of humanity, don’t you think?

Which is why there is not going to be a “Palestinian” state as the antiJews of the world imagine it. It just ain’t going to happen that the people of Israel are going to agree to drive 500,000 Jews from their homes and force them to return to the 9-mile wide waist of a country that Israel had in 1967. And of course after this mass flight and re-settlement program, the Muslims will take complete control of the western slope of the hills of Judea and Samaria overlooking that 9-mile wide strip of congested Jewish life and be free to set up their primitive, portable Qassam rocket launching apparatus. Jews are not going to agree to that.

World antiJewry believes in the future transformation of Judea and Samaria into a Judenrein “Palestinian” state as of right; and until Israel agrees to this “Two-State Solution,” Israel will be the guilty party, the enemy of justice and peace, the criminal victimizer of the Ancient Palestinian people whose land Israel refuses to return.

And in a similar vein to this antiJew demand that Israel retreat to the 1949 cease-fire line, which no sober Israeli will ever agree to, so Israel demands of the Hamites here that they recognize Israel as a Jewish state, which demand from the Muslim viewpoint is likewise simply impossible. At least until they have a Reformation or a Vatican II.

What Netanyahu is doing is demanding that these Arabs sign off on the rightness of Jews living free and independent in our ancient homeland, which is a demand in direct contradiction to the Qur’an and 14 centuries of history between Jews and Arab Muslims. Forget the legendary Golden Age of Spain; the common record of Jewish life under Arab Muslims is a poor one. The Jews suffered every bit as much as Jews in Ashkenaz at Christian hands. The Qur’an repetitively deals with the Jews, and it is clear, as one verse says, that we are Islam’s Enemy No. 1, “more than Christian priests,” according to the verse.

In other words, the last 17 years of peace-making, the bloody handiwork the Jewish Left, Rabin, Peres, Beilin, Indyk, etc. has been an impossible dream dreamed up by ignorant men ignorant of Islam and its historic mistreatment of Jews.

And why? Men like Rabin, Peres and Beilin were raised as antiJew, secular Zionists who thought that if they, as “Israelis,” did not act like Jews, believe like Jews, live like Jews, the Arabs wouldn’t treat them as Jews. The world would treat Israelis as normal people. No more of this Chosen People stuff and persecutions.

No, Israelis like Rabin and Peres and Beilin, Amos Oz, David Grossman, A.B. Yehoshua still believe that if we stop abusing the victims of our parents’ Zionism and do right by the “Palestinians” whose right to this land is every bit as righteous as the Jewish right, only then will peace come.

The implication of this view of course is that all the Arabs want and are justified in wanting is half of Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria, and not a square meter more.

Just give them everything Israel took in 1967, give it all back, and they will break out into smiles of gratitude and friendship.

For these radically dejudaized people, because of their radical dejudaization, are incapable of empathically, truly identifying with the Arabs/the Muslims they purport to care for; identify with them as fellow religionists. And because of this defect, they are blind and deaf to the essential religious nature of the Arabs’ complaint against Israel…


Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Obama and Israel: stalled diplomacy or ‘suspicion and distrust’?

…Last Monday in the Washington Post, their veteran correspondent Glenn Kessler with his own blog called “Fact Checker,” we’ll put up the link, came up with this gem: “The Fact Checker delves into this issue with some trepidation. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has bedeviled presidents for decades and there are no easy answers. Both sides in the conflict have deeply held narratives about how things have come to this point…We would be foolish to venture an opinion on each side’s collection of historical facts because, seriously, it is a no-win situation.”

This is simply intolerable. “Both sides in the conflict have deeply held narratives about how things came to this point.”

That’s right Glenn. In the year 1935 as well, the Jews had a narrative (those in Germany) according to which they were no threat to Germany – as the German leadership had a deeply held narrative according to which the Jews were plotting to destroy Germany and kill all Germans.

Were Glenn Kessler alive then, would he have also said, “We would be foolish to venture an opinion on each side’s collection of historical facts because, seriously, it is a no-win situation”? Who is to say who is right?

Kessler went on, “The Israeli-Palestinian issue is often considered a central test of a president’s diplomatic skills. Former president George W. Bush was criticized for appearing to ignore the issue until the last months of his administration.”

The ignorance here of not ancient but contemporary history is also just intolerable. President W came into office four months after Arafat and his demons had launched their intifada, their slaughter of Jews which brought all peace discussions to a halt. And for years to come Israel on daily basis battled these satanic terror attacks. If peace talks between Israel and the PA ceased in that period, it has nothing to do with President W ‘ignoring the issue.”

Kessler went on, ‘Obama decided to take on the challenge from day one, appointing a special envoy to prod the parties toward peace.”

There we go again with the moral equivalence. this perfect balanced. Both sides need to be prodded because both sides don’t want peace.

I guess the Arab-Israeli conflict is unique in human history in that it is not possible to judge who has the better case. Both sides have their narrative and who is to say who has the more accurate, more honest one?

This is an Olympian amount of taurine excreta.

Thus do today’s antiJews hide behind the mask of Olympian impartiality and a post-modern refusal to pass judgment. Both sides are equally right and equally wrong – and this too is a pile of equine excreta…

“Party Discipline”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Syrian Sunni Cleric Adnan Al-‘Ar’our Threatens the Alawites Who Supported the Syrian Regime

…As a final note to the foregoing: On Monday this week, mobs in Syria attacked both the French and American Embassies, and I know of where I speak when I say this has been a Muslim behavior throughout recorded history.

Likewise in Kandahar, Afghanistan today, a suicide demon blew himself up in a major mosque which killed the city’s top Muslim cleric presiding at the moment over a kind of funeral ceremony or service for the murdered/assassinated half-brother of President Hamid Karzai.

This too is the behavior of barbarians. They murder someone and then come to the funeral to murder those who mourn for their victim.

If previous generations had to contend with Communism and Fascism and Nazism, those world-threatening threats, our enemy today is called Islam.

Leila tov and Shabbat shalom miEretz Yisrael

The Right on a Roll

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: The path to the next Lebanon War

…Lastly, following up on (just before the music) Islam as a menace to the world:

Maybe you saw the item about former Czech Prime Minister last week Milos Zeman who now faces a criminal complaint over expressing his opinion of Islam made in June at an international conference on the future of Europe. He said, “The enemy is the anti-civilization spreading from North Africa to Indonesia. Two billion people live in it and it is financed partly from oil sales and partly from drug sales.”

Last Thursday he also said “Muslims believe in the Koran like Nazis believed in racial supremacy and antisemitism and communists in class struggle and dictatorship of the proletariat…Islam is far more aggressive and intolerant than present-day Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism and other world religions…The Koran includes passages calling for the subjugation, enslavement and even elimination of non-believers.”

Imagine an Israeli prime minister talking like that after all we have been through at the satanic hands of the Qur’anically named Fatah cult, the Hamas cult, the Hezbollah cult.

I’m afraid we are going to have to wait for Moshiach to show up first.

Okay that’s it for this Tuesday evening, and I’ll be back, G-d willing, on Thursday. Until then leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Boycotting What?

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…There was some good news last Thursday out of Washington. A week ago, the Senate voted in favor of suspending “tribute payment” to the terrorists-which is what these people are, these Fatah terrorists disguised these days as the Palestinian Authority-if they go to ask the UN to vote that all Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem is rightfully “Palestinian” property, with the Jews of course excluded from that description. And now the House of Representatives voted 407-6 for a nonbinding resolution that asked Emir Barack Hussein to consider suspending aid in light of the recent deal between the PA and Hamas. They also rejected any PA attempt to ask the UN to hand Judea and Samaria over to them on a platter.

Today Maariv reported that the Muslim prince in the Oval Office is trying very hard to restart the peace talks as a way of aborting any PA move at the UN in September presumably because he does not want to have to cast another veto in the Security Council on the side of Al-Yahud. That would be very painful for him.

Pres. Obama hopes before then to convene yet another summit at the White House between the mass murdering Holocaust Denier and Benyamin ben Bentzion. The talks in Washington going on now are between Yitzhak Molcho, Saeb Erekat and Dennis Ross, that old peace processor, that all failure of a peace processor who has never succeeded at bringing peace and thus should resign for being such a loser at his job.

A week earlier, Debkafile was reporting that Prince Messiah Obama had decided to leave the Arab-Israeli conflict for his second term, but I suspect he is simply incapable of that.

Last Wednesday JPost was reporting that outgoing US ambassador James Cunningham was saying the Anointed One was planning on visiting Israel.

Perhaps, as other polls show his popularity down among self-described American Jews – and never mind that most of these people are Jews in name only; in their own eyes only.

Most of these so-called American Jews are existentially no more Jewish than the Palestinians are Palestinian in any way, shape or form. I mean, it is fact that there is nothing Palestinian about today’s Palestinians, and sadly there is damn little Jewish about too many of these American Jews who support Obama.

They say their support for Obama has dropped from 78% when he was elected to now only 60%.

60%? If still 60% are behind this villain, then that is a sad, sad commentary on the demise of this once great American Jewish community…

“Lovers of Palestine”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…I imagine you all saw the continuing reports on the UN document presided over by the righteous gentile Geoffrey Palmer which declares that in the Mavi Marmara episode Israel was legally in the right to board that ship and it was the Turks that were at fault for not preventing the ship from sailing and for conducting afterwards a tendentious a/k/a ludicrous version of an investigation. The Palmer report calls for no apology to be made by Israel, even if, as always, its soldiers lost control of themselves.

At the same time in New York City Minister Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon failed in negotiations with Turkey’s Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu to agree on a text which would abort the publication of the Palmer report, with the sticking point still the Turkish demand that Israel apologize.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, unlike the Defense Minister, the kibbutz-raised, atheist, multi-millionaire socialist Ehud Barak, remains adamantly opposed to Israel making such an apology; apologizing that its soldiers defended themselves. He called it a “humiliation and a forsaking IDF soldiers.”

Of course it is a humiliation, because humiliation is one of the most important drives in Muslim, Arab, Turkish society. These are cultures in which dominance and submission are routine states of being. The Barbary Pirate power states of North Africa – Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli – were autonomous Regency city-states run by Turkish Janissaries who demanded tribute from non-Muslim countries as the only way to have a ceasefire in the eternal jihad between Islam and Christendom, pashas who in turn were required to pay tribute themselves to the Sultan in Constantinople, meaning, giving him huge gifts of money and spices and fabrics and jewels and black slaves from Africa. And woe betide the Barbary potentate who failed to pay the Sultan.

Likewise the annual jezya tax on the non-Believers allowed to live, principally Jews and Christians. But this was a heavy tax on the community, and it was also deliberately meant to humiliate the non-Believers, i.e. concretize their subject status. It was an exercise in admitting who’s the boss.

Imagine if Israel were to levee on the 20% of its citizens who are Arabs a special heavy tax that Jews don’t have to pay. What would the world say?

It is out of this mindset the Turks are demanding Israel apologize. It is also the way these guilty barbarians try to manage their guilt which they cannot experience. They deny their guilt and insist that the Jews are the guilty party…

Imaging the Jew

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Yeah, this age-old problem of imaging the Jew as a villain thirsty for the blood of innocents, which is why on Passover Jews kill goyim for their blood; or Shylocks, money-lenders virtually sexually aroused by the very thought of filthy lucre. That remains alive and well in the kinds of such as Nahum Barnea who see the words of rabbis, words of faith as voodoo. And his camp in Israel is outraged by a book by a rabbi called Toras HaMelech / The King’s Torah, which allegedly, according to yesterday is a “book said to encourage the killing of non-Jews.”

Shocking. This state was created by post-mitzvot scoffers of religion who made an idol of Jewish soldiers, soldiers being people trained to kill their people’s enemies. There is nothing more Israeli than the IDF, the secular state’s basic institution which knit together recruits with roots in a hundred different countries speaking scores of languages. They all came together in the Hebrew army.

This state was fashioned by mockers of Jews because they passively allowed the goyim to abuse them. For them the New Jew was to be above all a soldier, who, again, has the primary mission of killing his people’s enemies. And since the new state waved a flag bearing symbols of the Jewish people, these enemies are non-Jews.

And here we are 63 years on and a rabbi who writes on the ethical dimensions of warfare and the possibility that the enemy’s children may die, well, he is seen as “encouraging the killing of non-Jews” – which is what the IDF has been doing since May 14, 1948.

What a turn of events. This is the people that gave the world the story of Sodom and Gomorrah which is partly about the unacceptability of homosexual perversion and partly about the ethical dilemma of warfare in which innocents die. That whole famous dialogue between Avraham and HaShem, the bargaining over how many innocents are needed to restrain His wrath. And here in Israel today the Enlightened look upon a rabbi with disgust for he validates what used to be IDF morality before the Enlightened perverts on the Aharon Barak court changed things around. It was Barak the antiJew who corrupted IDF morality by objecting basically to making a distinction between Jews and non-Jews; in other words in treating the ancient not as equals in Israel’s civil society but enemy aliens. Aharon Barak did not like that. His rulings were reminiscent of the mindset of Eric Holder and company in the States who think the 9-11 devils are entitled to all the protections of a US citizen in a civil court in Manhattan.

This whole business of the two Rabbis Lior and Yosef being summoned by the police to explain themselves is rooted in this Enlightened irritation at Jews licensing themselves to value Jewish life over non-Jewish life.

That is, inter alia, what Rabbi Shapira ruled. He said that if there is a choice between preserving Jewish life or the lives of enemy children, Jewish life triumphs.

In other words, in war Israelis have the right to – fasten your seat belts – act like other nations. What is war if not national armies clashing in order to defend one’s own peoples by killing foreigners, even their children if necessary.

This story of the two rabbis is yet another chapter in the history of antiJew imaging the Jew as a selfish, greedy, blood-thirsty, chauvinistic villain who arrogates the title the Chosen People in order to persecute the goyim…

Greece to the Rescue

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before of Lady Hillary of Foggy Bottom, her State Department, JPost hard copy reported this morning, citing JTA, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, is going to be funding to the tune of a half-million dollars a study to examine incitement in Israeli and Balestinian textbooks. The moral equivalence implied here is as disgusting as opening talks with the Muslim Brotherhood.

This study will analyze children’s textbooks in use by Israeli and Balestinian schoolchildren. The outfit being given all this lucre is called the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land, a Jerusalem-based organization of Islamic, Jewish and Christian religious leaders. A team of six bilingual researchers, Israeli Jews and three putatively Paleolithic Palestinians will analyze 141 Balestinian textbooks and 486 Israeli textbooks in search of incitement against the Other.

What a waste of taxpayer money in this economic crash the likes of which the US has never known.

First of all, reports on these antisemitic Arab books have been around since the earliest days of the Oslo abomination, studies produced by Israeli Jews. But of course, I suppose, they cannot be used for surely they are one-sided.

Secondly, again, this moral equivalence is nauseating, as if Israeli Jewish textbooks contain even one one-thousandth of the lies and myths and fantasies that abound Arab books.

What the money might be better used for is an analysis of antiJew incitement in the Qur’an, which does not lack for many verses of hatred for Jews – versus the Bible and the 18 volumes of the Talmud which contain not one sentence about Islam because the canon of both texts were closed before Muhammad the beheader of 800 Jewish men was even born…

Syria Threatens?

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before of the obstacle to peace here that is Islam, how peace is impossible until Islam undergoes basically the equivalent of a Protestant Reformation and a Catholic Vatican II, Reuters reported today from Budapest on a press conference held today by Lady Macbeth, the abyss of ambition that is Lady Hillary Clinton, in which she said that the United States will resume limited contacts with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, saying it was in Washington’s interests to deal with parties committed to non-violent politics. According to Reuters, “while Clinton portrayed the administration’s decision as a continuation of an earlier policy, it reflects a subtle shift in that U.S. officials will be able to deal directly with officials of the Islamist movement who are not members of parliament.”

This is no subtle shift and it is not a resumption of anything. I think Lady Hillary was lying. It is not the continuation of earlier policy. In the world of back channel diplomacy, talks took place; and back channel diplomacy has its place but the Brotherhood has never been publicly recognized as a worthy actor. Reuters said, “The move is likely to upset Israel and its U.S. supporters who have deep misgivings about the Brotherhood, a group founded in 1928 that seeks to promote its conservative vision of Islam in society.”

This is very wrong. The Brotherhood was not founded to promote its conservative vision of Islam but to wage war against modernizing nationalists and democrats, a movement fostered at the time in 1928 by the new Turkish republic under Ataturk who had shamelessly opted for adopting the better of features of Judeo-Christian civilization which include the separation of priesthood from politicians in power and respect for women and the promotion of national identity, which is a group identity, apart from Islam. The founders of the Brotherhood did not like the competition.

What was also obnoxious in Hillary’s statement was this. She said, “We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful, and committed to non-violence, that intend to compete for the parliament and the presidency.”

Someone should remind Hillary Clinton that Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood; that it has been funded by them and other lunatic Muslims. Hamas has been responsible for hundreds of suicide bombers here and thousands of rockets fired at random into Jewish communities like Sderot.

Hillary is another mover and shaker like Ronald Lauder who come to positions of power by means others than knowledge and wisdom born of experience with the Muslims.

She’s another one who doesn’t get it as she faithfully, because she is a slave of her ambition like Lady Macbeth, executes the wishes of the Islam-loving Jew-hater in the White House…

Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, in this evening’s litany of attacks from all sides, it seems now the Danes will not allow Israeli airlines to control their own security procedures which have been in place for a Biblical generation thanks to the savage massacres at airports and on airplanes perpetrated by Arabs. says airline people here are worried about this spreading all over Europe. And they may be as fearful as others that the anti-kosher slaughter campaign will also blanket Europe.

Again, though, the upside is how obsessed the goyim are with us. The goyim, a word which is the origin of the Latinate English word gentiles. I just did some research into the etymology of the word gentile. And it comes from the Latin for “people,” as in the French gens or the Spanish word gente.

In words, the word Gentiles is functionally a direct translation of the Hebrew for “peoples,” a/k/a nations. Gentiles is a good translation for goyim.

Okay that is it for this Tuesday and maybe by Thursday, G-d willing, we’ll have some more information on the flotilla, which is Latin for “floating goyim” – just kidding.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Gilad’s 5th Year

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before of inner images of an ignoramus like Alice Walker motivated not by intelligence but a need to Jew-bash, JPost’s Johnny Paul in London today reported on a mini-scandal with the Board of Deputies of British Jews who a couple of years ago allowed some under 35 year-old observers in their meetings, and it turns out that one of them has been a full-blown Noam Chomsky-type antiJewess, a graduate student at Oxford University named Rebecca Steinfeld who last week published an opinion piece in the anti-Guardian in which she opined, apparently in tune with the viciousness underway out in San Francisco, “If we oppose female genital mutilation, has the time not come for us also to oppose male genital mutilation?” Namely, the classical Jewish circumcision of infant boys after eight days.

It turns out, and this is where the Board of Deputies was astonishingly lax in vetting her, she is student of Avi Shlaim – oh boy – her doctoral thesis advisor. For those who don’t know him, Shlaim is a professor at Oxford, an Israeli, the son of an Iraqi father – I don’t know about his mother – who writes on the Arab-Israeli conflict as Noam Chomsky does; as Normal Finkelstein does who, by the way, is a protégé of Chomsky, whose parents were friends of Chomsky. Avi Shlaim is as demented about Israel as Chomsky, and now it seems his protégé Rebecca Steinfeld is a female Norman Finkelstein. I mean, only a profoundly ignorant Jewess could see in circumcision “genital mutilation.”

Judaism/Jewishness begins with Avraham and the covenant between him and HaShem that is concretized in this act which, inter alia, sends the message that a Jew’s covenant with HaShem is right there in his reproductive organs which connects sexuality to the idea of the holy. Before Jewishness, there was no such idea as “holy matrimony.” For all those people that preceded the Jews, especially the ill-fated for extinction Greeks and Romans, sex was for them what Hugh Hefner thinks of it: pleasure divorced by parenthood, from creating human life and educating children to be responsible adults, moral actors restrained in their behaviors.

There is a connection between the Age of Hugh Hefner and the abomination in New York State last week blessing the sodomy that did in Greece and Rome…

Christianity vs Islam and the Jews

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: PA Antisemitism: Judaism is “distorted” and Jews have “evil nature”

…In that same Herb Keinon lead story having to do with the international consensus that the vision of Emir Barack Hussein of peace between the sons of Israel and the sons of Ishmael is the right vision; talks must restart from the 1967 borders with “mutually agreed land swaps.”

Let’s look at that for a moment. I think that is a nifty, Orwellian abomination. “Mutually agreed land swaps” refers to forcing Israel to pay for whatever land it captured in self-defense in 1967; pay beyond the blood shed then and the money spent then. Israel has to pay for land it keeps acre for acre in the coin of land Israel owned before 1967.

In other words, “mutually agreed land swaps” means that after the results of the 1967 fighting will be re-done. Instead of Israel keeping the spoils of its victory, it must return the spoils, and pay for any lands it does keep. The results of 1967 fighting will be nullified. Israel’s victory will be canceled and the land it took from the aggressors will return to the aggressors only now fixed up big time with improvements in infrastructure the Jews paid for in the billions.

If only our leaders could see that 97.5% of the hostility to the State of Israel is nothing but old-fashioned Jew-hatred in disguise…

Jewish vs. Israeli ID

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Now some might object to my earlier suggestion that there even is such a thing as authentic Judaism, versus the right of anyone to define Judaism as they see fit. To define, which is a verb that literally means to put limits or boundaries around something.

But let us look at the problem another way. Yours truly can be called an expert on Reform Judaism, and I can confidently say that Reform Jews do not honor the Fourth Commandment to keep the Sabbath, which word derives from the simple Hebrew verb “to sit.”

Like Buddhists who do Zazen/Zen sitting, so the word Sabbath on the page is the triliteral verbal root “to sit.” Meaning, stop. Stop pursuing your material quests for these 25 hours; stop creating, stop changing world and take the time to contemplate the world and its Creator of the world. But Reform Jews don‘t do that; they dishonor the Sabbath.

In their schools where they instruct future Reform rabbis, they teach the antiJew Higher Criticism (as it is called) invented in the 19th century by antisemitic German scholars, contemporaries of Karl Marx. The Reform teach there was no Moses who wrote down the words of G-d in the Five Books. They claim there were multiple versions of these stories and after the great exile to Babylon the rabbis edited them all together and basically hoodwinked gullible Jews into thinking there was one man named Moses who wrote them.

Reform Jews keep Torah scrolls in their Temples but of course every one of them was written by an Orthodox Jew, because there is no such thing as a Reform sofer stam / Reform scribe.

They circumcise their sons but the mohalim are always Orthodox because there are no Reform circumcisers.

A group of Jews that does not keep the Sabbath, does not write Torah scrolls and does not produce mohalim is a group of Jews destined for oblivion. And that is exactly what is happening to these organizations. Forget all that nonsense about being the “largest stream in Judaism in America.” If so, how are they keeping up with the demand for new rabbis when all they are teaching is each year is a handful of lesbians?

The difference between classical Judaism and Reform Judaism is the difference between high quality silk and polyester.

It is to Reform temples that such as LTF, Little Tommy Friedman of the New York Times, goes on Yom Kippur; he and Martin Indyk. And maybe even who knows the new US National Security Council member Steven Simon, senior director (I love these titles) for the Middle East and Africa who on Monday made his first official call in his new position, if off the record, to the dejudaized big shots in the American Jewish community.

Veteran peace processor Aaron David Miller, devotee of James Baker, was quoted in JPost two days ago praising Steve Simon as “one of the best analysts of the region. He understands the Arabs. He understands the Israelis.”

Sounds like another careerist, professional, fully licensed Jewboy in the State Department who climbs the ladder of success and prestige by parroting the antiJew idiocies in that administration. To Aaron David Miller, “He is one of the smartest guys I know,” but this article also told us that Mr. Simon once published an op-ed in the antiJew New York Times which argued in favor of trying Khalid Sheik Muhammad of 9-11 infamy in a civil court in Manhattan. That is what the antiJew Sultan Barack Hussein wanted, and Eric Holder.

Oh dear. Yet another Jewish antiJew, probably another self-defined Reform Jew, this Steve Simon who now has moved into the highest reaches of the profession of Jewish prostitution in America…

The Israeli Mind: Clueless

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Yes, the Israeli mind. That was also on display on Friday in JPost report on the Foreign Ministry being upset with an UNRWA for its report on the state of education and school building in Gaza of the Philistines. In mid-May, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education reported that while Gaza needs 100 new schools, Israel has only allowed the building of eight, and the Israeli blockade is at fault. And the Foreign ministry produced a counter-report to repute the charges which include the claim that the overall situation in Gaza has been improving, and Israel has approved over forty educational projects…and so on and so forth in an attempt to demonstrate Israel’s concern for the welfare of the Ancient Ones.

This is Israeli mind once again on parade. What Israel might do is adopt the policy that counters this practice of boasting of its concern for the enemy. By contrast Israel might announce that within two, say, three Israel will sever all ties with the Strip. No more convoys of commodities. No more electricity.

Three years and then no more – which should allow the entire planet that cares so much for these people to organize to take Israel’s place as suppliers of commodities and electricity, etc.

Israel might announce these are Arabs have brethren who are multi-zillionaires and have the wherewithal to support them.

Israel might say that those who see in Gaza an outdoor prison are absolutely right – only it is not Israel that is keeping these people penned up. It is their Arab brethren who refuse to give these people citizenship, especially Egypt, for it was Egypt’s military invasion of the new State of Israel in 1948 which sparked the flight of the original 200,000 in the vicinity along the coast who ran behind Egyptian lines and wound up in the UNRWA camps.

Gaza today is home to 1.4 million people, 70% on UNRWA welfare rolls, and the only reason they are there is their brethren want them there.

Instead, Israel’s Foreign Ministry whines that Israel does too care for the welfare of the people in Gaza.

It is the sickness of the Israeli mind, like that on display in Livni and Peres, obsessed with being loved by the enemy whom Israel must placate if there is to be peace.

What provincials these post-Jews are. In every generation a free people must preserve its freedom against those determined to take it from them. Livni’s fantasy of a world without Arab animosity toward Israel is functionally messianic, actually pseudo-messianic.

When the republic of the United States opened for business in 1789 under the new Constitution, it had three departments only besides the executive. The State Department, headed by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and like maybe four clerks; a treasury department employing a thousand tax collectors; and a department of war. It was a given that if the new country was to survive, it needed a defense establishment. Independence did not mean peace but an eternal vigil to keep it. And there has been no generation since then without US forces fighting and dying somewhere.

The problem with these Israelis is their adolescent fantasy of a peace in which the Arabians no longer envy us and no longer snarl at us and threaten us. That will come but when is anyone’s guess, and until it does, the road to peace is paradoxically always to be ready for war and to assume and plan for the worst case scenario. Barak, Peres, Livni & Co. are simply fools.

Today Israel began a five-day exercise country-wide in the event we are showered with missiles and hundreds of thousands of Jews lose their homes…

The UN General Assembly

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So there they were on 22 November, 1974 in the General Assembly, the seventh anniversary of Security Council Resolution 242 in 1967, and what the text of UNGA Res. 3236 did was to trash Res. 242, like Obama, basically pay it no mind. That resolution was written in the wake of those magical six days when Israel crippled the military forces in four Arab states. That resolution dealt with the war between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq with nary a word about any “Balestinians” let alone their need for a state. It was in this period ‘67-‘74, that the Ancient Palestinian people entered history, following the 1959 decision by Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt to create such a nationality out of what the world had called, everyone had called, the Arabs refugees of 1948-49. In historical fact they were hardly a unitary nation; they were a mixed bag of Arabs from all over the Arab countries, migrant workers in Palestine when the war broke out who fled the fighting.

In 1967, the regular Arab armies not only lost again to Israel, they were humiliated far more than in ‘48-‘49. And given the temper of the times world-wide, the lunatic 1960s, the influence of the crazy left, terrorists became heroes. This was the period with jerks like the Baader-Meinhof people in Germany and Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn in the US, terrorists.

In this period the “Palestinians” were simply invented as a way of shielding the Arab states from the intent of Res. 242 which was to get the combatant states to make peace. What inventing the “Palestinians” did was create if not a straw man then an insurmountable obstacle placed between Israel and the Arab states. The “Palestinians” were invented with the claim that all of Palestine and they had to be satisfied, the Arab states said, before they would make peace. They were the principle victims of Zionism.

The Arab aggressor states could then sit back and claim that they would enter into peace talks with Israel only after the Ancient Ones had received satisfaction.

UNGA Res. 3236 “recognized the right of Palestinians to self-determination, independence and sovereignty”; this nation completely absent from Res. 242.

Recognizing the Palestinian people is entitled to self-determination …prevented from enjoying its inalienable rights, in particular its right to self-determination in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations”

What they did was cite the Charter’s language regarding the rights of nations to all kinds of goodies like peace and tranquility and freedom and prosperity, etc.; and they invent a nation called “Palestinians” that the Charter gives rights to because it is a nation; rights to “self-determination, independence and sovereignty.”

In other words, in this UN General Assembly resolution of 1974, the Assembly resolved on ownership and independence for Palestinians. That was a long time ago. Nothing has ever happened in this regard.

The resolution went on to

Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property and to regain its rights by all means.

I.e. anything goes. Terrorism is kosher.

This resolution was then followed by as second, by UNGA Res. 3237 which

Invites the Palestine Liberation Organization to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly…and the work of all international conferences convened under the auspices of the General Assembly in the capacity of observer.

The PLO was now to become an official participant (if not yet voting) in the United Nations Organization.

A year later in the annual jamboree of chatter and cocktail parties, in 1975, the Assembly passed the infamous “Zionism is racism” resolution.

But for my money, it was the 1974 appearance of Arafat who delivered this Hitlerian rant and the inviting of his murder cult into the UN; that was the year the originally idealistic United Nations Organization died…