Dissemblers & Renamers

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Dissemblers & Renamers
Webcast Date: 02/18/2010
Length: 39:39 Minutes
(February 18, 2010) …And then of course who did in Israel today meet with Jeremy Ben-Ami yesterday and his J Street AntiJews and Congressmen, if not the leader of the Kadima Party, Tsipora Livni. She met with them.

Interesting name, Kadima. It means “forward,” signaling progress, moving forward, though it is bereft of all information as to the ideas and policies of this political party. The terms “liberal” and “conservative” convey some information, but “forward” conveys nothing. It is empty, as empty as the head of Princess Tsipi who did go ahead and meet with these antiJews, saying afterwards, “When there are so many who threaten us, we cannot afford to lose those who consider themselves Israel’s friends.”

This is the same shallow woman who insisted on having dinner with the popular entertainer Madonna, she who sullies the very name of Madonna in her act, which is basically jumping around on a stage in her underwear. This is an artist that our Tsipi just had to meet and exchange views with over dinner…

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (11:28 Mins)

Cloak & Dagger

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Cloak & Dagger
Webcast Date: 02/16/2010
Length: 37:49 Minutes
(February 16, 2010) “…Three years later, the remarkable French Jew Adolphe Cremieux established the Alliance Israelite Universelle which set up an agricultural research station in the wilderness several miles inland from Jaffa to investigate the possibly of making the wasteland green and fertile again.

“This was and is Mikveh Yisrael, which is still in operation today. Only after then did Palestine begin to sprout the infrastructure of civilization, when roads were built, and cities developed, new communities implanted.

“And what was it exactly that the Ancient Palestinians did for this country? For their allegedly beloved ancient homeland whose name they can’t even pronounce properly?

“Israel is once again in the news with cloak and dagger, and why? Because these Arabs, these Muslims, never stop trying to murder us.

“On one hand, that is distressing, but on the other, in light of Jewish history, where is it written that the world no longer is home to lunatic Jew-haters with homicide and genocide in their black hearts?

“Zionism, secular Zionists thought like Karl Marx that they had a solution to a major social problem. Marx the manic egomaniac saw in himself the Isaac Newton of Economics. He finally understood, he thought, how economics works and via his revolutionary theory of Dialectical Materialism poverty and inequality would vanish from the earth.

“And so the Zionists likewise thought they had the solution to murderous Jew-hatred, but it seems not. Leastwise not yet.

“Secular Zionism surely has failed at putting an end to the antisemitism the “Moses” of the Secularist Zionists Theodor Herzl believed he had an answer to.

“We brought this Land back to life, populated it against all odds, but they are still out there, our Arab-Muslim neighbors, who are no more resigned to our existence today than the first days their grandfathers heard of Herzl and his Zionism.

“In this light, in this regard, secular Zionism failed…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (11:07 Mins)

AntiJew Styles

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: AntiJew Styles
Webcast Date: 02/14/2010
Length: 40:42 Minutes
Program Link: “Hard Mideast Truths” by Roger Cohen
(February 14, 2010) “…This fool does not understand that peace for Israel is the Arabs’ worst nightmare. For it would mean an Israel burgeoning as an economic power as never before. Not only would Israel become a vastly more prosperous state if it did not have to spend so much money per capita on national defense, the Arabs fear total domination in the Middle East by such a wealthy Jewish state, with all its freedoms as well for women and the “evil” influence such a state would have on the Arabs. Such a prosperous and free state for its people would be an intolerable neighbor for the Arab despots who rule over their 21 countries.

“Roger Cohen cannot or will conceive of this conflict as the aggressor Arabs against the victims of their aggression the Jews. He has to have a Palestinian Golem to match the moral power of the Jews in this conflict as the victim. In true antiJew fashion, Roger Cohen has a governor on his ability to identify with us Jews here who are no less today than ever the targets of lunatic haters.

“What the Roger Cohens of this world need psychically is a reason to blame the Jews for the absence of peace, not defend them from their aggressors.

“What the Roger Cohens and Douglas Bloomfields of the world cannot conceive is the reality that these Arabs as a collective, the Muslims as a collective, are as flakey about Jews today in the year 2010 as Hitler, his Germans and many European were in the 1920, 30s and 40s…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (9:19 Mins)

Israel, Land of Delusion

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Israel, Land of Delusion
Webcast Date: 02/11/2010
Length: 39:00 Minutes
(February 11, 2010) “…Ancient Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Salam Fayyad, PhD is another creation in the land of delusion, of Israel’s post-Jewish delusional ruling class.

“After the three Fatah murderers of Rabbi Meir Chai – one of them a member of PA counter-intelligence in Yosh – Dr. Fayyad, this former functionary of the dignified International Monetary Fund, paid a visit to the families of the rabbi’s murderers after the IDF came to arrest them but took no chances and had to kill them.

“These murderers in cold blood of Rabbi Chai – murdered by Jew-haters as in every generation rabbis have been slain by Jew-haters – and Ancient Palestinian premier Dr. Fayyad, PhD pays their families a visit and pronounces them “martyrs,” shahideen (I think).

“He’s like all the rest. On the outside, they are seen as civilized (well, maybe not Arafat) but among their own people they dare not represent civilization to their people. They risk their lives by trying to impose on them Western notions of good and evil.

“After the Holocaust the Roman Catholic Church had a change of heart and doctrine; after the Holocaust, the West voted at the U.N., leastwise 33 of the 56 founding states, on the rightness of recognizing, finally, a Jewish state in Palestine.

“The Arabs by contrast, have not had a change of heart and doctrine like the West. They remain faithful to their antiJew fear, loathing and religiously ordained hatred of Jews.

“And only the delusional for the last 16 years have nurtured the false claim that the Arabs at Oslo in 1993 finally came around to saluting the rightness of the existence of a Jewish state.

“The delusion that Arafat did; then in turn Dr. Abbas has, and now Dr. Salam Fayyad, who is no more able to call murder murder than they were…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:13 Mins)

The Threat to Freedom of Thought

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Threat to Freedom of Thought
Webcast Date: 02/09/2010
Length: 40:07 Minutes
(February 9, 2010) “…And as for demolishing homes? Their Qassam rackets have been known to thoroughly wreck Jewish homes when they crash into the very moderate apartment flats in Sderot or cottages in a kibbutz.

“And as for illegally occupying their land? Excuse me, but the League of Nations mandated that Palestine be the Jewish homeland. Nothing was said of any “Palestinians” or creating a “Palestinian” homeland. Joan Peters in her fine book of 1984 From Time Immemorial dug up some of the facts of history showing how throughout the Mandate Period, when the Jewish population of Palestine went from 50,000 to over 600,000, the Arab population also increased by the hundreds of thousands as Arab Muslim migrant workers poured in from Morocco to Yemen to Iraq; Syria, Lebanon and Trans-Jordan in search of work. It is they who are in illegal occupation of the Palestine that the West, principally Great Britain and the Zionists, brought to life after the Great War of 1914-1918.

“As so often in the minds of irrational Jew-haters, the facts are trashed in order to bash and unburden the Jew-hater with the guilt for his own crimes against us…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (6:19 Mins)

The Barbarians’ Conquest of Words

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Barbarians’ Conquest of Words
Webcast Date: 02/07/2010
Length: 42:22 Minutes
Program Link: Rewriting history: Jesus misrepresented as “Muslim Palestinian”
(February 7, 2010) “…Excuse me, but before Israel invaded Lebanon, Lebanon invaded Israel. The fighting began when Arabs, presumably citizens of Lebanon, Hezbollahi, Party of God members whose party today is a member of the government, launched rockets at Israeli border towns as a diversion for an anti-tank missile attack on two armored Humvees patrolling the Israeli side of the border fence. Of the seven Israeli soldiers in the two vehicles, two were wounded, five were killed and the bodies of two of the dead were taken to Lebanon. Five more were killed in a failed Israeli rescue attempt. That’s ten dead IDF soldiers and two “POWS” taken back across the line. And only after that did Israel, as the AP states, invade Lebanon. Then the AP went on to say the Community Security Trust reported that there were extreme reactions to the conflict in Gaza when “Israeli forces invaded…in 2008…and that it was a “three-week assault.””And I ask you, in this run-of-the-mill news story, who is invading these days, who is assaulting these days?

“Why, Israel of course is here cited twice for invading, first Lebanon, then Gaza. Not a whisper of Lebanon’s initial invasion of Israel or the  eight years  of rockets into Jewish homes and streets, and the lost of life and limb and expense; the cost to the Jews amounting to millions…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (12:07 Mins)

The Slanderers

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Slanderers
Webcast Date: 02/04/2010
Length: 42:03 Minutes
(February 4, 2010) “…Funny, how naked Jew-haters like Jimmy Carter call bedroom suburbs of Jerusalem and Haifa and Tel-Aviv in the Jewish homeland a mere 50 miles wide “colonies,” which is an absolute Orwellian rape of the conventional sense of that term, but do not see that the violence here is our Jewish self-defense of less than 6 million against the neighboring Arab people of 300 million who surround us on three sides and in an act of cosmic greed cannot abide our living free and independent from them in our ancient homeland. They have the right, they say, to rule over every square meter of the Middle East from Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Shatt al-Arab border with Iran in the east, a spread greater than the distance between Los Angeles and New York, with no room for a non-Muslim, non-Arab people to live here as they want to live free of the majority Arab Muslims in the region. So in this enlightened age of ours, the Arab-Israeli Conflict is about the Arab resistance, as they call it to the Jews having their own land. In this construction of perceived reality, the Jews are the greedy ones. They have too much land and the Arabs don’t have enough…”
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (6:53 Mins)


Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Disputations
Webcast Date: 02/02/2010
Length: 38:59 Minutes
(February 2, 2010) “…In medieval Spain – now this is centuries before the hell-fires of the Inquisition –the great Rabbi Moses ben Nachman a/k/a among Jews The Ramban and among Gentiles Nachmanides was 69 years old in the year 1263, well advanced in years especially for that time, in the twlight of his life, when he received an order from the King of Catalunia Jaime/James I to appear in his court in Barcelona to answer charges against Judaism and to explain his refusal to convert Cristianity, he and all the Jews of the kingdom.The catalyst for this royal demand came from Pablo Cristiani who had called on the king in the name of the head of the regional Dominican Order of Roman Catholic monks,  Master General Raymond de Penyafort, to tell the king that he, Pablo Cristiani, could prove the truth of Christianity by using the Talmud and other rabbinical writings; and if the king summoned the famous Rabbi Moses the son of Nahman to court to answer charges against Judaism, in the process he would convince him to convert. And he could do that because Pablo Cristiani was not his real name – which escapes me at the moment, a classical Jewish name, something like Yitzhak ben Haim – for Pablo Cristiani was a convert to Cristianity who could prove, he said, using the Talmud, that Christianity was the true religion…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (9:43 Mins)

The New Israel Fund

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The New Israel Fund
Webcast Date: 01/31/2010
Length: 41:51 Minutes
(January 31, 2010) “…And now we have the New Israel Fund and all these NGOs allegedly dedicated to improving Israel being revealed as the producers of the Goldstone Report.

“With the extra added information that the New Israel Fund itself is funded by the Ford Foundation, rooted in the founding father of the dynasty Henry Ford I who used to publish the Dearborn Independent in Michigan, a newspaper in the 1920s which he used for his antisemitic ranting. It was worthy of the Nazi publications popping up in Germany at the same time. I have heard, I think, that Adolph Hitler imakhshemo, the devil incarnate who was incandescent in his demonic hatred of Jews had no photograph or decoration in his office except for a picture, either hanging on the wall or on his desk of Henry Ford, inventor of the assembly line later put to interesting use at Auschwitz. Theirs was a mutual admiration society.

“The Ford Family also funded the fancy Hotchkiss prep School in Connecticut which barred Jews and probably still does.

“As a result of this long article in Maariv on Friday by star Israeli journalist Ben Caspit, there is going to be an investigation in the Knesset into this matter. And the head of the New Israel Fund today is none other than MK Naomi Hazan. We are already hearing demands that she resign from the Knesset for her organization’s responsibility in the Goldstone apostasy and the headache the country now suffers as its sons are accused by the world via Goldstone of being cold-blooded killers.

“In Barbary days there was a slang expression for Christians enslaved on the Barbary Shore who converted to Islam to escape slavery. It was called “turning Turk.” To “turn Turk” was to convert to Islam because the Barbary city-states were semi-independent Regencies that paid tribute to the superior Ottoman sultan in Constantinople. “Turk” was synonym for Muslim.

“And that’s what Richard Goldstone has done: he’s “turned Turk” and begun thinking like the Turks today who think IDF soldiers are cold-blooded, conscienceless murderers of the innocent…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:45 Mins)

What is the “oPt”?

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: What is the “oPt”?
Webcast Date: 01/28/2010
Length: 43:39 Minutes
(January 28, 2010) “…Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, yud-dales be-Shvat, Parashas Beshalakh, tav-shin-ayin, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 28 January, 2010, webcasting from what the U.N. calls the lower case “o,” upper case “P” and lower case “t”, the Occupied Palestine Territories.

“I just noticed that in some U.N. document. That is the new term for Judea and Samaria. And notice the peculiar style of upper and lower case. How fashionable of them. Like iPod or iTunes. This is the “oPt,” with the P standing up in the middle there. That’s what the new name has become…’”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:48 Mins)

Erasing the Jews

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Erasing the Jews
Webcast Date: 01/26/2010
Length: 36:31 Minutes
(January 26, 2010) “…According to others, this phenomenon is particularly prevalent in the Baltics, in Lithuania and Latvia where, unlike even in Poland, there was massive collaboration by the locals with the Nazis in their extermination of the Jews. For sure, these two peoples suffered under Russia’s occupation for almost 50 years, thousands were shipped off to and died in Siberia, still, this drive to lump Communist brutality with the Nazi crusade in which they participated is yet another attempt to deprive the Jews of their unique history. And I would add their own culpability.

“Think as well of the transparently ridiculous attempt here by the Arabs who equate the Holocaust with what they call their Nakba, which is another way of painting Zionism in the colors of genocidal racism.

“In the West too, I wish had a shekel for every Western leader in a democracy who also, when it comes to addressing antisemitism has clearly condemned it; and then in the same breath condemns all kinds of racism and bigotry and prejudice, and Islamophobia and homophobia, and ageism and heightism and ismism.

“How hard it is still for so many otherwise benign people to confront the enormity of what not only the Germans but other nations did, like the Baltic people during WWII, and in truth in other periods over millennia.

“’Yes, we condemn antisemitism and all forms of hatred and discrimination and persecution of sodomites and lesbians and yadda, yadda, yadda…’”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:09 Mins)

Hamitic Primitives

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Hamitic Primitives
Webcast Date: 01/24/2010
Length: 39:28 Minutes
(January 24, 2010) “…Why is that? Why is it that civilized people, Jews and others in the West, harbor those who support their country’s enemies – versus the Arabs who have nothing of the kind to compare?

“Consider all the Israelis and Jews, like in J Street, who wave the flag of the Fatah murderers, the banner of the phantom Palestinian Nation, while we have never ever seen even one Arab waving the flag of Israel.

“In this perfect absence of equivalence between the two peoples lies the difference between the freedom of civilization and totalitarian uniformity of Muslim/Arab cultures. The Jewish side has offered compromises and several plans to share this land, but the Arabs demand it all. This too tells a tale…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (6:57 Mins)

Unexamined Givens

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Unexamined Givens
Webcast Date: 01/21/2010
Length: 37:33 Minutes
(January 21, 2010) “…Dempsey wrote that in her joint press conference with Netanyahu on Monday, when Merkel was asked about Israel’s settlement policy and the blockade of Gaza, she minimized the issue. Excuse me, but if any country is seriously blockading Gaza, it’s not Israel; it’s Egypt. Israel lets in daily hundreds of semi-trailers loaded with food and other necessities, versus the Egyptians who let in nothing.

“Elsewhere Judy Dempsey writes, “Mrs. Merkel has embarked on her own particular policy toward Israel, even after the Gaza bombing.”

“Unspoken here is the unexamined judgment that there was something wrong with Israel bombing Gaza a year ago. Absent here is any reference to the fact that prior to this “unacceptable” bombing by Israel of Gaza last year, there had been the Arabs’ bombing of Sderot and environs that had gone on for seven years. Like the Arabs, she starts her story on Chapter 2 when it comes to bombing. She brings up Israel’s bombing of Gaza but says nothing of Gaza’s bombing of Israel…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:22 Mins)

AntiJew Denialism

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: AntiJew Denialism
Webcast Date: 01/19/2010
Length: 40:41 Minutes
(January 19, 2010) “…I think the IDF deserves the Nobel Prize for Peace for its behavior a year ago during Operation Cast Lead. Think of what the Air Force did in 5 weeks of bombing southern Lebanon in 2006, doing immense damage; then think of the 3 weeks of IDF operations in Gaza and compare. If Israel had wanted to, Israel could have flattened much of that 5-mile by 25-mile rectangle and killed thousands of non-combatants, not the few hundred who did die. And that it did not is evidence of Israel’s restraint and its taking the trouble to make hundreds of thousands of computerized phone calls and dropping thousands of leaflets, both actions intended to minimize non-combatant casualties. What other nation has done this?

“This Operation Cast Lead libel campaign is the true organized and orchestrated smearing of Jews which people like Foreign Minister Store and doctors Gilbert and Fosse have done in every generation for thousands of years.

“Only now, in a new, post-Holocaust twist, they deny their perversion of reality whose purpose is to smear Jews with crimes we do not and have not committed.

“This is antiJewism in a new key. Bashing Jews and denying at the same time that is what you are doing. Like I say, denial of almost psychotic intensity…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:54 Mins)

“Orient House”: More Evidence

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: “Orient House”: More Evidence
Webcast Date: 01/17/2010
Length: 39:07 Minutes
Program Link: “First, the Good News” by Oliver North
(January 17, 2010) “…The wackiness of Israel is manifest in the contradiction between its going along with the so-called peace process whose vocabulary is all about justice for the Ancient Landlords of Palestine, the victims of Zionism, while on the other hand in practice acting very differently.”I mean, here was Bibi in his Bar Ilan speech trying to sound like an Enlightened man who says that a state for the poor poor Palestinian people is his goal too, but in practice he sees no way for Israel to retreat as the world demands and let the Arabs in Judea and Samaria govern themselves free of all Israeli involvement.

“Why, just this morning after day break, IDF soldiers from the Kfir Brigade – kfir means “young lion” – and the Duvdevan unit – which means “cherry,” whose specialty is masquerading as Arabs in order to penetrate on foot into Arab streets and alleys in order to arrest aspiring Jew-killers – were able, working with the GSS, to arrest four of them right there in the belly of beast, in Nablus, the lisping Arabs’ mispronunciation of the Latin name Neapolis, further evidence like “West Bank” and “Orient House” that the Palestinian nation is a hoax…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (2:44 Mins)

Israeli Politesse

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Israeli Politesse
Webcast Date: 01/14/2010
Length: 42:06 Minutes
Program Link: Analysis – The “Palestinian Nelson Mandela”
(January 14, 2010) “…Moreover, its denouement last night was not the Turks apologizing for their ugly Jew-hatred. It was Israel apologizing to them for our insulting behavior; an apology orchestrated by none other than Shimon Peres, the erstwhile, post-Jewish Marxist philosopher who in the 1990s let Arafat literally on one occasion lead him around by the hand and one occasion even kissed Arafat on the cheek.”How the antiJew goyim love Uncle Shimon as Israel’s wise man, as one goy politician called him today the settling this contretemps.

“How ironic that Peres and other scions of the original Zionists who sneered at Diaspora Jews for kowtowing to the goyim end up being the very people they were raised to despise…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (11:11 Mins)

Turkey’s Turkey P.M.

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Turkey’s Turkey P.M.
Webcast Date: 01/12/2010
Length: 40:06 Minutes
(January 12, 2010) “…Erdogan in his press conference also accused Israel of threatening world peace. He also called on the U.N. Security Council to pressure Israel over its nuclear program as it is now pressuring Iran. Moral equivalence between Jews and their oppressors. And for sure Iran is our oppressor. What is Hezbollah, what is Hamas if not Iran in disguise that spends zillions on arming these two cult gangs who are always trying to murder us?
While we pose no threat to Iran whatsoever. What Israel might do is switch tactics, jettison its long-term policy of denying it has nuclear weapons and take a page out of the Bible, the one on which we read of how future King David is pursued by reigning King Saul; David hides in a cave at Ein Gedi by the Dead Sea and Saul rests for a time at the mouth of this cave and is unaware when David creeps up on him in silence and cuts off a piece of his robe.

“Later when Saul rises and goes a distance, David appears and calls to him. He holds up the piece of cloth, points to Saul’s robe and protests Saul’s deep belief in David’s threat to him. David says this proof that he could have killed Saul if he really wanted to, but did not.

“Israel might confess its arsenal and tell the Iranians, Israel could have vaporized Teheran and the priestly city of Qom years ago, and still might do if necessary.

“It is Iran than menaces and wounds Israel and not the other way around. And this is why the U.N. Security Council targets Iran and not Israel. Because Iran, governed by Islamist madmen, is a danger to Israel and the world…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:00 Mins)

The Mind of a Madman

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Mind of a Madman
Webcast Date: 01/10/2010
Length: 39:59 Minutes
Program Link: Jihadi Forum Publishes Posthumous Article by CIA Khost Base Bomber; Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Bombing; Jihadi Forum Moderators Eulogize Bomber, Urge Members of Media Jihad to Follow in His Footsteps; ‘Al-Sharq Al-Awsat,’ ‘Al-Quds Al-Arabi’ Report Details on Bomber
(January 10, 2010) “…The Canaanites were like the Aztecs who daily murdered surrounding tribesmen as part of their religious ritual. As the Holy Temple’s principle activity was sacrificing wine, grain and animals on a daily basis, so the Aztec daily captured some non-Aztec Indian and dragged him to the top of a pyramid where Aztec priests sliced open his chest and cut out his beating heart and ate it. Then they chopped up the corpse and threw the pieces down to the common man gathered at the base of the pyramid for them to eat.

“Such were the Canaanites, and at Har Megiddo, which is an archaeological park in Israel, in English Armageddon, one can see the kind of altar they used for their sacrifices.

“Abraham became most famous for almost slaughtering his own son according to the wishes of his G-d. But then his G-d did not allow him to go through with the killing and ordered him to instead slaughter a sheep. Sublimate the killing instinct…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:02 Mins)

The War on Tribalism

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The War on Tribalism
Webcast Date: 01/07/2010
Length: 41:12 Minutes
(January 7, 2010) “…The differences between civilized peoples and these barbarians is the age-old difference between civilization and tribalism. The former thrives in cities, the other is commonly described as nomadic, mobile communities who move around often in pursuit of good land for their flocks. Such are the Bedouin; such were the American Indians who lived off the buffalo for meat and clothing and shelter; that is, a style of society rejected in the Torah from the very beginning when Adam is called to work the land and subdue nature and put it to human use.

“The ‘War on Terrorism,’ which this bad guy Obama denies exists, is admittedly not the best name. It is mildly Orwellian in covering up the truth, that it is a war against violent, crusading Muslims.

“But on another level it perhaps might be more accurate for people in civilization to start calling it the War on Tribalism, and that is because real, actual, living tribesmen are playing a major role in this 21st century conflict between the West with its armed drones and cruise missiles costing zillions, hunting individual enemy leaders who use weapons so small they can be hidden on a man’s body, or even in his underwear…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:11 Mins)

Newman’s Delusions

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Newman’s Delusions
Webcast Date: 01/05/2010
Length: 40:01 Minutes
(January 5, 2010) “…This David Newman piece is a good example of similar pieces in Enlightened Israel this week in the wake of that wretched High Court decision to re-open Rt. 443: smearing Israel with “apartheid” for keeping it closed these seven years.”In his final paragraph, the ‘balanced’ academic of course tips his hat to Israel by saying, “Security is important to all of us. None of us wants to be blown up by a roadside bomb…” (Those too were used before the road was closed – and another failed attempt happened just last week, or the week before.) “None of us wants to be blown up by a roadside bomb, a Katyusha rocket or a suicide bomber, just as no Palestinian wants to see IDF tanks and soldiers in their backyard or ripping up their orchards.”

“Notice the moral equivalence; notice the wildly unbalanced arithmetic: the Arabs have launched thousands of Katyushas over the years and hundreds of suicide bombers, versus how many times have IDF tanks ripped up orchards?…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (4:27 Mins)

Obama, Yemen, Evil

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Obama, Yemen, Evil
Webcast Date: 01/03/2010
Length: 42:12 Minutes
Program Links:
Hebrew Video of Interview with Arab MK
Arab MK: Tel Aviv is the Arab Village of Sheikh Munis!
Obama Pretends to Get Tough on Yemen
(January 3, 2010) “…Stephen Hayes yesterday in the Weekly Standard in a piece called “Obama Pretends to Get Tough on Yemen” not only reminded us of how on his second day on the job as president, when he signed an executive order calling for the closing of Guantanamo, where 100 of the 248 captives at the moment were from Yemen, the U.S. State Department on its website posted an interview with the U.S. ambassador in Sanaa, Stephen Seche, who said it was the goal of the new administration to “repatriate a majority of these Yemeni prisoners so they could make a future for themselves here…have them integrate themselves back into their own society with their families. Except for some hardcore elements, we believe the majority of these detainees can be put productively into a reintegration program with the goal over time of enabling them to find a way back into Yemeni society without posing a security risk.”

“What is this? Social Work? It is America’s goal to rehabilitate these Muslim maniacs affiliated with the madman ibn Ladin?

Hashem yirakhem. Lord have mercy…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (3:23 Mins)

Gentile New Year’s

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Gentile New Year’s
Webcast Date: 12/31/2009
Length: 39:55 Minutes
(December 31, 2009) “Shalom laYehudim, Shalom laBnai Noach, Shalom laGoyim. It’s the evening of the 6th day, tes-vav be-Teves, Parashas Vayikhi, tav-shin-ayin, the evening of the 5th day, Thursday, 31 December, 2009, webcasting from the Holy Land which does not, with much of the rest of humanity, celebrate tonight as New Year’s.

“No, we Jews to whom this Land was given by the Architect and Creator of the world are different. We are the same as the rest of humanity in experiencing New Year’s as a day of awe, which means all together admiring wonder and dread. The difference between Jews and other nations is how we deal with it. We pray for two days for many hours; this evening some Gentiles will deal with the dread, the passing of time, by getting blitzed to the point of oblivion and loss of consciousness…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (3:24 Mins)

Road Rage on Rt. 443

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Road Rage on Rt. 443
Webcast Date: 12/29/2009
Length: 38:46 Minutes
(December 29, 2009) “…And that is Israel’s cardinal sin since 1967: holding out the fantasy of possibly, some day, under the right conditions, handing over land we won in battle that miraculous week. We did give back the Sinai Peninsula, but in Jewish history that vast desert only had significance for forty years. It was nothing but a way-station and thus could be sold back for peace, which it was, to be used as it still is, as a demilitarized buffer zone hundreds of kilometers wide.

“But as for Judea and Samaria: Israel’s deranged thinking about these hills since 1967 is obvious when compared to the common sense knowledge of every man of even average intelligence that this is high ground, and since the first rocks were thrown by cavemen it has been known that the guy at the top of the hill has a major advantage over the guy at the bottom. Before yours truly became a believing keeper of the mitzvot and discovered the holiness of this Land, it was clear from a cold, calculating, geo-military, political standpoint that Judea and Samaria are simply unreturnable…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:09 Mins)

A Violent, Criminal People

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: A Violent, Criminal People
Webcast Date: 12/28/2009
Length: 42:53 Minutes
(December 28, 2009) “”When going back and forth and through the States in November, I took five plane trips, and of course learned to prepare even before you get to the airport for The Drill. You know, like in boot camp. You show up, get on line, have your ticket and identification handy, remove your shoes, take off your belt, empty your pockets into the baskets, push them forward, pass through the metal detector, collect your things, find a place to put yourself back together.”And in removing my shoes one time I flashed in my mind on reading once how in Morocco at times Jews were required when walking in public and passing a mosque to remove their shoes. And then were other times when the Jews left their ghetto-like streets they had to remove their shoes altogether and walk around barefoot in Moroccan streets.

“And here the Arabs have gotten over the last 8 years, since the shoe bomber Richard Reid, to get how many millions of air travelers to take off their shoes? Tens of millions, scores of millions of travelers. These Arabs have an affinity for attacking travelers, either in a car in Samaria, or an airliner flying over Detroit, as a result of which now, we’ve all seen today, how the new security regulations are going to discomfort us air travelers in new ways. The last leg of the trip, no blankets, nothing in one’s in one’s lap. No getting up, no going to the lavatory. These Arabians, I tell you, have a knack for annoying mankind…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (4:08 Mins)

Israeli Politics: A Disgrace

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Israeli Politics: A Disgrace
Webcast Date: 12/24/2009
Length: 40:56 Minutes
(December 24, 2009) “…And it doesn’t help one’s mood that this latest slaying of a Child of Israel happened on a day when the Shalit negotiations broke for Christmas, the German go-between went home for the holiday, which left our politicians free to engage in what they love most, like pigs in their pigsty mucking about in musical chairs between parties that does nothing for the common weal. Today’s story was Bibi trying to bribe apparently half of the Kadima faction to abandon ship and join the Likud Party, for which they will be rewarded by becoming ministers and deputy ministers, and all of course the public’s expense.”Israeli political life is an embarrassment. These would-be renegades were elected by the voters as Kadima Party politicians which presumably meant something, that they stood for an idea or two, yet here they feel free as birds to fly the coop and basically betray all those who voted for their Kadima Party.

“This is just disgraceful, and it goes on all the time; on and on, these ‘try to bring down government’ maneuvers, or in this case destroy a rival party, all of which activity does nothing for the welfare of the people, and it is all done, so to speak, on company time, at the taxpayer’s expense…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (3:22 Mins)

Are We Crazy?

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Are We Crazy?
Webcast Date: 12/22/2009
Length: 40:15 Minutes
(December 22, 2009) “…Tomorrow the German go-between will return to Gaza of the Neo-Philistines with Israel’s latest terms, this insistence that some 130 of the 1000 or so blood-thirsty terrorist monsters to be released not be allowed to return to the Arab settlements they used to live in Yosh but must go Gaza or any place else.”I think this is just pathetic. Israel was a spiritually and morally healthier society a generation ago…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (4:42 Mins)

Deciding Gilad’s Fate

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Deciding Gilad’s Fate
Webcast Date: 12/21/2009
Length: 38:42 Minutes
(December 21, 2009) “…I think there should not even be a debate over this issue. And one rational support for taking the position that Shalit should not be released at this price is that Israel has already had experience with a mass release of not hundreds but over a thousand homicidal Arabs in 1985, in exchange for, I think, three or six soldiers held in captivity by Ahmad Jibril’s murder cult the PFLP-GC — and that led to the first intifada, when hundreds of Jews were attacked…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (10:11 Mins)

Chanukah Abominations

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Chanukah Abominations
Webcast Date: 12/17/2009
Length: 40:23 Minutes
(December 17, 2009) “…Orthodox Jewishness has nothing to do with ethnicity as a biological fact. Were that the case, no one could convert to Jewishness and change ethnic identity. Orthodoxy does not prohibit conversion, it does though have standards. Other faiths search for new blood; to become a Jew you have to work at it. It is not only a set of religious ideas but of behaviors.”Consider by radical contrast how the sons of Ishmael accept converts. All anyone has to do is raise his or her right index finger symbolizing belief in one god, not thousands, and speak one sentence…”  
Program Link: “An illiberal and ignorant judgment” – Melanie Phillips
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (7:33 Mins)

Religion & Politics

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Religion & Politics
Webcast Date: 12/15/2009
Length: 41:49 Minutes
(December 15, 2009) “…Moses did not even appoint a fellow member of his own tribe of Levi, an entire tribe of religious priests. He went to another tribe because Joshua had been his loyal student and devotee who deserved the position.”Moses also seems to have possessed G-d given wisdom concerning the mistake of having one’s political leadership one’s religious leaders…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (9:14 Mins)

Eternal Struggles

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Eternal Struggles
Webcast Date: 12/10/2009
Length: 38:06 Minutes
(December 10, 2009) “…webcasting from Eternal Israel with its eternal struggles.

“One eternal struggle is the concrete menace of people who so hate us they allow themselves to murder us not only in cold blood but with a feeling of righteousness, for killing us is an act of justice, retribution for our alleged crimes against humanity…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (5:42 Mins)

Depriving the Jews of Jerusalem

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Depriving the Jews of Jerusalem
Webcast Date: 12/08/2009
Length: 42:36 Minutes
(December 8, 2009) “…I mean, there are other cities in the world — like the Ishmaelites’ Mecca and Tibetan Buddhists’ Lhasa — called holy by their devotees but no city to match Jerusalem, with its Jewish name, which is coveted by billions of adherents who deny it to the Jews. Make no mistake: the decision today by the 27 largely post-Christian European nations, that is, the vote of their foreign ministers in the boring city of Brussels, Belgium, called for Jerusalem to be the capital city of two separate nations, the Children of Israel and Arabs pretending to be of the seed of Canaanites and Philistines. But its subterranean intent was not about sharing but depriving the Jews of the heart of the heart of their Holy City….”  
Program Link: “Jerusalem: A Growing Powder Keg in Mideast”
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (4:47 Mins)

Two Kinds of Madness

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Two Kinds of Madness
Webcast Date: 08/06/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 36:56 Minutes
(August 6, 2009) “…Last webcast the name of Raphael Patai came up, author of The Arab Mind which was much read, I believe, by U.S. Army officers serving in the field in the first years of the conquest of Iraq.”And that Arab mind was on display again in Bethlehem today (of all places) when over two thousand delegates to the Fatah conclave in the following order 1) unanimously blamed Israel for assassinating (that’s an Arabic-root word) Arafat and 2) called for an investigation into the assassination.

“Follow the sequence: First indict and judge guilty, then call for an investigation…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (08:36 Mins)

The Great Peace Process Hoax

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Great Peace Process Hoax
Webcast Date: 07/23/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 34:29 Minutes
(July 23, 2009) “…We are close to being six million Jews surrounded on three sides by Arabs swimming in oil wealth, 300 million of them. Only two of the 21 Arab states have signed peace us; nonetheless we are the ‘aggressors’ in this relationship. We are the oppressors, the humiliators of the real, ancient owners of Palestine. And never mind that the Arabs did not start calling this region Palestine until 1917 when the Brits started calling it Palestine. In actual fact, by 1919, the leader of the Arabs here, the Muslim priest Haj Amin al-Husseini, founded a newspaper whose title expressed the whole purpose of the founding of the newspaper. He called it Southern Syria, because he objected violently to the British conquest of the country and their plan, their mandate from the League of Nations, to create a jurisdiction called Palestine. The Muslims had never administered such a territory in all their fourteen centuries. In their mind’s eye this was all southern Syria…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (06:10 Mins)

The White House of Humiliation

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The White House of Humiliation
Webcast Date: 07/14/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 31:57 Minutes
(July 14, 2009) “…Yediot Aharanot hard copy this morning reported Mr. Frederick Hoff is in the country for a few days, sent from Washington on a project that Mr. Hoff has apparently been working on for years now: how to divide the Golan Heights between Israel and Syria to please both sides enough to make peace.”And his solution is to create a kind of nature reserve along the Kinneret/the Sea of Galilee open to both Israelis and Syrians. It is a practical scheme that rests on the distinction that Fred Hoff makes between sovereignty and control. He wants to place formal sovereignty of this nature reserve in Syrian hands but afford Israelis unfettered access without passports. He thinks this will also become an international tourist attraction to the benefit of both countries. As for the Israeli settlements, the communities of Jews in this area today, well, they will no longer be Israeli communities.

“Fred Hoff has been on the case on what to do about the Golan Heights in order to make peace between Israel and Syria since 2001, and he believes his plan will deal effectively with the ‘psychological obstacles to peace found on both sides…’

“…When have the powers in Damascus ever known peace? When has an Arab government never feared for subversives trying to overthrow it from within or enemies outside its borders? The Arabs have never known peace between themselves and thus are not particularly troubled by the fact that they don’t have peace with Israel.

“The Arabs at bottom, I believe, know the score: that by demanding of Israel what they know Israel can’t surrender,  perpetuate the status quo of hostility, justify it, prolong it, and this leads to attention on the world stage…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (06:54 Mins)

“The World Turned Upside Down”

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: “The World Turned Upside Down”
Webcast Date: 06/30/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 38:12 Minutes
(June 30, 2009) “…In 1969, the Arab-Israeli conflict was the same as it had been for 50 years-plus: meaning, it was about the unwillingness of the Arabs to accept a Jewish state. Today, it is the Jews who are unwilling to accept a Palestinian state.”The World Turned Upside Down. That was the name of a popular American folk song during the American Revolution, right up there with ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy,’ both of them sarcastic ditties mocking the British who were the enemy they were fighting.

“The World Turned Upside Down is precisely what has happened here these last 40 years. Obama & Co. really believe, thanks to all the antisemitic leftists in the world, in Israel and the Diaspora, among them reprehensible leftists who have spread the intellectual poison of Palestinian Nationalism, which has led to this ridiculous burlesque of  truth that Lewis Carroll would enjoy.

“All this violence and international diplomacy and conferences and the Quartet and confidence-building measures and crises around settlement-building arise from the Jews’ refusal to accept the rightness of a ‘Palestinian’ state…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (04:26 Mins)

Tony Judt

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Tony Judt
Webcast Date: 06/23/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 38:26 Minutes
(June 23, 2009) “…In truth, in the 1947 Partition Plan, the names ‘Samaria’ and ‘Judea’ were used to describe this landscape that, it was suggested, become another ‘Arab state.’ That was the language. In those days before the 1949 cease-fire line, today’s so-called Green Line, the line did not exist and so there was no ‘West Bank’ as that kidney-bean shaped 2000 square miles is known today. In fact, in the very newspaper where Tony Judt published his antiJew rant, in 1967 the New York Times wrote of ‘the western bank of the Jordan River.’ So the term West Bank is a new term, a new geographical area, and it had yet to take hold in the popular mind in 1967.

“Only from 1968 on did the New York Times begin consistently to write of the ‘West Bank’ as if it was its real name instead of the default option for people who never had a name in their own alleged history for what Jews have always called Judea and Samaria for thousands of years….”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (03:36 Mins)

Jimmy Carter Sups with The Devil

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Jimmy Carter Sups with The Devil
Webcast Date: 06/18/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 37:30 Minutes
(June 18, 2009) “…It never stops does it? This focus on getting Israel to do right by the Ancient Palestinians.

“The cosmic hoax of a ‘Palestinian’ nation with national rights here in the land of the world-famous Bible that says not a word about such a people nonetheless appears to recapitulate the famous Biblical struggle between the Children of Israel and if not yet the Ishmaelites then the Philistines, which phonetically is almost like saying the ‘Palestines.’

“And of course the very words ‘Palestine’ and ‘Palestinian’ are rooted ultimately in the word ‘Philistine.’ In Hebrew, the original language of all mankind, the land was called Pilashet and the people the Plishtim, which means “invaders,” which tells us they were foreigners not entitled by HaShem to live here.

“The secular academic scholars who study the Bible in universities seem to agree with the Sages of the Jewish people that indeed the Philistines came from the west, the people who penetrated the Land of Canaan some academics say a century before the Exodus, some say a century after…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (08:00 Mins)

Obama, Cairo & Churchill

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Obama, Cairo & Churchill
Webcast Date: 06/04/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 42:08 Minutes
(June 4, 2009) “…in preparation for his second book [published in 1899], Churchill began reading everything he could on the Sudan. Then he headed back to England and stopped over in Cairo to meet the head of British-ruled Egypt, Lord Cromer, who read Churchill’s new manuscript and made suggestions.

“And in this second work, the prolific and speedy writer, this English aristocrat, gave us these immortal words:

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property {a euphemism for lots of banditry} that exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (08:49 Mins)

The Nerve of These AntiJews

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: The Nerve of These AntiJews
Webcast Date: 05/31/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 41:06 Minutes
(May 31, 2009) “…it is not really us Jews that are the issue: it is Who we represent that so rattles the world and stirs it to fight against us and disprove our claim and deny us the completion of our Biblically-prophesied return after 18 centuries of homelessness.

“The world, Obama, Hillary, Martin Indyk, and all the world’s antiJews are unnerved and angry that we have re-taken so much of what was promised to us thousands of years ago. And for forty years the antiJews have been irritated that we are once again the owners and rulers of Jerusalem and Judea.

“What is the so-called peace process if not an attempt to wrest from our hands Jerusalem and Judea?…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (03:39 Mins)

Jew-haters with a Smile

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Jew-haters with a Smile
Webcast Date: 05/24/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 38:35 Minutes
(May 24, 2009) “…Our last line of defense since the Six-Day War in that cesspool of antisemitism that is the U.N. has been the American veto putting the kibosh on vicious antiJew resolutions presented to the Security Council.

“And now Obama has the power to sign off on one of these, and I don’t think there is any way to stop him. Maybe legislation could be drafted to prevent him from taking such action; a Congressional resolution of over two-thirds to trump the president’s veto of them. That might be possible…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (03:29 Mins)

Clouds in the Mind

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Clouds in the Mind
Webcast Date: 05/14/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 42:45 Minutes
(May 14, 2009) “…From 1948 to 1968, the Arab-Israeli news story was about the continuing Arab war against the Jews; against Jews having their freedom and independence in their own state in their own ancient homeland with Jerusalem as its capital.

“But since 1969, the narrative has been reversed. Now the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, as it is called, is about the refusal of Israel to hand over the Occupied Palestinian Territories to their rightful owners, the rightful nation identified as the ancient owners of this land. Today the narrative is that Israel is not letting the Ancient Palestinians have their freedom in their ancient country…..”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (03:58 Mins)

Bashing Us With Our Book

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Bashing Us With Our Book
Webcast Date: 05/07/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 39:07 Minutes
(May 7, 2009) “…the antics in Antwerpen, Belgium where a new production of an old opera is yet another eruption of antiJew sickness.

“I find this story one the most compelling/gripping for its classic antiJew symptomology. It seems there’s a new production of the Saint-Saens opera Samson and Delilah co-directed by two citizens of the State of Israel, a Jew, Omri Nitzan and a nouveau ‘Palestinian’ Amir Nizar Zuabi, who staged the opera together. And it was their creative, bright idea to turn the Philistines in that Biblical story into today’s Israelis, with the Hebrews in that Biblical story played by today’s ‘Palestinians.’ Samson the hero is at the end a suicide bomber.

“There is a craziness here that is classic for antiJew hatred over thousands of years of the Jewish people’s voyage through time. It is a mental pathology…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (05:41 Mins)


Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Kidnappers
Webcast Date: 02/15/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 38:06 Minutes
(February 15, 2009) “…You see, Egypt and others think it would be a good idea for Hamas and Fatah to settle their differences and enter into a cooperative government of national unity as the Jews next door have done in the past and talk of doing today.

“Fatah and Hamas should be reconciled for the good of the Ancient Palestinian nation that they both claim to lead. According to the Associated Press yesterday, in recent days in Cairo, Hamas and Fatah “officials” held preparatory talks. ‘Both sides reported a positive atmosphere and said they talked about the fate of political activists held by Hamas in Gaza and by Fatah in the West Bank.’

“What’s being said here or alluded to in neutral words is that Fatah and Hamas representatives were talking in Cairo about a ‘prisoner’ exchange completely separate from the case of the Jew Shalit in Hamas captivity. What they talked about was the fact that both sides are holding hostages belonging to the other side, and that is because these so-called Palestinians are soul-mates of the Barbary Pirates. They deal in hostages, and that is because by nature they are kidnappers….”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (07:01 Mins)

Handling Hostages & Election Night

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: Handling Hostages & Election Night
Webcast Date: 02/10/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 38:31 Minutes
(February 10, 2009) “…Haaretz.com this afternoon reported on a new ADL report according to which 31% of the Europeans in seven countries – Hungary, Spain, the UK, France, Austria and Germany – blame the Jews for the world financial crisis…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (04:50 Mins)

A Non-People & T. Friedman, Moron

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: A Non-People & T. Friedman, Moron
Webcast Date: 01/15/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 37:26 Minutes
(January 15, 2009) “…Well, Israel is always, every day, at war. But you know what I mean. Israel is a battlefield, all of it, where all Jews are legitimate targets in the eyes of the seed of Ishmael. In normal wars between conventional armies in uniforms representing nation-states, the two armies target each other. Here, though, Israel is under constant attack by a non-nation-state. Which is almost exactly what it says in the Holy Five Books of Moses. In Se”fer Dvarim, the Book of Deuteronomy, Hashem says of His rebellious people, 32:21: ‘They provoked Me with a non-god, angered Me with their vanities, so I shall provoke them with a non-people, with a vile nation shall I anger them.’

“The reference is to the Israelites in the future because this is a prophecy given when they were still in the desert, when they would violate the second commandment by having other gods and idols before them, between them and HaShem. He would boomerang back to them the same suffering that He suffers but at the hands of a nonpeople. And Hamas is not a people but an antisemitic, religious homicide and suicide cult that does indeed cause us pain…”

Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (06:29 Mins)

UNSC 1860 & Israel’s Response

Internet Radio

Featuring: Political, historical, religious commentary with modern Israeli music
Webcast Title: UNSC 1860 & Israel’s Response
Webcast Date: 01/11/2009 (Rerun)
Length: 39:09 Minutes
(January 11, 2009) “…Today’s response in Israel by politicians and commentators to the UN resolution was a marvel of euphemism, of describing antisemitism without using that term, jabbering around it; exactly as in the UN resolution itself, where Hamas is never named, never specified for its outlaw activities. The resolution begins with the Council ‘stressing the urgency of a cease-fire leading to the full withdrawal of Israelis forces from Gaza.’ That is starting to tell the story but on Chapter Two. There is no reference to why Israeli forces went into the Strip in the first place. Hamas is never referred to even in euphemism in this resolution…”  
Headphones PLAY Webcast Excerpt (01:44 Mins)