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…It is nothing short of astounding to yours truly that after the awful driving of 10,000 Jews from their homes in Gush Katif they had every right to live in, the destruction of their communities, the wrecking of lives and livelihoods – which destruction brought nothing in the way of peaceful intent out of Gaza just tens of thousands of missiles — that Israelis like Peri and Livni can envision an even greater expulsion of Jews from Judea and Samaria. It is as if they learned absolutely nothing from the destruction of Gush Katif and subsequent rocket attacks. They still cling to the Oslo fantasy that at the end of the day the Arabs will say, “Okay. Just give us Judea and Samaria and we will cease being the violent haters that we are and become smiling good neighbors.
It is truly amazing to yours truly as well that Peri can talk this way in a week when all around us our Muslim neighbors are as usual in such violent turmoil. These people have never learned to live peaceably with one another but with us Jews they will? |