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[audio:http://www.deprogramprogram.com/audio/110417_Excerpt.mp3|titles=Sha’i ben-Tekoa] | |||
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…So Daniel Viflich died today in the afternoon. Earlier in the day, though, the government announced with no little pride that it had captured the two beasts in human form who butchered the five Jewish human beings in the Fogel a month ago at Itamar.
And I think the prime minister made an ass of himself when reporting on their capture to the media. What did he say? “We will not tolerate the slaughtering of our people, not in Gaza, not in Judea and Samaria, and not anywhere else.” And I say, “Fiddlesticks, Bibi. Of course we tolerate it.” And then weirdly he came off sounding like an Arab savage himself whose leaders say such things as he did: “We will catch the killers and cut off their hands.” No, Bibi. We don’t cut off hands, thank G-d. But we do go overboard in not responding as forcefully as we should. Bibi made an ass of himself because everyone knows that these two Ishmaelites savages are going to wind up in an air conditioned prison cell – really a big room – with their friends and be given money to go to a prison store and buy their favorites food, and take classes and get a college degree. Israel’s handling of such depraved specimens of humanity is an abomination reminiscent of the Oslo abomination, for not only tolerating and even shaking with that poisonous snake Arafat. And I venture that one reason for Israel’s disgusting kindness to thousands of Ishmaelite killers is the lack of having a truly Yiddisher kup/ a Jewish head. Last Thursday Bibi addressed a Likud gathering in Tel-Aviv. That is when he announced that Speaker of the House in Washington John Boehner had invited him to address Congress toward the end of May, as he had 15 years ago. Bibi said he would focus on a peace in which the Ancient Ones recognize Israel as the state of the Jews and on Israel’s security needs in the event the peace crumbles, as we are now witnessing in Egypt. Earlier in the same day he spoke to General Staff, referred to the Haggada which teaches that in every generation enemies rise up against us to do us in. “What has changed is that in this generation we have the means to repel these attacks and the means are the IDF, its soldiers and commanders who are represented here to repel these attacks.” Yes, but that refers to massed, armed attacks by regular armies in uniform, which the Arabs, who are not comatose, do not launch anymore because we beat them every time. So their preferred style of violence against us is Kornet rockets shot at our school buses, and silent, late night penetrations into our homes to slaughter us like animals. Against that the IDF has no answer. And Bibi the spiritless has no words either. He made a fool of himself by huffing we will not tolerate this behavior when of course we do. For Bibi, Zionism at its most basic is Jews with guns forming an army to fight violence with violence. But when it comes to understanding the wellsprings of such violence and a better way to deal with it that defeats him. Israel is of the seed of Avraham who stood alone against the whole world in his vision of the One G-d; the gentile Prophet foresaw a people that will dwell alone, a prophecy that most certainly came true – just look at UN voting patterns – only Bibi wrote a book called A Place Among the Nations, and there is connection between that book title and his foolishness today. Israel is to be a “light unto the nations,” and one light I would like to see is responding to these two latest murderers just captured, a different way; a fresh approach. I imagine they have already proudly confessed and for sure on videotape. So Bibi should call a press conference, show the tape, and march the two boys into the auditorium and let the journalists ask them whatever questions as they proudly brag of what they did at Itamar. And then you march them outside with the press in attendance, and the prime minister himself is handed a pistol which he shoots into the heads point-blank of these two beasts on two feet. Then Bibi might face the press and tell them, “Islam is today’s successor to totalitarian Communism and Nazism. Its murderers are everywhere now, and civilized men and woman must fight them to the finish, the victorious finish. All liberal democracies,” Bibi might suggest,” must pass legislation slamming the door shut on Muslims altogether seeking residence in their civilized societies. Bibi might also apologize to the world community for Israel having played such a despicable role in legitimizing Arab terrorism via the Oslo abomination. Israel, Bibi he should say the country will never sign a treaty with Mahmoud Abbas who was Arafat’s sidekick and therefore also a mass murderer of Jews and others. Terrorists who called murdering people at random “the armed struggle” as Abbas must be judged enemies of the human race and wiped out, like Amalek… |