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Excerpt from the program on April 21, 2015:
…The Two-State Solution is a fantasy with no leasehold in the reality of the Middle East. The peace process has been a sham from day one in 1993. It sold the world the fantasy that Arafat and Abbas and friends had come around to recognizing the right of the Jews to live free in their own ancient country. Nonsense. More than nonsense. A complete fabrication of reality. There was not one sliver of evidence in 1993 that the Arabs had come around to accepting the rightness of the Jews to their own state. There had not been one opinion in any Arab newspaper saying that it was time for Araby to stop its war against the Zionist entity. There had not been one public affairs program on any Arab TV station in which recognition of Israel was discussed and supported by important people. Oslo was believing, on the part of Beilin, Peres and the Israeli left, that Arafat and Abbas were genuinely committed to peace with Israel. That is, Oslo was rooted in the belief that these mass murdering antisemites were not above lying; that they were sincere; that although they had been terrorist murderers for decades, they finally had done tshuva, repented and seen the error of their ways and now could be trusted in their professions of peaceable intent. Oslo was evidence of the Jews as the Chosen People, a special people, for Oslo was a special kind of stupidity about people, even a supernatural stupidity only a special chosen people is capable of… |