Syria for Keeps

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Syrian Regime Mouthpiece Dr. Taleb Ibrahim Urges President Al-Assad to Massacre Anti-Regime Protestors

…So yesterday there was more confirmation of material in Sunday’s webcast according to which Prince Barack Hussein has given Israel the task of accepting his and the PLO’s view of things regarding the ’67 lines as the starting point of negotiations. According to Maariv yesterday, Obama has ordered his vassal Benyamin ben Bentzion to comply with his demand within a month. That is when he expects Israel and the Ancient Ones to resume peace talks on this basis.

I think this guy is a compulsive, syndromic (if there is such a word) Jew-basher. I mean, he wasn’t president more than a couple of minutes after he took the oath of office when he was bashing the American Jewish community by belittling its place in America.

And then the next day his first day in office, his first phone call as president in the Oval Office was to the Holocaust-Denying mass murderer Mahmoud Abbas.

And then he called up Bibi with the soles of his shoes in the cameraman’s face; and he gave Bibi the order to build no more anywhere over the ‘49 cease-fire lines; and then at the White House he walked out on him to go have dinner with his wife and kids; and he refused to have his picture taken with him.

And now he is again ordering the prime minister of Israel to accept his decision to trash UN Security Resolution 242 whose language does not support Obama’s demand.

I think there is something compulsive in his antiJew outbursts. I’ve said this before: I see a part of him at one with the soul of Louis Farrakhan the professional, career Jew-basher, without whose vitriol spit at Jews would be nobody, never heard of.

Let us hope that Obama’s desire to be re-elected will keep him in check until the next election.

I didn’t see the first Republican primary debate the other night but the unanimous opinion in the MSM is that Michelle Bachmann walked away with it. Good for her. In her youth she spent some time on a kibbutz and loved it.

I’d vote for here. I’d vote for any of them actually, instead of the occupant of the Oval Office, the Islam-loving villain Prince Barack Hussein Obama…

Covert Antisemitism

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Yeah, this Barack Hussein Obama guy thinks like an Arab. When he says “the borders of Israel and Palestine must be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps,” he is saying, “If Israel captured x-square miles of land from the Ishmaelites in ’67, Israel must return the identical number of x-square miles, and if the parties agree to swap some of the captured land for other land in Israel’s possession since 1949, they can do that.”

BUT, if Israel took x-thousands of square miles in 1967 away from the Arabs, Israel must return the same number because Israel is not allowed to keep the spoils of war.

That wouldn’t be very nice. The Arabs will not become happy if Israel is allowed to keep the spoils of its victory because every moment the land remains in the hands of al-Yahud, this is a stain on the honor of the Arabs, these holy warriors. Israel must return the same number of square kilometers it took or there will be no peace. It would be wrong for Israel to keep such spoils.

And Israel’s refusal to hand back what it took in its aggression in 1967. only exacerbates the anger and irritation of the world at its stubborn refusal to hand back what it took.

That is why I say the mirror image of that viewpoint is declaring that the truly moral and just solution to this conflict is not sovereignty in the hands of the Fatah terrorists but sovereignty in the hands of the State of Israel.

And Israel has the right to do what it wants with these lands taken in self-defense and the exaction of true justice thereby. The Arabs attacked in 1948 and again in 1967 to steal all the real estate the Jews had developed over a century of land reclamation and making the desert bloom. But they lost in their attempt and must pay punitive damages in the same coin. They came to take our land away from us; as punishment we take land away from them.

As Germany today is smaller than it was before September 1st, 1939 when its army crashed over the border into Poland and ignited World War II, so Syria is smaller than before ‘67; so Jordan is smaller. What’s the big deal?

What is it about Jews that evokes in mankind this double standard?

On Friday in Yediot their veteran political writer Shimon Shiffer wrote up Shimon Peres’ recent meeting at the White House with Prince Barack Hussein before Bibi went to Washington, and in the meeting Shimon evidently told him 1) that Bibi was dead set against the concept of negotiating from the ’67 borders but that he, St. Simon of Oslo the Wise, fellow Nobel prize laureate for peace, in his tete-a-tete with the Muslim Prince of course agreed with him that the Balestinians must receive territory equal in size to the ’67 borders. And if Israel is to keep any lands, i.e. the land under the immovable major communities, Israel must pay for them with territory in the Negev.

You got that? Israel must pay if it keeps any of the spoils of war.

I say this is antisemitism of the kind Israelis like Netanyahu just can’t see…

A Good News Day

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, maybe you on Tuesday in the New York Post item by Abby Wisse Schachter on Yale University cancelling the only program in the country at a university studying antisemitism. It is called the YIISA, the Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism, which was launched just last year with fanfare and praised for bringing together historians and sociologists, students of comparative languages and psychiatry and economics.

Now, though, the program is being terminated, and there is reason to believe Yale has surrendered to the menace of Muslim blackmail, the smearing of Yale as Islamophobic for having such a program.

It seems the fatal flaw in the program was studying antisemitism in the Muslim world. After its inaugural conference, the PLO ambassador – such a title for such a murderous organization – one Maen Rashid Areikat tongue-lashed the dejudaized president of Yale with the Christian first Richard Levin, saying, “It is shocking that a respected institution like Yale would give a platform to these right-wing extremists and their odious views. I urge you to dissociate yourself and Yale University from the anti-Arab extremism and hate-mongering that were on display at this [inaugural] conference.”

He was of course referring to remarks concerning the future investigation of antisemitism in Islamic and Arabian lands. One student with an Arab name at Yale Law School said, “The university cannot preach tolerance and inclusion while simultaneously also providing a haven for bigoted ideas about Muslims and Arabs that form the basis for Islamophobic sentiment in this country.”

What we have here is a cousin of Arab Holocaust Denial: this is Arab denial that Islam is an antisemitic doctrine and the history of Jews in Islam has been a record of abuse and humiliation and persecution on a par with the miserable record of Jews in in European Christendom.

And anyone who suggests that Muslim antisemitism is a phenomenon worthy of study is a bigoted, irrational Islamophobe.

What a tragedy for America and what a symptom of its decline that there are such primitives in its best universities; that these universities hand out PhDs to such as Edward Said and Hanan Ashrawi and Rashid Khalidi.

The great dirty secret of the Arab war against Israel is that “Palestinian Nationalism” has been nothing but a concoction of lies and myths intended to cover up the truth that the Arabs have never struggled to create a Balestinian state but destroy the world’s only Jewish state…

Bring on the B-52s (04/07/11)

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The good news out of the Gaza, out of the violence there today was of the Iron Dome system performing successfully, whatever that means. For sure, since it is a first generation weapon it has to be less than the perfect. But it will improve.

The bad news, though, was the results of a poll taken among the barbarians by Hebrew University and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research which found that roughly a third, 32% of them applaud the massacre at Itamar of the Fogel family. This is a news story Bibi might also insert into a live, world-wide press conference and tell the world that with a percentage like that, peace with these individuals is impossible.

Maybe if 3%/4% felt this way – numbers statisticians call “statistically insignificant” – one could agree that finally these Arabs have come around to living with us in peace.

I remember in 1994 when they first brought the PLO, thinking then, rather when the massacres began: if these massacre artists represent only a statistically insignificant number of Arabians, maybe Shimon Peres is right. He called murders the “victims of peace,” and if they were statistically insignificant, perhaps it was worth it.

But there never has been even one day in the history of the Zionist movement when such a huge number of these Arabs did not support such evil as was done at Itamar.

The other day the great Mordechai Kedar on the Web wrote of how throat-slitting is a kind of almost spectator sport. Rather, it is a religious activity and is basic to the education of all Muslims who as children on holy days get to watch as their father slits the throat of a sheep. They see it every holiday; see how it is done. And that is what was done to the Fogel family: they were sacrificed like sheep to the pagan religious life of these Arab Muslim savages, whose Arabness has never been fully suppressed by their religion. Islam did pull these primitives away from polytheism, the idiotic worship of trees and stones and mountains. Islam imposed monotheism on them and extinguished their idol worship, but it never fully suppressed the Arabs’ blood-thirsty nature.

Think of that Arab demon outside that Ramallah police station a decade ago with a crazy smile on his face as he held aloft his hands drenched in the blood of the two Jewish reservists literally beaten to a bloody pulp, until their faces and heads were so smashed they were no longer anything but bloody pulp. Into that gore this Arab killer joyously dipped his hands and went outside to show them off before the mob.

His soul brothers are the ones today who launched those projectiles, one of which tagged that bus and smashed the head of a possibly very nice Jewish boy.

Bring on the B-52s…

Naksa & The Turks

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Egyptian Cleric Mazen Al-Sarsawi: We Ask a Person Nicely to Convert, But If He Refuses and Does Not Pay the Jizya Tax, We Fight Him

…So in light of the foregoing, it was reported today that the US is trying to bribe Turkey into halting Flotilla No. 2 by offering the honor of hosting another Middle East Peace conference like the one in Madrid in 1991.

You know, where superpowers and other states come together, Arab states, European sponsor-states all come together around a great round table to collectively point their fingers at the lone Israeli at the table and smear him as a racist, fascist imperialist thief of Ancient Palestine who is the obstacle to peace because he won’t hand back the land his people stole from the Ancient Ones.

Leastwise, that was the news today. It is the latest brainstorm out of the Obama administration on how to manage US foreign policy in this volatile region.

Offer the Turks the honor of hosting the next peace conference where the principle item on the menu will be Jew-bash and Jew-baiting.

Since Tuesday is Erev Shavuos we’ll be back, G-d willing, on Thursday. Until then leila tov and chag sameach miEretz Yisrael

Mocking the Chosen People

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Here is one of those little news items, news briefs in the margins of newspapers that tell a tale. Yesterday JPost reported that 12 Jihad members were arrested by the IDF in coordination with the civil administration in the Jenin area overnight Monday. Additionally, the spokesman for the OC Central Command ordered the closure of the El-Bara’a association in Jenin for its association to Islamic Jihad and another Gaza-based organization.

What does this tell us? First of all, it exposes the baloney of the Keith Dayton-trained PA police now in charge in Jenin which fools like Little Tommy Friedman look to as proof of the success of the new and improved PA under Salaam Fayyad.

On the contrary, it is significant that the IDF is still on the hunt for Arab terrorists and they are the ones who arrested the 12 because the PA police never would. The PA police, who I have seen in print praised for their professionalism, deal only with local matters and do nothing in the way of defending Israel by cracking down on anti-Israel machinations. Israel is still in “the territories,” as they call them, for there is no other way for the Government of Israel to defend its people, and only the nasty Left thinks that means the settlers. Hardly. In order to defend café society and the discotheques in dejudaized Tel-Aviv, the IDF and the GSS have to have free rein in Judea and Samaria, which is why Ancient Palestinian statehood in Yosh is never going to happen. Israel simply cannot turn over Judea and Samaria to the PA and live afterwards in peace and quiet in North Tel-Aviv or Netanya on the seashore.

We tried that. It was called the Oslo Peace Process. And after Arabs blew up a Passover Seder in Netanya, Israel learned its lesson and turned the wheel of Oslo backwards, reinserting the IDF into Judea and Samaria as the only way to bring peace and quiet to Haifa.

Alma dishikra. The World of Lies that we live in. On Sunday this week the Holocaust-denying peace-loving mass murderer Mahmoud Abbas the moderate was in Doha, Qatar speaking to the Arab League foreign ministers’ meeting and gave them a piece of his mind in the wake of Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in Washington. He complained that Bibi called Jerusalem “Israel’s eternal capital” – and never mind Jerusalem is a Jewish word. And “Now he has added a new demand. He is demanding recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. We have rejected, and will reject, this demand. We know what his intention is. He wants to undermine the Palestinian-Arab presence in Israel and prevent the return of refugees.”

I assume it is clear to all sober people that a man, this Arab who speaks like this, who says these things, is not a man supporting peace with Israel.

And because that is so, there is something truly out of whack when people talk of re-starting peace talks. Here is this Holocaust-denying terrorist mass murderer saying he will never recognize a Jewish state; which is the same as saying he will never give Israel peace…

The Joseph’s Tomb Abomination

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, with your understanding, this may be an abbreviated webcast as there is a meeting in my shtetl this evening dealing with new security arrangements that I should attend. My educated guess is that the IDF has beefed up its presence in Yesha significantly and specifically to defend the so-called settlements because intelligence sees the possibility of large masses of Ishmaelites marching on them, marching on those who stole Ancient Palestine from their forefathers. There are Facebook pages on this idea and of course last week LTF, the consummate Jewish antiJew traitor Little Tommy Friedman wrote on what a great idea it would be for million homicidal Hamites to march on Israel’s borders – unarmed of course.

Today the MSM here reported on IDF preparations along our frontiers to deal with another expected round of masses of Ishmael-clones, young, semi-literate Arab youth, repeating the Nakba antics in the north from Lebanon, on the Golan Heights, along the Jurassic Park-like security barrier around the Gaza rectangle as well.

Today the talk was not of Nakba Day but Naksa Day, another Arabic word that means “setback,” this one linked not to 1948 but 1967, whose anniversary is next week. The Arabians are planning on, I think, another 2-3 day festival of hatred for the crime of Israel’s victory in 1967 during which they claim more than 300,000 Ancient Ones were expelled from their ancient dwellings, which is likely a highly inflated number because the Arabs chronically inflate numbers.

One of the annoying aspects of that story about the 24 Israeli actors acting out of the words of Arabs is the apparent ignorance of the well-known Arab penchant for exaggeration, hyperbole, above all mixing truth and fantasy. That these actors take these Arabs at their words is unforgivably ignorant about Arab culture.

Anyway, here’s the last piece of music. I’ll be back on Thursday, G-d willing. Until then, Leila tov miEretz Yisrael.

Harper to the Rescue

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: The Dreamer Goes Down For The Count

…Well, the top story in Israel today on the political front was the opening of the southern gate of the Gaza containment facility.

The AP dispatch quoted one of the hundreds allowed to leave, “All we need is to travel like humans, be treated with dignity, and feel like any other citizens of the world who can travel in and out freely.”

On the morning political talks shows some Gazan was telling listeners his brother had not left the Strip in five years. And for sure there must be hundreds of thousands of Arabians in Gaza in the same predicament, and it is another pity that as Israelis like Bibi do not make the case for the legality of our communities in Yosh, they almost never give the Arabians the tongue-lashing they deserve.

The Gaza rectangle is a kind of prison, and Israelis, instead of protesting against the analogy should seize it and make it their own and point out the unbelievable cruelty of the Arabs that they inflict on their own.

Gaza is a prison. All the UNRWA slums are prisons in that the people in them are denied citizenship and work permits. They are a kind of permanent welfare society in which those on welfare are not allowed to get off of it; indeed not allowed to come and go. It is an outrage what the Arabs have done to their own as part of their war to the death against Israel.

This is the true oppression of the so-called Balestinians, and Israel should be campaigning for the liquidation of the UNRWA camps, which is the biggest scam/rip-off in UN history.

It was speculation today by the experts what the opening of the Rafiah gate will lead to. There was the chatter in the MSM this morning: Will it or will it not endanger Israel or possibly even benefit Israel? For sure now the Turks, those antisemites in Ankara, can no longer justify their next flotilla in the name of breaking the siege. Now there is no more siege. The commodities that they want to give to the people in Gaza, they can offload them at El-Arish and they will get into Gaza just fine.

But of course we all know this flotilla is nothing at all about helping the people in Gaza but just an elaborate form of Jew-baiting. Every day now its seems this punk antisemite foreign minister in Ankara Ahmad Davutoglu is sounding more and more like Ahmadinejad in his compulsive taunting of Israel and warning us not to our previous aggression.

The other good news in this regard is that Lloyd’s of London is making it known that any vessel carrying maritime insurance which joins this flotilla will not be covered; its policy will be suspended.

As the FBI put the kibosh on Al Capone not for his violent crimes but income tax invasion, maybe here too the antiJews will be stymied by insurance actuaries and accountants…

Reacting to Bibi

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: ‘Netanyahu’s Rejection Is Self-Important and Arrogant’

…Lastly, and if Bibi really wanted to enlighten his audience, he might have quoted some of the material that Hamas puts out, because, after all, most Ancient Ones in Obama’s hoped for state of Philistia voted for Hamas. Last week posted clips of a recent Friday sermon by former Minister of Culture in Hamas, Atallah Abu Al-Subh. He said, “The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the earth because they displayed hostility to Allah. Allah will kill all the Jews in the hell of the world to come, just like they killed Believers in the hell of this world.”

This is the same Muslim divine who three years ago called Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice the black scorpion with the head of a cobra.” This is with whom we are dealing…

Obama, Jew-Baiter

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before of the expected flotilla, last Wednesday in London, the National Union of Students adopted a motion branding Israel an apartheid regime and calling on students to participate in the upcoming Gaza flotilla Jew-baiting cruise.

The same day at the University of London the Student Union there voted to implement a boycott campaign against Israel. They called on the University to examine it investments and contracts with companies guilty of violating Palestinian human rights as set out by the Palestinian Boycott National Committee and called on other student unions to join the campaign for Palestinian human rights.

In his coverage in JPost, their man in London Johnny Paul quoted the incoming vice president of the student union saying, “I am delighted the University of London Union has passed this BDS policy on Israel. We stand in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people. Next year I will ensure that the University of London Union does not give profit to those denying the human rights of the Palestinians.”

What is striking here is the dead language, the robotic, language of Leftist expressions. The absence of individual thinking and originality here is a bit creepy. It seems to cover up feelings underneath. This is not an individual person talking but a cliché-spouting programmed zombie.

And in accusing us in Israel of denying the Palestinians their human rights, I guess we are being inhuman to them. Not quite human; something other worldly.

I think what we are hearing in such talk in our time is the voice of the old-fashioned hater of the evil Jews. This Leftist lexicon is nothing but this generation’s acceptable antisemitism in transformation…

Obama’s Immorality


Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So there is a deafness of a kind in Bibi Netanyahu, really his whole cohort of dejudaized Israeli sabras when facing off against an anti-Jew like Obama. Bibi’s response to the magic words “1967 borders” was to say, “They are indefensible,” which completely misses the point of Obama’s demands. Obama pays lip service to Israel’s defense needs but simply is not interested in them. His demand is an assertion that Israel is in guilty possession of land it stole from the Ancient Ones. Obama’s demand is less a strategic choice and far more an opportunity to smear Israel with guilt. The proper response is not that it is an indefensible line but that this land is our land, not theirs.

Bibi’s missing Obama’s intent. Obama’s intent is not about military defense. It is about asserting that all of Judea and Samaria is Arab land. It was Arab land before 1967 (and never mind it was no less occupied by Jordan than Israel which kingdom had no right to be there) and it must remain in Arab hands in perpetuity according to those who think like Obama. Israel has no right to rule, to own, to govern, to decide the fate of, live in Judea and Samaria because it is land that rightfully belongs to the Ancient Ones, the victims of Zionism, colored Third Worlders like Obama’s father and grandfather in Kenya. In Obama’s eyes, Bibi is the guilty one. Israel is the guilty party that vanquished the Ancient Ones and stripped them of their ancient homeland. Obama has in his head a cartoon perversion of historical truth.

One can only hope that Bibi uses his speech before the joint session of Congress on Tuesday in a way he has never spoken before. I think it was wrong of him in that face-to-face video to say again as he has said on so many occasions how much he wants peace and how much Israel really wants peace. He seems to think that that is his job: persuading our enemies of our good, benevolent, not malevolent intentions. Bibi is always trying to persuade the world how much Israel wants peace, which only re-enforces the enemy in his weird way of projecting his own aggression against Jews onto Jews. The Arabs chronically see themselves as Israel’s victims. Israel, in their minds, strikes at them for no reason other than Israel’s evil racism.

Instead, Bibi for a change might go on the attack and paint our enemies in their true colors. They are past masters of re-writing history right out of George Orwell’s brilliant writing. They are as a people as antisemitic as the Germans and the Austrians and other Europeans were in the 1930s and 40s. Bibi could cite but won’t the work of PMW, which he never does. They record the PA madness about Jews which is as wacky about Jews as Hamas or Nazi propaganda. Bibi must smear Abbas with responsibility for the PA media which is steeped in classical, demonic images of Jews as supernatural demons.

Bibi has got to, ultimately, finally, some day, besides singing of our Israel’s good will, stake a claim to our ancient homeland and assert our right to live anywhere in it and our right to rule over it and it does not matter that there are more Arabians in at the moment than Jews.

Instead of bleating about Israel’s wanting to create a Balestinian state under certain conditions, Bibi must go to war against the immoral policy which declares that Jews do not have the right to keep the spoils of war taken in legitimate self-defense…

Obama’s Speech

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: Was Mahmoud Abbas’s Family Expelled From Palestine?
“The Zionist gangs stole Palestine…
and established the State of Israel”

…Lastly, the danger of Obama’s speech today is the encouragement it is likely to give to the enemy to repeat his crashing of our defense lines as we saw at Majdal Shams on Sunday. Some here in the defense establishment here are worried that the next time thousands of unarmed victims of Zionism will charge our lines and we will be faced with the challenge of confronting thousands of unarmed rightful owners of Ancient Palestine. What we will do?

But I am not worried. There is reason to believe that among the mob that crashed the fence on Sunday were enemy agents who are now inside the country.

So all Israel has to do is announce that henceforth any son of Ishmael seen at that fence trying to get over it will he shot dead on the assumption he is an enemy agent too.

And if Israel has to kill thousands sobeit.

And if they appear to be unarmed thousands, that means nothing for they have a record of having explosives in their underwear.

Israel must tell the world we are in a war for our survival. We are under attack by the same Muslim Arabs who brought down the World Trade Center, and our soldiers are soldiers defending our border; they are not policemen.

So let the Ancient Ones come in their thousands to enter our country and we will kill them by the thousands.

Leila tov veShabbat shalom mi Eretz Yisrael.

Today’s Abbas Op-Ed

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…I wish you all could have seen the front-page of the tabloid Maariv yesterday morning, after Nakba Day the day before. The centerpiece was a page-wide, large photograph of the two fences at Majdal Shams with the dozens of Arab youths climbing over them coming from Syria.

I am sure in the Web you can find such pictures and I suggest looking at them for an extended period of time. Notice how all of them are males. All young, teenagers; all of them thuggish and angry and menacing. It is a portrait of the seed of Ishmael today a/k/a ‘the Arab street’ which has been home to such youth from time immemorial leading to the old English expression “street Arab.”

These pictures, these still photos are really quite frightening for they are pictures of the type of human beings who slaughtered the Fogels; who slaughtered 69 yeshiva boys in Hevron in 1929; who slaughtered dozens of Jewish children at Maalot; and stop me before I go any further with this list. It could take a half an hour to read them all.

Mahmoud Abbas the doctor of history is what they come up with as their most refined of their intellectuals, but on this page in these photographs, this is the bottom of the barrel in their community that Abbas wants to be give Israeli citizenship to. He says they, these boys, have the “right of return”; and the most important Ancient Palestinian goal is the “right of return.”

Think of that for a moment and what it says. Abbas and his gangsters are alleged to be interested in creating a state for Balestinians, yet in demanding as their ultimate condition for peace the “right of return,” they are saying they want millions of Ancient Ones to have the right not to live in this state but the Jewish state.

Excuse me? By insisting on a “right of return” as the highest of PA goals, Abbas is insisting on the right of his Balestinians to live outside this state.

Which is it?

I long for the day when an Israeli prime minister says Israel no longer has any desire formal peace treaties with our Arab neighbors. Israel no longer has any interest in diplomatic relations, in commercial relations, in tourist exchanges.

All Israel asks for from the Arabs is to stop murdering us and leave us alone…

The Nakba Day Follies

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…This is how the Associated Press led off its coverage today of the scenes of violence: “Israeli troops clashed with Arab protesters Sunday along three hostile borders, including the frontier with Syria, leaving at least 12 people dead and dozens wounded in an unprecedented wave of demonstrations marking a Palestinian day of mourning for their defeat at Israel’s hands in 1948.”

This is fascinating. This is a complete re-writing of what happened in 1948, which should not surprise us. The head of the Palestinian Authority is a Holocaust Denier and thus a re-writer of history. The whole of the Palestinian Narrative rests on a re-writing of history; of what happened in 1948. And here is the MSM, the AP, regurgitating this revision of events in 1948 that is as much a rape of history as Holocaust Denial.

Here the AP writes that in 1948 Israel defeated the “Palestinians.” Excuse me, but the combatants were the IDF and the Egyptian army, and the Arab Legion of Jordan, and the Syrian army, units of the Iraqi army. There were no “Palestinian” forces on the battlefields.

Israel defeated the Arab armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq. There was no “Palestinian” force as that word is used today, and in large part because the only people using the term “Palestinian” at the time were the Jews.

What these Arabs have done over the last generation, really half-century, is via their terrorism inject into civilization their version of reality, which includes not only this wacky historiography but their ethics in conflict with other peoples. I wanted to say their “battlefield ethics” but one of their characteristics is their refusal to confront their enemies on a battlefield, army to army. Their preferred form of violence is not attacking an enemy’s people’s soldiers but murdering the soldiers’ mothers and sisters and grandparents in their beds, in their buses, in their restaurants.

So actually I think, so far, it was very good day for Israel for we were expecting much worse. I expected much worse in 2000, when my worst fears never materialized. I was worried then about the young bucks in the next village coming at us in a coordinated, pre-planned assault, which I now know they don’t have the right stuff All these wild Arab teenagers want to do is stone Jews and play cat and mouse games in the streets.

These people are losers. JPost online this afternoon reported that an 18 year-old Israeli man was injured when stones were thrown at his car in the mixed neighborhood of A-Tur in Jerusalem; and a masked Arabian there was arrested after throwing a Molotov cocktail.

Last night in Jerusalem police killed an Arab youth in the Silwan section. There was of course that sad death in Tel-Aviv but over all, this much-feared Nakba Day, as of this evening, turned out to be a pretty big nothing. The same old, same old. Mobs of stone-throwing Ishmaeli males the likes of which Moshe Montefiore complained about 150 years ago.

Today’s events were more evidence – as if we needed any more – that the Oslo strategy of 18 years ago, was misconceived. The idea was to work together and via confidence-buildings measures designed by such famous political scientists as Dr. Joseph Beilin, PhD and soul-mate Dr. Martin Indyk, PhD, the two sides would learn to live and work together and the hostility would abate.

But now ask yourselves: those Arab boys today with their flying rocks: are they even a smidgen less hostile to Israel than their older brothers and cousins were 18 years ago? I don’t see any change. Itamar Marcus at PMW has been recording the changeless, antisemitic insanity of the official PA TV, radio and newspapers. No change. Same old, same old.

Today in JPost hard copy, Khalid Abu Toameh reported that yesterday that nice, peace-loving moderate secularist Mahmoud Abbas said the PA leadership will never forsake the right of return or sign a peace deal without Jerusalem as the capital of Balestine.

And there you have it. This is a declaration of a man and a group of people whom he represents who have not accepted Israel’s right to exist, which was the basis the so-called Oslo peace process. It was a lie then that they has, and since then there has been no peace for Israel because it was a lie. This is the statement of man who does not want peace but really a perpetual license to hate and attack Jews because, since he is not comatose, he knows that not even Dr. Joseph Beilin, PhD would agree to a right of return and no Israeli politician/leader would be a leader were he to surrender Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the Western Wall, to the Arabs.

A man who says this does not want peace. He wants to continue the status quo….

The Holy Green Line III

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: All Netanyahu needs is to say one magic number: 1967
Israeli singer vs. Syrian president

…Finally, yesterday’s webcast raised the situation in Egypt where Muslim Brotherhood Jew-hatred has surfaced and become more acceptable than it was under Mubarak, and how that makes Egypt like Syria now a terrorist state for being so accommodating to the terrorists in Hamas. Today the news was that Khalid Mashaal is moving his operation from Damascus to Cairo.

And today getting on that same bandwagon of re-branding of Hamas as a kosher organization was that Turkish brute Erdogan who also denied Hamas is a terrorist organization like Amr Moussa.

This has become like a litmus test for determining members of civilization versus members of barbarism. Here is Erdogan once again exposing himself for those not blind to see him as another Islamist Jew-hater, antisemitic thug.

You know for decades the UN has tried to write a text, to compose a definition of terrorism for the organization. But it has never succeeded and the reason is that the West wants a definition which includes terroristic Jew-killing as one manifestation of terrorism, versus the Arabs and the Muslims who do not see Muslim terror murders of Jews as terrorism at all.

Leila tov veShabbat Shalom mi Eretz Yisrael.

“Security Concerns Help the Enemy”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…One can only hope the leadership here, which never confronts the reality of our situation – being in a holy war, a jihad, a religious war – and prefers to see it as a political war, learns to confront the reality. My point before the music was the oddity of Israeli public diplomacy never trying to shoot down the enemy’s words as the Iron Dome system can shoot down Grad rockets.

Consider what it going on in Egypt; last Saturday night’s horrific pogrom against Christians which took place not in some godforsaken hick-town but cosmopolitan Cairo. A rumor got started that a Christian woman married to a Muslim had been abducted and was being held against her will in a church in the mixed Muslim-Christian low-income Imbaba neighborhood, and that rumor lit the fuse and sparked a mob of Islamists to march on that church where the Christians inside barricaded themselves.

Shots rang out, believed to come from gunmen on rooftops who shot into the mob; no one knows. Before long the mob was throwing fire bombs into Christian homes and shops, setting fire to the front of the besieged church.

Police showed up with tear gas, and the riot lasted for hours. And when the smoke cleared, 12 people lay dead, 220 had been wounded, two churches damaged.

What we are seeing is what some of us foresaw and feared: the rise of Islam as the dominant political culture there. Egypt experts are now predicting what yours truly considered possible at the outset of the rebellion: the Muslim Brotherhood may not win a majority in the upcoming elections in September for parliament but still could have the controlling plurality.

And look at how the front-runner in the polls Amr Moussa is rising up with and riding the rising tide of Islam. Last week Amr Moussa was interviewed in the Wall Street Journal by their Matt Bradley and that is what he predicted: the rising power of the Islamist, of the Brotherhood.

So Amr Moussa will play the religion card as well by waving the claim he never really as foreign minister fully supported Mubarak’s policy towards Israel. Now, this is a religious, not a political issue, whose policy was 30 years of peace. Indeed, the headline of the Journal piece on Friday was “Egypt front-runner seeks Israel reset.” It is a religious question.

I have watched Amr Moussa for over 30 years and he has always consistently played the antiJew card. When he visited Israel some years ago he contemptuously refused to wear a hat at Yad Vashem in the Hall of Remembrance which is recognized as a synagogue.

He is a nasty piece of antiJew work. I remember back in 2001, you may too, that in Egypt some cab driver got rich by recording a pop tune entitled “I Hate Israel.” A big hit. Well, according to Bradley on Friday (I didn’t know this before) the full title was “I hate Israel (I love Amr Moussa).”

Yesterday in an interview with the Washington Post, Amr Moussa pronounced Hamas not a terrorist organization.

In a better, more honest world, the civilized states that recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization would also brand Egypt a terrorist state, which now is so cozy with Hamas, as much as Syria has been cozy with Hamas. The two of them are terrorist states. Like Pakistan, like Afghanistan, countries whose leaders speak out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to violent Islam.

In a better, more honest world, Islam itself would be outlawed in civilized countries as a terrorist religion…

Respecting Evil

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: MEMRI: Iraqi Professor and Poet As’ad Al-Ghariri: 9/11 Was Fabricated, Towers Hit by US Guided Missiles

…And that was 11th century Hebrew; the words of the Arabic-speaking Ibn Gabirol in Spain.

In keeping with the last thought of the previous segment – standing firm – it was good to learn this morning that just before Shabbos on Friday, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz was resisting the insistence of the Enlightened to return to funneling money to the Jew-killers. He said the government had no intention of handing money over to Hamas, which is now part of Fatah, isn’t it?

And as of last night, Israel was still refusing to bow down before the Korean Emperor UN Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon who demanded that Israel continue to transfer tax funds to the PA.

Also on Friday the European Commission – that is one of the other enemies of Israel alluded to in the title of the previous webcast – sent 85 million Euros to the PA because Salaam Fayyad asked for it. Imagine that. He just snaps his figures and there was Catherine Ashton snapping her fingers, and this cascade of 85 million euros pours into PA coffers to counter Israel’s freeze.

But of course other EU leaders and the US and even Ban Ki-moon have said that any new PA government with Hamas must still conform to the Quartet demands which are almost identical to the three demands made of the PLO starting in 1975, one of which remains the foolish demand that Hamas, like the PLO in its day, “renounce violence/renounce terrorism.” This was an invention of Yitzhak Rabin the barely educated, Communist-indoctrinated prime minister at the time. Henry Kissinger told him that the PLO was on the way to be accepted, and so this was Rabin’s demand of the US: that the US not recognize the PLO until it renounced violence.

That is the mind of the Leftist at work. It is a demand unreal in its sense of human nature, which is so typical of communists and other socialists, which is why their economic theories are so wrong-headed; their bad sense of what it means to be a human being.

What does it mean to tell a terrorist, “Renounce terrorism and we will shake hands with you and give you things”?

When a serial killer is caught after his string of horrors, his string of cadavers, is he asked if he is ready to renounce serial killing, and if he says yes, they let him go?

Terrorists are criminals who before rehabilitation (if that is possible) must be judged and punished. This business of asking mass murdering Muslim maniacs to just say they won’t be violent any more is functionally insane, from the Latin for not healthy.

Today Meir Dagan the now retired Mossad boss, reported, in reference to trading Gilad Shalit for hundreds of terrorists, that following the mass release in 2004 to get Elhanan Tannenbaum back from Lebanon, 200 people in Israel were murdered by the released terrorists…

Israel’s Other Enemies

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: Hurting Moderates, Helping Militants
Bin Laden versus Yassin

…So, to return to the beginning, to the front page of today’s International Herald Tribune, with is nothing but the New York Times printed overseas, the center large photograph was of that Arab in Gaza marking the so-called reconciliation, and the leading article in the far right column, column No. 1 in broadsheet newspapers, the headline was “With Accord, Balestinians look to battle occupation.” And the lede sentence by their dejudaized Ethan Bronner was, “The two rival Palestinian movements signed an historic reconciliation accord here on Wednesday, vowing common cause against Israel’s occupation.”

Yeah, same mistake as that other fool an also probable dejudaized Nathan Thrall. Hamas is again misperceived as a “Palestinian” organization when its end-game is not a Balestinian state but a world-encompassing caliphate.

And as for using the term “Israeli occupation”: this is a complete surrender by the New York Times to the bizarre distorted vision of these Balestinians with their Balestinian narrative, their Balestinian version of things. The League of Nations created modern Palestine explicitly as a Jewish homeland. So how could the Jews be in foreign occupation of what the League mandated for them? For Judea, the heart of Palestine, as a Jewish country. Calling our presence here in Judea and Samaria an occupation is to accept wholeheartedly the vision of these subcivilized, antisemitic barbarians.

Bronner in his second paragraph called Mahmoud Abbas “the president of the Palestinian Authority,” which is a double mistake. The Oslo documents called the head of the PA to be created, a chairman not a president, which was understood to underline that this Authority was not the same as statehood.

Secondly, setting his title aside for a moment: his term of office ended in 2007. Since then he has been out of office. He is not the president of the PA which Bronner wrote “runs the West Bank.” Again this is to accept the lexicon of the Jew-killers, though in fairness to Bronner, when even the Jerusalem Post uses that term, it is hard to expect otherwise from him.

He then goes on to note that Hamas, the Islamist group, “rejects Israel’s existence.”

Mr. Bronner, I’ve got news for you: So does Fatah. Look at their text books. Look at the maps they give their children; Israel does not appear. Understand that their insistence on the “right of return” as well is code for the destruction of Israel.

See what I mean? I mean, the invention of the “Palestinians” and their “noble cause” is very much the work not only of these Hamitic brutes but the refined and cultured, progressive forces in Western civilization led by the dejudaized types found in the pages of the New York Times….

Obama’s Affect

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Another thought on Obama’s affect – when he made the announcement the other night, “affect” as the psychologists use the term, his emotional expression or lack thereof when he announced the successful operation: Maybe he was depressed for it is now no secret any more that Pakistan, the recipient of billions of American dollars, is a two-faced ally. For years, the Pakistanis said bin Ladin was in Waziristan, tribal areas we never go into, on the border. In truth, he was down the road from Pakistan’s equivalent of West Point.

On the one hand, Pakistan has been for ten years a support base for US operations in Afghanistan against the Taliban; and on the other hand Pakistan is itself a support base for the Taliban and even al-Qaida. Pakistan can no longer be shielded by Obama and his administration – and in fairness the ones before his – as a US ally against Islamist terrorists because Pakistan is one of them; it is an Islamist terrorist entity.

While some of its military and politicians may have been pro-Western, its covert, veiled, security agency the ISI is an Islamist operation. It has long been known that they were the backbone of the Taliban in Afghanistan, using Saudi money to support those lunatics at their worst before 9-11 which led to the end of their rule. On 9-11, Obama’s base was in Afghanistan, the country run by Muslim fundamentalist Taliban funded by Saudi Arabia.

And the relationship between Saudi Arabi and Pakistan is a long-standing one. The Saudi kingdom is a kingdom of illiterates and primitives and tribesmen with no real loyalty to the Saudi family that runs the place. They are not very good with modern, hi-tech equipment either. For this reason the Saudis have long relied on the Pakistanis to serve in their military. They even had a treaty saying that in the event they are needed, the Saudis can call upon 300,000 Pakistani soldiers to come and defend them. The way the United States defended them twenty years ago.

The Saudis gave Pakistan the money for its nuclear bomb program, and according to one source, the Kamra Air base in Pakistan stores A-bombs reserved for the Saudis. And there have been reports that given the tension with Iran lately, the Saudis have already moved some of their A-bombs into their country; nuclear warheads that can be fixed to missiles manufactured in Pakistan and in China.

In my own imagination I imagine that one factor deterring Israel from using A-bombs to crush Iran is the fear that this will license the Pakistanis to use theirs against us, G-d forbid.

In a nutshell, besides the Muslim maniacs in Iran and Turkey and Egypt, Algeria, Libya and Yemen, Pakistan may be the most dangerous Muslim regime of all…

“They’re Syrians!”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So last webcast, on Thursday, I speculated on not divorcing the turmoil in Syria from the surprise Hamas decision to sign an agreement with Fatah that it had rejected since October 14, 2009. Hamas is the Muslim Brothers and they see the Brotherhood in alliance with the military dictatorship that has run Egypt since 1952, and are drawn to Cairo. And also because the future in Damascus is wholly uncertain.

The next morning Haaretz reported that IDF MI/military intelligence briefed a delegation of seven US Congress members and told them “Hamas agreed to sign the reconciliation agreement with Fatah out of Hamas’ fears over the implications for its organization in light of the riots in Syria.”

Yeah. What I said.

Likewise the Arabic language, London-based Al-Hayat yesterday report that Hamas leaders had already decamped from Damascus for Doha, capital of Qatar.

Haaretz also reported on Friday that “the move to reconciliation has been almost entirely a Hamas move backed by Egypt.”

Abbas also told Israelis than even he was surprised to be asked by Egypt on Wednesday to meet Hamas representatives ready to sign that October 2009 agreement. Abbas said that under the circumstances, he could hardly say no. Other indications suggest this was very much a Hamas/Egypt demarche.

Israel is now worried that as announced by Egypt that in 10 days it will open the southern boundary of Strip which will change everything if it goes through with that – though there are those who doubt this will happen.

Israel is worried as well that the agreement many lead to letting loose some of Hamas’ antisemitic, homicidal maniacs at the moment in PA detention. It could ruin, if that is the word, IDF-PA collaboration in Judea and Samaria.

Today Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz suspended the constant river of millions of shekels flowing to the PA that Israel collects in taxes and customs duties on goods destined for the PA. That is a good move.

Like learning to be more outspoken about just who are enemies are, Israelis, Bibi, have to, if only for reasons of the self-respect – these sabra who accused the Jews who perished in the Holocaust of not having self-respect – cut off all assistance to Gaza. To the PA in Judea and Samaria.

Abbas links arms with Hamas but Israel still has to cooperate with Abbas and send his loyalists zillions of shekels?

How ironic on this Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Eve. These Israelis, when it comes to behaving in contemptible ways, can be sometimes no better than the Jewish martyrs in the Holocaust they were raised to look down on…

Hamas-Fatah Accord?

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Why Is Obama Protecting Assad?

…Lastly, JPost ran a piece today on how only 5% of Lebanese know the words to their national anthem. A political scientist at AUB (American University of Beirut), a Muslim, was surprised the figure was even that high. He said, “We used to make fun of the anthem in the Sunni school I attended. We were taught that Lebanese identity meant nothing, that it was an artificial European creation.”

Precisely. This Muslim political scientist then went on to “fault the anthem for exalting Lebanese nationalism…with words that deliberately erase the Arab-Muslim history of Lebanon.” He said he “proudly belongs to the 95% of Lebanese who don’t know the anthem.”

Yeah. Right. Exactly. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan. These states were all created, their boundaries were drawn, by Europeans, because the sub-national tribesmen of the region had no sense of nationhood as understood in civilized societies.

Another reason why Mahmoud Abbas and his fellows in their version of Murder Incorporated don’t really want a state. It has no meaning to them. As Arabs they covet the wealth we Jews have created and hate us for illuminating their own inferiority to them.

Hence the grievous sense of humiliation, insult, sense of deprivation. We Jews deny them the wealth they hunger for, and we humiliate them by our superiority.

Islam for them truly is, as Karl Marx said, the opium of the masses…

Religion Drives the World

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The other big story around here since last Thursday’s webcast has been the bloodshed in Syria next door. Today there was a report in mid-afternoon that Erdogan in Turkey is offering his country as a place to run to if Sultan Bashaar the Magnificent Geek wants to flee like Tunisia’s Zine Abidine bin Ali with his billions. For young Bashaar has his billions sucked out of that small but productive oil industry Syria has.

What with the daily murders now by his government forces – reports of policemen armed with knives barging into people’s homes in search of instigators and government marksmen on roofed stops assigned to kill people at random out on the streets, we shouldn’t be surprised by the rising tide of spilled blood. He is, after all, his father’s son, a father who responded to the Muslim Brotherhood in his day not only by killing 30,000 in the neighborhoods of Hama where they were important but another 20,000 in the much forgotten slaughter inside Tadmor prison in that same period. Assad, Sr. dealt with these challengers by, as I say, throwing 20,000 of into a prison, where once inside they were systematically machine-gunned and grenaded to death.

The opinions here in Israel of where this could all lead to in Syria are of course speculative. Some say it will be good for Israel when Bashaar and his corrupt relatives and cronies are driven from the country or killed; others say the opposite.

For sure one did not expect this morning’s news about the rising daily toll of blood in in Syria to find something funny but there on JPost hard copy’s front page was a small item that got a laugh of yours truly. The headline was “US official: Assad no longer potential peace partner for Israel.” Their Hilary Krieger in Washington reported that a top State Department official named Jacob Sullivan said that current Syrian government behavior “makes it hard to think about other diplomatic missions, like engaging Syria for peace talks with Israel.”

Why, just the other day Mr. Jacob Sullivan’s boss – nice name there; sounds like another product of yet another mixed marriage symptomatic of the shrinking of American Jewry – Jacob Sullivan’s boss Hilary Clinton was just the other day calling Bashaar a reformer.

As I say, this notice got a snort out of yours truly at the chronic, irritating stupidity of the pro-Syrian camp in America’s foreign policy establishment. Men like that antiJew fool James Baker who was always very big on courting Syria. He wanted to “flip it,” in his terms. Hilary’s hubby sent poor Secretary of State Warren Christopher (who recently passed away) to Damascus like 27 times in Clinton’s first term in office. And then there is the current fraud Sen. John Kerry who has gone courting in Damascus five times in the last 24 months of the Barack Hussein Obamanation administration.

Damascus has been a thorn in the side of civilization for thousands of years. What a terrible paradox/irony, that as access to information gets easier and easier, Western leaders grow dumber and dumber, less educated and learned by the day…

Abdullah Gul/Patterns

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Lion’s Den: Muhammad Bouazizi: A historical figure

…There is a region called Aksai Chin which is governed by Communist China but is claimed by India as a part of its state of Jammu and Kashmir. And it has been disputed territory since 1963. The area is larger than the entire State of Israel by 40% but nobody hears a peep of protest at the UN about this disputed territory.

The UN, the nations of the world that will wickedly agree to Abu Mazen’s request for a declaration of Ancient Palestinian independence in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem will be nothing in my eyes but confirmation we Jews are the chosen people, chosen to be signaled out from such unjust treatment because we annoyingly, by our very existence, remind people of the existence of the Holy One Blessed be He.

I think it is the most wonderful testimony that Israel is the only UN member-state blocked from sitting on the Security Council. This drives the Enlightened here, Israel’s post-Jewish intellectuals, crazy, bitter crazy, when to me it’s just great that we are so excluded because I know the UN very well and it is a sewer of corruption, and antisemitism.

And it wouldn’t hurt if the prime minister of Israel likewise expresses his disdain for anything world antiJewry at the UN says about us….


Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So Daniel Viflich died today in the afternoon. Earlier in the day, though, the government announced with no little pride that it had captured the two beasts in human form who butchered the five Jewish human beings in the Fogel a month ago at Itamar.

And I think the prime minister made an ass of himself when reporting on their capture to the media. What did he say? “We will not tolerate the slaughtering of our people, not in Gaza, not in Judea and Samaria, and not anywhere else.”

And I say, “Fiddlesticks, Bibi. Of course we tolerate it.”

And then weirdly he came off sounding like an Arab savage himself whose leaders say such things as he did: “We will catch the killers and cut off their hands.”

No, Bibi. We don’t cut off hands, thank G-d. But we do go overboard in not responding as forcefully as we should. Bibi made an ass of himself because everyone knows that these two Ishmaelites savages are going to wind up in an air conditioned prison cell – really a big room – with their friends and be given money to go to a prison store and buy their favorites food, and take classes and get a college degree.

Israel’s handling of such depraved specimens of humanity is an abomination reminiscent of the Oslo abomination, for not only tolerating and even shaking with that poisonous snake Arafat.

And I venture that one reason for Israel’s disgusting kindness to thousands of Ishmaelite killers is the lack of having a truly Yiddisher kup/ a Jewish head. Last Thursday Bibi addressed a Likud gathering in Tel-Aviv. That is when he announced that Speaker of the House in Washington John Boehner had invited him to address Congress toward the end of May, as he had 15 years ago. Bibi said he would focus on a peace in which the Ancient Ones recognize Israel as the state of the Jews and on Israel’s security needs in the event the peace crumbles, as we are now witnessing in Egypt.

Earlier in the same day he spoke to General Staff, referred to the Haggada which teaches that in every generation enemies rise up against us to do us in. “What has changed is that in this generation we have the means to repel these attacks and the means are the IDF, its soldiers and commanders who are represented here to repel these attacks.”

Yes, but that refers to massed, armed attacks by regular armies in uniform, which the Arabs, who are not comatose, do not launch anymore because we beat them every time. So their preferred style of violence against us is Kornet rockets shot at our school buses, and silent, late night penetrations into our homes to slaughter us like animals.

Against that the IDF has no answer. And Bibi the spiritless has no words either.

He made a fool of himself by huffing we will not tolerate this behavior when of course we do. For Bibi, Zionism at its most basic is Jews with guns forming an army to fight violence with violence. But when it comes to understanding the wellsprings of such violence and a better way to deal with it that defeats him.

Israel is of the seed of Avraham who stood alone against the whole world in his vision of the One G-d; the gentile Prophet foresaw a people that will dwell alone, a prophecy that most certainly came true – just look at UN voting patterns – only Bibi wrote a book called A Place Among the Nations, and there is connection between that book title and his foolishness today.

Israel is to be a “light unto the nations,” and one light I would like to see is responding to these two latest murderers just captured, a different way; a fresh approach. I imagine they have already proudly confessed and for sure on videotape.

So Bibi should call a press conference, show the tape, and march the two boys into the auditorium and let the journalists ask them whatever questions as they proudly brag of what they did at Itamar.

And then you march them outside with the press in attendance, and the prime minister himself is handed a pistol which he shoots into the heads point-blank of these two beasts on two feet.

Then Bibi might face the press and tell them, “Islam is today’s successor to totalitarian Communism and Nazism. Its murderers are everywhere now, and civilized men and woman must fight them to the finish, the victorious finish. All liberal democracies,” Bibi might suggest,” must pass legislation slamming the door shut on Muslims altogether seeking residence in their civilized societies.

Bibi might also apologize to the world community for Israel having played such a despicable role in legitimizing Arab terrorism via the Oslo abomination.

Israel, Bibi he should say the country will never sign a treaty with Mahmoud Abbas who was Arafat’s sidekick and therefore also a mass murderer of Jews and others.

Terrorists who called murdering people at random “the armed struggle” as Abbas must be judged enemies of the human race and wiped out, like Amalek…

The Land of Obsession

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Obama must broker a new Mideast peace

…Paragraph 15: “Jerusalem has to be made the undivided capital of both Israel and Palestine, with Jewish neighborhoods under Israeli sovereignty and Arab neighborhoods under Palestinian sovereignty.”

This is virtually almost brainless. In the first half of the sentence he says he wants Jerusalem to be undivided, and then in the second half divides it. There is no thinking going on here. Scowcroft is the victim of his antiJewitis which is a kind of dementia and leads to screwed pseudo-thinking like this.

What he and his antiJew soul-mates want is for Israel to be deprived of the full sovereignty it exercises today, but since post-Holocaust people won’t admit to that, this is how it comes out. “Israel and the Ancient Ones must share Jerusalem; share the Holy City. What could be more holy than ecumenically sharing Jerusalem in brotherly love? And that the Jews don’t want to share Jerusalem is only more evidence how greedy the Jews are.” That’s what he means here in this paragraph when it speaks of a “special regime” for the Old City.

This, by the way, resonates with thousands of years of Jew-hatred which was characterized by goy communities driving Jews from their property and moving into and onto it; basically armed robbery. The Old City of Jerusalem today is a tourist mecca that has been all fixed up, renovated, excavated. From the whole new, re-built Jewish Quarter post-67, to the plaza before the Western Wall, to the tunnels excavated now open to tourists. The Old City as it is today is the product of Jewish money and Jewish investment and Jewish planning and Jewish execution and here is this antiJew Scowcroft, without missing a heartbeat, having in mind taking the Old City away from us Jews and placing it in the hands of perhaps an international body of peaceful wise men who will do a much better job of running and nurturing Jerusalem than the we Jews have. He is calling for theft here.

Then by the end of the paragraph he calls for each side to “control its respective holy places.”

This is an ignoramus. The Muslim holy places are our places that they stole from us, and our liberated holy places such as the Western Wall they still covet. Scowcroft seems to think Muslim and Jewish holy places are in different locations and a division can be made. He seems not to know that at the moment, and for the last 44 years, we Jews are forbidden to pray on our own holy mount. We can go up there but the lip police won’t let us pray because the plateau is really Haram as-Sharif and really belongs to Muslims.

And as for the Western Wall: that too is Islamic property that we Jews allegedly stole in 1967. Scowcroft is an ignorant antiJew…

Decommission Gaza

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So quiet has returned to the skies over Gaza but of course the attempted murder by rocket and shell will begin again at some point. Gaza has been a burning spearhead in Israel’s side for 63 years and will remain so until this artificial rectangular district is decommissioned.

The Strip is about three times the size of the Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base and it is home to over one million Arabs, most of them stateless, unemployed, on welfare and dwelling in slums, providing an ample pool of potentially violent males who want to get in on the firing of rockets at the Jews or in planting IEDs along the security barrier; or firing anti-tank missiles through the fence at army vehicles or school buses.

What Israel should not be doing is feeding Gaza as it sends into the Strip every day thousands of trucks carrying supplies, commodities, gravel for building. Yesterday the Israeli functionary with the grand and lengthy title of Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announced that “despite the recent escalation in violence, the authority had coordinated the transfer of 3,656 trucks into the Gaza Strip bearing food and medical supplies.”

Maybe it is just me but I find something simply bizarre going on here. These subcivilized criminals fire an anti-tank projectile into an Israeli school bus, and we are still supplying them with food and medicine? Whatever happened to old-fashioned siege warfare in which you starve the enemy until he can fight no more? What is going on here with Israel sustaining the enemy? This is unheard of in human history, I think.

In 2005, with the retreat from land and communities that were rightfully ours, we should have given the Arabs a year’s notice in the matter of supplying them with anything, not only food and medicine but water and electricity. The message might have been that “You can’t have it both ways, Arabians. You can’t expect Israel to sustain you as you fire rockets to kill Israelis. One or the other.”

In the matter of water, I’ve heard, it might not be so easy to separate, for the two systems are intertwined after all these years. But electricity is another matter.

Of course turning of the water and the electricity would raise howls around the globe; that would echo throughout the solar system, even the galaxy and beyond, that Israel was practicing collective punishment on the Ancient Ones. Okay, The Israelis don’t like these little rocket barrages, the Enlightened say, but why should all of Gaza have to suffer?”

And the Israelis would have to answer that terrorism is the ultimate in collective punishment cruelty. What one crummy little home-made Qassam rocket does when it shoots up and the sirens go off around the Gaza rectangle in the Jewish communities, tens of thousands, scores of thousands of Jews are frightened, fearful for the lives, for the lives of their little kids playing outside. Terrorism’s ethical logic is that every man, woman and child in Israel is guilty and deserves to die. This is the ultimate in collective punishment…

Iron Dome’s Success

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Last week in the Washington Post, columnist David Ignatius wrote up a community activist in one of Cairo’s poorest neighborhoods who had been in the thick of the Tahrir revolution in hopes of democratic reform but she is now fearful of the Muslim Brotherhood which, if you remember, had that big win on March 19 with that vote on the amendments to the constitution. The Brotherhood had plastered the walls of her community with posters saying, “Yes. Muslim brotherhood” A wonderfully terse campaign slogan. The message was clear: the Brotherhood wanted these amendments approved and 77% of the voters did that.

His woman activist acquaintance told him of the threats she received campaigning for a no vote. She received a text message from someone warning against her work and threatened to throw acid in her face if she did not stop. In the hours before the referendum as well, rumors swept the poor neighborhoods of Cairo that the Copts, the Christians, were campaigning against the amendments, so it was a religious duty of all Muslims to vote yes. Otherwise, Islam would be removed as the country’s official religion, governed by Sharia, and Egypt would be turned into a Christian country.”

And in trying to fathom the attraction of Islam to all these Muslims who voted as the Brotherhood wanted, one imagines that what Islam means to Egyptian men in particular, and why it is so important to them, is sex. That is, the current and perennial relationships between men and females. What Islam means to them is maintaining the status quo in which women are as held in their place as Negroes used to be in the American South for a century after the Civil War; blacks in South Africa under apartheid and Jews perennially until the late 18th century in the West who were downtrodden and outcast and without rights.

That is who the women in Islam are. And the Brotherhood stands for the status quo.

It also stands politically for the status quo on display in Iran where there is no separation between the political and the religious establishments. The Khomeini revolution led to a parliament of priests.

What these Muslims need desperately is what Ataturk gave them, and Erdogan & Co. are trying to undo: the separation of if not church and state then mosque and state. That is what is wrong with Sharia law: it is the melding of the two realms which is a lethal combination.

This after all was the sin of the Hasmonaim, the Maccabees, who became corrupted because as priests they had no right to assume political power which they did.

What the Brotherhood represents is the rearguard action of Muslim men against a Reformation in the Protestant mold, when the monarchs of Europe declared independence from Rome. Quite a struggle that was.

Islam everywhere it is dominant is mixed up with political power and government and is the official religion of the state. And in every one of these states there is no democracy as the Judeo-Christian West developed it.

Islam is synonymous with tyranny. It is a religion which produces tyrants for political leaders, corrupt criminals.

For a few years in the 1990s I taught refugees from the old Soviet Union and marveled at their stories and the history of where they came from and what it was like to live under such tyranny. Russia of the Czars, then came Lenin and Stalin, these monsters. And as I heard the stories I compared the political leaders there to those in the United States, to the then 40 presidents in American history. A few were innocuous, maybe a few of dubious ethics but overall these were good men, and not a one of them like a Stalin who murdered scores of millions of his own people, or a Saddam Hussein who gassed his own people.

Islam is a menace…

Bring on the B-52s

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The good news out of the Gaza, out of the violence there today was of the Iron Dome system performing successfully, whatever that means. For sure, since it is a first generation weapon it has to be less than the perfect. But it will improve.

The bad news, though, was the results of a poll taken among the barbarians by Hebrew University and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research which found that roughly a third, 32% of them applaud the massacre at Itamar of the Fogel family. This is a news story Bibi might also insert into a live, world-wide press conference and tell the world that with a percentage like that, peace with these individuals is impossible.

Maybe if 3%/4% felt this way – numbers statisticians call “statistically insignificant” – one could agree that finally these Arabs have come around to living with us in peace.

I remember in 1994 when they first brought the PLO, thinking then, rather when the massacres began: if these massacre artists represent only a statistically insignificant number of Arabians, maybe Shimon Peres is right. He called murders the “victims of peace,” and if they were statistically insignificant, perhaps it was worth it.

But there never has been even one day in the history of the Zionist movement when such a huge number of these Arabs did not support such evil as was done at Itamar.

The other day the great Mordechai Kedar on the Web wrote of how throat-slitting is a kind of almost spectator sport. Rather, it is a religious activity and is basic to the education of all Muslims who as children on holy days get to watch as their father slits the throat of a sheep. They see it every holiday; see how it is done. And that is what was done to the Fogel family: they were sacrificed like sheep to the pagan religious life of these Arab Muslim savages, whose Arabness has never been fully suppressed by their religion. Islam did pull these primitives away from polytheism, the idiotic worship of trees and stones and mountains. Islam imposed monotheism on them and extinguished their idol worship, but it never fully suppressed the Arabs’ blood-thirsty nature.

Think of that Arab demon outside that Ramallah police station a decade ago with a crazy smile on his face as he held aloft his hands drenched in the blood of the two Jewish reservists literally beaten to a bloody pulp, until their faces and heads were so smashed they were no longer anything but bloody pulp. Into that gore this Arab killer joyously dipped his hands and went outside to show them off before the mob.

His soul brothers are the ones today who launched those projectiles, one of which tagged that bus and smashed the head of a possibly very nice Jewish boy.

Bring on the B-52s…

Obama & Shimon

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…At the ADL conference yesterday in Washington, Dennis Ross was reported to have said in his address, “It is important that the Palestinians see that peace is a possibility. They need to see that negotiations can not only take place, but they can produce. For that to happen, each side needs to show that it understands the other’s needs and realities including the Palestinians providing assurances over Israel’s very real security needs. The Palestinians need to see that they can have an independent state that’s contiguous and viable.”

You all know code, right? Contiguous and viable means that Israel will be cut in half by a corridor between Gaza and the south Hebron hills. Otherwise the Old-New State of Ancient Philistia would not be viable.

But what I really enjoyed here was once again Dennis Ross sounding like a marriage counselor, not a statesman. He said, to repeat, “Each side needs to show it understands the other’s needs.”

But how about Jewish rights, Dennis? Not that I blame him as a primary culprit for this wretched state of affairs in which Israel is mute in the matter of its rights but vocal only about its security concerns. The real guilty party is the people of Israel whose democratically-elected leaders don’t have the vocabulary of Jewish rights in their minds and on their lips. They are secular Zionists and that movement was not about saving the Jewish people but transforming them into a normal people, to borrow from Peres; with a place among the nations, to borrow from Bibi.

If Israelis don’t frame our predicament in terms of our rights, not just the rights of the Ancient Ones that of course do pre-date the Great Flood, according to the Palestinian Narrative… if Israel doesn’t demand its rights, it’s hard to become overly annoyed with Dennis Ross the marriage counselor who thinks the hostility here, the homicidal hostility of the Arabs is connected to both sides not seeing the needs of the other.

In this JPost piece by their Hilary Leila Krieger in Washington, she also cited Dr. Martin Indyk who also was there at this conference and on a panel discussion, and what he had to say was as useless as anything he has ever said.

What a curse these peace processors are on Israel with their insufferably uninformed, shallow acquaintance with the Middle East and why Israel has had not a day of peace since its declaration of independence 63 years ago.

They haven’t got a clue. They think it is about the need for Israelis and Ancient Ones to be sensitive to the other’s needs, which can be learned via confidence-building measures.

The reason there is no peace is that much of mankind like Barack Obama oppose the Jewish Narrative found in the Bible which is all about the promise of this land to this people.

And they don’t like that. They have their own version of the way things should be. To their way of thinking, justice means the sons of Ishmael, not Yitzhak, are the rightful owners of this land…

Goldstone Again

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So this eminent international jurist Goldstone turns out to be a bit of a dunce. His penultimate paragraph: “Simply put, the laws of armed conflict apply no-less to non-state actors such as Hamas than they do to national armies.”

This man is a slave to his generation’s wicked clichés. “Non-state actors.” Now what the heck is that? Max Weber the famous German sociologist and theorist of what makes a state said it has the authority; it has a monopoly on the use of force, deadly force, to raise an army or a police force. The state, the government is the body that licenses people to carry weapons and use them if need be.

Versus Hamas, a “non-state actor,” he says, that licenses itself to possess weapons of death to murder Jews. Here Goldstone the slave of intellectual fashion accepts the moral equivalence between the legitimate use of deadly force by a recognized governmental authority such as that of Israel, and Hamas this band of outlaws loyal to no state which arrogates to itself the right to acquire weapons and murder Jews independent any governmental authority. Here Goldstone the Sunday school teacher admonishes Hamas to play by the rules. Not for him calling them terrorists and therefore a criminal outlaw organization like the Mafia. No, they are “non-state actors” who also play by the rules.

This guy is a dunderhead. Ronald Reagan of blessed memory had the integrity to withdraw US participation in this farce of a Human Rights Council, then called a Commission, which Emir Barack Hussein Obama rejoined. He is America’s first Third World intellectual president.

Well, in the matter of Hamas, whom the Israelis foolishly do not re-brand as the Muslim Brotherhood, which is what they are, it is a crying shame that fools like Goldstone are oblivious to the role of Islam in this violence and what a retrograde culture it is.

Look at the past couple of days in Afghanistan following the burning of the Qur’an at that church in Gainesville, Florida. I don’t recommend burning Qur’ans precisely because Islam is such a violent religion thank to Qur’ans. On Friday thousands of believers there in Afghanistan stormed a UN office in the north and seven foreign aid workers were murdered.

I don’t recommend burning the Qur’an but Pastor Terry Jones is right on target in seeing in the Qur’an a dangerous document, dare we say an evil book. Look at how some Muslims respond to the book-burning: murder. The barbaric murder of innocent people. What kind of religion is it that allows for these massacres of innocent non-combatants?

Islam is a menace, and Geert Wilders in Holland is right on target too. Political correctness requires treating Islam as if it were in the same class as Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Hinduism, as a religion like all others.

No, it is not a religion like all others. None of the above threatens mankind the way Islam does.

Which makes of Richard Goldstone an even bigger dummy for siding in Gaza against us Jews with the Muslim Brotherhood…

Hallucinating AntiJews

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: A Morning at an Israeli Checkpoint

…Well, it was another quiet day lethal projectile-wise, thank G-d. No reports of Qassam rockets, Grad rockets, mortar shells landing and the consequent terrorizing of thousands and thousands of Jews with one of those infernal devices.

But the verbal bombs were plentiful in the MSM. Let’s see: Haaretz hard copy this morning, reporting from New York, said that Ban-Ki-Moon secretary-General of an organization dominated by Muslim and Arab states that pay him a nice salary, had his words read by a spokesman in Montevideo, Uruguay at what was billed as a “UN Latin-American and Caribbean Meeting in support of Middle East Peace.”

Let’s stop right there. Even before we get to his words, it sounds like there has just been another UN junket after hundreds of them over the decades in which diplomats gather in some nice hotel in some capital for first-class accommodations and meals and discussions in which a major topic is the crimes committed by the Jews against the Ancient Ones. Here was Ban-Ki-moon at the moment in London so his spokesmen read his preferred remarks for him in which he denounced Israel’s “policy of occupation and continued settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem… A way must be found for Jerusalem to be the capital of two states, Israel and Palestine [just the Salomons, right?] while guaranteeing access to holy sites under arrangements acceptable to all.”

Hey, there’s a new expression. Every few years the antiJews at the UN come up with another one. I never saw that one before. But its meaning is plain. Holy sites in Jerusalem will be managed in a way acceptable to the Ancient Ones, to the Muslims – and they do not accept Jewish control on the Temple Mount since 1967.

And judging by history what is acceptable to Muslims is not even a mirror-image of the current situation in with Israel in control but still allowing Muslim access, albeit controlled. Islam does not want to reverse this situation in which Islam is dominant but the Jews still have access.

No. Islam since its nasty birth has denied that Jews have any rights. In Islam the Jews lived on sufferance and in Eretz Yisrael had no access to their holy sites because in Islamic truth, the Temple Mount, the Cave of the Patriarchs, these are Muslim holy sites that the Jews only claim belong to them…

Israel’s Apology Tour

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: A case study in how to invite a boycott

…Come to think of it, not only was Sarah Palin right when she said, “Stop apologizing.” How reminiscent that is of the right-on nickname for Emir Barack Hussein’s foreign trips as his Apology Tour, and the Oslo process itself was one big apology on the part of Israel acted out by the reigning Leftists at the time: Rabin the communist-raised lunkhead and the famous Marxist philosopher Uncle Shimon and his vizier the famous scientist Dr. Joseph Beilin. PhD.

They recognized, they saluted the injustice done to people they learned to call the “Palestinians” who must be compensated, as the Jewish survivors of Nazism have been sent monthly payments for decades by first the West German government and now the current one. These Palestinians – and never mind that in the 1920s and 30s of their youth, Rabin and Peres did not call them Palestinians but just Arabs – they are now perceived as the antiJews wanted them to be perceived – as victims of injustice done them not only in the past but every day by Israel that refuses to hand back their territory Israel aggressively took away from them.

That is who the so-called Palestinians are. They have no other narrative in history besides this. The world knows absolutely nothing of their doings in history; of their leaders, their heroes, their philosophers, poets, kings, their artists; the battles their kings fought at the head of the “Palestinian” nation. All the world knows of these “Palestinians” is their victimization at the hands of the perfidious Jews.

One of these days some Israeli leader has got to stand up and tell the lords of political correctness in our time that the king of Palestine has no clothes…

Islamists on the March

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Yeah, these weeks, now months of upheaval in Araby do not bode well for us here on this island of civilization in a sea of barbarism. All around us the putatively secular regimes are being replaced by Islamist regimes.

Last week, Matthew Levitt at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy on their site gave out some information on the background of who is likely to replace Ali Abdallah Saleh in Yemen: his half-brother Gen. Ali Moshen al-Ahmar. That last name, by the way, is really his tribal identification. This man has a history as the most powerful general in the Yemeni army; of relationships with Islamist terrorists and possibly even training them. In the 1980s, during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan the resistance there to it, Ali Moshen al-Ahmar went to Afghanistan to meet with Osama bin Ladin. And when the volunteers from the Arab League states who had gone to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, when it was over, wanted to come home, some of their home countries wouldn’t let them, for their radical Islamist beliefs and their training in weapons and explosives. So Gen. Ali Moshen al-Ahmar in Yemen gave them asylum there and supported them with a grant of 20 million dollars given him for that purpose by Osama bin Ladin.

In a nutshell, US military personnel engaged with al-Qaeda in Yemen are now likely to have far less cooperation from the government in Sanaa if he takes over.

And then there was a piece in the British Telegraph yesterday about the Libyan rebel commander Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi who is leading gunmen who fought with Al-Qaeda in Iraq against American Allied forces. This character is said to be a member of the LIFG, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group which in 1995 and ‘96 already killed dozens of Libyan army troop in Derna and Benghazi.

In other words, this clash between Gaddafi and these rebels has a history. And I add it is the history of Islam. In every generation there have been tyrants at the heads of governments; that is all these Hamites have known. And when circumstances enable a rebellion to break out, it is always in the name of Islam at war with a corrupt leader, who is a bad Muslim for the abuse of his subjects, like looting their treasure.

The word out of Washington, as previously webcast, is that US support for these rebels in Libya has been at the urging of the three weird sisters, Lady Macbeth Clinton, Dr. Susan Rice, PhD and Dr. Samantha Power, PhD, a known antiJewess but also probably many of other diplomats, other ignoramuses when it comes to the Middle East.

The best case interpretation as an explanation for US behavior, and European behavior is ignorance of the region and the culture.

The worst case analysis for what the United States is doing in Libya is that Imam Barack Hussein, unlike the women, has enough smarts to see the rise of the Islamists and smiles at the prospect…

The Missiles of March

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…You all saw I imagine how famous Israeli novelist Amos Oz sent an autographed copy of his last autobiographical book to Marwan Barghouti with an inscription saying more or less that he hoped to see him out of prison one day when there is peace.

Amos Oz is a big friend of St. Simon of Oslo, and this reminds yours truly of Uncle Shimon during the height of the Oslo delirium that he brought on kissing Yasir Arafat on the cheek. Same behavior.

There is something very wrong with such people, and being an old, unreconstructed Freudian I keep seeing in such types of people at war with a hated parent, usually a father. For sure, so many of them, when interviewed in the press concerning their anti-Jew/anti-Israel views bring up a parent, commonly the father. I remember Jeremy ben-Ari founder of J Street doing that; referring to his father who had been aboard the Altalena in 1948 when Rabin killed more than a dozen Etzel men, a/k/a Irgun men. That is when Ben-Ami’s father left the country and Jeremy grew up in America.

I have seen this happen many times. The American Jewish playwright Arthur Miller once said something similar. He was a university student in the turbulent 1930s and said that all the communists he knew hated their fathers.

And here as well in the news last week was this miserable Jew-bashing at the UN, this movie premiere shown in the UN General Assembly chamber – something never done before – directed by Julian Schnabel who also has made known the fact in this week of publicity that his mom was the head of Hadassah in Brooklyn when he was a boy.

There is something so wrong in an Amos Oz sending a gift to Marwan Barghouti, this mass murderer responsible for the random murder of some 30 human beings (though for, legal technical reasons he was charged with and convicted of only five).

Marwan Barghouti, I think, is in the same moral category with a serial-killer who murders 30 innocent strangers. Books and TV movies of the week and documentaries have been made about such demons as Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, or the Hollywood fictional Hannibal Lecter, these madmen, agents of evil. Every sober, moral person in civilization is horrified by such serial killers, these cold-blooded sociopaths.

Well, Marwan Barghouti is one of them. And that Amos Oz and David Grossman and other Enlightened Jews take the side of such people is immoral. Pathologically immoral…

Araby: Land of Fratricide

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, a word about Libya and the handling of it by Obama and Hillary and Samantha.

In today’s JPost, Shmuel Bar was cited a second time in a different article and he warned that as for Libya, “The West should be wary of the self-appointed leaders of the rebel movement many of whom until recently were high-ranking members of Gaddafi’s regime. Many are no less blood-thirsty and no less cruel than the people who remain in the regime. Who are these rebels? They are people who left at the last moment when they thought the regime was falling. It is not as if these people are fighting for democracy and their future.”

Precisely. The leaders of all these revolts are not idealists, theoreticians and philosophers of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are Islam-driven death cult fanatics or just like all these potentates, slaves of their own appetites and hungry for immense wealth and power.

But do Hillary and Samantha and the Islam-loving imam in the Oval Office k now this? I doubt it.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

Islamist Rebels Forever

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Links: New Trends in Arabic Anti-semitism
Sarah Palin gets better and better

…I came across an interesting tidbit the other day by David Horowitz writing in about lecture he just gave at Brooklyn College coincidently on the night of the slaughter at Itamar, which he wrote up the next day.

His audience was students, presumably faculty, for and against his views. After his remarks, there was a question time from the audience, and of course Muslims approached the microphone not to challenge the facts he brought up but just smear him for smearing Muslims and being a McCarthy-ite. No facts, no reasoning, no logical argumentation, just name-calling.

And then Horowitz wrote the following: “What struck me afterwards was this. Every Muslim in the room was a member of the Palestinian Club at Brooklyn College. But not one of them spoke as a Palestinian. I had said that Palestinians had elected two terrorist governments to rule over them, that Palestinians were willing to kill their own children in order to kill other children, that their schools taught their children to hate and kill Jews, that as a people they had sunk to the lowest moral level in history. I had said that they were indistinguishable from Nazis. And not one Palestinian in that room stood up to defend themselves as Palestinians. To a man and a woman, they said, “You are accusing all Muslims of being terrorists.”

Yes, indeedy. That is one the recurring messages on DPP: there are no “Palestinians,” that is, there is no Palestinian material in history to draw upon, because the Muslims never saw the outlines of a country called Palestine. The very term has meaning for Jews and Christians as a synonym for the Promised Land, but not Muslims. It appears nowhere in the Qur’an. There were no Palestinian leaders in history, no military or political, or scientific or literary figures. These so-called Palestinians have no culture that is Palestinian to inspire them with examples of Palestinian life in Palestine that they yearn to resurrect – as we Jews never stopped calling to mind every day for thousands of years in our prayers this Land. Every day numerous times Jews have called to mind Eretz Yisrael and dreamed of returning to it.

Every week in the Torah reading we read of the land promised to us; this Land.

But the Ancient Ones? The whole gestalt of Palestinian Nationalism is nothing but water-pipe smoke coming from a nargila stuffed with powerful hash.

What they do have and what truly motives them is Islam, this nasty plagiarization of Jewishness stolen and perverted and used to justify their Ishmaelitic-Hamitic aggression.

Islam is this generation’s Communism; its Nazism. It is a menace to mankind and not coincidentally, first of all, a menace to us Jews…

Israel’s Truth Will Out

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Analysis: Burying linkage between peace process, Iran
(November 30, 2010) …It also came out in these leaks that in Qatar, Sen. John Kerry, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, paid a visit and told Qatari leaders that indeed, even though Syria supports Hezbollah, Israel must return the Golan to Syria and not only that: Jerusalem must become the capital of the Ancient Ones.

In other words, John Kerry supports Muslim rule over the Temple Mount, which is what they demand. And one supposes John Kerry is constitutionally incapable of thinking otherwise, of seeing the world through Jewish eyes. He is, after all, the grandson of two paternal grandparents, the grandfather having been a direct descendant of Aaron the High Priest, brother of Moses. Before the name was Kerry, it was Kohn, who shmaded himself – that’s Yiddish from the Hebrew meaning he converted to another religion, in this case Roman Catholicism. Shmad comes from the Hebrew verb to annihilate, so that a Jew who converts to another religion “annihilates” himself as a Jew and joins forces with non-Jews who want to annihilate the Jewish people.

John Kerry as a teenager went St. Paul’s School, the posh St Paul’s School for Boys in Concord, New Hampshire, no Jews allowed.

I wish someone like Bibi would sit down with this man and open his eyes to the fact that Syria lost the Golan Heights as result of its years of murderous aggression against Israel, and Israel is morally no more obligated to hand it back to Syria than today’s Czech Republic must hand back land taken from Germany after World War II. To demand that Israel do this is morally disgusting.

Someday, G-d willing, Israelis will learn to present our struggle in the same light as the struggle of Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King, Jr. These Muslims, these Arabs, deny to us Jews what the white South Africans denied to black South Africans: freedom; what Southerners in America between the Civil War and the 1960s denied to Negroes: their rights.

What the antiJews have done over the last generation is turn the truth upside down: Islam held Jews down under Islamic apartheid dhimmi laws for fourteen centuries and has never been able to see the injustice of that. The truth is not that Zionism is a form of racism. Islam is.

Israel Needs New Ideas

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, did you see where one PA-affiliated media outlet reported that maybe some Thai migrant workers were responsible for what happened at Itamar?

Another PA-affiliated news outlet pushed the theory that Israelis, that they did it, to make it look like the Ancient Ones were responsible.

I would love to see an Israeli politicians say that these Arabs, these Muslims, are simply not ready for independence; not ready for prime time. They are not the type of people to govern themselves without the supervision of their civilized betters. Israel, therefore, will not hand over any more land and will not midwife “Palestinian” independence on land, in any case, that we have more right to than they. We Israelis, we Jews have as much right to Judea and Samaria as Barack Obama has to his home in Chicago, Illinois. Both names, state and city, come from the native Native Americans from whom Americans took that land.

We have as much right to this land as those parts of Germany that Czechoslovakia and Poland got to keep after the War.

Land here granted us by the League of Nations, which land grant renders every settlement in Judea and Samaria legal.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael

The Itamar Massacre

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Lastly, a smattering of other reactions to this latest illustration of what subcivilized brutes these Arabs are: the head of the opposition Princess Tsipora Livni issued a statement saying “The entire nation was united in sympathy for the family and supported IDF actions against terrorism.”

Tsipi, please: We are under attack not by an ism but Arabs, Muslims, Jew-hating barbarians.

And then there was Labor MK Isaac Herzog who said the attack was meant to ‘prevent the diplomatic process BUT it should not serve as an excuse by the prime minister for not presenting a diplomatic plan.” Herzog is a first class dimwit who has yet to figure out there is no diplomatic process and there has not been one for 17 and a half years.

Foreign Minister in France Alain Juppe, the new one, sounded like an Arab ventriloquist’s dummy when he “condemned all acts of violence in the occupied territories.”

But best of all was Uncle Shimon. He said the attack “indicates a loss of humanity. There is no religion in the world or any faith that allows these kinds of horrible acts.”

Shimon, there is a religion like that. It is called Islam.

And that’s another suggestion for Bibi besides asking him to pronounce the settlements legal. Israel should stop calling these Hamitic primitives “Balestinians” and start calling them Muslims. For that is who they are.

Absent any “Palestinian” culture in their heads, all they do have is Islam. Israel would do well to re-brand the enemy by telling the world that no longer will we call them “Balestinians” but Muslims and/or Arabs, even Ishmaelites, to remind the world that Ishmael was a wild ass of a man, and so are these neighbors of ours, these vicious, sadistic, conscienceless, brutish tribal savages…

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Democracy or Jew-Hatred? The Libyan Edition

…Well, speaking before the music of a website called, one of the news stories that prompted that thought was the interesting good piece on the website for Near East Policy by Simon Henderson on tomorrow’s “Day of Rage in Saudi Arabia,” which will be interesting to read after Shabbat, to see how it went in a country where the priesthood backs the king in his ruling that demonstrating against the government is a violation of Islamic law, of sharia.

You got that? This is home base, this country, for the Islamic religion world-wide, and here are its priests who could not be more un-American in backing a law which says it’s against your religion to protest against the government. You have no freedom of assembly.

Tell that the people in Madison, Wisconsin today. Tell that to the people in Berkeley, California or in San Antonio, Texas. Imagine a future when Islam conquers, G-d forbid, the United States and the official state religion in Texas is Islam, and this state mosque denies you the right to protest actions taken by the government. What would Texans say?

This is another reason why Islam must be outlawed, leastwise in the free and democratic west. Islam is the polar antithesis of the West’s culture and veneration of the ideas of liberty and freedom and independence and individuality unbridled by a government, to the extent that is possible.

Can you imagine living in a community under a king and a priesthood that tells you have no right to demonstrate against the government? And that if you do, it is not only a crime, it is a sin?

Maybe you saw the New York Times piece on Tuesday-Laurie Goodstein on Bridget Gabriel. It’s a fair bet Ms. Goodstein is typically dejudaized, Ivy League educated young woman who clearly objects to Bridget Gabriel the Lebanese Christian who suffered first hand at the hands of violent Muslims presenting a portrait that is “unrecognizable to those who study or practice the religion.”

This is the same spirit as that of the ADL and Reform Jews among whom Ms. Goodstein likely grew up. She recoils and singling out Islam for such a negative portrayal.

But that’s just the way it is…

Our High Court/NGO Gov’t

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The lede story in JPost hard copy this morning was the latest tactic of the Fatah enemy here, re-branded by the foolish Enlightened Oslo jerks as the Palestinian Authority. The front page’s major headline was “PA seeking to have Hamas removed from US, EU terror lists.”

Translation, rather implication: The Oslo Peace Process was a colossal mistake. The original sin was mistaking Fatah for a re-formed, ex-terrorist organization. The whole process rested on that belief. And once when the murder and mayhem got really hot and heavy here, St. Simon of Oslo admonished Arafat, when his people were butchering us big time, saying that at the White House he had ended his career as a terrorist and became a statesman, or words to that effect. Now he is an ex-terrorist, said Uncle Shimon.

In other words, this fool Peres and all the Oslo fools believed Arafat had finally sworn off terrorism. He believed this mass murderer of innocent people, as if mass murderers were not also capable of lying and dissembling and being insincere. That all these people believed in Arafat’s transformation is something for the next Barbara Tuchman-like historian to write in a sequel to her book called The March of Folly on how otherwise intelligent statesmen and leaders pursue obviously reckless and ultimately failed policies.

Prior to Oslo for 17 years the US demanded that Arafat renounce terrorism. He in turn produced one seeming renunciation after another but all were rejected for containing too many weasel words.

Finally, in 1988 the Jew-boys in the State Department persuaded their boss Secretary of State George Schultz that Arafat’s latest statement finally fit the jackpot bill, and he won recognition for having renounced off terrorism – only two years later he refused to denounce PLO terrorist Muhammad Abbas when he launched a Jew-massacre operation (thank G-d the IDF foiled that) and the recognition from America was withdrawn.

Still, in 1993 when Arafat promised Beilin, Peres and Rabin that this time he was sincere, they believed him, these morons, these immoral morons. Before asking Arafat to claim he would not be a terrorist any more, how about arresting and trying him and punishing him for all his terrorist crimes? Who were these idiots to arrogate the right to cleanse this evil man of his sins?

And JPost this morning told us that Nabil Shaath just made the rounds of friendly EU capitals asking that the EU and the US remove Hamas from their terror list of groups because that will enable Ancient Ones to reunite the two feuding wings of their Ancient Palestinian movement of national liberation.

Again, as in 1993, it would be a mistake to believe these people are ready for peace and membership in the family of nation-states because they still can’t see the difference between legitimate warfare and terrorist atrocities; what they call the armed struggle. What Nabil Shaath is asking for is their definition of what it means to fight clean.

They still don’t get it. And until they do – until they see and understand why civilized people are so nauseated by their tactics – such men must be given nothing…

The New Magic Words

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…As to last week’s revelation that in his new book the pope of Rome confessed a founding lie of his organization, a lie 2000 years old which had terrible consequences for us Israelites living under Roman Catholic rulers:

You all saw how the pope went beyond the 1962-65 Church conference called Vatican II which revolutionized Roman Catholic doctrine in its attitude toward Jews. Decided then was that the old doctrine according to which every Jew in every generation bore the guilt for killing a Jewish carpenter from Nazareth was now no longer “operative” – as the Nixon White House said during the Watergate mess. They liked to say that every day when exposed lying the day before, so that the previous day’s statements were called “inoperative.”

So that was really great, what happened in Vatican II in 1965. The Church ruled that only the Jews alive at the time were guilty. And here today’s pope has narrowed it down even further to just the big shots in the Jewish community associated with the Temple at the time.

Two things about this story: I have been surprised if not overly by how little attention has been paid to this story. Which is evidence, I guess, of how unimportant the Roman Catholic Church has become. I have thought for years they were a dying institution, leastwise since the sex scandals began to make the news of billion-dollar class action suits by thousands of men molested by their clergymen. I don’t think they can survive that, because now who cares what Roman Catholic priests say about anything?

I also imagine that Pope Benedict here may be reacting to his very insignificance by reaching out to the Jewish people because he sees the rising tide of Islam all around him in Europe and he is frightened. The Churches are empty in Europe. Christianity no longer is the elan vital of the continent.

And that is one reason Europeans are so confused in the face of the rising tide of Muslims all around them. In this they are like Israelis like Bibi who cannot draw on a religious identity to confront the menace of Islam – which for sure is a menace.

One wonders how Pope Benedict might react if Jews filed a class action suit against his church for damages resulting from this lie, this slander. I mean, this was the quintessential libeling of the Jews, calling us all homicides and deicides, since Jesus was both man and god, and as a result a lot of Jews suffered big time, to put it mildly.

Like the men today who sue the Church for their abuse at the hands of its predatory employees, might not us Jewish people go to court?

Well, I suppose that could make us look like greedy Jews trying to rip off the Church; all we care about is money. What we might do is waive monetary compensation and just demand moral compensation, moral support. I mean, this pope may be okay with Jews but the Vatican is a whole bureaucracy with all kinds of newspapers, magazines, columnists, publications and it has its share of antiJews consistently supporting the Ancient Ones in their war against us.

Why not then ask not for monetary reparations but just a change of Vatican heart? Let us see this pope say not only was this a 2,000 year-old lie about the Jews, so is Palestinian Nationalism another lie which like his Church’s classical doctrine has made Jew-killing an act of holiness in the holy war, the jihad. Like Catholicism’s aggression against al-Yahud, so Palestinian Nationalism has legitimized murdering us in ghastly violence.

Now that might make a bigger headline than his new book: “Pope says the Palestinian people is an antisemitic hoax”…

“Search your souls”

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Heck, two days ago at the White House, didn’t Imam Barack Hussein tell the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations to tell their friends and colleagues in Israel, “Search your souls”? That’s what Minister Barack Obama said. Minister, as in Minister Louis Farrakhan.

“Tell them, your fellow Jews in Jerusalem, to search their souls,” he said, and did so because at some level of cognition he understands this is a religious issue, and if Israel wants peace with Islam, it must hand over Haram al-Sharif – in the mind of Barack Hussein Obama. He wants Israelis to “search their souls” and confess their guilt that they are the obstacles to peace for greedily hanging onto property that they stole from the Ancient Ones. That is what is in his head.

That was what Barack Obama told those overwhelmingly non-practicing Jewish millionaires. “Search your souls.”

Yeah, souls. This is a religious conflict. And statehood for the Ancient Ones, this “national liberation movement,” is only a cover-up….

Wingate: As The World Turns

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: ‘How can an intelligent people only see the short term?’

…Today in response to yesterday’s raid of destruction at Khavat Gilad and the subsequent juvenile temper tantrum of teenagers and their delinquent rabble-rousing elders during which they vandalized Arab property and got 23 of themselves arrested, Prime Minister Netanyahu told his Likud Party this: “People do not understand where they are living. If you do not live in the real world, it is possible to disregard everything…we live in a very difficult international situation; the US veto in the UN Security Council was achieved with great effort. We could ignore everything and say ‘no problem,’ but as the prime minister who bears responsibility for this country, I have to be responsible.” The issue at hand of course was the de facto freeze on new building.

Translation: The protest of the settlers is that building in Yosh remains frozen and that is not right. Yes, but there are other factors besides this right.

And when he said, the UN veto was achieved with great effort, that was more euphemism. Translation: Everyone knows that there is in the White House an antiJew the likes of which we in Israel have never had to contend with. And we are walking on eggshells for the next two years with this enemy.

We have never been in a situation like this before with this man in the Oval Office and now 65 years after Auschwitz when stupid Europeans like Jean Asselborn of Luxembourg feel licensed once again to exercise their anti-Jew muscles and impulses.

You all cruise the MSM. You all know that Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen licensed himself to ridicule the Jewishness of a person; and now there is this fashion industry butterfly Galliano on YouTube with his antiJew verbal bilge sounding like Mel Gibson a few years back. Hollywood actress and Jewess Wynona Rider worked with him some years ago and she said his nickname for her was “Oven Dodger.” Galliano said something similar.

In other words, it is back in fashion that which for a couple generations was out of fashion: sneering at and mocking and publicly reviling Jews.

I also saw today on the Net some Serbian night club singer, a blond bombshell who has also gone public with her antiJew discomfort being around Jews.

And then there is that old Communist folksinger Pete Seeger, this phony upper class guy who went to Harvard University then made a career of pretending to be one of the people singing folk songs. He is now out and behind the boycott Israel movement as if we were South Africa; as if Zionism truly is racism. This is typical for Communists.

I think what Bibi was trying to say in his oblique way was that the violent among us are living in a bubble of their own. These are highly provincial communities; youths unaware of the outside world and that old-time hatred of Jews is now making a politically correct comeback. So we have to be more careful. So vandalism and rage after what happened at that farm is not a good thing.

Especially with the surrounding Hamites now swarming in their passions. G-d forbid some of our out-of-control teenagers leave a bomb in a mosque. Who knows what these barbarians are capable of and worse now that they have the rotting remnants of Christian civilization behind them…

Euro-AntiJewism Lives

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: KUHNER: Obama’s homosexual America

…On Friday in Maariv’s weekend political supplement, Kalman Liebeskind wrote about the amount of money a whole group of European states give to our mortal enemies here, the so-called Palestinians. Listed were 12 nations (perhaps a mirror-image reflection of the 12 tribes of Israel) plus the EU organization itself, all of them giving together one hundred million shekels’ worth of aid which goes into the pockets of Israeli and Arab NGOs whose life-blood is Israel-bashing in defense of Israel’s victims, the Ancient Ones.

Here’s the list of the countries from the biggest giver to the smallest: Number 1, Great Britain, then Norway, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Belgium and then of course the EU.

In other words, every one of these European countries uses these NGOs to undermine the policies of the democratically-elected government of Israel. Imagine what, for example, the UK might have said had Israel at the height of the North Ireland violence been revealed as supporting the IRA in any fashion. What would they say in Madrid if Israel were caught funneling money to the ETA, the Basque underground wanting just like the Ancient Ones their own state, with the difference being that the Basques really are an ancient people with all the characteristics of nationhood unlike the Balestinians about whom there is nothing Palestinian?

So via the Quartet, via the back door support for these NGOs that employ Jewish antiJews opposed to the democratically-elected government of their fellow Israelis, the Israelis working with the antiJews in Europe undermine, subvert, and betray, like all leftists the society they live in…

Jewish antiJewitis

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So it has come to this for the J Street perversion, this creation out of the mind of the Jewishly-deranged George Soros, inviting to their annual convention on Saturday night such as Roger Cohen of the New York Times and Naomi Chazan, head in Israel of the New Israel Fund which supports a whole flock of Israel-bashing NGOs; Peter Beinart a journalist who thus far has shown this reader he is a first class ignoramus when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict. His writing is absent all references to facts. It is like LTF’s writing on Israel: it is all emotion. LTF, Little Tommy Friedman, recently called Israel “a spoiled child.” No facts; no information. No intelligent reasoning on display. No arguments are made, just kvetching about how terrible we Jews here are to the Ancient Ones.

It’s an interesting phenomenon, I think, psychologically speaking, this syndrome; call it Jewish antiJewitis. You have this Jeremy Ben-Ami, head of J Street, like Friedman, like the famous scientist of politics in Israel here Dr. Beilin. All of them profess their love of Israel but, oddly, seem to have nothing good to say about it. It is this constant whining absent fact and argument, observations and logic.

It is an interesting syndrome, I think, in which these actors present themselves to the world as lovers of Israel, when all they do is bash it and make nice to Israel’s mortal enemy the Arab nation; they take the Arab side in the conflict. They help them make their case against Israel and justify them in their bitterness toward Israel.

Also in attendance on Saturday night at that J Street jamboree will be Michael Lerner editor of Tikkun Magazine. What a piece of work he is. When he started that magazine in the mid or late 80s, I was publishing on Israel with some success and sent him a piece on Islamic antisemitism.

He returned it with comments and requests, which is common for an editor. An editor will ask for a clarification about something that seems to be a contradiction. And what about the opposing argument?

So you re-work the piece to his specifications; and so I did and returned it. And again it came back with more requests and observations. I re-wrote it, returned it. Back it came a third time and by then it was clear this bum was just stringing me along. He would never publish it because of who he is, with whom I was unfamiliar at that time. Lerner it turns in the 1960s was just another local jerk in the Northwest (originally from New Jersey) like Abbie Hofman or Jerry Rubin, an attention-getting antiwar protestor. And now Israel was his target. My piece was about the role of antisemitism in Arab lands, and that role in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and in his mind that subject was taboo. I have never seen it discussed in the New York Times either.

He had no good arguments against anything I said in the piece. He just was incapable spiritually of printing it.

That’s who these Enlightened Jews in our time are: the Reform rabbis, this J Street crowd, the Thomas Friedmans and Yossi Beilins and Martin Indyks, Jews caught in the grasp of the claws of this strange spiritual disorder of claiming to be a big lover of Israel and Israelis who have nothing but venom to spit at us…

Hillary Ain’t No Jefferson

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Did you see Bibi’s statement issued Saturday night after Shabbos in reply to Imam Barack Hussein’s veto at the UN on Friday? Unlike Hillary Clinton’s flabby pabulum words, his was calculated, shrewd, clever and even sotto voce witty. Here it is: “Israel deeply appreciates the decision by President Obama to veto the Security Council Resolution today. Israel remains committed to pursuing comprehensive peace with all our neighbors, including the Palestinians. We seek a solution that will reconcile the Palestinians’ legitimate aspirations for statehood with Israel’s need for security and recognition.”

To repeat: “Israel remains committed to pursuing comprehensive peace with all our neighbors, including the Palestinians.” There is a world of history in this sentence, starting with the word “comprehensive.” My book in progress will pinpoint the day that word entered the lexicon used to talk of Israel and our fight for survival. It first appeared in a UN Security Council resolution in 1975, the same one (I think) which awarded the PLO observer status at the Council, i.e. the right to be present but have no vote. It was in the same year as the “Zionism is racism” vote in the General Assembly.

“Comprehensive” was a new word and it signified that for the desired peace referred to in Res. 242 of 8 years earlier after the Six-Day War to be realized, all parties to the conflict had to be satisfied. In 242, the parties concerned were Israel and the contiguous Arab states that went to war to destroy Israel. But starting in 1975, there was a new party to the conflict which also had to be satisfied: the Ancient Palestinians. And they were inserted – they were invented – to shield the Arab states so that they would not have to recognize Israel and make peace. So long as the Ancient Ones were dissatisfied, there would be no peace. And in 1975 the PLO was clear that satisfaction meant the destruction of Israel.

So here is Bibi in a way applying a little verbal jujitsu. Notice how he commits Israel to a “comprehensive peace, including the Palestinians,” which indicates satisfying all the Arab states, and only then the Palestinians. It is a way of saying that for Israel, this remains the Arab-Israeli conflict and not the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Notice too how he uses the word “legitimate,” when Hillary and Rice and Imam Barack Hussein used on Friday “illegitimate,” which here suggests that while the Ancient Ones have “legitimate aspirations” – and of course all aspirations are legitimate, which is not the same thing as all wishes are legal – they must conform to Israel’s need for security and recognition. This is like wanting to square the circle, for the only way to satisfy them is by crippling Israel’s security.

And as for Israel’s need for recognition: this is a lovely, low key reference to Islam undergoing a spiritual earthquake on a par with the Protestant Reformation or Vatican II’s cleansing of living Jews and future Jews of the guilt of killing the man from Nazareth.

Bibi surely knows that the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state is, at least for now and the foreseeable future, a messianic fantasy…

Sex, Jews & Cruelty

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Speaking before of the assault on Lara Logan the CBS TV journalist and the sex lives of too many Muslim males in Egypt, Israpundit carried Noni Darwish on the subject, and she knows best, being an Egyptian Muslim woman for most of her life. Now she is an ex-Muslim, and she writes with authority on the term “uncovered meat” that Muslim priests use to describe women without Muslim robes and covering in the street. She reports what corroborates what my traveling companion Angie told me about: the misery of walking in crowded Cairo. Darwish reports that 98% of foreign women are sexually harassed in Egypt.

And there is a connection between what happened to Lara Logan in Tahrir Square and who showed up in Tahrir on Friday, if not the famous Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, host of Al-Jazeera’s most popular show, a man banned from Egypt since 1961, this Muslim maniac of a mullah, a Sunni, who hates the West, hates Jews, hates women.

He is a supporter of the sexual mutilation of women. He is a supporter of the suicide bombing of Jews by his disciples in Hamas. And there is connection between the two facets of this culture, the suicide bombing of Jews and the sexual harassment, abuse and mutilation of women.

What is the connection? Those boys who blow themselves up are on their way to, let’s not forget, an endless, drunken orgy of deflowering virgins for all eternity. These are the boys who blow themselves up in crowds of Jews. And this Qaradawi is a justifier of the connection between those two phenomena. He took over Tahrir Square on Friday, that famous square where just the other day LTF and other Enlightened people in the West thrilled to the display of all these budding Muslim Thomas Jeffersons pining for democracy. The truth, I am sure, is that a major percentage of the men in that square were Muslim thugs like the brutes chanting “Jew Jew Jew” who assaulted that poor woman.

The sad truth of the Egyptians and of the so-called Palestinians, all these Arabs today in an uproar in like a dozen Arab states, is that as nations, citizens in a state with a unique history and culture as a people they can be proud of and take pleasure in, they are among the poorest people on earth who have only Islam – as Karl Marx would say – as their opiate; their religion as a drug to sooth the pain of their empty lives.

Did you ever notice the common black and blue mark on the forehead of a Muslim male which he gives to himself over a lifetime of bowing down to the ground like a slave and pressing his forehead into the stone floor of a mosque? Over the years this literally flattens the forehead and leaves a permanent black and blue mark.

But if the spiritual people of the Far East are right, there is an invisible third eye in the middle of a forehead, the true seeing eye of wisdom. You see it in statutes in the East, the Buddhas.

But if so, these Muslims spend a lifetime crushing that eye, blinding that eye, pressing it into the floor, extinguishing the light…

The Eternal Resistance

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…The latest skirmish in the eternal culture war here in Israel erupted yesterday when Education Minister Gideon Sa’ar said that starting next year his ministry will support school field trips to the Cave of the Machpelah in Hevron – to which our Enlightened politicians and journalists reacted predictably. That is the burial tomb of the three great couples.

Spitefully – which word may have meant full of spit – the Enlightened spit out their outrage. Haaretz was in fine form. Its front page team of Kashti, Hasson and Lis featured the head of Meretz and other opposition MKs to the plan, men and women of Enlightened views, who said this was “brainwashing.”

In classic Haaretz fashion – which is the first antisemitic newspaper written in the Holy Tongue – they also cited the NGO called Breaking the Silence whose crusade is exposing the racist, fascist, imperialist abuse of the Ancient Ones by Israel Defense Force soldiers. Its director Dana Golan asked that members of his group be allowed to accompany such school trips. “We don’t believe it is possible to visit the tomb and discuss the Jewish nation’s glorious past without discussing the circumstances that led to the present situation – the paralysis of commercial life” among the Ancient Ones there. “The shutting down of hundreds of shops, reprisal acts by the driving of thousands of Palestinians from their homes.”

What he is referring to is the Jewish enclave of less than a thousand Jews which has been re-established in formerly Judenrein town of 165,000 Ancient Ones according to this very article. “A few meters from the entrance to the tomb, there is a path for Palestinians and one for Jews. These are sights reminiscent of German propaganda from 1933 and later.”

This moron doesn’t know the origin of those two paths. Before 1967 there was only one path: for Ancient Ones only; Muslims only, no Jews allowed. And that we allow these people to continue to practically defile our holy site is testimony to our peaceful intentions.

He went on, “Hebron is a bad example for all of the occupation’s ills. You cannot educate to humanism and tolerance and peace while sending students to visit the Tomb of the Patriarchs.”

Yeah, he wants to educate to humanism; he does not want to educate to Judaism.

It is hard to decide here what is worst: the pathetic hatred of one’s own people, the historical ignorance, or the bizarre misinterpretation of the situation.

This pro-“Palestinian” Israeli seems not to now that before 1967, this biblical city, the first capital of King David, was perfectly Judenrein, off limits to Jews. He seems not to know that for a thousand years and more, Muslims prohibited Jews from visiting what is basically the family plot of the Jewish nation. A Jew could only walk up the first seven steps toward the tomb. If he stepped on the eighth he would be beaten.

In 1929, in August, the tiny community was so savaged by a rampaging mob of Arabs the British afterwards forcibly drove the survivors in the community from their homes because they said they could not defend them from the Arabs; that it was for their own safety. That put an end to thousands of years of Jewish life in Hevron altogether.

And then since 1968 this now 1000-person community has brought the neighborhood back to life. And it is defended by the armed soldiers of the Jewish people who keep the other 165,000 at bay. Without the IDF, they would tear them to pieces in their ghetto neighborhood. What these Jewish antiJews see is this tiny community bullying and oppressing the other 165,000.

In 1994, thanks to the immoral temper tantrum of Baruch Goldstein, the ghetto had to be strengthened and in the process some Arabs were evicted.

And it is for them these Enlightened leftists are pouting.

There is something wrong with these people, these embarrassingly ignorant and traitorous dejudaized Israelis…

Antisemitism Itself

Internet Radio

[audio:|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…Well, with the news out of Egypt today much more subdued, with many in the crowds of the last two weeks going back to their usual lives, the Muslim Brotherhood did announce it was going to field candidates for the coming elections for the new parliament.

Of course they will. In 2005 that won 88 of the 454 seats of the lower house, and it is a reasonable assumption that they actually won far more than that but the level of corruption held their mandate down to 88.

And last November, what do you know, those poor Brothers did not win even one seat. And it is a fair bet not because their popularity had plummeted but because Mubarak’s loyalists gave them no quarter this time.

So if they field a slate of candidates for elections in the fall, they might not, probably won’t win a majority. But they could win the plurality and end up as the largest party, especially since there are something like two dozen other parties – a sign of how this community hasn’t got a clue about the mechanics of good democratic government machinery. Like in Israel: too many parties. Real democracies are like the human body divided between left and right, heart and mind; and they tend to two produce two big parties, not dozens.

And the campaign is already underway to whitewash the Brotherhood. It will proceed apace for sure.

But the free and democratic Westerners must not let themselves be fooled about a new and improved, moderate, modern Brotherhood. No more of that old-time religious jihadi fanaticism for them. You know, Barack Obama’s and James Clapper’s vision of multiple voices in a heterogeneous Brotherhood.

Perhaps. But the fact remains that the leader of the Brotherhood remains Mr. Muhammad Badie, 66, who just recently, according to Charles Levinson in today’s Wall Street Journal, pledged that the Brotherhood “would continue to raise the banner of jihad against the Jews,” which he called the group’s “first and foremost enemies.”

Levinson then added he has also “railed against American imperialism and calls for the establishment of an Islamic state.” And I point out: notice the sequence, the priorities. First, the Jew-hatred; then the America-hatred; then the wish for an Islamic state.

All of which makes perfect sense to yours truly. For the Qur’an – what Emir Barack Hussein calls respectfully the Holy Qur’an – does contain many, many verses about Jews and they are not positive to say the least. There is even one verse which Mr. Badie here seems to be quoting almost verbatim. It says that of all the enemies of Believers in the world, the Jews are number one. They are the most hostile to Believers, “even more than Christian priests.”

As I said before, Islam is less an antisemitic religion and more a religion of antisemitism…