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Program Link: Dr. Tawfik Hamid | |||
…Today the top story in Israel was the collapse of Iran’s currency, the catastrophic halving of their usual oil income, for that is all these Muslims have to sell. And only HaShem knows why He created this situation in which this vital resource is in the hands of barbarians who without it would still be living in the Dark Ages as they did into the 20th Century when the Judeo-Christian West they so despise and envy discovered and developed their oil industry for them. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz admitted the successful squeezing of Iran by the economic sanctions, though the question still remains: the purpose of the sanctions is to so squeeze the people of Iran they will force the regime to end their bomb-building project. But that could take years. In my view, the sanctions strategy is the wrong one and even an immoral attempt to avoid doing the right thing, which is to declare war on Iran and list its crimes against the U.S., France, Israel, etc. and proclaim the goal of the war to be the bringing down of the regime in Teheran. The leaders are the enemy, not the bomb-building equipment. I think it could be possible to draw up a list of Iran’s 100 most important people and where they live. And then one night around 3 a.m. local time a flight of Israeli F-16s could penetrate Iranian air space and release 100 GPS-guided bombs into their 100 bedrooms. Decapitate the regime in a flash and with miniscule collateral damage to the general population. A victory over the enemy at the cost of less than a thousand people in modern warfare is unheard of. The West must declare war on Iran as in olden days and prosecute it to a victorious conclusion. Maybe you saw last Saturday’s news which contained the joint statement of some veteran anti-Jews in the political and military establishment: Retired Admiral William J. Fallon, former Senator from Nebraska Chuck Hagel, a product of Roman Catholic education through high school, who in his Senator career was consistently anti-Israelite in his views; Thomas Pickering, Lee Hamilton, Anthony Zinni, all of whom oppose military action against Iran. “We believe a fact-based discussion of the objectives, costs, benefits, timing capabilities and exit strategy should govern any decision to use military force.” If George Orwell were with us now, he might have something to say about such language. Fallon and Zinni are a former admiral and former Marine Corps general who believe not in good and evil, not in right and wrong, not in defending America against her enemies but wanting a “fact-based discussion of the objective, costs, benefits, timing capabilities and exit strategy…” thus has the language of Political Science corrupted the hearts, minds and souls of Americans. They were the highest ranking officers in America’s military forces and they apparently have forgotten the word “victory.” What they want is an “exit strategy.” They don’t want to win; they want an “objective discussion of the costs and benefits.” The West must declare war against Iran and demand unconditional surrender, the same terms forced upon the Japanese and the Germans at the end of World II. Iran must be told to start dismantling its equipment in 24 hours or the Allies will strike! Instead we have had years of talk, and now sanctions. Anything but declaring war and destroying the evil mullahcracy as surely the governments in Berlin and Tokyo in 1945 were put out of business… |