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[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110915_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa] | |||
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…It is Bibi and Ehud who have helped create this tsunami of a story for it most upsets them. They simply have few tools in their spiritual-mental toolkit to deal with the kind of massive antiJew carryings on that go on in the General Assembly all the time and have for 61 years.
And there is also a connection between their dejudaized, secular Zionism and the miserable news item yesterday morning informing us that Hakim Awad of Samaria, one of the satanic knife murderers who butchered the Fogel family, Hashem yikom dammo, at Itamar last March, was found guilty in a military court and sentenced to five, count ‘em, five consecutive life sentences. Wow. These Israelis, boy. They’re tough. They gave this murderer not one, not two, not three or four but five consecutive life sentences – and never mind that this sentence makes no sense. It has no meaning. It is a sentence impossible to carry out. It is an absurdity hardly fitting the gravity of the monstrous crime of murder, so why hand it out? I guess to illustrate the righteous anger of the judges at this culprit for his terrible crime. And if so, such a sentence is far less about the culprit-murderer than the judges who preen themselves on their indignation. In practice, all this sentence means is locking this guy up in a facility with other Muslim Arab men of violence, roommates in a room with a private shower and private toilet, cooking facilities and a television and the opportunity to take courses as a university student and acquire if one wants a PhD in political science. That is what awaits this guy. Excuse me, but I find such sentences simply sickening for they illustrate the moral corruption of a society that cannot act respond properly to the greatest evil one man can do to another, which is homicide, which the Torah calls for capital punishment. I wouldn’t recommend the following punishment for its possibly negative influence on society as whole were it to be carried out, but not because I think Hakim Awad would not deserve such a fate. I wouldn’t mind seeing him, say, tied to a stake and smeared down with raw meat, then allow five or six pit bulls who had been starved for a couple of days to have at him; to sick them on and eat him alive, with their mouths tearing him limb from limb. For what this beast on two feet did to the Fogel family, to the parents and the little kids, slicing them up as he did. He deserves to watch as wild dogs sink their teeth into his flesh and eat him alive. I think Israel is not just incorrect but sinfully incorrect in not executing immediately every Arab terrorist like this bestial Muslim ghoul young Hakim Awad. Instead he is now going to be sustained by Israeli taxpayers, which is another, like the Oslo peace process, abomination… |