May 20, 2010 | |||
38:28 Mins | |||
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Audio Excerpt (4:48 Mins) | |||
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…in Hezbollah, there are moderates. And it is America’s job to build them up.”
No, John. That’s not America’s job. I’ll tell you what America’s job is: it is to kill Hezbollah, destroy it. It was Hezbollahi suicide freaks, basically agents of the same crowd that overran the U.S. embassy in Iran in 1979, who in Beirut four years later in April 1983 blew up the U.S. embassy and killed 60 people inside, including – John Brennan, if you are listening, you moron – the whole CIA station; wiped out. And then more Hezbollahi six months later in October 1983 killed 241 U.S. military personnel, most of them U.S Marines, in that same chaotic, rotten Arab country. John Brennan is typical of too many CIA and State Department Gentiles who get posted to the Arab Middle East and often have an eye, while still in service, on their retirement when they can look forward to making big bucks negotiating deals for American and other investors with acquaintances they made while working in these oil countries. What Obama and his Jewish clown sidekick Rahm Emanuel and James Jones and John Brennan and Zbigniew Brzezinski are doing is forfeiting America’s right to protect its own interests which cannot possibly include a nuclear Ian. Since when did U.S. foreign policy and the decision to go to war slip from the hands of America’s democratically-elected officials in the government and fall into the hands of the U.N. Security Council? Was there an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that passed when I wasn’t paying attention that awarded the decision to go to war basically to the Russians and the Chinese and the French and Brits and the rest of the nations of the world – except for Israel, of course, which is kept out of this exclusive club? You know, the U.N. which denies Israel the right to be included in the Security Council, uniquely so, is the same organization that has voted on literally thousands of resolutions to smear Israel for its exclusivist, racist exclusion of the Ancient Ones and for its outrageous owning and governing of historic Palestine of the “Palestinians.” On one of the conservative websites, Fouad Adjami, one of the last of the sober south Lebanon Shiites, at Johns Hopkins, says there are only two people in the world who can stop the Iranians from going nuclear and they are Obama and Netanyahu; and Obama is not going to do it. How true. This wicked disciple of Wright and Farrakhan is doing nothing serious to prevent the Iranians from going nuclear; and he will do this by supporting this timid resolution at the U.N. while smiling at gullible, dejudaized American Jewish politicos. And at Elie Weisel. What should be done is for the United States of America to re-take control of its own foreign policy and project its power at Iran by declaring war on that country. The U.S. Constitution does provide for that. And there is no shortage of legitimate justifications for declaring war like the aforementioned assault on American sovereign soil at the U.S. Embassy in Iran. Invading it in 1979 was legally identical to invading New York City or Boston or L.A. Blowing up the embassy in Beirut was the equivalent of blowing up the State Department. Iran has killed other U.S. military personnel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and aboard the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen. The U.S. should declare war and give the Iranians an ultimatum: 72 hours to start dismantling their nuclear enterprise or America is going to bomb not only the installations themselves but power plants all over Iran; bomb the parliament, bomb whatever it takes to make the Iranians surrender and agree to American terms which should include an end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. All this turning to the U.N. is a symptom of the decline of the West before the rising power of a renascent Muslim caliphate… |