Spiritual Rabies

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110213_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…What is going on here? What is going on here is what has gone on in every century for thousands of years: there is a mass hysteria out there among many people when they think about us Jews. Here is this UN woman who equates us with these other, savage people.

Adolf Hitler, remember, I mentioned last webcast, believed the Jews were bent on exterminating all Germans, so in self-defense he took action. Ergo, Auschwitz and the extermination factories, the camps, the slave labor. What a plague of madness Nazism was, a kind of mental influenza epidemic or spiritual Bubonic plague like the physical one in the 14th century that carried off like a third of Europe. In Europe in the 1940s, in the 20th century, tens of millions of people died as if there had been a bubonic plague, a Black Death, only this time the disease was spiritual, mental. It was the Nazi mindset which infected not only Germans but many people in Europe. Everywhere the Germans conquered and exterminated Jews they were helped by the locals, often enthusiastically. In Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Holland, Croatia, Ukraine, etc. The locals often led the way for the German exterminators.

There was a homicidal madness in the air, a kind of spiritual rabies which turned human beings into homicidal maniacs against the Jews, on the basis of a fantasy of Jewish evil that had no basis in reality…

Nazis and Muslims

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110210_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Is Egypt Hopeless

…So, as I say, I finished this book on Nazi propaganda which exposed for me as never before how thoroughly insane not only Hitler but his lieutenants and legions of Germans were; ensnared in their insane perception of what we Jews are up to.

It was a totally crazed distortion of the truth which made our image in their minds that of sinister, evil, functionally in league with the devil people who are out to get them and then the whole word.

I finished the book about the same day the news out of Egypt began hinting that these demonstrations were no passing phenomenon; they were becoming serious. They started in the last week of January, and there in the official PA newspaper Al-Hayat al–Jadida on 26 January, in the sports section for some reason (all of this according to PMW/Palestinian Media Watch site, thank goodness for them) an article described Israel this way: Israel is a country “whose aim is destruction and the ruin of humanity. It disseminates destruction, ruin and weapons in the world. It acts to kill nations, to threaten them and to occupy their land. It acts to disseminate the culture of hatred and racism among human beings.”

This article in the official PA mouthpiece also referred to Mt. Carmel, which was built up by us Jews after 14 centuries of no development under Muslims and Arabs. It was barely populated into the 1920s; today hundreds of thousands of Jews live on its slopes and on top of it; the University of Haifa is up there. The PA newspaper called it“the occupied Palestinian Carmel mountain.”

But pay attention less to the anti-Jew coveting of what we developed and claiming it is all rightfully theirs and take notice for a moment of the claim that Israel wants to “destroy and ruin humanity and disseminate a culture of hatred and racism among human beings.”

This is the “moderate,” centrist, great white hope PA talking. This material is functionally Hitlerian. For Hitler and his henchman truly believed that the Jews were out to get Germany, that they were not only Germany’s Public Enemy No. 1; they were out to exterminate all Germans and then go after the rest of mankind…

Islam’s Silent Majority

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110208_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Anti-Semitic Imagery at Egypt Protests Draws Yawns from Western Media

…Speaking before of Gen. Jim Jones at Herzliya in his functionally religious vision of Arab-Israeli violence as something G-d wants Emir Barack Hussein to put an end to in order for peace on earth to reign, on Saturday at the annual Munich Security Conference British prime Minister David Cameron surprised many by addressing the intolerance of Muslims living inside European communities like his own, for which he was chastised by the Enlightened media in his country and elsewhere – the Enlightened are simply incapable of criticizing Muslims.

But even he exhibited the terrible tendency to see Muslim terror as the work of extremists in Islam. As JPost’s anonymous editorialist today put it, “Unlike those on the far right, he recognized the difference between Islam and Islamist extremism and specifically rejected the claim that “Islam and the West are irreconcilable – that there is a clash of civilizations…the extremism we face is a distortion of Islam…let us give voice to those followers of Islam in our own countries – the vast, often unheard majority – who despise the extremists and their worldview.”

Here almost ten years now after 9-11, he sounds like Pres. Bush, Jr. right after 9-11 at his worst: preaching how Islam is a religion of peace.

But when he said, “Let us give voice to those in our own Muslim communities who despise the extremists,” he inadvertently touched upon a major truth without being aware of it. What did he mean, “Let us give voice to those who despise the extremists”? The problem with his “vast, often unheard majority” is that they themselves don’t give themselves voice. If he and his ruling elite see it as their role to give them voice, all is lost. If they themselves do not speak up, then like the righteous men of Sodom, they deserve to perish with the guilty.

The problem with Islam is that the vast majority either approves of the terror devils or says nothing against them, let alone does something against them.

Let us assume that of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims, the overwhelming majority are not terrorists; and I believe that 99% of them are not. Let us be even more generous. We Jews constitute not 1% of the world’s population, not even a half of one percent, but a half of that, so let us assume Muslim murderers constitute only one half of one percent of Muslims. That still means there are over 3 million of these maniacs, with all the rest either silently cheering them on or taking no action against them.

Someday, there will be leaders, G-d willing, who go beyond the still politically polite and correct David Cameron who understand that the distinction between Islam and Islamism is baloney.

Islam the culture is the obstacle to peace on earth, not us Yidden here in Samaria and the hills of Judea…

The Muslim Brotherhood II

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110206_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: The Muslim Brotherhood Hates Us

…Lastly, the desire by people in the West this week like Hillary Clinton to see Egypt “transition to democracy” is a misconceived notion.

And the reason for that is that democracy requires a different religious culture. The famous German sociologist Max Weber’s most famous book was called The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

And indeed there is a connection between the free market and the concept of freedom. Protestantism was a cry for freedom and far more rooted in the Torah miSinai than Roman Catholicism; the Torah whose Ten Commandments begin with HaShem identifying himself not as the Creator of the Universe but the Redeemer of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery.

What Egypt needs today; what the Arab world and Islam need today before democracy is a reformation of Islam. They need less a political than a religious revolution which, G-willing, will teach them to stop persecuting the Copts in Egypt and Christians elsewhere in Islam in Iraq, Pakistan.

They need a reformation which will delegitimize murdering apostates, murdering non-believers in acts of horrendous terrorist atrocities, and above all, legitimize the right of us Jews to live free of Qur’anically mandated, Muslim oppression and humiliation.

That is another instance of their psychological projection: they crave humiliating us, so they accuse us of humiliating them.

So that’s it for this Sunday evening, the first of the week. I’ll be back on Tuesday, G-d willing. Until them, leila tov mi Eretz Yisrael.

The Muslim Brotherhood

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110203_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
…So it’s been interesting this week to scan the different reactions of the different players to what has been happening in Egypt and how, as observed last webcast, hostility to Mubarak in Egypt has been very much a function of his keeping Anwar Sadat’s peace treaty with Israel.

Today a JPost correspondent in Cairo, Ben Hartman, wrote up interviews with “the man in the street,” young men in the Square who described the “years of peace with Israel as a humiliation.” One even said, “Egyptians feel still feel their country is not completely free of the Israeli occupation of Sinai” that ended with Camp David. “The Egyptian army can’t enter Sinai, we feel it is still Israel. There are Israeli people there all the time when we go. Yes, we have peace but we have no dignity.”

Got that? So long as there are Jews that are free there, Egyptians can have no dignity. He is just referring to tourists.

Another demonstrator holding a picture of Mubarak with a Star of David on his forehead – I’ll bet a lot of you saw that – said, “We don’t want to take orders from Israel anymore.” This guy’s delusional. Another said, “All Egyptians hate Israel.” And so on and so forth.

And now let’s revisit that George Soros piece in the Washington Post today where he sees Israel as “the main stumbling block” to American foreign policy in the Middle East. He said, “Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interests.” George Soros, you know, knows better. “And AIPAC,” he said, “is no longer the sole representative of the American Jewish community.” Egypt is exploding and this man is attacking AIPAC.

He is not alone in being obsessed like this, virtually driven. Look at LTF today, Little Tommy Friedman, in his column. As Egypt comes apart at the seams, and one Arab state after another faces restive masses, Friedman managed to work into his piece the term “apartheid state” which, for the umpteenth time, he warned Israel is in danger of becoming if it uses this Egypt crisis not to make peace with the “moderates” among the Ancient Ones.

Soros is obsessed. Friedman is obsessed. Friedman quoted Arab pollster in Yosh Khalil Shiqaqi, whose Islamist brother, I remember, Fathi Shiqaqi, was liquated in Malta by the Mossad some years back. Khalil Shiqaqi called Israel, “paranoid, messianic and greedy.”

Just like the Egyptian demonstrators in Talat at-Tahrir, Jewish antiJews today are driven to strike out at Israel. How upset they are because the chaos in Egypt has only strengthened Israelis in our distrust of the sons of Ishmael and given us further reason not to surrender the heart of the heart of the Promised Land to our mortal enemies.

Yeah, scary times. But as the Chinese say, interesting times, especially for us Jews whose independent existence on a strip land 50 miles across unhinges the soul of man…

Obama Knows What He is Doing

Internet Radio

[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110201_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa]
Program Link: Obama Egypt Strategy Could Place US at Risk

…Kenneth Timmerman, the investigative journalist, posted on Newsmax yesterday material that was a significant catalyst for my thoughts this evening. I’ll put up the link.

He reports that two months before Obama’s Cairo speech, he welcomed two members of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood to the White House.

He also, and I remember this, lifted the ban on Tariq Ramadan coming to the States. He is the grandson of the founder of the Brotherhood Hassan al-Banna, who was also, by the way, the uncle of the notorious Jew-killing terrorist Sabri al-Banna better known as Abu Nidal, who likely met his end when, for whatever reason, Saddam Hussein had him murdered. Tariq Ramadan is an intellectual who lives in Geneva and his game is denying the evil of Islamic fundamentalism. He was invited to be a scholar-in-resident at Notre Dame, the American University in Indiana, but was denied entry into the country during W’s time in office.

The MSM today here in Israel and elsewhere has focused on opinion in Israel, concerning the outrageous behavior of Obama in turning his back on Mubarak.

I think it is not so much that the US does not know what it is doing. I think Obama knows exactly what he is doing.

HaShem Yirakhem. God have mercy…

Egypt: The Nightmare Scenario

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:45 Mins)
…In Middle East expert Barry Rubin’s blog today, he said there are far too many Middle East experts pitching the view that if and when the Brotherhood takes over in Egypt, it won’t be so bad.

In the Weekly Standard today, their terrorism expert Thomas Joscelyn took one of these experts to task, Bruce Reidel, former CIA operative and currently an advisor to the Muslim in the White House who no doubt is also unperturbed by the prospect of the Brotherhood coming to power in Cairo. Why would Barack Obama be when he has had nothing but good things to say about Islam, this totalitarian, antisemitic, anti-Western, anti-freedom culture fit for slaves and slaves of slaves? In his Friday statement on the situation in Egypt, Emir Barack Hussein, as he did in his Cairo speech in the spring of 2009, raped history when he glorified “the Egyptian people who want a future that befits the heirs to a great and ancient civilization.”

Was he referring to the Pharaonic civilization or the culture of Islam, which I intentionally call a culture and not a civilization because word derives from “civitas”/citizenship in a city-state, but in Araby there are no cities to compare to cities in the West or Japan, and now China’s burgeoning cities?

If Prince Barack Hussein had in mind the age of the Pharaohs, well, today’s Egyptians are not their heirs. They don’t speak their language; they don’t read and live by their texts like the Egyptian Book of the Dead. They don’t worship their gods, celebrate their festivals. In fact, the heirs of that civilization do exist, in a way, barely, among the persecuted 10% of Egypt that is Coptic Christian. The very word Coptic is related to the word Egypt. The name of the country comes from the language of the Pharaohs which the Copts have preserved in some form.

On the contrary, today’s Egyptians may be biologically descended from the ancient Egypt but otherwise they are Arabic-speaking Muslims because in the year 640 of the Common Era the Muslims overran the country and implanted not their civilization but their culture. Indeed, when tourists visit Egypt, what they are coming to see are the remnants of Pharaonic Egypt not anything the Muslims built there.

So Prince Barack Hussein was at it again, acting like Louis Farrakhan and his ilk of lunatics with their ridiculous distortions of history…

Jewish Prostitutes

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:15 Mins)
…And so does Alan Dershowitz in today’s Wall Street Journal, this two-faced man who divides his loyalty between the Children of Israel that he was born into and the politically correct, fashionable legend of the “victims” of Zionism.

What a pathetic and even intellectually corrupt lightweight Dershowitz is. On the one hand, he writes books and articles defending his dejudaized notion of Israel but on the other flacks for the Jew-killers and supports their demand for ownership of Judea and Samaria.

Today Dershowitz was writing against the PLO and its drive for a resolution in the UN Security Council condemning the settlements. And here was his lede sentence: “Although I have opposed Israel’s civilian settlements in the West Bank since 1973, I strongly believe that US should veto a resolution..,” etc.

And the second paragraph’s lede: “There is a big difference between a government action being unwise, which the Israeli policy is, and being illegal, which it is not.”

What a crumbum. Think of this. He and LTF (Little Tommy Friedman), by the way, have been doing this for decades: speaking out of both sides of their mouths; recognizing the legality of our communities here, but calling the settlements “unwise.” And that is because there is a higher value than their legality and that is peace which will come about via the two-state solution which these settlements are an obstacle to.

You see, while we may have a legal right to live and build here – as he admits here – and make our lives here in Judea and Samaria, there is something far more important than our rights, and that is a peace which honors the right of the Ancient Ones to a state.

In other words, their rights are superior to our rights. And in this both of these and other Jewish prostitutes sell out our rights, as Esau sold his right for a bowl of porridge – in exchange for which these dejudaized Jews get to sing and dance in the public arena. They are welcome in the pages of the MSM, or as Sarah Palin calls it, the Lame Stream media.

As I say, opposition to Jewish life restored in the heart of the heart of the Promised Land has become the credo of all Enlightened lovers of peace not only here between us Jews and the Ancient Ones, but peace in the whole Middle East, in the whole world. We settlers have become the obstacle to the arrival of the Prince of Peace and we do that by insisting on our rights, which Friedman and Dershowitz dismiss as not worthy of defending.

They should be ashamed of themselves. For sure they support, fought for, the rights, the civil rights of Negroes a generation ago in America. But for them the Jew-killers of the PLO have a greater right to this land than the Jews they were born into and claim to care so much about…

The Pali-Leaks

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:51 Mins)
…I believe I sort of thought like that myself at the time and remained a believer in returning all land throughout the 1970s. I too was waiting for that to happen until I began to study the Arabs and Islam intensively and discovered a whole world I had not known about.

Reading of Livni in conversation with these Arab terrorists in suits, I could only wish to interview her and ask her if she had ever read the Qur’an. If she had ever read even one book on the life of Jews under Islam for fourteen centuries. I doubt it. I doubt Condi Rice and Dennis Ross and Danny Kurtzer and LTF have ever read such books either. I doubt they have read The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai

In Israel today, such peace processors as Dubi Weisglass who was Sharon’s errand boy to Washington to W and Rice, was claiming the Pali-Leaks show there was a partner on the other side for their concessions.

In the Guardian as well, LTF’s British soul-mate Jonathan Freeland was also saying the same thing. See how compromising the Arabians are. Those Israelis who said there is no partner on the other side are wrong and these texts prove it. None other than the Holocaust Denier was admitting that it was not realistic that millions of Ancient Ones would return to Israel because as Israel says that would destroy Israel. So let us just settle for 100,000.

You know many babies these polygamists could produce with an influx like that?

But above all, missing from this whole brouhaha was even one word about the Temple Mount amid all these claims of how moderate the Ancient Ones are.

The whole thing is a farce and worse: a manifestation of the foolishness and ignorance and naïve immorality of Israelis like Livni, Olmert her boss, Weisglass and others thinking that these negotiations are conducted in earnest sincerity. They don’t know the word “taqqiya” in Arabic: dissembling.

The immorality of dealing with these people is matched only by the foolishness of it…

The Wrong Remedy

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:07 Mins)
…According to the Los Angeles Times today, Sunday, when all literate and upscale Americans spend their mornings perusing the prestige press as on no other day, there was their man in Jerusalem Edmund Sanders reporting on “Israeli intolerance on the Internet, in the Knesset, on the street.” That’s the headline.

For starters, he says, there was an anonymous Internet video calling for the killing of the deputy state prosecutor Sha’i Nitzan “for betraying his Jewish roots by beginning a criminal inquiry into racist threats and hate speech” on two, count ‘em two Israel-based Facebook pages with statements in Hebrew calling for “Death to the Arabs.” Said Sanders, “It was the latest and most overtly violent sign of what many here are calling a wave of intolerance towards people of different races, religions, orientations and viewpoints.”

And then he goes on, of course, to cite the rabbis’ letter a few weeks back warning of the Arabs’ strategy of destroying Jewish communities from within by providing funds to buy Jewish homes at inflated prices.

And then he cited Princess of Peace Tsipora Livni, head of “the centrist Kadima Party” [and never mind it is a leftist party now] who has warned that ‘an evil spirit has been sweeping over the country.'” And Defense Minister Ehud Barak also said, “A wave of racism is threatening to pull Israeli society into dark and dangerous places.”

He also cited Minister Dan Meridor who rejects the cabinet’s recent decision calling for a loyalty oath for new citizens with the credo that Israel is a Jewish state [and never mind that new citizens in Edmund Sanders’ United States also raise their hands to pledge their allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.] Meridor, who comes from the secular right like Livni – he used to be Menachem Begin’s protégé – said, “This is not the Israel we know.”

And then the citing of the headline in Haaretz last month: “A Time to Hate” dealing with the same phenomenon.

And how did yours truly get to the LA Times Sunday paper today? Why, via Haaretz.com which reported on it with the headline “L.A. Times on Israel: Rising racism, homophobia and discrimination. Major U.S. newspaper follows what it calls is a recent ‘wave of intolerance’ that is washing over the country.”

You see what’s going here? This airless, incestuous, closed-circuit of Jew-bashing. Livni and Barak protest a wave of racism, Haaretz writes them up, then Sanders in Jerusalem writes that up for his newspaper, then Haaretz writes up Sanders’ write-up.

What a racket, this racket, this noise of Jew-bashing that bears no resemblance to reality and truth. There is no wave of racism here…

Paralysis in Zion

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (5:06 Mins)
…There are times when yours truly here despairs, and that happens whenever some enemy mouthpiece spews his historical lies of “Palestinian” Nationalism which official Israel never responds to, never attacks and demolishes as the IDF did today that terrorist at Mevo Dotan.

“Palestinian” Nationalism is as much a lie about the Jewish people as the Blood Libel that Sarah Palin rightly referred to in her own self-defense against haters of everything she stands for.

All of 19th and 20th century antisemitism was a mountain of lies about evil Jews conspiring against mankind; as much as the medieval Blood Libel was of Jews murdering non-Jews for their blood as an “essential” ingredient in Passover matzo, you know, for this blood-thirsty cult of devil worshipping Jews.

But oddly, very oddly, Israel’s ruling elite in our time never ever chooses to call out our enemies for their lies about the allegedly ancient, indigenous landlords of “Balestine.”

On the contrary, all of them – to a man and a woman and even among many religious, nationalist right-wingers – they refer to these people as “Palestinians” with no awareness, apparently, that every time anyone refers to “the Palestinians,” it is another nail in, if not our coffin than in the cross to which we Jews in Israel have been nailed for what we allegedly did to the Ancient Ones, who have to be compensated.

Gone are the Zionist pioneers found in the best-selling book of 1959 Exodus by Leon Uris, which book made a Zionist out of lots of people, out of Natan Sharansky and yours truly and others who saw the Hollywood movie. That generation of Jewish pioneers/halutzim was simply not perceived by the world as stealing Palestine from “the Palestinians.” That would have been impossible because those halutzim WERE the “Palestinians,” and the Arabs were “the Arabs,” because that is how the Arabs called themselves.

There was no Palestine Liberation Organization before 1964. What existed in 1944, three years before the Partition Plan, was the AHC, the ARAB Higher Committee run by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who in 1919, reacting to the plan of creating a country called Palestine that the Arabs never had known, founded a newspaper called Southern Syria. And for the remaining forty years of his miserable life as the leader of the Arabs here, he preached that there was no such country as Palestine.

It was impossible in the 1940s for the world to accuse us Jews of stealing Palestine from the Palestinians, when for fourteen centuries Palestine had meaning only to Jews and Christians. The country simply did not exist for these Arabs, for these Muslims. It doesn’t appear in the Qur’an.

But of this massive lying about history lurking in the black hearts of “Palestinian” nationalists, Israelis, from Bibi on down, say nothing. And I find that odd, even weird.

And because it is so weird, one suspects the wellsprings of this behavior are very deep and meaningful.

If Israelis were to face the truth that today’s Israel-haters are just another variety of Jew-haters; that the lies the Arabs tell about the past are in a league with the Blood Libel and Holocaust Denial, Israelis would have to face the reality that becoming an “Israeli” was an absolute failure, for their type of non-religious Zionism insisted that statehood would put an end to antisemitism, a/k/a the irrational, mendacious homicidal hatred of Jews and anti-Jew persecution.

And that for them might be such a shock to the system, they couldn’t stand it…

Barak Pulls An “Arik”

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:18 Mins)
…Last Friday in JPost, before this latest coup in Israeli domestic politics, their party expert Gil Hoffman interviewed the brand new, 35 year-old Labor party secretary-general Hilik Bar, who is a Jerusalem city council member. The interview was conducted in a “popular waffle bar in the capital. Bar has been spending a lot of time with average Joes around the country touring Labor branches where activists have told him they had not been visited by any Labor MK in four years.”

So not only do Israeli MKs not have individual constituents who vote for them and must be catered to, they don’t even have a local branch of activists in the party to answer to.

And as for Hilik Bar’s four-step plan (at least as of last week; today’s his party is in shambles) to “advance the party” and send a message to the skeptical press and public that it is actually on the way up, not down. First, he using the budget available to him -now that much of the party debt is paid – to renew activity in Labor’s branches with an emphasis on taking advantage of the student leadership that the party still dominates on campuses nationwide. He says Labor’s relatively strong Young Guard proves that the young generation is looking for an ideological party with roots. Next month a new Labor Party interactive website will be launched that he promises will be the most sophisticated of any party site in the country. It will include social networking for party activists and a large section on the party’s heritage. And he promises a new membership drive with the slogan “Build the party that built the country.”

Notice his target is students in the academy, campus politicians with ambitions of becoming professional politicians. Not a word about the struggles of the worker in this country.

It’s a country with no middle class. Only the well-off and the rest of us who can’t make ends meet from month to month.

Have you seen how the foreign ministry has been on strike, cancelling official visits? I don’t blame them. The staffers are paid poverty wages, like the cops, like the teachers.

It is a country ripe for a serious labor movement but these Israelis walk around in darkness…

Tunisia & Kudos for Bibi

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:12 Mins)
Program Link: Jerusalem opens Muslim Quarter Jewish site to prayer, upsetting status quo

…So Tunisia is turmoil. Algeria next door has had its riots, and Algeria has them periodically at least for a quarter-century. In 1988, there were food riots there because the government raised the price of bread, which led to the army not the civil police being called out to contain the demonstrators; which demonstrations were stopped by killing 500 of them.

This led after a couple of years to an attempt at democratic elections called by the dictatorship to pacify the people. As in Arab Yesha in 2006, when Hamas won – much to the chagrin of the famous Middle East experts and ignoramuses Condoleeza Rice and Monitor Jimmy Carter. It was as if these two had not heard that 14 years earlier in Algeria, the Islamists had won such an election against the old-time Marxist-Leninist FLN elite, who had proven themselves since 1962 to be as corrupt as the Janissaries in Algiers when it was still a pirate city. The FLN had called for that election, but then the next day the results displeased the FLN, so post facto they canceled the results. Talk about p.o.-ing the people. Promising elections, then holding elections, then canceling the results. Well…

This then led to more than a decade of rebellion which was about as satanic as you can get. 200,000 people not killed, not soldiers fighting other soldiers, but 200,000 civilians at random butchered, ambushed on the roads, children beheaded in front of their parents.

I’ve been to Algeria. It is a scary place. These are thuggish people. I was glad to take the train at the end of my stay across the country into Tunisia where the atmosphere was very different. When the founding father of Tunisia Habib Bourguiba replaced the departing French colonial regime in 1956, he wisely chose to maintain civil relations with France. And over the years, one major Tunisian business has been tourism for Europeans who line the beaches in winter staying in hotels providing good and friendly service.

Versus Algeria. Have you ever heard of anybody going on vacation to Algeria? Probably not, and there is a reason for that. They are a xenophobic, suspicious bunch. They don’t like foreigners. In Algiers, when I was there in 1983, only the crudest kind of map for foreigners was available. And in any case the street signs had deliberately been left in place since the French had departed in 1962; bilingual signs in French and Arabic, only twenty-one years later they had not been replaced only defaced by the regime. The French name of the street was painted over with a slash of blue paint, leaving only the Arabic. So even with one of these crude maps of the capital city, if you didn’t read Arabic it was pretty hard to get around. And thus do the Algerians enshrine and perpetuate their hatred and resentment of the French who ruled them for 132 years…

Hillary in Araby

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:46 Mins)
…Lastly, I don’t want to let the following quotation slip away: In the matter of the cerebral fever swamps of today’s liberals who blame Sarah Palin and conservatives for the horror last Saturday in Tucson, Arizona, here are the words of that quintessential, 1960s’, pointy-headed liberal intellectual Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., the in-house idolater of the Kennedy clan, after Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated by an Arab a few years in the United States on the first anniversary of the Six-Day War, June 5, 1968, in a hotel kitchen in Los Angeles. The facts of the murderer were known immediately, but Schlesinger – like Caspar Weinberger had a paternal German Jewish grandfather, hence the name, but who in likely reaction always made sure to be anti-Jew -was incapable of dealing with the truth that his friend Bobby had been shot dead because in the wake of the glorious Six-Day War he wanted to be associated with miraculous Israel and became its greatest champion in the Senate in the matter of sending Israel its first shipment of American warplanes, Phantom jets. That is why Sirhan Sirhan murdered him.

Instead, Schlesinger, four days later, opined in print, perhaps because his friend Jack had been assassinated in 1963, and two months earlier Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered in that earthquake of a year 1968, with its burning city riots, Schlesinger said, “the United States was home to a violent people with a violent history, and the instinct for violence has seeped into the bloodstream of our national life…”

This is crazy. Schlesinger surely knew the gunman was an Arab, a “Jordanian immigrant.” Today he would be called a “Palestinian” immigrant. Schlesinger read the newspapers and watched TV just like everybody else. Still he went on, “What sort of people are we, we Americans…today we are the most frightening people on this planet…This was so because of the war in Vietnam… [America must recognize that] the evil is in us, that it springs from some dark, intolerable tension in our history and our institutions…a primal curse fixed on our nation…perhaps when we began the practice of killing and enslaving those whom we deemed our inferiors because their skin was another color….”

This was the liberal mind even then, like today, reflexively lashing out at others because they don’t measure up to his liberal’s standards of morality and tolerance. Instead of fingering the Arabs and their chronic, homicidal hatred of Israel, Schlesinger chose to vilify Americans for being racist killers and enslavers.

Maybe someday the DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, will register a new one called Liberalitis…

Liberals hate Free Speech

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:05 Mins)
Program Link: Gauthier: “Jerusalem legally belongs to Jews”

Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 4th day, zion beShvat, Parashas Beshalakh, tav-shin-ayin-alef, the evening of the 3rd day Tuesday, 11 January, 2011, webcasting from Israel with one eye, the one still working, on the United States of America.

Interesting coincidence today for this dual citizen of Israel and the good ole’ USA. Variations on the same theme of a story. In the US, the national chatter is over freedom of speech, the freedom of speech for the huge demographic segment of the American electorate, the non-inside the Beltway people who like and support the ideas and values and attitudes of Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, conservative politicians, Tea Party people.

The Nightmare on Main Street in Tucson, Arizona has had the liberal, even libertine pundits and politicians shrieking about conservatives being the real culprit, inciting such violence with their speech. They, not the madman with the gun, are responsible for the heinous murder of six people and that congresswoman’s grievous wounding. It is the speech of conservatives that bear responsibility for these crimes. That’s how contemporary liberals think.

I used to be liberal. And I can chart two points in my career when I started the process of deliberalizing and completed it; when I finally had to admit it to myself that I no longer was a liberal. Between 1967 and 1984. And what launched the process was the Six-Day War, rather the reaction to the Six-Day War by the Left. And this, by the way, was the beginning of the Neo-Conservative movement, people who no doubt also recoiled as I did at that leftist response to Israel’s wonderful week of glory. They didn’t like it, and by the fall of that year the Left was bashing Israel’s racist, fascist, imperialist aggression of the previous spring.

It was an extraordinary assault on the truth. And in the earth-shaking year of 1968, the idea of the Ancient Ones was percolating to be born in 1969. That is, the birth of the Palestinians as a political player and the birth of their “narrative,” which is a full-bore assault on the truth of historical facts, a functionally full-blown denial of reality of virtually psychotic intensity…

The Daily Human Sacrifice

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:40 Mins)
Program Link: Allen West: It is my duty to defend Israel!

…Last Wednesday, when I went into Hadassah hospital (more about that later) the Knesset did something that should have been done long ago. It decided to establish a committee to investigate Israel’s NGOs with a view to exposing the facts about those who foot their bills.

Of course NGO Monitor of Gerald Steinberg and others know the facts. Their backers are European governments and anti-Jew outfits like the Ford Foundation named for Henry Ford I whose photograph was the only one on Hitler’s wall or desk (I forget which.) Ford was a great admirer of Adolf Hitler, and the feeling was mutual. Ford’s assembly line process seems to have been the model for the extermination camps; the Henry Ford who in the 1920s during Hitler’s rise in Germany was publishing his own newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, in Michigan which was as antisemitic in its ravings as any of Hitler’s publications.

I’ve suggested to you before the idea that these European-backed NGOs pretending to be human rights organizations are interested only in the human rights of the Ancient Ones. And they are just really the continuation in a new form of thousands of years of European antiJew hostility.

It is thanks to the delusional Israelis that the unspoken falsehood prevails that antisemitism plays no role in Israel’s struggle, when yours truly says just the opposite. Anti-Israel hatred these days is nothing but antisemitism re-worked to fit the times and that’s a pun.

Of course the Left is squealing today that this Knesset committee is an assault on democracy and freedom to criticize the government. Some of these Jewish antiJews today like Shimon Peres’ friend Shulamith Aloni and Yehoshua Sobol, who want their national identity re-registered not as Jewish but Israeli, sent a letter to all MKs saying, “The imposition of fascism is next.”

This is like the hysteria in the States today blaming the horrible massacre in Tucson, Arizona on Sarah Palin. Puh-leeze.

This Knesset law is just demanding what democratic societies demand of their governments: they are looking for transparency. All this committee wants to do is expose just who is behind these charlatans who claim to be human rights organizations, when in truth they are nothing but agents of the enemy, the enemy being the Arabs and the still antisemitic governments and peoples of Europe and elsewhere…

Living on Hope

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:14 Mins)
…Last week at the White House Emir Barack Hussein launched yet another peace initiative toward Syria by naming a new ambassador. His predecessor, you may remember, was withdrawn a half-decade ago after the murder of Lebanese leader Rafik Hariri. Obama and obviously Lady Clinton are still hopeful that they can engage in fruitful peace talks with the Syrians and persuade them to severe ties with Iran – with no understanding that without this alliance, Syria is one of the great big nothings of a country on this planet; with nothing to offer the world, to engage the world, to get the attention of world except by menacing the world with its support for terror. The only reason anyone pays any attention to Syria at all in this life is its identity as an outlaw, rogue state, as much a base today for numerous terror gangs – Fath, PFLP, Hamas, Hezbollah – as it was a base for kidnappers in the days of Abraham.

The Syrians in our day as a people have nothing to offer mankind in the way of products, science, culture. There is some tourism there but of course that is mostly foreigners interested in the ruins of non-Syrian peoples, the Greeks and the Romans and what they left behind. Like Egypt, where tourism is a major business, where tourists come not to see what the Muslims created since they overran the country in the year 640, but the remnants of pre-Islamic, Pharaonic civilization.

Glick also reported that retiring Israeli Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi is another Israeli who wants to hand over the Golan in the belief that the Syrians will then have a change of heart toward Israel, sever its relationship with Iran become a nice, peaceful neighbor.

Glick got it right in nailing the Israeli Left for believing that Israel can completely change Syria and Iran by “denying itself the ability to defend northern Israel by abandoning the Golan.”

They all live on hope and the fantasy that they can remake the character of the Syrians and the Iranians by material concession, by handing over what these two enemies demand as rightfully theirs.

I guess it makes sense that these post-Jewish Israelis would think this way. For to stand up to the enemy demands, to challenge and refute them, would be to claim that all these territories are rightfully Jewish land for three reasons, each one sufficient in itself to make the case: 1) The League of Nations mandate called for a resurrected Palestine to become a Jewish homeland. 2) All these demanded lands were taken in 1967 in righteous self-defense from the violators of the cease-fire agreements of 1949. 3) Because they are at the heart of the Jewish religion, for which we need no more legitimacy from the international community than found in the Five Books of Moses, which might otherwise be called, because he only wrote them down, the Five Books of G-d…

Hamites on Parade

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:08 Mins)
…Also in the news last week and today were two related stories. On 24 December, YNETnews.com reported that in Jordan the government had banned a textbook used in a private school containing chapters on the Holocaust and the life and death of Anna Frank. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education in Amman, Dr. Khalid Karaki, not only ordered the book removed from classrooms but established a commission of inquiry to discover how such a thing could happen. Even earlier in the week, Hamas in Gaza condemned a UNRWA school field trip to the United States which would have included a visit to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.

And yours truly asks the question, “What could be so offensive about the truth?” One of the failures of Israeli PR – because secular Israelis are still chained to the false dream of peace with the Muslims, so let us not be not nice to them – is the failure to tell the world that it is grievously in error to think that Holocaust Denial is the exclusive property of obvious nutjobs like Ahamadina-nutjob in Iran. Not at all. Holocaust Denial is the norm all across Islam and especially the Arab Middle East. And in this monolithic, dictatorial culture, sympathy for the Jews is just out of the question. They are figures of evil not to be pitied. No.1, and No.2 validating the reality of the Holocaust provides justification for the existence of the State of Israel, which cannot be. Islam the religion cannot tolerate that idea.

Think of the West and its development over 2,000 years of Christian civilization with all of its achievements. Still, until 1965, my lifetime, Catholic doctrine judged every Jew a Christ-killer. Every Jew was guilty of the murder of Jesus of Nazareth. Talk about your blood libel. That is blood libel at its fullest. Jews are guilty because their blood is guilty. They are born guilty of murder. That sin is transmissible by blood.

That was Roman Catholicism until after the Holocaust when that mensch of a pope, Pope John the 23rd, knew how so many Nazis had been baptized in his church and he felt guilty. Hence, the Vatican II conference and its result, the encyclical Nostra Aetate which held that the Jews were the actual Christ-killers at the time, but no more would Jews share in their ancestors’ guilt.

And that was the sophisticated Christian culture of Europe until 1965, which began with Jewish, Greek and Roman cultures under its belt.

Now consider Islam, which was founded six centuries after Christendom and founded not among the descendants of Jews, Greeks and Romans but illiterates, desert brigands.

These Arabs with their stolen perversion of Jewishness; these Hamites still mired antediluvian brutality have a long, long way to go…

A Bittersweet Day

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:16 Mins)
Program Link: Big Gas Find Sparks a Frenzy in Israel

Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, kaf-dales beTeves, Parashas Vaeira, tav-shin-ayin-alef, the evening of the 5th day Thursday, 30 December, 2010, webcasting from Israel, bittersweet Israel.

You all know the Jewish wedding ceremony custom of the groom stomping on a glass, or even a light bulb will do, and breaking it, which is a mixing of the sweetness of the marriage of two people with the image of the shattering of the Jewish people.

There are various explanations of the meaning of the ritual, and the most common and the one that makes most sense to my mind, and is brilliant, is that it calls to mind the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.

It is such an unusual and easy and cute custom to perpetuate, even the so-called Reform and Progressive Jews, the self-regarding liberal idol-worshippers of those terms who attach them to the word Judaism and sneer at Orthodox Jews and bash Israel in the New York Times do it. I’ll bet even Little Tommy Friedman performed it when he got married – even when it is so completely misunderstood by liberal Jewish Israel-bashers like Friedman or Martin Indyk & Co.

It is a mnemonic, a memory device. The smashing of the glass calls to mind the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and thereby mixes the sweet with the bitter and sends a message to all Jews present and especially the couple likely deliriously joined in holy matrimony that as a Jewish couple, their happiness will always be less than complete because the happiness of the Jewish people cannot be complete until the nation in exile returns to re-build the Temple in Jerusalem, and implicitly of course the whole country.

Reform Jews like LTF or Martin Indyk and the Jews at National Public Radio or the editorial board of the New York Times are doctrinally members of a community who call their meeting houses “temples” in order to make the statement that they don’t care about returning to the Promised Land to re-build the Temple – though ask your average liberal Jew, ask LTF, what is the difference between “temple” and “synagogue,” and he will say they are synonyms.

The glass-breaking liberal Jew also hasn’t got a clue as to what the Temple looked-like and what went on there and its meaning. And if you told him that by stomping on the glass, smashing it, he was preserving an essential Orthodox Jewish belief rooted in the Five Books of Moses that the dispersed Jews of the world like himself would return to live in the Land of Israel and re-build the Temple, and that he could not be fully happy until that happens – he would look at you slack-jawed and dumbfounded saying “Huh”?…


Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (1:38 Mins)
Program Link: NYT shows true anti-Israel colors
No Comparison: Shariah and Jewish Religious Courts

…This is such a small country, it is commonly described as the size of New Jersey but rarely made known is the fact that since half of it is desert, Israel functionally is only half the size of New Jersey.

And in light of the world’s focus, especially by this generation of Jew-haters – every generation has them – the tiny size of the place only highlights the craziness.

The Arabs have 21 states over a land mass whose distance between Morocco in the west to Iran in the east is greater that the distance between Los Angeles and New York; between New York and London. The Arabs have an ocean of states, but the UN General Assembly spends a third of its time enraged at us “greedy” Jews occupying too much land.

Let’s do a Google search on two words “settlement expansion.”

Okay, I just did. And what was the number of results/hits? Take a guess. The number of hits on “settlement expansion” came to 14,400,000.

And here at random is the fourth entry in that list: a front page news story from Haaretz (of course) from February 27, 2009: “Israel planning mass expansion of West Bank settlement bloc.” A piece by Akiva Eldar, who is so clinically leftist I never read him, let alone bother you with comments on his feverish brain…

The Pretend Peace Process

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (5:09 Mins)
Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 2nd day, kaf beTeves, Parashas Vaeira, tav-shin-ayin-alef, the evening of the 1st day Sunday, 26 December, 2010, webcasting from the vortex of world delusion.

And what is a world delusion? The pretend peace process now in its 18th year. One wonders how many more years the current so-called peace process can go on before everybody wakes up from the delusion and faces the truth?

The truth was on the front page of the Jerusalem Post hard copy lede story this morning, “Abbas vows: No room for Israelis in Balestinian state.”

And there you have it. This is a Muslim who yesterday in a press conference in Ramallah said, more or less, that Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem be Judenrein. Israel may be the residence of Arabs with citizenship, 20% of the population, but the Old-New Land of Ancient Philistia must be completely free of Jews.

It will be in practice the ultimate in apartheid, like the old South African regime which denied the right of blacks to live with whites. The famous historian of World War II and money man for the Jew-killers in Munich in 1972, Abbas, insists the future state of Balestine will be as Jew-free as the best neighborhoods in Pretoria were free of blacks in the good old days.

Notice the irony of coincidence: we have here in Israel been wrestling with the letter of hundreds of rabbis fearful for the destruction of Jewish communities given over to hostile Arabs, and the Enlightened are fit to be tied by this letter, and here is this “Moses” of the oppressed Ancient Ones suffering daily crucifixion at the hands of racist Zionists declaring that no Jew will be allowed to live in the new state of Balestine.

In this he is also in line with his Arab brethren who live in 21 officially Arab and Muslim states, countries where Islam rules and has chronically persecuted, oppressed and humiliated the Jews. This is the great white hope of Barack Hussein and Lady Clinton and liberal nation-builders like Condoleeza Rice and Dennis Ross. Someone should tell them that only HaShem is the Composer and Orchestra Conductor of the symphony of existence that brings life to nations, not arrogant, State Department peacemakers, failed peace-makers at that, over decades.

And it’s a fair bet Prime Minister Netanyahu’s response to this declaration will be insufficient. He will not finger it for the smelly antisemitism that it reflects.

For century in and century out here in the Land of Israel and the City of David, the Muslims denied us Jews the right to exercise our religion freely. We were denied the right to the Western Wall as a community. There was no plaza like the current one built after 1967. For generation in and generation out, the Wall was one side of a dirty alleyway which Muslims treated as a pissoir, as they are known in France; a place for a man to relieve himself.

In Hevron in this same period, the family plot of the Jewish people where the first three generations of couples, man and wife, were interred, all a Jew could do was walk up the first seven steps to the Cave of Machpelah and that was it. That was the situation for most of the last 14 centuries.

But it all changed radically, even cosmically, in 1967, and Arabs like this assassin of our sons at Munich want to turn back the wheel of time, of history. He wants things the way they used to be…

Jewish Self-Defense = Aggression

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:34 Mins)
…More of the DNA of the Arab aggression against Israel was on display yesterday in Khalid Abu Toameh’s coverage of the meeting in Ramallah between Mahmoud Abbas and the EU’s representative to “the Palestinian territories,” Christian Berger of Austria.

Has this Austrian no shame, siding with this generation’s leading Jew-killer nation the Arabs, the so-called “Palestinians” living in “the Palestinian territories” as foolish Israel lets the world get away with using those terms?

The “Palestinian territories” is one of the repetitive expressions in the blogosphere where the global village has its endless town meeting to discuss what to do about the “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” which everyone knows would be settled if only those Israelis would get out of “the Palestinian territories.” It is a name which also stakes a political position. The name of this Land is not that; it is Judea and Samaria. “No,” say the Enlightened, it is the West Bank, a/k/a the Palestinian territories.”

Calling it “Judea and Samaria” is a mirror image, the reverse image of “Palestinian territories.” Judea as a name makes the counter-claim, which too many Israeli and Enlightened Diaspora Jews are made uncomfortable by…

Just Gangsters

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:13 Mins)
Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 5th day, tes-zion beTeves, Parashas Shmos, tav-shin-ayin-alef, the evening of the 4th day Wednesday, 22 December, 2010, webcasting from the clash between sanity and insanity, Israelites and Ishmaelites, the civilized and the barbaric, truth and falsehood.

Two mornings ago, Monday morning – when the cruel barbarians in Gaza know that at such an hour Jewish children are on their way to school – they deliberately fired a Qassam rocket out of the artificial Gaza rectangle which landed a few feet from a Jewish girl walking to her school in a kibbutz near Ashqelon. One report said she was 16, another 14. She was wounded by the blast. Other people in the area were not hit by the shrapnel but they did go into shock and of course were rushed to hospital.

If immediately afterwards our Air Force had taken off and deliberately bombed a school in Gaza killing, say, 9 children, I am sure I could defend the operation as highly moral for trying to save lives in the future by putting a stop to this rocket business right now.

If I were prime minister, I would order such an attack which took the lives of 9 children in Gaza at random. This would of course rouse the whole world of Enlightened people who think it is their job to teach us Jews ethics and morality. I would wait until they were all shrieking at the UN at us condemning us; wait until their righteous indignation was at a fever pitch then I’d call a press conference, a live television press conference encircling the globe and say the following: “Many peoples believe in the Golden Rule formulated in the positive: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ (Leastwise that is how I was taught in an American public school.)

“But in Israel, we read from right to left and see things our way. Our Golden Rule is formulated in the negative: ‘Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done to you.’

“What we just did in Gaza is exactly what they tried to do to us. But with better equipment and intelligence and greater effect. And we make no apologies for being more technologically advanced than these Arabs in Gaza backed by the dangerous Jew-haters in Teheran.

“They fire missiles to murder Jews at random; as today we killed Arabs at random.

“And if they don’t like the results of what we did, ‘Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done to you…’”

The Shame of It All

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:28 Mins)
Program Link: The returning issue of Palestine’s refugees

…And you know what gave to this cosmic lie of displacement was the sense of shame Abbas & Co. felt as a result of their own cowardice. It is now a forgotten commonplace of the 1950s that the Arab refugees at that time were held in very low esteem by their own brethren precisely because everyone knew the truth that they had not been driven from their homes by Al Yahud; that they had run away; they did not fight.

In 1982, I remember, when Israel invaded southern Lebanon and clashed with armed PLO terrorists in some fire-fights, the head of the PFLP George Habash exulted that “Finally we are fighting back,” he said – inadvertently, by implication, admitting that the Balestinians were not driven from their homes but had run away.

And thus it is this curse, this sense of shame among these Hamitic people that played a major role in the invention of the Ancient Ones. Humiliated by al-Yahud in 1948, exposed as cowards and losers, incapable of organizing a successful offense and defense, they invented the Balestinian Narrative which is a re-writing of the facts.

Exactly what the first Muslims did when they came up with their imitation of the Tanakh and Christian scripture. Muhammed spun the stories in the Qur’an that he plagiarized from the Jews and Christians and gave to his fellow Arabs as if he had originated all these stories.

Muhammed was a thief of mostly Judaism with a dash of Christianity, re-writing history written by others, and this Guardian piece by Saeb Erekat is yet another example of that thousands of years later. The caption to this photograph encapsulates a basic truth that the Arabs’ slaughter of Jews by – like the murder and stabbing yesterday near Beit Shemesh – I’m sure you saw the news – two 40–something women out for a day in the lowlands of Judea enjoying nature. They were come upon by two Arabs who brutally murdered one and tried to but failed to murder the other.

And this basic truth is the life of lies that this Arabs live and worse: they have terrorized the world and foisted their phantasy-life on the whole planet…

Israel’s Lethal Political Correctness

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:44 Mins)
…And so last night in Cairo the utterly corrupt Arab foreign ministers decided to turn to the UN for a resolution condemning the Unbelievers to eternal damnation for continuing to build on what the whole world believes is rightfully Ancient Palestinian property.

And one reason for this state of affairs is the inability or refusal or silence of the government of Israel saying in reply, “No, this is Jewish property, Israeli property as of right in international law.” For example, the paperwork of the League of Nations and the United Nations regarding the disposition of this land. Palestine was created in the 1920s to create a Jewish homeland, so in international law, its heart, Judea, where the word “Jew” comes from, is rightfully Jewish land.

Israel has to say that but it doesn’t.

Secondly, the land rightfully belongs to Israel which took it away from an enemy people that used the terrain to send in the 1950s and 60s plainclothes killers over the cease-fire line to murder Jews at random. And then in 1967 the government in Amman was part of the effort to destroy the State of Israel altogether, so Israel took the land away from Jordan in self-defense in a week in which hundreds of Israelis soldiers died and the national economy took a major hit for its cost. In international law in terms of the right of self-defense, Israel is now the rightful owners of Judea and Samaria. That’s reason no. 2.

And thirdly, this land is an integral part of Judaism, the Jewish religion, and so an attack on Jews because they are living in Judea and Jerusalem is an attack on our religion. The Muslims see a cartoon in a Danish newspaper of their sicko founder, mass-murderer and sexual degenerate Muhammed, and they go crazy. Simultaneously, the Enlightened world feels free to justify murdering Jews in the name of Palestinian Nationalism.

But again, one major reason for that is the silence of Israel’s leader who does not tell the world, “No, it is a lie that our settlements are illegal. And when people lie about Jews,” he should say, “they are antisemitic liars.” He should say that those who attack our right to live in peace and prosperity in Judea and Samaria are attacking the Jewish religion and the existence of the Jewish people, which people, unique from the nations, defines its national existence not by its language or even landscape but religion: metaphysical belief, principles and laws…

Europe Threatens

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:32 Mins)
…Lastly, a few good words about Richard Nixon. This latest leak from his taped conversations has only confirmed an earlier judgment by me that he was not an antisemite, leastwise if an antisemite, a benign one, a social antisemite, which is a world away from the serious kind.

This latest leak of him telling his secretary Rose Mary Woods that Jews behave a certain way to “compensate for an inferiority complex…” He put down both Jewish advisors William Safire and Henry Kissinger for “insecurity.” He said, “It’s the latent insecurity. Most Jewish people are insecure. And that’s why they have to prove things.”

These to me are the words of an empathic man. No one was more socially insecure and awkward than Richard Nixon. I think that is why many people really did not like him. He was so uncomfortable in his own skin he made those who looked upon him and watched him uncomfortable in theirs.

But because of that he seems to have been sensitive to others and their social insecurities.

He also said this: “Anybody who is Jewish cannot handle Middle East policy,” meaning it was impossible for them to be objective. “Henry might be as fair as he can possibly be, but he can’t help but be affected by it. Put yourself in his position. Good God…His people were crucified over there. Jesus Christ. Five million of them popped into big ovens. How the hell’s he feel about all this?”

These are the words of a man capable of empathy for the Jewish people, which the true antisemite is not.

And when it came to re-supplying a desperate Israel in 1973, which Henry advised against, Nixon did not stand by but vigorously took action.

Dick Nixon called Henry his Jewboy perhaps because he acted like one. But in any case, Nixon’s spoken contempt for Jews and their allegedly offensive behavior was no more than what one hears at the golf club by a guy who tells a Jew-joke or two. It is light years away from the serious antisemitism of an Abbas or an Ahmadinejad, an Adolf Hitler or Haj Amin al-Hussein who harbored these satanic fantasies of Jewish evil. Dick Nixon did not.

On the surface he was a country-club antisemite but when the chips were down for Israel, the real, better angels of Dick Nixon’s essence took over.

Leila tov miEretz Yisrael.

Hillary’s Speech

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (1:43 Mins)
…Have you noticed how the “core issues” that Hillary said are going to be discussed are, every one of them (almost) a demand of Israel to give? They are one-sided in terms of tangible requests. The six core issues are borders and security; settlements, water, refugees and Jerusalem. Borders refers to the demand by the Ancient Ones that Israel fork over every square kilometer it overran in 1967, and all of it now built up with billions of Jewish dollars in infrastructure. No. 2 issue is settlements. This refers to the thriving Jewish communities which the Ancient Ones claim in toto stand on stolen “Palestinian” land that have to be turned over; at least evacuated. And as they have said repeatedly since the Handshake on the White House lawn, there will be no peace so long as even one settlement remains.

Issue No.3: water. Meaning, “You Jews control all the water now. You must hand over control.” No.4: Refugees. “You Jews say no refugees can come into Israel. We say they all have that right which must be realized if there is going to be peace.”

No. 5: Jerusalem: “You control Haram a-Sharif. You must hand that over if you want peace.”

These Arabs, these Muslims are of the seed of Ishmael that armed highwayman who demands “Your money or your life.” In this case, “Your Holy Land and your Holy City and holiest site, or your life”…

Jewish(?) Values

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:00 Mins)
…This story today was full of fulminations in Israel against the 47 rabbis, which list of co-signers, I understand, now includes hundreds more rabbis. It lit the fuse of the Enlightened, starting with President Uncle Shimon the Wise, the Visionary who envisioned peace by bringing into the country forty thousand Fatah killers and giving them their freedom. St. Simon of Oslo the Wise Man of Peace, you know him, who won the greatest goy prize for peace on earth, the Nobel Prize for Peace – and never mind what followed was not peace but serial, satanic massacres of defenseless Jews inside our tiny homeland; hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people were slaughtered and mutilated and maimed, thanks to him.

Our president – what an embarrassment he is – Shimon Peres pronounced the rabbis letter as “creating a fundamental moral crisis in Israel which affects the definition of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Yeah, Israel as a “Jewish and a democratic state.” That is a slogan the dejudaized elite here live by. It is a phrase on a par with, to my mind, “secular Jew” which is how the Enlightened elite define themselves. And never mind that “secular Jew” is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, a nonsense concept.

“Secular” in the bible of the English language, the classic 1932 edition of the OED, the Oxford English Dictionary, means “Chiefly used as negative term meaning non-ecclesiastical, non-religious, non-sacred.”

And secularism, the same dictionary says, is a “doctrine of morality excluding belief in God or a future state.”

But the Jew is rooted in the concept of G-d. The term is short for Judean, of the tribe of Judah the fourth of son Jacob, who was named by his mother Leah in the same breath that she thanked G-d for his birth. The verbal root of his name comes from the Hebrew verb to give thanks or admit the truth.

The word Jew is rooted in the Jewish religion and in a moment when a Jewish mother thanked G-d, and so we might translate the word “Jew” as “G-d-thanker.” And for sure with all the holidays we keep and the praying we do and the saving of grace after everything we eat, we are a people of G-d thankers who obsessively compulsively are fixated on G-d illuminating the world 24/7. That is what Judaism is: a 24/7 acknowledgment of His existence.

So being a “secular Jew,” a person against religion, no belief in G-d and a “God-thanker” at the same time makes no sense…

Hillary to Speak at Saban

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:50 Mins)
…It seems that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton jetted off to Bahrain over the weekend and in an interview done for the American government-created Al-Hurra TV station, which is meant to broadcast in Arabic the good side of America, she announced that this week she would be making a “very formal set of remarks” regarding the stalled peace talks between Israel and its victims. My term, of course, not hers. And the prognosis according to this report is not encouraging.

JPost this morning reported this information, but later in the day it came out that she is going to be giving this “formal set of remarks” on Friday night at the Saban Center of the Brookings Institution. Not a good sign.

And what is the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution? Well, Brookings is the venerable Washington DC liberal foreign policy think tank, and the Saban Center within was financed by Haim Saban, the native Egyptian Jew who grew up in Israel, did his army service then went to America with $200 in his pocket and made himself a billionaire, first by coming across in Japan a moderately successful Japanese doll and comic book, I think; buying the right to it and turning it into the fabulously successful Mighty Morphin Rangers toy and TV show for kids. And with his fortune began investing in other projects.

And one use of his swag was trying to influence the peace process by setting up the Saban Center – at first just an office with a computer at Brookings – and hiring none other than Dr. Martin Indyk to be its director. Haim Saban wanted to create his own think tank, and Dr. Martin Indyk, former U.S. ambassador to Israel was available and of course thinking along the same liberal lines as Haim Saban.

You know Dr. Martin. Last summer, I think it was, when Obama & Co. made it clear they wanted an extension of frozen Jewish life beyond 26 September, Dr. Martin was interviewed on Kol Yisrael one morning and he said, “If Israel is going to be receiving American support, it must do as it is told,” or words to that effect.

So that Hillary’s choice of venue for this “formal set of remarks” is not a good omen. And that Dr. Martin will presumably be hosting it on a Friday night – this man born into the Jewish people – is a second bad omen…

The German Regression

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:32 Mins)
…In other words, while no one yet has been accused of maliciously starting this fire, lost in the news is these other fires; and even today and yesterday there were more fires in the north which had to be put out, fires obviously, deliberately set, and only a sad-sack poisoned with political correctness would not think that the Mt. Carmel inferno was the handiwork of homicidal Hamites a/k/a these Arabs, who as mentioned last webcast have a record as wreckers and destroyers, not builders.

I’ve been to more than a half-dozen Arab countries. I’ve been inside their capital cities, and the Arabs simply don’t have cities to compare to a London, a Paris, New York, Chicago, Milan, Prague, Rotterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo, Osaka, Beijing, Boston, Massachusetts with its universities and hospitals. All these cities hum with energy and life and creativity; every day there is a new electronic toy on the market.

But not these Arabs. They don’t have cities to compare to these and scores of others in the world. They have Casablanca and Algiers and Tunis and Sana capital of Yemen, Amman, Jordan. I have been to all of them. These are cities that people do not gravitate to for opportunities in higher education or to seek advanced medical treatment.

These Arabs when they stole Judaism in the 7th century some 2,000 years after HaShem gave the Jews the Teaching/Torah at Mt. Sinai, were everywhere illiterate. They were laggards then and they are laggards today; a burden on civilization.

They never had the abstract ability to imagine in their minds the shape of Balestine as a separate and specific country. This land just a century ago was a wasteland because there were no “Palestinians” living here.

The Land was not 100% devoid of people. There were five towns of significance: Jaffa, Safed/Tsfat, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hevron, where the Jews were before Zionism half of the population in each or more – except for Hevron.

And in between these grungy towns of a few thousand people each, the landscape was bleak. When Mark Twain reached Jaffa and wanted to go up to Jerusalem, he had to hire beasts of burden and their drivers, and armed guards, to take him along the animal tracks inland and up into the hills to the Holy City because the land scape was lawless and a hunting ground for Arabs, i.e. nomads, Bedouin, whose livelihood was animal husbandry: driving herds of goats that ate up and destroyed the land, as well as armed robbery of innocent travelers.

There was no highway patrol in those days. There was no highway, not even a road.

And that was just 147 years ago, three human generations ago, that’s all. So it is not surprising that today in Israel there are still Ishmaelites who set fires all the time trying to destroy the vegetation we sedentary Jews have planted. With their goats the Arabs destroyed the Promised Land, and here today are some of the lowest of the low among them setting fires in order burn what the Jews have brought back to life…

Antisemites to the Core

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:34 Mins)
…So let us turn to more familiar material, to borrow from Bibi, Israel’s place among the nations. There was more good news this morning as another Jerusalem neighborhood was licensed to build another 625 homes for Israelites, Pisgat Ze’ev, which has been around for three decades. It was started in the second year of the first Reagan presidency. You know, I find it annoying that like Israel’s inability to demand its rights – as opposed to asking for support for its security concerns – and refusing to make the case the settlements are not illegal – Israelis like Bibi have forgotten what Pres. Reagan said. He said the settlements are legal – if not helpful.

Instead, like thieves in the night. we must wait for a storm in the politosphere when the world is preoccupied with another big story to announce we are going to build more homes in Jerusalem, because we have never surrendered the right to exercise our rights in Jerusalem and vicinity.

Which vicinity, by the way, would not exist without Zionism anywhere outside the old Turkish walls. East Jerusalem, South Jerusalem, North Jerusalem, West Jerusalem. All of these Arab settlements east of the city like Al-Azarya on the Mount of Olives or Beit Jala to the south, or Beit Tsafafa, are themselves, even though all Arab, products of Zionism. Today the Arabs say these are Balestinian villages from the beginning of time, but that does not square with the historical record. Nor with the photographs and paintings of Jerusalem from the mid-19th century. Without the presence of the Zionists, these Arab communities would not exist at all.

So there is a denial here as abusive of historical truth as Holocaust Denial or denying that the Western Wall means something to us Jews, as we heard this week.

And all to deny us Jews the right to own what we built up, what had been sleeping for almost two thousand years: this Land.

We brought it back to life, but these Hamitic-Ishmaelitic thieves have the delusional chutzpa to claim all of what we built is theirs.

The Balestinians are a bad dream of the sons of Adam…

Israel’s Truth Will Out

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:47 Mins)
Program Link: Analysis: Burying linkage between peace process, Iran
…It also came out in these leaks that in Qatar, Sen. John Kerry, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, paid a visit and told Qatari leaders that indeed, even though Syria supports Hezbollah, Israel must return the Golan to Syria and not only that: Jerusalem must become the capital of the Ancient Ones.

In other words, John Kerry supports Muslim rule over the Temple Mount, which is what they demand. And one supposes John Kerry is constitutionally incapable of thinking otherwise, of seeing the world through Jewish eyes. He is, after all, the grandson of two paternal grandparents, the grandfather having been a direct descendant of Aaron the High Priest, brother of Moses. Before the name was Kerry, it was Kohn, who shmaded himself – that’s Yiddish from the Hebrew meaning he converted to another religion, in this case Roman Catholicism. Shmad comes from the Hebrew verb to annihilate, so that a Jew who converts to another religion “annihilates” himself as a Jew and joins forces with non-Jews who want to annihilate the Jewish people.

John Kerry as a teenager went St. Paul’s School, the posh St Paul’s School for Boys in Concord, New Hampshire, no Jews allowed.

I wish someone like Bibi would sit down with this man and open his eyes to the fact that Syria lost the Golan Heights as result of its years of murderous aggression against Israel, and Israel is morally no more obligated to hand it back to Syria than today’s Czech Republic must hand back land taken from Germany after World War II. To demand that Israel do this is morally disgusting.

Someday, G-d willing, Israelis will learn to present our struggle in the same light as the struggle of Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King, Jr. These Muslims, these Arabs, deny to us Jews what the white South Africans denied to black South Africans: freedom; what Southerners in America between the Civil War and the 1960s denied to Negroes: their rights.

What the antiJews have done over the last generation is turn the truth upside down: Islam held Jews down under Islamic apartheid dhimmi laws for fourteen centuries and has never been able to see the injustice of that. The truth is not that Zionism is a form of racism. Islam is.

The Terrible 1930s Redux

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:02 Mins)
…There was in these disturbing days some good news, sort of, out of Egypt. Today the parliamentary election was held and the regime in recent days has been arresting hundreds of opponents of the regime who are Muslim Brothers and others I suppose.

It has always been that way in Egypt at least for the last half-century and more since King Farouk was toppled by Gamal Abdel Nasser and some other colonels and generals. The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928, has been the nemesis of every Egyptian government since then.

Of course Western liberals, like Friday’s anonymous editorialist in the Washington Post, are upset because “more than a 1,000 political activists have been rounded up by security forces, and many have been abused. Opposition media commentators have been forced off the air, television channels closed and restrictions placed on text messaging. Meanwhile the government has issued strident statements rejecting the Obama’ administration’s calls for international observers and severely limited the access of domestic monitoring groups.”

Of course the liberal in the West is all het up about this anti-democratic oppression by the Egyptian government, but not yours truly. I support the government’s behavior. I recognize and validate its fear of democracy – and that is because Thomas Jefferson taught me that it can only work with a demos, the common man, that is literate and educated, and these Muslim Egyptians in their vast majority are none of those things.

In Algeria they tried democracy in 1992, had an open election, and who won? The Islamists. And what followed was a civil war, nation-wide carnage, 200,000 people murdered.

In 2006 in Judea, Samaria and Gaza Condi Rice and of course Jimmy Carter supported democracy for the Ishmaelites in those areas, and who won the election? Again, the Islamists.

More proof of what a dummy Jimmy Carter is. Almost thirty years earlier as president he bemoaned the dictatorship of the Shah in Iran, and what he got in his place was masses of Iranians welcoming home from exile the Ayatollah Khomeini.

And now in Turkey the Islamists are in power, because the masses of Muslims there either don’t know any better or don’t care or like simple Russians who loved Joe Stalin, they want and need a despot over them who rules with an iron fist and makes sure there is no anarchy.

So I don’t criticize Mubarak’s brutal suppression of his opposition, the Muslim Brotherhood.

If only Israel would stop calling Hamas Hamas and start calling it the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel’s PR would take a turn for the better…

The Threat of War

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:23 Mins)
…Adolph Hitler thought like that too. Erdogan sees a nation, the world’s only nation of Jews so powerful as to be able to endanger peace all over the world.

That was his most notable statement on Monday of this week, and today, still visiting Lebanon he said Turkey would not remain silent if Israel attacked Lebanon or Gaza. “Does Israel think it can use the most modern weapons, phosphorus munitions and cluster bombs to kill children in Gaza and then expect us to remain silent? We will not remain silent and we will support justice by all means available to us.”

Here we see a man who sees our soldiers going into Gaza to hunt and slay Muslim girls and women.

We saw that in fact in that video clip from Turkish TV dramatization of the fighting there in which an expressionless IDF soldier slowly and deliberately takes aim at an Arab girl paralyzed with fear and kills her.

This guy Erdogan and his vast community of Islamists in Turkey have now taken control of that country and almost overnight turned itself into a menacing state when it used to be an allied state.

What is making people nervous here in the political and defense professions is the pending release of an investigative report into the assassination of Saad Hariri’s father five years ago, with major indications that Hezbollah is to be fingered as the assassinating culprit. And if so, how will these lunatic, crazed with Jew-hatred Muslims react? Hezballah, exactly like Hamas, has one raison d’etre, one purpose in life which is to destroy freedom for the Jews and by extension raid into and take away the wealth they have created. This is what Ishmael grandson of Ham has been doing since he was expelled by his father from their home, the kindest man on earth. That’s what a problem kid Ishmael was…

These People are Insane

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:57 Mins)
…These people are insane. I think the 9-11 flying maniacs were insane; all suicide bombers are insane in their need to simultaneously murder human beings at random and commit suicide. I think Mahmoud Abbas with his Holocaust Denial is insane.

The PA study says the wall is really owned by the Islamic priesthood, the Waqf, in the name of an Algerian-Moroccan family. But of course no names please. The author of the study is a Mr. Al-Mutawakel Taha, a “senior official” in the Palestinian Ministry of Information. (This sounds like George Orwell territory.) And he is a renowned “Palestinian” poet to boot, according Khaled Abu Toameh this morning in JPost hard copy. Mr. Taha said the wall’s real name is Al-Buraq, named after the flying horse mentioned in the previous webcast that flew the Prophet in for a quickie one-night tour. And the wall is in fact, said the senior official and renowned poet, “the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque” – and never mind that they are on different sides of the hill and separated by more than a hundred meters of the Temple Mount. It is as if this Muslim cannot see the truth before his eyes. What he sees is what he wants to see.

The author of this historical study asserts, inter alia, that before the Balfour Declaration the Jews never prayed at this Wall – which deletes from the conscious RAM/random access memory in the brains of these barbarians 2,000 years of Jewish history; just deletes it; of Jews living in Jerusalem, visiting Jerusalem, pilgrims coming, some to be buried in Jerusalem, and all visitors prior to the modern era visiting the wall to pray there – a history now wiped out of the minds of these Arabs, this senior official, this renowned Ancient Palestinian poet and lunatic.

This delusional demoniac of a hallucinating Ancient Palestinian described the massacre of Jews in 1929 in Hevron, Tsfat, Motza, I think, when 137 innocent Jews at random were slain by blood-thirsty Arabs. He called that three-day blood-spilling jamboree the Al-Buraq revolution “when dozens of Muslims were martyred and a large number of Jews were killed.”

What a way of describing what really happened…

Varieties of AntiJew Evil

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (1:42 Mins)
Program Link: Why America Chases an Israeli-Palestinian Peace
…A final citation from Ethan’s Bronner’s evil by default, his bad journalism. Fearful of future violence here, he reminds his readers: “Ten years ago when peace talks led by President Bill Clinton at Camp David fell apart, the second Palestinian uprising broke out, leading to exploding buses, suicide bombings and harsh Israeli countermeasures. Thousands – most of them Palestinian – were killed.”

I read that and if my name were Vinny and I lived in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, I would have wanted to say, “Up yours.” This is disgusting writing for its cowardice and dishonesty. What does he mean when “peace talks fell apart”? They ended because Arafat rejected peace.

And the second uprising did not just “break out” and lead to exploding buses. Arafat dispatched his murderous brethren to do their evil, and they – the Arabs – blew up those buses in order to butcher us Jews by the score.

Notice too how the word “harsh” is applied to Israelis, while the “Palestinians” aren’t mentioned. Everything is intransitive verbs: an uprising “breaks out,” a bus “explodes.” No names of the perpetrators or their victims. The only adjective is the word “harsh” which adheres to Israel.

Ethan Bronner is a wimp…

The Irony of Israeli History

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (3:41 Mins)
…How ironic that the diplomatic warfare today in Israel hinges on the decision of a rabbi born, raised and educated in the home country of the Babylonian Talmud, whose contents, with his photographic memory, are all in his head.

Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir are surely spinning in their graves, those Ashkenazi socialist mockers of religion.

And the key issue in this wrestling match is over Jerusalem, a city which Israel lost in 1948 perhaps because the socialists were happy to be rid of it and didn’t fight hard enough for it. The memoirs of some of the socialist Zionists do not lack for sneering at Jerusalem as this medieval slum (which it was) and sump of superstition over which they preferred not to fight and die for. When the UN proposed international control, they were happy with the idea.

Today, though, what happens to Jerusalem during this next freeze of 90 days is the stumbling block. Eli Yishai wants it in writing from Barack Hussein and Lady Clinton that no freeze applies to our Holy City in toto, but of course so far the US is not going to re-do U.S. policy over Jerusalem since 1967. The US never recognized Israel’s right to keep, to own, to possess and rule over the Temple Mount, because the Muslims say it is Haram al-Sharif and the Prophet actually walked there one night after flying in on a flying horse from Mecca. That’s Islamic doctrine and the basis for their claim to Haram al-Sharif. Because one night Muhammad, peace be upon him, mounted a winged horse that flew across the sky; a horse name Buraq (Lightning) with the face of a beautiful woman and the tail of peacock, and it flew the Prophet to Jerusalem, where he alit next to the Temple Mount and jumped up to heaven, to the highest seventh heaven – that’s a Talmudic idea – and got to see the prophets in history that preceded him; after which he went back down to the mount, re-mounted Buraq and flew back to Mecca and all in one night.

For the Jewish people the Temple Mount is inseparable from the Book of Books, the greatest Jewish contribution to the human race – versus this 1001 Nights fairy tale. On the basis of this child’s story of magic, the Arabians claim our Temple Mount is rightfully theirs and we stole it from them!

An Ugly, Low-Life Deal

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:35 Mins)
Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 4th day, yud beKislev, Parashas Vayishlakh, tav-shin-ayin-alef, the evening of the 3rd day, Tuesday, 16 November, 2010, webcasting from the target of Barack and Hillary’s Excellent Adventure in making peace between Muslim and Jew in the Holy Land, what no man or woman has ever done before.

I’m surprised that so far no pro-Israel congressman or senator has stood up and said, “Hey, wait a minute. President Obama in the middle of this ocean of debt that America is swimming in has just promised 3 billion dollars to Israel? This is the guy who doubled the galactic national debt in two years and now he wants to shoot 3 billion dollars of military hardware to Israel for free?” Questions need to be asked.

That is the price of the 20 more F-35s Obama and Clinton are dangling before Israel’s nose in exchange for betraying its birthright to dictate where Jews live or do not live in the Holy Land; to basically suspend again as was done for ten months the sovereign right to develop and live wherever Jews want to in their own country, as surely as every other nation-state lives.

There is something really smelly about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton tempting the government of Israel with these planes and dangling the threat not to use its veto in the Security Council when Israel is menaced by the world community.

There is something disgusting in this threat never before seen in an American administration.

Of course this deal was the top story in Israel today. This morning I heard Benny Begin on the radio waving the flag of principle in his opposition to accepting this deal. This freeze was sold last year as a one-time deal. And Israel’s government has to abide by that, he said. Abide by its promise to its own people.

He also made the correct point that in terms of statecraft, Israel has to reject the American plan for another freeze because if accepted it would show the government of Israel as weak, unreliable and vulnerable to pressure. A government that means what it says and is prepared to defend what it stands for is not an Israel that gives in to this latest request…

An AntiJew Barrage

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (2:52 Mins)
…Every other group with a beef – beside Jews – blacks, women, sodomites – the demand is for rights, their rights. In the 1950s and 60s in the United States, the Civil Rights Movement was front and center. Civil Rights for Negroes (the Spanish word for blacks).

Then came the feminists demanding “reproductive rights,” and the sodomites demanding the right to sodomize one another.

But when it comes to Israel, we don’t fight for our rights. Our rights are not the issue. The U.S. does not fight for Israel’s rights but its “security interests,” in part because that is the way the dejudaized, mitzvot-less Mr. Netanyahu sees things; as in his book entitled A Place Among the Nations, which title is a direct refutation of the definition of the Jewish people as a holy people, a kingdom of priests, a people that dwells alone:

I went through maybe three-quarters of the book before I put it down. It was highly intelligent but at bottom spiritless. Bibi simply is incapable of saying to Hillary and Barack Obama the Islam-lover that Judea and Samaria are at least as precious to us Jews as the Hedjaz is to the Muslims, the region where Mecca and Medina are found in the Arabian Peninsula. These two cities are some 200-plus miles apart, and much of the Qur’an deals with Muhammad’s triumphal campaign from Medina to Mecca and victory over his rivals in his own tribe.

Bibi could tell the world that Judea and Samaria are the heart of the Promised Land in our Holy Book, without which Christians like Hillary and Muslims like Obama’s Dad would never have even understood the concept of holy writ and having a holy book.

Preventing us Jews from exercising the right of full ownership and sovereignty in Judea and Samaria is nothing less than an antisemitic attack on Judaism. It is nothing to make the case in gentile law that these hills are legally ours, as of right, and that the world denies us Jews the right of ownership is another form of Jew-abuse over thousands of years of Jew-abuse.

This land is rightfully ours but Bibi never says so. And Hillary never fights for our rights as she has I’m sure for blacks, women and sodomites.

That is a form of discrimination against the Jews, a/k/a a form of antisemitism.

Those who deny our right to Yosh are antiJews, modern-day antisemites…

“We built this city…”

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:52 Mins)
…So Barry Soetero a/k/a Pres. Barack Hussein Obama spoke yesterday in a country he felt at home in probably more than he ever did in the United States. And one contributing factor was likely the skin color of the Indonesians among whom he lived and played as boy, ages 6-10. He likely felt much more at home in Indonesia than in America.

He has spoken with real feeling for the good times of his boyhood there among his friends, other, in his own words “brown boys.”

These people are Muslims, the Indonesians, and likely (not having ever been there) are less irritating than the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula; gentler. And Barack Hussein had experiences other boys have of playing outdoors in summertime when there was no school, fond memories of boyhood.

But what he cannot accept now as an adult is that their religion, the religion of his father the Muslim, is a menace to mankind. He persists in describing al-Qaeda as a menace, but that does not mean Islam is a bad religion, he says.

Again yesterday in his compulsive outreach to Muslim states, he said Islam is a “great world religion,” and in that he could not be more un-American. That’s his problem: he likes Islam, when Islam stands for behaviors American don’t like. Like chopping off the hands of thieves; like cruelly treating women as less than human; like being a religion in which psychopaths like bin Ladin and Arafat the covert Muslim extremist can act out their fantasies with support.

Americans wrote a Bill of Rights which they appended to their brand-new constitution which began with the declaration that there will be “no establishment of religion” in the new republic, meaning no government office regulating religion. That was none of the government’s business.

At the time the American Revolution broke out, New York City alone had about 30,000 people and 22 different kinds of churches and one synagogue; and no mosque

Today’s ahistorical liberals completely misunderstand those first words of the First Amendment. They think it means the government must be hostile to religion, when the opposite is true. The purpose of the so-called “no establishment clause” was to allow for unfettered religious life over which the government has no control; no control over a man’s deepest beliefs.

Versus Islam, where it rules in its majority institutes itself as the official relilgion and is arguably the most totalitarian society in human history. The Soviet Union lasted a mere 72 years; Islam has been around for 14 centuries abusing and humiliating all those in its midst who aren’t Muslims. Christians, Jews, Animists. They are murdering them like crazy now in Iraq.

Hindus, Buddhists have all suffered from the Muslims. Perhaps the greatest genocidal massacre in history was what Muslims did in the Indian sub-continent which everywhere was populated by idol-worshippers, whom Islam teaches must either convert immediately to Islam or be killed on the spot by a Believer…

The Settlements are Legal

Internet Radio

November 9, 2010
40:39 Mins
Audio Excerpt (1:39 Mins)
Program Link: Harper will defend Israel ‘whatever the cost’
…President Obama in the Far East where he lived as a Muslim school boy said this “kind of activity” his words “was never helpful.” And never mind that the activity of Jewish people over the last 150 years of building in Jerusalem is what turned what was a stinking, Muslim backwater of a museum-like town into a modern, thriving, lovely city. His beloved Ancient Victims of the Jews’ ancient cruelty, the Balestinians, didn’t build anything; certainly nothing more public than a mosque. Today, though, they shamelessly claim Jerusalem is theirs. We Jews started building in this city before there were any Arab dwellings east of the Turkish walls. We built this city, made it 10 times larger today than it was 100 years ago, but these descendants of desert highwaymen insist the city, the heart of Jerusalem, is their property. And the State Department seems to go along with that.

This is a lie on a par with the Muslim claim that Avraham was ever in Mecca with his son Ishmael. Where does it say that in our holy books? It doesn’t. The first Muslims just made it up. You know, like the schoolyard bully who yanks a ball from the hands of a smaller boy, Ishmael stole Judaism from Israel. At the point of Islam’s birth it was always already 2,000 years old…

Yigal Palmor, Israeli

Internet Radio

November 7, 2010
37:56 Mins
Audio Excerpt (1:39 Mins)
Program Link: ‘The word “anti-Semitism” has been overused and abused’
…Okay? You’ve seen this video of Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor interviewed by the Post outside a conference on Israeli PR. Palmor said/was pleading basically that antisemitism exists but the word should not be used. Better to speak of “racism,” and “hate speech.” He thinks “antisemitism” the word has been over-used and abused, so even though he admits that “these problems” (as he calls them) exist; meaning the existence of antisemitism and antisemites, let’s call “these problems” by other names.

Once again here is an Israeli who prefers to cover up the truth of antisemitism which is a modern euphemism anyway for perennial Jew-hate and to resort to more universal terms. Antisemitism as something that is not unique. It is a form of “hate speech” and racism, and therefore there is really nothing particularly Jewish about antisemitism today. Let’s cover that up.

Fact is, I think, Israelis have, on the contrary, never over-used or abused the term antisemitism. On the contrary they never use it.

What is going on is this rising tide in our generation’s version of Jew-hatred and Jew-abuse. And the crazier it gets, the more it has in common with old-fashioned so-called antisemitism…

It’s a Religious War

Internet Radio

November 4, 2010
41:24 Mins
Audio Excerpt (1:08 Mins)
…On Monday in JPost we learned that our defense minister had responded to the weekend’s news of the latest airline terror attempt, launched by Al-Qaeda in Yemen in an effort to blow airplanes out of the sky – the Arabs have been doing that periodically for the last Biblical generation and counting. It is a behavior that is a cousin of the Yemenis’ cousins in Gaza who launch missiles of death into Sderot and environs. Our defense minister in the State of the Jews, who are supposed to be so smart and clever and wise, reacted to this latest terrorist attempt on Western aircraft by saying that the way to combat terror is “by treating its social roots, such as poverty, corruption, illiteracy and discrimination.”

Now and for the first time I pronounce Ehud Barak a moron. A nincompoop. And what is most inexcusable: he seems to be an uneducated and therefore stupid Jew…

What’s It All About? (09/07/10)

Internet Radio

September 7, 2010
38:56 Mins
Audio Excerpt (2:18 Mins)
…Mahmoud Abbas’ remarks yesterday that the two top priorities over which he will never compromise are the rights of the refugees and the 1967 borders in that order, which reflect his two broad constituencies: the refugees of ’48 – he is one of them – and when he speaks of the “1967 borders,” in his mind is his second constituency, the Arabs in Judea and Samaria who did not become refugees in 1948 or ’67. In ‘67, they were occupied by Al-Yahud, never made homeless. Since then this has been a major split in the Arab population today referred to as the Ancient Palestinians.

In Arabic, the first group was called those who were “fil harij,” and the second called “fil dakhil,” meaning those “outside” the land and those “inside” the land under Israeli occupation, who had obviously two very different agendas.

In 1967 right after the Six-Day War, there were prominent Arabs in Judea and Samaria with businesses and property and homes who were ready to recognize Israel’s right to exist on condition Israel withdrew from what had been Jordanian-occupied land.

And there was no shortage of Israelis ready for such a deal. I was not an Israeli yet at the time but supported that too. And it was bandied about in media. Right off the bat after the war there was talk of such a state for the Arabs in Judea and Samaria in both Israel and Arab circles in Ramallah in Hevron, in Jericho, etc.

But Arafat and Abbas eventually put a stop to such talk by murdering local leaders who spoke that way; of a state in Yosh only. That was in fact Fatah’s great fear, for that would mean the end of the aspiration of the refugees of 1948 to return to Tsfat, like Abbas, or Lod like George Habash. and Haifa for other Arabs who fled. For decades a state in Yesha was Yasir Arafat’s and Mahmoud Abbas’ worst nightmare…

Optimism & Ignorance (09/21/10)

Internet Radio

September 21, 2010
36:33 Mins
Audio Excerpt (3:43 Mins)
…But what I want to focus on is this wonderful aerial photo taken of the community of Beit Aryeh where today over 900 families live in this obviously, from the photograph, planned community on a hilltop some 400 meters above sea-level and 25 air miles northeast of Tel-Aviv. According to its Hebrew website, on a clear day from there, those people can from Hadera on the coast north of Tel-Aviv past Tel-Aviv all the way down to Ashqelon. This is what the antiJew MSM would call “deep in the West Bank,” maybe, I’m guessing, 12 miles inland from the coast.

The aerial photo makes clear this is a community like most of them in Judea and Samaria planned by civil engineers and urban planners, with its roads, homes, schools, grocery stores, playgrounds, synagogues and mini-parks, etc.

And also visible in the photograph next to Beit Aryeh is the Arab settlement called Luban al-Arabiya, which is obviously a little nothing of a scruffy collection of disorganized dwellings – though of course the caption writer at the Herald Tribune called Beit Aryeh – which dwarfs Luban al-Arabiya – a “settlement,” connoting something, new, and I guess moveable/destroyable, versus the “town” that is Luban al-Arabiya, which connotes something permanent, an organized community, when the photograph tells the opposite story.

Also shown is the plenty of land separating the two communities, areas than can be built upon in the future.

Before your eyes is a kind of graphic emblem of the Zionist movement: here is a planned, organized community purposely building its society – versus a smattering of structures in an unplanned mess which is dwarfed by its Jewish neighbor.

What came to mind were the words of the Gentile Prophet Balaam in the Book of Numbers, who came to curse the Children of Israel but instead, what came out of his mouth was praise and wonder: He said, “How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, thy dwellings Yisrael.” Balaam had been summoned from afar to the Sinai Wilderness to curse the Jews but when he saw their encampment, he had nothing but praise for the amazing sight of 12 Tribes, over a million people, some say over two million, living in an organized community of laws, peacefully – versus the life of tribesmen into this century over 3,000 years later for whom life is what Thomas Hobbes called brutish. For example, the life of still basically tribal Arabs in Algeria, in Lebanon, in Iraq where daily they have butchered one another in satanic acts of serial massacres.

Here in this photo is this planned, hilltop community of thousands of Jews living next to this miserable scattering of probably a few hundred Arabs.

This is the story, in a nutshell, of the return of the Jewish people to its Land…

Europe’s Punching Bag (09/19/10)

Internet Radio

September 19, 2010
38:33 Mins
Audio Excerpt (1:49 Mins)
…Consider the humorous but quite serious story this past week out of how Egypt where it’s oldest newspaper Al Ahram photoshopped that photo in Washington last week of Obama leading King Abdallah of Jordan and Mahmoud Abbas and Netanyahu and Mubarak to a press conference. In the original, Mubarak is last in this phalanx, but after editing, he was seen in Egypt leading the pack.

This is pathetic and worst of all, the editor of this newspaper on Friday defended the editing because it truly reflects, he said, the “leading role of Mubarak in the peace process.”

Israel needs to tell the world: this is with whom we are dealing. This is the editor of this venerable newspaper; this is not some marginal crank. The Arabs are so backward and have such little regard for objective truth as the civilized West understands that idea, the idea of friendly peace with them is a fantasy.

Israeli leaders never address the ocean of antisemitic bilge that the Arab-Muslim Middle East swims in, so that their version of truth and therefore of justice between us Jews and the Arabs in our ancient homeland is a pipedream.
All we can hope for is a state of no war until perhaps the end of days when these tribal primitives opt for civilization and peace with one of its progenitors, us Jews…

Arab Verbal Antics (09/16/10)

Internet Radio

September 16, 2010
36:15 Mins
Audio Excerpt (2:16 Mins)
…To begin with, for the otherwise very bright and sharp Glick, and often obtusely sabra-esque Marcus, this demand by Bibi goes to the heart of the matter, to the ultimate lie of the entire so-called peace process now 17 years old and counting. It is Bibi’s ultimate defense line.

Unfortunately, Bibi is ill-served by his own formulation. Were I advising him, I would phrase the demand differently in order to clarify the issue. Instead of asking Abbas & Co. to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, I would demand they recognize the rightness of Jews having their own state in their ancient homeland.

For what the sneaky Arabs have done in “recognizing Israel’s right to exist” as Hanina sees things is more of what they have always done, which is play word-games. In fact, contrary to Hanania’s claim that the “Palestinians” have recognized Israel’s right to exist, they have never repealed the PLO Covenant’s clauses calling for the destruction of Israel, as Netanyahu and Clinton claimed in 1998. In fact, in December 1988, they did not do that either as Secretary of State George Schultz at the time claimed they did, which led to U.S. acceptance of the claim Arafat had finally spoken the “magic words,” and therefore the U.S. chose to open talks with those enemies of not only the Jewish people but Western civilization.

What happened at the time was this…

“Security Arrangements”? (08/31/10)

Internet Radio

August 31, 2010
39:44 Mins
Audio Excerpt (1:43 Mins)
…So in conclusion, if Israel is being de-legitimized today; if it is only Israel that is called upon to make “confidence-building measures,” maybe it is because all Israel asks for is “security arrangements.”

It is attacked for occupying “Palestinian” territory and never says “No, it’s Jewish territory.”

We are our own worst enemies…

“Murder of the Innocents” (08/12/10)

Internet Radio

August 12, 2010
38:41 Mins
Audio Excerpt (1:34 Mins)
…killing peaceful peace activists just trying to alleviate the suffering of the Ancient Ones in that new air-conditioned mall in Gaza.

That is why Israel is acting foolishly with this Turkel commission. They want to show the goyim our innocence, in the belief that this will change the black heart of World AntiJewry; change the heart of Tony’s Blair’s sister-in-law who the other day, remember, painted a picture of a cruel, sadistic unit of Israeli soldiers who pounced on that ship and massacred the innocents.

“The Massacre of the Innocents.” That is a term used to refer to an episode in the Gospel of Matthew 2:16-18, when Herod, King in Judea, ordered all male babies slain because the Magi, the magicians who came from the east and prophesied that the Messiah, the King of the Jews, would just now be born in Bethlehem, who would obviously overthrow Herod. He had to kill all the male babies to prevent this from happening.

The King of Judea oversaw the “Murder of Innocents,” what Christianity teaches were the first Christian martyrs.

Five of them; count ‘em, five inquisitions into the reported bestial behavior of the Jews and their Murder of Innocents…

Where’s the Oratory? (08/24/10)

Internet Radio

August 24, 2010
38:48 Mins
Audio Excerpt (1:05 Mins)
…What has been lost in the state that secular Zionism built is a tradition of oratory, of orators, propagandists, PR spin doctors, call them what you will. Men like Abba Eban and Ze’ev Jabotinsky, David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, all of whom sang songs of Zionism and belief in the right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel which includes Judea and Samaria. It included Judea and Samaria for them.

What’s missing in Israel today is a leadership that will answer these wild asses of criminals, these mass murderers like Mahmoud Abbas with counter-claims to this Land and tell them it is our ancient homeland. And unlike in the lands of our dispersion, where we were told where we had to live and could not live, where on a whim we could be driven from the homes we had built for ourselves, here, back in the Israel we Jews brought back to life, no one will tell us where we can and cannot live…