The Wrong Remedy

Internet Radio

Audio Excerpt (4:07 Mins)
…According to the Los Angeles Times today, Sunday, when all literate and upscale Americans spend their mornings perusing the prestige press as on no other day, there was their man in Jerusalem Edmund Sanders reporting on “Israeli intolerance on the Internet, in the Knesset, on the street.” That’s the headline.

For starters, he says, there was an anonymous Internet video calling for the killing of the deputy state prosecutor Sha’i Nitzan “for betraying his Jewish roots by beginning a criminal inquiry into racist threats and hate speech” on two, count ‘em two Israel-based Facebook pages with statements in Hebrew calling for “Death to the Arabs.” Said Sanders, “It was the latest and most overtly violent sign of what many here are calling a wave of intolerance towards people of different races, religions, orientations and viewpoints.”

And then he goes on, of course, to cite the rabbis’ letter a few weeks back warning of the Arabs’ strategy of destroying Jewish communities from within by providing funds to buy Jewish homes at inflated prices.

And then he cited Princess of Peace Tsipora Livni, head of “the centrist Kadima Party” [and never mind it is a leftist party now] who has warned that ‘an evil spirit has been sweeping over the country.'” And Defense Minister Ehud Barak also said, “A wave of racism is threatening to pull Israeli society into dark and dangerous places.”

He also cited Minister Dan Meridor who rejects the cabinet’s recent decision calling for a loyalty oath for new citizens with the credo that Israel is a Jewish state [and never mind that new citizens in Edmund Sanders’ United States also raise their hands to pledge their allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.] Meridor, who comes from the secular right like Livni – he used to be Menachem Begin’s protégé – said, “This is not the Israel we know.”

And then the citing of the headline in Haaretz last month: “A Time to Hate” dealing with the same phenomenon.

And how did yours truly get to the LA Times Sunday paper today? Why, via which reported on it with the headline “L.A. Times on Israel: Rising racism, homophobia and discrimination. Major U.S. newspaper follows what it calls is a recent ‘wave of intolerance’ that is washing over the country.”

You see what’s going here? This airless, incestuous, closed-circuit of Jew-bashing. Livni and Barak protest a wave of racism, Haaretz writes them up, then Sanders in Jerusalem writes that up for his newspaper, then Haaretz writes up Sanders’ write-up.

What a racket, this racket, this noise of Jew-bashing that bears no resemblance to reality and truth. There is no wave of racism here…